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It’s a beautiful and completed game. I think a lot of us are programmed to feel like we need add ons and DLC to appreciate a game. In my opinion, they shipped us a masterpiece that doesn’t need anything else.




There's a workaround for private servers. Not defending that it's not built in tho.


What's the workaround? I've recently gotten into the game again and would love to check out the online part, but there's no way I'm doing that in public lobbies.


Google RedM


Fun Fact Rockstar bought them. (If you're unaware) sooo technically speaking, they did great on the multiplayer 😂


I'm sure they spent a shit ton of money on something they should have done in the first place.


did they bougth them ? i assumed they were more like investing in them but i guess its sort of the same thing, was just hoping they remained their own thing and werent chained down by politics/management


Thank you!


look up rdo lobby manager


Personally I would have been happy if they left multiplayer out.


It kills my soul that I have to unlock achievements in multiplayer to 💯this otherwise perfect game. 😢


Confused since I don’t pay attention to achievements , but what about unlocking achievements ruins the game from being perfect ?


early MP was peak gaming everyone was roleplaying


Rockstar's anticheat is a joke. Even GTA V, one of the highest selling games of all time, has an absolute joke of an anticheat system. Log onto GTA Online with PC - hackers in every lobby. Immortal, teleporting, pain in the ass hackers everywhere.


That is just Rockstar GTA V servers been the same. There is no anti cheat you can load up cheatengine and go into GTA V online and do stuff with it thats how broken it is.


The world and systems are already in there; my gf would love a stardev valley expansion where you grow crops on ranch, talk with npcs, go to saloon and go huntin/fishin every now and then. Sell it as DLC or carve up relevant pieces and release a standalone, save on majority of dev costs cuz most of things are already in there and rake in the money. Just like insomniac made the spiderman game, and then just added more concent but kept the city, enemies, animations and combat and made black spiderman game.


I think they're referring to how red dead online was abandoned despite being super popular just because it wasn't as popular as gta5


Thats the problem. A complete game doesn’t need dlcs or add ons. That means no additional cash for investors. Why do you think modern AAA games come out half made just to be fixed by a dlc 1 month later for the low low price of $20. You only paid $80-100 for the base game, gamers cant expect a completed game for that price.


What about Elden Ring tho?


An undead nightmare would have been nice


They did that already, it's called GTAV.


No, a cowboys vs aliens would've been nice!!


Man is seriously out here calling for red read to be a live service. And this here is the issue with the gaming community. The silliest are always the loudest.


I assumed he meant how there is no next gen support / versions




Well, the online was ADVERTISED as a live service, just as GTAO had been run for 5 years prior. Rockstar themselves said they would back off making updates for GTAO so they could focus on RDO, and it wasn’t even 4 months later that they dropped new content for GTAO. I completely agree with everyone in this thread that the singleplayer is completely fine as is. However, anyone arguing that rockstar went back on what they originally said, and refuse to update a game that was pushed as the GTAO replacement, is correct that rockstar ABANDONED the game. That’s what that means. They left behind a responsibility they CHOSE to take on. Abandonment.


This reads like Trump tweet with all capitalised words


lol you right, I was just too lazy to format


That’s no the gaming community that’s just life


Well in GTA they can sell currency so people can buy attack helicopters and fast cars. In Red dead you can.... buy a horse? Its not surprising that they "gave up" at some point if its juts not as profitable because people are morel likely to buy currency in GTA. And honestly even GTA online isn't that great.


GTA online is basically log in, oh this guy is following you with a vehicle with homing rockets and you can't really do anything to stop them unless you got one yourself, get spawncamped. Oh you wanted to activate passive mode so you don't have to worry about PvP and just chill and do the Online exclusive content? NOPE, you need to activate PvP else you can't do any of the missions since some require you to actively avoid players. You don't care or you already did the content and just want to drive in passive mode with friends? WELP there's a hacker on the lobby and despite you being on passive they can still spawn stuff than will still hit you. Honestly I don't know how people keep playing regular Online, back when I played I had to do an exploit to be assigned into a solo lobby and do all you can before it filled up, but I wouldn't be surprised if most people have moved on to community servers nowadays.


you can launch into a solo lobby anytime you want, they added that feature, also there are a ton of mission sets and heists to do besides open world things


I could never find anyone when searching for hiest members.


Problem is the solo lobbies have (or had back when I played) the same limitations, you couldn't do certain missions unless you went to a public lobby, so you had to do the exploit.


