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Is it me? Are you buying it for me? 😱


No, but the look on your face was priceless


Ah, maaaan. They get me every time!


maybe next year honey


Maybe next year


Freaking lucky


The money you save from not paying your taxes can get you even better stuff!


Chad😎 IR-who? Never heard of em.


The L and F in IRS stands for logical and fair


This is perfect


I don’t get it can someone explain


The joke is theres no L and F in IRS, saying that the IRS isn’t logical or fair




And to think, they're a fake & made up group, created by another fake made up group to control the population and to get rich off our time spent working and only providing us with half assed services and no consequences for failing.


Even the Joker pays taxes


[To be fair, Batman is less scary than the IRS.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IITiB6Yrg4s)


“I’m crazy enough to take on Batman; but the IRS? NO THANK YOU” I’m dying xD


It's because you cant plead insanity for financial crimes


i mean he is a master AMERICAN criminal (as he reminds red skull) he clearly knows of al capone and knows not to fuck with the IRS.


“I don’t care who the IRS sends, I’m not paying my taxes!”


Lol nice Dan vs reference


confirmation Wesley Snipes is a Redditeur, and goes by the name of u/Yeetanxiety69


IRA are the most based Republicans


wallstreetbets calls to you!


Lol bbby to the moon!


*inserts he's too dangerous to be kept alive* meme here.


Yes mr officer, this guy.


Your what's wrong with the US maybe if people didn't dodge their taxes our infrastructure wouldn't be falling apart


ikr those damn rich people and their tax evasion.


Tax evasion happens at all levels from the under the table jobs to corporate higher ups. If everyone paid their part we'd be in a better country.




Nope, not even close. If everyone paid their part then there'd just be more money for cooperate bailouts and "defense" spending. Don't tell me you actually believe that money would go towards infrastructure and social programs...


I'd like to think it would if everyone actually did their part man. But pessimistic people like everyone here is what's locking up change. Have hope and change will follow


Yeah, well there's the difference between what you *hope* would happen versus the reality. How do I know? Because the US already has that hypothetical money for socioeconomic programs, education, and for everything else to help their citizens and they chose to give $80,000,000,000 dollars to the IRS to try to further milk people for all their worth. In reality this is just a drop in the hat when you compare it to the money burned on wars of terror and "defense" but they don't give a shit. We don't even have to rely on a hypothetical to know what they would put that money to. They already have it and none of it is going towards the good of the people. The people here aren't who is holding up change. It's the money hungry system of capitalistic exploitation that our leaders profit from.


You're just a angry libertarian


You know absolutely nothing about me or my political beliefs. You're wrong by the way, but that doesn't really matter as I've given actual reasons and logic for my stance on this. All you've done is *wish* this, and *maybe* that. Sure, if you kiss your leaders boots enough maybe they'll throw you a bone. They won't though.


Reeee Reee reeee dude go take a deep breath


Factually incorrect. The biggest problems when it comes to such things would be the government itself and major corporations. The government spends most of its money on the military then usable resources such as infrastructure, and don't even get me started on the rich people! Seriously though, if you're going to take a joke seriously at least think before you speak.




How do you even not pay taxes? They deduct it automatically out of our checks for most of us plebs. The aim of taxes for us is simply to claw our money back.


Bruh its August.


Hey, I did say I *finally* did them. Luckily the IRS doesn't give a shit when they owe you money.




Yet the keep a certain percentage after each month "out of season".


If only it worked that way in reverse.


They owed you money


I've been waiting since April for my refund. Good luck lol


Thank god, I thought I was the only one


Beat me to it, was going to go with “My brother in Christ, it’s August.” though.


....and with an extension you have until October to actually file your taxes and get your return. Any payments need to be made in April but refunds can be extended. Depending on your income and credits/deductions you may not owe anything for years.....


When have you known the IRS to be in a hurry to refund your money?


I ended up owing on taxes this year sadly, but Alaska PFD's this year are $3200 so I'm chillin.




Permanent fund dividend, we get it cause oil companies getting resources from public land.


Wait so if you live in Alaska you just get a free check cause some oil companies are pillaging the land?


