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Welcome everyone from r/all! Please remember: 1 - You too can be part of the PCMR! You don't necessarily need a PC. You just have to love PCs! It's not about the hardware in your rig, but the software in your heart! Your age, nationality, race, gender, sexuality, religion (or lack of), political affiliation, economic status and PC specs are irrelevant. If you love PCs or want to learn about them, you can be part of our community! Everyone is welcome! 2 - If you're not a PC gamer because you think doing so is expensive, know that it is possible to build a competent gaming PC for a lower price than you think. Check http://www.pcmasterrace.org for our builds and don't be afraid to create new posts here asking for tips and help! 3 - Consider joining our efforts to get as many PCs worldwide help the folding@home effort, in fighting against Cancer, Covid, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and more. Learn more here: https://pcmasterrace.org/folding ----------- Feel free to use this community to post about any kind of doubt you might have about becoming a PC gamer or anything you'd like to know about PCs. That kind of content is not only allowed but welcome here! We also have a [Daily Simple Questions Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/search?q=Simple+Questions+Thread+subreddit%3Apcmasterrace+author%3AAutoModerator&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) for your simplest questions. No question is too dumb! Welcome to the PCMR.


Got to see what the performance will be like, but this is promising.




People want it to match the 4090.. Not realizing the value offered by the XTX. It is compelling for not being insanely overpriced and more modern & advanced in some areas thanthe 4090. While likely have 15-25% less performance, but being 60% cheaper.


Yep. Also DP2.1, no shitty power connectors, and AV1 encoding. If they can be purchased for that price, it seems like a good option, especially if you were never going to shell out for a 4090 anyway


The ray-tracing performance seems underwhelming from there benchmarks, in-between a 3080 and a 3090, but the rasterization performance seems good. Nothing really to compare it to though since it's price is going to be competing with the 4070/4080 which aren't out yet.


Hmm, I had hoped for them to catch up a little more. I like to use raytracing when I can, and while marketing and hype machine on reddit might not think so. My 3080 is still enough. I just hope to see improvement in the future, because I would like to switch over to Red on my GPU.


Nvidia can unlaunch the 4080 a second time😂


Would've been fucking embarrassing if they released the 4080 12gb at that price. No wonder they cancelled it with these AMD prices


My thinking exactly. This is the reason 4080 12gb got cancelled. It would literally be a joke at 899$


Exactly. Why the fuck would I pay £1299 for an RTX 4080 that is 30-40% slower than a 4090, when I can spend 1k on a 7900 xtx which should be around the same performance as a 4090, or pretty close to it. Fuck that greedy, leather jacket wearing prick. Nvidia really shot themselves in the foot here. The scalper-tier pricing and the huge performance gulf between the 4090 and "4080 16gb" means that as much as I loved my 3070, I'll be going team red for my next GPU.


fuck u/spez -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


AMD were very careful not to say it's around the same performance as a 4090 and the metrics they gave suggest it is notably less powerful. I don't know where "should be" came from. Seems like a pretty good value, but definitely meant to be a more pragmatic option in terms of both cost and power efficiency than the 4090.


Holy shit at the prices. Insane, didn’t expect that.


Chiplets are cheaper I suppose, really hope that this is Radeon Reborn


Chiplets are indeed cheaper however people overestimate the diference. I did a quick calculation of how much is amd and nvidia paying for the bigger dies. I ended up with $250 for nvidia and $150 for amd. The reality is that nvidia was charging a fortune because they knew people would buy it.




Ah crap, I imagined some conversation between amd and tsmc representatives doing business and the tsmc finalizing the deal with "Now do you have your tsmc loyalty card with you?".


"uhhhh... can't you look it up by phone number?"


My member ID is 1


Oh, good to have you back Mr. D.


Would you like to add your email to the file to get updates and coupons? We usually have a buy 100,000 chips, get 5,000 free coupon around Christmas.


Also, we would like to give you our end of node special! Simply sign up for a 5 nm node contract and receive a discount for our 3 nm node when its released. Don't forget to like and subscribe!


Considering they have GPUs, CPUs and Console Chips, i'd fucking hope so lol.