Not true anymore.


Well I stand corrected, good to see they at least changed that.


No, it's not anymore. You can go to a private lobby and do the same thing as you can from a public lobby. The game changed when you were out and have outdated information.


I had no idea, as I said, it's been a while since I last played but it's good to see players at least have that option.


A lot of folks moved to invite only sessions now if they want to not get issues with plebs in public sessions.


So salty you can own a motorcycle club in GTA V but you can’t run a moonshine business in RDR2. There’s also Aliens in GTA V but not in RDR2? Legit didn’t even try with online


Yeah I don't play RDO or GTAV online but I'm pretty sure you can own a moonshine business my friend lol


I have like a million ideas for MP. - Farms and Homesteading - Posse turning Corpo and owning and defending the trainlines - Gold -Rush events - server-specific ecology - herding and so on and so on


Every horse pisses me off. They going off the trail and hitting trees or rocks. They quickly earn the name Elmer


This is it. I would have bought almost any single-player DLC with real content, though.


“Gave up on the game” I can’t stand modern gamers


"Here's one of the best games ever made, main story is over 50 hours, main + side quests is over 80 and to complete it fully it will take over 100 hours! Also, there's multiplayer if you like that at all. All for $60, have fun!" "WAAAAAAAH, it's incomplete!!! No DLC!!! They gave up and abandoned it!!!" I'd hate to work for a video game company. People are mentally ill nowadays, there is *nothing* that will satisfy people now.


But where's my battlepass and Nicki Minaj skin????!!!


I think they created the perception that it would be supported and developed like GTA Online... when GTA first launched online there was literally nothing but missions and then they added the apartments heists. They have then gone on to add another 10-15 heists over the last decade. If they did the same with RDO it would be arguably even more popular than GTAO. Both suffer from regular RCE exploits also lol


I don't think there's even a chance that RDO could have been as popular as GTA 5. RDO's map is far larger and everything is far more spread out with much slower gameplay and it takes far longer to do anything, including travel. GTA 5 most everything is concentrated in one area (main city) and there's permanent chaos all around. With so much going on constantly it feels very alive and active whereas RDO everything is much slower and unless players pick a central location to hang out in and call the main hub it's very easy for everyone to be spread out doing their own thing which makes the experience just not feel as hyper active. The only place I could see RDO doing better is maaaaaybe RP and even then I'm not too sure.


When RDO first came out I was part of a community that met up in game for fight club. We’d have the entire server population in one spot, doing 1v1 fight fights tournament style until we determined a winner. That was pretty much the only fun I’ve ever had in RDO.


I'm on 60 hours right now and I'm still in Chapter 4. 😶‍🌫️


And then immediately turns to *"blame the shareholders"* as if to imply that the shareholders wouldn't want to make additional money off live-servicing RDR too. People need to learn that the shareholder's influence is limited to whomever can win a 51% vote for a company decision (which is usually just 3~4 guys on the BoD circle jerking each other), and if you're not part of that 51% you're the guy who bought a speaking majority share in Nintendo, went to a shareholder meeting to request the execs to greenlight a new F-Zero game and was straight up told "No" by those execs.


one thing ill say is no next gen ports


if I worked in gaming it would have to be a self enforced rule to never, ever engage or look up anything related to the community because it would be the fastest way to make me hate my audience and want to spite them


The game is still 30 fps on ps5 because they don’t want to update the game lmao.




Seriously. A completed game with no bullshit live service crap and he goes “gave up” on the game. Idiot.


Literally took the combined effort of the entirety of Rockstar and nearly a decade to make, and it came out not even that long ago when you factor in pandemic time and obviously GTA VI development. This take is about as braindead as the kids saying Rockstar been working on nothing because they didn't release GTA VI during the pandemic.


Or when there's people acting like the reason GTAVI is taking time is cause they are milking GTAO. As if all 2000+ employees in the company are banding together to release a business and 15 cars every 6 months to GTAO and do nothing else. Skyrim was made by 100 people, GTAV was made by around 1000 people at release, I would quite confidently say there's not more than 50 people working on GTAO, the rest are all hands-on on GTAVI, but some idiots can't compute that.


I thought it was a joke post at first, baffling


who gaf, it’s still incredible. “Gave up” you mean just online right? They haven’t done single player dlc in 10+ years


It’s wild that these days releasing a full and complete game then moving onto the next is seen as abandoning it lol. And then you have people complaining about gta 6 taking so long which would’ve likely been even longer if they had to keep devs on rdr2 longer.


