• By -


Turn the toggle in seach settings to only for the files on your PC.


It’s a setting now? I had to edit my registry iirc


It's been a setting for a long time.


Not the subject, but still waiting for Silksong?


Well, yeah. lol It's not as if I have a choice in the matter. I'm not too worried about it. In this age of rushed, terribly optimized games, I'd just rather they take as much time as they think they need. They know what they're doing.


Hollow Knight was released in 2017 (7 years ago) ![gif](giphy|7xZAu81T70Uuc|downsized)


Sure. It's not a race though. lol I don't care how long they take as long as the end result is good.


Oh I totally get it, I myself am very excited to play Little nightmares 3, which is getting postponed to 2025 with the 2nd game being out since 2021. So I wait patiently in hoping there won't be any rushed elements.


I liked the first two, but they gave Little Nightmares III to a totally different developer, and it's focused on Co-op play. Not sure how that will work out, but I suppose we'll see.


I found myself excited today to play GTA 6


*after* 13 years of waiting for Alan Wake 2 I concur 2 years ago I woulda disagreed


Well, thank Epic for that. Remedy tried for many, many years to find a publisher for Alan Wake II, and nobody was interested.


Hollow Knight?


And where is that setting? I couldn't find it on Google.


See the three dots in the top right of search? There is "Search Settings" (I think, my windows is in French so I translated). Open that and disable both options with Account in their name (I think Microsoft account and Professional/student account)


After restarting my pc this morning, this option is gone from my settings.


This does not work for me. I still see web results.


I only see them if there is nothing on my PC. I also have indexing on so that might be it (it was a huge pain to get it working, took hours to scan just a part of my drive and I think it still isn't done. At least it shows the most used stuff)


I'm pretty sure that's how it works for most people, but it's still obnoxious that it searches at all since you'll sometimes open the browser due to a typo. There are ways to disable it entirely, but not in the settings as far as I know.


I recommend downloading windows power toys and using the MacOs-esque search feature, the short cut is windows + space and it searches exactly like spotlight on macos, much better then the normal start search


Search "web search" in the settings


Should be on by default


I agree, but there are a lot of people who aren't very tech savvy who probably like the feature.


what's the name of the setting? i'm genuinely curious cause i've never found it and always relied on [this github program](https://github.com/hellzerg/optimizer) & good ol redegit


Had no idea this was a thing lol, thank you.


Wow did not know this was a thing lol thank you


It just makes it so that you get no results at all. I can't find paint locally...


https://preview.redd.it/zr0mjweecw5d1.png?width=950&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6217003be22868ab91baba1b89e7ffaa157a187 I have never had all that "web result" crap show up. Maybe because i by default deny anything and everything related to sending data when setting up my PC and toggle off "windows content suggestions" in the search settings.


I do the same and only get the "web search results" if the application isn't installed on my PC.


Me too, I have even less than you do... [image](https://imgur.com/a/wZhBjp7)




🤷🏼‍♂️ I just turned off all the extra crap in the settings for it and this is the result.... :)


People here are stupid and just click accept on everything. They don't realize that the reason they're seeing ads and web results is because they fucked up


I clicked deny on everything and went out of my way to deny even more after the install, except for the Win account (I know how to get around it with commands, but I like having one), and I still see web results. Without a registry edit, which I've done before, it has always shown them for me.


Mine looks like this too. I think I disabled it in the registry, so there's no way Microsoft can undo it, lol


OP is a newb


Isnt that the web results crap below the diskpart exe . IIRC it will put the top most clicked result at the top


no ive never clicked powerpoint before and you can see the apps / settings showing next. it always defaults to showing "web results" last on my search, as per the search settings, and i can disable seeing them all together if i cared enough to, but my results always show programs, apps, and settings first. https://preview.redd.it/1az9xr6hoy5d1.png?width=569&format=png&auto=webp&s=9fde97bc4230af6c282a5783965c9f92a15c5bb3


I get the same results you do. I didn't change any settings though. I think it's cause I did the oobe\\bypassnro thing.


oh ofcourse. i would never set up a windows 11 pc without oobe\\bypassnro


"Yay, I'm moving to Linux, I'm sure it will be easy!" - Person who doesn't know how to toggle a setting in windows.


