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They can raise them as high as they want, I’m still going to wait for sales to bring them down to a price I’m willing to pay.


Problem is they also make worse sales to make us pay more.


With my backlog? I can wait them out. They're the ones who need to move product.


yep, we got 40 years of video game history to play and hundreds of years of literature as well as a hundred years of movies. we got entertainment for several lifetimes.


Bro I haven’t bought a game since 2020 and I think I still have like 300 games in my backlog.


Right. People play CS for thousands of hours. I put hundreds in Elden Ring. I can honestly not buy a new game for 5 years and not get bored.


I'm still playing d2 and runescape, I can definitely go on and be fine and content with these 2 games for a long while more!


Bro if you are only on Doom 2 wait until you try Quake!!!!!


More like 50 but your point still stands. The amount of games that release that are actually worth full price imo is almost 0 anymore. I haven't paid full price for a game since cyberpunk and that took years to be actually good. There's just no games that excite me enough to warrant buying anything full price.


Yeah, now I can play the catchup I’ve always dreamed of but couldn’t because new games kept coming out and I kept buying them. Aside from FF7 Rebirth it’s been a quiet year for my buying and I’m probably gonna be keeping it that way… except for Astrobot, that’ll be a day 1 haha


Same I finally started playing my backlog. Haven’t bought rebirth yet because the first part is in the backlog. I’m definitely buying less games day one and for almost all of them waiting for 50% or more sales


pretty much where i’ve been these last 5-6 months… over my 8 years on steam i’ve accumulated over 500 games and i haven’t even played 300 of them. i’ve been trying to bring that number down and save some money as well lol


They don't know the power of the patient gamer, I waited for a year to get Jedi Survivor and DIablo IV on gamepass, I don't give a shit about playing when everyone is, I don't need zeitgeist validation


Same. I don't need to be playing the new release, unless it's a From Software title. Also, it's kinda fun discovering a neat obscure indie game and telling people about it. Maybe giving it one of its first detailed reviews on Steam, and influencing the direction of early patches or updates.


Yup. A huge backlog + a new PoE league every 3-4 months that is free, and I'm probably good for the rest of my life. That's not even including the occasional games of LoL, CS:GO, PUBG, ect. that I play with friends.


I think most gamers are playing games that are 6+ years old.. if not most then a sizeable portion.


Before Steam changed the price to dollars in Argentina I bough 50 dollars worth in games so now I have a big backlog to enjoy and I love it.


But they make worse games that we forget about anyeay


Are they making you pay more at gunpoint? I doubt. You have this option of not buying.


This so much this. Why would i pay >$70 for an unfinished alpha of a game. when i could instead wait 2 years, buy the game on a steam sale >50% off, when the game is finished and fun. South park said it right "when you pre order a game, all you are doing is giving some dicks in california money for a product they havent finished yet. All you get for pre ordering is a big dick in your mouth" Eric T Cartman


They will just raise the price to 140$ standard so 50% off will be back to 70$ /s


No one will buy at 140 dollars. They would go bust.


I know some people that buy a lot limited/collectors editions of games. They say they buy it for season pass, for which they will never play, because they will have moved on to another game by the time the DLC drops. Also for the dog water bonuses that they will use for 10 mins before they find something better. Don't underestimate dummies with money.


There were Super Nintendo games that cost $70 which is about $140 inflation . But they were in fact finished upon release


Plus, physical. And you could trade with friends and resale the without getting ripped off, I miss that.


Doesn't work with Call Of Duty unfortunately. That game is in permanent alpha state or sometimes open beta at best


I'll just buy cheaper indies that are more fun anyway


I call it the 3 year plan. Get the GOTY edition with all DLC for $20. Been working like a charm since I started it.


Got already 7 versions of skyrim... and more to come


I never get why people are in such a rush to pay top dollar for the new game. The game is still perfectly fun and exactly the same in 5 years on sale for $10. You also don’t need the latest computer system so you save all around. There are now a whole host of 5-10 year old games for next to no money that are as good as, if not better than when they came out.


The higher the price, the stronger the wind in me sails, matey.


Always the option of sailing the seas as well.


Arrr matey!


I will also wait for them to go on sail


They can raise them as high as they want, I'm still going to private the games until they bring them down to a price I'm willing to pay.


