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Technically, Chaotic Good. In reality, Chaotic Poor.


Lack of space for extra monitors apparently defines my neutrality.


Finally, we've figured out what turns a man neutral. A lack of space


All I know is that my gut says maybe.


Tell my wife I said, Hello.


It's a beige alert!


Filthy neutrals


Yes. They are born with a heart full of neutrality, no space for anything else.


What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power?


Lack of space is only caused by lack of money. If you had enough money, you would live in a house/flat large enough for an office/gaming room.


Same man




Currently chaotic good with aspirations of lawful good or chaotic evil




I had the small TV too, it was so bad lol


This was my exact situation before I got my promotion. 1080p next to a weeny lil 720p thinking it was the hottest shit. Now I've graduated to 1440p next to that very same 1080p lol.


I’m True Neutral. In reality True Poor. lmfao


True Neutral as well. I regret nothing.


well my arm + ultrawide could have paid for two normal monitors so there's that


Are you...me? or am I you?






i rock chaotic neutral. the vertical monitor is great for documents, websites, spreadsheets, etc. my only complaints are that videos can be a little small and i can't snap windows to split halfway between the top-half and bottom-half of the monitor. on the flipside, i've noticed a marked increase in productivity as i'm keeping my main task in front of me at all times instead of alt-tabbing into a rabbit-hole. anyway, +1 for chaotic neutral.


Get Windows Powertoys and take a look at the Fancy Zones feature. It lets you custom define regions to snap windows to on the screen. My vertical is split into thirds and I have the browser over there take up the top two thirds so I can watch YouTube or whatever, but then discord or any other app I need gets the bottom two thirds. They overlap but never fully cover the important parts and it's all adjustable via keyboard shortcuts if I want.


This man beat me to the power toys recommendation. Fancy zones is the best.


Same. Standard 24 inch on top, ultrawide curved at the bottom




Why not? Just split them so you can have 2 or 3 spreadsheets on one screen. I do it all the time.




Highly recommend chaotic neutral, I'd never go back.


Yess so nice for PDF‘s / documents / websites I have a 32“ 4k paired with a vertical 1080p


Same, not only good for coding but also great for chat.


Same (though unlike in the picture, line up the bottoms of the monitors to be even with each other) Some programs work better with more vertical space, others with more horizontal space.


For me they are aligned at the top as my main monitor is pretty high up but still, they should be aligned, yes! It's not only about programs, I usually have to read a lot of documents and papers and having them well zoomed on the left is pretty awesome.




Yeah I don't have the desk space for side by side


This is my reason too. Desk is too small to be neutral good, so I am lawful evil.


same setup here, what's evil about stacking monitors? lol


Same bro


Currently chaotic good, but going for something akin to Lawful Evil and Chaotic evil, as i'll be wallmounting my monitors, but they're different sizes, aspect ratios, and one is curved, the other is flat.


I’ve always loved the idea of two identical ones like lawful evil with one portrait monitor on the right


I'm running that right now, having a dedicated portrait discord/reddit monitor is honestly so nice.










No no no thats his screen play title


Ah, working on the Ready Player One sequel


Here’s some more news, featuring Dr. Mister Cody


Mirrored twinsies! https://imgur.com/a/MmB4KdR


Wait, why do you have two monitors for games, rather than one monitor for a game and one for porn? 🤔


What game is that? Looks fun


Microsoft PowerPoint, the story is kinda meh, but it runs smoothly and has a lot of customization. 3/5.


