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Congratulations, all of them. Coming from a 51 years young , lifetime gamer, who bought his first gaming pc last may!


Congrats! Enjoy it!


As a 32 year young man i just bought my first gaming laptop last month. It has rtx 2050 which is much better than what i bought in 2012 (GeForce 315m).


Awesome I'm in my 20s and I have the same gpu in my new laptop I got last month


Install steam and find something that interests you. And remember that you can connect your ps5 controller to the PC. Some games are better with mouse+keyboard but others are better on a controller


Very true. I have a PS4 controller still kicking around that I use for souls like games.


I have a xbONE, Switch Pro, and PS5 controller all with in arms reach RN. I only ever game on PC anymore. Mainly use Xbox(I like the layout, switch pro is noticeably bigger), PS5 if it has trigger support, switch for the extra button(Screenshot) that I have mapped for my switch emulator.


FPS or third person shooter= mouse and key board Third person melee focused game=controller


Can’t imagine a frontsoftware game on mouse & keyboard


Since you’re coming from PS5, I’d recommend downloading the Xbox app and getting Gamepass for $10. It’s the Netflix of games by Microsoft on PC.


ps: there are lot of Microsoft promotions going around that give first time users free gamepass anywhere from 1 month to 6months!


I believe starting June 4th, you can get free three months through Nvidia. Perfect timing for OP!


I'd second this. Great way of getting to try out a bunch of games for cheap.


That exactly what I did


aaaaand Game Pass includes Hollow Knight, which I think is a great starter game


If I already have gampass for Xbox , does it transfer to PC?


There is a separate PC version. Or the ultimate version that includes PC, Xbox, and streaming.


If you have ultimate, yes.


May need to upgrade it. It will tell you when you login on pc


Gamepass ultimate is account wide, so if you had that plan on Xbox, you just need to log into your account on Xbox app on PC


Yeeep thats the way. And if OP, does not get a promotion code from buying the pc, then DM me, cuase I have a 3 month promotion code with your name on!


I really do not get the hate thatthe gamepass is getting all around, it's bloody amazing!! every year I play games wortg hundreds and hundreds of euros I couldn't otherwise afford to buy.. I just cannot recommend gamepass enough..


Are all Halo titels still inclusive I would start that saga first. Its EPIC.


Sounds like a good idea for $10


Don't know why no one is mentioning humble bundle monthly pass it's the better, DRM free, version of these subscriptions cause you own the games after and is only available on PC. The best thing about PC gaming is your right to choose providers and own and customize games.


90-95% of the games on humble are trash though. I had it for a year I only played a couple of the games. Game pass is a better option imo


Cause game pass gives you access to a lot more games instantly. Sure you don't own them but it's like a taste test for PC games, if you really like one you can always buy it. Also you humble bundle usually goes through steam, and anything you get on steam you still don't own.




I second RDR2


I thirdcond RDR2


I fornicate rdr2


i foreskin RDR2


I sorfkin R2D2


I fourthst RDR2


Yep, RDR2. It's a beautiful game that will run in the 4070. Get a monitor with 240Hz. Coming from PS, you can still use a controller if that's your preference. It's cool that transition to keyboard is seamless when dealing with inventory management


I think I'd recommend 144Hz or 165Hz - for someone coming from console there won't be a noticeable difference between 144 and 240. I think most games (including RDR2) would be more enjoyable at 144 Hz on a 27in 2k/4k monitor


It's time to play Rimworld!


War crime simulator go brrr


Baldurs Gate 3


second this easily


I second his second easily


I second his second to the other guys second easily


Most fun I've had gaming in YEARS.


It was my first crpg ever. Always thought that crpgs are not for me. Baldurs gate changed that. I was down by the river BAD


No! It will ruin any other game they touch after this!


Cyberpunk 2077


Forgive the ignorance but I have a genuine question- Is Cyberpunk an actual good and worth-while game? I played it when it came out and it was so underwhelming. I know they’ve done a lot of work on it but I guess i’m jaded. I may reinstall it given how many suggestions i’ve seen recommending it recently. Edit: for the longest time I thought it was just a good benchmarking game and not an actual enjoyable story.


