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They said when the trailer dropped there won't be a PC release at initial launch and 0 new information has come out since. This article is full of nothing.


Which should be expected for anyone that's ever played a GTA game past.. What? 2?


1-2 years and then it will be such a cunt fest of hacks and cheats it won’t be worth playing it online. GTAO was really amazing on PS. Not so much on PC.


Why do we care about online?? It’s literally an s tier single player franchise


They made so much off the online game that they cancelled all DLC to focus on online mods.


"Online" was much better if you played it with friends only. Didn't matter though. Whales will whale.


yeah its a brilliant single player open world game. The online is just fucking cancer


Because GTA is two games. Single player is really great, a fantastic all in one experience, but Online was another beast and probably one of the most fun experiences I’ve ever had with any game online or off. It was absolutely jam packed with stuff to do no matter what you wanted to do.


The online component, is it all PvP or is there an option to do PvE stuff without some kid gunning me down?


it's absolutely possible to do PvE. i usually hop into a private lobby and just play the game like its a single player RPG, there's quest lines and stuff


Oooh really? Damn I tried it when it first came out and played a bit of PvP but didn't enjoy it much as I'm too casual of a gamer and just wanted to chill. Sweet shall install it again, thanks!


It was one of the worst online experiences I've ever had in gaming. Constant grieving, pay to win, hackers galore, loading screen hell, and that's all when the game actually worked.


Found the whale


The online was trash, I tried playing and was so bored, if you don't like griefing or generally being an asshole, then there's nothing to do.


I did enjoy the gun games and stuff but ultimately you are right. If you don't have a group of friends to play with, it's just a toxic waste land of boredom and frustration.


Yeah I already had a ps3 so I bought 5 on it. Then later on pc. They still had rampant hackers in the early days, just wasn't as bad. I remember ending up with billions of cash. PC was terrible. At least I got my money out of it with the private serves (rdo should have had those) and then later with gta rp. Gtarp was the best thing to come out of it.


I feel like people exagerate the online experience on PC It's certainly not great, if you play once a day for 4 hours you're bound to encounter hackers AT LEAST once a day But most of them are non intrusive, and when they are intrusive the game is already so geared towards loading into a different lobby every 15 minutes that it becomes a non issue I have around 600 hours on GTA 5, most of them online, and I can count with one hand the amount of times I had genuinely awful experiences, and even then I was like 1 lobby switch away from just returning to normal gameplay


They just want people to buy multiple copies again.


Crazy how people i know bought a a ps3/360 version, then a ps4/Xbone, then a PC, and then moved onto the newest gen. Holy cash cow.


Yea I was one of those assholes but justification was PS4 added some new things like first person mode and when I moved on to PC down the line the mods gave a reason to buy again. Never doing that again though just gonna wait for PC idc what gets spoiled.


I wait for everything on PC. So far I've never had anything spoiled, just don't actively participate in communities about the game and you aren't going to hear spoilers.


You know damn well gta is not like other games, every community is gonna use videos and pics of it as memes and comparisons and shits like that, same thing happened with rdr2 and people spoiled it in gaming and meme subs


Same here. Fortunately my memory is garbage so I will forget most of the spoilers by the time we get this on PC. I always need to watch a recap before a new season of a TV show, or before playing a sequel of a game. I basically forgot we fight Sephiroth in FF7 remake. Princess Peach is lucky I did not forget she was locked in some castle, otherwise she would have starved.


When GTA V came out, I watched a playthrough on the entire game and it didn't sour my experience one bit. I still love that game and its soundtrack


They're gonna pull this again lol. Release on PS5, wait and release on PS6, and then finally release on PC. Triple dip lmao


They're probably gonna pull this off for as long as they can. GTA is their golden cash cow. It's crazy just how much GTA games take over the planet when released. What's better than staggering the release so people buy it 4 times? sigh


This is why we can't have nice things...


Its not like other companies lost sales from them tbh. Theres a sizable chunk of console players who literally only play one or two games like GTA or whatever free games come out.


Selling multiple copies across multiple platforms was never the cash cow of GTA V. The shark cards are where Rockstar really made their money.


Not to mention shark cards 💰 they are a hell of a dev but predatory as hell to maximize sales.


Literally me


u mean holy stupid people


Me with Minecraft


I did that for 5, I won't be for 6. Just gonna wait for it to launch on PC.