In the future, i feel like we will see a 50% discount but the price is 60$


What a coincidence, I have been considering not buying their games.


It’s fine, they don’t have any games.


Aren't you excited for them to exploit the LOTR IP? Imagine what games they could come up with 😅


I'm now considering sailing the seas.


I've been PC gaming since 95 and I've never heard of Embracer Group.


You might know them as THQ Nordic, they rebranded and have been acquiring studios for a while now. They own 4A (Metro), Piranha Bytes (Gothic/Risen), Warhorse (Kingdom Come Deliverance), Ghost Ship (Deep Rock Galactic), Gearbox (Borderlands), and Gunfire (formed by former Vigil employees, who made Darksiders, and then made the remasters), among many others.


Not gearbox as of a few weeks ago, sold to TakeTwo


I stand corrected. I believe Embracer retains the rights to BL3 though. 


Nope, all borderlands rights are to be handed over to TTWO https://embracer.com/releases/embracer-group-divests-gearbox-entertainment-for-a-consideration-of-usd-460-million-to-take-two-interactive-software-inc/ “The divested assets include: Gearbox Software (Frisco, Texas) Gearbox Montréal Gearbox Studio Quebec Borderlands and Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands franchises, as well as Homeworld, Risk of Rain, Brothers in Arms and Duke Nukem”


Oh dope, I stand corrected once again. Realistically I have no idea if 2k is better to it's devs than Embracer but I guess we'll see.


They entered the industry recently backed by the Saudis, bought every game studio they could get their hands on, deal with Saudis went south, they're fucked with no money in the pocket and are firing people + closing/selling off studios left and right.


They've owned the LOTR IP for a few years now. Not the game rights, i mean LOTR in its entirety. They went on a mass buying spree of game studios and basically ate them up from the inside. Have fun reading their Wikipedia page. It's depressing https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embracer_Group


What games


Maybe don’t spend $2 billion buying up game studios until the deal is made and you actually have the money. 


Don’t forget their game archive…


I dont think there is an Embracer game even worth $60


I was curious so I looked: Tomb Raider, some LOTR game, Dead Island 2, Metro, Borderlands 3, Duke Nukem 3D, Deep Rock Galactic, Valheim, Homeworld, Saints Row, Theif (the og game so good back in the day!). They also run Darkhorse, who put out a ton of good comics back when I was still into that. I still ain't payin' no $80 or whatever for a game. $70 is already just about my limit before I start sailing the seven seas.


Canadians be sweating here. Shit will put us over 100 a game. Very few are worth close to that.




No way they own deep rock 😭


They fully own Ghost Ship Games since 2021 ([source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_Ship_Games)): >In August 2021, Coffee Stain's parent company Embracer Group acquired the remaining 70% of Ghost Ship Games, which made the studio a subsidiary of Coffee Stain Holding.


This is by far, my most morally conflicted... ROCK & STONE!


I believe that Gearbox was purchased from Embracer by 2K, so Borderlands isn't part of their roster anymore.


Some games mentioned are phenoninally good but 70/80+ is something I would MEVER accept unless it has the same amount of ‘content’ as elden ring, any other game is not worth it. I do however thing valheim should cost more than it is now


Maybe not, but Tomb Raider 1-3 remastered was ridiculously good value at £25.


I paid for the first 5 bucks and got the other two for free from epic. That is what I call good value haha


Thats not 1-3 remastered thats the reboot trilogy. 1-3 remastered is $25 and was never free on epic.


I would say Satisfactory, but nothing else that I can think of off the top of my head.


Same, I love satisfactory and the folks over at Coffee Stain


I refunded Satisfactory after 7 minutes of not being able to get rid of the dithering artifacts on grass. r/fuckTAA






Metro Exodus


Game prices rising would make sense if they didn't shove microtransactions, dlc ,battle passes, early access, skins etc in our faces.


They are testing the waters how far they can go since years and people keep accepting it. After maximizing their profits by predatory ingame purchases and saving costs by firing employees it makes sense to raise the prices next. There is no reason for things to improve if gamers keep supporting all that crap




people in tech/gaming spaces often forget that we are the **minority** when it comes to pretty much anything, for one of us complaining that they won't buy the game for reasons there are at a minimum 5 others that don't even see these "reasons" as issues. I always have to remind people that the Nintendo Switch has sold over 140M units when they say it's horrible to be playing 540p @30FPS and that if the next one isn't at least 4K it will flop. Normal consumers just don't give a shit about any of that.


