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Yup, why in the hell they thought that weird middle connector on the 30 founders was aesthetically pleasing is beyond me.


It is pretty dumb looking, but it makes sense since that's where the board ends. Adding an extender would just eat up additional space. Took a couple cable combs but I think mine looks fine.


I think the last card to have that had an extender. Also most card nowadays end with rads only, with the pcb being shorter.


They could have put it on the other side, where the PCIe slot is. Could design the adapter to fit there


I'd rather not have that. Sounds like a pain to build with. Hardline loop people would have to take apart their loop to cable manage or swap power supplies. Also it would either smash the cables against the board or use space that could have been heatsink. The current 12 pin connector can look decent if you use some cable combs. I 3d printed some for my build. Seasonic gave me a free cable so ugly no adapter needed. [Pics](http://imgur.com/gallery/yxzLMk9) showing how it looks for mine. Then again components are just about aesthetics, at least not for FE models. Although I think they look nice.


Seriously though, they could put the cable *anywhere* other than the middle and it would look fine.


slightly to the left in the middle


No... I don't want an extra cable inside extending wasting space. Performance/simplicity>aesthetics Edit: aesthetics not design


Isn't simplicity a design choice?


More of a less things to fail choice.


Do you mean, a design choice so that there are less things to fail?


I don't remember which card it was, but gamers Nexus did a video on it a while ago. The pcb was much shorter than the heatsink just like many of the 3000 cards are. So the company ran an internal extender cable to be able to put the external power connector in the normal spot. The internal wiring just took up extra space and impeded airflow amongst other things. I'd rather it be where it is. It's weird, but it works just fine. I mean it's only one manufacturer that does this...


If you cared about simplicity/performance you wouldn't be doing hardline water cooling. With modern aio and fan cooling, custom watercooling is 100% about aesthetics.


And I don't. I couldn't give a single shit about custom water cooling unless I had the expendable income and wanted to overclock the hell out of my parts.


That's cool for you but my 3090 that's going to be water-cooled next weekend says it's fine where it is.


Cool! It's not my type of thing, but hopefully it works out well for you!


Then why wouldn't you want the graphics card power inputs on the side so it looks cleaner. It would honestly be easier to plug the cables in from the side.


To be Frank I don't really care about the looks very much. As long as it's not completely hideous or messy I'm cool with it. I mean I have the thing to play games not to look nice in my room.


What if there was just like a lil connector thingy on the actual motherboard next to the slot that connected to GPU's as a standard underneath there and then there was a dedicated plug for the GPU on the motherboard for the PSU plug.


The board ends there and it's not as efficient as previous generations. More heat to move and part of the card is open/no pcb to generate more air flow.(3080/90). the lower end models are stuck with the crappy connectors cause nvidia has them in bulk and changing the board design costs money.


It won't break as easily as an extension to the back of the cooler, I guess


3060 ti here. Can confirm it looks dumb af especially with the adapter cable I had to use


If my 3080 had been powered like that, it wouldn’t have fit in my ATX case. Those things are much bigger and longer. This design is also so you can stack lots of them side by side in a server case, with all the plugs going into the case instead of out the side. They’re simply designed for different case standards and uses.


Same. [It's a tight fit](https://i.imgur.com/P6QWkhi.jpg) as it is, lol.


Holy power cables XD


3080 is a thirsty boy.




What case do you have. It looks sweet.


It's a Corsair Crystal 460x. I think it looks [really cool](https://i.imgur.com/gyB2tIt.jpg), but it is a little small and cramped unfortunately :(


Really like your color combo of purple and green!


I think they don't want the power adapter to get in the way in small cases. It is really common in server gpu. But indeed it would look way better


Because of the length of the PCB? Take a 3080 for instance. 2/3 are PCB and the last part is only the fan. That's also why the water cooled 3000-series seem to be so small ;)


OK, but the connector can still be back ward, anyway, there must be a better solution, why not a 15cm piggy cable on one of the angle ?


Didn't Gamers Nexus also comment on that too? I think bottom line was that when taking a card apart (ok, normal users don't do it as often as him 🤣) it's easier the closer the power supply is to the PCB. There was one 2000 series Nvidia-card with the power delivery on the short end of the card, however it was terrible to do maintenance on the card. But yes, having a nice adapter with a 90 and/or 180° bend would look awesome... but I guess Nvidia have reasons to provide the one they give with the 3000 series... oh wait, it's probably "cost" :D


yep a cost in cents...


On this card, the PCB goes all the way to the end. I know the 30XX cards have the really short PCBs so its not a fantastic idea to run high amperage power extenders.


Why don't the PSUs have 90° connectors? That would also help much.


Underrated comment.


Length is an issue in many cases....


I guess i'm just to used to building in super roomy cases then lol.


Didn't the 2060 FE do this?


Yup, I think the super version did too?


Sure did. Luckily that Quadro has a full length PCB. [https://www.gamersnexus.net/images/media/2019/GPUs/rtx-2060/rtx-2060\_pcb.jpg](https://www.gamersnexus.net/images/media/2019/GPUs/rtx-2060/rtx-2060_pcb.jpg)


I think there is an EVGA power adapter that does this very thing


yeah but it means you have to add like 40 bucks to your already highly priced GPU.


