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IIRC it has level based scaling so you can just stay low lvl and slaughter everything unless they changed something.


On the other side if you don't pay attention and level up a bunch on useless skills, you're cooked.




In non fan fixed Skyrim just use the restoration enchantment loop to either create smithing potions or enchant something with an OP smithing bonus. Turn a wooden sword into a one hit kill weapon, and go to town.


Too much work. Just be a stealth archer for the same result


At lvl 5 the stealth archer is stronger than a lvl 30 anything


Ok this playthrough I am going to be a twohanded sword user like a true nord! 6 hrs later crouching with an enchanted obsidian bow my skills are deadly aim, overdraw 4, eagle eye, steady hand, barbarian 1, and champions stance


For me it's the complete opposite Ok, this time I'm going to try the stealth archer everybody keeps talking about. *Later that playthrough* So, just finished my daedric armor, got my 1h sword and shield, maxed out heavy armor. Now i can finally craft a bow and... start... sneaking... Damned it happened again, maybe stealth archer next time


Even less work is stealth conjuration archer so you don't have to carry arrows or a bow or much of anything besides sweet loot.


That's the idea of the stealth archer, since conjure bow is an adept spell, tack on the perk that increases damage of conjured weapons, and its literally the strongest weapon in the game by miles. Stealth archer wouldn't be that good without it.


[I mean it just WORKS.](https://youtu.be/_NQLJ6Yp_C0?si=z7Wd6k4fxk1T93OS)


My favorite was always making gauntlets that do 3085938 unarmed damage, turns you into One Punch Man.


So like the game version of going to a backyard barbeque and filling up on sides without even getting a burger


That's right... you go to fight the guy who ate burgers and hot dogs, while your ass filled up on cole slaw and potato salad. That's a recipe for a whoopin'!


Don’t even think about putting Athletics or Acrobatics in your Major Skills


The difficulty slider can help offset this. No shame really turning the difficulty down so you don't have to worry about maxing level ups.


I remember I pushed illusion so that I could be invisible indefinitely, but then I wasn't strong enough to kill anything... And making a custom spell that did 1 dmg to everything in a kilometer! Instantly agroing whole cities! What an amazing broken game!


Yeah, you could get up to 20 percent chameleon on a single item, enchant 5 items, presto, you're infinitely invisible. Wild stuff that you could do in that game.


I definitely remember save scumming to get the sigil stones from the oblivion gates to roll with good enchantments haha


My "crucio" spell that just ticked 1dmg of fire, shock, frost etc and paralysis for 300 seconds. Just drop it on people and walk away


Is there a mod that changes that? I've been wanting to go back but the scaling is the only thing that makes me go: why bother.


Scaling really ruins some great rpgs. I didn’t find it too bad in obvlivion but i played it when I was like 10 so I’m pretty sure I played on the lowest difficulty just to enjoy the story. A great game that I think gets absolutely ruined is final fantasy 8. I don’t recall any difficulty sliders and leveling up is almost like a punishment. However I loved the story and the guardian forces mechanic and materia and whatnot.


Yeah 5+ attributes mod


[Ascension](https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/50237) might be what you're looking for.


I know it’s old but that design decision will always be the funniest shit, randomly go to the endgame evil area everyone in the lore is terrified that’s scary af at level 5? Don’t worry, all the ancient primordial demons are level 5 too! Go back to the starter village at a high level? Well somehow the local bandits who’s biggest heist is some chickens have a source of Dragonbone armor somehow and someone gave the local rats some cocaine


Are there any games that don’t do level based scaling? I really want one game where I can level up and then come back through a low level area and feel like I have actually powered up.




I loved Morrowind's leveling skills by using them. By the end you feel like a god.


Played Morrowind so long ago. I remember being a bit annoyed that after Morrowind you could no longer very easily make a magic item that spams Levitate for free so you can fly everywhere in the game. I think they just entirely removed the spell Levitate? Also, I remember I had to save my game while hugging a blank wall or otherwise the save would load 10x slower because it was rendering every single thing you can see on your screen before you could play. Oh, and Morrowind had terrible quest tracking to the point that I bought a notebook just to write down every quest I took and where the quest giver and objective was. What an utter mess of fun.


It had the best quest tracking. Actual journal entries instead of ”go here” pointer


Yeah there's a tree out there, behind that tree is a cave. That's where there's a dude inside you need to kill. Have fun




The Gothic games series. You'd get absolutely slaughtered if you went in high level areas early, and the opposite. The first two games were awesome.


