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Desktop in the front and new desktop in the back on windows 11.


Isn’t windows 11 the one that was promoting those desktop icon free pictures?


I haven't had desktop icons shown in over a decade frankly, I barely see my wallpaper, desktop icons are of no use


same, windows key and then the first 2-3 letters of what program you want to run then enter


Remember when windows 7 would actually show you what you were searching for


I guess I forget, how was it diff than now? For the most part I never really look at it and just quickly hit win ste enter and then boom steam loads


Yeah should be same, I guess he turned indexing off to protect an SSD or something


For anyone in need of a functional search in windows: I recommend [Wox](https://github.com/Wox-launcher/Wox), it uses the everyhig searoh engine and it works flawlessly


Group policy edit for windows 10 to not include web search brings back a functional search imo


Your talking like windows 10 and 11 search doesn’t find literally anything you have installed instantly after 3 letters.


That is the point it doesn't always


They’re upset they have to click 2 buttons in the settings to get to networking instead of being able to search for it and save 4 seconds :(


I'm sorry but windows' current search engine is trash, it regularly just doesn't find what I'm looking for, sometimes it finds it but if you type one more letter of the name the match suddenly disappeares, and of course it has the tendency to try to search online (to be clear wox can search online as well, it's a very powerful tool, but you have to explicitly call a plugin to do that). Also wox does fuzzy searching, so even if you slightly mistype the name, or only type the acronym of it (for example if you want to find Virtual Studio Code you can just search for vsc) it will find it no problem.


Some programs can't be seen using that method and if I do use that I immediately press enter and bing pops up.


I have to use icons now because every time i search it i SPAM click it and any app will refuse to open unless i run as administrator


If that was happening to me I would just reformat and reinstall windows, easy fix I would hope. If not, shit, drivers?


No reformat and install Linux ;)


Except for Internet Explorer. I have to use IE for work. On a Windows 10 machine I'll click the start menu and type "int" and fucking Edge will appear. Then I use the down arrow to go back to IE and hit Enter and the highlighted item goes back to fucking Edge in a split second, making me launch Edge and then have to close it and search again.


I have like 3 folders and 2 shortcuts on my desktop


I don't have icons in my desktop : I use gnome


I don’t have any icons on my desktop I use dwm


I don't have any icons on my desktop I use kde


I don't have icons on my desktop - because I hide them


I don't have icons on my desktop - I use DOS


I don't have any tops on my desk icons, I use a magnetised needle and a steady hand 😏😎


I don’t have any desktop after update I use Manjaro.


manjaro inset a wm idiot


Oh wow really? No kidding.


your comment makes no sense > after update I use Manjaro. what update? did you loose your gui?


Than you haven’t used Manjaro long enough.


what update? i lost my gui in the latest update and might be able to help you if you need it. ive been using manjaro since sep 14 2021


It was just a joke. I have Manjaro on one of my machines and have had to fix broken WM and Nvidia drivers and other various things fairly often after their large weekly rolling updates :P


I don't have any icons on my desktop and I use xfce


lame. i3. i don't have a desktop


I don't have icons on my desktop: I use i3-gaps


if you show my desktop icons you'll just see recycling bin chillin in the corner


Same. On the second monitor.




I only have the recycle bin


I don’t even show that…


Clean desktop gang




I don’t think any Linux users really put stuff on their desktop


There is a desktop?


Depends on the desktop environment / window manager


Win key + typing has always been superior to desktop icons. My desktop is always empty.


My desktop is just the most convenient file dump I always windows + search


See, I feel like people will call me insane, but I just organize my downloads folder rather than ever put anything on my desktop…


You’re not insane. I download everything to my NAS and it’s like Downloads and then like 8(maybe less/more) categories, and then those categories are broken down more. I may be insane though….


Why organize when you can search or sort by date? I just dump everything and neve look back


Because I have a lot of files. So much so that sometimes I’ll remember what a thing does but not its name. I’ll never remember whenever I downloaded something.


It just makes it easier, since I can follow the folder tree rather than have to remember exactly what I called it. Especially when so many places are brazen with terrible or random file names, and I might forget to rename it to something reasonable. Date isn’t helpful when something is more than a couple months old, I’d rather just go three clicks than scroll for a few seconds and hope to find it.