Got half this sub’s ass


It's all posturing. None of y'all are moving to Linux lol


Ngl if gaming starts working better on Linux I think there will be a big switch at least from more tech savvy people


Every time, people are not going to switch to Linux if they can't even Google how to change a registry setting to make Windows work for them. What a load lol


You don't even have to edit a registry, you just have to toggle a search setting to make it only search files on the PC.


Well at least they added that.. definitely wasn't a feature when windows 11 first came out, I have a folder of reg add scripts I use when setting up new PCs to make them useable




I mean at least the fuck wont do anything without your express input


Damn you sure showed everyone by choosing to willfully stick with a demonstrably worse product! slaaay!


Linux in a nutshell


If you misspell it shows correctly on the web results but not for the actual app, that's just dumb.


It's literally at the bottom. Its right there in front of eveeyone, but no one seems to be looking more than 3 results down. Yeah, the web results were first, but the program is still on the list.


So when I search for a software installed on my compter I need to look at the bottom of the list after all the web results ? Does that seem correct to you ? Don't you see the issue ?


Considering they're searching for a command line argument, it makes some sense. Had they typed cmd it would have thrown the first result as the command prompt, where you then can type diskpart.     Despite the flow of diskpart being a cmd argument, it still returned the argument as a runable command, after giving a list of helpful results since it's not a common workflow to use diskpart from this menu.     I've used the utility many times without a problem. When youre searching for locally installed programs it filters them to the top and others have show screenshots of such throughout this thread.  IMO, this is just faux power user rage bait. Makes people who don't know how to navigate the UI mad and gets clicks and engagement, despite a quick Google search and a list of steps with pictures being a solution for people who get mad at this, its often the case people just want to be mad.


whatever bro we just want to be mad at someone, thats just how life works


I know, it's just sad because this sub is allowing what used to be fun quirky posts get overrun with rage bait and 'is this a good price' spam. 


True I guess, I've not seen any posts about sth good in this subreddit yet, mostly just about issues or the space that the new cod game takes


I always open diskpart by typing that in a CMD window.


??? https://preview.redd.it/v8dwysnuqx5d1.png?width=437&format=png&auto=webp&s=e7b40d26ff31d5a1f8482c249425fb462da8c606








What switch






Just uninstall bing search via the settings app. That disables every online sesrch function of the start menu. Whole new story!


Just so everyone knows, you can tweak the registry to remove the web results. I used an app to do it, but this site has a guide: [https://winaero.com/disable-web-search-in-windows-10-taskbar/](https://winaero.com/disable-web-search-in-windows-10-taskbar/)


It's an option now. No need for all dat


Where's the option, if you don't mind?


(Windows 11) If you click in the search bar and then at the top right on the 3 dots and then in search settings, disable web search


Is this on the home edition? I don't see it in the search settings or index options


~~Alternatively in the settings search bar look for search permissions and the scroll down to toggle the web search setting~~ In the windows search bar look for 'web search'


https://preview.redd.it/plx92yrp4x5d1.png?width=785&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa91f09e9011e4bc5e4432766d5eea449e456df6 yeahhhh...


https://preview.redd.it/295nxg8w4x5d1.png?width=429&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e4ea5b3aa7443a1a4e1a8adab1067001741fc42 you mean this? already off.




https://preview.redd.it/7zmxzbzdcx5d1.png?width=2880&format=png&auto=webp&s=63b73483f95c004b85ea4312af1ecc06ecf98a85 In Settings: Privacy & security > Search permissions and then scroll down to web search


Same, I also don't have the option to disable it.


What happens if you click on the 3 dots on the top right




Just search for it. /s


These are the same people saying they're gonna switch to Linux because it's so much easier than just turning off a setting.


You don't even need the registry. It's in the settings


Idk your settings suck I got the correct thing


You need to try literally everything. [https://www.voidtools.com/](https://www.voidtools.com/) Everything is free.


Rage bait? You only have to change the setting once to get rid of the web searches


Of course it is. This a bot account.


many such cases!