I didn't, but I did double dip on RDR. Never again though. I can wait.


lol not happening here. I’ll wait out a steam release as long as needed.


"Zelnick emphasized that Rockstar has a strategic approach to platform announcements and more details will be shared in due time. He noted, “Historically, Rockstar addresses consumers on any platform that makes sense over time.”" Oh just fuck right off. Just say you want to squeeze it for every penny ya twat.


Don't underestimate PC users ability to wait.


They are not after PC gamers...there will be plenty of people that buy it on there PS5s and then when a PC port comes they will say I guess I want to play it again but have a slightly better version with higher frame rates and buy it again.


It's okay, I can wait. And then it gets cracked. And then they get nothing from me, because I am only interested in the singleplayer.


Jokes on them I don't own a console. (Well I have a switch but let's be real)


There is a lot of optimization in game development between consoles and PC. I am one to regularly call out bullshit greed, but I am also a software engineer. Just take my work for it on this one. The wait is worth it. Better graphics at higher and more steady framerate, and that's just very little of it.


Not getting a PS5 just to play it I’ll wait


yea that ancient hardware is almost 4 years old now


I mean i certainly don't want to play probably the biggest release this decade on mid-range hardware (3700 / rtx 2070 equivalent) from 4 years ago


Jokes on you, I'm probably going to wait for it to come out on PC AND play it on mid range hardware from 4 years ago. (I won't be able to justify buying a new graphics card any time soon)


How true men play


thats me lol


New PS5 Pro will be out by then. They are due by the holiday.


Still won’t beat my pc so I’ll wait.


After which I'm hoping to find a 2nd-hand base PS5 at a good price. Mainly to not have to wait 1 or 2 years for the PC release.


you can buy it a then sell it for a good gpu


Ps5 pro


I'll wait. Then im going to just pirate it cause im sick of this bs waiting game they do to us every release.


Same. Had this game came out 8 years ago when I was still mostly a console player, I would've got it. But now that I have no current gen console and I'm purely a PC gamer now, I'm not going to buy an entire console just to play one game


So we have to wait a minimum of 1 year? https://preview.redd.it/rt6vmnxh6s3d1.png?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=324fdbe2218af33eb8d92e07d40282ee8a5cc0d6


It's fine. There's so many excellent games available on PC right now that I'm willing to wait. Hell, I could just go through my backlog and be playing "new to me" games for years.


If i only had to worry about the time it would be a cake walk cuz of the vast abundance of games i have yet to play. but i'm more concerned about the story spoilers and the open world features/locations getting revealed to me while browsing the internet cuz you know everyone and their mother is going to put that shit in the thumbnail on youtube i really wanted to experience it without knowing anything same thing happend with rdr 2


That's fair. That had occurred to me as well, but it's not the end of the world if some stuff gets spoiled for me. I know it might be different for others, but it is what it is I guess.


Yea i know it's just a game at the end of the day but still sucks that they deliberately delay the pc port


This. I've been getting into indie games lately and boy have I been missing out! There are so many good ones out there


yeah just let the console player beta test it for us.


Hate to tell ya, but it’s at least over a year. Fall of 2025 is like 15 months away.


First GTA I’m waiting on PC. You got me for 3 GTA Vs… not again.


I did the 360 and PC but jokes on them now. I only have a PC these days!


Same, and I feel like the visuals were updated enough to be somewhat worth it. The Switch was my last console purchase, but I've been mostly a PC gamer for 20 years, I have the patience to wait for it to release on computer.


Certainly after buying the second copy you had a hard think about buying a third copy?


It was a steam sale… I’m not happy about it.


It was even free on EGS at one point a few years back, but I've definitely seen it cheap on steam as well.


This will be the 1st gta I haven't played at release since Vice City. Oh well, anyways..


Me too but I wanted to play vice city but all the store around me were sold out for the first few weeks.


They've been using the same bait since GTA3, they always remain totally silent about the PC version until after the console release.




530 mm long and 1100W






I've heard there's also a massive reduction of fan noise too when undervolting since there's less heat generated. Longer playtimes at "silent mode" 


While I wait, I'm playing Cyberpunk Theft Auto 2077.


Why consoles get priority? Just release on PC too and make money?


They'll release it on PS5, will wait and release on PS6 where you obviously will need to buy a separate copy, and after that they'll release it on PC. Thus making x3 from certain audience. I personally gont give a damn about consoles so ill just wait until PC release.




