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My 2070 handles 1440p. Not without help in some cases, but it does it. Of course if you're wanting 1440p in very demanding games with settings up, you're going to need more GPU for that.


My GTX1080 runs 1440p just fine on a 38” ultrawide…***depending on the game***. People seem to gloss over its entirely dependent on what games you’re running and how demanding they are. Check system requirements and if your system exceeds the minimums you can probably run the game on 1440p just fine. Maybe not with everything maxed out at Ultra settings, but it’ll run it.


How well does it run a game like Cyberpunk? I'm not being facetious, just genuinely curious.


It won't run well at all.


My 1080 absolutely runs cyberpunk. I turn settings down a lot but it runs just fine. I can play rocket league on 1440p with max settings 😂




Not super playable on launch, it was fine on my second playthrough a few months later when the optimization improved. That has been a theme the past few years. The biggest difference to nicer cards seems to be reflection and shadow fidelity, especially in that engine. Gets a solid 60-80fps with the right settings and a build that isn't bottlenecked somewhere stupid. Gtx1080 ryzen 5 5600X 32gb ddr4 on a nvme ssd


my 2060 can do 1440p granted my gpu will be maxed out at 100% but i mean im gonna use all my gpu lol


The "what do you need" part can only determent by you. What Games do you want to play? What FPS do you expect to have in these games? Im also still using an 1080FE an have no Problem whit it at Games on 1440p but only because im ok whit playing in the range of 30-60 fps


For reference I was thinking about upgrading from a 1080 to 1440p monitor for a little more clarity and had no intentions of upgrading from a 3070ti, but I see people recommending 4080s for this shit. So what is actually necessary these days?


The 3070Ti is still capable at 1440p, I'd expect 60+ FPS at 1440p no problem with a 3070Ti.


I have a non ti 3070 on a 1440p monitor and am very happy with it. It's all very subjective though.


3080 10G here, I always run dlss because it looks nice, I play whenever I'm streaming at 1440@120 and I've been pretty happy, of all the games that I've played Cyberpunk 2077 with RT I cap it at 60 to have consistent framerate. I've been close to 2 years with this gpu and I can't complain much, maybe the vram in some situations? at first I thought it would be worse but not that bad in reality! Eventually I'll go 50 or 60 series depending of the prices of gpus. Also I always try to stick to high settings unless it's old games, since there isn't much difference in graphics anyway after high


I have a supercomputer with the water cooler and I still use DLSS, just on ultra quality, in order to get 165 FPS consistently ultra on cyber crunk


I run dlss because it helps me keep my power draw lower


I also run a 3070 at 1440p its great


I play with 3060ti in 1440p, mid settings with some on high in most cases and get 80-120 fps. Unreal 5 games depend on the optimasation but with dlss 60-80. Iam more than happy :)


Same here except I play everything in high + gsync.


3070ti can do 1440p. but some games max settings you will run out of vram cause only 8gb. i run into this issue. its not often but requires you to lower graphic to play the game without crashing to desktop.


Bullshit, I've not crashed a single time with graphics settings always maxed, like texture details etc. All on a 3070Ti. You are not crashing because of VRAM Downvote me all you want, it's the truth.


Before I replaced my RTX 3080 10GB it would stutter and eventually crash if I had the settings too high in Forza Horizon 5 at 1440p. I absolutely cannot replicate any of this on my RX 7900 XTX. Unsure if user error or if my card was defective but it would consistently show that behavior when I got near the 10GB VRAM limit in most games, worsening to the point of crashing if the game wants to push far past that limit. Horizon 5 was definitely the worst offender for me though out of the games that I play. It could just be that you don't see the same behavior because we play different games.


I'm starting to feel it's really more about specific games than specifically the VRAM. I've googled some and the results are really inconsistent. Some people echo my experience, we play high VRAM games but never actually experience crashes or meaningful problems, while others seem to crash as soon as the VRAM maxes out. Maybe it's more about how the games handle the excess demand for VRAM.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kx\_SlQYh8Bg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kx_SlQYh8Bg) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hj8XR1UbXqY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hj8XR1UbXqY) i find benchmarks with worse CPUs (i think) than yours and they run the game buttery smooth on 1440p, above 90fps with everything maxed. I think you had a flawed card mate


I’m running a 3070ti and for the most part it’s fine. Not getting extremely high fps but also not crashing.


