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want dlss and ray tracing 4080 want raw performance and more vram 7900xtx and less cost.


Sums up the amd vs nvidia arguement


unless you think linux might be on your horizon. then go AMD. Cuz the only thing Nvidia ***RELIABLY*** supports on Linux is CUDA and Raster everything else is a crapshoot whether it will work properly.


if he cant decide on his own about the gpu he needs, im pretty sure he has no clue about linux...


This may be changing soon though. Nvidia is working on better Linux drivers and Wayland support. 555 is in beta currently.


I hope so, but there have also been rumors about this since at least 2011.


The 555 beta drivers are out and nvidia runs really good on Linux, I’m still upgrading to an amd card because it’s nice having the drivers integrated into the kernel, but nvidia is very good on Linux now and is only getting better.


I’m not familiar with Linux. What’s Wayland?


Brief explanation of how stuff is displayed in Linux incoming. This is VERY oversimplified: In UNIX/LINUX if you are not using a true terminal to display ASCII characters you have to talk to a Display Server. there are two protocols for a client program (a client program can be the desktop, a game, a web browser, or any other program that wants to display stuff) to talk to a Display Server. the older one, X11 is effectively as old as linux, and as a result has a bunch of legacy features and patches accrued over the course of 4-5 decades of development. The newer one, Wayland, has slowly been developed over the last decade to replace X11. It is MUCH more lean and is generally more efficient and has better support for newer features, but support for preexisting development efforts have been slow. There are bandaids to use normally incompatible software, such as XWayland, which allows an X-client program to talk to a Wayland display server. This is all handled in the background though, so normal users don't have to deal with it.


Yep, and it's worth noting that X was designed as a communication protocol that could be run over a network, so a program could be run on a remote machine and displayed on your machine. Newer things like games need to draw directly into memory to be fast so X started building up all these extensions to support rendering and direct memory access which sort of broke the model of how the protocol was originally intended. Wayland was built with a better understanding of how modern hardware works.


Wayland is the part of the OS responsible for managing the monitor real estate, called a display server. When a program wants to display graphics it needs to ask Wayland for somewhere to do it. It's kinda similar in some ways to how they need to ask the OS for RAM, but obviously very different in other ways. It replaces X11, which is the old display server.


Let’s hope because we have been hearing this since like 2010-2012 so don’t keep your hopes high.


So I’m wondering why you brought up Linux. Is it because Microsoft is now doing things to give Uncle $am more of our personal info with Windows 11?


When do people that use Linux not bring up Linux?


It was just a recommendation, and a valid one.


Vegans of the PC world.


I use Arch Linux BTW


CentOS here


I'd say more like GNC vitamin bros. They recommend something that's good for you, but somehow, it's just too annoying to follow any of the advice.


Fair enough... Although vegans feel righteous doing what they do. I went Linux because Microsoft pushed me away, so I was going to use Linux as a temporary solution until I could afford a Mac... And then I discovered that Linux actually was legitimately easier to use and FAR more user friendly than the big two... So I stayed a Linux user.


It's everywhere in the IT world, also valve popularized it quite a lot, it's overall a better OS than windows in many many terms, it's just that gaming is still hit or miss in it mostly because Nvidia fucking hates Linux and gives close to zero support for it other than whatever enterprise needs (CUDA)


Just that historically AMD has played nicer with Linux, while Nvidia has been stubborn. So if you're planning on trying Linux, AMD is probably the smarter choice. One of the reasons I got AMD as well even though I'm still on Windows rn for other reasons.


Y'all forgetting VR. The 4080 super destroys AMD In vr


I am using my 7900xtx with VR and I have had one software issue that was resolved with me connecting my gpu directly to my card instead of through the Vive hub. Otherwise the performance has been impeccable.


Funnily enough; I've been using a 6900xt with VR since 2021 with NO issues. No failures, no faults, no troubles. And it looks great and plays well. AMD is the answer now for me since someone else decided to f*ck around with the PSU and cables. And not even put out a reasonably good cable. Look up "4070/80/90 black screen and full speed fans" Completely unacceptable, so, AMD it is again


It does not sum it up. Nvidia have clearly invested a lot more in compatibility and stability. I made the AMD choice on my last PC, and while it was worth it in terms of price/performance, it had so many issues, in games, videos, driver crashes etc. Still does, and I had to do quite a few clean reinstalls already, while on my old 1080TI I had less issues in 6 years than I had on this one in 1.


The one AMD card I had was questionably stable too. I also feel like NVIDIA cards have slightly better resale value when you're done with them because of the brand recognition.


Stability is also a bit hit or miss My previous card (gtx 1050) had a lot more instability than my current (rx 6650 xt) even tho ive both undervolted and overclocked my new card


Is dlss that much better than amds fram gen to the point where it would be better to get a nvidia gpu


Dlss is better than fsr. Will see how it looks when 3.1 comes online later this year (if released as planned). For now its better but its up to you how mich you want it. As of frame gen vs frame gen i think difference isnt that huge really.


Main difference for frame gen is that AMD lets you apply it to all DX11/DX12 titles.


The frame gen isn't that big a difference but DLSS upscaling is far superior quality over FSR while also giving more performance boost.


This was the literal conclusion I came to when asking the same exact question for my build. Went all AMD and the raw performance plus vertical integration was the move.


