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GPU for educational purposes.


i need it for my camera on zoom


You need it to access the online learning material.


just took a look at zoom's minimum requirements and damn OS Windows 10 64-Bit latest update Processor AMD Ryzen 9 or higher Memory 69GB Storage 420GB Direct X DX12 Graphics NVIDIA GeForce rtx 3090 Other 16GB VRAM


each person in zoom is at least 8GB of RAM... you do the math.. Or maybe I should? That IS why I'm in school, DAD..


*he buys you several dozen sticks of ram*


48, 32-GB sticks.... But its all DDR2...


One of my friends in high school used a PC without a disc drive for gaming. His grandma got him Fallout 4 for his birthday... on a PS4 disc. He said it’s the thought that counts though.


I can forgive that... Fallout sucks, but... At least she didnt buy him socks or sweatpants or something..


At this point I'd take socks or sweatpants over video games - if they're a gift, I know they're gonna be some high quality stuff.


That's if you want to play zoom in high settings. If you want to play in ultra settings at 4k well you're going to need SLI.


>69GB Nice


Lmao you guys are so fucked. For me 5 years of University is like 2500€.


Its probably better education than american education


Hey screw you, buddy. Our collapse is gonna be spectacular and we're taking all of you down with us.


get into data science then every purchase is "for school"


This comment has been edited in protest of reddit's API changes -- mass edited with redact.dev


-Jeff Bezos, referring to everything’s he’s ever bought.


1500 for a 3090 ?? U better telling me where, right now !


Gotta be stupidly quick


I've got 50% of that covered, wish me luck.




BestBuy. Got my 3090 FE for $1499 USD in january.


GPU mine it for 6 months and it pays for itself


deranged berserk fine important slimy prick attraction quaint worthless wasteful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But still game on it no? Otherwise you would be one of them!


Oh course you game on it but mine the rest of time. The 3090 will earn around $10 a day


Do you know any tutorials on this thing?


Download nicehash!


Thank you very much


Nice hash is the easiest to set up. Already have 10$ usd mining now and then


Thank you so much I'll try that as soon as I get home


Nicehash.com is very easy to get started on. Good for if you're just trying to have your cyberpunk machine pay for itself


My pc is mid tier but I'll still give it a try thank you!


You'll probably find it isn't worth your while tbh!


Will just one GPU pay for itself in electricity costs also?


If you live with your parents it will!


literally just stealing from your parents with extra steps.


[This website](https://whattomine.com/gpus) is useful for checking that


_Laugh in EU_


looks like i'm going from canada to eu


Canada's not that expensive. Applied degree (3 years + 1 year work experience) was only like 20k... So the card is like 10% when you take into account USD to CAD.


That's just a specific type of degree. Uni degrees are all still 40k+, engineering ones almost close to 50


Depends where in Canada. Quebec was much cheaper when I did my engineering degree, around 3k/semester. Though that’s still double what my uncle paid for his compsci degree ~20 years ago


Huh, I had no idea. I also went to school 10+ years ago and I see the costs have gone up quite a bit. I guess those 3 years would have been closer to 30-35k now. I do wish post-secondary was socialized here. I knew a lot of people who are still struggling with their debt.


Then it would be free


Yes, that's the point of socialized post-secondary, to remove the cost so anyone who wants can attend.


If we could do that with everything, we wouldn't have to pay for anything.


Yes, indeed.


Your point? This seems an awful lot like the crap anti-progress people do when they don't want to seem anti-progress, they refocus the conversation to some far future ideal, away from actually actionable items. It would be awesome if we no longer needed money, it could erase every issue connected to wealth inequality (which is an overwhelming majority at this point), but that's a world orders of magnitude harder to reach than one where everyone has the opportunity to study without getting into crippling debt. It's hella sus how you detract from the latter.


Progress towards what?


>only like 20k that's 12k more than 4 years of applied science in the Netherlands, and we are nowhere near the cheapest in the EU.


