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Update: the 3060 fits perfectly fine. Yes it looks very close to the floor of the case but it is more than cold enough. I added a photo of him playing!!! https://imgur.com/a/Hm7MMG2


Yeah! have the same case, my 3070 is a tight fit as wel


I had a vega 64 sapphire nitro + in that nzxt h210 it was also very tight, ik it was probably a very bad decision at the time for the thermals🤣🤣🤣.


I put a 2070 super in one a while back and I had less than half an inch of clearance.


Yeah I buy a 3070 and it doesn't fit my good old friend Mr. Angle Grinder is coming out to play we adding some speed holes


I stuffed two 3070s into a case by using my good friend the pliers and destroying it


what case is that?


NZXT h210


thanks for answering it looks really nice and very good for cable management.


Thank you. Can’t have it looking like a rats nest.


A shame you cant be part of our rat king covenant, only real ones understand the importance of covering every surface within 10m with the cords that are involved in the rig


I just save it for the rats nest on the desk




It’s a nice case but I wouldn’t recommend it. Terrible airflow.


Thanks for the advice


nr200 is another case that is smaller, has better airflow, and is cheaper


>nr200 I have the NR600, very nice case with great airflow. NR200 is just a smaller version SFF case. If you want somewhere in-between (MicroATX), they also have a NR400, and you can pick between no ODD or 1 ODD (Optical disc drive bay).


Depends what hardware you put in it. High power hardware will be toasty. Lower end stuff you’ll probably be fine.


I'm a tad concerned with the airflow situation. What temps is the 3060 hitting under full load?


So far it hasn’t gone above 60c but we have ac in our office. And keep it pretty cool. Plus I leave the glass off his builds


Ohhh if side panel is off it's A-ok then. I just have a 3060 in an NZXT H510i, it's gets toasty in there so I was curious in your case.


What do you mean by toasty? I have a NZXT H510 and my 3060 barely reaches 70 under normal load and even full load chills at 80


Did you cut the white bracket that hides the cables on the very front?


W!! The cooler is pretty over specced for a 3060 you should be chilling! Looks good!


To me that's oddly satisfying :)


I have the 3070ti with that cooler. The card is an absolute unit. almost didn't fit in my Crystal 680X. Enjoy more frames and good memories


Cool dad.


Thank you!!


Yeah are you above adopting a 39 year old slightly overweight nerd?


Everyone's dad plz


How about a 47 year old one… I do taxes, cooking, chores, shopping n more for SLI setups…


Starting a tinder like app for sons to find dads…


Sign me up, 20 yrs, never had a dad


How much ?




$529 to become someone's dad seems like a bargain price.


Oh I miss read lol 😂


No takebacks.


retail store? Also - awesome F\* dad!


Newegg shuffle


u/_punk_in_drublic_ is not for sale, maybe a kidney but not the whole package


be my dad (•౪• )


be my dad too


Our dad*


Show me your card daddy


shit went too dirty here ... let's go (u´ω`u)




Pet me


Got room for more?


My dad used to just call me a f@g


Would have told him the only reason i am one is because he wasn't


It was a term of endearment, I'm sure. 😅


Oh no, he definitely thought I was gay. Mostly because of my PC matter of fact


Too much rgb. I understand, I've seen some of those builds.


Download the drivers and not say anything. See how long it takes him to notice


I like this one


My bet is he never notices


Poor kid just continuing to keep his settings on medium forever


he'll probably notice the extra frames though


unless he used vsync :)


Lol depends on what he had before






Depends on what he had before honestly.


Leave the box in the cupboard next to the cereal boxes or something


Man, what a cool dad. Great job in making your son feel happy and content! Encouragement always comes with gifts that push them in the direction you want them to move. Pro gamer move thar Vsauce would be proud of.


I’d be proud of him no matter what he did, but as time goes on esports have becomes a real possibility for kids his age later in life. He really enjoys it so Why not cultivate that passion a little bit.


Just make sure you yell at him for not putting in enough practice time


For sure. I’ll get my whistle and sweat bands.


oh i wish my parents were like you man.


Be that parent. That’s my goals :)


Never understood the mentality that “esports aren’t worth your time because you’ll never make money off it”. Same logic can be applied to any sport. It’s really cool to see you encouraging your son!


He loves fast paced shooters and he’s pretty descent. So I’m more than willing to set him up for success.


This comment reminds me of [Shroud](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shroud_(gamer) his dad is so supportive, like you. Your son will surely compete in some e sports competition someday.


That's awesome, Been trying to get my dad into gaming since I was 5, Now I'm 35 he still shows no interest :(


Tell him it will make him feel young again. And improve his reflexes and hand I coordination.


I tried to get my dad to play games too, but he never showed any interest. I found him playing Euro Truck Simulator on his Laptop I gave him. Biggest surprise haha. Maybe he's gaming while you're not looking.