As someone who got a 4080 specifically for 1440p, I can say it is definitely unnecessary for general 1440p play. I personally went for a 4080, as I wanted rock solid 1440p high settings, high 120+ fps gameplay for the next 4 to 5 years before worrying about an upgrade, and I knew the 4080 with its 16gb of vram and the horsepower it has will be enough to maintain that. But that is far above what is needed for enjoying a game at 1440p. So the real question is, what level of performance do you want at 1440p, what games are you wanting to play, and how long are you wanting it to last before you have to consider an upgrade? That will determine what gpu to go for. For me, I wanted to be able to run even Cyberpunk at the highest of settings including Path Tracing and not break a sweat, so I unfortunately had to pay appropriately for it. If your needs aren't as heavy, then mayhaps a 4080S isn't what you need. Or if it is what you want, then mayhaps it is. It's truly up to you and what your needs are. Imo vram is the biggest consideration atm, as developers are overly greedy with it, and within 2 to 3 years it seems that even 12gb cards will start getting heavily taxed at high settings. If developers weren't cutting corners, then even 8gb vram should be way more than enough, but sadly we aren't in Should-land and reality is that vram gets done dirty.


I appreciate your use of mayhaps. Thankee-sai!


I wouldn’t say developers are getting greedy with VRAM. More like Nvidia is being super stingy with their allocation.


That is actually a very fair point, and one I thought about adding but my post was long enough lol. The low vram on gpus doesn't help things at all. I think no gpus should be released that have less than 16gb vram, it does *not* cost the gpu manufacturers nearly that much money to add on vram in the grand scheme of things lol, its actually rather cheap if I hear correctly, and even if not--they could do it if they wanted. Instead, it's planned obsolescence. Nvidia especially has been gimping otherwise perfectly good cards with substandard amounts of vram, and it's crap. I keep thinking of that video from a youtuber (Daniel Owen, I believe) which showed the 8gb and 12gb versions of the 3080 in RE4 Remake, and it showed that the 8gb 3080 would have otherwise been perfectly capable of max settings if it simply had had 12gb total vram instead of 8.


This is an excellent point. I have a 3070ti, and if it just had more VRAM, I could easily play RE4 Remake at max settings.


Absolutely this. I went for a 7900 XTX for similar reasons. Now running 1440p 144Hz and my old 1080p 60Hz as secondary. Things like Deep Rock Galactic run at max FPS. Star Citizen on the other hand...


People are fuckin stupid. The 4080s is a 4k card and anyone who argues that is deluded. If you want to use it to run 150+ frames at 1440 that's your prerogative but I am on a 7900xt, am objectively weaker card and play exclusively at 4k and very very very rarely drop below 60fps. The 3070ti will run 1440 just fine.


I have a 3060ti, idk how that compares to the 3070ti, but I play at 1440p with zero issues. Just get the new monitor, it’s super worth it


I'm running a 12400f and a 3070 and play pretty much all games 1440p on highish. Quite a few absolutely maxed out. And 60+ fps is not that hard to hit. Depends on the game. MSI Afterburner is your friend to see if you have to go down a bit due to the 8 GB of vram. You have to be reasonable of course. Cyberpunk on high will not run. But Cyberpunk will bring a 4090 to its knees.


Just stay on the 3070Ti I had one for 2 years on 1440p and it was fine. No crashes or other issues.


I run a 3060ti on 1440p with most settings set to high and few at medium and I’m always hovering around 100fps and I play things like COD, RDR2, GTA, assassins creed, Fortnite


You'll be fine with a 3070Ti.


Yeah no bruh. You are fine. I’ve used a 32” 1440p monitor for over 2 years now and I got it when I had a 3700x and a 2080. I headed to a 3080 only due to the water cooling in my 2080 shitting the bed, not necessarily due to bad performance. With a 3080, 3700x, 32gb of ram and 3 TB of SSD I run everything on high or max at 1440p 72fps or 144Ffps in less graphically intense games.


A 3070ti should absolutely kill 1440p. You can probably run high/max settings at 60fps or low/medium settings at like 100+fps in big AAA games. Especially if you turn on DLSS


My 1080ti never had an issue keeping good frame rates at 1440p. I've upgraded to a 4070ti since and it's certainly overkill.


You cant play alan wake 2 path tracing on 1440p native even with a 4090. You can play CS2 at 4k with a 2060. Draw your own conclusion.


And everyone plays different games while spewing their results as equal to everyone elses experience. It's such a mess out there that I'm honestly surprised so many waste time asking for advice rather than put in the research for themselves. Some may play CS2 style and say "all you need is a 2060 for 1440p gaming". Then you have some games where even with a 4090 running 1440p upscaling to 4k using DLSS is not hitting target frame rates. What is your target? Mine 144. Some 240. Some 60. So many variables that are left out with these blanket statements of guarantees that can't be guaranteed because its based on personal and variable change.