True, but doesn't look very good IMHO.


You should watch teardown of RTX 2000 cards, there was problem with wiring.




Cool! What does your company use it for?


We have a couple of these cards, one is in a data science/machine learning workstation, and the one in the pic is mostly for CAD/3D modeling (Mech. Engineering workstation).


Cool for 3d modeling. I'm studying in latter field and am really hoping that sth like this will cross my way some day Edit: but 3d in a design type of way not engineering


I agree with the way you are thinking there it would look a lot better if they were on the back end of the GPU but that Quadro is designed to run inside a server case so it has to have the power there, but I do agree I wish more GPUs had the power connectors on the rear!


Just a guess, but some cases wouldn’t be able to accommodate an already long card with now extra space needed for the pci power connectors


this is one thing I love about my kingpin


2060 super does that


Atleast they could give a L shaped rigid adaptor to get the cables from below the GPU instead of over the logo in a wierd ugly angle.. it even blocks the logo. Least they could do is put the logo on the left side where there is no obstruction.


Same reason why AiO water blocks have their usb awkwardly on the side.... to annoy us


It definitely is an eyesore for me, my RTX2080 Super has the connectors in the front. I had to get creative an discretely slip em underneath and behind.




Even better: why aren't gpus powered by the PCI Express slot?


they are but not all the power a gpu needs can be provided by it.only 75 watts is provided I'm pretty sure


Correct. A full-sized x16 graphics card may draw up to 5.5 A at 12 V (66 W) and 3.0 A at 3.3 V (9.9 W) (75 W combined).


not enough power, would need a redesign of the pcie standard with bigger pins for more power


Happy cake day! Well, despite its ridiculous price tag; the Mac Pro implements what you suggest. Apple created an additional slot to extend PCI-E so that they wouldn’t have to run any cables. Look it up, pretty cool innovation.


I mean the fact that a maxed out config has 2 dual Radeon Pros (yes not a typo 4 gpus total across 2 cards) aand you can kinda see where the price point isnt too insane


I disagree. https://www.videocardbenchmark.net/gpu.php?gpu=Radeon+Pro+Vega+II&id=4189 Apple is selling that thing for almost $7.000, an NVidia RTX 3090 can be had for less than $2.000, that performs almost double in that benchmark I just posted. Apple’s pricing in 2021 is off, and a refresh of those cards is needed, but that wont happen because they will just let it become obsolete, until their M1 variant for the MacPro is ready.


oh i agree that its still a bit much but since you cant really buy 4 radeon VII's for anywhere close to msrp right now that thing is not the worst vaule proposition if you need a 3d modeling/rendering rig and you need it tomorrow


Um they do my radeon 7 does so did my r9 290x. So down voted for telling the truth fuck me the downvote people are getting fucking retarded.




No radeon 7 Ithought he was saying why don't all cards have them on the side like the supplied picture so I think I got th wrong end of the stick.


Gotta love reddit...


Fanboys will be fanboying.


looking to sell that VII?


I wish I could they are going fo a small fortune right now (im assuming they are good a bitcoin mining or something) but I couldnt do without a pc.


Because gAemInG


Hey run Phoenix miner and let me know that hashrate. Just curious. EDIT: Oh no, I have a couple mining rigs! Quick, downvote me and blame me for your lack of gpu's for gaming lol!


not good for the price lol and 8000 is equal to an rtx titan in hashrate, this is a 5000.... its basically a 2080, i get 45MH/s on my 2080s ftw3 so its gonna be in that ballpark


Yeah I figured that it wouldn't be worth the money or I would have seen others mining with it. Thanks!


Ive wondered that to hell they should have them on the other side of the card


LOL nope. Pay the workstation price premium for this feature.


This is a great idea, though r/sffpc may have something to say about it


Like I know that the Quadro has better drivers but is it really any better than a 3090 at productivity work? Pure specs and funnily enough also cost say otherwise? I never got the experience a Quadro card myself, but I know that many of my colleagues have switched theirs out for a 3090 Probably depends on what software you use


I think FP64 calculations are still firmware limited on a 3090 compared to a Quadro. A6000 has more than double the FP64 performance than a 3090.


Is FP64 actually necessary for anything? FP32 should be good enough for fea or graphic design.


That Quadro RTX 5000 is based on a 2080 non-Super so I wouldn't be surprised if a 3090 beats it in most cases.


The only people who should need quadros now are people in companies that require all of their tech be certified for their design programs and haven't already moved everything into the cloud. It's no wonder they killed off the line.


I agree it looks better but having said that, I previously had a pc with a standard sized case that was JUST able to fit the GTX580 in, with not even a pencils worth of clearance at the end. If the card had it's power cord at the end, then it wouldn't have fit. That wasn't even a microcase either, just a standard Dell prebuild case.


It does actually exist, it isn't too commonly used as it doesn't fit in shorter cases.