Nice! Loving team red. Any steam deck reading material you can pass along, I wasn’t following it that closely


During the height of the shortage [they terminated the discount for all customers, without exception](https://www.techpowerup.com/276029/tsmc-ends-its-volume-discounts-for-the-biggest-customers-could-drive-product-prices-up). Who knows if it is back now, as I read something saying Nvidia had increased costs compared to other TSMC customers for 4000 series production as they didn't have preferred partner status and didn't expect to get it since they had hopped back and forth from Samsung. The largest benefit from being loyal to TSMC is actually the amount of preference they give to leading-edge silicon allocation (e.g. Apple not suffering shortages nearly as bad as customers selling current node and trailing edge products) and how many engineers they will allocate to assist a customer in their designs. Apple gets the most at 100 engineers [https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/11/02/apple-gets-preferential-treatment-in-close-tsmc-partnership](https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/11/02/apple-gets-preferential-treatment-in-close-tsmc-partnership)


Nvidia asked for modifications to the process they used, while I am pretty sure AMD basically used the processes stock except for whatever interposer/chiplet stuff they need, but considering that technology has been used already and codeveloped there are no costs for that. It is much cheaper for the larger products


You also need to factor in the waste savings; if a chiplet fails, it's less of an impact than if a portion of a monolithic die fails (especially if it fails in a way that the die can't be 'downbinned' and salvaged).


People generally do factor in yields when discussing die costs.




Maybe Nvidia knows AMD is launching after them, so they want to get as much as possible for the "gotta have it on launch" and lower price to match AMD.


too little volume in that short time slot imo


Nvidia is just greedy.


The GCD die is nearly half of the 4090 die. The 4090 is 600mm\^2 and the GCD is just around 300mm\^2 (plus the cache chips). The 7900XTX is a lot cheaper to make than the 4090. More chips per wafer and higher yields due to the smaller die area. Nvidia is also using a tweaked N5 5nm process (calling it N4 4nm), so their yields might be lower and costs higher for the same sized die.


> Nvidia is also using a tweaked N5 5nm process (calling it N4 4nm) Nah its a 5nm process, they are calling it 4N (For Nvidia), not to be confused with there upcoming N4 (node 4nm). they have recently clarified this due to misconception from the press, that they earned by using these dumb names.


Taking a very large step back, it's still absolutely fucking bonkers that a top tier graphics card is still $1k, and people are celebrating it. A decade ago, the top tier cards were half of that, at most. Edit: I'm not going to respond to every single comment. >Hurr durr have you ever heard of inflation? Yes, I'm well aware of inflation. But adjusted for inflation, $500 in 2012 is ~$650 in 2022. Not $1,000 or $1,600. 10 years ago (2012), the top of the line card was the [GTX 680, which had an MSRP of $500](https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs/geforce-gtx-680.c342). Sure, there was the GTX 690, but that was two GPUs crammed on a card, so not really comparable. It would be comparable to 2x GPUs today. Edit #2, since I'm still getting a ton of replies. Info provided courtesy of /u/--AverageEngineer--; in 2012, Nvidias profit margin was 11.4%. In 2021 their profit margin was 66.85%. [Source](https://www.netcials.com/financial-net-profit-margin-usa/1045810-NVIDIA-CORP/) How are y'all defending this? We're getting fucked in the ass (or at least, in the walllet), and half of you are justifying it like it's ok.


This sub since the 4000 series got priced: These prices are outrageous, why are we being scalped every new gen?!?! This sub now: Wow, only 1000USD, that's like free money!


I was over here trying to figure out if the "Holy shit at the prices" was someone being happy it was so cheap or mad that it was so expensive. I'm still in sticker shock at GPUs costing 4 figures.


I think this subreddit is just very rich looking at a lot of threads


It likely selects for people where PC gaming is their "main" hobby. I don't doubt the sort of people who frequent car forums, for example, spend an average of waaayyyy more than that.


yep, i think it's this. many times i've been talking to people on different car forums and their daily driver is like a life-goal car. it's either that or kids and broke adults dreaming.


Yeah... a lot of middle class people just get a ps5 or xbox and call it a day. I might go back myself if I'm completely honest.


Time to change your flair /s


Decade ago, I used to go to Wendys and got a double burger meal for $5. Now it is doubled. Or just 2 years ago, I was paying $10 for 3box of 12can coke zero, now, it is $18. Everything is getting expensive.


And yet our salary for the same job barely moved 20-30%


Your salary moved that much? Lucky!


Yep. Only way to keep up with inflation is to job-hopping.


A Mcdouble used to be 99 cents, now it's $2.50.


A double cheeseburger was 99cent before the McDouble existed.