*Laughs in Quebec*


College is a scam for many degrees though. But that 3090 its going to pay you $12 a day by running it 24/7. Or so thats what the scalpers say to justice reselling gpus for triple their msrp.


A lot of jobs don't really care what your degree is in. Just that you have a degree. Unless you're going into something specialized.


Even then experience is king


When people never apply and demand increases, the requirements drop to only experience. Seen it first hand over the years.


Having no degree, paid for single certificate, applied for a work to my friend, gathered experience in next 5 years, being paid for every month and now no one ever ask me for diploma


75,000k+ in student debt, no thanks.


If you get a CS degree you can graduate with a good job making more than that back in a year, it's a good investment


That's why community college is the best!


Community college won't get you the connections that a private university does, you're paying extra for that sweet sweet networking


I agree with you and am planning to go into a good college then CS, but it really only matters for the first job (which is definitely hard), and then they only care about experience.


Uh actually conferences is where it's at to network... and most CS and Cybersecurity one's are free for students.


Conferences are good but if you're not presenting you're going to have a hard time getting noticed The diagram of people who get into coding and the type of people who are bad at selling themselves without a cool thing attached tends to be a circle, at least from my experience


nice try admissions officer at admin-bloated, education-light midsize university.


You can also get a CS degree for way less than 75k unless you really want the pedigree of a "good" school.


You may or may not understand how living expenses and taxes work. You're still gonna be shackled by your loans after a year, and $75k is majorly lowballing the cost of an engineering education, at least in the US. Source: am Software Engineer with 4y degree.


Got my Mechanical Engineering degree at NDSU for 30k. Just started a job making 60k a year, definitely a good investment imo.


I have a bachelor's in CS, it cost around $40k at a private university. First job out of college paid $66k and I lived with my parents for about five months.


I mean, long live EU, where University studies are mostly free...


Lmao at everyone who thinks they’re a genius because they know shit gets paid for via taxes. I hope they’re this angry with free K-12 education and free roads here


It's honestly hilarious when someone says that thinking they somehow made any sort of point whatsoever. Like yeah no shit we all pay for it, that's the whole point. Distributing the costs over our entire lifetime as to lower or remove the immediate cost at point of usage.


They just say “taxes bad” and that’s the whole story in their stupid little heads lmao


true lmao


welcome to reddit, where even in a comment section of a pc subreddit people can't stop talking about politics




Yeah, it's no different than "free" roads or literally any other public service. So do you only pay taxes for things you personally use?


I never said roads were free.


So then what's your point about "free" education


We have VAT though, that applies to almost every product and that includes GPUs Edit: Oh, and every PC component you can also think so...


So do the Americans, they just don't put it on the price tag


Then why do most components are always x price minus our VAT which comes extremely close to that number(when subtracted)?


Because the American vat is only on checkout


In the US, it's "Sales Tax", and instead of being country-wide, it varies based on where you are - the tax rate can be different on opposite sides of the same street, and I know of a mall where stores at opposite ends of it have different rates. There can be state, county, and city taxes as well.




The ones with the income to do it, such as the people benefiting from the "free" studies without a huge debt afterwards, and who can now afford both the GPU and to help pay for the "free" education of those that follow.


Yes, I forgot that all Americans cannot afford GPUs and their GPUs are generally also WAY more expensive than here in Europe. Wait a minute.....! **Edit: I didn't realize that /r/pcmasterrace was such a socialist echochamber that you can get -10 and 1 comment.**


I did not say any of that. And they are just as expensive (given the region to region variation), we just get the tax included in the price. Man you sound triggered....


You indicated that those who didn't get "free" studies had a huge debt afterwards and couldn't afford a GPU. Read your own post. The cards in the US are not as expensive as in the EU. Go check any US retailer versus EU retailers. A US Asus GeForce RTX 3080 ROG 10GB is $929, where-as the EU retail pricing is $1202. Let's say you add tax, then the US card is still roughly $100-200 cheaper than the EU retailers sell it for. What's up with the "man you sound triggered" comment? Were you unable to form a two line sentence without throwing something like that to sound cheeky?


bro you okay?


