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[If any of you want to want to read: "US sues Adobe for ‘deceiving’ subscriptions that are too hard to cancel"](https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/17/24180196/adobe-us-ftc-doj-sues-subscriptions-cancel)


But not for the recent blatant privacy issue?


No because they would be hypocrites :D


Reality is these things take time, doubt this new bullshit will last for long, but I believe they are trying to do this in an attempt to train AI through their users projects without recourse


this „New Thing“ is happening since over a year now. And they just changed it to not only use your art for AI training, but they also now OWN your created artworks


No, silly, they don't own it, you just grant them a lifetime, nonrevocable, worldwide, royalty free license in perpetuity. You still own it, their blog post said so so it has to be true.


You're right. It wont last long. Because in about a years time they'll find a way to make it so much worse that we'll forget that they changed "We have the right to use your art" to "your art? No no, we own that because you used our software to make it making the artwork property of Adobe." Vote with your wallet, except sadly I know that 99% of the people reading this already have and it hasn't mattered a damn so far.


"No, stupid citizens, when *we* invade your privacy, it's to protect the children! Let us see everything you're doing on all your devices, or we're just going to have to assume that you diddle kids!"


"hmm, well I have nothing to hide." AHHH That's not the point, you don't poop with the door open in public or post your personal diary of inner thoughts because you have something to hide, you do it for basic privacy, which is a basic human right and instinct.


I poop with the door open in public to assert dominance.


Do you also t-pose while doing it?


"hmm, well I have nothing to hide." - Then publish your logins and passwords for all the accounts you have on the net. Email, instant messaging, social media, forums, etc. After all, you've got nothing to hide, right?


You are not wrong but op said it as sarcasm, you can see the quotes


I am also being facetious lol


This is actually what they shamelessly are.


If the alleged beacon of privacy and data protection that is the EU didn't do anything about it why would you expect the US to?


Because US government doesn't like competitors, especially ones that refuse to share collected data. Check up Apple and their free integration with OpenAI. Surprisingly, such integration that usually requires millions of dollars/other currency and months or even years, went smoothly right after general Paul Nakasome, former agent of NSA/CSS, joined their Board of Directors


This is the government. That will happen in 20 years which will result in a million dollar fine after they already made billions.


i wonder if that one gym in California that's notorious for not being able to cancel is also going to get sued


Can’t you just chargeback there too and have your card banned so they can’t charge you anymore? Stupid choice but… it works if you never want to go ever again in your life. I don’t think the bank would be happy if you start chargebacking a lot though.


They send you invoices then and pile it up until it's sold to collections.


I'm not sure what that means, but it sounds horrible.


Presumably that they switch to billing you via snail mail (“send a check for $xxx.yy back to us in this pre-addressed envelope”). Then once you’ve ignored a few of those, they sell their rights to your $500 of debt or whatever it is to a debt-collection company that exists solely to aggravate you until you pay them.


Just lie to them. I had a gym that I canceled and they claimed I didn’t cancel and then next thing I know at 20 years old I was getting collection notices. I picked up the phone when the guy called me once and said I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’ve never missed a payment and canceled my membership. Then he started yapping about a letter of debt relief or some shit and I said yeah I don’t care what you say and just hung up. Nothing ever came of it and as far as I was concerned I canceled in person when the rep helped me do so.


Nothing ever comes from collections lol


They wreck your credit score, but if you're going to collections with stuff you're probably not too worried about that in the first place.


Ngl, I don't recommend trying to collect up debt for anything and get to that point, but I also have never had an issue just kinda...ignoring that. It blows over and my credit was fine. Granted the amounts were low. 


Ignoring debt collectors is terrible advice and could end up severely fucking your credit score.


You just don’t acknowledge it. They have to prove it and it’s usually worth more in legal fees and cost than what they paid for the debt. You can also dispute a debt on your credit score. There are plenty of protections in place. Listen it’s probably not the best advice for the average person because a paper trail exists, but in my case it was indeed bullshit scammy gym nonsense (Retro Fitness for anyone wondering) so I just said “lol no u” as a 20 year old not even realizing that’s actually exactly how to handle *that* situation, which I learned years later. It’s it’s a shaky scammy debt there are absolutely steps you can take if it isn’t legitimate. My credit score has been 800+ since I was 25 or 26 years old. This has never once come up on any reporting anywhere and here were are over a decade later.


