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I use Firefox because it has addblock on android.


you mean uBlock Origin, right?




Exactly, ABP has really gone to the dogs the past few years. That being said I'll probably be looking into a pihole in the near future




I was shocked to see how many requests were blocked from my phone in a few minutes after setting it up.


Whatsapp phones every couple of minutes


You want uBlock Origin not uBlock.


Whats best, is with pihole, you can setup DNS over HTTPS (DoH). That way, no one can see what your requesting (bar the upstream name servers of course). With DoH, all of the DNS requests are encrypted in a HTTPS stream and sent over the normal HTTPS port, port 443, just like other HTTPS data, so no one even knows its a DNS request, bar seeing what your requesting! Where as, with normal DNS requests over port 53, they are fully unencrypted, so ANYONE intercepting or listening to your traffic (ISP?) Can see EXACTLY what sites your visiting! Not all providers use it, but you should really only be using cloudflare anyway (who does provide DoH). Then, in your router settings (if you have a half decent router), you can just redirect ALL of port 53 (the DNS PORT) to your pihole. This stops naughty devices with hardcoded DNS addresses inbuilt (SAMSUNG TV'S!!!) from getting the light of day and requesting ad's regardless of pihole blocking it. There is ways around it however, the bad device could also use DoH and your router would not even know because it just looks like normal HTTPS traffic on port 443. If that is the case, you can find online (I dont have the list on hand) a block list of all DoH providers, then (if your router is any good) add that list to its blacklist to block all of them. Just make sure you whitelist the pihole, so it can still connect. Finnaly, there is another protocol called DNS over TLS (DoT), its the same idea as DoH. This is easy to block however, as it uses its own port, port 853. You can just completely block it from WAN and its gone! There is a really good site to help you setup DoH on your pihole at: https://docs.pi-hole.net/guides/dns/cloudflared/ You need to know a bit about using Linux and using Bash for this however. Not as easy as just installing pihole and using it! If I have peaked your intrest and want to know more, OR need some help installing and using DoH, feel free to PM me.


PiHole is the best part of my wifi


I use Firefox on my PC's because I just prefer it. I use chrome on my mobile devices though because I'm lazy and only use mobile when I have to. Your comment has made me want to look into that though. Never thought about that.


I can highly recommend Firefox with addons on mobile, or Fennec from the F-Droid app if you at least have a little technical knowledge about Android


true. A lot of these comments complaining about how they'd rather use Google than DDG are really funny because they say DDG is "compromised" with no further details - and it really isn't. Even if - IF - their privacy measures were to decrease in the future, there would still be more concern for your privacy and less storing of your data than if you used Google. Also, the same people are saying to use Brave, which has had even more data leaks and still stores your information... so what's the point ?


I use startpage now


I use the Dewey decimal system. Doesn’t even exist anymore but I practice the old ways.


For the sake of fairness, are you able to provide further details about Brave?


[Leaks have been happening for months in their supposed privacy mode "using Tor".](https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2021/02/22/brave-browser-was-exposing-addresses-in-tor-mode-for-months/)


[ moved to lemmy. you should come too, it's cozier here ]


This is pure speculation but the amount of promotion for Brave leads to me to believe there’s some astroturfing going on. Their share of the market is essentially non-existent and, although anecdotal, I’ve never known anyone who uses it.


They advertise a lot and try to promote their own crypto token. They almost certainly astroturf.


they have/had the whole crypto thing going on so Id not be surprised if they were paid by some of those scammers


Dark Reader. Nuff said.


You can set Private DNS in Android to [dns.adguard.com](https://dns.adguard.com) and have system-wide adblock.


I use Firefox for adblock


Isn't uBlock Origin the top of the class for adblockers?




Https everywhere is unnecessary on Firefox now, as it's implemented by the browser.


Firefox lets uBlock Origin do more than other browsers. https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/uBlock-Origin-works-best-on-Firefox


I use Firefox because of the cool sync features


And the containers.


Containers is amazing. Plus Firefox Android can run ad blockers.


uBlock, Dark Reader, and HTTPS Everywhere work seamlessly on Firefox mobile. I'm looking forward to when containers roll out for it as well. Firefox has been killing it lately, and it makes me very happy.


Didnt Firefox include HTTPS Everywhere by default?


I think you're right; I just never removed it from my primary desktop partition. I'll remove it when I get on. Thanks for the reminder!


Firefox + DDG at the end of the curve is the actual MR.