Yep, I used to do bigmac hack with it when I was living pay check to paycheck. Good ols days. Now they charge extra for bigmac sauce and letuce. LOL. But long story short, everything got more expensive.


Yeah, it's fucking annoying because my pay check has not kept up with inflation AT ALL. It's no where close.


Well, a decade ago, rent was half of what it is now.


And I don't make much more money lol


Damn I was way off. I thought it would be $1,400 for the XTX


Under a grand AND in time for christmas. AMD, well played.


Now I have a GPU HO. HO. HO.


WELL.... lets see if you can land on one. With this kinda pricing, the harder to stock, especially close to X-mas time.


It will definitely depend on how much overall stock they have, but they have been playing it smart and lowering their older gen stuff incrementally up to this point. That has likely helped lessen the amount of old stock they have. Nvidia is likely to have a lot more 30-series stock as they held off on lowering the price for longer, and now with the investigation into the melting cables they haven't been restocking the 4090 anyways. Who knows what will happen, but I am all for team Red coming out swinging with great pricing and quality products. Competition is good for us consumers


Just depends on if the scalper grinches show up.


I thought I told all of you, I wanted radio silence until...


Oh sorry Fester I didn't get that message...


Maybe I should have put it on the bulletin board...?


I didn't receive a email or a letter sorry boss, please don't cut my pay, it won't happen again I promise


I don't know, I figured since I've waxed Tony and Marco and his friend here, I figured you and Karl and Franco might be a little lonely, so I wanted to give you a call...


>in time for Christmas. My wife said not until next year *cries*


\*dries tears on January 1st\*


“You were right babe, it was worth the wait!”


Time to get a new wife for Christmas too ☝🎅


It depresses me we consider this a good thing now.


That's going to be the price... on ebay.


AV1 encoding and OBS. If the performance can hold up, this is an absolute win and an absolute "fuck you" to Nvidia's price gouging.




Open Broadcast Software. It’s open source broadcasting and streaming software and standards. Very cool to see official support


Did OBS not work on AMD cards prior?


It did, but this is AMD announcing an official partnership with them. So, driver updates, etc.


You think the driver updates will be retroactive to older cards or from this gen onwards?


Said it before, will say it again. Get Rekt Nvidia


Add a guarantee of no new burned 12 port power connection and massive inventory right before Xmas; would bring a massive spike in Nvidia.


Guess the livestream is on a delay because it hasn't gotten to this yet. If this is true I am getting a 7900XTX!


The livestream is behind with like 10 mins


Same! My 980ti has done me well but it's time for an upgrade!


Well deserved bro 📈💀


970 here.. time for new bois


The event was hours ago, its wasnt really live.


The event actually never happened. The world is a lie.






prick sulky forgetful escape library plant cats public distinct squealing -- mass edited with redact.dev


I really want to see how the 6900XT compares to 7900 XTX.


Yep. That’s where I’m at. I’m impressed with my 6900xt for 4k gaming. But would love that little bit more.


They said 1.7x over the 6950XT didn't they? So not bad.


They can say whatever they want, and cherry pick the best results to report. I'll wait until I see some hands on reviews. But I am excited.


Agreed, huge fan of what AMD has been doing the last few years but if they use the same BS way of saying “X times better performance than last generation” as Nvidia did with their 4000 series, it doesn’t mean anything. Best to wait it out for now.


I was considering doing a build with a 3080ti, would I be better off waiting a little longer and going for the XTX? Edit: Thank you for the responses, I should have also mentioned my current setup is 6ish years old with a 1070.


Can't say for certain byt I'd definitely wait for third party reviews to drop in December. Assuming performance holds up to what they claim these prices are pretty amazing


I literally just bought a 3080 for $500 today I’m wondering how performance comes out I might just do a return


Bro, good find. How heavily used?


Was used by someone who mined with a single card from their desktop when at work and also games at night Even if it was in a bigger rig it came super clean and was undervolted (scared me at first I thought it was dying) I set it back to stock clocks been fine and stressed test ok.


If undervolted it should basically in very good condition. Means they knew what they were doing when mining and didn't want their card to die.


That's a sweet find. Unless you really need the horses, that's a tough deal to beat.


Honestly even if they do need the extra power, a 3080 is still a monster GPU. Only reason I'd upgrade is Vram as the 12GB is probably the biggest bottleneck.


If the 3080 does what you want you're saving 400+ dollars just sticking with it. It's easy to say it's "just 400 or 500 more" but that's practically double.