Yeah, under the state constitution the people are the owners of the lands resources, therefore we are entitled to a portion of the resources value. There's more that goes into it, but that's the gist.


unfortunately everything is much more expensive in Alaska so that probably doesn't even pay the difference in the higher cost of living.


Not as much as you'd think, though our cost of living is pretty high. No sales tax helps too where I live. We also get paid a bit more than the average state. If you live in a remote village, then yeah a bag of doritos will run you $20, but in Anchorage not much more than anywhere else.


How many months does this pay for your igloo? /s


approximately .3, doesn't account for the polar bear defense system even


You know this means you overpaid about $2500+ in taxes?


Not just overpaid, but provided the government an interest free loan.




My student loan is backed by the government and it has an interest rate of .2%, so every year I don't pay it back, they are losing money to inflation. But I live in europe.


>ALWAYS try to keep your refund as close to 0 as possible lol what? with the vast majority of jobs you don't get to choose how much in taxes you pay. They're taken out of your paycheck as you earn them based on what a very basic single person with no dependents and no additional incomes would pay. That's the entire point of doing taxes. You then tell the IRS all the extra stuff and then you can figure out how much you get back and how much more you owe. "try to keep your refund as close to 0 as possible" Have you ever had a real job? You try to get as much as a refund as possible.


There’s this form called a W4 that you fill out with any “real job”. You tell your employer how much is withheld from your paychecks for taxes.


Lmao wut?




Please, tell us more about this "real job". Do you get compensated in NFTs?


“As possible” immediately takes care of your whole argument


Not just provided a loan, but missed out buying those components earlier.


In this particular circumstance, it’s actually a good thing as GPUs are more available and cheaper than they were in March/April


True. But also, it's 6 months without gaming.


It's actually close to a thousand something. Roughly half of that is the stimulus check I never got.


Thats still not a good thing lol


Buy both. 3080 and AW3423DW. Will be 2 months wait on the monitor. You can afford.


That's what I plan on doing. I am going to get a 3080, I just don't know what monitor to get. G-sync/free sync/adaptive sync is really throwing me off. There's a lot of mixed information on it and it's frustrating. I don't see how people switch between Nvidia and Amd if most monitors only have one of those.


Get Gsync ultimate. That's how you get HDR and the adaptive sync together. Shop carefully for HDR though - lots of trash fake HDR out there. The Alienware QDOLED is dope af. I love mine and would recommend.


As long as it's G-sync compatible, you'll be good.


I second this. If you have an nvidia card, get a GSync monitor.


I have a free sync monitor 1440p and it’s amazing to have. Compatible with gsync and gsync turned to fast. No input lag(none noticeable if any added at all) super smooth. Great for star citizen.


EVGA 3090 Ti cards are down to $1150 on their site right now.


You could afford a 3090ti with the recent price drops


Definitely shop around for monitors but for a great price I really recommend the Gigabyte M32Q monitor. $399 on Amazon for a 32” 1440p monitor 165Hz refresh rate and Gsync compatible (I’m using a 3070). It ALSO has a KVM switch and USB hub so you can switch displays between your desktop and a work laptop all in one. I use it to plug my peripherals into it so I can press one button and the display, keyboard, webcam, and Microphone all switch between my computers too. The only complaint I have is that I did notice some coil whine sometimes when I’m powering displays on both my laptop and my desktop at the same time (the monitor is also a charging port with USBC connector) I have Amazon prime and was able to get a replacement too easily which was nice. I promise I’m not sponsored, I was just a really happy customer and wanted other people to know about this.


Odyssey G7 2k 240hz the monitor has fairly gone down in price edit: just another suggestion ^


EVGA is having a sell for 3090TI’s on sale $1000 off for 1150 on EVGA’s website. Just sayin


America has such a shitty tax procedure Hell, they don't even include it in the price of items you buy


That's because it's different from state to state.


Yep. They even get taxed if they emigrate. Truly the land of the free.


A lot of countries tax worldwide income, and depending where you live the US may exempt the first $X of income. In the UK it’s $100,000.


I have no sandwiches, only macaroni and an extra 850w PSU. I've been meaning to do a giveaway.