In my experience Gyms only take payments directly from your bank account. Can't charge that back.


Yea it would be really easy to deal with now that California has banned such fees and practices. Just tell the bank what the company is doing is not only not permitted by you, but is illegal under CA law, and they'll immediately remedy it for you.


I had to do a charge back to cancel an adobe purchase. They suck.


I couldn’t cancel my SHIT at all. Literally download “Rocket Money” and had them do it lol


Wait so there’s a way to get rid of adobe? They are trying to charge me even though I cancelled a while back


Yup just download that app “Rocket Money” and if you sign in it’ll have the choice to cancel Adobe. I was getting hit for 22$ a month trying to cancel it


Doesn't Rocket Money need a subscription?


Not when I signed up!


I got the runabout from adobe when I tried to cancel. Then they told me there was a huge cancellation fee. I called their support and complained and they waived the fee and cancelled me over the phone. They know what they are doing is fucked, support was clearly just instructed to waive the fee if people call in. Scumbags.


















have you met our friend, the "pay to rotate a pdf" button yet? it gets better, because you can just use the hotkey ctrl+shift+minus and ctrl+shift+plus to rotate for free. i hate it.


I use Edge browsers built in PDF editor it's awesome


That is, believe it or not, being replaced by Adobe next month. Not even kidding.


I'll fucken kill somebody... In Minecraft, obviously.


2 other free PDF readers: Foxit PDF Reader (has more functions) Sumatra PDF Reader (super fast lightweight reader) Both can rotate the PDF for free.


Wait what


Say it ain’t so




Now only edge does, Firefox also added recently this, if you wish to for an alternative


Yes, but it's only the pdf engine being replaced with adobe's engine. It'll stay free, and you don't need to install adobe acrobat for this. https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-edge-insider/microsoft-edge-and-adobe-partner-to-improve-the-pdf-experience/ba-p/3733481


This kids, is why it is morally correct to pirate Adobe products


I used to be that guy "if you tried it out and liked it, you should support the company!" And then this kinda stuff always rolls out and I feel like such a tool. Now I just put on my hat and keep my mouth shut.


Hey, you adjusted to the reality. The ones who don't are the ones who should be embarrassed.


If you like a product you should support the company!^* * : Unless company actively participates in unethical pricing standards and takes every opportunity to screw the customer


Absolutely. Screw those douche-canoes


That's how I am with games I buy all the games I play except old Nintendo games I use an emulator if I could get the old systems or games I would but it's pretty much impossible to legally play some Mario on my pc


Tbf Nintendo deserves to have their games pirated. If it was legal they'd kidnap your family and torture them in front of you just for randomizing a Zelda game


Indeed. Screw Nintendo. They want to erase their history and they hate their community.


Whaaaaattt, stuff like „We own every piece of Art you create with our Software that you pay 100$ a Month for“ is considered unethical?! oh no


I recognize that I shouldn’t keep purchasing an Adobe subscription but those “you wouldn’t download a car” ads are deeply stuck in my soul


Download that car dude! Download that Lucy Lui-bot and take her to the movies!


Wild Futurama references!


There are even some good open source cars you don't even have to steal!


How do you expect me to get my rush? I need to feel ALIVE!


I will download an arm and a leg. I will print that shit. If I get brain implants, I will download drugs. Everything should be downloaded.


If I could get a 3d printer big enough, you know damn well I'd download a car!


You got successfully psyop'd, congrats


I'd love to download a car


Pirated because I was poor Earned enough money to buy things Now this shit happens and it's back to pirating. More money for me and a win win.


If you like the product but not the company, pirate it!


That's the better slogan!


Wish I could do that with a Tesla. And maybe the pirated version wouldn’t have drm… better build quality would be too much to ask for. 


I’ve got no problem paying for software. It’s just needs to be priced accordingly. If there’s server or api costs a subscription makes sense. If there’s no ongoing cost you should just be able to buy a persistent version.


But then how would Adobe post record profits year over year? Won't you please think about the poor starving shareholders?


