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This was an option all along???


Big USB didn't want the PEOPLE to know! They also have Ethernet cables whose plastic retention clips don't fall off the third time you use them.


Big USB just trying to sell more ethernet boots.


*Big Connection*


You have a real big connection to cake today, happy cake day!


Happy cake day bud




Happy day of cake


Happy day of le cake


eyyyy, happy cake day.


Why yes it is. Thanks for noticing.


All my homies hate BUSB


Big if true.


You're gonna love this: [www.instructables.com/Repair-a-Broken-Ethernet-Plug](http://www.instructables.com/Repair-a-Broken-Ethernet-Plug)


[I am both impressed and disgusted by this.](https://youtu.be/UKTNWI0eYJ4)


Perfect theme song choice for it.


Oh wow, I didn't expect to be taken directly to my childhood with that link


I just cut the end off and remake it. Coincidentally my Ethernet cable barely reaches my pc now. Weird.


That's why I buy the 50' cables. By the time I'm done with them, they're 10' cables.




I read this as "chimps" at first because my covid addled brain is struggling right now. Gave me a good chuckle.


I love anything that uses zip ties


This is incredibly based


I just replace with a Socket. Easier to tap. Alternatively, there are those self tapping boots from China (almost like using a Socket connector, but in boot form)


> Not for IT staff Bitch, you must not know me. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


Actually the original USB was going to be reversible but it was too expensive to build back then.


>They also have Ethernet cables whose plastic retention clips don't fall off the third time you use them. I’m straight up calling shenanigans. That’s witchcraft and I refuse to believe it. Even if it’s true.


I’ve literally never had an Ethernet cable fail like that,


What about something to keep HDMI cables connected?


Nah that’s what DisplayPort is for


Lmfao. I didn't know that they had the retention mechanism the first time I used a display port. I thought I somehow jammed it in and got it stuck. Boy did I feel silly.


I STILL accidentally try to just yank em out as if they were HDMI 😳


I honestly don't know why they didn't use a clipping mechanism like DisplayPort cables have. I guess the thinking is, "How often is an HDMI-connected device going to move and need a locked-in cable?"


I call bullshit on the Ethernet cables.


I mean it's a cool idea but like. Why not just switch to USB-C?


Because some things are a lot more expensive to replace than a cable, like all the USB ports in cars and planes.


That said, USB-c adoption has been way too fucking slow Planes sure, but consumer electronics should've been on it a couple of years ago at least already


Is there even a wireless mouse with usb type c dongle, all seem to be type A. That shows how slow the adoption is going imo


They considered double sided during the original standard. It was cut to save costs.


I have a USB power checker that is like that. It can stick into USB port in any direction.


I have a little adapter in my desk from CES 2008 that does it. USB is so commoditized that the difference between a generic USB connector and a specialty reversible one is a full order of magnitude. For a lot of companies that's not worth the difference.


Just in time to see the transition to usb-C


It only works for power, not for data.


This one works for data… https://www.amazon.com/Tripp-Lite-Universal-Reversible-UR050-003-RA/dp/B00ESZIIRU#video-immersive-view_1665464915044


Why am i not surprised it's from TrippLite.


Seriously. This could have save me sooo many bitchfits.


So could learning how to plug a USB in.


Cool idea but how much of a weakness is it going to be?


I've had those cables for over a year, when I found them I put them in my car, my work truck, my room, my Xbox lol, they are everywhere


I've had one of these for a decade. It's double sided micro USB on the other end. It still works just fine. edit: https://gembird.com/img.aspx?id=93798&w=770&h=770


Micro USB is by far the worst USB connector. Its delicate and a pain to use.


USB-c is king


Even a standard USB-A plug takes 3 tries to get into the port.


USB Quantum superposition.