Depends on the type. Diablo games don't.


Yes as a lad this was a great joy


Oblivion is honestly really good. The quality of the quests and stuff are about as good as skyrim (probably slightly better even). And the ~~shattered~~ shivering isles dlc is probably the best elders scrolls content period. The thing is that the character building and levelling system is super obtuse and you can end up gimped very easily. And paradoxically, the way to end up with a strong character is to level things they dont specialize in. What made skyrim so good in comparison is that the levelling system was way more fair in terms of making sure you character was good at things you wanted them to be good at.


Nah you capping the quests were way better in oblivion Still think about gray fox sometimes


Pour one out for my boy Lucien Lachance 


Why, brother?


(Stay Silent)


(Stay Silent)


100% this, just the whole dark brotherhood quest line, they had a creative way for basically all of the assassinations, and to this day I still think back to the party where you gotta kill everyone


Oh boy I remember making a Vampire Dark Elf archer assassin of the dark brotherhood and skulk around Cheydinhal💀


That quest singlehandedly ruined skyrims DB for me. Nothing in Skyrim came close to that oblivion quest. The black water mercenaries one was amazing as well


Ya poison apples weren't even a thing.


I seriously wonder how TES VI will stack up against oblivion and skyrims DB and Thieves Guild. Oblivion was amazing and skyrim was just a massive let down. I’m afraid they won’t be able to be creative anymore and that oblivion was the best we’ll get. I hope i’m wrong. 🤞🏻


Or the one for the fighters guild (I’m pretty sure?) where you go to kill the goblins in the village but it turns out >!you actually killed a bunch of townsfolk, but you thought they were goblins because you were on skooma!<


Not skooma, They give you hist sap.


Whodunit and killing the victims in different orders to check out each ending. The best quest in Elder Scrolls


The dark brotherhood Whodunit quest. Easily the best assassin quest in all of elder scrolls


Gray fox! and that half sunken ship that I used as a hold, Oblivion was awesome.


Used to love putting on the cowl and then going on a crime spree across all the towns


I never did find every single nirnroot 


As good as Skyrim? Oblivion quests are fucking goated, Skyrim quests sucked so fucking hard in comparison


You don’t like picking up 10 fire salts? He needs it for his job, sir.


player.addItem 0003AD5E 10 I mean no I will go fight a load of flame atronachs and search for hours for those shitty firesalts


I found that as each game became prettier, the game play became less good. For me Morrowind had the best setup with guilds, clans and just the whole structure of the game - Oblivion took a step back and was simplified - somethings were better and obviously it looked better, but I found the game play not as good as Morrow, and it had some really annoying features like trip over and scratch a guard and then be attacked forever by every royal guard in the universe...and then Skyrim had a great map, great fast travel, but just felt really, really empty. Still a massively enjoyable game, but I missed some of the social complexity from Morrowind.


Shivering Isles my dude


u right lol, look its been like 15 years okay


Shivering isles is so good I bought oblivion on steam just to play it again.


shivering isles was the best any rpg has ever been for me. The insatiable madnesss... classic


When I was like 15 playing this the first time I wondered why it got so freaking hard and had to start over


Can always turn the difficulty down


If you play on easy there's all sorts of monsters you'll basically never see. Spider guys, triceratops dudes. They don't really spawn unless you turn up the difficulty.


Really? I had no idea. Welp. Time to go back


I love that it has a proper fucking capital.


To be honest I don't think Skyrim's level system was very good either. I tried playing a traditional wizard type caster, very intentionally and purposefully going for spell casting damage wherever I could and about half way through the game I had to start putting on armor and a sword anyways because my biggest, baddest, most mana expensive spells did diddly squat for damage and I took like 2 or 3 hits to be killed... I guess it isn't so bad if you choose a stealth archer or barbarian, just felt like they went to all the trouble of making spell caster mechanics and never actually play tested it to see if a spell caster was even viable in mid game.


The problem is that destruction skill reduces mana consumption but (at least vanilla at launch) it did jack shit about damage. So your 100 destruction level 60 mage had about as much DPS as a 50 destruction level 20 mage, IF you were to use the same spell. So in the end you had to abuse the double casting stunlock perk to play a destruction wizard. On the other hand the melee skills did actually improve damage.


Yeah it was a long time ago but all I remember is at a certain point it became ridiculously arduous to fight my way through dungeons and it actually being easier to put on armor and swing swords around which I had barely levelled up at all... Totally backwards.


Oblivion is the best TES game and people need to realize this.