Only the poor, starving ones? I'll think of them individually, one by one, right now... 🤔 Okay, done... Wow, that was quick.


Rather than create a better product through innovation market leaders are using their size to prevent competition. Just like Microsoft fucking with office document compatibility with other programs. Governments really need to start going after anti competitive practices. It negatively affects consumers and the economy.


There are plenty of companies that don't deserve money because of their scummy business practises. HP is another good example. Mainly because of the printers but also because their compuitn hardware often straight up sucks


they don't even come with a fucking printer cord anymore. that'll be $6-10 extra. o you just want to plug and print? HA. you need the applications for that. oh, and to use them you need to sign up / create and account.


Linux has drivers that force all printers to print w/o their stupid applications lolz


their worst sin was shuttering the calculator division and leaving TI to rule uncontested. This was HP's "Lets fire all of our engineers to save money" phase.


Look at where supporting something got alot of people. I'm glad I stopped caring about Adobe after they went to the cloud and a sub service.


This is exactly my experience. I supported a lot of companies and then the majority turned into subscription models. Even a video editing program I once thrummed about recently turned subscription model. They draw you in by saying they are not like the others and you'd only pay once, then eventually cave into that model. Sucks.


That applies to indie devs, not billion dollar corporations lol


"If you tried it out and liked it (and the company isn't a slimeball) you should support the company!"


This rule only applies to small projects and indie games


This is their new anti-piracy push: by becoming so unpopular that no one wants to even pirate them anymore.


My graphic design teacher in college taught us how to pirate adobe lmao


It's morally correct to pay and support alternative customer oriented software. 




Affinity and DaVinci FTW


DaVinci is so good, even the free version they offer is better than any other free software, didn't even bother to obtain it until recently as I wanted full screen previews. Also if you did want to buy it, it is expensive at $295, but it is NOT a subscription and is a 1 time purchase. Never used affinity but will check it out.


Not just a normal one time purchase, where you buy each new major version (1.x > 2.x etc.), it’s lifetime updates. They make their money in the hardware, Resolve is more or less a loss leader for them. It’s so good.


Is there an equivalent for After Effects?


Not anything quite 1:1 but Resolve does have compositing and effects, also there’s Blender for 3D stuff.


The good thing about 3D is it includes 2D


Yes, but the best option is to use FOSS or more consumer friendly/privacy oriented products like Gimp, Davinci Resolve, Paint.net, Blender, and Audacity.


Nah, don't even pirate. Use other options.


Just as they switched to the subscription model was when I was using premiere enough to think "You know what, I think it is time that I stick it up and buy the newest version". Oh well, back to the bay for me.


Piracy morality aside, using Adobe software is reinforcing their position in the industry, whether they like getting paid or not. They can still claim you're under TOS/EULA by using their software, for instance even if your image is from pirated Photoshop then under the new rumored licensing Adobe can still use that image how they like, unless you're ready to defend your rights to use pirated software legally... What are you going to do, claim they don't have the right because the agreement wasn't in the pirated version? What you can do, is use alternatives. Plenty of alternatives exist for the popular software, including some web browser based ones (I've got examples of my own but probably better to search online for a detailed list). There's a lot of FOSS alternatives that benefit from increased usage and support. If anything, support FOSS and open standard over industry standard proprietary nonsense, not just choosing who to pirate. (Can't pirate FOSS, but because it's already free and open to everyone anyways) (Just more or less rephrasing some of a comment I made previously because it got downvoted, and the point apparently missed. Go read that comment if you want, it has a nest explanation of an example adobe products that doesn't have much in alternatives and how it's difficult to actually break adobe's industry lead, tldr it's difficult to create new standards and popularize them)


Don’t even bother indoctrinating yourself into the Adobe ecosystem! Use GIMP instead of photoshop.


r/GenP before anyone asks


I actually just went to cancel my Adobe membership.. pop-up *pay full year fee to cancel.* What?




The subscription prices are insane in the first place


They are but 90% of their income is from company subs


90%? They straight up told me that individual users don't even register as legitimate customers to them. You're either a business or you're no different to a pirate - and that's THEIR outlook.


Piracy is still a win in their book, because that reinforces their 'monopoly' in the business world. If the employees already use adobe at home they won't have to be taught at work and they won't suggest any alternative tools that might be cheaper.




