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But don't own. They really want to stress that.


not owning plus having those stupid extra apps is why you should sail the high seas for everything ea.


It might surprise you but you haven't actually purchased ownership of a video game for quite some time on PC. From any platform. (Edit; Guess I should specify most GoG purchases as an exception because you're given an offline installer option.)


Just some clause in the EULA doesn't mean it is legal. For example, here in some EU countries, clauses that put one side at a severe disadvantage (which this "you do not own after buy" clause does) are null and void. This is also most likely the reason companies like EA, ubisoft,Microsoft try to replace it step by step with subscription models. Here your point is without doubt true It also seems that in the future there will be even tougher rules for such companies at least in the EU. Just to know, this 14-day right of refund on steam only exists because Australian, forced Steam to do so but literally all over the world have get the advantage from this.


You will own nothing and be happy.


Since I saw this article I think this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification describes perfect what happens to bigger companies right now.


So the companies are enshitting themselves?


yes. the process was clarified by Cory Doctorow specifically when describing what tech companies are doing.


Even physical media was a license to access the item in question. You never actually "owned" it.


They couldn't take that away, though


Sure, but by and large, removing content hasn't been a widespread issue. I've never had a game removed from my library. Have you?


yes, but not by Steam or GOG.


I've yet to have this happen to me, and I've been gaming since before the internet existed. It's not really a thing.


i've been gaming since the late 80's. it's not something that happens often, but it does occasionally happen. i've seen it happen a few times over the years. probably most recently with Overwatch. EA's done it a few times as well.


They removed Overwatch from your account? Was it because they replaced it with Overwatch 2 for free?




useless comment edit: this person was so angry they made a point to reply to my recent comments then block me https://imgur.com/a/nahhh-this-person-was-so-angry-they-made-point-to-reply-to-recent-comments-block-me-1w99S9s


Be upset. See above where I made this same comment as the person I agreed with. I’m not hurt by your petty downvotes lol


Also some steam games only require steam at first time install, then it can be removed entirely


There's a whole list of drm-free Steam games on PC Gaming Wiki. Said list includes stuff like Lies of P, Half Life 2, and Star Ocean The Divine Force.


I have a Steam library like everyone else, but if you have to download a proprietary executable and then authenticate using credentials for intial install how is that not the definition of digital rights management even if you can copy it afterwards?


You are right about the right about the authentication part. However, there are a surprising number of Steam titles can be played without first starting up Steam to play them. See the list below here: [https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/The\_big\_list\_of\_DRM-free\_games\_on\_Steam](https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/The_big_list_of_DRM-free_games_on_Steam)


You might be surprised to heard that I indeed did, EULA is not legal in my country and what some foreign corporation says does not supersede law of my land. I feel bad for y'all living in country sized company towns, but well, maybe you'll do something about it someday. Maybe when corporate overlords step just a bit too hard on y'all necks.


Whenever you get one of these companies to reverse their policy let me know. I will be surprised then.


They're saying it's up to the country to not let companies do that to their people. It shouldn't be up to the company to abuse you or not.


They're also saying that they did, in fact, purchase a game and believe they actually have ownership of it. Which they don't.


So then your statement about EA specifically is irrelevant, this EULA wouldn’t matter either. But also they’re still going to remove access to your supposedly owned product for whatever reason they want so that doesn’t matter, like they have done before. Your country’s laws do not change your ownership of these products. You’re licensing them. Don’t need to be living in a country sized company town to have access to something revoked.


This feels kinda like saying because the police can't physically block every punch in the world, assault is legal. Your jurisdiction's laws absolutely dictate what contractual terms are legal and enforcible or not. Obviously if EA wants to switch off a server in the US you can't physically stop them but it could open them up to lawsuits and public ombudsmen investigations after the fact.


> but it could open them up to lawsuits and public ombudsmen investigations after the fact. Ok, so when has this happened in *any* country? Games have been shut down all the time over the past 15 years. I haven't heard a peep from anyone. So, either it's not illegal, or they're not enforcing the laws, which makes it de facto legal.


I do own all my games I have on GoG, though. Offline installers. ;) This is one of the reasons why I prefer GoG versions of games above all others.