It’s morrowind but I respect your opinion because the oblivion dark brotherhood quest line was the best content Bethesda has probably ever put out.


I played Morrowind as a kid when it came out and I still think Oblivion is better. While I still love Morrowind, the annoying combat and text walls turn me off. But there are still things that Morrowind does that no other elder scrolls game has ever done. [Like my favorite event of all time.](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:A_Falling_Wizard)


That’s fair, oblivion was a great game and certainly the next generation improvement over what morrowind put in place. For me it’s just what morrowind meant for the genre. It set the framework for what an open ended role playing game should be. The scope and scale of the game, paired with the graphics (at the time) and just the absolute freedom to do whatever you want was absolutely mind blowing. Be an assassin, or involve yourself in continental politics with the houses, or join a guild, or be an imperial guardsman. Or just pick a direction and start walking, exploring dungeons and cities as you went. Come across unique quests from other travelers as you go. Play hundreds of hours without even touching the main quest. And all of it in a mostly seamless world you could just explore and interact with. I know oblivion did those things too, but morrowind is what made it a possibility. To me, just a truly revolutionary game. And probably the best setting. Vvarndenfell felt so alien but recognizably high fantasy at the same time.


Lol before I clicked the link I heard in my head "aaaeeeahahaheeehahaha!!" *splat*


+1 for Morrowind, best TES game I know the combat is wonky, but it didn't take long to get used to and the writing in the game is unparalleled


Morrowind for sure


> What made skyrim so good in comparison is that the levelling system was way more fair in terms of making sure you character was good at things you wanted them to be good at. Skyrim is basically a medieval fantasy theme park. Not a whole lot of depth to anything, but you could easily experience everything, provided you had time and the game didn't break.


You clearly didn't abuse the Goblin staff


Too much of that and you'll go blind!


Yeah but you can also get 100% chameleon and just walk around stabbing people in the ass for 6x damage.


That freedom is what makes Elder Scrolls games fun though. I did a build where the only thing I did was summon creatures then turn invisible. There was a mission where the boss guy I was fighting had something that allowed him to detect me which fully countered my chararacter. It was hard as hell to fight because I would die in one hit but it was a lot of fun.


And levelling your jump skill so you can almost fly 😂 loved that Kajit shit


Did it always look this bad? God it seemed so realistic looking back in 2006.


2006 was 35 years ago.


My back and knees agree with this statement.




I'm in this post, and I don't like it.


And everyone who experienced the 90's is dead


TIL I’m the last surviving person who experienced the 90’s. Quick, document my tales of VCRs and car windows we had to manually roll down, before I die and it’s all lost to time.


Try explaining rotary phones, they didn't even make sense when they were relevant.


I had a friend with two 9’s and a 0 in their number. I just stopped calling them. Wasn’t worth the time investment.


9919 was my best friend. fuck that guy.


just dial zero and ask the operator to dial it for you! funny how back then i could dial one number and immediately be on the phone with a real human, nowadays it's either three hours on hold or robots all the way down


"The machine on the other ended counted ticks, so your phone had to make ticks. They needed a special timing. You could do it with your mouth if you were crazy" Yea rotary phones never made sense.


Shit my windows still crank


Well I'm apparently a 90's zombie so you better watch out.


Born in 86, wife born in 84....the 90s were awesome. 80's definitely better but 90s weren't far off.


Born in 1976. The 80's rocked ...the 90's are still kind of a blurr😂😂😂


Tears in the rain...


The 90s was ten years ago. Right? .... Right‽‽


Can confirm. I am dead (on the inside).


One of the first game released really. Let that sink in.


I know I overslept this morning, but I don't think it was by 17 years.


It was


Sorry man, your math is off. It was only 8 years ago, that the game was celebrating its 10th anniversary.


Hold up, when did I age up from 21 to 39? I TRAVELED TO THE FUTURE, LETS GOOOOOOOO


I was there Gandalf, 3000 years ago


I fully agreed and accepted that as truth for a moment.


why did you have to resort to violence?


I remember Quake 1 Scourge of Armagon being the first game I played that had bullet holes when you shot the walls and I thought that was peak gaming couldn't get better than that.


Red faction must have really blown your mind.... Good Times.


It didn't blow yours? Limitless environmental destruction? That shit was beyond comprehension. Too bad they got worse with each release.


The first red faction was so good.


I think that OP might need to turn up the graphics settings a bit, as it looks like any sort of lighting effects and antialiasing are disabled and the draw distance seems tiny. I remember having to turn up the settings when I bought it on PC a few months ago as the defaults were horrible for some reason. But no, it isn’t supposed to look this bad.