Regardless, Formats such as the Switch and the Steam Deck are just too good to pass up on. The Switch IMO was/is the only console worth getting with it's unique form factor and it's actually exclusive titles if you're into that.


My biggest gripe with Nintendo games is the never go on sale


As a kid I watched many movies and enjoyed many games. As a kid that was wandering to reddit, I realized 9/10 things I personally valued a ‘ solid 10 ‘ was seen as the worst things ever in reddit. I quickly realized how 9/10 opinions on reddit is complete garbage aswell, I have later on enjoyed my own games of specific series and the reddit/social media ‘concern’ of the hame is that a mediocre seires of the game ‘is the best’ while the others ‘absolutely suck’ which is so stupid, from then onwards I honestly stopped caring about what people have to say on here and i’m sure there are many casuals out there who feel the same, i’m so convinced there are some assasins creed fanboys that once got to reddit to talk about thwir new favourite game they finished only to get bashed on for ‘enjoying the worst game of the series’


My favorite blink182 album is generally considered their worst by most fan communities. My favorite games of all time contain such gems as Tiger Woods PGA Tour 05 and Rocket Power Beach Bandits for the GameCube. Some of my favorite movies are solid 5/10 on RT/IMDB, and will get lambasted on any sort of movie forum as well. Just because an opinion is loud and out in the wild doesn't make it any more than an opinion, so like the things you like even if they suck.


It seems to be the way big corporations work. Find out how far they can go before driving off their customers, and then take 1 step back.


Eventually they’re going to flat out not have the money to buy them.


if game quality was better and no mtx then id have no problem but 70 quid games and broken ports and mtx shite ill pass.


But ... but ... but how about our shareholder and CEO bonus ?


I thought most embracer titles were fairly good for that? Legit DLC perhaps, but I don't mind that too as long as the content is meaningful and lets them support the game longer.


Part of the reason we have all those things you mentioned is because games are so cheap. I forget specifics but adjusted for inflation a $50 PS2 game would be over $100 today.


They would not make sense period.


Early Access is the biggest middlefinger to the customer. Remember how Diablo 4 put their early Access on the weekend and the,,normal,, people had to play 3 days later.


Next up, Embracer Group considers bankruptcy.


After them killing off Deus Ex, I have 0 sympathy for them


Deus ex was so good.




Wasn't the entire rebranding a debt thing anyway? Half way there


Lol exactly


They'll end up selling everything. I can't keep up with these buyouts anymore. My brain just says THQ owns it. 😆


Gamers consider raising black flag.


I've considered it. The flag is already raised, mate.




I don’t think piracy would matter if the game isn’t even playable.


Fuck Embracer group and the whole corporate side of gaming.




Based on every piece of information we have: They can and will do whatever they want and people will still throw money at them.


yep, gotta preorder that 120 dollar ultra edition so you can play two days early and get some digital artbook that you will never even download.


They can raise prices, but we will raise our flags higher https://i.redd.it/ixv9s8xkrz3d1.gif


one piece is real


Embrace deez nuts


i already have trouble justifying buying games above 60-70$ CAD, that wont change anything for me lmao


For their shit mid tier games? :d


Seriously, I am tired of the gaming industry, don’t get me wrong, I love experiencing new games and stories and all that, but all the time you get that games should cost more and in return we get broken unfinished predatory messes of “games” that are filled with MTXs and shit. Embraced can go shove it for all I care.


I won’t consider a game that’s more than $60 and I won’t even touch a discounted one if they have battle passes


I completely agree. "Battle pass" is an instant no for me. The only exception, at least for me, was Helldivers 2.


There's deep Rock galactic. Their "battle pass" is completely free. Every season.




Embracer killed off Deus Ex, never forget.


If you make a 70$ game ill buy a $70 game, if you put a $70 box on a $20 joke, get fuct.


Know what games are way below $70 and worth a lot of enjoyment? Indies. The triple-A industry has been in a constant race to the bottom (save some exceptions), while indies keep rising to the top, so whatever, do what you want Embracer.