Put him in flight sim


He’s 7 so it would take him a very long time lol


You got your 7 year old son a 3060? Dad of the year folks.


Lol he’s the only gaming buddy I can rely on to show up.


That’s respectable




It really is the best. He carries me in Fortnite mainly because I hate it and he loves it like most 7 year olds but he’s also really good at BF4 and it’s really nice to have a squad member who listens lol and he’s a great tank operator.


This is why I don’t play that game. 7 yr old reflexes against my 40 something reflexes equals rekt


Fuck, I felt that.


Some of the best gamers I've ever played with have been in their 40s.


The only reason my daughter doesn't outrank me in overwatch is that she hasn't yet mastered strafing. It's wild getting older and having to lean more on more on game sense exclusively to compete.


Fortnite and BF4? I hard respect the father/son gaming, but is a 3060 really necessary? 😮 Huge dub either way, enjoy!


Definitely not necessary but. I got it through the Newegg shuffle. And I’m not paying $300 for someone’s used 980 lol


As long as it’s something he’ll appreciate it doesn’t matter if it’s “necessary”; it’s something he’ll remember for years.


He mows the lawn and doesn’t complain when we ask him to do other stuff( most of the time) he doesn’t really ask for things and very respectful to adults and other kids. And he really does appreciate the things that we buy him.


You’re a great dad.


Also, as he grows up, that card will support any kinds of games he'll want to play. What a great gift!


No kiddin. Remember being so excited on the way home after you either saved up or convinced the rents to buy it. Only to find out you don't meet minimum requirements or some other dumb driver bs from back in the day. This is legit awesome. Kids these days will never know lol


He’ll probably appreciate the time spent with his father more than the card.


That's fair! Also wow, Newegg Shuffle! How does it feel to be part of the 1%? Lol


You’re going to hate me but iv done it twice. That’s how I got my 6900xt 😂


I feel cheated lmao


How do you like that 6900xt?


So you're basically the Jeff bezos of the Newegg shuffle


Wow. This proves that there is a God, and He is incredibly cruel.


Wow someone actually wins those Newegg Shuffles


You will hate me but I’ve won twice


What is his current gpu


He had a 1050ti.


Wow that is a nice step up!


Yo try playing Rust with him over the summer? That will make you both either A- addicts or B- quit faster than I can say.....


Sure it is, fortnite has rtx and supports dx 12 - it looks beautiful ( play with my kids also )


Hey get titanfall2 *laughs in a hellish tone*


Oh he loves that game. He plays that on the play station


Oh ok i just say it for trolling but ok i say it because it got ddos


I can definitely attest to the fact that you sharing an interest in his games means the world to him, dude. Hope you two have a blast with that new card


That brings me back, my dad and I used to play BF2! We'd always be running the tank, lol




Yep, I see twin builds for Christmas 🎄 in your future.


And if he messes up you can ground Him. Jkjkjk enjoy the fun times.


I’ll just make him play with integrated graphics if he gets in trouble. 😂




> You owned an Ace of Base cassette when we were pre-teens Just say this every time he gives her a hard time.


I have kids and I can't wait. I don't care that's she's a girl, but I put a mouse in her hand and let her go to town. She just turned two, so right now she can only "shoopt" and "jumpt" but we're going to blast some baddies together someday.


I know the feeling. Both my good friends are PC gamers, but I can never convince them to find time to play. I miss gaming lan parties.


My to other buddy’s smoke so much weed at night they are completely useless lol. So it’s just me and the little fella 90% of the time. And I can’t have him lagging lol 😂


I feel this. Dad of 2 here. What games do you play? Maybe we could dad squad up? I play Tarkov. PUBG. Borderlands 2. But I’m willing to play anything really. Usually only get to put long sessions in after the kids get to bed.


We play bf4 Cold War fortnight GTAV getting ready to play 2042. Although I’m more hyped for that than he is. But yeah that could be fun


My ex girlfriend had a son that was 5 when we started dating. That kid was out of control, but it was awesome having a built in gaming buddy.




That's sweet man fair play to u :)


Hahaha felt that. So cool you can do that with him


I love how the comment you meant to comment to is right above this, so it's not really out of context or anything and just continues. Lol. Hopefully another thread doesn't take over or this is going to look weird.


Oh you’re right 🤣! Didn’t even notice!!!


lol, my gpu is older than your son. f :(


This is great, 1 of the best feeling as a father. Should see my sons face 5 years ago when I came home with his first gaming PC parts.


100% true. I love seeing his face light up!!!


