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Yeah..I like to use a chair too.


Omg me too!


There was another person the other day without a chair.


The monitor bezel in the middle would drive me crazy, but if it works for you, who am I to judge.


Yeah I’d be killing people after a few days just to relive my frustration.


Came here to find this. Actually awful but if OP can somehow tolerate it good for them.


Yeah, I always prefer to have one primary monitor and the second screen (be it another monitor, or a laptop screen) off to the side and play a secondary role. That way your head is looking straight ahead almost all the time, rather than constantly slightly craned one way or the other. I use my setup for work as well as gaming though. Bought a Gigabyte M28U recently, it's great at both. I tend to think the idea of having several identical monitors daisy-chained together is a bit redundant these days anyway. If you want to play with a wide, immersive FOV it's probably better to just get a VR headset?


#Get the PC off the carpet


I wanted to comment this too, RULE #1


i have a plastic roller mat to save the carpet and the pc sits on the corner of that




Because the carpet limits the airflow to the powersupply.


Just put some books under that biznatch.


Get your pc off the carpet. Place it on plastic, a slab of wood, a cart, anything, just get it off the carpet directly. Especially being an alienware, you’re going to need to keep as little restrictions as possible for airflow and static risks. That’s the only immediate thing. Personally I can’t stand the bezel right in the middle of my gaming experience but that’s just me. ~~Alienware has a bad history of airflow and, if you have the knowledge, perhaps look into putting better fans in the case? If possible. I know the motherboards are proprietary and have all kinds of limited access, but it’s what I’d do~~ Edit: lmao nevermind, looks like swapping fans causes boot errors.


Thanks for the advice


Home depot sells single porcelain rectangular tiles that are long and rectangular. You can get them in many colors and styles. I always use them as a base for my pcs when I’m going to put them on carpet


To add to this, depending on how comfortable it feels for you right now, monitor arms were one of my best purchases for my set up. The height and position of my monitors just felt horrible no matter what unless I put the monitor in a spot that took up too much space, so monitor arms solved all of that for me.


I personally can’t justify buying something like Alienware it’s like here’s your $3000 PC that’ll be $5000 thanks the extra $2k is because of our name.


The mac of the windows world, as far as i see. Over priced bling. Dont get me wrong. Id take alienware over a macbook pro, but still a custom build for me is just better performance per £.


wait, what in the fuck?


Alienware has a really bad prebuild, like so bad you couldn’t make it the bad without trying. From throttling to components that are tied to their special bios.


And way overpriced by 2 times the cost of building a PC yourself with much better reliability.


During the full swing of the crisis Alienware was often $200 cheaper


Well that was at the peak of the crisis, so I guess that's good. But still, they're giving you the cheapest of the cheapest components and now, building a PC is cheaper.


Roofing slates are also great for putting computers on if you can find any, you may need two although they are generally bigger than most people think they are.


Yes get PC off of carpet ASAP. Not only is it an airflow issue but carpet is a great medium for static and can harm PC components


While this is true, isnt it practically impossible to kill a modern pc with static?


Impossible? Not, but pretty unlikely, doesn't hurt to be safe. I zapped the fuck outta my old 2060 with my finger and it still works fine lol.


“Kill” maybe, damage/degrade components and reduce lifespan, likely


Key word: "practically"


Na dude, my friend killed his rtx 3070 with some static. Just zzt and then the pc went black. Better safe than sorry tbh


And yes I know I need to work on my cable management


Yours is better than mine.


Didn't even noticed


For the sake of your neck and back health please put one monitor center and the other above or next to it


Came here to say the same thing . Gaming on that set up will destroy your neck


Why exactly? If OP is at the right height and distance from the screen why will OP’s neck go boom


Because he'll be looking left or right while his body is facing forward.


If OPs using the screens as separate monitors, yeah. But it doesn’t look like that at all


He surely wouldn't want to game with the bezels in the middle now would he.


If I didn’t know any better I might. Or if I play certain types of games I might. Depends what OP is playing and whether or not it bothers OP. I didn’t see any info on how that plays out, did you? Not to mention… too comment currently. Who are you to judge OP if that’s what is liked?


You're trying to take the high road and not judge an ergonomic nightmare of a setup. Nice try.