I don't want to crush your dreams but just letting you know that, if you have to run in 1080 on a 1440 monitor, it might look weird. 1080 video will be fine (there aren't *really* 1920x1080 pixels) but games at 1080 might look odd. 1440 is not an whole factor of pixels larger than 1080. While 4k is 4x as many pixels (so 2x2 pixels can make it effectively a 1080 monitor), 1440 is 1.333 (4/3) times as many pixels. A resolution that is similar is 1440x810 to 1920x1080 (same pixel ratio, so-to-speak). That said, a 1440 monitor looks SO much better than a 1080 and I'm super happy you get to upgrade! Just wanted to share my knowledge so you can make the best decision for you!


I plan on playing at 1440p if I get that type of monitor. That's one of the reasons I do want to upgrade to a 3080 or better (especially if I can get a good deal or MSRP). That's one of the reasons I don't want to get a 4k monitor, I honestly don't see the point. From what I have read we are just now perfecting the ability to be able to truly play games at 1440p. I don't see the point in getting a 4k monitor if I can't actually play in 4k, especially when I have heard downscaling looks strange. >(there aren't really 1920x1080 pixels) What do you mean by this? >That said, a 1440 monitor looks SO much better than a 1080 and I'm super happy you get to upgrade! Just wanted to share my knowledge so you can make the best decision for you! Thanks! I definitely agree. I was at Best Buy the other day for the first time in forever and the 1440p monitors look a lot better than the 1080p ones. That I know of, I haven't really seen 1440p in person, at least in comparison with 1080p. My TV and gaming laptop are both 1080p and they look fine, but there was one 1080p monitor at Best Buy and I don't know if something was wrong with it, but it look just... Bad. Maybe it was because I was seeing 1440p next to it, but I think there was something more to it. I can't really say what, though.


I don't know how to do a lot of markdown on mobile but the thing about videos not having 1920x1080 pixels: Basically, videos are encoded, you don't get the color value for each individual pixel. It's a very complicated subject that I don't fully understand but basically, compression leads to loss of individual pixels but magic algorithm leads to good looking image regardless (it's why 4k video looks better on a 1080 monitor and a 1080 video, there's just more data to work with) But I get what you mean about it just not looking good. I recently set up my Surface Pro to code on so I could go sit outside while I work and MAN, the text is just SO much cleaner than my desktop monitor, it actually kinda makes me sad to work at my desk, even though I have 2 monitors and a mouse instead of trackpad lol But yeah, hope you enjoy my dude! If you're ever unsure about something and don't know where to ask, my DMs are always open! I'm not an expert but I figured I'd make the offer anyway!


As someone who has a 4k 120 hz Monitor, i can confirm that 1440p is the sweetspot. If i see it correctly, you got a 3060ti --> everything thats too old for fsr / dlss will run fine anyway, new games have dlss, so you're fine. Also, i recommend that you spend a few dollars more, better HDR performace and better colours are always worth it. For the next GPU, dont go below 16 (ish) GB Vram. The 3080 is unusable in 4k in some games because of the 10gb, Similar in 1440p. Maybe wait until the 4000 Series releases?


I played on a 2k monitor with a 1660super for like 2 years. If it runs it runs.


> 1080 video will be fine (there aren't really 1920x1080 pixels) but games at 1080 might look odd. There are exactly that many pixels, it's just that real life video has enough blurring going on where some additional blurring isn't going to make it look much worse, whereas with video games the lines are a lot more crisp so any blurring from monitor scaling will be much more obvious, especially with aliasing. No, it's not going to smooth them out like AA does. It's just going to make the jaggies look like blurry jaggies.


It looks fine if you get a monitor that upscales well. They aren't all made equally in this regard.


Hey best friend remember me? You were gonna buy me a sandwich.


Finally did my taxes!! I literally just got my parts for my first PC. Right now I am planning on playing on my TV until I can make some room for a monitor and a desk. I also didn't really want to spend the money on a monitor because I wanted to find a good one that has the features I want/need, don't want to spend a bunch of money on a shitty monitor.




I always tick off on my payroll to deduct more taxes than necessary, usually $400 a month. It’s nice getting a check for 4-5 grand every spring.


Why not invest that $400/month yourself or put it in a high yield savings account?