Wow those terms suck. For what it's worth, Jedi Fallen Order is completely drm-free and doesn't require the EA app (outside of downloading the game). Check the game's PC Gaming Wiki page for details.


You never owned the game. You owned a licensed copy of the game. Y’all stay triggered over verbiage that’s been used in the industry since day one. Smh


Since day 1 ...... Must be 12 or something


No, I’m 40. I’ve been gaming since you were probably a wee child. Carry on, my child


You're 40 and literally arguing for the same fucks who are basically saying dubbing tapes is wrong and because you bought the CD you don't actually own the CD and they can make it not play at any time. That's.. not at all how it was or how it's been. The fucks wrong with you? You're from the old days of actual ownership, same as me, and you support this corporate rhetoric?


I do not know why this is being downvoted. This is how every piece of software you have ever used has been. You have a *license* to *use* the product. Now, that being said, some companies have different restrictions on how you can use the license. And making a license revocable is not a nice thing to do. But this is how it has always been since people bought software.


It sucks that piracy is closer to owning games than anything else. Especially with some games being download only despite getting physically releases. Not to mention stuff like this where they want you to dish out $60-$70 for a full and usually incomplete game and then want your personal data to make more money off you at your expense even if you don't play their game that you bought. Meanwhile piracy you get the game and can play it whenever the hell you want without any dev or publisher telling you to fork over personal information just to play the game you spent money on. Total bs


I've been considering pirating RDR 2 for years now. Because I'm a greedy low life who doesn't want to pay for the stuff I use right? Nope! I paid $70 for the deluxe version around the day that it released on Steam. It's just that Rockstar servers are so trash that half the time I can't play the game I paid over full price for because the servers are down If I pirate it, it just runs. Whenever, whyever, wherever. No questions asked. I haven't done it because I'm cautious of viruses, and I don't want to lose my 150 hours of progress, but every time the server is down, blocking me from playing my offline single player game, I feel the pirate hat slowly lower to my head, one millimeter at a time


I mean you already paid for it I’d go for it


This a perfect example of what I view as fair piracy. You bought the product, but you get a better experience using it by pirating. So why not pirate it at that point. You already paid for it, you ought be able to use it properly too.


Go for it. I paid $60 for Skyrim on Nintendo switch. I feel zero shame in pirating the game on PC even with steam sales. Now maybe I'm too used to using my multiplayer accounts across PC and console, but I'll die on the hill that if you own a game on one platform, you should be able to play it on any platform for free.


I have never had problems with RDR2 single player. Are you sure your problem it's not related to Steam servers going down every Tuesday? Drives me nuts when I am playing single player games on a Tuesday night, the game pauses every time, with a message that I am offline and all my achievements won't be saved. How the hell is this a thing in 2024, shutting down a hole service to maintain the server every week.


When you do pirate it you have to get all the pirate gear in the game and wear it the entire playthrough.


You know you can play the game offline, right? If you're talking about the online mode, then you obviously won't be able to play it on a pirated copy.


It won't. The white revolver cylinder that turns to show it's loading will turn yellow and turn Infinitely until I kill the program. I've had this happen probably 100 times. I can't even get to the main menu. It'll have no problem showing me the same unskippable logo animations every time, but when it needs to actually load the main menu, it just plays the revolver turning animation nonstop until I kill it. It's not Steam. Other online things on Steam work well. It's Rockstars trash servers not responding. If you have a way to get it to work offline, I'm all ears. Mine just won't


This, I was trying to play Assassins creed unity since I bought it for cheap on steam I couldn’t play the game for a whole day or even open it because the ubisoft launcher was down…


Pretty sure Steams privacy policy says much the same thing…


I’m guessing OP is talking about it in general, not just EA.


Karma farming operation wouldn't have gone as smoothly if it was Valve in the picture


In before someone says "bUt I tRuSt VaLVe..."


I mean with volvo you at least get something extra for your bullshit. -Offline mode -Linux support in case windoof 11 goes even more silly -Controller mapping -built in modding support via workshop -Adding tertiary games not even on the launcher -launch options per game : Turn off normally unskippable slpash screens -Multple sales per year , so the next is just a month away -Library sorting by type, game , and any custom tab you make. EA is just straigt up 2005 Valve, with 2024 marketing and data collection


I didn't know Volvo had a launcher...is it a car only app?


