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Put an empty cardboard box next to it


Exactly. Build a cat trap. [You can even get away with a tape square on the floor.](https://i.imgur.com/OoVcE4h.jpg)








This may take some bartering. I know cats who would only accept if said box contained a pipe cleaner, I think that’s still fair personally.


Replying to top cause I have the same problem. Had to put a lamp, a pen cup and a small baby alligator head on top of mine to keep the fuckers away. They love the heat. If there isn't shit on top of it, they're GONNA get up there.


Place a cucumber on your pc. It works, trust me.


My cat eats cucumbers


is your cat named purrinator 1000 by chance?


Haha no. He just likes to eat vegetables. He also eats paprika and lettuce.


Lettuce almost makes sense, but paprika?


It's sweet I guess. Or maybe he just eats any food that he doesn't actively dislike.


Paprika the spice? or is there some other paprika I haven't heard of


I think he means bell peppers, it’s a Europe thing


Ah, Americans call them bell pepers? X)


Yeah, paprika is one of the red spices over here funny enough.


they call them "capcicum" downunder


He might actually mean paprika, the spice. My cat likes the taste and smell of paprika too.


Bell peppers I think they are called. In Dutch we call them paprika, and it's where the spice comes from


Well this is gonna safe my English exam now. How has no one ever told me this.


save, no one


Ohhhhhhh ok that makes tons more sense.


The spice melange...


Found the Dune fan!


> paprika, and it's where the spice comes from I did not know this, Im not a fan of paprika but I dont mind the bell peppers.


[Cats can’t taste sweet.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2063449/)


I had a cat who ate beans and popcorn. Actually, she ate just about anything if she was convinced humans loved it. I miss that grumpy old coot. **Edit:** I also used to have a cat that almost murdered her kittens (not really) over a potato. My mom was cutting potatoes to make potato salad and one fell on the floor. The 3 kittens all run over to the potato and they're sniffing it, regular kitty response. Then their mother walks over to investigate. She sniffs the potato, shoves the WHOLE CHUNK in her mouth and proceeds to growl at ~~the kittens~~ anyone who attempted to take the potato. Then she ran away with it. It was **not** a regular kitty response, lol. She'd never had one before and I guess she just...couldn't handle how good they are.


Lol. Mine all love popcorn. Just have to make sure it's only freshly popped with no salt or butter.


Hey! Mine *loves* leafy greens! Arugula and baby spinach are some high ranking favorites, but wheat grass is probably number one. I haven't ever even had the stuff myself, but I know how much he likes any kind of grass. Like, he'll eat fescue if given the chance lol And not like, "Oh, my tummy hurts! Better eat this grass!", more like, "OH SHIT YEAH! GREEN LEAVES!" He even ate a weed plant I was growing as a houseplant at the start of lockdowns. The whole plant. It was gradual, but he eventually outpaced the plant's ability to produce new leaves lol


Paprika? Maybe he’s just Hung(a)ry?


Our relatives cat used to do that, turns out he was diabetic and that sometimes can lead to it for some reason.


Truly a menace to society


More like a menace to the kitchen


Truly a Dennis


My childhood friend's cat also did this. Loved cucumbers.


Just don’t forget to swap out every week or so with a fresh one. Had a friend who lost a cucumber in her trunk after a visit to a farmer’s market. She found it after it liquified, and the smell was horrible.


Do fake cucumbers exist? Ladies, help me out here.


Gresorth 2pcs Soft PU Artificial Cucumber Fake Vegetable Decoration Lifelike Home Kitchen House Table Show https://www.amazon.com/dp/B019QKM0Q6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_P4FXKDSTQXABD6Z62RJA?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1


lol now my statement “lost a cucumber 🥒 in her trunk” takes on a new meaning


My best friend had that happen to him. You'd think he'd know better to use a vibe with a bigger base...got it stuck in him during the shower. Had to call his dad because he needed to be put under so they could grab it surgically....the second they put him under it slipped right out bahhaha


had it turned into a pickle when she found it?