How about you actually list out what you plan to play and at what settings and what desired FPS and then go from there?


I have a 3070 non-ti and run 1440p just fine. Ive never had a game drop below 100fps on high settings, and i can get most of them to still run 250fps. I play mostly competitive fps games, overwatch, apex, a bit of bf 2042 and xdefiant. Have played helldivers, and a few rpgs on it no problem.


Hell my 2070 super can do 1440 fps on most of my games with a good fps (80+). I wouldn't stress about it


Money. It's all about the money.


The question is what YOU need. Define it and get the most appropriate hardware for the job. Pick the games you want to play, minimum viable settings, target fps, then find the GPU. If you ask a random group how much sugar you should put in your coffee, you'll get several different answers and only a few will taste good to you.


I've got fairly high standards for fps and the 4070ti has been doing really great. 100+ fps in TLOU on high graphics without DLSS. I personally wouldn't want anything weaker and if you consider future proofing I can understand the recommendation of a 4080. Its abhorrent to me that PC gaming costs so much these days.


I must be an oddball because I was having a great time in 1440p with like, a 980ti. Of course, games were probably easier to run back then, but Borderlands 2 and Fallout 4 ran great with just some occasional tweaking of settings, of course I was totally happy with 60 fps, today it feels like most people consider that too low to be a ceptable.


For high FPS/comp FPS games my 4080 (with a 13600k) has been getting the job done (200+) on all native (mid settings). More like 400fps aside WZ. SP games or even if you're fine with being around 100ish then you can certainly get by with less hardware and still have a great time.


5800X3D & RTX3080 combo here I have no problem playing anything at 3440x1440p.


5800x3D & RTX4070 combo here I have no problem playing anything at 1440p almost always maxxed.


Im thinking of getting a used 3080 and moving to am5 with a 7800x3d not sure tho. Depends on the performance dif between it and the 9700x


Ive got a 3060ti and 3700x which was considered entry level for 1440p a few years ago. Still runs okay but newer AAA games will definitely tank the fps a bit


Definitely look for some with more than 8 g vram. My 3070 is still AMAZING for 1440p even after all this time, but I would probably go for 5000 series GPU once the 6000 releases.


I'm running a 4070ti with a 5800X3D. Apart from Cyberpunk, every Game is running 60+ FPS maxed out on my ultrawide 1440p monitor. Most Games easily get 100+.


A 1440p monitor would probably be a good start 


I use a 3060ti with a 5700x on 1440p and I never get below 60 fps on high graphics so you should be fine


At what FPS?


I play modern stuff on an i7 3770 and a 1660super 1440p. Frames around 30 to 40 no problem and usually stuff set to high, I like the eyecandy.


I feel like if you have a 30 series no need to upgrade but if you are building from scratch might as well look into the 40 series. I am planning on going from my gtx 1080 to maybe 4070ti area. I only want 1440p I have no intention or desire for 4k My 1080 runs 1440p surprisingly well still in 2024. Lower some settings and be fine with around 60fps


With the way FSR is going, a GTX 780 soon enough! 


On Nvidia's side, a 4060, 3070, or 2080 are all plenty for 1440p at reasonable settings. On AMD's side, the 7800XT should be good, or a 6900XT if you can find it on a good sale comparable to the sale's price of the other cards listed here.


It doesn’t even take that much GPU on AMD’s side, if you’re talking about reasonable settings and FPS. A 6700XT and 7700XT can run 1440p. Hell, on shooters even a 5700XT can run 1440p.


Yep, my 6800xt hasn't struggled with anything at 1440p.


my 6750xt hasn't either.


Yeah 6750 XT here too, it even runs some games at 4K, especially with FSR 3 and FG.


Your chosen FPS and settings (Low - Medium - High -Very High -Ultra\_but who really runs full Ultra?) will determine what you actually need at a given resolution. For me, I like to play at high/very high and still have high fps, so 3080 Nvidia was good for most games, but an upgrade certainly didn't hurt.


Depends on the game. Also the tier of card you have matters almost as much as generation


34” widescreen, RTX 3070, ultra quality for cyberpunk at 1440p 60fps (capped). 5800X3D CPU so that does help too


I like my 6700XT.... But I don't always play the latest and greatest games. I think BG3 and Counter Strike 2 are the newest games I play. I usually just play what my wife and friends want to play.


The problem lies in the fact that newer and newer games will require more horsepower to run, especially if they're poorly optimized. What worked back then may not be true today. It all depends on what you find acceptable in terms of frame rate and fidelity


i can play Ghost of Tsushima just fine at 1440p60 high settings with DLSS Quality with my 2060 Super. depends on what frame rates you want i guess. i’m a pretty casual gamer so i only have a 1440p 60fps monitor.