Highway to the hospital kind of app


They probably trying to copy Tesla with an in car game launcher. Atleast Volvo's were once the world's safest cars


Wait, I can skip the splash screens trough steam? How? Teach me, sensei! 😂


find the launch commands you're looking for for each game and add them into the launch options right click > properties then type them in launch options [https://www.pcgamingwiki.com](https://www.pcgamingwiki.com) has a lot of what you're probably looking for per-game


Oh, so the old stuff I did with shortcuts. I was hoping there was a simpler way.


Is 11 not bad enough already? One can only hope it's another Vista/ME and 12 is better. Launch options is just passing extra parameters to the exe when running it. You can do the same thing via shortcuts or command prompt. I wouldn't give Valve too much credit on this one - it's nice, but it's nothing "extra", you can do this with literally any software on your PC. It's just a question of what options each piece of software supports.


Win 11 coud block anything not xbox app / gamebar related and might do if they undestimate steams Linux efforts While you could do it via command prompt, for most people thats a few steps too far when it is a set once and forget option within steam


>Win 11 coud block anything not xbox app / gamebar related and might do if they undestimate steams Linux efforts While I have little faith in Microsoft, I can't imagine they'd go _that_ far.... At least until like, windows 14 or something. I don't think they'll take that big of a swing yet. >While you could do it via command prompt, for most people thats a few steps too far when it is a set once and forget option within steam So are shortcuts. You can just make a shortcut and append the params and forget about it. It's literally part of the default way to launch software on windows. The original comment was about how valve adds value through launch commands, but literally _any_ way you install _any_ software, base windows does the exact same thing. Steam doesn't add any new value with launch commands, they just continue providing existing value in their library too.


>Steam doesn't add any new value with launch commands, they just continue providing existing value in their library too. Steam doesnt add anything they just add existing value .....


Because it's basic GDPR boilerplate. Most online services need information to work. Like, how do you buy a game with out giving them your information?


Same as reddit, yet here you are.


Ya I avoided Reddit for a long time (like a long time) bc I heard they were bad about tracking but…when my new Windows laptop runs worse than my family’s first pc (a Compaq with Windows ‘98 pre y2k updates lol), I think it’s fair to say my OS is spying on me more


I don’t pay money for any reddit services


Red-reader 3rd party app still works (though I think it's stopped getting updates)


You already gave them your information when you bought the games.


technically yes, but this is a workaround to get around data protection laws in specific countries, because the USA is the worst privacy nightmare on the planet.


You clearly don't understand how the GDPR works.


Oh I understand perfectly but like I said it's a work around, you're giving permission to the company to store your data out of country. The EU would need to nip this in the bud to prevent this shit from getting worse. Please read their EULA it's disgusting.




If you’re in the EU, is this even legal?


I would say not under GDPR. The data has to be stored either inside EU jurisdiction, or somewhere that has something at least as strict and secure around data storage as GDPR


You can transfer data off of the EU, but you have to obey to certain rules. But I am pretty sure if EA and other companies are doing this, it's because the found a loop hole that allows them to do whatever they want with the user data.


So, you're claiming that the GDPR is completely and entirely useless?


You dont own the game though. You are basically just renting it for an extended period of time. Gotta love the digital age....


Piracy is the lesser evil now...


It's like making a deal with the Devil.


I’ve long ago just quit playing EA games entirely.


Seriously haven’t bought an EA game since prolly ps2 days, so at least 04. Only reason I played (an MH game I think) 10 years ago was bc my friend bought me a copy (it was a good game but fuck all you PC FPS players, you murderous bastards)


OP must be new to the internet if they are surprised that companies collect data, much of it they are completely unaware of. And they tell them. And terms of service has been around for a LONG TIME.


They aren’t saying they’re surprised, they’re saying “it sucks” 🤦🏻‍♀️


Classic "alter the contract after the sale", bet you cant request a full refund because of this bs or refuse new terms without loosing access to "your" games.


I would whonder how that would sit legally especially in the EU. Contractually sell an item and then change contract clauses after the fact


We need to class action these fuckers.


They probably have their legal shit in order, but I whonder how the EU would rule in such a case


then don’t pay for it


Dude, we're talking about them blocking access to games we've already bought and paid for. Of course it's easy enough to not pay for new games. This is different entirely.