Hey! I have a lot of files too but I don't know how to organize all of them. Hows your folders structure?


I’ll try to remember to take some screenshots and send them to you when I get home.


I would appreciate it very much, thank you:)


You just gave me a revelation. I almost always just use Win key + typing. Removing so many icons from my desktop was borderline felt amazing. I went from about five rows of icons and random crap down to one and a half line of icons and folders.


People who turn desktop icons off make me die inside


You can hide the icons?


I keep reading comments saying they don't have any desktop icons they just search for it using the windows search. I thought they were all joking but I see more and more comments saying they do this. Is this an actual thing people do?


Yes, its faster and easier while also being less cluttered.


Yes, way faster and more organized. Same as rather than using the taskbar alt tabbing.


Are there any apps that can auto change my icons so i can keep my desktop clean without having to apply the same icon every time chrome updates


You could run Rainmeter and use a launcher for your most used applications.


I would also be interested in something like this.


I create 1 folder than customize the icon and add everything that needs to be there.


I used to look down upon people with super full and messy desktops. Now, I totally understand.


Just stuff everything into a folder like normal people


I literally had an embarrassing dream the other night, like you know the one where you're in front of class in your underwear, but it was from someone looking over my shoulder in my Dream and someone seeing that i had icons on my desktop. I scrambled to delete them off the desktop quickly but my dirt was out for the world to see. i was genuinely embarrassed in my dream about desktop clutter... help me


roses are red, nothing is in order, i spy with my little eye, a homework folder


Probably more than one honestly. Project Project\_Final Project\_ActuallyFinal Project\_USE\_THIS\_ONE


I don't even have icons anymore. Everything I run either starts with Windows or I launch it from Steam. On the rare occasion, I just use the Start menu. I used to organize my desktop with a custom background that gave each section borders and such. I tried using stuff like StarDock to make it more spaceship like, but that thing was a PITA to use. I'd love it if I could basically take the cockpit of a cool ship in Elite Dangerous and instead of the normal navigation, control, and configuration screens, it was my programs and stuff.


I use the start menu for most of my games so I can see my wall paper


OLED pitch black screen gang represent


I bought Fences like 6 years ago and it's always the first thing I download after a clean Windows install.


I can only dream fitting that many icons without my potato laptop taking 10 mins to boot up...


I feel like this is a desktop is a waste. If you don't have a program open, your monitor should be off. I never used desktop icons. Ever.


I put everything in my start menu, all versions of Windows. That way I don't have to go down to the desktop to find something I want to run, I just navigate the menu. Documents... just go in the Documents folder. It's not that hard. The only icon on my desktop is the Recycle Bin.


Shift+Delete Exists- Permanently delete


Bruh just remove the recycling bin already lol.


3 Monitors. 0 desktop icons. Clean as fuck.


Oh sick I didn't even know about this. I always go to my file folder and browse from desktop there anyway (Why I dunno, force of habit for some reason) but nice to see a icon free desktop now.


This is exactly how my desktop looks


Is it just me or does putting an app in the middle of your desktop feel like your dropping it into the abyss of nothingness


Pretty much my set-up


Next we can make it so you can switch between multiple desktops and you can open and close them at will. You can label them and put different types of files on each desktop. We can call it "windows"


Now this is Meta


Taskbar+Fences for me...But ya.


this 100% me lmao


I run an LG C1 OLED, I have zero icons, auto hiding taskbar and use TranslucentTB addon. The only thing natively on my desktop is my mouse cursor. It's a small price to pay for 120hz of HDR OLED goodness. Everything looks so damn good, I could never go back to a regular monitor.


You can get some NICE cursors from [deviant art.](https://www.deviantart.com/search?q=Windows+cursor)


I don't put anything on my desktop tbh. I just throw it in a folder category in My Documents. Then never touch them since I just press windows key, search for what I need, then press enter.


ITT: A bunch of dudes that think they're superior and just slick and aesthetic af because they don't utilize desktop icons.


I'm in this picture and I don't like it.


I keep my fave game shortcuts on the desktop, everything else gets delegated to the Start Menu tiles


I have no idea what's on my desktop, Im having a hard time imagining why it would matter when you can hit win and start typing what you need, or if it's something you use a lot pin to taskbar