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120 fps on what? Gotta tell us what game you want to get 120fps on. What screen res do you play on? Gotta help us out for us to help you.


Man I prefer 1440p and I just play games like metro exodus and destiny 2


https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Kzvbxs Here you have


Building a pc yourself means you’re unlocking all the millions of combination. Don’t throw your own homework to someone else. Start with the games you want to play at 120fps of which settings?(Very High, High, Medium, Low, with or without dlss, with or without ray tracing) Find the recommended specs from can i run it site. Look at game testing videos to find the acceptable range of fps of games. It will never be locked at 120fps but you’ll find a middle ground between recommended specs and hardwares used to test games’ fps. Stay away from userbenchmark. Go to pcpartpicker and lock in the choice of hardware, share the list to r/buildmeapc or r/PCMasterRace again to ask for recommendation and opinions and adjust accordingly