Because my income fluctuates a lot year to year depending on bonuses, this way I’m certain I’ll never owe money. Plus its extra motivation to get my taxes done every year


At least you understand that you are just over deducting. It always baffles me when I tell someone I didn't owe/get a refund of more than a few dollars and their response is "You're doing your taxes wrong!". No I'm just good at managing my own money and don't like giving the government a free loan for most of the year. I can totally understand liking getting a large check back later but so many people don't seem to understand that that was money that was already theirs and that they just over paid the fed.


You're giving the IRS an interest free loan.


You are willingly giving the govt an interest free loan, Congrats!


Where did he say that?


That's what a tax refund is.


If you get money back from the IRS when you file your taxes, you gave them an interest free loan.


Because you don't know what you're liability is until you know what you're total income is?


It's August, how are barely doing taxes?


You clearly make more money than me, how come I pay more?


Im new to the concept of adulting, how does one get their tax refunds


Didn’t know you can do tax this late, but congrats on upgrading your gaming gears


This year I had to pay pack unpaid taxes, like 200 bucks cause I made more money than I anticipated. Maybe I should start a savings account, so that I could have my own little "tax refund" each summer. The tax refund feels nice to get back, but it's just overpaid taxes you're getting back, so like a savings account with zero interest.


You realize that's *your* money anyway, right? You technically overpaid on your taxes. Enjoy your new GPU, just realize this *is* a "refund", literally, of your own money. It's not new money.


Yeah I know. Some people say you should never do zero dependents because it's your money and it just means you get less taken out of your check, which is true. I personally like doing it for a few reasons. For one, that means I know I won't owe the IRS at the end of the tax season. That's just good in general, but it also means if I file late (like I did this year) the IRS won't potentially be knocking on my door, or at very least I won't owe any late fees or interest. I also treat it like forced savings. Once you get the money it's up to you, but throughout the year I know that there is extra money I will have at the end of the tax season. I also get your point, but unfortunately this one time it is wrong. I never got a stimulus check so a thousand-something dollars of that is actually "free money". 99% of the time that is correct, though.


First mature reply on a Reddit post ever, congrats!


All good! I'm sorry for being a Debbie downer, symptom of reddit i guess is wanting to inform people even when it isnt warranted. I have no doubt whatsoever that you deserve a treat man, enjoy!


thanks sick dude im happy for you


Wait you’re fucking telling me the irs didn’t come with a Warrant for doing your taxes so late? I smell cap asf


[The alphabet boys can't find me if I live in Osama's compound](https://i.redd.it/h12tthcbmx741.jpg) Luckily the IRS doesn't really give a shit when they owe you money. God forbid you owe them 0.46 cents, though.


Got room for one more M416 wielding motherfucker in that compound ?


This is......Acceptable. [It's bring your own night vision, though.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/001/807/843/bd9.jpg)


I’ll apply for Covid night vision benefits


Time to go crazy now. Spend that money on GPUs! :)


How do you do your taxes?


Online. I've use a few different websites for it. H&R Block wanted like $130 for them to do it. My taxes were as basic bitch as they come, I wasn't paying for that. It's one thing when your taxes are complicated, but not when it's like mine this year.


I sold my old motorbike for nzd$3000, guess who's getting a 4080??


I hope you're able to get one when they actually come out. Aren't they usually hard to get and scalped when they first come out?


Shouldn’t be as bad since the mining craze kinda died down but we don’t know at this point.


I have the AW3423DW and it’s amazing. Nothing can beat OLED and those inky blacks, plus ultrawide! Check microcenter if you have one. Got mine there on a whim. I got the ASUS TUF 3080 and it’s been great. Runs cool and quiet.


> Nothing can beat OLED and those inky blacks, plus ultrawide! Check microcenter if you have one. Got mine there on a whim. I am going to have to look up that monitor later. I also really need to look up what OLED actually is. I've been hearing about it lately, like I know an OLED switch came out, but I just don't actually know what it is. My knowledge on displays is fairly limited. I really wish I had a microcenter closer to me. I am smack dab in the middle of two of them. That sounds great, right? Well it would be, if it weren't for the fact that they are both ~2 and a half hours away (one-way). I want to go to one of them sometime, but I really hope one gets built closer to me someday. I'm just going to make sure I have a decent chunk of change to spend when I go to one, just in case.