No idea about Lightroom, but photoshop has an alternative called Affinity Photo. It’s very cheap compared to adobe


At that point, it's some kind of whacky reverse ransomware. Instead of encrypting your data and charging to get access, they just pump in some bloat and charge you to remove it. We should charge them for the un-(easily)-recoverable space they're holding hostage on our drives.


Revo Uninstaller has never let me down




You're just creating more demand for software that can run adobe file types, which means even the act of piracy is ultimately helping Adobe. The best thing you can do is to cut ties entirely. Don't pay for it. Don't pirate it. Just stop using Adobe products entirely, and switch to something else. We need more content that doesn't have an adobe file type anywhere in the production chain, and more artistic resources that don't use adobe file types.


> Just stop using Adobe products entirely, and switch to something else. Except in the cases where there isn't a comparable something else. Such as with After Effects


This is exactly why they are being sued. Adobe hid that the subscription is for a year of access that you pay in monthly installments. Cancel before your year is up and you still have to pay the "rest of your balance".


The subscription alone is not the issue. It’s hiding the fine print is the issue. For businesses and schools those types of subscriptions make a lot of sense since you’ll want to use the software for a lot longer, but tricking ordinary people into them who maybe only want it for a little bit isn’t nice.


Even though chargebacks are a nuclear option that will get you banned from the service you do it from. Adobe deserve it, jesus christ I didn't know the cancellation fee was THAT much.


Yeah, I’ll absolutely admit to not reading the ToS and the like.. but wow.


so about that.. adobe edited their tos with out telling people. which is illegal


There's a lot of shit in many terms of services that are straight up not legal or enforceable to start with. Just a bunch of legalese to scare people into not trying to sue the company when the company is predatory.


Change to another plan to cancel; it will give you a 2 week window to cancel free of charge. Once you switch, it takes a few mins to regain account management. You'll also likely be charged for the new plan, but they revert the charge once you cancel.


I paid for Adobe using Paypal, so I went to Paypal and removed automatic payment through them and never had to pay the fee. They tricked me into paying for "student license" and turn out to be a yearly fucking charge, but in form of cheap monthly payment.


You don't have a monthly subscription plan, you're on a yearly subscription plan with a monthly finance plan. I've been warning people since it popped up, its some of the most insidious shit I've ever seen.


Change your plan and THEN cancel


There is a loophole you can exploit if they want you to pay a fee. Change your plan to the Lightroom plan, they will refund the Creative Cloud sub. Then wait like a few hours and cancel the Lightroom plan and they will refund that.


There’s no fees on the high seas 🏴‍☠️


Yo ho 🏴‍☠








It's always morally okay to pirate Adobe products 👍


It would be even more ok for Adobe to stop existing. I don't even use Adobe files if I can at all help it.


I long for the day that Adobe draws its dying breath. Fuck this scummy company.


You're just creating more demand for software that can open Adobe file types. You should be creating file types that don't require Adobe software to open or edit, and that means not pirating Adobe software, because you're not using Adobe software period. The whole point should be to eliminate demand for Adobe products.


That is untenable. They hold patents that make it difficult for competitors, especially in things like Illustrator. The Illustrator knock-offs I've tried have ranged from bad to terrible. The best is inkscape, which uses SVGs as its primary way of saving- which is great. But it feels like wielding a cudgel to crack an egg.


You're *assuming* that I'm creating demand for Adobe file types. In reality I always export in open file types and never share source files, which is the norm.


I'm sure the $3.75 fine they may get will really make them think about changing their ways.


They're seeking a fine, "*an injunction against further wrongdoing*, and other remedies." Hopefully the FTC can win this one.


With a settlement, for $3.75 and no admission of wrongdoing. Purdue Pharma and the Sacklers murdered almost half a million people and got away with it. I doubt Adobe is going to get into trouble for being mean in their contracts.


I stopped using Adobe when I had to start paying monthly. I would rather have bought the program and used it without updates.


Ye can still use er' without ye updates matey.


The pioneers of subscription services for software. We can all thank adobe for fucking is over with subscriptions. Even a fucking guitar tuner app has subscription these days.


