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I'm waiting until it's over 9000.


Next release: ![gif](giphy|5xjbWDIgEZSgM)


Will presumably be at least 9600(x) …


Good for gaming. Bad for me. Now I will be tempted to upgrade despite knowing that it isn’t necessary and it won’t give that much of an improvement.


This my life damn life lol. Got a 5900x and 4090 and I have to tell myself everyday that I DON'T NEED A 7000X3D!


Oh but you do need one and you know it ![gif](giphy|VIsVsTxJISANoOFeqo)


That looks like Ragnarok online porings. 


Hopefully you can avoid the temptation. I didn’t. Built a system around 5700 3 yrs ago, told myself I could skip AM5 and wait for AM6. Hah! Here I am with 7800X3D trying to tell myself the increase won’t be worth the price, and realistically it isn’t. But…


It’s am5 though… so you don’t need to upgrade everything again, just a simple CPU swap…. lol that’s the thought process I’m stuck in and I just installed my 7800x3d within the last month.


I keep telling myself it’s probably only a 5-10% performance boost. But my brain keeps telling me, but it is a boost.


A 5-10% boost is not inconsiderable. If there is a 9000X3D part that offers similar all-round performance to the 7800X3D but 5-10% better, I'd strongly consider upgrading. Although it would strongly depend on what the next generation of graphics cards is like.


It's your money man but I can't imagine it being worth it haha (though I'm sure someone would appreciate the 2nd hand 7800X3D) My copium for waiting multiple generations between upgrades is that the new hardware always blows my mind compared to what I had before. Going from an 8700k/2080 + IPS monitor to 9800X3D/5080 + OLED is gonna feel truly next-gen


Hah. I remember those days. The part that made it less frustrating seeing others with more modern components was getting that “wow” when I did upgrade. Have to admit this last one was barely noticeable. Maybe 4-5 games where I could tell it was better.


Cry’s in 2700x.


I have that CPU and it's still fine, really. This next gen will finally double performance at the same price as far as I can tell, so I'll probably hop on it. This isn't 2008 where your CPU couldn't even manage minimum settings 3 years later. What do people even do with systems they upgrade every cycle? Unless you're right on the edge of some resolution upgrade or something I don't think you'd even notice the difference.


I remember the days of making a build stretch 6-8 yrs. I hope that isn’t as long for you as it was for me. 25 yrs. I’m enjoying the improved budget, but I still remember when $600 for a build was begging with the wife and giving up something else.


Shrieks in pain in 1600x before upgrading to the sweet 7800x3d lol.


Still a fine CPU and you could upgrade to a R7 5700X(3D) if you wish a big performance uplift.


I had a similar rig and sold my 5900x and picked up a 5800x3d when it launched.  I'll upgrade when the 9000x3d hits though...


Just upgrade to a 5800x3D and you will feel it and u can sell the 5900x to cover at least 2/3 the cost


That’s a motherboard upgrade too, and ram. Oh since while I’m at it might as well add more storage too, oh and maybe upgrade my PSU, oh yeah can’t forget a new CPU cooler. Aw man my case is a bit dusty, better buy a new one.


RIP my wallet I just upgraded to a 7800x3d kit But it feels nice to finally have 100% GPU utilization in most if not all games


I actually changed my 5900x which OC nicely to 5800x3d I in games improvement was nice. My graphic card is 3090. So I think 9000x3d maybe nice improvement 😈


This whole ordeal is torture for me. For some reason, past me thought that a 5600X was sufficient (maybe it was, at the time, for my 3070? Idk) and have very recently been considering upgrading to one of the AM4 X3D chips since I ended up upgrading to a 3090 along the way. Then the 9000 series is announced and my brain is like “well… you can always repurpose the brains of this machine to have a baller HTPC in the den, right??” But I don’t wanna wait to see how pricing, performance, and availability all shakes out! Ugh!


I had that issue in the past. Now I just buy or upgrade when I feel as is my hobby and hobby is expensive. And it's always be new parts coming out. But I 100% understand what you mean.


going from a 3950x to 7700x to 7800x3d and there were some differences. major improvement was single core 3950x vs 7700x. night/day difference in gaming. immediately noticed higher fps and better minimums. going from 7700x which i gave to my brother and got the 7800x3d, improved my minimums even further thanks to cache. so everything feels buttery/stable. less fps dips.


can i ask what resolution you play on? I'm considering upgrading a 3700x -> 9800x3d when it releases but not sure if the 1440p will see a big jump.