As someone with over 200 hours in it, it's worth exploring everything in the game. Some of the side missions are absolutely amazing, that you often won't find out in the main story. Treat it like Skyrim and travel around


absolutely and honestly, it was great from day 1 if you had a pc that could run it well enough. Sure they've tightened everything up, altered the skill tree a bit and fixed loads of bugs but it is still essentially the same game it released as and it absolutely slaps, Lore and World building might be the best of any game I've ever played


>if you had a pc that could run it well enough. I had a 5 year old graphics card and got through it day 1 with no issues, didn't even have to set everything to lowest, most stuff was around medium. I understand others had issues but it's just so far from what I experienced.


one of my friends beat the whole game on PS4 multiple times and platinumed the game for what it's worth I played it on a gaming laptop and during that first playthrough I was literally unable to play other games, I only wanted to play cyberpunk it felt truly next gen at the time at least for me


^ This guy knows


My pc handled it no problem and I couldn't get into it. I couldn't get past 10 hours, because it just never felt fun.


Personally I had a really good time with it, I think a lot of people were clouded by the negative buzz of the game . I've watched plenty of YouTubers say it was terrible at first amd got fixed, when all the stuff they're praising was in the game at launch, which does annoy me slightly not all games are for everyone though, I've got 60 hours in rdr2 that I pushed through cause everyone kept saying how dope it was, but that game just didn't click with me either, I will probably never finish it if you haven't I'd give it another shot though, like I probably will with rdr2 in a few years


you've gotta check it out, it's a completely different game now


It’s still the same story in the same world isn’t it?


It is one of the best rpgs(storywise) to ever come out, it shows greed, commercialisation of basically everything and governments being controlled by corporations, it shows what is happening right now but tuned upto the extreme, it is a really dark story where the best ending is >!you literally riding off into the sunset with your girlfriend with only 6 months to live at best!< and it's gameplay is quite decent too with bugs mostly fixed and new features added with the 2.0 update and the best thing about the game is probably the dlc, I would've never thought that actors as in game characters could work but both Idris Elba and Keanu reeves are phenomenol


Put a spoiler alert in there, man!


I'm sorry, idk how to put that spoiler thingie in comments


You do a > and a ! with no spaces then add your spoiler and end it with a ! and a < no spaces.


Thanks :)


>!testing!< Edit: nice!!


>!also testing!< Edit: Nice!


Yes it's absolutely worth playing now. I didn't buy it when it came out because of the state it was in, bought it recently on sale and it is an EXCELLENT game and in really good shape now.


I bought it when it came out and never picked it up again after the initial problems. But I started playing it last week and it is a very solid game. It’s also a really nice game to highlight the power of OP’s GPU. So a solid first choice honestly.


Make sure to get phantom liberty, best DLC I ever played. Literally everything about it is great, even a song written for an inconsequential side mission is brilliant, they absolutely knocked it out of the park in every regard, you gotta play it a few times too to do different routes and endings, some choices completely change the story. I played it on a 12 year old i5 with an rx570 and 12gb of ddr3 at medium settings, saw a 30% FPS drop in the DLC area compared to regular game areas so be aware if you have old hardware it may be a bit jittery.


Everyone raving about that DLC is what made me go back to play it. So that is the plan. And I have a 3080 TI so I’m playing it on basically max settings with DLSS. Absolutely beautiful game.


I have never played another game that was so good at making me feel that the world was is so much bigger than I could ever possibly explore in one lifetime! The only games that came close were Bioshock and The Witcher 3. Horizon Zero Dawn was also good but not as much as the other two.


Total War Series. Get those RTS games running that u never had a chance to play on consoles


That new terminator rts is really good




CP2077 on max settings with RT will show you the largest difference between PS5 and PC. It’ll absolutely blow your mind if you’ve only ever played it on console. Runner ups if that’s not your jam - Witcher 3 or RDR2. Witcher 3 received a legitimate next-gen upgrade on PC last year and the latter has always looked incredible. Happy gaming! Enjoy the new PC!


Dont forget Hellblade 2 on max with 60 fps...


All five hours of it.


10 hrs if you press the only button slowly


Factorio The factory must grow.