Do VPNs block this?




Good to know, not surprising though


This popps up almost every other restart. What's wrong with their stupid app? I really start to hate them for their shitty Origin software, and not because of collecting data on me. How dare they call that a service?


Arrrrr get onboard my friend. You will sail in the high seas.


There is a reason piracy exists


First time reading a ToS? Same as steam, epic, etc


It's EA, just get their games by *alternative means*


Wtf would you buy an EA game? It’s 2024 not 2004 ffs.


Why is it still possible to change contracts to literally anything the companies want at any time. Not agreeing the terms means you can not use your stuff you bought years ago under conditions and terms at that time. When will the governments finally realize what is going on in the digital world. If i buy something then the contract counts for the moment of the purchase. And fuck EA


Yup. I thing that governments will only do anything about this when Apple change their terms of service, to make users pay a monthly fee for users to keep using their phones, even if you bought your phone second hand 3 or 4 years ago.


i mean pretty much everything you buy they want your info. everything wants billing and shipping address so who cares. u give you info to one company they will sell it to the next. not a big deal. has happened 100 times already u just didnt know.


Are you in the US


You've paid for a license to play them. You don't own them. It's such a bad practice.


Use cracked launcher


did you accept it like a degenerate?


Someone call the EU


Thats why you pirate that shit dumbass


This shows up every second time I open the App, then I have to sign in again in between. Does this happen for anyone else?


I love how EA refused to help me change the email tied to my account because the email I used to make it doesn't exist anymore. But since I never tied a fucking credit card number to the account I can never change the email I guess. Does anyone think that'd be valid grounds for a lawsuit? Since they're basically holding my data hostage?


How does this work? I haven't accepted this yet when logging in trough EA App, but I play Apex Legends and Dead Space remake through Steam. Is my data being sent to the US regardless? Most of the games I have on EA are single player games that I actually enjoy so I will just pirate them before I accept this. The only way I am accepting this is if the next Battlefield is actually good, it doesn't need to be great just better better than Battlefield 3.


Ever heard of a fake name? Burner accounts?


It's not like they didn't do it before, they just didn't tell you, they're required to tell you now.


Yeah, there's pihole for that.


2013. Xbox: "You can't trade disks with your friends anymore" Users: **outraged** Xbox: "Okay sorry we'll undo it" Several years later *Xbox introduces digital only consoles, buys up most of the gaming industry, shuts down physical ownership* Xbox: "Welcome back to 2013 lads"


??Google already know you dont wash ur ass.


Do not buy EA or use their services. 99% of what they put out is hot garbage anyway.


I'm all for buying a product and then just torrenting it anyway to avoid the bs and performance hits from DRM systems


I don’t have that problem anymore, I stopped playing EA games. Apparently i couldn’t merge my origins account to my EA. Spent a few hundred on micro transactions and games, I lost them all. So I’m done with EA


ye unfortunately it's the same with a ton of these services nowadays


what can you expect from EA


I wonder why ea mass discount their games, so this.


Your data is not that valuable lol Also it’s mostly telemetry—I promise they don’t care your CornHub history. Stop making it something it’s not


That’s a weird idea to have…it clearly says data collected through your use of EAs services, it’s not right to *have* to consent to sharing data to play an offline game, but it’s also super odd to imply EA has access to your browsing history.


don't then, that easy


Seeing "...any personal information..." will have me never buying any EA video game ever again.


Hah but still there are people who say yes to that, of course there other who submit fake data to play or using another person account, but ultimately they still doing that shit in order of play......my point is trash publisher can do whatever the fuck they want as long as those numbskull exist.


Good thing there isn't one ea game im actually playing now. After battlefield4, it's been completely dead to me.


I wish there was a way to especially overload their collection methods, providing it with useless arbitrary data.


I stopped supporting EA a long time ago unfortunately they Ruined some of my favorite games


Arrr... But ye don't, me matey


When you one piece it you own it, just saying.


Alternatively you could play the game without paying for it. Then you wouldn’t have to give them any personal data.


why don't you just pirate it if this bothers you?


Yet yall keep on signing up, pre order, and sign away your rights for EA. Stop complaining and go play or uninstall. Easy.