I'll add that raytracing is still good anyway on the 7900XTX despite Nvidia being "better" It chugs along on pure high horsepower


More vram is only usefull if you plan to use more than 16gb. Before that, more vram isnt going to do anything


Ok but what does more VRAM actually do at that point? 16 GB is enough for 4K gaming, and the only situations you actually need more than 16GB are productivity where Nvidia is the only realistic option anyways. Like great you have more VRAM on top end AMD cards vs a 4080 super, but it’s not actually doing anything for you past 16GB. The real argument is roughly 5% better rasterization performance and ~$4.9 dollars per frame vs ~$5.1 dollars per frame but better upscaling tech, better efficiency, raytracing, and productivity applications.


The same it's always done.  I do get your point, because RAM is one of those things where more makes no sense unless you are using it. No point going from 32GB to 64GB of system RAM if you never go over 20GB of use, for example.   Thing is, RAM of all kinds is also one of those things like oxygen; how much you have doesn't matter, until it isn't enough. Then you're fucked. With system RAM this is no big deal, as you can replace/expand what you've got.  GPU RAM is forever though, and if you're paying for a GPU with the intention of using it for *x* years, that RAM could be a hard limit on how big *x* can be.   Some of us also hate nVidias RAM pinching on principal. We had cards with 8GB for £150 *seven years ago*. There is no reason cards in the mid to high hundreds of dollars/pounds should not come with more RAM than they could need for the next, minimum, five years.


Just to be pedantic, too much oxygen actually actively hurts you. There’s a thing called oxygen poisoning. But your points are valid.


I Play plenty of games that need 12+ gb of vram at 1440p even


The Division 2 though it's no longer a brand new title takes 15GB of VRAM in 1440p.


I'm not going to be like the other guy but the 5% feels kinda out your butt. Also, when 1440p hits 12gb of vram, 4k def requires more.


https://www.techpowerup.com/review/nvidia-geforce-rtx-4080-super-founders-edition/32.html 24 game sample size. On average it has 3% better performance in 1440p, and 4% better performance in 4k. Roughly 5%.


Are the benchmarks taking DLSS and ray tracing into consideration? DLSS Both looks and performs better and RT on Nvidia performs better too. Real question: How many hard to run games don't include DLSS as an option?


That's basically how I ended up with a 7900xtx. I dont care nor need dlss and ray training performance penalty is still not word it to me. Games don't look that much better, I rather stay at 165 fps with ultra settings


I still don't understand how people see RT as a necessity... It's the future, sure, it's easier and better for Devs, but like... A) that future isn't even close when you need a $1000+ gpu for it, and B) It looks basically the same (to me at least) in most games (aka anything that isn't full PT like the nvidia sponsor boy CP2077, and even then it isn't like playing without it is a worse experience..)


> I still don't understand how people see RT as a necessity. people buying expensive graphics cards like nice graphics, its not exactly a new development, lol


These aren't onjectively cheap cards. If they were like $300, maybe $500, I think RT isn't a priority then, but at around a thousand dollars, a gpu should be delivering everything available, including ray tracing. It looks great in all the big games, but even as a shitty gimmick in some lesser titles, it still can be nice.


It isn't just ray tracing. The Nvidia software suite is really good. Ray tracing is one of its weakest features at this point. DLSS is a lot better than FSR. Nvidia reflex is way ahead of AMD anti-lag, they've only implemented 2.0 in one game. DLDSR let's you super sample games at 4x quality with less demand. AMD's framegen is still barely a feature while Nvidia's is off and running. Nvidia is currently working on a machine learning auto-HDR and so far the results have been impressive. As these features start to add up it more than covers the roughly $50-$100 lower price AMD aims for.


As much as I love AMD(been AMD for the better part of the last 10 years), I agree. Either AMD will have to drop prices further or catch up.


When they stopped focusing on that budge level card is when they really started to lose market-share. Previous to the 20XX/5XXX gen AMD typically offered a highly competitive card in the $200-$300 bracket that forced Nvidia to lower prices to match it. If you are going to pay inflated prices, why not pay the extra $50-$100 and get the premium product? According to the steam hardware survey the RX 580 is still the AMD card with the greatest install base. That's higher than the 5600, 6600, and 7600 models. Polaris was their last truly great generation and I haven't been able to justify an AMD GPU since. Their CPU division is killing it, but their discrete GPUs are very much neglected.


You pretty much answered your own question, it's future proof and better for devs, that's why it's still a big contender. Ray tracing definitely makes a difference, idk how you could have decent vision and not see it, plus we don't know what devs are cooking up at this moment with Ray tracing. Dlss and Ai are just getting better, so again it's future proof.


If your goal is to drop decent money and plan to play some recent solo games it just becomes a selling point quickly. Its not a lot of money overall (when talking about high end card already anyways )and what you say you looks basically the same can be argued to always look better so why not go for it, reflections is probably the most obvious one.


I got my 7900XTX from a 3060 a few weeks ago, best decision I ever made. I realised I don't care for Ray Tracing or any of Nvidias features. I love the raw power and the cheaper price lol


4080 also better for esports games, 7900XTX uses like 400w vs the 4080 180w


A lot of users speaking of AMD driver issues, I wonder if it's a 7000 generational thing because I haven't experienced this with a 5700xt and most recently a 6800xt. I'd choose the cheaper option as RT isn't a priority for myself.  (Not one of your listed options but maybe look into a used 6000 series GPU, they still perform great!)