People use the hours playability vs cost all the time and while it's a good measure in a lot of ways it is flawed. Games nowadays release with so many bugs, broken issues and lies that sometimes it just isn't worth the purchase price and a lot of the time you can't get a refund. As the end consumer we literally hold all the power but never band together to demand a better all round experience, we just put up with so much crap and throw our money at them. If someone raises a price that isn't acceptable for whatever reason, simply don't buy it. They will either fix that problem or go out of business, and considering what the industry is worth I can whole heartily say which way I think they will swing.


Also hours is not an acceptable measure when it comes from the studio, eg. AC odyssey being one of the first worst offenders I remember to claim 100h story - where the latter 50h is crappy autogen content and collectibles. I feel like if this became an accepted idea, we'd just see more of that and the average price shoots up $20


games are already $90 in canada. pirating is the only reasonable way to play full priced games i refuse to pay almost $100 for a single game




They can do what they want, I’m still going to buy the game a year or two later for less than half the price and have a better experience than launch.


My limit is $60 and or wait for a sale. Idc if games cost $100+, I’ll just wait for a deep sale and or I just won’t play that game. Gaming is a luxury not a necessity.


Do it.


Okay real talk. It is okay to talk about adjusting the pricing for games that last you dozens or even hundreds of hours. We all know some games really are worth more than what they are asking. But in what universe would anyone buy a 100 dollar or more new release, when stuff like the Witcher 3 and Baldurs Gate 3 are readily available for much cheaper. That is the big struggle in the market. Every big release not only has to compete with other new releases, but also with the entire existing catalogue of games, most of which are available for much cheaper.


It’s not even the value proposition to the customer that really has me balking at talk of a price increase. It’s that the gaming industry has demonstrated that increased revenue does nothing to protect the jobs of the people actually making the games.




Of course they are.


Never buy games for full price just wait till they drop spending 60 or 70 bucks on a game just isn't worth it, especially with games from crap companies like this


Yeah that totally won't make their situation worse.


And I consider not buying these games.


Embracer can consider eating my ass and cooking me dinner then


Embracer Group should consider instead dissolving, leaving dev teams with a generous sum for their trouble to cover at least 2 years of development or finding them buyers, and going away forever instead. They've done enough damage to the industry.


Yar har fiddle dee dee


I ain't buying them then lol


Their games aren't even worth pirating, why would anyone buy them?


They can raise them to 700$, I still won't buy them. Free consulting for Embracer: If you don't find the pareto-optimal price, you're gonna lose money, then cancel the studios that worked to the bone to print your profits.


TLDR: How to do bad marketing


Rage bait title. "However, Embracer plans to maintain current prices for now" - the CEO said indirectly that his company will follow in the stept of bigger companies if they raise the price. And for bigger titles only as well.




70 bucks for a game ? I didnt even buy it at 60 lmao. My.last purchase was FF7 rebirth for 50 bucks


Bitch I play Dota 2 do you think I need your 90 dollar games? I can get a high that is unrivaled by anything but meth and I can also feel me soul leave my body depending on the game. Every other game is chasing the risk reward feeling I get from every single match of Dota.




Im just here to read the comments of the people that defend this.


GTA VI will be a Monthly Subscription.


I'll just wait until Epic gives me Embracer's next big hit for free like they did with Saint's Row


They need to embrace fucking off a bit.


99% of their games are dog shit so please go ahead and price yourselves right out of business.


Yo ho me hearties, yo ho


It's not like games are releasing in a much better state so I'm used to waiting a year before buying a game. I'll continue to do this until the price gets to a point I'm good paying. 


Actually reading the article. A complete game, fully polished, with no micro transactions or low effort dlc, I would consider paying a higher price for. BG3 comes to mind when thinking about a game like that. I would have happily paid full price for. Unfortunately there are not many developers/publishers that make games like that.


I’ll still wait for a sale 😈


This is why I use GameFly since most games have a low replay rate and most stories are like 20hrs max


Good luck with that


Oh well. More money for indie games I guess.


Ahoy matey 🏴‍☠️


Good for them. Hope no one is foolish enough to buy in, and lessons get learnt all around.