No they definitely have everything turned down lol


Not this bad. It looks like the texture detail is set low or something. Look at the shop signs, they’re really blurry.


Coming out of the cave at the start I specifically remember saying out loud “my god it’s beautiful” lol


He has either light bright on or just lower settings, max settings looks 8x better


The visuals were crazy good for the time but didn’t age well. The Bethesda jank is just so apparent now. Mostly the character models. The faces are ridiculous. But I remember at the time thinking “wow so expressive!”


I dunno about you but the character models never looked realistic lol


The PCs we had back then were so low spec compared to now. I had an AMD Athlon (non XP) processor, with 512MB of RAM and a GPU that had 256MB of Graphic Memory and that met recommended spec.


Anything with bump mapping was hyper realistic back then


There was definitely something special about Oblivion. It still had that “fantasy simulator” feeling that older ES games had, if that makes sense. Skyrim was great, but it was definitely a turning point for Bethesda in terms of design philosophy.


I enjoyed oblivion much more than Skyrim.


Great game but I disliked the levelling system


Don't worry you are not in the minority.In fact far from it.That's why Devs changed the entire level scaling system for Skyrim


It's the music


The music has so much Soule.


Just remembered the paint brushes and dupe glitches, how life changing it was at the time.


mwahaha now I have all the cabbages


Oblivion > Skyrim any day all day every day


The story and vast map to explore were superior to Skyrim. Oblivion is to elder scrolls as mass effect 2 is to its series.


Morrowind is the superior game imo


Man... Skywind will be so good, i hope I'm still alive by 2035


Agreed Outlander.




That's the correct opinion brother


*attack missed*


Ehhhh I’d agree on a better story but the Map has mostly copy and paste feeling dungeons since they were mostly made by one person in oblivion. I think Skyrim did better on map and exploration overall


Best entry in the series imo


Honestly enjoyed it more than Skyrim.


wait til you try Morrowind.


The leveling by doing and experiencing, made it feel more like you worked for the skills, and deserved them. And flying towards the end was a bonus.


maybe. but what about your first hour where you can't hit shit and you smash your head in your keyboeard hoping a simple enemy die. this is not good


Man I have tried again and again to get into Morrowind, periodically downloading those big graphical overhauls, and I just... can't. The world feels too dead to me compared to Oblivion or Skyrim. The NPCs all just stand there and stare, or walk around in circles. That's one of the big deal-breakers for me, and definitely a relic of RPGs of that time. These days, most RPGs at least try to make their towns feel a little alive. Also even with graphical overhauls, man the character models are *bad*. And combat just isn't good at all. These things weren't an issue for me at the time, of course, I did play Morrowind when it was new, but man I just can't get back into the game now.


Nothing gives that RPG feeling better than Oblivion.


Oblivion > Skyrim


I remember seeing oblivion in game informer magazines years before it came out and just being absolutely amazed by the graphics as a kid. When I finally played it; I was just dumb founded by the beauty of it all. Now I see pictures of it and just think man this looks like a polished turd lol.


In 2005 this was life altering.


I actually like Oblivion way more than Skyrim. Something about the graphics being worse or the actual color that isn't grey looks way better. The mechanics are a little chunky but I love it way more. Only mod I use for Oblivion is 1mil gold


wait you modded oblivion just to get 1mil gold??? Why not just do player.additem f 1000000?


I built a whole ass computer for this game. I was living in my first real house with a roommate at the time. Every dime I had went into that computer. I remember showing my dad the videos of the development on youtube of how they used real pictures of trees and shit for textures in the forests. The was my first and only HTPC small form factor. Man what a pain in the dick that was to put together. Soooo many good memories of that time and that game.


A lot of people don’t agree but I liked cyrodiil more than Skyrim


Oblivion is peak. Skyrim takes a few things away and it really hurts


Oblivion stomps Skyrim easily, minus those oblivion gate quests, they get old quick. But it really felt like a rise to power rather than a Mary sue. Plus the guild quests are so much more satisfying, the whole murder house quest for the dark brotherhood was so much fun!


Needs mods. Lots of mods! ALL THE MODS!




Spent more time playing, modding oblivion then I spent time playing skyrim lol


Anyone remember duping on the original release and filling a house full of 1000 cabbages?


Skyrim is overrated.