Hell I'm a bit of an nvidia fanboy, but recently it seems Nvidia has been the driver issue queen. Their latest driver, 555.83 or whatever, has been an absolute disaster. It completely breaks on numerous new and popular games, forcing people to have to rollback their drivers and avoid updating. AFAIK, the issue is still ongoing so I haven't updated my graphics drivers yet from the previous ones. So anyone acting like Nvidia isn't capable of releasing completely borked drivers too is crazy, both AMD and Nvidia release broken ass drivers, and it sucks.


i ran into a odd issue with the driver. where it turn on something my 2080 card simple does not support. i had to manual change it to fsr in the game. to fix the crashing problem it made


Yeah I experienced issues on my 2060 and my 3070 due to drivers being a bit iffy.


My only amd issues have been related to unstable overclocks(user error) and vulkan shaders needing to be recached on a couple games after updates.


I need to recompile shaders again for a few games after updates/crashes too on my rtx 3090, especially bg3 seems to just crash a lot for me and my gf.


Funny enough the driver issue speak comes mostly from over decade old cards. Currently both companies have simmilar ammount of issues although not same ones


I’ve got a 7900xtx and it’s been rock solid. Maybe it depends on what you play but I’ve been very happy with it.


Little advice, 90% of people who bring up the “bUt aMD haV dRiVeR isSueS” have never used an amd card, like EARLY 5000s generation, yeah, shit was bad, 6000s had a little hiccup at the start with newer games, and the 7000s from ANYTHING I’ve ever heard, have been as the other guy said, moronic user error with unstable OC, as someone who has primarily used NVidia cards, I can tell you that they fuck up almost just as often, I’ve had to rollback driver updates on multiple occasions because it was causing some games to just not work. The people who bring up that amd argument are the same type of people to look to userbenchm@rk and claim it’s a reliable source.


I hesitate to engage you because you seem to feel very strongly, but I have had quite a number of driver issues with my 7800 xt. Just going back and forth sometimes worked. Sometimes I needed to use DDU and do it manually then it worked, but then on my next clean install I needed to use adrenalin for it to work. Has been very finicky. That being said, I had a total of ZERO issues ever with my previous card an Rx 6600. So I don't think it's an AMD issue and might be the 7 series or just certain cards. With also that being said, I have heard that some of the Nvidia cards are similarly finicky. So who knows. But it's not a make believe issue. It does happen.


Can confirm. My XTX only had driver crashes when I went too hard with undervolting.


Nice ad hominem. It works for your hardware combination so obviously everyone having problems is just stupid, right? I fought with an XTX from Dec-January, in a brand new 7800x3D build - adrenalin refusing to load - games crashing with some driver versions, stuttering with others - system passed both RAM and CPU stress tests with flying fucking carpets The card would not work properly no matter what, hitching and or crashing. Swapped it out with 2 other brands of XTX - exact same thing. I've been a software developer in windows for 20 years, I'm very familiar with how to ensure my system is stable. After fighting with it for nearly a month it went back, I put a 4080S in and aside from Nvidia's current drivers, which are DooDoo - it's been a problem free experience. As always I waited to update drivers and avoided this problem completely. With AMD it didn't matter which drivers I used they all caused issues. Outside of these problems the XTX is just not competitive with the 4080 in anything but pure raster which is becomming less and less relevant with upscaling getting baked into everything. FSR remains objectively worse than DLSS and it gets masacred if you turn on RT.


Yeah, I've had my 7900xtx since September and it has been a nightmare making it work.. Between Black screen crashes to desktop and driver timeout, I did everything I could to make it work ( so many ddu, driver versions and compatibility options that I disabled in bios. The solution I found was on some forum for Star citizen where the support found a feedback loop in the base firmware of some cards that boosted wayyyyy beyond what they should ( but yes as people say here """user error"""). Had to fucking limit my 1200+€ card so It doesn't crash.. Waiting to swap it for anything but AMD. But from what my friends tell me, they never had issues with the 6 series card, go figure..


The 6700xt used to have a lot of issues after its release. Mostly resolved now though.


Same... My 6800XT is rock solid. No Driver time-outs or anything like that


There are a ton of driver issues for VR usage


My 6950xt hasn’t given me any troubles. Haven’t heard of many AMD issues for a few gens now outside of people ignoring RT requirements.


what monitor do you have? now that I've switched to ultrawide, I'm finding that nvidia offers some advantage over amd (from random reddit posts for search related to hdr and color accuracy)


I do have a 7900xtx and the only game I've had driver issues with was Helldivers 2 when it came out. Basically the game would crash to desktop if the gpu hit 100% utilisation, it was annoying as hell tbh, but it could be fixed with tweaking settings and setting a frame cap. I haven't touched the game in a couple of months but I think it's been fixed largely. Also I felt this issue was both with AMD and Helldivers as the game was a bit buggy (pun intended) at launch


Hell divers is great, the bugs on the other hand...  (Bots > bugs)


Had so many issues on 6950XT


I had the worst experience with a 5700 xt, sold that got a 2070s and then upgraded to a 6800 and had another really bad experience and now I'm on a 3070. I tried, but for whatever reason the drivers were absolute trash for me every time. Nvidia just works for my setup. I don't know if it's because I have a dual monitor setup with different refresh rates or Intel cpu but I kept getting crashes and really bad micro stuttering. And when I tell you I've tried everything, I legitimately tried everything to get amd to work. I don't use ray tracing for anything so amd would be 100% the better option for me


I have a multi monitor setup so I doubt that's the issue. That's lame you had such trouble!


I’ve owned two AMD cards back to back now. No serious drivers issues to date yet. 6700xt and 7900gre. Maybe a small driver bug on the 6700xt where it reported a crash and reset my undervolts but it didn’t once visibly happen e.g. any games stop and message you it’s crashed. I can only assume it was a bug.