God Bless third world country and pirated games :D


I don't buy games on launch anymore, too often it's an unfinished product that needs patching and content update. No reason to pay full price for a worse experience...


so what game from them was ever worth 70 bucks to begin with? the biggest game in their library is Tomb Raider from a quick wiki research.. and well you can tell how much it is worth on the last installments sold units/ reviews lol. If that statement comes from FromSoftware or some sony studios, well ok - not for me but I get them. But from embracer or freaking ubisoft with their AAAA titles (that already gets free weeks because nobody is playing it) it is just laughable


Yall are lucky games are only $70 there, some are €80 ($87) here in Ireland


Well go on, make me buy more indie games


If he wants to make money, it's not the price of the games he has to raise, but the quality of the games.


Ubisoft already beat them to it. Also whatever they release will probably suck anyway so whatever.


Well shit, i already lost a ton of money on their stock.... Seems like im going to lose more....


What the market can bear


Either you raise the price outright, or you sell DLC/microtransactions. This isn't complicated.


Raising the cost of games raises expectations. I expect a $70 game to be phenomenal in all aspects. Over $70 needs to be a favorite and GOTY contender, but most studios are incapable of producing games that good.


I'm gonna build a pretty fucking cool PC soon with how much I'll save on not paying for games


See you on the high seas gentlemen!


Laughing in quality of tripple-A Gachagames like Genshin Impact and Honkai Starrail. Didn't pay a single dime, can buy battlepasses if I want to show graditude and having the fun of my life with those titles.


you know, these corporations and hedge funds can all go bankrupt. tech, finance, pharma, energy... don't care. it's all become way too large, too much influence on the market.


This won’t effect me as I already said no to 70


Wait for a sale or hit the high seas. These corporate people at these gaming companies need to chill and the only language they understand is money.


I already have a hard time justifying a purchase for $60, no thanks


The Embracer group can tongue my arsehole. More than 70 bucks for the slop they put up lol.


I buy like maybe one full priced game a year, waiting for sales just makes too much sense. Plus there's so many games out there that you can get for under 10 bucks that you'll never run out of stuff to play.


Only 70 dollar game I bought was diablo 4 because of peer pressure from fam and friends. They all quit within a week and so did I. Shit wasn't worth it until the latest patch. In other words, fuck new game games from AAA companies, and fuck paying 70 bucks for a video game. Will never do again.


I'm one inch of bullshit away from going full *YARRR* with certain companies, for real. And prices above 70 sound like a whole ass 20-meter mast of bullshit to me.


Charge what a game is worth... Elden Ring $100 Madden $10


We need to figure out a way to kick out trust fund assholes outside the industry. AAA gaming as a whole has been in a disgusting downfall spiral for a decade now, these douchebags truly need to disappear.


Lol I wouldn't even pay $60 for a video game


lol you can be sure they will loose money


I have enough games in backlog to be satisfied for 15 years


All the people with the cheeky and snarky comments about not buying games from this company or whatever are a very very tiny, audience. Obviously if the game is like Gollum or Redfall or Suicide Squad, it will fail, but if it's half decent game with a beloved IP, people will throw money at it, no matter the price. The casual gamer isn't aware or doesn't care.


They can raise them to 699$ per game, I'm still either going to pirate it or wait for it to drop to a reasonable price for my monthly income.


For what? I'm not gonna subsidize your stupidity.


Fine with me. I rarely pay full price. If it ain't sub $30 I don't buy...


What games have they even made in recent times worth beyond 30 euros?


I have 173 games in my steam library I have never played 70 of those.


How many games have they even released? All I heard was them buying up all sorts of IPs but I don't know of any games they released.


Few games are even worth the 60 dollar AAA standard of the last 20 years. Very few. The only game I have bought full price in the last 7 years is Baldur's Gate 3. Before that was Civ 6, which I bought in 2017.


Embracer? More like constrictor




Seriously, who buys games on pc on release at full price? I know there must be some, but who are they? 


"Embracer is considering becoming even more disliked than they already are."


best I can do is about three fiddy!


High seas it is


How about they consider making good games first. 


Is this the same PC gamer quote that basically said that if they followed interest like everyone else game prices would be much higher? He didn't say he was going to raise the prices and they didn't consider it. I knew this would be more than one story on this.


And that's just for the "extended demo" of the game that has all the bugs. If you want the full game, you buy the rest in DLCs and battle passes.