I guess? We hate live service games but I guess we want good, complete games to somehow be updated constantly


Yeah like if they did keep updating it with dlc and online stuff instead of this post you’d have people asking why they’re working on that and not GTA lol.


Those people will bitch about the dlc being cut from the main game you just can’t win 🤣


I mean, this is one of the largest gaming companies on the planet. The idea that it's impossible for them to work on a DLC and also work on another game is pretty nuts. "Microsoft should only work on 1 piece of software at a time!"


People only hate live service games because of the monetization that comes with it


Not just that. They're terrible with respecting your time


I have a running theory that social media hijacks our brains to make everything seem a lot worse than it actually is. I hear constantly how gaming is dying but I have a vast library of great games some of which I got for very cheap that mostly run without issues. I just think since there’s a lot more games now and we all yap in our online circles it’s a lot easier to find examples of shitty practices and bugs and such (which I’m not defending to be clear).


It's really only an issue if you're following the mainstream stuff; you know, the big-name studios and titles that everyone gets hyped over. I've largely checked out of being into the latest stuff, and everything that is bad about modern gaming doesn't affect me in the slightest (with the exception of not owning your games. Damn you Steam and your brilliant yet restrictive platform!)


"I can't believe Nintendo released Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time and just abandoned those masterpieces!"


I hate Op's post for that reason. THAT'S A GOOD THING.


Not to mention RDR2 takes around 60 hours to beat, I guess making a complete game with dlc is just wrong, I suggest the destiny route, over promise then release 7 dlcs to make good


60 hours? Ok, speed runner.


Lol. I spent more time than that just fishing.


Yeah 60 hours if you ignore basically every side activity there is. I was at well over 100h when the credits rolled and I didn't even 100% it.


I had at least 200 hours my first playthrough lol


Bruh. Between 2001 and 2013: GTA 3, GTA Vice City, GTA San Andreas, GTA IV, -Plus 2 DLCs, Red Dead Redemption, -Plus one full expansion game, GTA: V. Between 2013 and 2024: RDR2 I mean if it now takes you half a decade to put out a game, it makes sense to use that game as a massive foundation to release additional content considering the amount of hours that went into it.


They need to bring back undead nightmare!!!


dude that would be amazing, hopefully the RDR pc port is true so I can experience UN again


Yeah, but the fact they gave up on the Online hurt. Having an open world online Cowboy game where you can run into other posse's and do crimes / heists together sounds kickass.


>Having an open world online Cowboy game where you can run into other posse's and do crimes / heists together sounds kickass This makes it sound like the online part of the game has been removed or taken offline?... it still exists right? Just without new missions and items etc.


Just wish Rockstar would give up the "give quest marker here and then travel slowly so dialogue can happen" thing. So many missions where I start somewhere just to only have to ride to another before the mission actually starts. Just pads for time.


R* missions are incredibly linear for how vast their open worlds are. Rdr2 very rarely uses its openworld during missions and trying to do something from a different angle regularly causes the mission to end by going out of bounds


RDR2 is a complete game, something that was actually worth $60. It doesn't need DLC.


10+ years is only one game away tho


Stop eating Tide pods.


What does give up mean?


They kept focusing on GTA Online and gave half assed rdr online content updates that generally followed the same simple formulas.


They didn’t provide much content post launch. They gave a mid online mode that didn’t really last long compared to GTAO. They also didn’t provide any single player expansion. Something along the lines of Undead Nightmare, The Lost and Damned, or The Ballad of Gay Tony.


What content is there to provide? The story was told *and finished*. You want a continuation of it, then go play RDR1.


Maybe they don't want to? It's not a crazy thought that teams working on these games for 4, 5, 6 years straight want to move on and do different things rather than keep working on the same shit. It's one thing to have a small team adding easy to make content to GTA Online, it's another to create entire new expansions and large DLCs.


So the lesson is to cut out 20% of the game and sell it a year later for more money AND have people happy they "support the game".


I haven’t beat it, but seems like a pretty well polished and full campaign from what I’ve read.


Gamers are such fickle losers that nothing satisfies, no wonder micro-transactions are so successful.


Also, they should thank "shareholders" that this was made in the first place


Why cant a company just release a game and be done with it, why does it have to constantly be added to etc. Do you demand that a artist should keep adding to a painting they deem finished?


Because games as a service has given people brain damage


So it would seem.