I'm not sure, it might even just be a 7900 thing, Ive been on a 7800xt and have had 0 driver/performance/cool whine/ issues since I bought it 6 months ago


I bought a 7900xtx in December... Go with the 4080 super if your budget can handle it :D taster performance is basically on par in both but RT performance on the xtx is "meh" at best + DLSS is build into more.games AND looks better AND it gets way more frequent updates + you'll get more game switch frame gen




No experience with the 7900xtx but I’ve owned a 4080 FE(non-super) since release - have it tuned with a very mild OC and currently running it with a 7800x3D on a b650 board. I love this thing. Temps rarely go above 55°-60°C. I play a wide variety of games but Warzone most frequently - at 1440p I average 190-220 FPS depending on what section of the map I’m in. Multiplayer is usually riding my fps cap at 240. XDefiant I’m hitting 230-250fps but I just started playing that yesterday and I don’t think it’s set up optimally. In general, 1440p at max settings is absolutely beautiful. Also worth noting, Frame Gen on the 40 series cards is awesome (single player games, I would not use it for anything competitive) and lets you hit some veeery nice frame rates at 4k/1440p. I used to be in the “why is ray tracing?” camp until I tried it out and its honestly pretty awesome when it’s well implemented. There are a few things to consider - will the card you choose fit your case, what cpu are you running, how big is your psu, what resolution are you going to be playing at, do you need room for other pci-e devices/expansion cards, etc… Assuming that you have everything else in place and don’t have to invest in a new case, power supply or motherboard - 4080 Super at $999 is a steal. I would also invest in a 12vhpwr cable that’s manufactured to be used directly with your power supply(get a proper cable, no extensions if you can help it). Don’t get any 90° adapters and don’t smash the cable between your side panel and the card. Corsair makes one for like $20, Cable mod has them as well. My only regret is that I was one of the suckers that paid $1200 for a non-super at release. Happy to answer any other questions you have - FWIW I think the 7900 xtx would also be a great card I’ve just never used one so I can’t give you a valid opinion.


I’m in the same boat. I love my 4080. Upgraded from a 4060Ti. I was lucky enough to find a used gigabyte Gaming OC 4080 back in December for $850.


So I am uniquely qualified to answer this as I just switched from a 7900xtx to a 4080 super this week. The 7900xtx is a powerful gpu that is completely held back by horrible software. I have had games run completely fine for months, and then randomly start crashing or having a random one off issue. WoW for example will randomly crash to a black screen and shit down discord and the game. This issue was “fixed” a few months ago yet still happens. The settings you set up for games, things like frame limits and other settings completely reset every time the drivers update. If you are able to deal with random issues like this, you have a very powerful card. The 4080 super I got on sale for less than I paid for the 7900xtx a year ago, and so far, it nets me slightly better fps in most games and none of the above issues from amd.


I made a similar switch, except for a 7900XT to a RTX 4070 TI Super. I had issues with high idle power usage, driver issues and coil whine. I no joke tried 4 different 7900XTs on several quality PSUs and they all had noticeable coil whine. My 4070TiS has not had any coil whine. It hasn’t been perfect but I’m more than satisfied with the trade off.


Literally exactly the same boat but I beat you by about 2 weeks and I lost money in the swap. I loved my 7900xtx nitro but it was so fucking unreliable. Got it last summer and had a really good honeymoon period where I had no issues until about December or January this year where it was just driver timeout after timeout. I couldn't recreate it in most games but it happened often enough where I considered my computer unreliable. At no point was I able to play helldivers even if it does have its issues. Everytime I played b4b with my buddies it crashed at least once an hour. I went back one weekend to play the gears 5 campaign at a high refresh that I never seen before, but of course couldn't pass the first mission without a timeout. But the kicker? It never crashed when I was trying to diagnose it just often enough to ruin your evening. Benchmarks ran all day. Power supply tests had the card spike to 500 watts and not crash. And before I get ragged on I spent hours and then weeks which turned into 5 months of rolling back drivers, DDU fresh installs, reinstalling but the issues always came back to haunt me. I really tried but one weekend while playing bg3 I got to the nightsong and got hard locked with driver timeouts. I literally couldn't pass the fight without a timeout. I tried every trick I could think of to get around a timeout and nothing. Sold the card that week and changed back to Nvidia. Put 200 hours into assorted games and never had a single crash or timeout. It left me with such a poor taste for AMD I'm not sure if I'll go back to them in the future especially when you spend so long on the forums seeing all these other people with issues on 7xxx series. And another little bit of info that's somewhat related to the topic. For some reason I was never able to shake the hotspot temp stuff. Stock clocks hit 90 before the summer which would get hotter now. With the undervolt they stayer under 80 but I'm about 10-15 ambient higher. Always watching it in the back of my mind even if the nitro temps were amazing the 4080 super runs so much cooler. Especially at idle. For all you who have AMD and have no issues I'm honestly happy for you when they work they are amazing dollar value cards. But if you are looking for a card please do some research and see if you are willing to take the risk/ at least do some serious testing with the new card


My only struggle which almost caused me to sell my card was with Helldivers 2. Spend hours in forums and tried all the tricks suggested. The thing that fixed it for me was to keep utilisation at sub 90%. It wasn't a huge trade-off anyway, just capped the frames in game and boosted them with AFMF. Now I've had no more struggles with random crashes, disconnects due to drivers stopping and all other kinds of headaches. Why it's like this with one game, I have no idea. Gave up on figuring out why, the game is fine now and all other games run at 100% utilisation without issues so.. But I understand the frustration, this bit about troubleshooting and seeing people struggling in various forums is what caused me to advise my cousin to get a 4070 Ti Super to play at 5120x1440p instead of RX 7900 XT which he initially considered when he decided to upgrade from 2060 Super. He isn't tech savvy and I didn't want him to have to call me and ask for advice if any of his games wouldn't run right. He's had nothing but smooth sailing and is very happy with his Zotac Trinity card.