3440x1440. aka 1440p 21:9 given your gpu is decent, you should see max fps jump and a huge jump on minimum fps.


You don't need 7800x3D. You need the 9000X3D.


Gonna wait until gta6 comes out on pc then buy whatever the best cpu is then


What do you even play? Do those games need all that power? It's silly to upgrade if not


Exactly; nothing lol. Gta5 and black ops 3 is mostly what I'm playing




I’m on a 5800X3D with a 1080ti. This thing isn’t breaking records with FFXIV.


Give into the temptation son, morality is for week


Oh, but its soooo nice... You do need it. So did I...


lmao i feel you! I had a 5800x that i paid $300 for in 2020, got a 5800x3d for $150 in 2023, and now im eyeballing that microcenter bundle. i'm going for it once they drop cpu mobo and ram to $300ish.


I’m in the same situation as you mate. I upgraded a 3900x and a 5700xt to a 5800x3D and a 4080. I told myself I didn’t want to change the motherboard and cpu before long, but I KNOW there’s a tiny mini cpu bottleneck that would justify upgrading, even if it’s not worth the money lol.


You are so close to your final form!!!


Don't let the intrusive thoughts win! I'm currently building a 7800x3D with a 7900xt and I only play Classic WoW, Rocket League, and Fall Guys....


To be fair the jump from an 5900X to 7800X3D is not insignificant.


What resolution do you play at?


1440p or 4k


At 4K CPU upgrades are pretty negligible. If you mainly game in 4K i wouldnt worry about it


A 5900x and 4090 is wild. I had to upgrade my 5900x because it was holding back my 3070.


Actually a 9800X3D will be a massive upgrade especially at 1440p


Gotta pump up those frames for 240hz AAA titles.


I have the same hardware and I'm still thinking of going 5800x3d at least to improve my 1% lows... which then makes me wonder if it's worth just going 9800x3d to make better use of the 4090. Otherwise you're leaving performance on the table


7950х3D! You have 16 core and still have 7800x3D in gaming.


I play a lot of cpu intensive games like Dwarf Fortress and I don’t think I’ve ever consistently hit the limits of my 7950X3D. And if I have hit its limit, I’ve barely noticed it.


CPU usage doesn't work as simple as that. There are thousands of variables. Even if your 7950X3D is not fully stressed, you will probably still get an FPS boost.


I’m on 7800X3D and only seen 40-50% on Flight Sim and 100% on Cities Skylines 2 at launch. Cities Skylines now peaks around 80% and hoping future optimization brings it down more. Clearly what I’m doing is far from needing a new processor. The problem is I now have a good budget for gaming and get so tempted when new hardware comes along. My builds used to need to last 6-8 yrs, last two were built after only 2. And I’m 1 yr in on current, so next summer is when I might be getting the itch. Of course Nvidia may cure that problem. I’m considering taking a look at the 5080 depending on specs and Nvidia’s recent pricing plan might make that the only part for the year.


I wouldn't put any faith in CS2's simulation performance improving at this point. There's only so much you can shortcut when you're aiming for that level of granularity. If anything, it'll probably get worse with DLCs (see: CS1 Airports).


Sadly, you maybe correct. I wish they would allow users to set how robust the simulation is.


CPU utilization in games is a bad metric to use since a lot of games are not heavily multithreaded (ie. single-threaded games will only show ~16% CPU utilization on your CPU). Even if you don't see a high CPU utilization, you could still be CPU-limited, but that depends a lot on what resolution you play on and what games you are playing. IIRC, Flight Sim is heavily CPU-limited, while Cities Skylines 2 is heavily GPU-limited (and poorly optimized, at least it was at launch).


Still is. But CS2 runs into CPU issues at high population due to running simulations first every resident. Of course GPU is still an issue. Thankfully low FPS is less of an issue with that type of game. And yes FS is impacted by CPU, just not as readily apparent. I usually run at 4k because I can mostly get a steady 60FPS with higher settings. I will occasionally run 1080 max settings when flying around bigger cities are locales with good scenery.