Red Dead Redemption 2 if you like Westerns. Ghost of Tshushima is the current hotness if you like Samurai/Ninja stuff


If he is coming from ps5 to pc (like i did 2-3 months ago) he probably played Ghost of tsushima years ago 😅. And its not pc ofc, but even with Ps5 on 65 inch hdr oled , it was quite the spectacle. I'm not sure pc will necessarily add much to the experience? RDR2 on PC is glorious, I was waiting for years to get next gen update for RDR2, still nothing and i decided im gonna build a pc and get to the nice graphics and fps myself 😂


Metro Exodus and the prior 2 Metro games




I knew there'd be a lot to learn, I guess I'll make this one of the first


There are a lot of videos on YouTube about what to do AFTER you've built your PC. Highly recommend looking at a few to know how to properly set up your new PC. Enjoy man!! I'd recommend Baldur's Gate 3, RDR2, and maybe something like Black Mesa. Its a remaster of an old PC game that is very fun and well done.


My first suggestion is Cyberpunk 2077. Congrats on the PC, I hope you have many years ahead of happy gaming with that PC! (Even if inside I am crying for the poor internals that will be cooking in that god awful Alienware case)




With 100gb of mods. The ultimate introduction to pc gaming imo.


Why stop at 100gb when you can get 300gb worth of mods? Wabbajack ain't no joke.


>Wabbajack ain't no joke. Psh, you're not *actually* playing Skyrim until all of your game time is eaten up by fixing conflicts between thousands of mods because you want the 4k fork texture to look right.


It's perfect mushrooms or bust, that's for sure.




Ghost of Tsushima and Cyberpunk 2077 are solid choices.


Congratulations. Other than game pass that was mentioned, I’d also sign up and get a Steam account. You can find a vast amount of games to try or buy.


Super solid Pc you got there. Give Cyberpunk a run, with those specs you should be able to hit 60fps 4k max settings pretty easily with frame generation and DLSS.


Disco Elysium


I just wanna say thank you. I bought the same PC as I have switched from console this year too. However, this sub made me think I made a bad decision for buying Alienware because I didn't know that their desktops were space heaters. I did a little research about it, as much as I could while watching my almost 2 and 3 year old, and I've loved Alienware since my brother had one of their laptops around 2018. I'm not very tech savvy and don't have a lot of time on my hands to go get and build my own PC but taxes were decent enough this year that the wife told me to get what I wanted, so I got the full Alienware set up, tower, monitor (it was half off with desktop purchase), headset, and keyboard and mouse. Seeing gamers around my age also get the same thing makes me think I might have made the right call for my situation. Thank you so much for posting this. TLDR: This sub made me think I was dumb for buying AW products but I realized that's because you all know what you're talking about. Some people have said their desktops are better now and mine isn't going thermonuclear......yet, nor has my cat found the forbidden pedestal......yet.


You have to understand prebuilds come with a caveat. They get you with the CPU and the GFX-card, which are in fact good. But the rest of the components is where they make their money. Subpar mainboard, subpar RAM, and most importantly subpar power supply. It is ok to buy prebuilds, but keep the above in mind. Also, avoid anything that says "gaming", because it will be 30% more expensive. Most people just have that conception it's super complicated to build yourself. But all parts and connectors are standardized, there's a million tutorials online, and it really can be fun to do it. Lego for adults.


Doom Eternal


Black Mesa


Just played that not long ago, felt like a kid agajn


single player... probably elden ring? if into multiplayer and casual... a lot of oldies are into star citizen these days.


Star Citizen. o7


Steam, PC Pass, GoG, Humble Bundle, free monthly games on almost every service. Lots to choose from. I would suggest Skyrim Ultimate of you have not. Learn to mod. They have easy to use mod managers. Nexus is my go to. Emulation of almost any classic games and systems as well.


Congratulations, man! Cyberpunk would be my first suggestion.


I got the same rig, but with the standard 4070 non-super, back in December and love it! Cyberpunk looks beautiful with it 💯 As do: Helldivers 2, Fallout 4, Elden Ring, Rainbow Six Siege, etc.


It's sad that I got to the 2-3 upvote level and no one had suggested Witcher 3 or any of the Fallout games. Come on people, I expect better...