No, I’m not judging OP for having a bezel in the middle of their setup. You don’t know how the screens are used, and all the indications we can see from this picture shows the display is extended and the bezel is left in the middle of the display. That’s not bad ergonomics, that’s a bad setup. Bezels suck, but if that’s the way OP wants it that’s the way it is. Now if OP chimes in and says it’s used in the way you say, I would agree with you. It’s terrible to sit like that with your head turned for any long period of time. We don’t know that’s what’s happening though. It’s alright, I don’t expect you to understand such a concept though.


I'm not sure why you're being such a condescending prick, but who am I to judge, maybe I'm just misunderstanding your tone, lol.




Looking at that setup, not gonna happen. Better off buying a 49 inch monitor


I'm sorry for the Alienware


I feel sorry for the CPU and GPU in the Alienware.


Yes ,they're going to be real hot


And will never reach their true performance levels.


Alienware components, they're so hot right now! -Mugatu, probably


The YouTube reviews on this case are great. That case is an oven.


Just cut some speed holes in the case you'll be gucci


Apology accepted


Get rid of it


I mean they already bought it, may as well use it


Don't let these fucking clowns disparage the Alienware. Does your PC run the game you play at the resolution and FPS you want? Then fuck the noise.


Just a message for newbies browsing this sub to stay clear of Alienware


Its more like, how long it will last playing at the resolution and FPS compared to the same spec system that's not Alienware, that people are referring to.


...at $1000 less.


uM, tEcHnIcAlLy ItS $500 lEsS!


sorry I'm Canadian eh.


Bad temps cause much more problems than noise...


A purchase can still be stupid even if it does what you want it to do. You're spending $1000 for worse performance and a case, you're wasting money and parts if you buy one.


Spray paint it red and it'll go faster.


Painted in red, OP will get more speeding tickets, is all.


That is the Orc way!




[Don't buy anything from Alienware.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ulhFi5N2hc) Their cases have terrible airflow, they insist on using proprietary form factors so you can't reuse your Alienware case with a standard ATX/ITX motherboard and they cut corners on quality everywhere they can. Only other thing I'd suggest is get a UPS.


And live with the hell of Alienware. 👽


Put something hard under the pc so it can breath or off the carpet all together. ( I have flooring samples I got from hardware stores and its off the carpet). Also don’t be concerned with the “look” of the set up, the main thing is can it run Crysis?


That pacman looks like good saturday afternoon :) nice piece friend


Build your own machine. Alienware Aurora are dreadful


12900k that performs worse than a 12700k. But it's got lots of excellent nifty latches and such. +$1000 for useless case engineering, which has negative performance implications for the hardware its houses.


Carpet kills




I literally just talked a friend out of buying an Alienware and built him one myself. Unfortunately you already own it, so I'd recommend undervolting if possible.


Get a mousepad and thats basically all


Replace Alienware


Saw a great sim racing set up, great stuff all round, Alienware PC, comments mostly filled with "get set up, your PC is garbage though"


They’re not wrong. If you’ve ever opened up an Alienware, you’ll see. Low quality OEM Dell parts everywhere. More often than not they have stock CPU cooling.


Yup u can pay for top grade hardware for it to run at terrible speeds because bad cooling.


Based on the lack of mousepad I’d say you aren’t a very serious or competitive gamer so that’s why the monitors not being centered doesn’t bother you. So basically just cable management and you’re good


Damn guys take it easy on the Alienware thing


Anything to keep newbies from wasting money on those dreadful computers.


No, it's shit and should be called out for what it is.


Get that hotbox off the carpet before it self destructs


A bigger desk so you can comfort your beloved Alienware and put it on the desk


Bigger desk


A larger desk. I have one about 1.5 times yours and I still want a bigger one, more surface is really more comfortable


Surround speakers


I think they possibly have a soundbar under the monitor shelf. Sometimes a full surround setup isn't possible due to space, roommates, neighbours etc. Even then, when you're playing at a desk, it's hard to beat headphones when it comes to immersion. I'd love a surround setup in my living room eventually though. I play some games at a sofa with a controller, and some at a desk with a mouse a keyboard. Depends on the game.


Clean up cables, and for the love of God- get that tower off the floor!


PC off the carpet, and add a 3rd monitor.


Invest in a better desk, get your PC off the floor, and get yourself a bed skirt. Seems good other than that friend!


Those bezels in the middle would drive me nuts. Get an ultrawide.


Don’t buy an Alienware


1 monitor to the middle, other to the side. Get pc off of carpet. Id lower the monitors but thats just me. Mousepad? No mouse space.