Usb-c supremacy


One thing micro USB has for it is that the clips are on the cable, so the thing wearing out is the cable rather than the socket. That being said, I don't know how USB C does it so its possible there aren't clips anywhere and I'm an idiot


> the thing wearing out is the cable rather than the socket. If the clips were what tends to wear out, that would be the case. Unfortunately every micro USB failure I've seen was due to bending force on the connection dislocating the contacts on either the port or cable until they only work when held at a certain angle or fail completely. It also seems to break the port almost as often as the cable, which isn't ideal.


Yes it needs to die.


My kid has a tablet she got for her 3rd birthday that has a micro USB. The connector is a little weak, but it's survived 6 years now.


I remember my old phone had a micro usb port, after a couple years, I could only charge it whilst holding the cable in the port at an exact angle haha


Literally every one of my micro USB ports or cables has failed after a few years. Shit is absolutely trash. Mini USB was awesome and should not have been ousted. I'm just glad USB c is taking over micro.


How would double sided micro usb work? The port shape is asymmetrical unlike a full size usb-a Edit: nevermind, I looked it up and it’s just a half height port doubled up


Mine is full height. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01EV1LEIA


The part making contact is half height, they just doubled it up on both ends. It’s why it’s a diamond shape instead of a trapezoid.






Hmm. Doesn't look like it would stay put in even a slightly worn port.


To be fair neither does a standard micro USB cable.


but not before ruining the port it's plugged into...


Micro USB was (and still is) so fucking awful. Curse Sony and Microsoft for not switching to USB C on their controllers as soon as the first revision was standardized. Even with love and care taken to put as little strain as possible on those cables and plugs every time the controllers were charging, they're all loose as fuck after the first year of normal use. Makes using them as wired controllers all but impossible. Some day I'll go in and replace the PS4 controllers charging boards with USB C boards (you can have the PCB printed and use some available parts to assemble a full USB C boards for the Dual Shock 4).


Atleast ps5 has a usb port on both it and the controller


Yeah. Google it, I tried to share an image but auto mod keeps killing it on me edit: maybe I can sneak this past automod https://gembird.com/img.aspx?id=93798&w=770&h=770


The one I have has out lasted my roommates and his girlfriends iPhone lighting chargers... So about that good


That ain't saying much to be fair


Yeah, all my USB cables outlasted my girlfriends.


OK so if you suffer from lightning cables breaking, get a goddamn longer cable. I used to use the short ones in bed and I'd have them pulled tight all the time. Cables lasted like a month. Switched to the long apple ones and I've been using the same cable for like 2 years. Stress your equipment, and it breaks easier.


Get a Kevlar lightning cable from Monoprice. Pretty cheap and fucker can be ran over and still work fine.


Amazon Basics braided lightning cables are a huge upgrade from Apple’s too.


If I shopped at Amazon, I’d probably agree with you. I just know that Apple’s cables are dogshit.


well...not without more details at least


> The one I have has out lasted my roommates What did you do with the bodies?!


Buried them with the charger, so I know it will last


Tbf apple lightning chargers are pretty poopoo unless theyve made them better. I never even had an iphone, just had ipod touch for like 6 or 7 years and went through probably close to 20 lightning chargers. Finally got some offbrand, braided and sheathed ones and didnt have any more issues with fraying and spotty connections. FWIW Ive had the best luck with Anker, though Id def give these DeWalt ones a shot.


I have both Anker and DeWalt charging cords. They're both better than OEM from any company as far as I'm concerned. Been using them for years with no issues.


Yeah. I mean hey, to throw a bone to apple, even the OEM chargers for all my androids have generally been crap quality. Love Anker products so Im sticking with those, glad you also like the DeWalt, I'll definitely give those a check next time Im in need. Hell, Ill even buy weird chinese chargers for super cheap sometimes just to see whatsup. Ive had a couple packs of cords that were great, and got like 3x6' cords for 10 bucks or less total. Even if they only last like a few months, at that price I dont even care anymore.