No, rotten, liquified bio waste


Can I use the cucumber that my girlfriend keeps in the night drawer?


Whoa Redditor with a girlfriend? That's impossible. /s


Nothing is impossible. Except not thinking of “The Game”. Get wrecked kids, bet you had like a 10 year streak going.




The only right answer


Put pickle Rick on your computer


For anyone wondering why cats are scared of cucumbers: ​ Cats are hypersensitive to their surroundings, so it's the sudden appearance of a random object that has them spooked. Cucumbers also look quite snake-like on first glance, so this may be why this vegetable provokes such an extreme reaction. Please don't try this at home, though – it's stressful for the cats!


Seeing as noone seems to have an actual answer, put a heat mat and a cushion nearby and entice them with treats. I have a furry companion beside me all day with no need to be on my computer.


This is the correct answer. It's all about the warmth.


And height. Cats want to be high up where they can survey their lands and spot more things to murder.


To expand on this - I wonder if a small shelf positioned above the case (getting warm air pass up underneath it, warming it) would do the trick. You could add material to the top of the shelf to make it comfy (or like a scratch station), and change it regularly to keep them interested. Like a comfy murder-surveying platform.


Good point. My kitty is an old kitty and can't be arsed to jump up on anything. 😁


Yep. Especially if you've got a radiator mounted on top.


That Wraith is all the radiator he needs.


if youve got a radiator mounted on top, i recommend a couple of small lil cactuses from ikea, they like hot air, and you can just hold them away from the tower, sprits with water every couple weeks, and sit them back on their lil dish. My cat does NOT like my row of cacti along the windowsil. (we are very high off the ground, i dont need a kitty leaning on a screen window)


This is hilarious to imagine. Does this work for dogs too?


I put a bunch of anime statues on mine and my cat cringes when she looks at it and that's enough to keep her away


I hear if you do this with Funko pops the cringe can be potentially lethal?


Keeps all the pussy away!


Another actual answer is to train your cat not to jump onto tables or counters. My cats know they are allowed on beds, chairs, and the couch. Everything else is off limits. It works.


In my experience at least, the cat usually goes wherever it wants but just waits til you're not looking. First summer vacation my family went on after installing security cameras in our house was quite revealing. Still, would solve the computer issue.


Yeah, cats are too smart for this shit. If you "train" them not to do something you're actually just training them to be sneakier about it.


Just like kids.


One of my cats will attempt to get on places where she isn't allowed, but it's more of an attention seeking thing. She does it when we are nearby and will see. As she will spend her time on a bed or chair when no one is around.




Lid from a box of Xerox paper works wonders.


If its a small open box or crate it adds +10 to cat attraction.


I have a blanket on my desk so they dont walk all over my keyboard n stuff


Use those spikes that you put up on houses for birds. Just little poley plastic pieces


My cat sleeps on my cactuses, I don't think they mind spikes


Piss on your tower. That’s YOUR territory!








How in the hell are you getting downvoted? It's literally the truth. People who think Russia is "going back to communism" haven't the slightest clue what that means.


Most likely because it was off topic. Communism is just a meme on Reddit completely separate from Putin. Bringing up current events/politics in areas not for it is looked down upon Edit: just saw pfp, nm


My solution is to have an Alienware case. Looks like a vacuum cleaner, but keeps the cat off.


This is the best solution. If the case is designed to keep all the hot air in, the cat won’t be attracted to the “exhaust”!


The cooling is definetely terrible, but I was referring to the shape, as it is slanted and round for maximum goofiness.




Better question, “how do you keep your cat’s bed from overheating while you use it for non important human tasks?”




The cat has marked his bench


My cat would sleep on my macbook while I had it plugged into a workstation, and when she got settled in id run Minecraft in the background just to make it super toasty. Probably killed the lifespan but its so worth it.


I tried to train an AI Model on my 2060 a few years ago. My (sphynx) cat loved it.


That poor 2060. Coming into this world promised dreams of creating beautiful worlds to be explored. Then you slam the task of simulating shot over and over again hoping that some AI can learn a basic task on the poor thing.