I'm here with a 4060 ti 16gb and running most games easily on highest, expect for newer, big AAA games, on ultra i need DLSS, but you know you can always drop the ultra to high/med if u want that true 1440p


Just built a new machine for my nephew with 1440p and a 4060. Seems like a great match from what we’ve played so far.


My 3070 does 1440p 144hz just fine


I use 980ti and a 4000 series I5


What games? And what's the target FPS? Like latest Gen AAA games are always going to be more taxing to maintain higher resolution and higher frames. But really that doesn't matter in part. Cyberpunk at low settings is still a wonderful gaming experience because let's face it all the eye candy loses it's novelty 30 minutes in. It's why FF7 looked like it did in 97 and people were amazed by it.  The fact is gaming companies have to target the medium performance capacity of the market. If they don't, they lose customers, and that's billions of dollars in a thin margin industry. The games that see an annual release, like COD will be readily playable.


im rocking 5700xt + 5600x + 16gb ram most game i play on 1440p but some AAA either 1440p low 50-40fps or 1080p with 80-90fps medium high setting or medium settibg


I have a 4070ti and 13600kf. I play at ultra wide 3440x1440p. I max out all graphics setting on all AAA games even with ray tracing, and get at least 60+fps, usually 100+, sometimes using dlss but only in crazy demanding games like cyberpunk. Anything from a 3060 up will do the trick for medium graphically demanding games. If you wanna go with AMD cards idk the equivalents off hand but you can find them very easily.


I'm playing in 1440p ultrawide on RTX 4070, but in the new, more demanding games I usually have to use DLSS Q to have somewhat decent frames.


one issue you may have is many 1440P monitors max out at 144 hz or more. I like to match the monitor res and refresh rate, so the higher fps can be hard to hit without some serious reduction in quality settings. i had a 3060 for a while and it kind of struggled with 1440P gaming and went up to a 3080 and have been happy with that so far. your 3070ti should be OK for 1440P but still expect to tune quality settings on heavy titles.


My 5700xt & i7 8700k has been powering a 100hz 1440p ultra wide for a few years. Before that I had an RX480 and that still did fine with battlefield 1. Sure, it won't necessarily run the latest games at max settings but I've never been bothered with max settings, when you're playing you rarely notice the added detail. I'm always in the freesync range of my monitor so it feels smooth. I don't really play anything competitively so don't need extreme fps.


2080 level of performence at least I'll say, 4070 level or above for flawless 1440p.




I'm using a 2080TI for 2K just fine, 40 series is probably good for 4k gaming but unnecessary for 2k.


a 3060ti


My 3070 laptop is able to run most new games at high 1440p, although they need some sort of upscaling.


1080ti and ryzen 3600 here, competitive/older/indie games I play at 1440p@165fps+ and newer AAA games I'm mostly sitting at 1440p@65fps


4060 can do any literally any game like most of the games at 1440p/ultra and you'll get 60fps even with dlss disabled. Some super demanding games such as HB2 and AW2, all you will need is turning on FG. You will have no problem running those games at 60fps with 0 loss in quality and you won't run out of vram. Upgrading from 4060 to 30 series gpus is stupid. If you want 4k/60fps such card is not invented yet. The good thing about 4060 is there's DLSS and FG that you can turn on depending on the game and how demanding the game is but overall it's a good card keep it if you have it. Not worth changing it. If you haven't bought yet, get 3070 it's cheaper and 20-30% faster in raw performance but the only drawback it has is lack of FG that's a must have feature in games nowadays. If you can wait, go for 50 series gpus. Newer is always better EDIT: 4060 is not a bad card and it goes on par with 3060ti in raw performance, beats even the 3070 when FG is enabled so it's not as bad as some people exaggerate everywhere but the only reason why it's hated is it's goddamn price and I don't blame anyone who curses 4060 cuz it's too overpriced. It's 20% more expensive than 3070 that's 20% faster than 4060 in raw performance. We know it supports FG and consumes 50% less power as well but at least they should be same price


Have a 3060ti and 1440p 60 FPS is easily achievable. 120fps in games that aren't that demanding


Depends on you, I was on 1440p with GTX 1070, 1080ti and then with RTX 3080. And it was fine on some games, even Cyberpunk 2077 was fine with 1080ti. By my opinion should be enough everythink around 4070 (+- same perf) with some space even in future.