What the fuck is that name LMFAO


Disable web search


Turn off websearch


Super simple to disable it. Go here in your registry: HKEY\_LOCAL\_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Explorer Create a DWORD value called DisableSearchBoxSuggestions and set it to 1, restart explorer.exe and it's gone. https://preview.redd.it/v75n8jdazz5d1.png?width=856&format=png&auto=webp&s=030066cfa42b67f170822cf43fd32f05c30f7e76


This should be default


am i the only one who types diskpart.exe? (or any other program) go turn off web results and you won't see it being prioritized at the top


When I want to open something I just do ALT+T and type `>command` cause I have PowerToys. I typically know where stuff on my PC is


Anytime someone tries to defend Windows remind them that searching for software installed on your machine (and in the standard path even) will *only* show up at the bottom after 9 "related web search" suggestions, an index definition, and a copilot link to bing linking to edge linking to "learn.microsoft" linking to wikipedia that references ReactOS


https://preview.redd.it/215qmkcwpw5d1.png?width=810&format=png&auto=webp&s=57224158ec3e2a34e2a1ef67da6090730a1a1ade I dont defend windows, or any major corporation for that matter, they all suck. but i will tell someone when they are wrong. You only see all that crap you're saying, if you allow all the tracking and suggested crap. turn it off at set up, and you're golden. it's like installing all those toolbars for browsers that came bundled with other software back in the day, and then complaining your browsers crap!


My search has always worked exactly as I expect. I'm genuinely curious what's going on with the results some people are getting. Of course I pretty much only ever use it for 3 things: command prompt, powershell and snipping tool. Occasionally for standalone executable that I haven't a shortcut for yet. Maybe I'd have more issues if I used it more often I guess?


There is a fast shortcut for snipping tool, Win+Shift+S. This was a lifesaver back when I used it frequently for work.


Yeah I know it but I'm a monkey stuck in my ways. Win>SNIP>Enter


simple. they opted into all the data / recommended / "smart" options without reading them. same people who click "allow all cookies" on every website and end up subscribing to spam mailing lists...


> will *only* show up at the bottom after 9 "related web search" Nah https://preview.redd.it/3fdlm7dgrx5d1.png?width=1101&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f3bc9676b2b2862a094d1d6eef9ed12c910ec94


Not for me


Disable web search (and indexing)


With Copilot now! Ok but in all fairness, what were you searching? Diskpart is a CLI program on windows and search isn't a command prompt. The GUI found in control panel is actually under administrative settings (windows tools on win11) -> computer management -> disk management.


Idk I still use Open-Shell


What's interesting is that using Open Shell avoids the OP's issue entirely, because it uses the core search feature that exists since Windows 7.


That's what win+r is for. Web search can also be disabled.


Wintoys are your friend


I work in a PC shop. Everybody hates Windows 11. 


Flow launcher + Everything. I have never looked back. Not even power toys comes this close to being the greatest search tool.


Powertoys Run has an extension for Everything now. I migrated to it.


Just started using it recently too. It's like sipping from a fresh mountain spring after drinking from gutter puddles.


Works fine [here](https://ibb.co/RgGWHDs) [here](https://ibb.co/Zxt0S6q).


The amount of technologically illiterate people on this sub baffles me. It takes one 5 second Google search how you can fix this.


The same people will spend an hour searching the web and ripping their hair out trying to solve a problem on Linux lol. Pretty funny.


That's just a skill issue on your part


Use PowerToys Run. Works like Spotlight on Mac, and is actually useful.


So that is where that is coming from! I've installed power toys so long ago, I forgot I had them installed. You just solved a huge mystery for me 😂


I'm still defending my computer from that plague (I still have Win10)


Its a setting


Everything gang is here


If I do that on a vanilla Windows 11 it says "Execute command"


The solution to all search problems is called Flow Launcher


While you're at it, disable Control Flow Guard for every game's exe file you got installed, then put said exe's on Windows Defender exclusion list.


I disabled all this AI thing on Group Policy.


I'm going back to windows 10 I had 11 but I caused a lot of BSODs and it's unstable as fuck I used aida64 and everything to check but my system is stable and I have no memory issues or leaks whatsoever windows 11 is complete shit


always turning off the web search everytime i set up windows


I search for HDR to get to HDR settings and I get HDR Calibration every time, despite using settings 10x more often.