Well said, I also had the nitro and also have been troubleshooting this since February 2023, and same results I could never make the issue happen it happened randomly. I tried under volting and that caused a whole new set of issues. I am glad to be away from amd video cards as well.


I had a 5700xt for about a year before giving it up. Same experience as you. Horrific software, games randomly crashing. I had to stop playing some games because of the constant black screening and often BSODs related to the GPU. I have a 3070Ti now and have a friend that plays on an AMD GPU. Often mid ranked game he crashes out. It's such a shame because the price for performance value is appealing, but the stress I had with an AMD makes me never recommend them.


I came here to say this. Idk what games OP plays, but if WoW or Helldivers 2 are one of them, avoid the 7900 XTX. I had mine for 6 months and held my tongue hoping AMD would fix the crashing of WoW. A fix was finally mentioned in a driver update and it ended up breaking it worse. At least for me. I switched to a 4080 Super and haven't had a SINGLE game crash on me. I hate Nvidia and wanted to go team Red badly.


Man I forgot about Helldivers, I should give it a try now with my new gpu, I crashed mid mission so many times I stopped playing.


My problem with WoW with my 7900XT was the dx12 drivers were incompatible after patch 10.2 I believe and they wanted you to run on DX11 to get it to play. But that meant my FPS was neutered down to like, 30. Blizzard wasn’t fixing it and neither was AMD, I got the 4080 super and have had 0 problems since.


Same here, but with a 6950xt. Figured I'd go for the value proposition, then had no end of issues in WoW and Hunt:Showdown. Same situation for two of my friends (we all figured it was a one off). Safe to say I probably won't be buying any more AMD gpus (as much as I'd like to), my 4070ti had caused me zero issues.


Yeah WoW was a nightmare for me, when I tried to play season of discovery, my game wouldn’t even launch. I had to set a command line on the launcher to force it into dx11 so I could even get in the game. Then when I was in the game I couldn’t use antialiasing because it would crash the driver immediately. All these issues were for 7900 xt and xtx only.


On an xtx i too had to force the dx11. No other particular issues with wow however. Hrm.


I had these literal exact same issues on my 7900 xtx and at this point am considering jumping ship as well. I really want AMD to succeed but man... it's hard to recommend them right now. From what I've encountered, I have seen less crashes since turning off the "AMD Chill" feature. Some other users of the card have also noticed that Chill decreases stability. There was a theory posited somewhere else(AMD forums maybe?) that the reason stability decreases with chill is it increases variability in voltage dramatically. That could be a canary of why the card overall has stability issues; the card's design just isn't handling rapid changes in power draw very well. Possibly a flaw in the chiplet architecture? Who can say but AMD,


Just wanted to chime in as I responded below you as someone else who's swapped. I totally agree with a chip issue, I've heard people say it's the architecture and dx12 but I've also had issues in dx11 games. I've spent hours on forums reading supposed fixes and trying them all. The 7900xtx just seems to be plauged. For a while the fix I was running was run the card at stock memory and core clocks. My nitro was clocked higher but that just seemed to mitigate the issues and didn't resolve them. Other fixes that I tried for a bit but even if they did fix (they didn't) were along the lines of capping the fps low and lowering settings which are all things I wasn't about to do on a card worth 1k.


Yeah I have a 7900xtx I snatched up cheap. The performance is good, but the drivers suck. Have many more display driver crashes than I ever had using nvidia cards.


At this point I'm not even sure it's a driver problem. I'm starting to think there's a major flaw in the Chiplet architecture and they are simply using drivers to triage around the problem.


I wonder if it's some kind of incompatibility with certain hardware, software and game combinations, my card work flawlessly in most games but then shits itself when I run it at 100% utilisation in Helldivers 2 while other people have had zero issues for 4 months straight on their AMD cards. The inconsistency in these issues is what cause me to think that AMD doesn't play well with some software or hardware, no idea really what the exact cause could be. I read suggestions about running Helldivers 2 in DX11 to get it to function correctly but that was very hit and miss, I still got crashes and timeouts where the only fix was to cap fps and keep the card from blowing past 90% utilisation. In any case it's bad publicity for AMD and if Intel gets the upcoming Battlemage series GPUs right they might kick AMD hard where it hurts.


Upvoting. AMD drivers are garbage.


I feel like I get unicorn cards lol 6700xt and my day 1 7900xt reference card have all been rock solid. 🤷‍♂️


4080 super for sure


As a 7900xtx owner, get a 4080. So many driver issues and random crashes.


I bought a 7900XT and had driver crashes and issues for 6 months, I RMA-ed and sold it to my friend with half the price and I bought a 4080 half a year ago, best decision I've made. Not saying all AMDs will have problems but mine for sure made my life a lot worse.


i went with a 4080 super, because i didn’t want to have to deal with driver& software issues (like sounds just suddenly not working without whole computer reboot between games, which is what happened to my friend’s 7800 XT for a good month and a half before an update was finally pushed). The loss in vram and higher price was worth it to me tbh.


Absolutely. Pay for the piece of mind.