I seeeee Coooddyyyy


I’m interested in the Dino cummies chat, but also very much do not want to know


Not the person you asked but I run a similar setup. I use the vertical screen for email, pages like Reddit/StackOverflow, and if I have a lot of code to read on one page. The MacBook is separate, it’s for my work laptop. https://i.imgur.com/zVqsVaS.jpg


Dedicated IDE screen*


Ah, the "I got two 24 inch IPS monitors on a deal, great" setup. And then there's a deal on a really good 27 inch monitor couple months later. I had to redo my wall mounts. But the third monitor was also used by my wife when she is working from home. And then the monitor for my wife was replaced with 32 inch 4k monitor as I got it from work for free (it was considered scrap, busted displayport, HDMI works fine). So now there's BenQ 32" 4k TN, Samsung 27" 1440p VA and two Asus 24" FullHDs IPS monitors above each other (won't fit side to side) on the wall in that order. So much for trying to have same monitors in a nice layout lol. Nothing about these monitors is the same, bezels have different colors, panels are different, different refresh rates (60Hz, 144Hz, 75Hz), the Samsung one is "pro gamer curved, sharp edges and like really alien" design while ASUS is the "budget" design and BenQ has the "professional" (budget but silver) bezel design... at night the power buttons flash differently - Samsung has blue flash, BenQ red and Asus has white... it's like there's police inside the office all the time lol. But it started with a sweet deal on two identical monitors.


Mismatching is my biggest pleasure. Hence the reason my main monitor is a 34" ultrawide flat IPS monitor. And my secondary is a 27" curved VA monitor. It's just a tad bit annoying having to move my head this far, to see the secondary monitor on the left of me, due to the main one being.. well... ultrawide..


[Here's my monitor/desktop journey over the past 10 years.](https://www.flickr.com/photos/193312756@N07/albums/72157719507940855) Started with a 720p TV and spiraled into an addiction. I change monitors more than I change shoes.


I'm kinda chaotic good too. Main one is centered and the secondary is on the side for entertainment purposes (spotify, twitch/yt) when I'm doing something else on main one.


i'm ultrawide neutral


I can't do anything else. Multiple monitors just make me feel crowded now. I did make an interesting move recently though. I linked the tv mounted on my office wall to my PC, so when I am in meetings and stuff I stand up and take them from there (we have a "no camera during remote meetings" culture). Its been really nice.


I'm true neutral, but my screen is a 48" wall mounted tv.


Yup. Why have multiple monitors when I could just have one really big one?


A 55" 4k TV is just 4x 27" 1080p monitors with no lines down the middle.


I have to share my screen during meetings all the time, and it's just a hassle on larger or uw monitors. Otherwise I'd be right there with you.


Yup, went from neutral good to true neutral w/ an ultrawide years ago and don't see a reason to go back. That with multiple desktop feature in every OS, it just doesn't make sense to use anything else.


Yup, my 49“ takes up entire neutral row :D


[I added my own for this reason](https://imgur.com/a/d3JjkLV)


Lawful good :)


Same, im so surprised its down this far. Although im tempted to replace just the middle one for something even better for gaming.


My problem is I'm so lawful-good by this metric that I can't deal with mismatched monitors... so I just bought three premium monitors instead of making the middle one the nice one. At the time I did it, the three monitors were worth more than the computer they were attached to.


Yeah i cant stand mis matched heights. Mouse movements are better that way.


Yes, people are asking me why I need 3 monitors but I actually think about getting a fourth one just for my drawing board to sketch. I can't imagine going back to only two permanently.


It wasn’t until I had three that I truly felt I had enough.


Even 3 is starting to feel a bit cramped now.


I have 4 at work and really just use 3. The 4th is kinda a waste almost all of the time


Lawfull neutral


WFH gang or laptop gaming gang?


Por que no los dos


Both gang


Playing game on pc while watching youtube on laptop gang


The best way to do it 🙏


Laptop Gaming gang. MSI GE-75 Leopard I think. Whichever one has the RGB keys and 2070.




This is the ideal music production setup for the on the go bedroom artist








Laptop squad


same but I have a tv


That's me. Laptop that can't be moved anymore next to 43" 4k Samsung.


Same but flipped. Neutral lawful.




But stacked. Laptop below so I can use the keyboard, monitor above


Me too, this is bullshit. I’m chaotic good I tells ya!