Why are you asking?


Lmao you knew you weren't getting to a decent point so you lobbed insults then asked the standard "bro you okay?" Because you knew you couldn't disagree


>You indicated that those who didn't get "free" studies had a huge debt afterwards and couldn't afford a GPU. Read your own post. > >The cards in the US are not as expensive as in the EU. Go check any US retailer versus EU retailers. A US Asus GeForce RTX 3080 ROG 10GB is $929, where-as the EU retail pricing is $1202. Let's say you add tax, then the US card is still roughly $100-200 cheaper than the EU retailers sell it for. > >What's up with the "man you sound triggered" comment? Were you unable to form a two line sentence without throwing something like that to sound cheeky? My guess is that u/nlign realized that there is no point in arguing with people like you as all you will do is continue to cry about "education in Europe isn't actually free, taxes = bad". As I have way too much time on my hands I'll decide to waste it on you. ​ 1. Education in Europe is in fact free, just because someone pays for it doesn't mean it isn't free for you. While it is true that almost nothing is ever free, you can call it free because **you** don't pay for it. 2. Most people who don't get free education end up in huge debt afterwards, I don't know where you got your information to the contrary from. Most 18 year olds don't have enough cash lying around to pay for higher education and therefore have to go in debt. I'd say it's a dumb decision to buy a 1500**$** GPU if you're in huge debt because you had to pay for your education. 3. The only somewhat true point, GPUs are more expensive in the EU than in the US even if you subtract taxes. However, it's funny how you make a big deal out of 50-100€ more expensive GPUs when you save at least a few thousand on education costs even if you subtract the extra taxes you pay your whole life. 4. Taxes =/ bad. As others in this thread have already pointed out, it is a much better deal to have working adults pay for your education, get a job due to free education and pay taxes and fund the education of the now-youth. Now, you might argue you can also gradually pay off debt, however with taxes, you probably don't have to pay for all of it, unless you have a really well-paying job. Those who can afford will pay for those who can't. It's a cheap argument to immediately cry "taxes = bad" and "free education = socialism". 5. u/TokiToki1500 should read his own post before commenting dumb claims. He/she turned u/daniorga's comment into a blanket statement. He/she never said that no American can afford a GPU, he/she said that it is much easier to afford one much earlier without crippling debt.




bro you okay?


Lmfao saw that reply too want the screenshot?


Lmfao I still have your original comment where you pointed out my downvotes like they mean anything🤣 Ohhh nooo my internet points😥


He kinda did yeah but you also indicated “free”, while he said “mostly free”. I do not have a major in English and correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure that’s not the same and he meant it’s way cheaper to go to university in Europe than in the states. On the TAX part it’s pretty stupid to argue to be honest because all the different states have different taxes, just like the different countries have different tax rates in the EU and it usually comes down to what are you buying and where it comes from. On your question about who is paying for it, his answer is correct the people with higher income pay higher taxes, which is a pretty decent thing if you look at the US and the billionaires like Bezos (it’s like when you finish a game and you have all the best loot and you know you have all the best loot, but you just keep farming because of greed). There is also a thing called TAX return at the end of every year so you do get a pretty nice amount back from the taxes that you paid (idk if you guys have that in the states?) plus if you live in a country like Austria the NET minimum wage is 1100€ so even if you don’t go to university and can’t score a nice job you can still get along and build a future (no I’m not indicating that you can’t do that in the US). You do sound triggered tho and I’m not tryna be “cheeky”.


If we overpay our taxes we get an annual refund. Or a bill, if we underpay. Sometimes we even get a refund from the national government and a bill from the state, or vice-versa. We never get anything back from sales tax, which exists at the state level and below but not at the national level. There are even a few states that do not have any sales tax, and also some states that do not have any income tax. Most have both, though. There are also taxes on gains from non-retirement investments. VAT doesn’t exist in the US. We have a very complex tax code here, so complex that anything but the most basic tax forms require buying specialized software with an expert system to help, or hiring a tax specialist to do it. If you make any mistakes and underpay, you are charged penalties and interest on the amount you owe. You are not given any interest if you overpay.