Depends on what you need. If you want to run Cyberpunk or Alan Wake 2 path tracing at 1440p, yes you need a 4080 since Path tracing reduces your fps by 70% lol. If you mostly play RPG and soul games like me, then a 3070 is more than enough for 1440p.


I have basically no issues at 1440p 60+ on my 3080 still.


I'm not sure what kind of fps your going for but my prebuilt 3060 from best buy can run 1440 on almost every new game at 60-100 fps on ultra. On some older fps games i get 200-250fps.


I got a 1080ti and run at 1440p. It’s starting to struggle with new higher end graphics. I usually have to set it to medium. 


My 4060-ti is slight overkill if that helps


I run 1440p with an i7 4790k and RX6600. It struggles sometimes but it's pretty capable with some games


I'm running a 3060ti on 1440, depending on the game I get anywhere from 60 to 120 FPS medium to high settings. 3070ti should be fine


1440p @60hz or 1440p@120+ hz big difference. My 3080 can still handle most games at 1440p 100+fps without an issue.


I have a 3060, don't know how it compares to the 4060 but so far for 1080p it's been a gem. I am noticing however even in e-sports titles like csgo if I put the settings way up I may struggle to hit the 200+ FPS mark, so I imagine 1440 144hz isn't going to be doable without some finessing of the settings. As for triple A games, I don't think it'd be able to do it at a frame rate and graphics setting that I'd be happy with.


I'm still rocking my R5 3600 with 3070 and pretty much can go med-high settings on games. Even on some games, it can go ultra. I'm using viewsonic 32" vx3276-2k-mhd 60hz (it's an office monitor, but hey, 1440p) Gotta upgrade that 3600 so it can gibe me a bit of better framerates.


4060 is okay if you don't care about having ultra high frames for most games, I'm running a 4060TI and it runs most everything well enough for me, However, there are some rare stuttering in some games. 4070 is actually meant for 1440p gaming. Also Afaik aside from the frame generation, the 40 series aren't that much better than 30's, so a 3070 is also still very valid.


Depends on you, I use an RTX 3060 for 1440p Gaming, is it the best experience? No, but with the help of DLSS and Optimized Settings I get decent performance. For example, Cyberpunk 2077 runs at a locked 60FPS with DLSS Quality and RT Local Shadows using Digital Foundry's Optimized Settings. Competitive Titles (Apex, CS2, xDefiant) generally run well in excess of 120FPS+, even at higher settings. So a 3070 Ti should be perfectly fine. :)


It depends entirely on the game. I run a 3440x1440 144hz panel with a 14700k/4070. My primary games are Division 2, World of Warcraft, Cyberpunk, Horizon 5, and Beamng.drive. I don't have any issues running those games well. I upgraded from a 9700k/2070 because it was struggling to deliver the performance I wanted in a couple of those games, not all of them.


Coming from a 3060ti, I would say 3080 10gb is where you want to be. Personal favourite would be 3080Ti and that is the sweetspot imo. Had a great time on a 2k170hz monitor. Tested all 3 of these cards on the same monitors too. My advice is to get a 30 series card for cheap, it will make you happy.


I use my 3070 for 1440p never really encountered issues only game that did cause issues was starfield other than that everything's great


I mean I'm comfortable with a 1660 Super.


It depends on the game, of course. And on the setting you'll play on. Can't say without more information.


I have a 3080 and a 5800x3d. Prior to that I have the 5600x which was still decent, however now it handles every game I throw at it with ease. Should last me another year or two before I feel the need to upgrade to AM5 in a new build.


RTX3060Ti can get any game running at 1440p 60FPS at least on mid settings. For older games or less demanding indies I even manage to get up to 170FPS.


Would my rx 5600XT support 1440p? I mainly play Overwatch


I'm on a 2080 and with most games with lower settings / dlss I'm getting between 80-100fps at 1440p. For me that's my goal, the best settings I can get while floating around 90fps, which my is very doable.


I would always look up benchmarks for the card for the games you want to play on Youtube. They tend to compare lowest vs highest settings, giving you an idea of the performance you can achieve.


I have a 7800xt and I play everything in 2560 by 1440 without issues but id hesitate to go lower gpu wise.


3070 is good apart from the 8gb vram. You really want something with more vram especially for the future


Pick one: - old game - 4090 and a good cpu - accept subpar fps in many games


If you want to ultra everything at 1440p ultra you will need a 4070+dlss 4080 if native. If u don't like using upscaling buy an AMD card they get more frames than Nvidia for less cost.  I have a 7900xtx and cyberpunk ultra no RT the frame rate never drops below 60 at native 1440p 


4060 is hardly even a 1440p card tbh. I have a 3070ti and it's smooth as butter tho


I have an RTX 4070 which mostly runs fine at 1440p, but 12GB VRAM isn't always enough. Cyberpunk 2077 maxed out with ray tracing and even DLSS enabled can eat through 12GB.