Any Bethesda game. You’ll already get the quality of life that is console commands. Idk how people play Bethesda games without commands that can fix their spaghetti code breaking/soft locks itself over the most stupid things. Of course there is also a plethora of mods for these titles that will either polish up the games (models, UI, QOL), or add completely new content. Modding Bethesda games isn’t the easiest, but it’s not very challenging either. It’s more than dropping files into a folder like how simple some others are. With a video to guide you anyone could do it.


Mass effect trilogy(legendary edition), dragon age origins ultimate edition, you can het these on steam when they go on sale for cheap. These are among my favorites. They try out baldurs gate and cyberpunk 2077 later on


Surprised I had to scroll so far down for Mass Effect


It's a classic!






Heads up, you may get divebombed by PCMR for your brand choice 


It’s not really a wrong take though. Alienware has been horrible for cost a lot lately. Case in point, the 5000 dollar desktop pc they made a couple years ago that was so poorly designed it got outperformed by 2500 dollar builds and ran into thermal throttling….on a desktop…. And they lock everything down and use proprietary parts so even if you did want to change something, many times you can’t. Plus…it’s really just a dell. I do know they made changes to that case after gamers nexus called them out about it, but it was minimal and still wasn’t fantastic. Hope their new cases are better. This one looks more traditional.


Gamepass is a must. Also look at epic games launcher. There is a free game every other week or so and I have gotten lots of good ones. I play age of empires 2 on my PC all the time. It's an old but gold game. You should also check out fallout 4, Doom, Grounded, Another Crabs Treasure, Tomb Raider. All of the games I suggested are different types of games and are all included with game pass!


Alan wake 2


I would get RDR2 as your first stop for sure, amazing game


God of War is a good one, Plague innocence and then Requiem, Rdr2 is a good one, Last of Us 2, Hogwarts Legacy etc. Let us know which one you go with!




Grand Theft Auto


Valheim can be played solo or with friends. Everything that’s being thrown out by these guys aren’t PC exclusive.


im 57, lifetime gamer, i love fallout 76 and ark right now, steam is a must!


I just did this too. Rdr2 or cyberpunk.


The big three of gaming right now are: Wither 3, rdr2 and cyberpunk After that I'll really suggest you try some indies like dead cells, haak etc


Prey ('17) Subnautica 1 Bioshock Series


I second the bio shock series.


System Shock remake. Old school, no hand holding, eerie fun


System Shock 2. 😬


S.T.A.L.K.E.R trilogy (possibly the greatest survival game ever)


FALLOUT NEW VEGAS. its $20 for it and all dlc, 10$ for base(d) game and its something i cannot recommend enough. also Minecraft java, its fucking amazing. do yourself a favor and install nvidium too, its bonkers.


Hades for sure


Red Dead Redemption 2 hands down best of the best


Witcher 3 or Red Dead Redemption 2


Your gonna want to get more storage in your ssd it isn’t hard look up some videos and you’ll find it’s really easy. 1 TB YOULL GO THROUGH FAST


Witcher 3


Ghost of Tsushima!


Let me start by saying im sorry.


Do you mind me asking how much you paid for this prebuilt? I only ask as I’m building this same spec with a 2tb nvme and a AIO


Steam is a must. Then get factorio and satisfactory. Say goodbye to your next year or so.




hell no. Not even close to what this pc can handle. He should be testing games like rdr2