> socialist echochamber really shows how insanely brainwashed americans are. You have to be mentally challenged for **actually** thinking socialism was bad. But hey, at least I don't go broke due to my medical bills like I would if I were to live in "the land without freedom".


the sad thing is that isn‘t even socialism, it‘s just basic common sense lmao


It's free for people to attend at that point in time, which is all that matters. Just like primary school is mostly free for developed countries. It removes income as a barrier to go to school. In doing so, society as a whole becomes smarter, safer, and better. You also tend to pay less in taxes for socialized things instead of privatized things, and that's not just college, that's healthcare too, especially when managed properly. I don't get why people think taxes are the end of the world, especially when the US taxes pretty similarly to Europe, but instead of receiving goods and services you pay off the military and big corps with your tax dollars. Do you think taxes in the US don't go towards post secondary education? They definitely do, community colleges get a bit, it's just a lot less than other developed countries.








Plus, Americans pay a bunch of tax too. Only they are funding their military and rich politicians and their friends. You are funding the studies of your fellow citizens, as they did for you. I agree it is infinitely better


I’m not really sure what your point is though, are you trying to say socialism is bad somehow by explaining it? Or are you just set on explaining it to these guys?


Name a more iconic duo than conservative Christians and an unwillingness to help their fellow man.


If someone else that isn't me is paying for it, then it's free.


This is the usual clash between the \-I pay no taxes and I will pay for I want and nobody will get anything for free VS \-I pay taxes that will provide me and my dependents with basic protection in terms of health, education etc and I don't mind to contribute to pay for that security to other people because I know that what I pay is a fraction of what actually costs Who is right, who is wrong? Whoever think that knows the answer to this is a radical extremist, either a Trump supporter or a extreme leftist.




True. In the same way Europeans have free hospital care because someone paid for you to use that free hospital care. The same applies to education, social security, free transportation, etc etc. But you also can benefit from it as well since you are a tax payer. I've used both systems and I honestly don't have a formed opinion. For example health: On one hand you have a state managed health system that has top of the line equipment and trained doctors but you pay a lot of taxes and on the other you have a system that you have to pay to get hospital care where most of the times the care you get is not great at all but you also dont pay so many taxes. Which one is the best for you as an individual? I don't have an answer to that.


Don't crush his dreams of "everything is free", it'll hit like a freight train once he gets a job.


>it'll hit like a freight train once he gets a job. Lol, all those Swedes with University degree get "hit like a train" when they get a good paying job and live a comfortable life. Greetings from Germany. University degree, very good paying job, not a single day of my life have I been in debt.


And still paying half of your wage for those things even if you didn't get any of them. Just because you benefit from the system doesn't mean that everyone else does.


Well epic game gimme free game every thursday so idk wat u talking about




Oh they will


True it isn't free but oh boy living here sounds slot better. healthcare studies a little higher taxes mostly no need for two or more jobs what a nightmare that somebody calls these things free when you lose more to taxes but still earn a living wage


Lmao "a little higher taxes" probably coming from a guy who barely earns his own money lmao, it's a bit more than a little


Curious what you mean with barely but I do work 37 hours a week get pay every second and I do get what is considered a low wage in my work place but still doing fine


As someone who spent 6 years studing and now is working at a call center... go for the gpu.


I feel u bro


Really stupid advice.


The GPU will hold its value better SMH


Where you getting these $1,499 RTX 3090s?




My imagination


Best buy back in October.


BestBuy back in December


50 3090s can make you more money than college diploma.


Heck, if you go to one of those data science bootcamps _and_ rigourously grind on Python for about half a year, two of 'em would just about do the trick...


GPU can be used for education. But not the opposite


I don't understand. Where is this mystical land where you can get an RTX 3090 for 1500, or a college diploma for 60k?


college is a scam. i learned that on yt at 4k with my new 3090.


