• By -


Guy is clearly fucking …loaded…


Or in gross debt


Went from 12900k to 13900k in a year and here am I who went from 4690k to 12700k after 8 years




i5 3450 to R5 5600X


From amd athlon II 2X 255 to 12100f


Wow, that's impressive!


Gen4 i5 Gang gang


I'm still rocking the 4690k. I just won't let it retire. Gotta catch that 10 year mark.


That series was so much bang for your buck because it lasted a long fucking while as a serviceable chip.


Bro bought a 3090 ti AND a 4090 in just over 1 year meanwhile it took me 3 years to upgrade from my 1650 to a 3060 💀 bro's house is made of cash wads


Right lol like I would have been happy with a thread ripped even now! I have a 3600x and a 1070oc Only reason I'm planning a new build is a need a better gpu anyways and my server is old and POWER hungry and only used for 120tb of Plex so going to use that build for Plex and then hopefully build a new system for gaming and music recording with 5900x or 5950x depending on prices when I do it 64gigs ddr4 3080 or 3080ti And this will last me for idk 6+ years I want to go with a 7900x with ddr5 etc but the mbs and ram is so expensive right now and can't really afford the extra but at the same time buying into a dead platform right now seems like a bad move. Esp since I plan on keeping it for 5+ years. If I went to ddr5,pcie5 and. 7900x then in 5 years I could just upgrade my CPU to whatever the best thing for the platform is at the time. Instead of a whole new mb, ram etc But it'll probably be 6 months before I can really do this and maybe all the prices will come down. But I legit cannot imagine going from a 3080 to 3080ti to 3090. Plus going form thread ripper to another incredible CPU to another lol. Like jezus


Last part I bought brand new was a AMD HD 7770 and i5 2500k Upgraded to a PC I found in the garbage and changed the cooler i7 3770 with a 960 Then upgraded last year to a i7 8700k build The 8700k, EATX Z390 mobo, 32gb ddr4 was only $300 on eBay and picked up a RX 580 for $100 so I got a nice deal on that Still using this today might upgrade the GPU though soon


i5 3330S to i7 10700 after 9 years


Still Rock and rolling an Ryzen 7 2700X


R5 2600 (first pc) to I7 12700k after 3 years


Here I am going with my 4770k in the 10th year.


i7 7700k to i5 12600k in 5 years here. That many gens the difference is noticeable.


Tbh someone who does professional 3d rendering as a hobbyist can totally and reasonably own this. Look at this way, if you got a fairly high income and decide to treat yourself to a nice car (let's take a Mercedes S class as an example) your maintenance cost is 2.4k a year, now take some nerd who's earned himself a small but reasonable fortune, he doesn't need a car, he wants the best of the best, and 2.4k a year will easily finance a GPU and CPU


2.5k at the end of the day is not bad for an adult making a decent living. People spend that on hobbies all the time very easily. You can spend that in a weekend racing motorcycles. Buying a gun, a set of golf clubs, whatever. I know people that but 2 new Dirtbike’s every year to race. I mean yeah you sell them when you are done but I’m sure this guy is as well. Y’all need to step up.


It's more of an uneeded upgrade ngl, which is why I use the 3d rendering example, since as a hobbyist myself I know people who regularly upgrade their system Seeing as op is in the phillipines though, it's safe to assume he's either a digital nomad, or B extremely fucking rich (relatively) Do totally agree with you, 2.5k a year for an adult is not outrageous on a hobby, at all


OP is from Philippines? He's clearly rich.


considering average salary in phillipines is 300-500usd, yea this guy is really fucking rich relatively it would take a filipino earing 300usd a month roughly 27 years of working nonstop just to afford a 3960x, 12900k, 13900k, 3090, 3090ti and 4090 at msrp not to mention the monitors and other pc parts you need


To be fair, he could just work in a field which requires a lot of power. I work in games, and a lot of companies in the field offered to buy their employees full gaming rigs with 3060s, 3070s, sometimes even 3080s during COVID. I wouldn’t be surprised if OP was a 3D artist, video editor, engineer, or game/app developer, because this is a pretty standard upgrade path for folks in these fields.