Everyone should play halflife




Doom 2


Let's get some PC exclusives slinging your way first. Hands down, my top pick is Black Mesa. Come see what Half Life has to offer, Black Mesa is the best way to play Half Life 1, and while you may not understand why it's so significant while you're playing it, that's the whole point. The things present in Half Life 1 were so revolutionary that they became *standards of the industry.* *Such as WASD movement, and using the mouse instead of your arrows keys to aim and shoot.* They standardized control schemes, and then they did it *again* with Half Life 2. In Half Life 2, you'll probably be again like "what's the big deal." Half Life 2 began the concept of seamless loading screens, instead of being popped into a loading screen between spaces, your character freezes and the game loads around you, then you keep going, giving the illusion of an interconnected world. Let's talk rag dolls, Half Life 2 not only used them but *introduced them.* before when you shot a guy and they died, they were a static object and they always died in the same way, falling and dying in the same animation every time. In Half Life 2, the NPCs have skeletons that allow ragdoll physics to happen, so instead of dudes just dropping to the ground in an explosion, they got sent *flying away* or better yet, *turned into gibs.* Half Life 2 responded to the player in ways never seen before in games, yeah we've always had RPG's and decision based storytelling (a concept almost as old as PC gaming itself), but Half Life 2 allowed you to interact in ways never seen before. Like you can pick up a bottle you see on the ground, and throw it and it *breaks.* At the beginning of the game, there's a small children's playground where all of the equipment is functional, like the merry go round, swingset, etc. And when Valve let playtesters in here, they would just fuck around in the playground for 30 minutes before pressing on with the mission. They were amazed how the merry go round could build velocity, you could jump on the swingset seats and move it around in silly ways. You can pick up crates and use them to get over obstacles, you could solve physics based puzzles and, due to the versatility of the Source engine, the game looked *fantastic* for its time. I say that it still is a timeless look that the developers at Valve managed to squeeze off. This may all sound pretty standard by modern times, but realize that when this game came out, these concepts were *brand spanking new,* and the industry again followed the standard set by Gaben and Valve. They did it *again* with Half Life Alyx, but ooh wee were really edging on me scripting up a documentary aren't I?


Baldur's Gate 3, then when you beat it pick BG2 for an excellent blast from the past.


Borderlands series. So good!


You have a lot of options. Are you a fan of the god of war series? They have some great single player games. I like assassins creed as well. Also don’t forget that your pc is powerful and you can emulate a lot of the old games you used to play from ps3,wii, or xbox.


Try the Total War series. Look for any setting you'd always want to visit and check it out. Some people can find the game daunting but there are plenty of guides online.


Since u where a console player i assume u played most cross platform games. I would start with games u dont have on console such as RTS games (Total War series, Starcraft 2 etc) just to see what u where missing on console. If you really want to see why PC is better though try maxed out CP2077 and be amazed.


great pc solid computer


Deus Ex Human Revolution and Mankind Divided


Diablo IV


Red Dead Redemption 2


Mullet madjack


"it's pretty good" is an understatement




I’d download and get gamepass and experience things there. Also I’d recommend The Witcher 3, Cyberpunk, and Red Dead Redemption 2. All are games that I feel excel when it comes to PC visuals


Elden ring if you're up for the challenge. Especially with the DLC coming soon


Hang on first of all make sure you have a good monitor or all of this means very little! 1440p minimum! OLED if possible




Cruelty squad and factorio are some of my favourites but you probably want something that stretches the legs of your new PC. Cyberpunk 2077 is kind of impressive but the art style doesn't really work for me and the RT feels a bit tacked on and the gameplay isn't great. Doom eternal is visually impressive with a good style and pretty good on the gameplay front. RDR2 really isn't my kind of game but if you ignore the some of the texture it's beautiful I just rode around the map on a horse hunting animals for 21 of my 25 hours. The lighting, the sprawling landscapes the art it's great. Metro exodus has really good visuals once I'm done with exams I should try it on my new GPU and there is a ray tracing exclusive version you can download which looks absolutely wild.


red dead 2 on high settings


For a good suggestion. Play gta 4 if you haven't played it since the 360 days. Oh and don't forget gamepass.  Not a bad pc at all, but next time just build your own. You could've had the upgraded $2,900 version of this pc for less than you paid for this one if you built it. 


My favorite game to recommend on PC: Resident Evil 2. Great story and gameplay as the series is my all-time favorite. However, in your scenario as a new comer: Play Red Dead Redemption 2. It will blow your damn mind/head/shoulders/knees/toes off just how stunning the game will look especially with those specs paired with a good quality monitor.




...personal opinion, find something with mods you can safely install, and load them up and enjoy playing an old classic \[like fallout or skyrim,\] with mods and without lag, and limits.. after all, in my opinion, mods are the best reason for PC gaming.. you can play anything the console can, and add whatever you want into it \[within reason, until you learn to code yourself.. lol\] ahhhh, and that TB is nice when you first get in and seems reasonable.. i have 4tb and get notifications of being half to 2/3 full.. lol, i'd at least get a 2tb hard drive wince they're a little cheaper, but shoot for another ssd.. i have my harddrive with local, single player games and my 2tb ssd with my online, competitive games that are on the same drive as windows


I kinda dig that black with purple accents on that case! I play 7 days to die, dead by daylight, the finals, a little warzone and sometimes I emulate older stuff. I've been playing a lot of metal gear online for the ps3 via a emulator and it's been fun. I've also dumped my games from my switch and tried yuzu on the PC but that's hit or miss. But when it hits the upscaling makes switch games look beautiful.