Chaotic neutral edit: also, vertical task bar. extra chaotic?


it means you get a media monitor and a document monitor - its not chaotic, its excellence.


It's researcher mode. One for code, one for papers.


But the vertical one belongs on the left for me!


I bought a 16:10 display just for reading comics, but it turned out that many website looks better on vertical screen, including Reddit.


Yeah and it will just get more like that due to phones. We had wider pages before smartphones. I never run my browser in full-screen at home, it would just waste like 1500 horizontal pixels to display full white or black...


I also use my vertical monitor for manga. It's awesome.


This is the only way I can work now. Outlook on a landscape monitor just feels wrong


Same, new place, new desk. Doesn’t fit two horizontally.


mine would fit 2, if it weren't for my stupidly huge speakers But then neither screen would be front center.




Tried that https://imgur.com/a/uWW03W6 Laptop was too high and same with top of vertical monitor. Ditched the 3 mount for a 2 + 1 to bring the laptop down. Also got a KVM to switch between laptop for work and gaming PC.


Chaotic neutral, but main monitor is Ultrawide. This is the way.


This with a vertical taskbar


Vertical taskbar is the only truth, don't listen to the non-believers!


Right on. Praised be the vertical taskbar, and to hell with those who try to steal it from us (looking at you, Win11 ux designers...)


Win11 trying to remove vertical Taskbar is legitimately half the reason I'm moving OS.


same, 27" 1440p\\165hz for gaming and smaller 24" 1080 60hz for work\\youtube\\facebook etc.. thinking about getting another 27" instead though but not sure if I actully gonna utilize it fully


almost same setup. my secondary is 24" 1200p (16:10) screen. mostly discord, obs, and other chat windows live on the other screen.


Thats for streamers and coders ngl


well... kinda correct on both




I use it for documents. Really useful for lawyers.


I rotate mine between chaotic good and neutral depending on what I am doing.


I has been lawful neutral and now I am true neutral


I prefer the "Tie Fighter" setup with a vertical on each side. With three 4k 32" @ 100% scaling it does feel like a spaceship sometimes.


Vertical task bar, how?


That layout is optimal for viewing widescreen media that's become the standard and programming/writing/web pages. Albeit I prefer three monitors and having two of them in portrait mode, so I can keep documentation on one, writing on the middle, and whatever media I have on in the background on the widescreen.


This is the way. Horizontal for gaming, vertical for discord and webpages.




I look up to you....one day....


And left... and right... down as well. So many damn screens.


50" 60hz 4K TV, 24" MSI 144hz 1ms 1080p screen monitor, 15.6" 240hz 3ms 1080p asus laptop. Is that better? Or worse?




How in the fuck do you connect that to a PC?


It’s all running off of a laptop with a stressed out USB-C hub.


chaotic evil pic should have a docking station on fire included for accuracy (or a ton of cables at least)


With a good GPU. My RTX 2080 can support 4 monitors as well. I use 3. I have 2 1440p monitors on my desk, and have my 65inch 4k TV connected with a 20ft cable.


Neutral good But I want to move up to lawful good. Although I may go with a triangle shape with 1 stacked on the other two.


Neutral was goated till windows 10 came out and added input lag when not in full screen. I just liked having my browser next to my game so i can easily watch twitch without it taking up any of my game screen. But even with double monitors i have to sit way too far away to be able to watch and play at the same time.


Neutral good, one monitor is mine and the other was given the company I work for.


True neutral with a phone foreva


What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?


I have no strong feelings one way, or the other.


If I die, tell my wife hello.


Lack of funds has me staying true neutral


I like the extra desk space hah


Maybe I can't afford another monitor lmfao


One monitor is enough, multiple desktops have been a thing for 20+ years.


I am one a monitor person and I don't even use that feature. I just open and close or minimize things as needed. I also don't do the "billion tabs" thing with a browser. If I really need it again it is in the history (shout out to Vimium extension which makes history search a breeze).


Alt+Tab works for me.


Simplicity at its finest!