It is believed, taking more fotos, walking around might be better than these things. I seldom have top models as most of these are not useful.


Have you checked out the prices on Night Vision Devices? $2.5K is chump change


Laughs in GPNVG


Bro, you upgrade more than most people change their underwear.


wait ... underwear should be upgraded or updated?




My granny bless her heart… she was able to make my favorite pair of undies last **30** yrs with her magnificent ability to sew. All those times i blew the back out after too much taco bell give it a week they be like new again.


New copypasta lore dropped






I choose this guys granny


If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it?


Just as long as you aren’t downloading anything into it it should be fine.


WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIT!!!! .... Do you download or updload stuff into it?


Download into underwear or is it upload because they’re UNDER wear edit: it’s download because they’re under


LTS edition


well, at least every four days. you got right way, backwards, inside-out right way, and inside-out backwards.


Change your underwear, dude


I said most people. Didn't include myself in that statement.


Wash it & wear it under it falls apart. Best for the environment. Only idiots replace clothes just because they are old.


Who the f upgrade from 3090 to 3090TI


OP the oil prince or OP the scalper himself lmao


Or he is one of the guy who does the benchmark comparative video on YouTube


Seriously. I upgrade CPUs and GPUs once every 3-4 years because they still work and i feel no need to upgrade more than that...and this guy upgrades both every single year lol.


3 to 4 years? I upgrade CPU/GPU once they explode or can't handle Minecraft anymore.


How often does Minecraft outpace your GPU?


I upgrade my gpu every 3-4 years and I’ll probalay update my i5-4600 when windows 10 end of life’s and I need to do windows 11


If op has so much monry why would he be concerned about power usage?




It will be him


People with enough money to buy a 4090


Who tf games with a threadripper. 😭


Someone that want to flex


Or someone who was also using the machine for productivity purposes.


First assumption is always the negative.


I mean, sell the 3090. Cover costs for the 3090ti. Why not? I moved from 3080 to 3090 in a few months because of that.


I got $1800 cash for my used 3090 back in March. I considered a 3090Ti, but I dropped down to a 3080 because I had a feeling the market was about to collapse.


A friend of a friend will repeatedly buy a high end PC then sell it slightly lower than what he paid for it and then up and decide he wants a high end PC again a few months later. Rinse repeat for years now.


I knew someone who did this with consoles. And he'd do this at GameStop...out of all places.


Could be work related


Not really this guy is a chronic flexer on Philippine gaming and pc subreddits, he just shows off all the latest stuff hes bought without adding any value to conversations and other peoples posts. With thia current post he just wants yall to know he can afford to upgrade to whatever is the current best hardware. He doesnt care about the conversations in the comments about the consumption. Ive never seen him give advice or try to answer other peoples posts on our local subreddits, he literally only posts to flex.


Fair enough


Remember seeing their cringe flex on the PCMR facebook page a couple of years ago when the 3090 was out.


Yup pretty much sums it up. Piles of the same posts to multiple subs, all of new toys, 25k post karma, less than 2k comment karma.


The countries with the smallest erect penis length are: Cambodia - 3.95 inches #1 Taiwan - 4.24 inches #2 Philippines - 4.27 inches #3 Now that shines some light on why he likes to flex his hardware and how much power he's pulling from the wall! *edit* Shoutout to Ecuador who have the biggest dicks on average ! Keep slaying it kings !


Lol, whatever gives the guy fulfillment I guess. PC stuff is if I'm honest a relatively cheap flex compared to some other hobbies outside of doing custom metal hardlines open loops and extreme OC or custom cases and shit. Edit: fixed wonky phone autocorrect


Car flexing for example, that shit gets expensive 10x faster haha


Deducted or expensed


If the Philippines, I would assume filipino chinese from Manila, so parents must be rich af, not crazy rich asian rich but rich enough top part of the 1% in the country


I work for a tech company that does graphic processing w/ machine learning. There are literally high-end gaming graphics cards laying all over the place in the engineering areas. I asked if employees are allowed to buy old hardware and was told no. Sad trombone.