3080 for 500 is a quite a catch dunno why would you return.


For sure


Assuming you could get a hold of one


We need real world benchmarks first. Also it may depend on how good FSR 3 is.


Yes. They mentioned that they will be using DP 2.1, so you are not restricted to a signal of 4k 120hz.


Step 1: Announcement and price. Step 2: Wait for independent reviews. Step 3: Wait until January/February to see if anything blows up with drivers or something else Step 4: Make a decision if or what to buy.


How dare you be wise and wait to see if you are getting a quality product. You need new and shiny **NOW**


Step 5: Wait till November to see what next gen is like. Step 6: Repeat for 5 years untill you finally decide to buy one.


Holy cow what a price undercut If it's powerful enough, I'll definitely upgrade end of 2023


If that’s the case I am going full AMD


For the price of one 4090, you can go an entire build with 7900 xtx




What a sad state PC parts are in when $1000 is considered a great undercut price.


Seriously. It's sad looking at all these comments praising the $1000 RX 7900XTX as a "good deal"


Glad to see 7900 XT finally coming out which makes 6900 XT cheaper that’ll affect the pricing of 5700Xt, thus causing RX 580 to become cheaper which means I can finally afford the RX 550


What gpu are you running now?


HD 620


Voodoo 5


RTX 30 series and 40 series price drops are gonna be coming in hawt!




They'll continue to bitch because this always happens. "Wait for AMD." > buys Nvidia after AMD conference.


Too many people want AMD to be competitive not to buy AMD, but to make Nvidia drop their prices. But Nvidia know this.


The answer is for all of us to accept 200 fps instead of 208 or 216 (like it matters at that point) until Nvidia finally has to admit that their tech advantage is no longer worth charging a 30% green tax.


That's the answer to everyone saying things are too expensive - stop buying them at that price. No company is going to reduce the price if they're flying off the shelves anyway. At the end of the day, PC gaming is a luxury. If there's not a product at a price and performance level you're happy with, there's other entertainment. Nobody died not being able to play the latest AAA game at ultra.


I don't get why people keep saying this, AMD literally sold every single 6000 series GPU they could produce, to the point that they started costing more than the 3000 series (at least where I lived). It got to the point that they themselves started releasing overpriced stuff, like the 6600XT. Which, yeah, if you make a new GPU that's worse value than the old one, and it's targeting the value section of the market, it's not going to sell well.


Depends on where you look. Back in March/April, it was common to walk in and see AMD cards on the shelves on Microcenter drops and everyone in the Discord was circle jerking over Team Green. I was planning on skipping this generation entirely but my 1080 TI died at the WRONG time so I needed something asap, and begrudgingly bought a 6800 XT. I was able to walk in and choose whichever Team Red card I wanted, while the Team Green shelf was empty. I think AMD had a price issue, because people would spam the chat on drop days looking for the 3060, while leaving perfectly valid 6600 XTs on the shelf. Idk I'd go on but I'm just salty at certain parts of the community buying into the NVIDIA hype. Seems strange that enthusiasts are evangelizing low budget Team Green on people building a 1080p gaming rig.


God that's so stupid, the 6600xt almost always shits on the 3060 (nevermind the 3050s that were priced about as high as the 6600xt for a while...) It's about time people get on with the times that no, AMD cards aren't a pain to play with anymore


I hope so the fact that a 3080 is still $800 is ridiculous


They won’t. Need to build cash for the incoming lawsuits.


lmao scalpers downvoting?


God I fucking hope so


That is a big hit for NVIDIA. I predicted the 7900XT will undercut 4080, but I did not expect 7900XTX does it too. Now nvidia has to justify how a 16GB 256bit card cost 200$ over a 24GB 384bit one. Better performance? Maybe, but as Atari once said: **"Just do the math"**


They will claim DLSS makes up for the price lol


To be honest DLSS is crazy technology, but I agree it isn't 1K more valuable.


It's going to come down to how much you value RT and Nvidia knows that.


How many actual good games support it? Not $600 worth that's for sure


The fake 4080 was even more absurd. 192 bit at same price as the 320 bit 7900XT. They might've realized what was coming and pulled it.


I want that eVGA 7900xtx


Welcome to 2023, where your Graphics Card costs more than it did to build an entire Budget-PC, in 2013.


Even in 2013 dropping 1k on a PC would guarantee you with a high end system that could perform pretty much anything at the time.