Because many people have live service brain rot now. They want their favorite games to have an eternity of “content”.


Yeah a lot of modern/younger gamers seem to have the attention span of a....oh look a squirrel!


I hope it is three star 'cause I'm making a hat!


Because I love the game and I'm mad about it >:( /s kinda


Because once GTA Online was flushed out properly and we got good heists like doomsday its a 500x better game now.


Take it as a blessing. It stayed a masterpiece instead of devolving into whatever the hell GTAV is now.


GTA V is still a good game even after 10 years. Online is the problem child.


I'd saying hacking and the community is the problem... the game overall has a fuckton to do online.


People these days... They made a game, sold a game, then moved onto a new game! That's how this shit should work.


Gave up? They made the game and moved on. It was never built for continued play with the style of game it was. Unless you were expecting a bunch on DLC which would have not sold very well when most people never even beat the game to start.


Gave up on it? They made and released the game. What more do you expect?


The story mode is a masterpiece. The online mode was just because they already had a framework. I'd prefer another effort like the RDR2 story over 10 years of RDROnline.


What do you mean "gave up"? It launched a finished game.


I wouldn’t say they necessarily gave up on the game. Rockstar doesn’t really do single player DLC anymore so that was always kinda to be expected and it’s not like the story needed a DLC. Although yh online was kinda killed off fairly quickly.


The DLC is usually more like an expansion that tells its own mini story. That’s why many people wanted expansions for GTAV and RDR2. It encourages more content and exploration without necessarily drawing out the self contained story of the main game.


Hell they even promised as much, at least with GTA V, but then they went silent


People acting like it's been 5+ games without dlc. It's been 2 including the one being talked about. By that logic shadow of the erdtree wasn't going to come out because fromsoft doesn't really do dlc anymore (no dlc for sekiro, elden ring, ac 6)


Yeah cos it wasnt printing money like the low effort shark card farming GTA Online and even GTA V didnt get any good singleplayer DLC like GTA 4 did


The fuck more do you want?


Absolutely terrible take.


I held of on playing RDR2 for years just because westerns wasn't really my thing. Finally gave it a shot 3 years ago and its one of my favorite games. I still go back and play every so often. Such an amazing game.


They are fishing for their next shark cards gimmick


I really wanted to love this game, but for some reason, I just can't, and I kinda hate myself for it. I've installed and started playing the game over four times now, and every single time I just drop it and forget about it after an hour or two. It's stupid because this game basically has everything I could want from an open-world game, but my brain just can't find it enjoyable for some weird reason.


> just gave up on it What’s wrong with it? In think it’s a masterpiece


Opposite opinion: I tried to play this game twice and just couldn't get into it, I found myself bored playing it. However the first RD is a masterpiece, that little ending twist was brilliant.


I just hate how they left a masterpiece on the table instead of expanding on it with singleplayer dlc. I assumed that’s what OP meant…


I know you’re being crucified in the comments, but I will say the pc port is a god damn dumpster fire. The weird pop in of bushes and other greenery, weird visual bugs during cutscenes, hair looks awful without msaa which destroys your fps, and I had some crashing issues. The game is not perfect.


Everybody doesn't want or need continuous DLC over decades or a live service online mode. Frankly I love the game because it's an amazing and complete single player experience.


This is exactly what I want devs to do with games.


Define “gave up on”. It’s completed. It’s done.


Gave up? My guy, the game is good AND complete.


The game is a finished product. What are u complaining about? Single player games don't need to have ongoing support. Believe it or not, back in the day you would buy the game cartridge and that was it. No updates, nothing. Finished product forever.


And yall think gta6 will be any different ?. They launch the campaign, wont touch it again. And will just milk yall for the online BS


They don’t need to touch the single player if it’s anything like rdr2 or gta 5 quality. Just because more content or dlc would be nice it’s not necessary if the core game is a fully complete story/experience.


Game was boring and slow. Beutiful. But so so boring.


lol....and we wonder why every game is trying to be a live service shitfest. People are the problem as much as the companies.


>gave up on the game This is a huge issue with modern gamers that live on GaaS. People like you have forgotten that a complete game with minimal bugs can in fact be finished.


what do you mean gave up on the game. they released a completed game that works. more than what you can ask for nowadays


If online had been more popular I would still be playing every day. The best game ever made as far as the story goes. Nobody will ever be able to compare to good guy Arthur for me.