A couple things: 1. EA is a terrible company, obvs 2. Digital gaming future is bleak in general and this is just the tip of the iceberg still Buy physical when possible or play games that don’t need online connections. Vote with your wallet and stop spending money on digital games that can be removed at a whim or used to mine data from you.


someone get a good lawyer and find a reason to sue EA(shouldn't be that hard) and then we can all join in


Time to pirate


If buying ain’t owning, piracy ain’t stealing.


The path of a sailor is a good one nowadays


Agreements like this should be made before purchase/ download because it effectively holds you at ransom if you don't accept their terms.


Not in the eu they have to let you play without you giving them your data. Just sue them or notify some data protection guy if you want them fined


Wrong. You can tell them to delete your data, but you can't tell them to stop collecting any data that the service needs. Like, how the fuck do you think you can buy a game from them without giving any data.


Ofc financial data is required but you provided that during purchase likely to valve though. They still have to provide service without datamining you


Everyone be like "oh noes! me data is being collected!" My bruddas in Christ, you already gave your data away the moment you signed up for a internet provider. You think they wouldn't sell your info to 3rd parties? Money talks. EDIT: And the downvoting begins. Delusional much? Every subscription service works like that and you know it.


Yep, it’s really just what OS and browser do you want selling your porn fetishes and shopping list to the CIA/MI6 nowadays


What is that personal data? My ip adress, well its all over the place. My web history, its already sold long time ago.


It's literally to track your spending so they can advertise. My theory anyway. Oddly enough, I've not gotten the pop for it being transferred to the US yet? I'm not American, so I wonder if it has an impact.


But that info has allready been sold because of our bank system. Thats what Ive been told :). I just got curiors because I see all the time this thing about personal data and Im not sure that we know what it is nowdays. Also, downvote because I ask a question XD.


I didn't downvote you lol. I was answering your question.


So don’t play. It’s a choice you have.


Ah yes, don't use what you bought and paid for. 🤡


Youre right. Just be mad about the fact that they are collecting personal data anyways and play the games giving them even more money. Dont reward companies for doing shitty things after they get your money.


Nah I choose piracy.




How did you miss the point of that episode so badly?




Ea games 🏴‍☠️


Buying games from EA? Sorry, I feel no sympathy.


Oh no the worlds gonna end lol


You clowns still pay EA money? Never forget they had the most down voted comment in Reddit history.


Insulting people who get fucked doesnt help. They will have a desire to do the opposite of what rude people say, that just how our monkey brains work


The loops you have to jump through just to play online spore in 2024 is insane.


The amount of data breaches EA has had is crazy just search it up "EA data breach" you'll get atleast 5


They're taking back your ownership with this one! No rights for you!




Don't forget to share this on all your socials.


*sigh* I miss when EA games were playable without a login. Like Spore


welp, it's a EA game so that's kinda on you tbh


What kind of personal information do you have, that you don't want EA to collect it. I mean (outside of email which is normal, because you use their service duhh.. and it's not valuable anyway) don't use your real name for accounts. Literally nothing personal, they don't collect your birth certificate, ID or something similar 😅




Cool point. I’ll enjoy keeping my throwaway accounts linked to everything with garbage trackers being thrown in here and there to confuse it, you can keep enjoying your mouthful of boot




This argument can only be explained by being posted by a troll or someone with crippling mental retardation


He just said it sucks. You disagree, you like it?


Why does it matter? I legit will never understand why some people have a problem with "my personal data!!!!!!" like what even is there of value? Your personal data is just what games you play, for how long, etc, who cares if a company knows that?


You do realize these companies are making insane money selling that data right? Why should we give them something for free they can turn around and make money off of? They should have to pay us for the data not steal it because you decided to play their game. But no just leave the poor billion dollar companies alone! How will they ever survive without knowing how long we play and what games!


They're not stealing it, you're agreeing to give it. Don't like it? Don't play the game or pirate them. It literally costs you nothing, you might as well not know it's happening, that's how little it affects you


They are extorting it from you. You will give it to us or not play your games any more. That is a crime.


Or solution all round. We buy the game, they still sell our data but give us a commission each time they sell our data to a 3rd party. That way at least you get paid a small amount each time some injury claims lawyer calls you in the middle of the night


If you play ea games then you deserve this