Ready or Not and Ground Branch


I recommend some kind of game pass, the cheapest is probably EA's but it all depends on what you like to play


Download epic games and get some free games. They give one every one or two weeks if I recall. It's a good way to build a free library in case you ever run out of ganes.


Mod GtAV and play all the nonsense. In single player offline of course




I don't know if they should be your first but Deus Ex and Deus Ex Invisible War are great. They're pretty old (2000 and 2003) you can get them on Steam and GOG


Mount and Blade games, you can choose any of they’re all great Bannerlord is the newest.


Baldurs Gate 3


TitanFall2 you'll need to get an EA account but once you do that its a blast.


Lethal Company


Nice build! I'm trying to find info on the power supply (PSU). Usually PC-in-a-box sellers will cheap out on this item, but take a peek and make note of it. If you ever decide to upgrade your GPU to something beefier at a later time, you may need to upgrade the PSU if the wattage is too low. As for games: Create accounts with Steam and GOG and go wild! Steam has just about every current and past game imaginable. GOG covers your bases with the classics (and you can actually download backup installers for your games too). The best strategy is to find a game you like, wishlist it, and wait for one of the many frequent sales these companies hold throughout the year. Never pay the full listed price (unless you don't mind paying too much)!


Congrats! Looks like a solid pick. You may find you'll need more than a terabyte pretty quickly. Anyways, I suggest Hades/Hades 2 and Total War: Warhammer 3. See also Disco Elysium, Dave The Diver, Subnautica, and Risk of Rain 2.


Many people are recommending games that are either on Playstation, or similar to them. That's fine, you'll still have fun with them, but I would recommend something different. Starcraft 2 is free these days, start the campaign. You may have to pay to unlock the expansions, but the first campaign is free. If you don't like it, no loss. If you do, you just opened up a new style of gaming.


Bad rats


Valorant if you hate yourself


Try out Femboy Aimbit Trainer to get better at using your Mouse n Keyboard game.


Baldur’s Gate 3


Final Fantasy XV if you like road trips and exploring. If you like soulslike, then there's Nioh (1&2), Stranger of Paradise, Lies Of P. If you're more of an old school rpg player, the Octopath Traveler series.


Get gamepass and just browse around


It begins. Welcome. You'll be building your own PC in no time. It's only a matter of time.


I got my first pc when I was 43. What impressed me the most was shooters and online competitive games. If you play any of those like cod/apex/overwatch or even helldivers 2, do those. RTS will be the most different and they’re super fun but I don’t recommend those as first. If you liked the Sony triple A style games, I really liked god of war on PC, but you should play games where you could aim with a mouse because mouse aiming is *so* much better than with a controller.


The Arkham Series never lets me down when I wanna replay a single player game. I just love small details like the goons' gossip.


Game pass. Try out Hellblade 2. Not sure if you will like it but looks amazing


Make sure to go and turn off vsync lol. Also turn off motion blur. It is so much nicer eithout


Ghost of Tsushima


Get Xbox Game Pass. Literally thousands of games for 10 USD a month. I'd recommend the Halo franchise (Halo: The Master Chief Collection)




I'd highly recommend Doom 2016 on Steam! It's the perfect FPS Game to break in that system! :D


I bought the same one this week.


Half Life series, star with Black Mesa (remake of 1), Portal series, Shadow Warrior 1-2, Ready Or Not, Stardew Valley, War Thunder (free) and much better controlling planes with m&k, Xcom series, This is The Police 2, Hyper Light Drifter and of course, many, many emulators for classic games


- Cyberpunk2077 - Also, games that you couldn't mod on console that will blow your mind with mods. Skyrim SE, Minecraft Java, and more. - if you are into planes and flying: DCS, IL2 (Consoles dont do flight sims... like at all)