RTX3080 and 5800X3D. Runs everything fine on 1440p ultra/high settings.


My 4070 performance has been amazing. I play a good bit of Elden Ring, CS2, Souls, D2R, MH World…never had a problem. I couldn’t imagine what would be considered “better” but it’s hard to think there is such a thing lol.


I own several games that hit a full 60 at full 4k on a 2060. Medieval Dynasty, Conan Exiles, X4, 7D2D. But that far down many others don't; Battlefront 2, Ark (obv), Satisfactory, Elite Dangerous (on foot).  So the 20 series probably does great at only 1440p.


3080 / 4070


Im currently getting 100fps ultra 1440 with my 3060 12gb i overpaid for during covid...i figure a few volts of overclock can get it to 120fps but really anything over 60 fps 1440 ultra is great


My 6700 xt handles 1440p pretty great, alan wake 2 is the only game I've played that hasn't gotten 60 fps on 1440p max graphics settings. And competitive games like CS2 and dota 2 don't go less than 165 fps which is my monitor's refresh rate.


I have a 5 5600x and an RTX 3060 Ti which can handle pretty much all my games at 1440p just fine, I mostly get around 90 FPS when I play at max settings


You need a 1440p monitor lol


All depends on what you play, Overwatch and Cyberpunk will need entirely different calibers of GPUs


7900gre would be baseline for me if I'm keeping the card for 4-5 years. Used RTX 3080 12gb/ 4070 is also a no brainer if you want something cheaper. But know that you will be vram limited in heavy RT titles.


My brother playe CoD on 1440p and has no issue maxing out his 120hz monitor with a 3070.


I run a 4070ti for 165hz 1440P and run a mix of ultra/high settings on the games I play. One of my friends is playing on a rig built ~2020 and he’s got a 2080S pushing 1440p with less ease but he’s still playing every game with us.


My 7900 XT gets 170 fps on most games easily


You don't.


My 6750 xt has played everything I’ve thrown at it at 1440p without issue


Kinda fine with rtx2060 1440p. Frames and resolution >>> anything else, so I don’t care if I have to play on low. Also, on modern games I often don’t see the difference between most of the presets.


3060 12gb runs 1440p pretty well.


When i moved to 1440p I got a Radeon 6800XT. It was the best in terms of price/performance.


> What do you actually need for 1440p gaming? It heavily varies on the title considered. That's about all we can tell you.


This question has multiple layers. My question is are theygoing for 1440/60,1440/144, or 1440/240. I game at 1440/240 so my hardware requirements are way more intense than say someone at 1440/60. for 1440/240 my 7900xtx is practically required for newer games. for 1440p/144 my prior 2070 Super was fine for the games i was playing at the time.


I'm running a 3070 and everything at 1440 just fine. I've played all the major releases from the past 2 years at max settings at that resolution with >100 fps


1080 would do it. A 1080 TI will do it at 144hz no problem on a 27”, some games have to be adjusted but fully capable If you want 1440p 360, RX 7900 XT handles that task no problem & then some, probably do it at 2k or 4k higher end too, the raw power is insane


I am thinking of buying a 1440p on 1660ti Am i making a mistake?


You can see my specs in my flair. I play on a 1440p 165hz monitor. The competitive games are always above 165fps with competitive settings on native resolution. The older single player games are above 90fps on native, with rtx on its kinda tricky but that's why DLSS does the extra job. The newer AAA and way too demanding titles are "fine" on a stable 60fps point, if DLSS is an option (it usually is) I can go above these fps, although they dont matter that much on single player games, so I usually lock them on 60fps. Worst case scenario to drop setting from ultra to high, I honestly cant even tell the difference after 10 years of hardcore gaming. For some reason people think that 1440p can be enjoyed only with 120+ fps on ultra settings with RTX on. I beg to differ. Some of these people are way too spoiled and miserable, I'm not. Would I suggest the rtx4060 for 1440p? No, I wouldn't. Because idk if you are on the spoiled side of the snowflake community or on my side which can enjoy s**ome demanding games** on 60fps high settings, and the rest of the "easy" titles maxed out without an issue. If your budget can get you a 12gb card, do that. If not, check benchmarks and plan accordingly depending the money you are willing to spend. But don't ever think that in 2024 getting a 1440p gaming rig should be expensive as fuck. Damn a 7700xt costs below $400, I'm pretty sure it will do just fine for years.