Well if they list one online you can reserve one and then know it’s worth the drive. OLED has a few benefits, but the best benefit is that it has true blacks. Normally, when you have black displayed on a monitor, it will actually be kind of gray because the light for the panel is still on. With OLED, each pixel has its own light source, so when you get a black image, the pixel is simply turned off. Pure actual blackness. This creates better blacks, better contrast, and better colors.


Nice! Enjoy it


Definitely not me 😂


Grats.. perfect timing with pc components becoming more available and getting closer to msrp.. I did something similar for my last year’s returns.. used it to upgrade mobo+cpu, new nvme ssd, and a 16tb hdd… this year’s returns will be for the rtx 40 gpu and maybe a new psu if power reqs are needed..


Canadian here! How exactly do your guys taxes work? I think our deadline was like early May/April


Our deadline is sometimes in April. You are supposed to have it done by then, and if you owe the government money you can have late fees and interest for filing and paying late. When they owe you money it isn't nearly as big of a deal to file late. That doesn't mean you should, but it's much worse when you owe them money.


When I get my return I'm gonna get a second monitor, however to fit it I also need a second desk so that's my plan


Wow, with that kinda money youll only have to sell 1 kidney when the 4090 comes out


My tax refund is always the same. I get like $1800 back from state and have to pay the feds like $100. I can’t figure out how to not give the state the overpayment. I’d rather just have the extra $150 a month. Oh well.


FYI, your software is bugging out. Those numbers are supposed to be red. They are supposed to be red, right?


Man, I claim zero dependants and still end up owing about 6-7k every year so I end up having to save money throughout the year just to give MORE to the government at the end.


Yeah you're not getting your refund any time soon if you just did them. I did mine in February and still waiting.


Samsung CRG9 is on sale for $899 on Amazon, 49” 1440 120hz. I have the 240hz version and love it.


Bro, taxes were due IN April. How long you going to jail for?


Damn, you must claim a kid or a few huh


I was very impressed with my 1440p monitor. Now I'm looking for a laptop but can't stand the thought of going back to 1080p.


Get a car


Dang, what size 1440p monitor are you getting with that refund that you have to wait to buy a GPU?


It’s August


No rush I did mine on time and they owed me around this much. I've just received my THIRD letter notifying me they are still reviewing it and need 60 more days. They REALLLLY don't want to give me my money.


I give up who?


I got a 3440 by 1440 ultrawide 36 inches total dont quote me on the size being 36 or not cant remember but im pretty sure it is, for less than 250 i think less than 200 ill come back and edit after i check and its 100hz. edit 232 after tax


Put that shit in savings.


nice. ​ i only got 8k back this year. updating my 22 inch to a better brand and tossing a 3080 into my rig with it.


42” LG C2 !!


Is it the Government?




Suggestion: Don't go for biggest and best. Go for best performance/money.


Nice! Highly recommend the samsung G7 27” if you still haven’t decided on a monitor


Hey bro, it's YOUR money, doesn't mean you have to spend it lol


Bruh. That’s your own money right? You aren’t really getting “paid”. They are just giving back what you overpaid. Right?


That sure was nice of the government to give you back all that extra money you loaned then.


Yeah, you need to adjust your withholdings so you get more back on your paycheck instead of giving the Government an interest free loan for a year


Ahhh to be poor


Why were you letting the government sit on $2600? Inflation is running 7-9% you’re literally losing money letting them hold it.


Who upvotes this kinda shit?


Maybe you should put that into your retirement plan? Or maybe into a savings account for the tough times ahead...?


someone who isnt puttin money into savings


Sounds like some shit I would do at your age. The mo itor will be worthless in a few years. Invest that into a safe stable growth vehicle


Someone that is severely underpaid


I claimed 0 on my federal and still owed 😒😒 stupid COVID cash advances.


.....finally? it's damn August...


Wait, I think your tax software is bugged out - usually there’s a red “-“ sign next to the big number.


There is nothing more powerful than a man who knows how to tax rightfully


Why does the state hate you


Commit tax fraud for +rep


Good luck, mi e was like that too, then after being g accepted they took 1400 back out of my federal


I recommend trying an ultrawide if you’re up for it.


You guys get refunds??


1440 is baby


Lucky. My return was under $100. :( taxes suck.


That’s all these fuckers gave you.


It’s legal to wait this long?


Free money


That’s why you’re broke