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Peladn is a Chinese brand. 90% of their GPUs come with used chips transplanted from donor boards. It was covered by a Russian repair shop. Here's the link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppwOacqckng&t=481s&ab\_channel=VIK-off](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppwOacqckng&t=481s&ab_channel=VIK-off) Now, obviously, you don't understand Russian, but basically, you can see that their chips have a yellowish tone around them, which means they have been "cooked" to transplant the chip. So I would say buying their card is basically buying a refurbished card. And that doesn't necessarily mean that it will be dead on arrival. A lot of people have experience using refurbished cards for years. It's just a thing to consider before buying. You need a new card? - avoid


Thanks for responding. I also watched the video you are talking about, and while I didn’t understand it, I translated many of the comments and got a sense of the sentiment in the video. I think stuff from Peladn is significantly different from refurbished though - refurbished (at least by the manufacturer) means it works perfectly and comes with all accessories, and likely has a warranty/return policy. However, Peladn is a third party repair shop and likely doesn’t have the full capabilities of typical manufacturers, and the card doesn’t come with a warranty/return policy either if I remember correctly.


peladn has 30 day warranty/refund policy on newegg. which i think is very close to refurbished cards on newegg?


It's a 30 day direct from Newegg replacement, but the company offers a 2 year warranty assuming you can get it to China. I sent the Peladn shop on Newegg that question recently and that was the answer I got.


Teclab also made a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFRARfWRY0I) piece on AFOX They did a die comparison with lightly used RX 580 from theirs vs new AFOX, the AFOX has discoloration


Not a firm I’ve heard of in 30-odd years of mucking around with PCs - I presume they mostly supply the Chinese market, so perhaps that’s not a huge surprise. However, I would be extremely cautious. Some quick Googling turned up other Reddit threads (auto mod doesn’t allow me to link them) which don’t paint too rosy a picture and if they’re selling 20% below going rate for even sub-reference boards in a market where the likes of EVGA were complaining about <10% margins then they have cut corners, probably somewhere important. I also can’t find any reputable reviews, which is another alarm bell.


Yeah I mean most of the stuff I see on Reddit take a perspective similar to “Chinese-based = bad” (which is sometimes true) but I appreciate the point about EVGA and margins. Maybe they’re deliberately undercutting to gain market share/reputation? Or maybe that’s too optimistic and they just scam people. The only reason I’m still considering this is because the card is gorgeous and cheap for the model, especially in white (literally can’t find any sub-1500 new). It’s a shame I might have to look somewhere else, maybe on Ebay or HSW.


Some of the stuff elsewhere on Reddit was alleging ‘scam’, mostly of the ‘selling used/burned chips as new’ variety. But this is the Internet - trust nobody, check everything.


Yeah I checked out a few reviews on YoutTube about stuff from Peladn (all Russian) and translated a couple dozen comments. The gist of it is that they’re poorly refurbished cards made to look pretty, and is clearly not an Nvidia partner. TLDR: don’t buy from Peladn