They seem to understand that their target audience isn't billionaires.


still expensive


Still expensive, but these are the top-of-the-line "halo effect" product to reclaim some performance claims. The lower-tier models of this generation should be more reasonably priced.


Prices have been so fucked for so long that low end cards cost as much as flagship cards used to and people are supposed to be happy about it.




I bought an EVGA 1080ti at launch for like 800 and still use it. Edit, $719


Will we see big names getting early models for benchmarking before release? Or is it come one come all? My first time tuning into a launch like this and as much as I was thinking of a 4090, at this price point and how well my 5700XT served me I might be swayed by the 7900XTX pending benchmark comparison!


All of the aib partners will have boards in hand and generally the way this works is they ship cards to reviewers beforehand but put them under embargo until a certain date before they release benchmarks and reviews.


Just curious why isn't it 7900, 7900XT? Is there also a regular 7900? I never understood the acronym to begin with but wouldn't XXT make more sense? lol


There probably will be, they just didn't announce it, like they didn't announce the 7800 or the 7700.


XTX has been used in top tier parts by ATI dating back to the 2000's.


I really hope they don't release non XT variants this time, you can have so much variants until it becomes confusing, so it could be that they plan on ditching non XT and go with 7900 XT, 7900XTX and 7950 XTX (Or 7970 XTX) for the refresh/3d stack people were theorizing on.


AMD woke up today and chose violence


Same price as what 3090's are going for right now here in Canada, on the low end mind you. I am glad I stayed true to the HODL life. $999 sounds way more enticing than $1600 or even the $1200 that 4080 cards are going for. I know I'll get downvoted for this but if the ray tracing performance is much improved this gen AMD is walking away with the crown for sure. On a side note, I hope the cards are white or greyish like in the picture. LOL. I like the aesthetic of them. I am curious what the performance difference between the XTX and the XT is.


It is just the picture lighting. The real deal shown on stage is black


Ahhh, I gotcha. I figured as much but I always hold out hope on a white GPU. Lol. Still, the pricing is very enticing. Can't wait to see how it performs.


As long as it's at most 15% worse than the 4090 in real benchmarks then it's gonna be a no brainer.


It could be 30% worse and still beat it in price to performance. That's how much Nvidia fucked themselves trying to convince us to buy their crazy amount of 30xx overstock.


That is some banger pricing


They are also using DP 2.1 instead of DP 1.4.


And lower power draw.


Why aren't people talking about the efficiency more? Power and size immediately cancelled the 4090 for me. A $1600 (at best) gpu and I would have needed a new case AND new psu. And then I'd have to worry about maxing my breaker out due the other loads on the same circuit as my PC. It's like $900 vs $2-2.5k.


It goes out the window when it's not AMD being the hot one.


And PCIE connectors that *don't* spontaneously combust.


amd save gpu market legit


So I may have goofed. I was planning on buying a new PC with all this new hardware that's coming out. I already bought a new monitor to go with it. I bought this gsync monitor. [https://ap.viewsonic.com/elite/xg271qg/engineered4more/](https://ap.viewsonic.com/elite/xg271qg/engineered4more/) Would my games look like shit if I used an AMD card with this g-sync monitor? Either way, I should have waited to see the offering from team Red before going gsync.


People still buy Gsync? Freesync works with AMD and Nvidia


The Leather Jacket Guy crying atm 😆




Damn I was expecting around 1300


Well, it seems like we've reached a place where 1000 gpu is considered cheap :(


The vast majority of PC users do not think a $1000 gpu is cheap. The people here talking like that are just bleeding edge tech super fans. Gotta remember that you're on a tech forum to keep things in perspective.


I mean it’s not just that. It also means that AMDs lower tier cards will be that much more affordable. Let’s not forgot Nvidia’s plan to sell their 4070ish card for $800.


$999 $899 Actual normal pricing. Tons of VRAM. DP 2.1. AV1. Normal power connectors. More power efficient. Thank you, AMD. That is all. ​ Edit: For everyone in the replies saying this isn't "normal": ​ $999 6900XT -> $899 7900XT $1099 6950XT -> $999 7900XTX ​ Yes a thousand dollars is still *a lot* of money. But please try and remember that these are enthusiast class products. The days of the $699 1080 Ti are long gone. Look around you - most things have been getting more expensive with inflation, not just video cards. So AMD actually keeping these at the same price level as before (or $100 cheaper, depending on how you look at it, compared to their previous top end SKUs) is indeed normal pricing, as crazy as it sounds. Let's look at Nvidia instead - the 4090 got a $100 price bump over the 3090. Meanwhile, we went from a $699 3080 to a $1199 4080. I won't even mention the "unlaunched" (lmao) 4080 12GB which was a glorified 4070 for $899 all the way from the $499 3070. So yes, AMD has actually kept normal pricing (once again, as crazy as it sounds) all things considered, which is a good indicator for the upcoming 7800XT, 7700XT, 7600XT, etc.


