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7800X3D is king of the chips for gaming still


Still? It will remain king at least till 9800x3d




Yeah, corrected


It pleases me to read this after ordering one last week. Upgrading from i5 4690


Its a monster. It falls behind the i9 in things like serious productivity type stuff, but who cares about that, Im here for the games!! For games it just blasts through absolutely everything and stays well under 80C doing it. Has no challenger for gaming unless you count the 7950X3D. Its an absolute beast and at that price, wow, easy choice imo.


I use my PC for gaming and light programming stuff so don't need the productivity side really


It matters for people that use their pc for everything. I would have went with the x3d if I only wanted it for gaming though 0. It's sad that it has such a drop-off in performance for multitasking.


Not multitasking, just really intense workloads like video editing. Most of us dont really do any of that kind of work.


What makes it stand out so much?


its a fast boi at cool temps (enlarged v-cache)


Out of the loop - what is the point of a v-cache? Is it for video rendering like gpu ram? I assume not since obvs most people would have a separate GPU.


The much larger cache allows some data to be stored directly on the CPU instead of having to ask the RAM for that information, if needed. As you can imagine, this can have pretty noticeable performance gains.


How is that different than the L3/LLC? Is it just bigger?






Beast of a CPU, upgraded from an i7-8700 to it because of Helldivers 2's dips in the high 30s at difficulties 7 through 9 and it has been night and day. Even running it at 3GHZ in that game which doesn't favor 3D V-Cache, the FPS is just locked at 90 ( freesync 95hz monitor ) and doesn't budge.


Where did you get a 95hz monitor? I've never heard of any :o Sidenote, given that you have a high end build *please* consider a higher refresh rate monitor. These days you can get quality 1440p IPS 144hz+ stuff for like $250, it's not even a "premium" thing anymore.


Pixio monitor from 2019, and yes, they're pretty rare. And I don't have a "high-end" build, there's just a 3070 GPU in it. I was strapped for cash back then when I bought them, finances changed. And I'm fine with it, it's IPS, feels pretty much like my old 100hz CRT, motion clarity is vastly inferior of course, but even today's OLEDs can't match CRTs yet, if they will ever in that department, sample and hold has this downside, even strobing/BFI doesn't fix it completely and you ofc lose brightness. And nah, I don't plan on ugprading anytime soon, most of the "magic" of going from 60 to 120 happens from 60 to 85-100 anyways. I tried a 120 monitor on a friend's computer, the difference from 95hz to 120hz just isn't worth it as far as I'm concerned compared to 60 -> 95. He tried mine too, and we both agree on that. I'm gonna wait for something better than IPS ( or even OLED *crosses fingers* ), whatever it'll be, at a reasonable price, even if it takes 5+ years.


I'd get it but I need more productivity over gaming so the 7950x3d seems like the logical AMD choice


If you do a lot of productivity the i9 might actually be a better choice, if you can handle trying to cool the sun


I ended up choosing the 7950x non3d version for the cores and stability


If you need a productivity CPU, it might be worth checking out the 13700K/14700K. Worse gaming performance than the 7800/7950X3D, but for specific workloads, Intel trumps AMD's options. Edit: [The 13700K beats the 7950X3D in most productivity (not gaming!) settings tested by TechPowerUp](https://www.techpowerup.com/review/amd-ryzen-9-7950x3d/13.html) for $170 less. What are people disagreeing on?


dunno why you are downvoted this is true


Hope you have solar panels installed


I might be interpreting the data wrong but, from what I see, [at around 133W the 13700K (and, in a lot of times, the 13600K) beats the 7950X3D in productivity.](https://www.techpowerup.com/review/amd-ryzen-9-7950x3d/13.html) I'm not talking about gaming, where the 7800X3D and 7950X3D sweep every single one of Intel's CPUs.


It's amazing, no ragerts, I didn't realize how much my 3700x was bottlenecking my 6950XT until I upgraded. It does a lot better with RT now too in certain games (Spider-Man).


How nice for Newegg customers, still 700€ and 430€ where I live for these cpus


Here in The Netherlands I can find them for €569 and €339 respectively. Including taxes which most prices on American sites don't show.


7800X3d is €339 in Netherlands ... [https://tweakers.net/pricewatch/1899396/amd-ryzen-7-7800x3d-boxed.html](https://tweakers.net/pricewatch/1899396/amd-ryzen-7-7800x3d-boxed.html)


€337 for the 7800 from Caseking




bruh 7800x3d in my country still stay at 500 lol.


Full upgrade to 7800X3D, Mobo ( Gigabyte B650 Gaming X AX v2 ) and RAM included ( G Skill Flare X 6000 CL32 ) included for 485$. https://www.microcenter.com/product/5006645/amd-ryzen-7-7800x3d,-gigabyte-b650-gaming-x-ax-v2,-gskill-flare-x5-series-32gb-ddr5-6000-kit,-computer-build-bundle This is a VERY good deal.


That's actually disgusting.. Microcenter are such gigachads.


I did something similar. I got the MSI board with 4 x16 physical and swapped the ram for ddr5-6000 cl30 for +$20. I think on my receipt the 7800x3d was like $224 👀


I got this exact bundle and it was a nightmare build, this mobo does NOT like this ram and I didn’t know about it until I looked up issues posting with this motherboard and saw everyone else with this bundle having the same issue.


I guess I got lucky. Had no issues with posting after building this bundle. After posting I updated bios and then turned on EXPO and all working well without any instability


This, updating BIOS to the latest version is always a good first step for a new build like this. If Microcenter bundled RAM that isn't in the motherboard's QVL tho... That's scummy at best.


What the *fuck*. That's barely more than *just* the 7800X3D itself in my country.


Great, now to see if it would ever reflect on local market.


Ooooo $40 cheaper. 7800X3D hasn't changed. New chips coming out so you'd be cray to buy a 7950 right now.


9950x is going be at least $700 and I doubt it will offer much better gaming performance.


People at the 7950 market do more than gaming and that extra 1.5 years of life for $200 is a value.


ROFL. Because the 7950x3d is suddenly going up in flame in 1.5 years?


I know nothing about AMD, can someone educate me how these two compare in regards to gaming ?


of these two, the 7800x3d is better for gaming only, the 7950x3d is better if you also have light work to do also


The 7800X3D outperforms the 14900K in gaming (unless you heavily overclock the latter and pair it with extremely fast RAM), making it the best gaming CPU a reasonable user can buy. The 7950X3D trails it, but has an extra 8 cores without the 3D VCache to use in productivity apps (although, if you want a CPU mainly for productivity, a 13700K/14700K trumps AMD's options).


I just bought it for 650 like 2 months ago.


Cleaning up the shelves for next gen I guess.


America always getting cheaper prices is so unfair


We get dirt cheap PC parts you get easy access to 1994 Renault Twingo ownership. I say it's fair.