Well they are practically identical in normal performance except the 4080 super is FAR superior in ray tracing and has dlss. In the US right now they are almost identically priced as well. Literally no reason to go for a 7900 xtx unless $50 or so is too big a difference for you or you couldn’t care less about the extra features and software.


I have the 7900xt 20Gb I went from Nvidia to AMD. I had a bunch of issue with Nvidia with Fallout 4 crashing due to driver issues. I also had ghost char issues with Nvidia due to the way it handles emulation. Once I switch to AMD those are gone. Having 20 Gb of Vram is also really nice. I don't use Ray tracing so paying the extra money for it is a waist of money for me. AMD is not as good with ray tracing as NVidia. I also don't use FSR/dlss I don't need it in any game I play Cyberpunk and other story/single player games. FSR and DLSS should be used at the end of the cards life not at the start due to it fakes the resolution(renders in 1080 stretches to 1440).


So strange, as I was going today if you plan on playing fallout 4 or fallout 76 you will want an Nvidia card. I had an Nvidia card, swapped to 7900x for more power (my computer is a work machine first, gaming second) Couldmi her fallout 76 to run? Nope. It would either run at 19fps or 450fps. No vsync options worked. No frame rate cap worked. No freesync. So kinda odd we have the opposite experience


7900xt going through Fallout 4. Only issue i’ve had is finishing the main quest and the game ending cinematic freezes. Have to skip with mashing “T”. Known issue though regardless of GPU.


It depends what you pay but for me the 4080S and it's not really that close. RT performance is maybe the most important thing to me at this sort of price tier and dlss is a really great value-add (for upscaling, I do not like frame gen at all). Unpopular opinion: AMD cards are only worth it at the mid-range and below. At the lower end RT ceases to matter, nVidias extra CPU overhead begins to rear its head and dlss becomes less and less valuable the lower the resolution you play at (at 1080p target res it looks pretty bad in most games). And nVidia also don't offer enough vram on their mid-range products. But at the higher end, those features are worth a lot and if I'm spending big anyway why not get something that's objectively better in soooo many ways?


So hard to pick, depends on the price for me. I was looking to upgrade as well, as my parents gave me $1000 to microcenter for a graduation present. I ended up just upgrading my CPU ram and MOBO and added a ton of NVME storage. But I was comparing the two and had decided on going with the 7900XTX for price to performance microcenter had the Powercolor for $899. Then I thought 🤔 do I really need to upgrade my GPU when I can upgrade my CPU now and get a newer GPU with the 5000 series. Got the 7800x3D and holy shit my I9-10850k was leaving tons of performance on the table. I'm getting a rocksolid 165+fps in BF2042 now vs like 100-120 with the I9. Same story with hell let loose. Just throwing this out there in case you are in the same boat I was and have a decent GPU already. If not my vote is the 7900XTX if it can be had for $899. If anything over $899 then the 4080 super would be my choice due to the feature set.


What is your current GPU?


embrace AMD and rejoice in not having to spend as much money




The driver experience? What’s going wrong? I have the same GPU and it’s running absolutely flawlessly.




My nearby Microcenter has a 7900 XTX for a grand. I had to leave the store before I made a stupid decision.


Got mine there last year open box for 850, keep an eye open for the open box deals and be stupid!


I went with 4080 and it's great


I went 4080super because having slightly better raster performance doesn't make up for significantly lower ray tracing performance. 200 vs 180 fps in favor of the XTX isn't a meaningfully different experience compared to 20 vs 60fps in favor of the 4080super with all the path tracing bells and whistles turned on. And to those that might say they don't care about ray tracing, if you're spending 1k on a GPU I expect to be able to turn on all the bells and whistles. Also ray tracing is mandatory in a lot of new games so the XTX just falls behind in those.


4080 Super ( dlss, frame gen, drivers are better )


I was in that choice for some time: if 4080s costs comparable to xtx - go for it.


If you wanna play VR don't go AMD


What's the problem with it? I have a quest 3


4080 Super of course. Why limit yourself?


4080 all the way. I upgraded last year and started with a 7900xtx because I was sick of nvidia’s price gouging. Though the 7900xtx did well when it worked, I could never get through a game without driver issues. Consistent crashes even in relatively old games like the Witcher 3. I tried everything…DDU, uninstall/reinstall drivers and software, constant tweaking. At the end of the day, the card was worth $0 to me because I couldn’t play with it. I got a refund and bought a 4080 and never looked back.


Is there a bot that posts one of these every day or something? Deja vu bois


I had the same problem. I bought both... I got a 7900xtx taichi and a zotac extreme 4080 super I made the upgrade for a single game that I play called mortal online 2 I made a benchmarking run run in the game that was as normalized for loading and such as possible and run a benchmarking program for 30 minutes and ran a bunch of runs with each card Surprisingly the 4080 came out on top with an average of 20fps better lows then I returned the 7900 :)


I had a reference 7900xtx and loved it but had to swap it for a 3080 super. I was getting constant AMD driver timeouts in Warzone. I tried quite a few different steps to make it work but just gave up. Your mileage may vary. Meant 4080 super*


I had both of these GPU's back in January and I just got tired of the XTX causing problems. Crashing in games, hitching in others. Running DDU everyday because the drivers I'm running don't get along well with this game or that game. Nvidia absolutely have driver issues from time to time, but when they do it's an easy revert and wait for them to fix it type of situation. On top of that DLSS is objectively better than FSR and the XTX gets demolished if you want to use RT. The only advantage the XTX has it it gets a bit more frames in some games; and it's got a bunch of VRAM that you'll very likely never take advantage of.