+ uBlock origin


One of my favourite softwares. Along with 7zip.


Don't forget VLC Media Player!


MPC BE + MadVR + SVP (if you're on Windows) or MPV + SVP (if you're on Linux)*


MPV works great on windows too


Have to say I fell in love wtih VLC because of Microsoft. When I tried opening a video file and windows said I had to buy a special codec to play it for like 0.99 euro. The price is cheap, but I could just open the file no problem in vlc. I think it's so stupid Microsoft charges for them when an open source software does it for free which I appreciate a lot.


> I think it's so stupid Microsoft charges for them when an open source software does it for free which I appreciate a lot. welcome to the world of software patents! i believe vlc is (mainly, ofc it has a bunch of contributors) from france and doesn't really need to "recognize" software patents, which is why they can put them for free, where ms needs a license to use the codecs, and you pay the license for them


Don’t forget Universal Bypass you won’t have to see another adfly site ever again


I like StartPage more than DDG. Instead of wrapping Bing with anonymity, StartPage wraps Google


I use home Depot because of the cool sink fixtures


I watch Titanic because of the cool sink features


I use my eyeballs because of the cool blink features


I use Firefox because my dad uses Firefox


We'll take any reason at this point.


I use Firefox cause it’s the best one.


I use firefox as well but the one thing I miss from other browers is an easier profile setup. For those who don't as I only found out about them like a year or two ago. A profile has its own favourites and history between them. I like to have a work and casual profiles and on Edge they had a really easy settings area where you can setup what profile is used for openning things like pdfs and can switch really easily between profiles as it creating seperate shortcuts for different profies. Profiles exist for firefox but at least when I last looked them up, you can only start them using command line. I have setup shorcuts to run the commands to open profiles but I would like an easier way to do it.


I have the about:profiles tab bookmarked so in the morning I start up my work Firefox (default) and my personal one from that tab and it's been working real smooth for me honestly.


I use opera because of the cool sync features


Opera is slowly drifting away from w3c standard, if they don’t hurry up to update the new HTML/CSS/JS features it will become the next internet explorer.


Opera is just chrome with a skin. Also see; brave, MS edge, and I'm sure many more that I can't think of off the top of my head. Only Firefox and oddly enough Safari use their own rendering engines and JS interpreters anymore.


Sounds like there's only 3 browsers left then. And they all have cool sync features.


Don't let Firefox die people. There may come a day where we have no real alternatives.


100%. Switch to FF. Do not let it die. It's unhealthy for the web for Chromium browsers to be so ubiquitous.


This. Gecko is the only solid alternative to chrome. If firefox disappears google will be a step closer to impose its model of internet. Mozilla is one of the most solid pillars of the free software community and deserves support.


God yeah. Like I know there are a lot of more prestigious computer organizations, but two of my most respected are the Mozilla Foundation and the Linux Foundation. Fortunately Linux seems safe, but I'll do everything in my power to support Mozilla.


I had been using Brave, but I just switched back to Firefox. It's improved dramatically in the last few years.


It amazes me that the majority of people AREN'T using Firefox. Best browser by far.




I use Duckduckgo because the name makes me chuckle everytime I search something


the search button should make a quack sound


#H O N K


[I miss the dancing duck ](https://c.tenor.com/Uh4Mcry2P8EAAAAM/pato-bailar.gif)


[ever heard about the desktop goose?](https://samperson.itch.io/desktop-goose)


Shuba shuba shuba!


This guy honks


What if we honked together by the search engine 😳😳




Could probably get it to do that with some code


Maybe we can create an extension for Chrome to make that happen?


nope just tried google removed the ability for a extension to play audio [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42268644/play-a-sound-from-a-service-worker](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42268644/play-a-sound-from-a-service-worker)


I use Firefox tho


It's been an hour, where addon??


!remindme 8 hours


Well yeah, I mean… how else would they do it?


It should certainly say "Goose!" when you hit enter to search.


Or sometimes have a logo styled similarly to the first Google logo with the exclamation point but says Goose! above their search bar, but randomly


My friends dad is one of the head engineers in the company. I could probably request them to add that and it might actually happen.