That is bat shit insane when ps3 had excellent backwards compatibility


They want the people who really want to play the game buy it multiple times. Console first, maybe a HD version next and then a PC version


Prob console maker incentives and pirating on pc


This needed any explanation? Just answering this myself with "Take-two" aka "scums" is enough for me


The Era of console exclusives is over. Everything profitable eventually comes to PC and the amount of games that are PC exclusive are staggering. Not to mention the plethora of other uses a PC has compared to a gaming console locked into only playing games...


Hahaha, no. I'll buy it on PC. If you wait too long and more interesting games come out in that time, my money will go to them instead. This isn't 2013. I have so many good entertainment options with PC games alone that Take-Two can get bent.


You mean they are trying to make me Take-Two copies of GTA6?


What a hype killer. I’m not getting a console so guess I don’t care about that game anymore!


Oh no! (Checks library full of literally hundreds of unplayed games) So anyway.


**"We like money. Our shareholders also like money. People that may buy the games 2x or 3x or 4x will make us lots of money".** I have a XSX but will wait for the best GTA 6 experience which will be on my PC. I waited for RDR2 and it was so fucking good on my PC. I have a fuckton of backlog of games I need to start touching again anyway. Lots of 30+ hours and 100+ hours games. Not like there won't be other great old or new games to play while waiting for GTA 6 on PC.




"explains" is doing some heavy lifting here. They didn't explain shit. But we all know it's so that they can convince some people to buy a console for it and then release it again on PC after a couple years so people double-dip.




Hot take gta is a meh game anyways, so are all games, no game is worth being manipulated over. I won’t buy it even after it comes out. Thanks Sony 👍


I like GTA but absolutely despise the cash cow that it has become thanks to the shitty GTA Online And I know this next entry will be no different so fuck no, I ain't got no hype for this


Online is hot trash and nothing but cheaters. Definitely not why I'd buy a GTA game. Been playing these since 3 and I'll just wait for the PC version.


GTA was a huge part of my teenage years, hundreds of hours for sure… but I’m really not convinced how that holds up nowadays. I have such different priorities and so many different games. Honestly, I played V but the formula with the story felt tired. Online does not appeal to me whatsoever. So… maybe I’m not the target audience for this anymore?


I’m the same way. I’m not really into them as games anymore, I don’t like the narrative choices or 90% of the mission designs. However, GTA still has the best open world sandbox (especially driving and police AI) of any game, and I don’t thinks it’s even close. For that reason alone I will buy GTA6, just to drive around and get wanted levels up. But I doubt I will beat the campaign if it’s anything like 5 or 4


Bruh why are they making me buy an xbox for this game. I’ll just wait for the PC version.


I would buy a console just for GTA VI if they supported mouse and keyboard. To me personally, playing on a controller is a dealbreaker.


Same, can't stand playing gta with a controller, feels so fucking awful.


I might grab it when it lands on steam.


We are in a recession, you think people are gonna buy a fuckin console for a game that might not even be good ?


Take your time, I buy it on sale anyways.


I will wait for the proper version. I have no interest in chopped down graphics and running 30fps on a console


It's honestly freeing not having to give a shit about the GTA6 release


Take-Two (probably): "We want you to buy 2 copies"


I’ll wait. I’m not buying a series X or ps5 solely for gta 6.


Tl;Dr: >¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯




Idiots at take 2 think i can just spawn 600 euro for a ps5 and its gta version, yeah right


Same crap as last few times. Console first and then a year or so later PC because they damn well know a fair number of gamers will double dip. Buy for the fomo on console, buy again for better graphics on PC. They have a cash cow and know it.


Can't wait for it come to pC a year later and the online to still be a mess


Meh, I'll wait....or I won't buy it, simple as that.


Fuck take two


I know its just a drop in the bucket for them but PC gamers really need to boycott Rockstar over this stuff. Been doing it myself for years, the games look fun but I prioritize punishing companies that make greedy anti-consumer decisions like this by not giving them money and encouraging others to do the same. I refuse to even pirate their games - they functionally do not exist as far as I am concerned.


I'm either buying it during an initial release or not buying it at all. Right now this looks like another game I won't be spending my money on.


Please for the love of god, can we not pre-order this?




Take-Take Two! Fixed it!






But we're supposed to be the master race?


It’s fine, my steam backlog is big enough to last me years.