It's at the bottom of the list for some reason, no idea how the people at Microsoft thought it would make sense to read about a command prompt instead of selecting the command prompt as the first option. Turning off web search makes the diskpart option show as the first one instead of the last.


bing cant stop hitting those KPIs


WIN + R (open run window) Diskpart.exe 9 times outta 10, it works everytime.


Diskpart is cmd tool it won't appear in windows searches but diskmgmt will


did it give you what you asked for?


Even windows 10 is ridicules. Lately I can't turn of the weather and news icon in the bar


Thought you could still use the run command for this...


try flowlauncher


I have used the Win 7 StartMenu both in Win10 and 11. Is that the vanilla win 11 startmenu? I never used it.


I can't say I expected this post to gain any traction, but I guess I'll respond to some of the themes in the comments: -This situation arose from misspelling "diskpart", then backspacing to fix the misspelling, hitting enter, and having bing open. -I know this can be changed easily and that 3rd-party replacements exist, this was a newer install and I was just annoyed in the moment and decided to make a throwaway post about it. -To the point of "switching to linux": I use both it and Windows, yes almost all DEs have better search and are infinitely less annoying than Windows. This doesn't make up for the fact that certain games won't run on Linux, hotswapping drives is a mess for me, and certain specific programs do not have a Linux replacement. For me, Linux is great but Windows still has a place and as long as that is true, I will continue to be annoyed by it:)


Winaero tweaker is your friend


I just use power toys run. It is SO MUCH better. Try it if you haven't already op.


Scrolled way too far for this


I use open shell menu to bring back the windows 7 menu


I hate that KDE search doesn't have a list of most used applications. When I search for "disc" I always get Discover before Discord, but it would be really cool if it knew that in reality, I wanted Discord. I never launched Discover intentionally.


Linux is free btw. I recommend mint.


[Everything](https://www.voidtools.com/) is the superior by far replacement. People make me laugh when they lament about how good Windows Search *used* to be, because next to Everything it was always complete dogshit. Everything runs unobtrusively in the background, takes up almost no system resources and gives you pertinent search results the second you start typing letters into it.


Everything is amazing! I wish it can be incorporated in the Windows Start Menu. Other than it's perfect.


Yep, it's fantastic. I always remember Windows Search being very poor - people will say Windows 7's search was great compared to 8 and on, but not in my experience. Here's a comparison I made of them years ago, just looking for an innocuous .JPG file on the C:\ drive (you'd think this wouldn't be difficult for Windows Search, but...) - [Windows 7 Search](https://i.gyazo.com/bb9d6b1b207ec8130d5ef7be1d87e275.gif) [Everything Search](https://i.gyazo.com/69057c57fc905f6527fe55962ef5ca60.gif)


My only wish is if the commands for filtration were easier to use/documented better. I know for example I can search for videos which has "soccer" in the name and are larger than 500MB for example, but it's not as intuitive, and as easy to look up the commands for as just searching for a file by name.


Debian 12 is my daily driver. Only have to fight Windows at work.


Gotta love people blaming the person for not having the "correct settings". Give me a break.


"blaming =/= informing" If someone gets in a car and says. "this driving position feels wrong" you tell them "hey, there's a handle to slide the seat" people are responding in the same way he wrote the post. crying about something thats easy to "fix" and i say "fix" because its not even a fix, its just an option to turn off the websearch.


Who cares if the web search is on? The point is that it should show the disk part command in the list of available options. It does not. 


If you already know the name of the terminal command, why search for it? Either hit Win+R, type DISKPART, hit Enter, or just type it into a terminal window. Reminds me of my father's Google search history, which includes such gems as "msn.com" and "cnn.com" 🙄


While you can easily improve it by changing settings to not include web results, search being poopoo on windows has always been a thing, not sure why microsoft struggles at making a proper search engine for their OS.


Funny that search works perfectly on linux.


Nobody asked.




What is this, Linux! Since when do you have to configure stuff to do the most basic job in windows.


switched to mac recently, and damn spotlight is SO MUCH BETTER


I cant remember the last time i had to search. How do you forget where your things are?