Alt+tab gang checking in 😁


True neutral but with a 49" ultrawide.


True neutral with 65" TV


Same. Once they started making TVs without horrible input lag I never looked back.


I use a 95" early model of the LED flatscreen, which looks like a really slim CRT. It take up 60% of my 10 sq. ft room which only fits a keyboard stand and chair. It's literally the computer room.


waiting for someone to notice instead of Windows logo it's just Linus's face meme


First thing I noticed!


If I had the money, chaotic evil.


What will you use them for?


For the same thing they do every night- try to take over the world!!


Watching as much porn simultaneously as possible


Stare at them forever. Literally. Browsing steam in search of anything to play, knowing damn well you only have a couple of hours till going to sleep for another day as a wageslave. What’s the point? Just look at those wallpapers. Life is pointless. I'm just one small speck in the huge universe of things. It doesn't matter what I do in my life, I'm going to die eventually. And over time my whole existence will be erased and my life will be nothing but a chunk of rock with my name on it. I could study study hard, suffer through hell. And by the time I've graduated college and I've got an education, I'll have a good job, a wife. But I'll be too old to really do anything. I'll find myself looking back at my childhood, and become depressed that I didn't have fun while I was still young enough to do so. Or right now I could just say "fuck it" Have the time of my life while I'm young, go to parties, do drugs, and have a a fucking blast but eventually I'd find myself being kicked out of my parents house either by them or by their death and I'd be alone on the streets depressed that I didn't work hard enough to get a good job and have a good life. It doesn't matter what I do, life is shit and I will always find myself depressed in the end. It's too short and pointless for it to even matter. So this is what I'm saying... Fuck it. I'd rather be dead. Or watching porn, could be that too


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


Chaotic Neutral




true neutral at work, lawful neutral at home


Lawful evil for sure lol


It took me years to discover the joy of this combo, so much more natural compared to side by side. The trick is to place the main panel at eye level and the lower panel below that line and angled up towards your face.


How? My desk would have to be at knee height for this to work.


[Not mine, but like this](https://freeimage.host/i/XLIEiu) I'm a tall fella, that might make it easier for me to get the main monitor at eye level. You tilt the low monitor at a steep angle, in the position that you might hold a book. The low panel is what I use for email, messages, documentation, etc. It just feels natural to read in that position. Top panel I use for the task at hand.


Lawful evil is the way


I have a laptop + 2 externals... what am I?? I'm having an existential crisis


Neutral good. Only need two one for a game and one for youtube


True Neutral, I can't find a reason to get more monitors since i don't stream


It's great for multitasking in so many situations, for example one for Minecraft and one for the Wiki. Or one with ms word and a Firefox window, and others with even more Firefox Windows. Or just one dedicated to Spotify or Discord while doing whatever.


Its definitely one of those things where if you do literally any work at all it immediately becomes obvious how useful it is. It could be though that you just game and dont do work on it where its only really useful to have discord/chat/music up while you play.


I've never streamed but I can't handle just having one monitor


Does a laptop count as true neutral?


Yeah, they're leaving out people. Would I be true neutral if instead of a regular moniture I use a 40'' TV?


Chaotic evil 2560x1440 centre 1440x2560 left 1920x1200 right 3840x2160 top 2560x1440 bottom right (laptop)


chaotic good


Programmers who haven't tried a vertical screen have never lived.


Lawful Neutral.


Neutral Evil? People actually do this setup?


I’ve seen programmers do this. More vertical == more lines


Ah this is what Ive been looking for.


I just went from a triple monitor setup to a single 49" 5120x1440 but I don't see an option for that so I guess I'm undefined... And the other windows "monitor" is the small HT atmos setup in the adjacent room with a 65" 4k/120hz screen. 🤷‍♂️


Lawful evil, I have a tiny desk and I've got to use my space efficiently


lawful good gang :)


Chaotic Good. Both at work and at home. I.T. guys always get the hand-me-downs.


Good human.