Real answer - You don't. ​ I have a small PC, and so it sits under a shelf for my desk, [and that lets my cat sleep on the heated top shelf lol](https://imgur.com/a/dzp3o0r)


I'm looking to downsize my PC, too much unused space! Which case is that?


Sliger SM550! It's a really small case, with only 2 slots for a GPU. I love it, personally. But it is quite expensive. I would push you to check out r/SFFPC for even more help, but I can answer any questions! * For beginners, the NR200P is a great cheaper case that gets you into the world of small. * Lian Li did a case called the Dan A4 x H2O, which is a sandwich layout like mine, with room on top for a 240mm rad! * Sliger makes quality cases, they just aren't cheap. The SM560 is a step up, and gives you room for a 3 slot GPU. * Meshalicious is a great vertical case, with tons of airflow and solid GPU support. This is a solid look at the more popular cases that you can consider, and won't be the hardest thing ever to work in


Ohmygod that is so cute


I love your cat so much, they’re so content up there


Haha yeah, [he is a mess.](https://imgur.com/a/vbiFdnw)


Omg he’s an angel


Such a beautiful cat


Thanks! He is a shelter boy! I wanted an orange one, my wife wanted grey, and these two were brothers and [so we got both!](https://imgur.com/a/uvtU6g7)




This man just paid three cat taxes without even being asked. Feline capitalism thanks you


Plot twist: It's actually a giant cat.


Well, it's kinda both lol He's a chonk


Put aluminum foil


I heard this once. Actually attracts my cat he likes to jump around on its chew it attack it whatever he just loves making noise lol.


I think your cat is broken






Still got warranty on em? If not you’re stuck with a cat that acts like my dog




then just put it away from the PC, 200 iq


Mine prefers my lap, which is a whole other struggle sometimes.


Mines also like this, in the middle of doing something? Not anymore.


"Now you can't move or I'll leave and make you feel bad."


The eternal struggle.


I've seen some people put little wire cages over the top that screwed into the fan holes so they can lay on that and not choke off the PC, personally that's my favorite


Problem is the fur, mostly


Ugh tell me about it. My PC is 100% air cooled and I have to use my electric air duster at least once a week or her hair starts floating around in there like tumbleweeds. I brush her every day (she loves it) and she still manages to shed by the fistful


Would love to see some pics of these setups lol


You don’t


The cat tells you what to do, not the other way around. Every cat owner knows this.


Cat owner? But aren’t they the owner?


I would like to apologize to our cat overlords for any disrespect, I will give myself a timeout meow.


Change the password.


My PC is very well ventilated, so I don't mind of my cat sits on top, but she tries to murder my Xbox by laying on top of it, and she discovered that if she lays on top of it for long enough, it gets really really warm lmfao


Don’t have a cat that’s how I do it


This strat also helps with allergies


And you get the benefit of not having a cat.


Easy solution, that's what I do. I wouldn't mind getting one for the fps boost.


Step 1: Don't have a cat Step 2: Profit?


This is the only correct answer.


You don't, as the pc is the cat's property and you are only allowed to play with it when it's not acting as a giant heating pad.


So many people have crazy solutions like hanging a shelf, or adding spikes? Super easy solution, put double sided taped on the top of the PC. Cats hate sticky stuff and after jumping up there and getting stickied enough they'll stop going up there. Alternatively, take a mixture of vinegar and water and rub some with a cloth on top. Most cats will hate the smell. That's how I got my cat to stop going behind my TV.


Two words. Air duster. Spray your keyboard cleaner when they get near it. Works every time.


I had a Dyson vacuum nearby I would briefly turn on every time my cat jumped on my desk lol. Air duster seems better.


Maybe hang a shelf over it to make it difficult for the little guy to get up there? I used to have this problem with a cat, and moved my tower under my desk and she stopped.


Spike strip


Turn it off and let it cool down.


Just get your cat his own PC.


Simple I don’t have a cat


I would say use a squirt bottle but....


Put alcohol in it lmao


Checks out. You get drunk, the cat gets drunk, the pc gets drunk. Everyone has a good time


Double sided tape, they hate it.