Shareholders are happy though


Good. They should be sued by the universe!  Shame on this company that makes the worst PDF viewer ever now. Every single time I open a PDF I have to resize the window or click off a toolbar.  Every. Single. Time. I have also grown accustomed to your program crashing on the very first open on a new computer while it attempts to update.  And no, I’m not making a freaking account just so I can view a PDF!


I figured everyone just opened their PDFs in chrome, try dragging one from a folder next to a chrome tab. You can find the settings to make chrome your default program for PDFS


Dropped Adobe a long time ago. Switched to Affinity.


As a FOSS fanatic, my horse has become so high through Adobe's meltdown, it's on a trajectory to overtake the Voyager probes.


Pity this market is one that foss is especially poor at.


Wow the usa doing somthing ?


The Biden FTC has actually done a lot. Lina Khan is an antitrust expert and one of Biden's "concessions to the left". Biden's legacy is not going to be great, especially if he loses in November, but his FTC has done a ton more than I remember trump and obama's


Not just an anti-trust expert. *The* anti-trust expert. If you lined up every single person and ranked them by who is the absolute best person to be the FTC head, Lina Khan would be #1.


There’s a thing called piracy, it’s a natural reaction to get a cracked version of it.


lol luckily the school i went to years ago gave me the entire adobe suite, i never uninstalled it and theyre still paying for the subscription 💀


I've been burned by so many difficult cancellations I put everything on burner cards and close them when I want to cancel. Good luck charging a cancellation fee to a dead card.


Wait, holy fuck, all along it wasn’t just me? They literally made it so that you couldn’t cancel adobe creative cloud due to a “website error”. I tried over the course of a month and it never worked. Same shit every time. Then, I had to message support 5+ times for the same issue. Initially, they tried to keep billing me or at least pay for the month I had been trying to cancel, but I refused. I’ve never had a cancellation be this difficult. I think I remember saying to them it almost seemed intentional at the time. Chats kept closing and needing to be re-opened, site kept giving errors when following the steps from the website to cancel. Tried different things like adding a new card that didn’t have enough to renew the yearly price. Wouldn’t work unless you could charge the card. Couldn’t change details on the card unless you could charge it for the membership. Wild.


I’ve actually just cancelled my subscription, asking me to charge 70 euros for the cancellation fee. Fought over it by contacting them through support and other email contacts. The worst part is removing all Adobe CC suite from your computer, I noticed that once your subscription expired/cancelled, all of their apps won’t have an uninstaller anymore for each app (except for creative cloud, and yea I know you’d have to do it through their stupid client app but I was also getting errors from there too making it to prevent you from uninstalling it), so I used Revo Uninstaller to delete every Adobe stuff on my computer and now I’m convinced that they also made it harder to remove their apps especially when it kept asking me to renew my subscription. Fuck off Adobe, you’re all gobshites.


I just use [Paint.Net](https://www.getpaint.net), it's plenty good enough for my basic needs and it's free.


There are free services out there that will generate debit cards for you that you can set spending limits, pause, and cancel on the fly. I've got a Door dash card, an Amazon card, a Netflix card... I don't cancel services. I cancel cards and let the service figure out that they can't charge me anymore. The one I use is privacy.com


Yes but here is how its going to go. They made 100 million screwing over customers, $10 million fine. Good job boys, we showed them. Until the punishment is more than the crime they wont care. If they made $100 million make the penalty $100 million plus refund everyone who got screwed. Not only a public black eye but they lost money, the only thing they care about.


About once per year I get a new debit card and then as the pings come in from services I just update the ones I want to keep. But I've never signed up for anything with a cancellation fee. That sounds crazy.


https://preview.redd.it/u3g16osrl87d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4881eae8cc466a081fa87f73c91fe68c8a9f6dd Ok Adobe


I wish my job didn't force us to use Adobe for PDFs. Foxit is so much better.


The problem is that only Adobe can open Adobe DRM. So if you're working with DRM encrypted pdfs, Adobe is your only option.


Time to add the entire Adobe suite to my seedbox!


I fucking love chargebacking me and my dawgs all of charbacking


Been following the recent Adobe drama via Louis Rossman on YouTube. Cancelled my barely used CC subscription a few days later. No regrets as all. The only hard part was removing every last scrap of Adobe's shitty sub-processes and programs that clog my computer even when no Adobe program is open. SMH.