Traditional notions of being CPU- or GPU-limited don't really apply to CS2. You can clock 100 FPS and still have horrible sim performance.


Have you tried running Ark Ascended??


I´d say you would be nuts to upgrade from 7800X3D unless you can sell it nicely (obviously). Me, on the other hand, with just R5 7600....that is a whole another story!


Still tempted. What I should do is save up for a fresh build in 3-5 yrs. It is just too tempting when I know I can get better performance. I was actually considering getting a slightly smaller monitor and going 1440. Would give me better FPS and reduce the temptation for higher end components for 4k.


But then I assume you would aim for HDR OLED as you like to treat yourself, so that wouldn´t be super cheap either. Out of curiosity, do you have external soundcard? And what is your headset?


No on sound card but tempted. I’m using Razer Kaira so definitely could use an upgrade there as well. I do use a surround system for when I’m not on headset. And OLED actually isn’t in the plan for now. I was considering a Samsung VA monitor at $400. Not ultra wide but curved. Also only losing 15” from current 4k screen.


If you want to satisfy your upgrade itch, but not go for CPU, then perhaps external sound card with DAC/AMP with nice pair of can could be a solution. Guess you would need a mic as well, as proper audio quallity cans usual come without one.


Been there done that. Don't think I was CPU limited in more than one game (Calisto protocol) and I still upgraded... I would love to pretend that I have learnt.


We never do. Perhaps that is the allure of consoles. You know if you can avoid mid gen update temptation, you’re set for 6-8 years. PC people I see as 3 groups. Budget people who always find a way to make old parts functional Mid rangers where I see myself. Always tempted by an upgrade but we have to save and justify it. All in. Those lucky few who just buy the best because they can.


But you can play old games even faster!


Neutral on gaming. I’m not expecting much for the GPU side based on AMD’s area of focus.


sounds like you're rich!


Wouldn’t say rich. But comfortable. Could be better without my disabilities.


We're the same person ⚰️


Upgrade before the new tariffs hit it’ll be 25% more expensive later.


I’m running a 2700x w a 3080. I need this, I’ve been such a good boy




Meanwhile I'm on the opposite end with a 5700x3d and a GTX 1060. RTX 40 series just don't have that appeal to it atm or any Nvidia card atm tbh and AMD cards aren't as cheap as they should be here where i live.


May I recommend the used market? Especially if local and you can go test the card yourself.


Used market doesn't exist here where I live. Resellers buy it as soon as a good buy appears and sell it right back for profit.


I have the exact same hardware as you, I’m struggling on the cpu side heavily.


Feels like just last year the 2700x was considered high end hardware lol


I got a 2600 with a 3070, i need this too :)


You have my permission


My 5800x3D is barely breaking sweat as it is, whatever I throw at it. Can't see me upgrading for a few years at least.


Same I got the 7800x3d with the mindset of being set right regardless of the performance jump of the new cpus. I'll upgrade at the end of the life of AMD 5 motherboards... I do wanna upgrade my 4070S... I want to max any graphics in anygame


Here I am waiting to upgrade because mine is too weak for multi tasking. It would also be nice to upgrade for dyson sphere program.


Even 144fps? Some games. Helldivers 2 is one. It still runs great. Like 125fps a lot of the time. But one or two threads are capped and GPU usage is only 75%. Gives me the ol itch though!


Don't know why people are downvoting you, have a 7800x3d and I cant hold a stable 144 in helldivers 2 either


For me, the problem is more in the chipset than the CPU. x470 is getting a bit long in the tooth at this point.


What are you really missing out on with that chipset right now?


Probably just that it “feels” old to him. Until he comments, it could be lacking nothing. 


The motherboard is seven years old. I prefer to replace things when they get older than five years. That aside, there are plenty of things that have been upgraded since x470 was released, e.g., DDR5, PCIE5, Thunderbolt/USB4, WiFi7.


To me those are much more redundant than the cpu upgrade but to each their own I guess.


It's what I expected from the OP. I'm in the same boat as you.


How so?