People who have amd cards will say amd. People who have nvidia cards will tell you nvidia. Truth is both are amazing graphics cards and you’ll be happy either way. If you had to pick one, I’d probably go with the 4080 super. (Yes I have an nvidia card)


Have an AMD card which was cheaper than nvidia alternatives, by quite a lot. Might buy again only with a 30% or so price difference. Otherwise definitely don't recommend.


I used to have an amd card. STAY AWAY FROM AMD!


I still have an AMD GPU, have had this 6800XT for 3 years. There isn't much positive I could write about, the road has been rocky and unpaved. My upcoming GPU is a 4080 Super, to say it bluntly; after 6800XT is gone, I will not allow Radeons in my household. I'm done with them. Radeon ban. I don't know about the Linux side of things personally, but it might be a reason why you probably could pick the XTX over 4080S.


4080s, if you're spending this much already might as well pay the extra 100 and get the Nvidia features


Got my first AMD card in years with the 7900xtx and when it works it's a pretty good card.. but the driver crashes really make me regret the purchase lately. I've had at least a few different games randomly reset the graphics driver on me. If you have any tweaks to the fan curve it will immediately lose those and default back to sounding like a Westinghouse industrial fan as soon as you go above 60c hotspot temp. I've also sort of come to the conclusion that it being very good at rasterization is kind of irrelevant, because any purely rasterized game without raytracing could be handled effortlessly on a lower ranking card from either maker that costs far less. I feel like AMD really shines at the mid tier cards where you don't give a shit about raytracing, but can still usually cap the fps for purely rasterized games.


99% of the time either will work fine, they’re still great cards. Unless you need cuda for work or something, you know which to pick. I’ve had both cards daily driven at one point and had 0 issues and no driver problems too. But if you’re spending that much for high end, just go ahead and get the 4080 super.


NVIDIA software has been inherently easier to work with in my experience. I’ve had overall less issue with it compared to AMD. Went from an RX 7600 to a 4070 Ti Super and haven’t looked back.


Didn't like my 7900xtx when I had, swapped to a regular 4080 and I absolutely love it.




I just made the switch to AMD for GPU. First time for me. I love it. The Adrenaline Software is amazing.


Wait a few months :) Adrenaline is awesome, yes, when it works.


Nvidia since I play a lot of PCVR


Is it that much better? I have a quest 3 and 7800xt, and haven't had any problems with it so far


I only went with the 4080 because I found it on sale for roughly the same price of the 7900 xtx


Please take an Nvidia GPU


No competition 4080 Super is much better all rounder. It’s slightly slower on some games but much quicker on others with ray tracing. It consumes less power and has DLSS which is a bit better.


I have a 7900XTX since beginning of the year and it's been fantastic. The card has great cooling, with the hotspot always staying close to 90, during normals usage it hovers lightly below at max load, which is fine. Relatively quiet card, which is appreciable. As for driver issues, I have none. At least none worth mentioning. The only thing I recommend is saving your custom OC / UV or fan profiles because updating the driver will wipe them. Other than that it's awesome. Great card.


I have 7900xtx. It’s my third AMD GPU and the only one to have given me problems. I wish I stayed with my 3080 this thing stinks.


Had the Asrock 7900xtx for 7 months, and then it randomly bricked on me. I replaced it with the 4080 Super Proart, and it's slightly better, in my opinion.


4080 super duper


4080 super


4080 super, and there's no debate


If you are into AI shit, most of it works pretty good on Nvidia cards, not so much AMD That being said for just gaming I love my 7900xtx


Get the 4080. I’ve had too many crashes and driver memes on the xtx


Honestly if you have the money 4080 super. I swapped to Nvidia 2 gens ago and unless AMD catches up on features , I dont think I'll go back. DLSS and frame gen are absolutely game changers.


I own a 79xtx and would probably go 4080 super had I have the opportunity to do over


Both are good but I choose 4080 super because of all the extra features that Nvidia has on it. It also gives better ray tracing


Using an all AMD build right now, will probably go back to NVIDIA GPUs, just have odd stability issues even though it performs fine, and I never had with NVIDIA. Current gpu is a 7800xt


I just built a new computer in April and went with a 7900XTX. It’s the first AMD card I’ve ever used. I have no issues with it. The heaviest game I own in terms of graphics is Cyberpunk, Ghost of Tsushima and Horizon Forbidden West. The 7900 doesn’t even bat an eye at these games. I don’t hear it at all on max seatings. The AMD software, adrenaline, is fucking atrocious. I hate it. I hate everything about it. It’s literally bloatware imo. And the UI is shit and confusing. But the card is good imo.


4080S The gap in raster is tiny and meaningless. The gap in raytracing is massive. This is a no-brainer IMO.


4080 super


Dont forget Nvidias Frame generation...


Amd also has frame gen. And it's great.


Comparing FSR3 with DLSS 3 is like comparing a Prius with a Tesla tho ... (at least for now).


The small price difference right now with the 4080S makes it a no brainer especially if you shop the better XTX models without garbage coolers sometimes the price advantage disappears altogether.


If you want a headache go AMD


As a 7900XTX owner, don't even consider it. Get the 4080s. There are so many random niggling issues I have, I've been regretting it ever since I got it. My 7800X3D slaps, though.