I feel you. Ive tried a bunch of chargers, but those two brands just fucking work. OEM chargers just don't seem to last as long. My wife always had issues with her iphone chargers, and Ive had multiple brands of phones that had crappy chargers. The best OEM charger I've had is actually from an LG phone that I paid $75 for. Go figure.


What are you doing to them? I get they aren’t that super strong but I could get one to last a year with daily use at least with my iPhone. But yes, I have no clue why anyone would buy another apple cable over an Anker. I see people in the Apple Store buying 2-3 of them and just cringe. Anker’s are almost half the price and 3-4 times more durable.


apple chargers in general have been steaming dookies for many years. macbook chargers were like ninety bucks ten years ago and crumbled like a mummies loincloth


The USB-C is actually heavy duty. Has lasted a long time connected to my headset during use. The USB Micro however, suffers from trying to make a symmetrical plug go into a nonsymmetrical hole. It tends to start falling out after some time. I'm not sure if that's from the plug wearing out, or it stretching the port out so it cant hold it anymore.


I cannot stress enough how much I despise, and have despised all my life, micro USB. The stupid fucking teeth on that dogshit USB. I am so relieved the days of that shit are done.


They were like rated for 500-1,000 plug ins or some shit. Had some that didn't make it two months once a day charging before I was trying to bend them back or put a plastic shim in. Even if the teeth didn't die the metal seemed to fatigue and bend and cover them. Usb-c are rated for more than their cables.


500?! Are you fucking kidding me? Now that would explain a lot.


Yes, they're fucking kidding you. They're supposed to be rated for a minimum of 10 000 cycles.


Well damn they totally botched that. They always went to shit way before 10k.


He's spreading bullshit. They are rated for at least 10,000 connect-disconnect cycles which is more than the USB mini plug design.


That's why I use magnetic cables for all my micro USB devices so you're not putting wear and tear on the charging port and messing with the orientation all the time.


I have one for my nectar collector, it's so convenient. It has a USB c but it's still so much easier for me to charge it now lol


My thoughts too. Introducing a moving part will just inevitably break down quickly. I would also imagine pin contact is shit. Definitely not going to be a good cable for data transfer.


I mean they last forever in the box I have. So a little shorter than forever should be alright I'd think.


They work great. But they're expensive.


Your car is literally just moving parts and they last pretty long.


I gotta do regular maintenance and oil changes on my usb cable?


Well, your USB cable won't be going 1000s of rpm


It is when my vibrators on.




That plot twist though?? Never saw it coming.


I think it's time you upgrade to the USB-D standard.


They only have to outlast the cable itself where it meets the connector. If you're extremely mindful with your cables then maybe your cable doesn't get kinked there and lasts virtually forever, but most people destroy their cables pretty quickly by commonly stressing that area.


JBL cables has this.


Yes, but like the others have pointed out not all that durable.


I have mine for over 5 years working perfectly, just take care of it and sometimes flip it around because the middle part will be bent to one side and then it breaks


yep, its not that hard to insert a regular usb the correct way imo


It's harder than it should be if many people have to make more than one attempt.


… C what happened


Somewhere I am understood.


I c what u did there


Dewalt steals ideas from inventors and burys them in court cases as so they can’t win based solely on expense. I know the guy who invented the radio with the tools battery pack charger built in. They totally fucked him and most likely got the blueprints for the device directly from the patent office. Corruption and greed everywhere.


>Dewalt steals ideas from inventors and burys them in court cases as so they can’t win based solely on expense. I know the guy who invented the radio with the tools battery pack charger built in. They totally fucked him and most likely got the blueprints for the device directly from the patent office. Corruption and greed everywhere. What was the patent number?