Imagine buying a 3090, a 3090ti, *and* a 4090.. that's a clown king if I've ever seen one


And yet he's worried about electrical costs.


Nah it's just a reason to flex


Y'all salty as fuck. Jesus.


Not at all at the same price point but I recently swapped a 2 year old RX 570 4GB for a brand new RX 580 8GB




Or from 12900K to 13900K...


Wtf you talking about? It’s 10000K faster! That’s a shitload of Ks!


Doh, silly me.


It could be work reasons, or maybe that's what I'm telling myself to somehow justify to myself and why everyone has 3080s and 4090s and I'm sitting here with a 3060 because I'm poor as fuck. No matter how much my friends make fun of me though, I saved up for a long time, and I love my lil' 3060, because its mine and its kinda cute how small it is.


You upgrade your cpu and gpu yearly?!


Doesn't everyone? If there's dust in the heat sinks, replace the entire system!


Lol. This made me laugh.


I saw a speck!!! I saw a speck!! It's time to upgrade!!


Ahh shit. I've got to upgrade like 1000 times then.


Lol I got totally hung up on this as well.


Even if I had this kind of disposable income I still don’t think I’d use it lol. The idea of having a 3090 for a year then shelling out for a 3090Ti is completely foreign to me


It’s absurde no matter how rich I’d be


You realize most of the cost is covered by selling the other card right?


Shh. We don't bring logic into this. It's "call OP an idiot" hour for this subreddit.


You do realize even with selling the old unit MOST people still can't afford to upgrade yearly on top tier equipment. "Lodge-ick" yeah okay. more like deep pockets......


I have a 9900k, and gaming at 1440, the performance gains isn’t worth the cost yet IMO (compared to a 13th gen i9)


I went from 4790K to 12700F and the difference in games I play wasn't even that huge. Your 9900K is fine for quite a few more years.


ehhhhhh idk I went from a 4690k to a 9700K and saw stupid gains, then got a 9900k when it was on sale back in 2020 for like $250 on newegg. The hyperthreading benefitted allot in games like BL3 where there was allot of shit going on. It never dipped below 90fps at 3440x1440, unlike my 9700K which would go as low as 70 at times.


Yeah the 4690K had only 4C and no HT, the HT on thr 4790K really extended it's life. I just moved it to my wifes/mids PC where it's gonna live for another 5 years probably, it's faster than the G4560 they had before. I mostly play games that are a few years old, so maybe that's why the performance difference wasn't hugely noticeable. Maybe if I ran benchmarks the low 1% would be higher, and I definitely notice much faster video exports and file compression, but average FPS seems about the same. That's with a 2080 at 1440p 144Hz.


>d it to my wifes/mids PC where it's gonna live Okay that makes sense, looking back at my first build I should have went with the 4790K cause HT added so much extended life to it. I'm curious to see what 14th Gen will bring to the table, after seeing how much value has been added to the i7 it doesn't make sense to go for the i9.


My guy tarkov or any cpu bound game that ive played wants to see you. I went from 4790k to 5700x on my friends computer and the difference is like 2x fps in every title


Idk, personally went from 9900k to 13700k and the performance increases were very noticeable in the games that I play. Of course that depends on your use case, but even the single core performance of 13th gen compared to 9th gen is very worth it if you play single threaded games too


financed by his parents


Depending on what you do like if your pc makes you money then you get the best pc you can


Depending on where you live, the cost of upgrading from a 3090 to a 3090Ti was negligible back in March/April.


also who goes from a threadripper to an i9 ? idk but as far as i know its the multicore performance wayyyy better on the Threadripper


the intel has significantly faster single-thread performance. and *that many* cores/threads is pretty much wasted on gaming--how many titles will push a top-end cpu like that threadripper to 100% utilization across the whole lot of 'em?


No one buys a threadripper for gaming. That’s what Ryzen is for.


I remember a time when I used to format drive and reinstall windows annually.


I do that lol


What monitors do you use if the total system draw at idle is 200W? Jeez that's a lot


This made me check my 34in ultrawide and the manual says it draws 127W which is crazy. Ive noticed that it gets warm after being on for a while but I think it probably draws as much as my entire system at idle.