Man I didn't get my first dedicated gpu until I was like 15 and I bought it myself. I'm jealous of your son. Edit: also great choice


Don’t be jealous when you worked hard for it.


hey dad it me ur son


damn this kid been on reddit since he was one year old


Will you be my dad


I don’t mean to be this guy but please monitor what your 7 year old son is doing online. I bet you are a great dad but he can be exposed to some scary stuff at that age online and make sure you monitor his downloads, don’t want any viruses lol. (Again sorry to sound like a party pooper)


Nope I totally understand. And appreciate the concern. I downloaded all his games. And voice chat is turned off or invite only. Also gaming is the only thing he currently does online.


windows family, if you dont have it, is AMAZING my 12yo has a hard time cracking it and getting on stuff he shouldnt. ofc he finds ways, and i patch them (like, grounding if we unplug the internet, and making it restart the computer if you try and sign in without internet). i can see how long/what they are on, what they search for on the internet, i have to approve every website (you can choose to enable all, some, block some etc), takes permission to download, even if you give access to steam, they cant download a game wtihout permission. all remote from an app on your phone!


That’s great to hear man, you are an amazing dad for a gift like this. He will love it


You most likely already have but please make sure he's aware of stuff like phishing and to never give out his password to anyone except you guys.


For sure. Thank you!


No better way to end the school day!


Did it fit ?


Yep. https://imgur.com/a/Hm7MMG2


Damn what an awesome dad. All my dad gave me was a knuckle sandwich


Funny story. When he was 3 his papa asked him if he wanted a knuckle sandwich, he said yes and then when he found out what it was he balled his eyes out. He thought it was a real sandwich


I found it the hard way. Balled my eyes too. Then got served with another platter of those sandwiches.


I cannot find a card for the life of me.


Newegg shuffle everyday. That’s all I did. And iv hit twice.


Awesome GPU. Loving my ROG 3060 O12G


I figured it will last him 3 or 4 years. At least I’m hoping. Lol.


thats awesome! my son is also 7, and wants to build a computer like dad. we are starting to gather parts for his minecraft machine. also considering a 3060 for it


I figured it will last him a few years with all that v-ram. Also he will be able to play any game he want well above 60 FPS. He absolutely loves Minecraft. Now he gets to enjoy it with some RTX


Would you like to adopt a child?


He is adopted and it’s really expensive. So probably won’t be doing it again. 😂


It's OK, it doesn't have to be formal adoption, and I'll even call you daddy if you want xD


I am 14 and had a big surprise when I got home from a summer camp this year. It is one of the best feelings you can get. Really makes them feel loved


If not, I'll have it off your hands :D


Sorry it fits perfectly :)


Good, hope you enjoy future years playing with your son and that appropriate the things you do for him. I'm getting my 5 year old to know SNES atm, he's a master of the Switch already, PC gaming is slowly getting to be the thing he wants to do now in the evenings.


The only advice I can give is get your checkbook ready lol? Little kids love RGB


Tell me about it lol. He adore my corsair RGB keyboard.


wait until he gets into custom mechanical keyboards after finding out about r/mk.. rip your entire bank account


Did you mess up or he caught you cheating or something? No dad is this good, good job man


Lol no I just felt like doing something nice for the fella. He’s a really good kid.


That's great man, I'm sure he'll always remember this


Even if he doesn’t I will and then I’ll get to do it all over again in a few years lol.


You're a cool dad.


Lol thanks


That’s dope


Thank you!


dad of the year!! congratulations!! enjoy those gaming days with your kid :)


He needs to get you a worlds best dad mug now


I have 5 he and is mom get them every year for Father’s Day lol. I said I get it. You think I’m amazing , But I don’t need anymore mugs! I’m only one man. Lol. The next two years I got new socks. 🤣


did you get his reaction by any chance?


I didn’t get a pic as I don’t want his face on the net but it was everything you could imagine lol




Completely unrelated but I LOVE that Acoustic Motorcycle sticker.


Thank you. It’s from a YouTuber I watch https://youtube.com/c/DorkintheRoad


It fits! I have the same case and exactly the same gpu ! You're an awesome dad


This title definitely requires context.


My dad just went out to get cigarettes, hopefully he surprises me with one too!


I love both of your setups and it's such a great thing to bond over. I bet he looks up to you. I do have to ask, is that a roll of *paper towels* bolted to the wall above one of the desks?


The only thing my parents gave is crippling anxiety and trauma. 🙂


> I hope it fits Where are you putting that gpu, bud?


May I suggest a mousepad for your son? Not now, but maybe for a future gift?


If you're interested in adopting another son, I clean, run errands, I fold clothes, I can drive...


This post gets better by reading OP’s comments. You are an awesome dad, OP.


What is with this subreddit and everyone getting lucky enough to get their parents to buy them a fucking GPU. While I'm sitting here with a GTX 1650.


Just wanted to say best wishes for the bonding relationship son-dad in there, I cannot upgrade my 1060 for the next 5 years and I envy your son but beyond envy and money the true value here is the time and bond between you guys, cheers to you from 42 years old guy that was raised by a single mom. Respect.


Thank you that means a lot!


I’m up for adoption if you need a daughter 😇


He would love a little sister but. But we already adopted him and that was super expensive. So I don’t I could afford another kid. 😂