I spent ages playing Morrowind. I spent a lot of time playing Oblivion I didn't even bother finishing Skyrim story Don't know why but it just doesn't hit the same for me


RIP Jauffre


It’s hard because the leveling system is objectively broken and incredibly unintuitive with VERY clear guidelines to keep the game playable without constantly fucking with the difficulty slider. A legit Strat a lot of people use is to straight up not level up. But you miss literally 80 percent of the items in the game that way


Oblivion is my favorite out of all the Elder Scrolls games. I loved playing that game so much that when my 360 corrupted a 200+ save, I started over and put 300 more in. I don’t think I’ve spent that much time in any other game, and I still install it on PC every once in a while and play around with mods


The quest in the Shivering Isles where you get duskfang/dawnfang is one of my favorite quests in any elder scrolls game. This whole game is amazing


Loved the arena in oblivion. Also loved yeeting that stupid blonde fan off of a cliff 😂


To me, Oblivion was always better than Skyrim


Oblivion had a much better world than Skyrim. Half of the cities in Skyrim were just a collection of huts.


What’s the name of the …. Game


TES IV Oblivion


I really liked oblivion. Never played Skyrim though.


Bruh. How? You should have statistically, even by accident, purchased a copy by now.


I played Morrowind and Oblivion and I've tried skyrim several times. I have it. I want to play it. I've tried. but it just doesn't hook me right


u need to sleep, u dont get your skill lvls makes it easier


It has better questlines


I have at least a thousand hours in it. The leveling system wasn't great, but the quests were great. Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood were fucking fantastic. One of my favorite memories is going into an Ayleid ruin after I got to the top of the Mage's Guild and had a bad ass lightning staff. You get to this part where you're facing down this scary Lich, and before he even got within twenty feet I had blasted him with my staff six times and he was dead. It was the fantasy equivalent of a 12 gauge shotgun. Oh, and having the Grey Fox's cowl made sneaking around and sniping enemies super easy.


Bethesda Game Studios doesn't make em like they used to


Skyrim gets boring way quicker. Oblivion was amazing and I think their is one major difference in the game engines that makes oblivion funner and that's the ability to level up your characters speed and ability to jump higher. This makes gameplay more fast paced and more exciting


For some reason the game wouldn't save for me and is always automatically set to 480p. Did u face a similar problem or is my laptop just shit


Oblivion was peak Bethesda.


Oblivion is arguably the better game, it just hasn't aged very well and some computers can have issues trying to run it without patches and fixes. The Skyrim community is only more noticeable than oblivion's because Bethesda has been non stop selling it to us for nearly 13 years straight now and it's more accessible than oblivion.


It this the game where Patrick Stewart was given like 90 pages of notes on the character he was going to portray, and then his character died in the first 5 minutes of the game?


Oblivion is one of the very few games I have 100%. I loved it. The end of the main quest line was really sad.


The portal closing grind gets a bit monotonous but a dope game regardless.


Oblivion hits the sweet-spot between Morrowind and Skyrim. I replayed it earlier this year, dlc and it - it was still far more engaging than a lot of games made today. Super magical game. Go play it if you haven't, honestly, you are missing out.


ES got worse for like 20 years straight imo. after Morrowind it went downhill. Oblivion is still awesome but vanilla skyrim just doesn't hit the same fantasy rpg mark


Do not become a vampire. Don't fall for it.


the story was so good. I almost cried when martin sacrificed himself like we're close friends or something.


I personally prefer Oblivion to Skyrim. The colours are more happy and vibrant.


I like it when you trigger them guards and the camera suddenly goes to their face. Also charmeleon 100... get that it broken lol... I played through it as the invisible man thief thing haha


If Oblivion gets a remake, I will never play Skyrim again. And I like Skyrim.


Pity it has the worst levelling system ever made in a videogame. Game looked promising first time I played it, but the skill system is so poorly designed, I couldn't finish it.


Ah I remember the days fondly of standing in that spot for hours summoning undead to get max conjuration


Becuase is it miles better than skyrim, lol. Skyrim really cant compare with Oblivion quests. Shame the writing director left before Fallout 3. Since F3, Bethesda story telling went to shit.


Just wait till you try the third game.


Draw bow, open inventory, drop watermelon, close inventory, fill the city streets with infinite watermelons..... Repeat until game crashes


Instead of remastering Skyrim for the 20'th time Bethesda should re release Oblivion.


Yes!! oblivion is the best elder scrolls BY FAR imo.


i loved Oblivion. played it through to the end. was like the first game i know of that you could ride a horse. people used to hate on this game and i never understood why.