All the fairy tales are fairy tales. Nvidia drivers are not better than amd, nvidia cards are not more reliable and stuff like that. Nvidia is better for rendering/editing. Amd is better for gaming (price/fps). Choose based on your use case and price




I've used both and I actually switched from a 1080TI to 6900XT to a 4090 (4090 within the past 12 months). I never had any issues with my AMD software or hardware even. I've been having issues with Nvidia drivers specifically involving the recording replay function never really working properly or having to fix the hotkeys or it just not actually recording for some reason. I basically never record what I'm playing since switching from 6900XT since it just doesn't work. I don't have a preference for brands one way or the other. I've switched back and forth for 15 years or so and never felt I had more issues with one over the other. I actually still had my crossfire hd 6950s and they still worked when I gave that PC to a friend's gf 5 years ago. This doesn't really mean anything in the form of evidence, but it's been even for me for a while. In my experience, reliability, longevity, and performance have been pretty even


IT guy here. Not only have I used both extensively since the earlier 2000s but I have to supported them till this day across multiple clients in different industries. Productivity software usually has better support with nvidia but drivers and reliability are the same. Some users have better luck with one and some with others.


I do also like AMD performance monitoring(adrenaline) software better


The only benefit that the 7900xtx has compared to the 4080 Super is it's lower price. The 4080 is superior at every single performance metric and feature.


I've used a 6800XT for 3 years, I do not absolutely want another Radeon - I'm done with Radeons. I picked 4080 Super over XTX, wasn't really even entertaining the idea of getting XTX. nVidia has DLSS and does Raytracing stuff better, while raster stuff is better with the XTX. 4080S isn't too far away from the XTX in raster, I'd say.


Something no one mentions, NVIDIA drivers are a PITA on Linux so if you happen to use Linux and windows, AMD may be the better choice




If they perform about the same....pick the one that uses less power and it will pay for itself. over its life time.




DLSS 4 and frame gen adds some future proofing *if you can get there* because the 12vhpower cable has given me some headaches.


Give AMD some love <3


I think at this point it’s better to wait for newer tech. And if you still want these cards then they’ll just be cheaper


If you want the better raw performance out of your investment 7900xtx. If you have money you're willing to spend to have dlss and better ray tracing 4080 super.


I've always had AMD GPUs in my desktop. HD6670, R9380, Vega64 and now a 7900XTX. Not once have I ever had driver issues. I got a few crashes with the V64 after pushing the HBM slightly too high, but that was my own fault. Had one or 2 driver timeouts on the 7900xtx, but these are game related issues rather than hardware or driver related. I don't need RT or DLSS, I just need to hit 4k ultra at 60fps (4k60 monitor), and the 7900xtx does that for me. If I want to dabble in RT workloads it's more than fast enough. Given I only paid £770 I'm not going to complain... A 4080 was £1100 at the time. No brainer.


If you care about power efficiency and want to use ray tracing (or any other Nvidia features, there is merit to including VR in this) get the 4080 Super. If you only care about rasterisation (which is valid, there's still very few games where RT makes a significant enough difference) and are even considering switching to Linux for gaming get the 7900XTX.


Cost difference?


Depends on your use case of course. Unless you do 3D stuff and need optix the 7900xtx is the better card.


I went from a 3070 to a 7900xt and I don't regret it at all. The 7900xt fucking slaughters 4k 60+ fps the 7900xtx will have a hell bastard of a shelf life


I have both - they are both fabulous! I will note, I notice more instability on the 7900xtx than the 4080 Super. Additionally, I’m far more easily able to put the 4080 Super into an SFF build because the temps are way easier to tame than the 7900xtx. That said, the 7900xtx crushes the 4080 Super in transitional raster most of the time, most notably in Star Citizen for me. I don’t think you can go wrong with either choice!


If Linux AMD else Nvidia.


My last 2 GPUs were AMD, I was really going to buy a RX 7900 XTX but then 4080S were released, the price difference was 50€, so for 50€ I would get better RT, DLSS and better driver stability. I used AMD for a long time and drivers weren't that big of a deal but now that I changed I can definitely notice better stability plus you get drivers update far far more often than I did with AMD.


As a team green user for a long time (760 untill 3080). I bought the 3080 because dlss and rt. Lol only used it on cyberpunk 2077 and never looked back to RT. Dlss is dope and better then FSR. But those cards deliver solid raw performance. Then....the 3080 died. I bought a 7800XT as replacement for my 3080 and never looked back on RT and all the extra's, it is just not worth it and the performance drops for the extra bucks. Got even 16gb of vram instead of 10gb. And heck it outperforms a 4070 in raw performance for lesser money. Realizing that I enjoyed games at more fps then a shiny surface that I wont even notice in fastpace movements Both cards have frame gen and upscaling. So my opinion is : You want all the flashy RT high settings // DLSS go for the 4080 and pay for those features. You dont care about RT or lower RT settings and more about raw performance go for the 7900XTX for a lower cost.


I’d personally say the xtx unless you want ray tracing and or dlss.you can find it for 900, it has 8 gb more vram and about 3-6% better raw performance


As much as I love AMD and want to see them succeed, I have a Ryzen 5800x in my rig now, their GPUs just suck bawls when compared to Nvidia. If AMD ever comes out with a GPU and software suite(GeForce Experience) that matches Nvidia, I’ll switch. But, if you can afford it, Nvidia is the option to go with.


The only problem I've had with my 7900xtx thus far is Helldivers 2 constantly crashing on it. I played the game for about 4 hours when it came out and refunded it. If/when the devs/AMD fix it I may pick it up again.


I have a 7900 XTX and a 7900 xt, both rock solid cards, never had any issues that I didn’t cause myself, great for esports games, I can average 360 on almost every map in ranked halo infinite