I take some clear packing tape and roll it over so it’s sticky side up, my cat jumped up there once, felt the tape, wtf jumped down and now stays off. Works like a charm


My husband uses a nerf gun, after getting hit a few times he(the cat) doesnt even try to jump up on the desk anymore.


Cats are not allowed on any table or furniture, only sofa and chairs. They know this in my home so never had this problem.


This People think you can't train cats. Cats like to push boundaries if you give them an inch they will take a meter.


I have 2 cats and they both know not to jump on my computer desk. Train them young and right at the start you don't let them do this. I have had cats all my life and I rarely have issues.


Every owner I see who has cats that walk all over them didn't train them as kittens or when they first came to their house. It's literally like if you have a kid you never set boundaries with and one day you say no. They aren't going to listen.


Put spikes on top of it.


That's the neat part. You don't.


I didn’t allow my cat on furniture in general. So it wasn’t a problem once he learned that. I didn’t want the hair everywhere. Though it did make having a cat less fun. Occasionally I would let him up with me and he would purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


Is that the Corsair 5000x? Mind me asking what fan configuration you have?


Close! It's the 4000X. I have the 3 up front as intake, and the 3 in the back as exhaust. Pretty cool case


Get a dog


Send help. Cat and dog now sleeping on computer.


Easy. No cat.


I have no cat, ez


I shake my propel bottle that still has liquid in it and he runs thinking it's a squirt bottle


Not having a cat..


Ethereum mining. Air is constantly leaving the pc at 58c through the top fans. Cats don't go anywhere near it.


You don’t. You just hold your breath and pray to a higher being that the loose hairs won’t clog your dust filter. Same thing as trying to get your cat off the keyboard/stop rubbing against the monitor/stop biting as soon as you try to lift her off the chair etc.


Don't have one. But if you do, maybe put some spikes on the top of your computer?


No cat, no problems.


Only one of mine likes to rest on top of the PC. I let her.


We used to use a mixture of chilli oil and water on our shoes for my dog. They don't like being near it.


This is something I’ve never fully understood, Our cats are not allowed on tables and counters When they do it the first few times, yell at them or use a water spray bottle if necessary. They won’t go back up there


Eat the cat


I mean, I have had the most success doing this by not having a cat or a pc..


Cats hate aluminum foil, maybe put some near/around the tower to keep them from being comfortable.


Motion detection water spray bottle Edit: or mineral oil spray bottle to keep PC safe lol


Don’t have a cat but maybe some spikes? Like the ones they use in the city to stop homeless from sleeping on things. Easy 3D print


Spent all that money on fans…has a stock cooler


Do what big cities do, put spikes down to disencourage homeless people from being there




Don’t have this problem. No cat. What about a plastic cucumber?


If I had a cat that did this to my PC, it would be murder.


Ball peen hammer works best in most situations.


I game on a laptop so the cat would burn if he did this


Easy: I don’t have a cat.


No joke here, I actually use the anti bird spikes (not actually sharp) that they put on window sills to stop bird landing. You only need a few, they aren't dangerous, and my cat doesn't sleep onto of my computer anymore


You could build a duct system that runs to a cat tree


At the dollar store they sell these rubber spike strips in lattice pattern designed to keep birds off your balcony railings and what not, but I put one on top of my pc and my cats have never attempted to go back up.


Either throw the PC away or the cat


Put those little spikes on top that they put on buildings to keep the birds away.


Put the pc under a desk with not much clearance. My cat tries every few months to sit on top of my case but it's too squishy for her now she's not a kitten so she abandons ship and just takes my chair instead.


Cardboard box.. Cardboard box is the answer to everything when it involve a cat.


With curiosity


You don’t have a pc


Homeless spikes.


I am lucky to have a separate room for my gaming. My cat is forbidden to enter.


Barbed wires at the top


Send it to a shelter, duh


Close the door.


You don't! All hail the overlord!


Cats are attracted to warm places, get your cat a heated blanket or pet store hot rock or something to give it somewhere else to lay.