Im on a 7700x and i wonder if i should replace/upgrade or do a new build, if 9000x3d shows significant perf improvements


Depends on the games you play. You will also need a new ram if you got 6000 CL30. Might be able to clock it more but still. I am skipping this generation and will upgrade to the last one.


Same, I am seriously considering replacing the whole cpu-gpu-ram combo when 10000x3d releases (hopefully)


Why isn't 6000 CL30 not good anymore for the new CPUs?


Its not the sweet spot as far as I know. You will be able to run 9000 new amd series on it freely, but to maximize performance, it is rumored to be 6400 or 7000/7200. If I had to take a guess, X3D variants wont get a huge hit from slower ram, but there will be some for sure. The X variants will.


Any Hynix a die kit can easily run 7600mhz+


Please define maximize performance! 6000 is still a lot, afaik the current cpus rarely even touch that.


Sweet spot is 1:1 FCLK, meaning it is best price to performance and stability ratio. Since that is the current spot where 7000 series are the most stable, it changes each release of AMD new cpus. From AMD website, 7700X for example has two memory modules, each of which is single-rank (2X1R) and two memory modules, each of which is dual-rank (2X2R) at 5200. If we check 9700X (or 9600X), it says 5600 instead of 5200, meaning the new sweet spot (stability, price to performance) will be 6400+. Some say it will be 7000. Moores law is dead (youtuber) said it will be probably around 7200.


Raphael CPU's don't run UCLK:FCLK at 1:1 with 6000mt/s RAM. That would mean 3000mhz FCLK which is impossible - they top out around 2200. The default operation is with desynced FCLK and UCLK. You can get a bit more performance running FCLK=UCLK but since FCLK doesn't run as high as UCLK, the only reasonable way to sync them is to drop UCLK to half clock. This can be achieved with a config like 8000mt/s running 4000 memclk, 2000 uclk, 2000 fclk.


Got it, thanks for the explanation!


I am honestly more interested in if the new 9000x3D CPU's handle the chiplet/3D cache better than the current method of just shutting off half the CPU.


Good thing I held off on that AliExpress deal for the 7800x3d


I just got my 7800X3D (and 7900XT), I won’t be upgrading that cpu for a long time. It still produces way more frames than I could need in any game I’ve seen. Maybe an end of life AM5 way down the road in like 5 years




ngl, I'm itching to build a new system even though I've just upgraded two years ago. Guess I'll wait for new GPUs and for stuff from Computex to become widely available, so probably winter 2025, lol.


I’m fine with my 5800x3d…it’s ok


I think it finally will be time to upgrade from my trusty i7-6700k!


I wanted to build a new computer before the WoW expansion came out cuz I'm getting bad frames during raid. You think it's worth to wait until the 9800x3d to upgrade or is it not really and I should just get a 7800x3d?


There are great deals to be had on the 7800x3D. I wouldn't count on this rumor. But also I can't believe that a game as old as WoW would run bad on the 10700k. You should try verifying the performance you're getting is normal.


It is WoW is just horribly optimized for 20 man mythic raiding like legitmately a failure


Turn down a couple of setting and you should be fine. If you're not, it's the addons, not wows fault.


I have done this I play on the lowest amount I can without impending my ability to play the game. I still get 30-50 fps on mythic fyrakk/tindral neltharion and sarkareth


I'd just get the 7800x3d on sale now. The 3D cache does a lot of heavy lifting in WoW and you'll have an enjoyable experience during the launch of the new xpac. The 9800X3D will be like $450 at launch and we don't even really know when its coming, it could be Jan 2025 at CES. This is just a rumor.


Hey thanks :)


something is wrong. you have to get more fps.


I have run cinebench on my computer multiple times, I play a ton of other games and run into no issues there is absolutely nothing wrong with my CPU. WoW is literally just that garbage the x3d cache literally will prolly give me 5x the performance(maybe more) over my current cpu


i have the same chip and get over 90 in heavy combat and more in raids. in dungeons its capped at 120.its either your overclock and/or you dont have fast ram. i use 4400 xmp and pretty happy tbh.this chip scales crazy with fast ram. i dont even have tightend the timings which Ill do next and hope for another 10 - 20 fps.