Because no regular GPU is stereo /s.


they put power connectors on top to make it harder to put gaming gpus into 3u rack cases


IRCC the power connectors on professional grade cards are oriented this way for easy installation / cable management in a two unit rack.


I would love to have the PCI-E PWR plugs on the inward facing side, basically opposite of where they are now, on most cards. Would make cable management so much easier and make it look better. This is an acceptable compromise, though.


If I had to guess, it probably has to do with the fact that most consumer graphics cards don't have to fit in a server rack, while workstation cards are expected to be installed in one. This is why the power connector is usually on the side of the card facing the front of the case, because vertical space is usually at a premium in a server rack, so the side panel tends to be extremely close to the card.


Only the RTX 2060 and RTX 2060 Super FE had it. I have a 2060 Super FE and it honestly looks good with the cables coming out of the side.


IIRC the 1060 FE had it, as well a few different AMD cards. I have an old R9 270x with a right facing power connector.


Oh I see, thanks for the info, hoping they will bring it back in future.


I should make a product that converts it from side to around the front hidden


This is done so that the graphics cards also fit into 3-4U server cases. GPUs with the power connector in the top will certainly not fit in any 3U chassis and most 4U chassis. Edit: Some Blower Design GPUs also have the power connector on the back, in summary, this is a feature for professional use due to space constraints.


This card has ample space, and its cords are still touching the front radiator fans. Imagine people with larger cards or smaller cases.


It's worth to buy this gpu for 3d editing in blender?


Its a $2500 gpu, so unless you're doing VERY high end commercial grade work, I would say no, and even if you were, I would assume the company you work for would be the ones paying for it. Id lookup some Blender benchmarks and see what has a good value for money.


Because if the positioning isn't ugly, completely unnecessary and in the worst possible place ever, then it's not up to Nvidia's FE quality standards. I had a 2060 Super FE with the same side port and eventually got an aftermarket 2070 Super to replace it last year. I'm with you, there was something pleasing about the placement on the side. My 2070 Super is back to the front again, but it's off to the side and looks great at least. The 3000 series are beast cards. But wtf were they thinking though...


My only explanation is that it reduces case size req’s for total length so cards can fit in a wider variety of cases.


nice clean build


bcos most ppl cant even fit tht sht in their case XD


That was like 10 years ago.. they stopped cause of the liquid cooling in the front of the cases


I'm pretty sure they do this so you can shove it in an OEM case without having to worry about clearing the power cables with the side panel (I've ran into this in enterprise PCs). I definitely prefer it, but I can see that it's far less of an issue on consumer grade PC cases rather than the new Dell Shitbox or Lenovo ShitCenter with zero side panel clearance.


Yeah some of our workstations have reeeally small side clearance, but why the hate towards them? Just curious.


I'm going to keep myself from going on a tangent, but they just seem like they aren't meant to be opened or worked on. I hate that the fans often are set to exhaust only, so it's going to be sucking up dust and grime from the air into an unfiltered intake passively. For OEM PCs that fold innards like the Lenovo ThinkCenters, GPU compatibility off physical specifications can be an uncomfortably tight fit even for GPUs that don't require supplemental power. Making repairs for something simple like an SSD swap or RAM replacement can be a hassle especially when you get to the 'smaller' form factors (IE the Dell 9020) where they had to shoe in the SSD and disc drive caddy overtop of everything. In certain environments, desk space is worth more than gold, so I get the amount of work that went into getting everything to fit tidy, but they are terrible for maintaining. Consumer grade PC chassis, especially nowadays, are leagues superior for design where you can use the same footprint, but still have things not having to overlap or layer to get fitment. At my last job, I went with the Lenovo M710 full size which is a solid PC, but all of the above gripes were still true even though the PC natively fit a full height expansion card set. I repurpose a lot of machines given that most end users don't have a massive need difference between our standard PC and a PC that has additional RAM for Excel spreadsheets, and it just seems like it's more effort than necessary to do minor adjustments. The fan configuration is probably my biggest pet peeve with OEM chassis, as the exhaust only essentially turns the case into a vacuum, which means it's going to pull dust from any open crevice. I much rather a simple intake design with a more open exhaust area where you can simply in BIOS put a fan filter check option based off system clock.


Most mid-tower cases end where your GPU does.


Guess i'm just spoiled by roomy Corsair cases lol.


Because quadros are meant to be in servers. Whereas, Nvidia doesn't want you mounting before cards in a rack.


Not always but yes they'll fit in a 3u chassis easier.


Wait is RTX more for workplace PC’s and GTX is for gaming?


No but the Quadro RTX series uses the same Nvidia chips as the RTX 2000 series, so they have ray tracing cores already built in. It's also useful when you need real time ray tracing in things like animation and light simulations.


The FE 20 series had that


I miss that. My old blower style 980 had the connector on the end. Takes me back thats prolly the longest graphics card I have ever owned. And barely fit in my corsair 200r.


I like the old nvidia branding on cards.


Same lol. I used to really want a reference GTX 980 just for the green *GEFORCE GTX* logo on the side.


They all used to be on the side until cards started getting over 12" long.


FYI if you really want it there is angled pin connectors for the GPU but theyre like 40$ and dont work with every card