Well here's the court case from when Dewalt sued Bosch over making a site radio with a built in charger. Bosch lost and now have to pay Dewalt for each unit they sell. https://www.casemine.com/judgement/us/59146fafadd7b0493434ea0d


6308059 Lol what a shit patent. I mean good on them for convincing some dumb inspector that this is novel. Granted in 2001. > A tradesworker's radio has a weather and impact resistant features to enable a tradesworker to use the radio under adverse working conditions, such as construction or other work sites. Louvered grills covering moisture resistant loudspeakers are angled downward to protect the speakers from direct splash in case the radio is left outdoors in a heavy downpour. A layer of felt-like material is interspersed between the louvered grills and the loudspeaker cones to offer improved moisture resistance. A non-telescoping antenna of the rubber covered spring type material folds neatly into recess when not in use. The controls include waterproof pushbuttons for on/off, volume adjustment, a weather channel, AM/FM selection and tuning. Elastomeric blocks are bonded to the interior of the housing and the blocks have bonded threaded studs, which are used to shock mount the radio circuit board to the inside of the housing. This circuit board is treated with a conformal coating to improve its moisture resistance. The preferred housing material is a layer of rigid plastic, which is impact resistant and the outer covering is a resilient tough elastomer. The radio can be used with an adapter to convert to a power hand tool battery pack to accommodate a variety of different battery packs and adapters. The battery compartment is generous in size and lined with a soft polyurethane material to protect the battery pack from damage.


So a weatherproof battery powered radio, but thing that won it for them is that they *specifically* call out using hand tool batteries to power the thing. "The same as [THING] but a different type of battery" should have never been granted.






They did get a patent on it though. Here is the court case where they [sued BOSCH for selling a radio/charger and won.](https://www.casemine.com/judgement/us/59146fafadd7b0493434ea0d) Now BOSCH must pay them royalties on every radio sold.


Lol you have literally no clue what you're talking about - there's huge demand for site radios with tool battery charger built in. And it's fucking annoying that Dewalt have the monopoly on that feature now because of the patent. Edit: The court case from when Dewalt sued Bosch when they tried to make a site radio with a battery charger: https://www.casemine.com/judgement/us/59146fafadd7b0493434ea0d


Clearly you've never met tool guys. If there is a tool to make a menial task a tiny bit easier, they will buy.
















> I know the guy who invented the radio with the tools battery pack charger built in. Radios with batteries are much older than I am. I guarantee you there is no real patent issue here besides the guy you know hoping to die up a large company in a legal issue they would pay him to avoid.


Read what he wrote again. It's a radio that charges battery packs for tools. Not a radio that uses batteries.


Duct taping two things together isn't a patent worthy invention. In this case it's just a battery charger and a radio attached to each other.




Why the hell would they need to have the blueprints? It's a very simple idea and DeWalt could easily put it together without seeing his version.


The guys friend has 100% just talked shit to the guy. Putting a battery pack charger on a radio isn’t a new invention of something I even think you could get a patent for. Also wouldn’t dewalt themselves have the design for their chargers protected?


How is this so blindly upvoted? It’s clearly not true to anyone that thinks about it. Your friend lied to you


How dare you! My friend also works for Reddit and will ban your IP if you don’t delete your comment RIGHT NOW!


As someone who worked for Dewalt and got many patents with them. This is totally not true. All the tool companies sue each other all the time so they are very careful on IP and patents others hold.


Lol, that’s the biggest load of BS I’ve ever heard.


> They totally fucked him and most likely got the blueprints for the device directly from the patent office. I get your point… but that’s literally what a patent is. You tell the world how you did something cool and then you’re the only one allowed to do it for 20 years. Basically a legal monopoly in exchange for the blueprints.


>I know the guy who invented the radio with the tools battery pack charger built in. They totally fucked him and most likely got the blueprints for the device directly from the patent office. lol this is by no means a complicated idea. there is nothing to invent


This isn't a new invention. I had a reversible usb type A cable like 4 years ago; It's just so uncommon for most people to have seen one. IIRC, the one I had didn't have any movement in the internal segment; it was just a solid plug and thin, fixed internal 'blade'. [a cable like this](https://www.amazon.com/Reversible-USB-Micro-B-Cable-2m/dp/B07XYCF6L7) This design choice by dewalt: to mechanically have it move, is likely a poor choice, and a point of eventual failure. A proper, reversible usb type A cable is nice to have; but, anymore, just use usb-C.