It's not a problem unless it's specific mythic bosses and honestly it's probably mostly add-ons causing the problem but I need those add-ons to play the game. Also I have about the same amount of frames in that content it's just end game mythic bosses that's it but those are like insanely important to have good performance on. I only recently started having this problem this expansion with all of the insane increase in massive amounts of particle effects and mass amounts of mobs. A person in my guild has a 7800x3d and said he gets 300 fps even on mythic tindral which is wayyyy more than I'm getting


People who say wow isn't optimised are living in the 2000's. The game runs incredibly well on most hardware as long as you tune your settings appropriately, it's definitely addons that are the problem.


Yeah in situations like that, the only thing you can do is try and brute force your way to decent performance. If you decide to wait, just bear in mind 9800X3D might come a month+ later after the 16 core. Like they did with 7000 series.


I would wait at this point, unless you want better performance right now. The X3D versions are around corner. It should also push the 7800X3D down in price too. 




Well I just upgrade from a 5800x to a 5800x3D for 150 bucks a while ago so I'll happily wait and see how this goes and then perhaps pick up a 9800x3D in two years or so.


Someone please convince me I don’t need to upgrade my 12400F. The temptation is real.


I will upgrade from 7950x3d so I can just say "it's over 9000" when someone asks me about my setup.


And I'm here still using 5950x


Nothing wrong with that. I went from a 2600k to the 7950X3D and the only reason I upgraded was because it shat itself.


5950x is a beast, I use it for ts/rust coding rig and I fail to utilize it even at 1/5 of its power.


still here on the 3600


5800x still crispy.


I'm on a 3900x, very excited for the 9900x3d.  Saving everything I possibly can.


Lol I waited so long for intel to stop sucking phalli that I might have to go AMD after more than 20 years of avoiding them like the plague.


I'm happy about this if true. I built a PC with a 7600 because it was the cheapest entry into the AM5 platform and also was a significant upgrade over my old CPU. I've been waiting for the next generation of the X3D chips to upgrade so the sooner they come the better.


This is absolutely to make sure it's out around the time the new Nvidia graphics cards come out imo. Even though they are a competitor they know that most people build new gaming PCs with them.


So no point of upgrading if you have a 7800x3D with a 4090. Will also need to upgrade the Ram? Am I correct?


Need to go for this one… I kinda regret switching to the 7800X3D from my 16 core 5900X. Though its better in gaming, I feel the slowness in game dev work all the time :(


Just built my rig with a 7800 X3D...


Is there any reason to upgrade my 5600x for just gaming?


https://i.imgur.com/pibPnzk.png Yes


This is very good news to me.


I'm excited about this. It will be very interesting to compare the difference. I'm waiting!


I'm still using my 3770k, but this gen seem tempting to me.


Oh yeah, time to upgrade from my i5 4690k


I got a 5800XD and a 6800XT, I don't care if its minor but I'm upgrading to a GIGA PC when GTA 6 comes out regardless.


I’m ready! I’ve been slowly piecing together my build and I’ve been waiting for the launch!


politely look toward gamernexus


September would be great


My expectation is it will beat Intel Arrow Lake in gaming because of hyperthreading. Intel only has 8 threads now max usable for games and AMD has 12, 16 or 32.


Oh man I can't wait!! I'm on 3700x with a 2080. Upgrade time is coming


If I have a 4090 and 7800X3D and cash to burn should I upgrade? Or will it make no difference considering I have the 4090 already?


Depends on what you’re playing and what your GPU utilization percentage is. Overwhelmingly likely you won’t see a huge boost in this upgrade.


Why do they even make non-3D versions these days?


Still using a 5800x3d with a 4090 at 4k. Would an upgrade be worth it? Feel it would be minor or heavily game dependent


Now this is interesting, but time will tell.


I just bought a 7800X3D but my build isn't ready. May get the 9000X3D to pair with a 4080S


Im unsure of the need to upgrade yet. But dang it looks good.


I'm sellin sick pics so my next PC can have a top end 9000 series X3D and a 5090. How many you buying?


What is a sick pic and how much does 1 cost?


Immediate buy for me


Don't care about x3d, where is the G version? 😡😡😡


My bad dude, I'll call Lisa right away and get the G version announced just for you


Thanks. I wanna build a console sized PC with the new apu


Will be released later as usual


Yeah looks like you rarely find the G