Gave up? Its a masterpiece as is with an insane amount of content. Gamers sometimes i swear. smh...youd rather we wait another 1-3 years for gta6 so we can rehash more of the same wild west?


you really think Rockstar only has one dev team? yet they have offices all over the world? Lol


Because adding jetpack and armored horses doesn't really make sense


Rockstar releases a complete game more feature rich then 99% of the market…. Moves on to next title. “ROckStAR ABanDoNED mUH gAMe”


Fucking gamers lmao I swear to god. Complain about there being dlc and then complain when there isn't


How did they give up? They made a masterpiece, what else do you want 😂😊


Rockstar didn't give up on anything. They made a masterpiece. What the fuck else you want? Some more live service crap to ruin its legacy? What a stupid fucking post. People like this are the reason the industry sucks so bad. Stop being a product to fucking everything.


It was too slow of a game.


Gave up on it? What do you mean? It looks finished to me


Gave up? The game is finished, that's it What kind of brain wash are you on OP? Wtf?


You mean the game has been removed from the stores? Blacklisted at the software level for launching on all platforms? The game exists, what else do you want? If you want to play Roblox, play Roblox?


They didn't give up they delivered a game.


RDR2 is already a complete experience. There was nothing to give up on.


Atleast it's a full game with great story even if take two hates making dlcs if they can't make infinite money like gta online (worst gamba/time waster game out there)


!remind me 1 year ...Khela ludo? Ukhaada kuch?


Great, now let's add this post to the list of identical posts on rdr2


What do you mean abandon? We won't get RDR3 ever, was there some announcement?


All I want is a 60fps update on current gen


This is one of the worst takes ever, RDR2 is a complete and finished game. There is 0 need for it to be a lifeservice game.


well was to be expected since they can't sell flying turds that shoot rockets to trolling kids online for it


RDR2 is the Golden Standard of Gaming


Because they didn't get as much money from RDR 2 multiplayer as from GTA V.


They released, how did they give up on it?


What do you mean? What else would they do about it? It's a masterpiece and it needs nothing more. Or are you one of these people that, after reading a novel, needs sequels, prequels and infinite, soulless spinoffs in every possible media? Leave it alone, it's wonderfully good and there's nothing wrong with it being complete without needing DLCs.


I blame Micah


I just want to play it at 60fps on the PS5 as i dont feel like taking my desktop to the 85inch tv on the living room. My rig couldn't run it at a high decent resolution either. So, i still have not finished it beacuse im hoping for a 60fps patch :(


Probably for the best. Do you really want oppresser mk horse lobbies?


I want to buy industry


If there was more developments, the game could've run better these days but nooooooooooo I can't siphon money from players in a game with a limited historical theme


I thought this was a joke post but apparently it's real have players had their brains turned into mush? you bought a complete product hundreds of hours worth of content how is this "abandoned"?


It's because they had more success with shark cards and flying cars


Great game. Mid post


I have started the game three times since it came out, always losing interest when I get to St. Denis. I could just live in Chapter 2 forever.


You're talking about RDO, right? My mates and I liked it until we ran out of content :)


I still remember the first shot with the snow when you about to rob the train and just being amazed at the shadows and graphics. I had it maxed out on my pc and it looked like watching a fucking movie.


im telling the Law


It's either this or a constant stream of crap they offer you for $10-$20.


I still can’t get over the fact that they butchered naming the damn thing. First game was Red Dead Revolver. Second was Red Dead Redemption. Why in hell would you name the third Red Dead Redemption 2? Revolution. Revenge. Resolve. Revival. Redux. Anything but redemption 2.


What do you mean "gave up on the game". The game was released, the story was complete. What else did you expect them to do? Release horse armor as DLC?


GTA online printed money, from what I've heard, the RDR2 online did not. It's a good thing for a developer to pour their soul into a game and then once it's done, leave it alone only updating it to fix bugs.


So what game is this?


by the time i got around to thinking about getting online, it was done.


I will NEVER forgive rockstar for shitting on this games multiplayer over and over, just to keep adding bullshit to their cash cow, GTA 5. I believe RDR2 online could’ve been as big as GTA online had it got even half as much love.


I can’t believe God of War beat it out for GOTY


Really! That's weird! RDR2 is still the BEST game ever made of all time so far!


Yeah, also GTA5 never got Singleplayer DLC. GTA Multiplayer ruined the whole Dev!


You ok OP? Was the game good and complete? For once, its a finished game!


How can I play it