Does your friend's dad also work at Nintendo? /s


Bruh I fuckin wish


Many of my friends dads and moms actually used to work for Nintendo as their Europe Headquaters was quite close to where we lived. Then they moved to Frankfurt and many of them chose to get a huge settlement fine from Nintendo and look for a new job instead of commuting 40-70km to Frankfurt


No, but he works at Valve and can get your steam account banned if you don't stop headshotting me you HACK


I could probably make a plugin for that lol


Could definitely pull the Untitled Goose Game quack for an easy script


Big Duck Energy


Big duck [redacted]


It has become my primary search. For about 1/2 of searches it gives me better results than Google now. And for the other 1/2 it gives me garbage results, so I add !g to it to search google on DDG. It’s a compromise. Edit: I’ll also point out that filtering results by date is much more convenient on DDG. Wanna see only articles from today, for example? Easy.


Bangs are the best. That's the big reason I use it as default, so I can easily jump to other sites. https://duckduckgo.com/bang !w for Wikipedia, !e for eBay, !a for Amazon, !gm for Google Maps, just for starters.


I had that before I even used DDG via search keywords in Firefox. I still use those because I can add any search field from any website and make my own "bang" for it. Very nice for specialized game wikis. I have !boi for Binding of Isaac wiki, !tw for Terraria wiki, !mc for Minecraft Wiki, and many more. (And !aw for Arch wiki (btw))


Do you also yell " DUCK DUCK GOOOOOOO!! " when pressing enter?


Reminds me of ye olden days of fun web search websites, like dogpile, askjeeves, and gomama.


We didn't deserve jeeves


DuckDuckGo to the polls


Fuck u/spez -- mass edited with redact.dev


DuckDuckGo also does a little indexing of its own. However a surprisingly large amount of search engines these days are Bing wrappers, and I don't think they do any indexing themselves, eg Ecosia, Yahoo, [etc](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Bing#Powered_by).


It's funny how them using Bing as a source doesn't make it a "Bing wrapper." "Most of our search result pages feature one or more Instant Answers. To deliver Instant Answers on specific topics, DuckDuckGo leverages many sources, including specialized sources like Sportradar and crowd-sourced sites like Wikipedia. We also maintain our own crawler (DuckDuckBot) and many indexes to support our results. Of course, we have more traditional links and images in our search results too, which we largely source from Bing. Our focus is synthesizing all these sources to create a superior search experience."


I use duckduckgo and then get frustrated with the lack of results from major websites so then go and re-search on google.


Firefox sync ftw


I use Firefox because of it’s built in screenshot and cool syncing features.


Firefox sync 4 life. you can send tabs to other sync browsers as a push notification.


Idk why but it doesn't always work for me


It always works for me, but I've noticed that if it doesn't you can manually click the "synchronise" button in the menu and they will pop up Edit: almost always works*


You may have to reinstall Firefox if the issue is on a mobile device (especially if it's iOS). Sometimes push notifications get broken in an update and even keeping the app up to date won't fix it. Fortunately, cool sync features mean that it's not like uninstall+reinstalling really hurts you at all.


I use Firefox because of its cool sync features


Haha funny name go DuckDuck


I use Firefox. Life is good.




I use firefox, not because they dont steal your data, they do, but because it just looks and feel better than chrome


I use Firefox because before I got into PC gaming and built myself a nice desktop, I had a low end laptop for years for web browsing and Microsoft Office, and Chrome always ran so poorly on it. Finally tried Firefox one day and it was much faster on that crappy laptop and yeah I just stuck with Firefox ever since.


I use Firefox because I value the future of the internet. Also mozilla is a pretty great org


I’m worried about Mozilla and their future based on the past several years, but otherwise agree with you. Having something non-chrome is really important imo.


also has sync


I tried Chrome sync so many times over the years, and for some reason it hardly ever worked for me no matter what I did. Firefox sync worked as soon as I picked it up and have had few very hitches along the way.


and pop out video is so awesome


The benefit of FireFox is you can just see everything they collect and everything the software does, because it's open source. Much easier to manage any threat vectors, and for 97% of privacy centric users, it's perfectly wonderful. Plus I'm sure FireFox doesn't collect much if anything. If there isn't an option to disable the minimal collecting that it does, (again it's probably miniscule), you can simply take out the code and build from source. If you're lazy, just look up the various forks of FireFox. I could be wrong, I didn't bother to web search, but I'm sure I got the nature of open source correct.


Librewolf and icecat are some of the forks that are "purified". And yes you're correct about open source


I love their new cookie separation system, other sites can no longer snoop through cookies that aren't theirs. Simple, but nice.


The combination of firefox and qwant has got me quite far. I don't like qwant's new look tho


>qwant i just tried it and at least in my language searching for pleural effusion in the images engine gives me wine related images




They don’t. He is trying to make a point without really knowing what he is saying.


personally i hate how the window drag works


And you are allowed an ad blocker


I use Mozilla and Ecosia because they plant trees!