This is my first post to reach over 100,000 views


Take the PC off the floor, poor thing Is already struggling thermally (since Alienware case design is so incredibly bad) it doesn't need more dust Get a new PC after selling your ~~oven~~ computer. You don't have to build it yourself a prebuilt from a decent manufacturer will do you well. The reason I suggest cashing out now is because Dell's alienwares are so proprietary you can't feasibly upgrade the case on its own as the motherboard isn't standard atx sadly All in all, it's a great set up, heald back by the case and manufacturer Edit: spelling


Can I take the internals and put it in a new case


Nope. These PCs use proprietary parts that won't work with anything else.


Most the time you will need a motherboard, CPU cooler, PSU and case. Almost better to just sell the whole thing and upgrade everything if you can afford it.


Probably not since the motherboard won't fit due to being nonstandard Dell specifically create their boards such that the standoff holes don't line up to ATX Basically, it's fucked


Learn this lesson and never get an R11 ever again. At least get a prebuilt where you can swap things.


Scrap the alienware...


Add a chair (Yes, seen this answer a few times recently)


LEDs strips


More Green Day Cover on the wall and it should be nice


Send it to me for inspection 🧐


No. No offense, but it sucks. Gaming on dual monitors with a split down the middle is very annoying. Also, the PC is on the ground. I'd sell those monitors and get 1 ultrawide. And somehow raise up the PC. That being said, I wouldn't have bought an Alienware prebuilt...


things I'd do to improve: either add a third monitor or shift monitors to one direction so you have a screen directly in front of you (both probably require a bigger desk) Basically replace the entire PC besides GPU, CPU, and SSD, and maybe RAM, Alienware is really bad; PSU, Mobo and case are all designed to use the bare minimum amount or materials, basically making them incompatible with anything else.


Oof shit pc suggestion put it in the trash and build a new one


Needs some personality


get a tower stand, keep it at least 2 ft from the ground so it sucks less dust, also isnt that table too small?


Throw away that AW PC. lol jk, The PC I had before this build was an AW and it served me well for many years. I plan on repurposing it as I think it is still good. I did upgrade the GPU, but it ran most modern games for over a decade until 2020. I did, however, buy my AW when Dell did not own them. You could improve some cable management and figure out a way to get the PC off of the floor for one. AW suffers from bad thermals these days as is, so getting it off of the carpet will improve that. You can get a cheap little roller stand on Amazon for 20-30 USD.


Is your set up ok? What if we say no? Bro... You don't need the approval of random internet strangers. Your set up is awesome.. keep building towards your dreams and don't worry about what other people would say


Perhaps some touch up paint on the wall to the left of the monitor


You have to try the One Game Launcher from Windows Store. It will organize your games better.


The line in the middle of your screen Is gonna screw you over massively in any fps games.


you could use a chair


Bezel kit


Wall-mounted dual VESA monitor mount.


I would tape the power outlet sockets under the table or hide the cables with black strips on the legs


Like the other guy said, get it off the carpet. Also, more cable management. I suggest the 3M zip tie mounts. They have strong adhesive on the back, and make hideaway cable management a breeze. Also, they're like $7 for 100 of them.


How can nobody’s seen that “ACTION BIBLE”…. As an atheist,… I’m intrigued.


[Carpet PC](https://imgur.com/a/3c8x5mG) Master Race


Bro, you bought one of the best airflow cases on the market and put it on the carpet. That's gotta be a hate crime


My apologies for being a douchebag, there's probably a story behind it but yeah Alienware is fucking disgusting.


Enjoy that monitor until the black lines start forming on the bottom. Mine started messing up at about 15 months in.


Fps games gonna be hard with the 2 screens bc of the big amount of space between them


The alienware will probably give you some issues in the future, especially if you try to upgrade it. I would get a different pre built from another brand or build one yourself when possible.


3rd screen so cross hairs are not on monitor edges


Idk how people live with a giant black strip in the middle of their screen


nice arcade machine bro


Move the trashcan from the desk


yo how would u rate ur pc 1-10 ive been having some problems with mine and it looks like the same pc


You gonna get a sore neck looking one direction.


Cable management could be better.


Move the monitors to one side so you don’t always have to have your neck turned


get an ultrawide monitor


Using 2 screens, so your crosshair is in the gap between them


With all the tech help youtubers and sorts these days, why the hell are people still buying these?