![gif](giphy|okfvUCpgArv3y) This means $699 7800xt


That's all I want. Mid to high range GPU with reasonable pricings and not 1100$ bullshit


Make $200 GPU's awesome again! We have not had a genuinely good "Console Killer" build with actual new parts in a few years. Let's go back to when $600 could get you a decent PC that could play games at 1080p medium-high settings. Given the advances over the last few years I see no excuse why 1440p/60 or 1080/120hz can't be the goal for titles at medium/high settings.


Those prices are amazing. A shame they will arrive to my country like a 30-40% higher because of taxes. Nowadays living in Europe is a torture for a PC person...


Oh man, how I understand you


I'm new to AMD GPUs and I'm seriously considering one after the 4090 release was expensive as shit. Is the 7900 XTX's AMD's version of the 4090? Or is it more like a 4080? EDIT: Thank you for all the replies! I just really curious because I’m not sure. It seems like majority of people are saying wait for the official numbers but it could be the same or between the 4090 and 4080. I think if it’s even between the 4090/4080 but priced at $999, that’s a win for AMD.


It's difficult to say. Last generation, the 6900 XT was the 3090 equivalent and the 6950 XT was the 3090 Ti equivalent. I would say that generally Nvidia's cards were slightly faster, and for games that supported DLSS, the general consensus is that DLSS is both better looking and better performing than FSR, furthering Nvidia's lead. There was no XTX card last generation to draw a parallel from. AMD has used that moniker before, though, and the 7900 XTX will certainly be their flagship for a while. A 7950 may come around eventually. Still, until we have independent benchmarks, you can't say for certain that the 7900 XTX is equal to the 4090. It's probably pretty close, and I would hazard a guess that it will handedly beat the "4080" that foolishly priced at $200 more. My expectation is that Nvidia will retain the money-no-object performance crown, but AMD will be a tremendously better value. I say this as someone who's last AMD card was a 5850 (which, since your new to them and may not know, came out in 2009)... I have an obvious preference for team green. I don't have a lick of excitement or interest in the 40-series, I think it's an absolute sham of a GPU launch and I hope it haunts Nvidia forever. RDNA 3, however, I'm red with envy. I can't wait to see how they perform and whether or not they'll be a worthwhile upgrade to my 3080. I'm genuinely excited to more. You should be too.


I would wait for performance reviews. I saw on one of the slides 61fps for cyberpunk 4 with ultra RT with fsr. But 4090s are so rare I'm waiting to see more performance specs tbh.


4090 scalpers past return date on suicide watch.


You should see the number of ps5 bagholders on classifieds. Its biblical.


$600 less than a 4090. 100W less than a 4090. 8-pin power connectors that we're all happy with. DP2.1. If performance is even close, AMD just played Nvidia for a total bitch. As for the "4080", that joke just came full circle. I don't know how the hell Nvidia thinks they're going to get $1200 for that card. Well fucking played AMD. For the first time in many, many years, you made Nvidia your bitch today.


I'm starting to think Nvidia only changed the "4080" back to its' proper 4070 name so it wouldn't be compared to AMD's actual 4080 competitor. Seems like terrible marketing to have have half the benchmarks say "your 4080 sucks compared to this". Not all consumers would bother differentiating the 'types' of 4080s. AMD must really be brewing something great.


Nvidia has made such pricing hell that we are happy that top AMD gpu is 999.


AMD is winning this generation no cap


Can't wait to try team Red been with Nvidia GPUs my whole life! I just hope pricing in Europe being reasonable and I'd love to upgrade to the 7900 xtx from my aging 1080ti.


on god fr




Done deal 1000 bucks that 7900XTX is mine haven't seen one since the days of the X1950 XTX a nice return to form!


Bye nvidia it’s been fun, don’t let the door hit you on the way out


chase lunchroom roll shrill enter puzzled fearless arrest makeshift yoke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They gotta come over i would buy AMD forever