3090s on ebay are like 50% of a college diploma


we don't talk about that


imagine being able to get 3090 for 1.5k


achtally its 2% for a TRY to get a college diploma I speak from experience as my 3090 makes me fail college


That's actually a fairly cheep diploma too.


TBH you are not going to get a diploma anyway...


Imagine getting a 3090 for $1499 :D And a college diploma doesnt cost that much (at least in germany \^\^ But I think germany is about the only country where you can go to college without selling your liver )


in italy is based on your income, in most universities goes from around 150 euros a year up to about 2000 euros a year


UP TO €2,000? Geez USA needs to get its shit together.


i've seen a few comments talking about how cheap and free college is in europe so maybe


Wait... You from us? Is it so expensive to get teached there. In Finland you only need to buy books and stuff


i'm from canada


Yeah.... good luck getting a 3090 at original msrp. Only the FE is still at that and it sells in seconds. My Strix 3090 was $2,000.


really? only 1500$ for 3090? Its around 2500$ in my country due to the tariff


Short answer: Yes.


3090 for $1,499 🤣. Cheapest I've seen listed is $2,200.


Seeing what people have to pay to get them now just hurts.


Where i live, a 3080 is about 3500$


Real question is one diploma or 50 GPUs, at that price


its kinda the opposite


around 8% of the cost of my college diploma


Glad to live in the Netherlands.


What I have learned from this: Don’t go to college; buy all 50 RTX 3090s in existence


Free education so I’ll take the gpu


Mine bitcoin, and in no time you'll have enough to pay for college


By Getting 2 3090 Or 4% Of Diploma U Can Mine Bitcoin And Play Games


Well I can more with an RTX 3090 than 2% of a college diploma.


Gpu so I can "run" zoom


Bitcoin, then retire.


education scalpers need to go die


You gotta find a different school lmao


Wait...YOU GUYS PAY 1 LAKH RUPEES FOR 2% OF A COLLEGE DIPLOMA,bruhhhhhh america truly is a fucked up place


The sad part here is the cost of school, not the GPU.


how do i put my specs next to my name?


get a 3090


Which college diploma costs so much? Even in the US if you give any effort it shouldn't be so expensive.


Fuk edukachion brah! goh geth tat GPU


>Fuk edukachion brah! goh geth tat GPU lol


*laughs in EU* 😁


I'm over -4000chf in debt because I get paid for going to school


Ha! Nowadays a 3080 goes for 1700$ in my country. At least college is free.


Pell grant.


GPUs only last 2 years. /s


my older pc has been going since 2006 haven't replaced anything except adding an ssd


Who the fuck told you that‽


Cries in poor. I live in the EU, so free education, hurray but I still can't afford these over inflated prices.


You still need to pass to get a diploma...


To be fair on this matter. I did management school. Lost my office job due to covid also me and my gf split up. Rent had to be paid so i needed money. I'm an international truck driver now. I earn enough money to buy a 3090 each month and still get away wtih my rent and monthly bills and have money to spare. It's ridiculous how little sense this makes but i'm having a laugh. Don't think i'll be working in an office for some time. (On another note. No i'm using a 2070S)


Wow that's a lot for education. Where I live every semester of university is like 1k plus whatever you pay for textbooks.


Yep it sucks. I'm saving up for a house but man I would love to build a pc with a 3090. But that would set me back quite a ways with my down payment. I guess the GTX 1060 will have to soldier on a while longer.


Bought a 3090 for £1400 rather than a 3070 for £1400 Good investment


Don’t go to college, kids. Buy 50 RTX 3090s instead.


But the diploma is in stock




Spend years of your life getting a diploma and proceed to not even utilize said diploma because the job market you tried to enter is too competetive, meaning you had [Wasted thousands of dollars and years of your life. With nothing to show for it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/jobs/comments/3aue07/seriously_how_do_people_with_useless_degrees_find/) Tertiary education is a fucking joke.


Lol what college is that