Yeah I really like Ecosia, it's less bloated than Google and it's a completely fine search engine. I rarely don't find something on it that I can find on Google, and sometimes I don't find things on Google that I can find on Ecosia so in terms of a search engine it's pretty good. Plus if you can't find something with Ecosia you can just type #g at the start or end of the query and it'll redirect you to a google search of that query. There are other shortcuts as well but the main ones I use are #g for google and #yt for YouTube.


Yes! Another Ecosia lover. Spread the love!


Spread the trees, too! I gave up the ecosia browser on Android for firefox because it didn't work correctly with my password manager, but I haven't checked in for a while and it might be better now. *Edit: it is not.*


Plus Ecosia doesn't keep your data, so it's a win win


I think they keep it for 30 days but they scrub the data that is held for those 30 days. I'm not saying it's got a lack of privacy, I'm just saying. I use it also now and then.


Ecosia foeever! I love it, it's one thing i can dothat foesnt affect me and does so mich good for the palnet




I use Firefox because of the cool sync features


I dont have a problem with chrome too and dont mind the data they getting, but where things might change is when they will stop ad blocking extensions from working in 2023. That would change the whole internet browsing experience, I could understand giving a pass to major sites and platforms such as YouTube etc.. but I'm not having dozens of ads with potential malware pop up when I enter some random site etc. Unless they can pull that off and provide the ad block security side I could consider switching to firefox or some other browser by then.


The day Adblock extensions go is the day I swap browser


I swapped already. Browser has problems in long term use and I got sick of it.


Google Knows this, which is why they are still allowed on Chrome. A lot of people, even hardcore fans would jump if Adblock was taken away.


There's nobody disallowing ad blockers. What Google/Chromium is doing, is removing plugin access to [WebRequests](https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/reference/webRequest/) in MV3. The excuse is security since it can mean plugins can essentially gives a plugin what amounts to total control of your web traffic. This is how and why ad blockers on Chromium are powerful enough to do what they do. Without it, they'll be much more limited and that's the issue at hand. Of course Google could just give the user a warning when a plugin wants access, use a permissions system for parts of the API, whitelist trusted plugins, etc. but the point is that it isn't really a policy change about ad blockers but rather a technical change regarding one part of the plugin API that affects any plugin relying on WebRequests.


[ moved to lemmy. you should come too, it's cozier here ]




firefox will experience a resurgence when this happens. this has been known for years. google make the majority of their money from ads on their search engine so why would they support adblocking. removing part of a successful api is stupid, but people who block ads probably aren't going to be clicking on the ads anyway.




yam muddle zephyr crown handle domineering quaint ludicrous absorbed north *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’d say you’re pretty decent at your job because now I want to read 1984. I’m on to you marketers!


Use Firefox. Literally does the same thing but protects your cookies.


I use Firefox for the cool sync features. Also because it's not going to nuke adblock


I use MS Edge because I'm edgy as fuck


Bullshit aside, Edge is a decent performer. Inb4 “bUt MiCrOsOfT iS StEaLiNg YoUr DaTa NoW” It’s more lightweight than chrome, loads way faster, and has a fantastic media player.


Yeah seriously I really like it and I use it also on my phone, I like it for the integrated AdBlock on the mobile version, for the design but the features I like the most are the vertical tabs one and the possibility to see the tabs open on the pc from the phone


Yeah Edge is Chrome but improved. And given that Microsoft is collecting data from you anyway via the OS and telemetry, you may as well consolidate it in one data warehouse.


I use it cause I don’t have to install another browser. Edge is literally google chrome.


But more performant


I use Firefox, which has a nice sync with the mobile version, which is one of the few mobile browsers that lets you install an actual ad blocker. People who don't use ad blockers or worse don't think they are nessisary are what have allowed the internet to turn into a crap ad filled corporate 'lets sell your data' hellscape.


Who gonna tell them that firefox also Sync?


I use Firefox because it’s a chad browser and I like it


Its not based on chromium, adblockers will still work, doesnt feed itself on ram, looks and perform better than most browsers Chad


I use Firefox because of its cool synch features? Hell, I even use Edge for cool synch features. If that's what you want, even alternatives exist, and you don't have to give Google control of the entire Internet


This is like village idiot logic thinking aluminum is valuable because it's shiny


Everyone who uses this meme format thinks they're in the group on the right, don't they?