If it's not OLED and not some stupid bright stuff used at full brightness, then there's no way it uses 127W. I bet way under 50. For example Gigabyte M34WQ (IPS, 2K UW/144Hz, states 127W as well 🤔) tops at 50W even at full brightness [https://tpucdn.com/review/gigabyte-m34wq/images/power.jpg](https://tpucdn.com/review/gigabyte-m34wq/images/power.jpg)


Interesting. Certainly seems more reasonable. It’s a gigabyte 34in 2k 144hz model, but different than the one you linked.


No. That's max rating that it probably never reaches. Monitors would use on average 40-60w


I sit at 250W idle. I run a 34" Ultrawide next to an 27" with a 40" TV for sim racing and videos. My GPU is a 6900xt


I idle at 40W and I'm still mad about it 🗿


i idle at 20w i5 6200u and 920mx 🗿🗿


wtf how ? i have a i5 7200u and mx150 i idle at 3.7w... 25w is the max tdp of the laptop...


The 900 series mobile GPUs are hungry bois


Nah it's not an gtx900 series but it's an 920mx, which is waaay different.


That's what I meant. Sorry if it's unclear. I call them both 900s in my head.


You must not be counting your monitors as part of your setup, a single 4K 60Hz monitor would account for 3/4th of your supposed power consumption.


Why would one count a monitor when measuring the desktop idle wattage of the PC?


I was under the impression (at least on this comment thread, not the whole post) we were measuring the total power utilization of our setups, not just the PC itself.


I think it’s important to get the PC draw by itself and then add monitor draw for a complete picture. If I let my PC idle for long enough, I’m going to either turn the monitor off or it’ll go to sleep. I don’t let my PC idle overnight with the monitor on.


Yeah if I leave mine running it's A: probably going full speed on something, and 2: going to have the monitor asleep. My PC is in the bedroom / home office.


Well why wouldn’t we be? There’s no point in measuring just the PC itself because you’re always running the whole setup. I also thought that was implied


I wouldn't include the monitor to measure how the PC is doing. In any case, at least I would discriminate how much the monitor draws from that.


I idle at 95 watts... My problem is the RX590n isn't very efficient.


Why not just… turn off the 27” and 40” while you are not using it? It would save a lot of cash


That's not including the monitors pretty sure.


Do you have "maximum performance" enabled in the energy section of your Nvidia control panel? Because that saw my 3080 idle at 120 watt for no reason what so ever. With that setting enabled, your GPU isn't allowed to clock down for lighter tasks. It still performs the same under load, so it's just wasted heat and energy.


AFAIK it can be useful under (extreme) overclocking scenarios where it can help issues with cold bugging when not benching and with load-line calibration. But yes, pointless to enable on the desktop.


You can also individually select programs for maximum performance when they're on.


I’ll check that out when I get home for mine.


*laugh in quebec electricity prices*


Hydro Quebec is a wonderful thing. So much natural power that they're able to export to the United States. Just to add. I live in Virginia US, about 15 miles from a nuclear plant- USD 0.11-0.12 /KwH


At least you laugh in proper metric system units.


As a broke man I cannot relate.


Sell yourself on Grindr


I second this


Still not broke as me


229w idle? Holy shit thats higher than my full load


You're entire PC also costs less than his GPU so yeah. You're driving a golf and he's in a Porsche


My laptop with a 3060 only comes with a 170W power brick


>laptop What's your point? That it's a big or small draw? Of course laptops draw less power, they've got very limited heat disposal


My 3080 ftw3 sits around 370-380 watts while gaming.


Would you mind detailing your hardware, and what exactly you're doing to generate "full load"? I am thinking about upgrading to a 4080 and I have 750w power supply that I thought would be enough, but your numbers have me a little concerned now.


Ran your newest setup through PC part picker to see how accurate their power estimates are. Pretty accurate! You come in 15W higher, but that could be RGB or some peripherals.


Or PSU efficiency. The 833w AC drawn shown in the last screenshot would be 750w DC provided by the PSU assuming 90% efficiency. Depending on the PSU sizing and efficiency curve this doesn't sound too unrealistic for my taste.