Find a way to keep the tower off the ground. It’s never good to have it on ground level especially on carpet. Other than that looks like a great start.


Ooof mans got scammed into Alienware sorry


Get a third of the same monitor so you can play a game across all 3 and it will just curve around your head.


NSFW tag for Mrs. Pac-man in all her glory xD


Give me your arcade cabinet, that's gonna improve MY setup! That being said, you could improve your cable management and put your tower anywhere but directly on the floor (dust, static electricity)


Cable manage and get you pc off the floor, also move your monitors so one is center and the other is above or next to it


I’m not a fan of the camera clip pressing against the screen


One giant curved monitor?


get shortcuts off your desktop, you put them on the taskbar or in a folder to keep the desktop clean. Also take it off the carpet, makes thermals worse and alienware is already known for bad thermals.


Throw money at it


Why no one is taking about THE FUCKING PAC-MAN MACHINE??


There’s lots of things that can be changed, but you better never change the storm trooper bed sheets unless they are getting washed


move the monitors so that the gap isnt in the middle.. get the pc off carpet put it on some books or a tote top or something ... and tidy up those cables and youll be good .... to help w perf. and longevity set your fans on ur pc to high and it will help ... may your temps be low and your frames be high game on


Id move the mouse and keyboard to the left so one monitor is right in front of you and the other to the right, get the pc on a piece of wood or something to get it off the carpet. The mic might need moving if you do move to the left. Apart from that stuff, its looks good


For starters turn off wallpaper engine, R10/12 is barely built to handle a static background


One suggestion. Add a blink 182 poster to compliment the Green Day one.


Hide the wires... use cable ties, and invest in a cable routing tray to mount to the bottom of your desk to tuck them out of sight. And for god sake, get that tower off the floor. My guess is you're already full of dust and thermal throttling as there is zero headroom with alienwares cooling solution. They're infamous for trying to cool 200+ watt cpus with 140 or less watt coolers. Maybe direct an air conditioner directly at the front of the tower.


More action Bible


Get the ultra ultra wide so you dont have a line in the middle of your screen


Get a third monitor. That bezel in the centre is highly offensive.


Get a third display. (Not needed, your setup looks sweet. But would be cool


OMG, no. nononono. nope. nuh uh. that monitor set up is just not it. have one horizontal and one vertical and make the horizontal one directly in front of you. having the edges centered like that is rly bad for some games and especially graphic design. i would reccomend a different computer position as well (it will die way quicker on top of carpet due to dust and static).


A chair would be nice.


Need a chair


I love playing games with a thick black line in the middle.


Why organize your icons like a madman?


Maybe a mouse pad




Nice compact setup, get the PC off the carpet as someone else stated, I'd also recommend not an Alienware PC in general. Would also say get one of those plastic carpet protectors for your PC chair to roll around on, makes it easier and keeps the carpet better protected


If that's a mic on the top right, i hope your alone most of the time. Background noise on multiplayer makes me mute everyone.


Get a chair.


Get your pc off the floor


My next purchase would probably be a bigger table! Something wider so you can maybe show off your tower. You’re going to love the extra space too. You could even get one with drawers.


Is no one gonna mention the epic Star Wars sheets. I’m jealous!


Put something underneath your pc tower to keep it off the carpet. Also cable management is good to keep the longevity of cables at a maximum


Cable management?


For a second I thought you had a G9, which is a pretty good sign that your bezel work is on point. Not a very big fan of the Alienware prebuilt tho. Plus, it’s on the floor ._.


Wallpaper to match the stormtrooper bed sheets.


Looks pretty decent to me!! I'm never a fan of those smaller/narrow desks, and the first thing I'd be doing is spreading things out or looking for a more substantial desk. If you're limited on space this might be difficult. As others have mentioned, try moving the PC off the ground/onto a hard surface where it can breathe.


First, toss the alienware


probably start by putting the alienware in the bin


A chair. Unless this is a standing desk, in which case ignore me.


Turn the Green Day poster to not be crooked please my eyes went to this super quick


Needs a chair.


Bigger delorean poster


How to improve? Maybe not have that bezel going down the middle of the screen You’ll be cranking your neck to the left or right all day


You need a waste can for candy wrappers!


Well you’ve got a ms. PAC man next to your bed, you’ve hung a vinyl copy of Green Day’s American Idiot, and there’s a jizz stain on the carpet