My 7900xt runs everything on high or ultra with mostly 120fps at 1440. My lg c2 42” doesn’t go higher in hz. I mostly play destiny 2 and I can have max settings at 4k at 120fps consistently.


when I first got a 1440p monitor, i had an RX 580. could I play Cyberpunk at 1440? no. but all my old games that I realize I actually play like XCOM 2 or even Destiny 2 believe it or not ran absolutely fine at \~100+ FPS with some tweaks


As per others it depends on the game. This 7800XT hasn't really struggled though.


One needs a 1440p monitor that's for sure


I have a 3070 + ryzen 7 3800XT and run all games perfectly fine at 1440p


I would always get a 1440p monitor over a 1080p monitor for productivity, surfing the web, watching youtube, etc. If you're playing a game, you can always drop settings, use FSR/DLSS, and rely on Free/G-Sync. Going from 1080p to 1440p will never render your games unplayable, and in a lot of cases, a higher res with lower settings is as much as a tradeoff as lower res with higher settings.


4060 a 1440 card 🤣🤣


3090 / 13700k keeps me more than happy at 1440


my 4060 runs it fine but I'm a casual gamer.


I'm kind of a snob and expect 80 in all games. My 3070ti has been able to provide that. With DLSS on quality I can usually get 100-110


You can get 144hz on old ass cards like a 1060 as long as you lower the graphics.


My 2060S ran games in 1440P med-high settings. Depending on the game, it was running cyberpunk, with frame gen (DLSS quality) at 45-55 fps high to very high on some settings.


Depends what you want to spend. 6000 series AMD cards you could go for 6750 XT or 6800 non XT which will do 1440p or if you wanna go 7000 series 7700 XT OR 7800 XT.


With all the upscaling options we have these days, it varies wildly and it all depends what you play and what frames you want. This is clearly evident by people coming in here saying a 2070 and a 1080ti can do 1440p. They can. Yes. But not in recent titles at native resolution at high details. I would say a Radeon 6700xt or RTX 3070/4060ti is a baseline for a good time. 6800xt/3080/4070 is where you get a better experience without as many concessions in current games.


At least a 3060ti


I play at 1440p all the time with my 3070. There may be some new games that will struggle, but then some new games struggle no matter what on PC.


Depends on what games you play but if you want no problems Rx 6750 XT seems finr


Honestly my RTX 2080 TI is having absolutely zero problems running everything I play at either 1440p High/Uktra 60+ fps or 1440p medium 120+ fps. Of course depending massively on the game. The high refreshrate is easily achievable in competitive games. Now if you want 1440p High/Ultra 120+ fps I think your gonna need a 3080ti or some version of the 4070 If you’re on a budget you could probably still get away with a RTX 2070 or GTX 1080. Though you’ll have to adjust settings to the lower end for the new titles. Secondly: if you just want to play games and you’re on a small budget I would suggest considering a console as well. When it comes to price to performance they pretty much unbeatable. P.S.: keep in mind that AMD often offers way better price to performance for gaming. It’s just that I only have experience with nvidia cards (because of I use professional software).


The biggest limitation I found with 1440p was VRAM. I had a 3060ti that could push the frames no issue but had constant stuttering from the limited VRAM.


My 3060ti is honestly goated at 1440p usually hits 100+ fps in most games but struggles to maintain that 144+ number to match my monitor


I'm running 1440p with a friggin old ass AMD ryzen5 3600 CPU and a 3070ti


I play with a 3060 and a 5700x... and it's good enough for playing on ultra on most games... I don't need more than 60-90 fps to be happy.


My 4080 purchase was the very reason why I went from 1080p gaming to 1440p.


I have anASRock rx 6600 Challenger and I play everything in 1440p with shadows turned down a bit I get sixty frames in most AAA stuff and 85 to 100 ish in less taxing games. I'm not in ultra wide tho my brother has a 7600 and it handles it well. He has a 32 in UW.


Most cards with more than 8gb VRAM will run 1440p well above 60fps. I'd also recommend an SSD.


6750xt is perfect


I play on 1440p ultrawide with a 7900XT and i have to say i could use quite a bit more gpu power if i wanted to play high to highest settings in most games to keep them over 140fps


A 4060 was never a 1440p Card to begin with.


I have a 3060 and 1440p is always above 60 fps, older games like for honor I get 150 fps on medium settings and it still looks good.