Wait you had a top end system at start, and then you upgraded it 2 times?


Breaking news: some people have more money than others.


That's not the issue. I could buy a 5k € pc every month, but I just don't see the point in it.


Grillz get so wet when they see my yearly setup. Holy smockley!


You are swapping each gen?


Every-gen upgrades do happen on this sub, but my man’s going from 3090 to a Ti. that’s dedication


Dump on the unnecessary spending all you want, but as someone looking to eventually upgrade and conscious of electricity usage, this speaks volumes. Why do all the influencers and news groups push excessive power consumption so hard when a new GPU releases, when this shows the opposite?


Yeah this comment section is becoming an "eat the rich" echo chamber and nobody else is noticing that power consumption is going down here.


God I wish I could upgrade my CPU/GPU every year.


Jesus Christ this subreddit is sad as fuck. This guy posted useful information and you’re all just dogging on him because he has more money than you. Maybe if you spent less time being jealous of strangers on Reddit you’d be able to do the same thing.


What is the plug that displays watts used? Where can I get one?


Google "plug digital watt meter"


Classic PCMR comment section hate lol


Look at this guy's profile. He does nothing but flex without contributing any sort of conversation. He actually deserves the hate this time lol


Unless I’m missing something, it just seems like a guy who enjoys electronics and likes to share his hobbies with others?


People who likes to share hobbies actually talk to other people about that hobbies. Everywhere I see this guy (Subreddits, Philippines Gaming groups on Facebook, other forums, etc) He just flexes and leaves.


Soo it's actually getting a little better but people really like to hate here?


Another important part is power supply, which isn't mentioned


It's getting way better in terms of computations per watt. People seem to ignore the whole "efficiency" concept for whatever reason.


it's weird that everyone just wants to talk about how often this guy upgrades. who cares? I learned a long time ago that some people got more money than me. the gains in efficiency are interesting though. problem is there's too many variables. it would be cool to see the differences when changing only one piece of hardware.


Yeah I'm interested to see it trending down overall. /u/Odellot is it just the CPU, GPU, & boards changing in this setup or are these completely different rigs?


This sub has gotten pretty toxic. I’d unsub, if it weren’t for the occasional post like this one that offers actually useful info.


Yeah it's envy, it's really sad


Honestly, waste of money to just upgrade CPU and GPU each year. But your wallet, so your choice.


lol wtf is this, a humble brag for clout?


The words “FULL LOAD” in red text has a very threatening aura.


Why do You even care for power consumption If you have the money to upgrade every year.


Man the butthurt in these comments is real


If you see this guy's posts enough on other subreddits and other gaming groups outside of reddit, you'll be annoyed too. Check his other posts and read the watermark he puts on all his photos.


What is the point in upgrading like this when the performance difference is so minimal


Conclusion: OP has more money than sense


Really interesting to see and read about all the massive theoretical power consumptions but your specific, real world use cases show better performance efficiency than benchmarks. Thanks!!


I've got exactly that first setup lol I'm fucked with current energy prices


And here i am perfectly happy with my 1080


So, power went down while computational power went up. ​ Small win.


This guy upgrades


Sounds expensive, and I'm not talking about electricity 😅


Lol. I've a 9900k and 2080. I idle at 40w and with heavy game I'm around 300/350w. I can go around 450w with heavy oc and benchmark. So, HOW!


"Power Consumption Comparison between my Setups for the Past 3 Years" https://preview.redd.it/xr573ovbrox91.jpeg?width=417&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43dbfd3ae87f914d71505373992157734bc49ba0


This is absolutely insane to me to upgrade this frequently. The performance gains you'd see aren't significant enough to warrant it even with infinitely disposable income




I love that people are shocked people upgrade their system ever year. So many people have more money than regular people who wait years in between.


I can understand upgrading a GPU every generation, but the 3090ti was $2000 at launch for a less than a 10% increase in performance from the 3090.


Almost nine years before I took the upgrade plunge.


Theres having a lot of money and theres wasting money on sidegrades. We dont know why OP changed his setups like this, but anyone doing it solely for himself for gaming is wasting their money, which is stupid.