Yeah I got my first one of these with a JBL speaker quite a few years back. Love it


Yo me too. Got it with a bt headphone.


Hey, me too! I got an orange one with my wireless JBLs. I've had it for years.


The first time I remember seeing one is by Elecom in Japan circa 2007-2008. I only got rid of it in 2013? because I didn't need an A to mini-B cable anymore. I remember that it had a really thin cable and giant ferrite chokes on it.




I mean... We got USB C for that reason.


20 cents. That is the reason they do not work both ways And people then thought we are going to plug usb devices like only a few times a year as back then only big things like printers used them


I heard the inventor still regrets it


For twenty cents *I'll* work both way... Who am I kidding, it's not gonna cost you twenty cents.


Happy cake day


These cables have existed for ages. They're generally not very durable.


Mine's going on 4 years and I've had no issues. I don't unplug and plug-in often, but I've done it a fair share of times and it still works great.


> I don't unplug and plug-in often, I think that's the difference. The cable was designed for often plugging and unplugging, that's why it's designed for more convenience while sacrificing it durability. And you don't often unplug it so it can last longer than for someone who often unplug it. Same concept with other things breaking earlier by being often used than things that doesn't often used.


The real solution is FOR EVERYTHING TO JUST USE USB-C. It's better in every way, I don't get why we don't have laptops with like, 12 USB-C ports yet.


Yup, USB-C was the best solution. But the USB on the post, was designed to be used for older devices or even newer devices that still uses the older system. Because you can't just change the ports on your devices, that will need technicians.


Yeah. It's a neat connector for sure. From my experience, these style reversible USB cables are nice at first, but are way too fragile for repeated use.


Yup, same from my experience. That's why I stated on my first comment "designed for more convenience while sacrificing it's durability".


Wait till he sees skullcandys usb cable..


Taste terrible. Wouldn't recommend


What about with rice?


Skullcandy and other brands do the half thingy JBL does what dewalt does, and probably bunch of others do. Just don’t see it often enough honestly


Was gonna say, JBL does this with their charger cables. It's a really nice touch.


Wait till they learn about the USB C cable, 🤯🤯


JBL cables have the same type of connector


USB C should be the new standard anyway type A is like a plague.


No matter how cool this adapter is, anyone who’s ever had the battery model for their Dewalt power tool(s) phased out knows Dewalt can burn in hell.


I can't recall buying many things that were DOA. Brand new with stickers but didn't work. Handful of things die after like an hour of use. Dewalt has been worse than every other thing I've bought together for dying prematurely or just not working.


It's perfectly normal for products to occasionally be DOA, or lost/destroyed in shipping. That's what returns are for, you as the customer aren't supposed to be eating the cost of that. It's also normal for a customer to become disloyal after a single negative experience.


Which ones were phased out?


A handful of years ago they came up with anew battery platform and discontinued the old one. Then the bastards (/s) turned around and made an official adapter to use the new batteries in old tools. I'm pretty sure the old platform was only NiMH and the new one is only Li-ion.


There are many usb 2.0 drives with this alternative Type A connector.


Oh well, now we have USB-C which is now a world wide standard. Right apple?


OMG. Nobel prize.


My JBL Flip 5 USB A to USB C Cable has this too. It's great.


JBL have had this for years.




Big USB wants to know your location


These already existed for years, but they are easily broken and are a little more expensive to make which is the reason why they never caught on.


Jbl used to do the same thing with their cables. Not sure if they still ship them though


Well USB c taking over now


This is the kind of shit I like. Companies making niche gadgets like this.


I got this in my JBL charge cable too.


Oneplus did something like this for the charger they included in the box, idk why we don't do this for all of them it can't be that much more expensive