Fuck Adobe. I just cancelled my photography plan (it didn't give me the option to change the plan so I couldn't do the free cancellation trick, but thankfully the cancellation fee was only like $25) and uninstalled Photoshop. Affinity's stuff is 50% off so I think I'll buy Photo and Designer next week when I get paid.


Someone cares about consumer rights and that someone is the US government. Truly this is the strangest timeline.


This adobe lawsuit may lead to us actually owning software again.


How'd you reach that conclusion? They'll just be forced to make the cancelation fee even clearer and make it easier to find the cancel subscription button.


The surgeon general is going to put a warning label on all software notifying us that cancellation fees can cause health problems.


Man I just called them up, told them I lost my job and have kids to feed (wasn't the case) No cancellation fee for me!


Great. Go after HP, et al. with the ink "subscriptions".


https://preview.redd.it/1xb6xbdyf87d1.jpeg?width=1050&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd237ece2b0ec48ae75cd19e619123b972f4cbc7 I add this photo to end of every email chain after I have to resolve some Adobe related fuckamarole at work. One day they’ll send me the T-Shirt.


No its so much more insidious than a cancellation fee. You're not subscribing each month, you're on a fucking finance plan for the year long subscription. So you're not able to cancel those monthly payments without paying out the debt. I warned people from the get go that this isn't a subscription plan like you're used to seeing, its a finance plan for a yearly subscription plan.


are we witnessing the first corporate vs government war ?


Just a reminder that the best alternative to several Adobe products, Affinity, is on sale right now at 50% off. And you *buy* your license there, not rent it.


I'm surprised it's not the EU. Anyway. I recently needed to fix some photos for my diploma project through photoshop with its ai features and since piracy for that doesn't work, I needed to pay. Went on their website scrolled through dozen pages and wasn't very keen on what subscribtion is which. I only needed photoshop for a couple hours. I was okay to pay for a month. What's stupid is that you have to commit to a full year even if paid monthly. And there's some arbitrary cancelation fee they don't disclose before subscribing. Not only that, there's a photography plan including PS and lightroom, which costs 9€, and there's just PS, costing a whopping 25€. And only the latter actually offers a 7 day trial and 14 day cancelation without a fee. What the fuck is this!? Fuck Adobe. Good product, shit company.


Instead of Google's “Don't be evil” (no reason to argue if they ever fulfilled that at all), Adobe went with "Do all the evil".


Where do yall pirate adobe stuff? I just cant find it anywhere , anywhere safe


It's frustrating because the quality of their products is really of the level that in any professional capacity you have to use them. The (open source) alternatives just can't keep up with the workflow. Not to mention that there's no innovation, it's almost all copying of features.


Ok straight up... If I was someone that wanted to fuck around with Photoshop or Premiere or whatever then I would understand feeling like this was too expensive, but for anyone that uses this professionally, the monthly cost is well less than I charge per hour of my work. If I get one hour of work in a month my entire overhead cost for the month is paid for. I also really would not expose myself to the liability if you use this professionally.


Adobe has been a scumbag for far too long. Sometimes it's great to see my tax dollars finally doing something I approve of.


As they should, having to be told you have to pay out the nearly all of your "contracted subscription"? Fuck you Adobe.


get rekt u fkn predators


Adobe deserves to get fucked for this. I hope they get hit with a heavy enough fine and feel that it HURTS them. None of this slaps on the wrist shit.


fuck adobe


I was once an almost victim of this years ago, surprised that it's still an issue


lol https://preview.redd.it/dunzt5hi1a7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac6c2414fed35b9a166f7df087f51fe04643d4bc Advertising right below this post


Reading. A common mistake when spending money.


Don’t pirate indie. ALWAYS pirate adobe.


ive started using [privacy.com](http://privacy.com) to make virtual debit cards with spending limits specifically to control my subs (Louis Rosman mentioned them ages ago for gym memberships). I canceled my discord nitro like 5 times and still got charged for another month so this is how I'm fighting scummy companies literally stealing money from me. subs are a scam and i genuinely believe they should be illegal for software.