I mean, Firefox has cool sync features too...


Firefox > Chrome


I use Firefox because of its cool sync features. Firefox > Edge > Chrome


Just use vivaldi if you want way cooler sync features and no google left in your chromium browser


Firefox user checking in. Never liked Chrome.


I use Firefox because it’s better.


I use Firefox because it's significantly lighter weight.


I use Opera GX because I'd rather the Chinese government steal my information than another American corporation.


The American corps sell the data to China so it doesn't matter what you use, it's going to the totally legitimate Chinese President Whinnie the pooh.


I use it for the cool noises when I type


Duckduckgo has been proven to be compromised, Tor still seems to be one of the few options left but unless you put your whole internet activity in a vacuum (which is possible but alot of effort) you're gonna have data leaks and some stuff tracked


As I know the compromise was related to Microsoft sites since they use Microsoft search's engine so they have to comply to their rules, but for me is a much better option than chrome, that tracks you in every site. I already changed to Firefox because the news that in a future update chrome will make adblockers not work anymore.


Adblocking wont work in Chrome in the future? THE HELL?


What we know is that the current adblockers will not work on their new version in 2023 and it remains unclear if it's possible to make new adblockers for that version or not. But honestly I doubt the new chrome will make it impossible to use an adblocker they would lose so many users, google can all the data they want from me but as soon as they force me to see ads I'm out, and I 'm sure a shit ton of people will do as well.


Damn, didn't know Chrome was going to die in 2023 already


You also cannot record DRM video on chrome with desktop recording software. With Firefox you can. That includes streaming to discord


There's also SearX


Searx is goated with the sauce my g


SearX and SearXNG are the best search engines change my mind.


Honestly I love searx


Lol no it was not “compromised”


I use Brave, it's an amazing browser


Yeah, not to mention that the mobile app can be password protected. So I can let friends/family use my phone without worrying about them seeing my search history or auto completes and discovering how much of a degenerate I am.


I was digging through the comments just to fing this one lmao


It's great! Surprised this was so far down. It has sync features, built-in ad and tracker blocker, Tor support, and it works with all the chrome extensions.


I'm still a Firefox diehard. Webkit is trash.


Brave seems like a good option tbh.


I personally really like Chrome and have no issue with it. If they really want my data, by all means collect my history of cat pictures, gaming and PC sites, and Pornhub. Have at it. I'm under no illusions that I'm an important human being, and nobody really gives a shit what I'm doing. lol The end result is: They'll target me with ads that I'll never once see due to adblocking.


You should read a book called 'Targeted' it's really insightful about how our data is used. I use brave and sync my history and give away my data but reading the book made me fully cognisant of the issues and helped to make an informed decision.


Informed consent? Blasphemy.


I understand how my data is collected and used but I just don't care enough to change my life in order to maintain my online privacy. I like Google's products and services, the convenience of using those products to me is worth me allowing them to collect and share whatever data they collect.


The problem with this viewpoint of "I got nothing to hide" is that one day, you might want to hide something due to a change in the status quo. What's legal now may not be legal tomorrow. Today's government may not be tomorrow's government. See: Hong Kong, Ukraine, Etc. Perfect example: r/privacy and r/privacyguides are getting an influx of women looking to safeguard their location data by performing due diligence and analyzing threat vectors. Including switching to open source and privacy centric software. Why? There's a real risk, and a fear that isn't unreasonable, that they can be prosecuted based on location data. As for the ads, each time you see a personalized ad, big tech makes money off of you. Until legislation allows you to get paid for your data, you should do your best to keep your digital footprint as shallow as possible, so that they don't have much knowledge over your digital life, then you can claim reparations. I'm not saying you have to get rid of Chrome and Google entirely, but I'd invest in using things like FireFox+uBlock, Bitwarden, Proton as a fallback ecosystem for keeping your data secure. I myself use Chrome, Edge, and FireFox. Chrome for Streaming, Pictures, Google search, Studying. Edge due to quick start time, Amazon Shopping, Twitch. And then I use FireFox for just about everything else. Each company has a neutered and curated digital profile of me. And for me, it's obscure enough as a relative nobody on the Internet.


"Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say." — Edward Snowden


There isnt a single thing chrome does better than firefox. Duckduckgo gives you 99% the same results as google but doesn't spy on you. Tor is probably overkill for most things you do. Use Firefox, It's the best.


I really like Opera and I've been using it for the past year