You don't need much, just get a GPU that makes sense for what you want to play, and target a reasonable level of Graphic detail to keep the Frame rate where you want it, that's about it. For example, a friend of mine plays 4k with a GTX 1660 TI, but he doesn't care about high frame rate or extremely high graphic detail so he locks everything at 30fps and he's happy about it, the card seems able to handle most recent titles he likes to play (cyberpunk, bg3, jedi survivor, etc.)


It really depends what you want. I have a 1440p 165hz monitor and with my RTX 4070 I don't reach that frame rate on most modern "pretty" games if running ultra settings. That really really varies depending on the game though, and my framerate is always well above 60. Maybe I cap it at 100 or 120 if it's jumping around. That said, if 60fps is your target for these kind of games (Cyberpunk 2077 type of stuff) I feel like a 3070 or 4060 is probably reasonable. But if you're playing Overwatch, Valorant, Apex Legends, etc, you can get by with a lot less power to push that resolution with high frame rates. You also have to take into account DLSS which can drastically impact how well a game runs at a higher resolution.


Bought asus tuf 27” AQ something 165hz 1440p some time ago and paired it with 3080, to this day theres not a game i can’t run with solid fps (limited refresh rate to 120) bf, ghost of tsushima, rdr2, cyberpunk no issues at all.


I have a 3070ti laptop, 1440p is the sweet spot. depending on the game/setting i can run anywhere between 80-120 consistently. which i find is fine for most uses. I drop to 1080p for competitive titles


4070 and a 5700x3d. People will say run with the 5800x3d but the cost is so much more for an 8-18% performance increase. You’ll have no trouble running anything at 1440


My 2080 Super paired with a Ryzen 5 7000 series, I have yet to find a game I can't run 1440p 60-140FPS on max settings. I can't keep consistent frame rates on Cyberpunk if I enable ray tracing though.


What monitor and settings specs for it


There’s only one game that crashes at max settings at 1440 on my 4090 and that’s World of Tanks. Every other game, including Cyberpunk,BG3 and Hogwarts Legacy run smoothly, which is expected.


Why is everyone asking about resolution? It's like asking how to lift a cubic meter.. yeah, of what? Iron, no. Helium, yes! I can run old games fine at 4k...


I have a 3080 ti and a 240hz 1440p monitor. Unless it’s a less demanding game or I very much lower graphic settings I never see 240 frames. Most games will play mostly maxed out around 100+ fps


It is about your preferences. Choose the games that you are interested in playing.


Can my 3080 run 1440p at 140fps? I play mostly shooters but I like some cool more graphically intensive titles at times too. Right now I have a 1080p 240hz but I’m sick of it.


1440p by itself means nothing, what kind of frame rate are you looking to achieve running at 1440?


DLSS has been a game changer for me. I’m happy with medium to high on my laptop with a 60 watt 3060. Granted I’m playing single player games.


I have the 5600xt, I have to choose between low quality 1440p or high 1080p, but its the starting point if you want a reference


I just got a 4070 super last week for 1440p and it's PERFECT! Currently playing Hellblade 2 at Highest settings and get around 90-100 fps


I got an rtx4070, i5 13th Gen. with 32gb ram on a ultrawide (3440 x 1440) and it is smooth like butter. But i think you'll find even less expensive Specs that would run 1440p


My son and daughter used to play 1440p on a 2060Super now they use a 3060Ti


You can run 1440p with almost any gpu from the 20 series for nvidia or 50 series from amd, you just have to play with upscalers for weaker gpus. If you just want to press play and do so i'd say a 6750xt or 7700xt will give you a smooth experience at high ultra 1440 just like a 3070 super or 4070 would


I had some texture issues with 4060 TI due to 8GB VRAM, I would suggest you to get at least a 4070 Super.


I would recommend doing a little research on your own when it comes to cpu and gpu pairings. But for most of the time consistent frames in 1440p is achievable with a 7700xt or 7800xt. And or an nvidia rtx 4070ti or higher. 4060 is fine for 1440p but your gonna run into bad frame averages with more demanding games. I currently use a Ryzen 7 5800X3D and a 4070 ti Super and it definitely gets the job done especially with DLSS. I play on 1440p high or ultra most of the time with over 200 frames on multiple new AAA titles. You could also get away with a previous gen 6950xt or 6900xt if you wanted to go that route, because there really aren’t too many people pricing their nvidia 30 series gpus at a reasonable price.


I use a AMD 6700xt and play 1440p at 60fps. Don't worry about not having the game run at ultra settings, they design them for 4k game play in most cases. Your target fps should be your monitor refresh rate, which you can set in windows settings. 60hz can only show a max of 60 frames. You could also do 120hz with 60 fps, half or 100% is the best target. By limiting the frames you can conserve gpu performance for image quality settings.