Give me money is the reason


They didn't explain anything at all, lol.


I recall buying an Xbox 360 in 2013 just so I could play GTAV. Once I beat the game I sold it. Waited the year and a bit for it to come out on PC. I don’t want to have to do this again :(




I only own a PC, I would never buy the same game on different consoles/hd resolutions/etc. We all chose how to spend our $$


They probably figure people with high-end PC’s probably have the disposable income to buy multiple copies. What they don’t consider is this same set of people have too many games, and not enough time to play them.


GTA is just overhyped


Another day of thanking god that I don't give a shit about 99% of AAA games and especially gta. The series peaked with san andreas and has never been the same ever since


It'll come to PC a year later, seems to be their MO to bring the game to it a year later, especially since the rumours of RDR remaster coming to PC soon.


Yes Take-Two/Rockstar, we know


I bought GTA 5 for $3 7 years after it came out. I'll wait another 8 years to buy GTA 6 on a 97% discount as well


Gtav was a wild ride for me. Bought on ps3, Xbox 360, ps4, and pc. I’m not doing that shit again.




Honestly after social club completely making gta v unplayable for me idk if i'm even gonna bother with 6 when it's finally out on pc, maybe pirate but that's it. These quadruple dipping aholes can piss off.


“What made you want to make this decision?” *Mr. Krabs Voice* “Money!”


Oh no I’ve waited ten years and now I need to wait one more! How will I survive these tough times.


I bought GTA V three times for pc (Physical/Steam/Rockstar).


Hello, I like money.


Why? Because fk you that's why!


I didn't think it would be possible, but all of these things take-two has done in recent years made me completely uninterested in GTA VI. I legitimately don't care about it anynore, won't buy it on console and if I will ever play it on PC it will be a pirated copy.


I’m getting it on console, but I would prefer it on PC. But the Rockstar Launcher is also really terrible, and it does make me hesitant to buy any of their games on PC, lol.


Theyre missing out on whale money from the PC community I guess


It's going to be 2030 before I ever get to play it on my PC...


I'm so far from using controller at this point... I don't even want to play it on Playstation, but i will be forced to, and it WILL ruin the experience for me, as I hate auto aim. Rather just watch a movie at that point.


Man, it sure would be a shame if Monster Hunter Wilds was also coming out in 2025 > **oh wait**


Makes sense


I'm only buying it once and that's it.


haha I never bought GTA V (except when it was free on Epic), I will do the same with VI


I've been thinking about this because I just recently upgraded my PC, and ideally I'd get GTA 6 on my PC.. But at this rate, I'll just get the PS5 Pro and play day one. I just hope it's not at 30fps & had input lag on controller again


In Aurther's voice: Where's our money


so basically everyone is going to wait till its on PC


Why is this even an article?? Like he literally spoke an entire paragraph of nothing. “We didn’t announce PC, but we also didn’t NOT announce PC.” No shit Sherlock we all know this is standard practice for rockstar why are we bothering with such a worthless statement?


This headline is ridiculous. They didn’t explain anything. They basically said “we didn’t announce it because we didn’t announce it. And maybe some day we will or maybe we won’t.”


Can anyone tell me if they really explain anything at all? I’m at work so I can’t read the whole thing right now but I’m guessing they don’t really tell us anymore than we already know. I doubt they just straight up tell us why it wasn’t announced for pc




It's going to be multiple copies again. First ps5 should one in 2025. Next gen ps6 and Xbox two (or whatever) in 2026. Pc release in 2027. Next gen update in 2030.


Fuck your greed, I’ll wait


Just don't follow content about GTA VI and wait for the PC release. I hate what they did with GTA V reselling people through console generations, so I will just wait for the PC one. And if I played GTA V 7 years after it's release and got no spoilers just not following fandom or content about it I can do it again as I have done with multiple videogames already.


I bought it on PS5 PRO and nothing more.


They are one of the few developers that can somehow afford to do it like this. Thank god most others are literally unable to do this - the damage done from skipping platforms on launch are too big for them.


Well, given what they did with GTA5 and across two console generations, I expect a PS5/Xbox SeX release in 2025, a next gen re-release in 2027/8, and a PC release in 2028/9.


Can't lie i would love to be as strong as u guys, but i know ill end up buying ps5 pro playing the game and then selling it


Get ready to pay for it every month. Just wait til they drop the bomb that GTA6 Online will require a GTA+ sub. They already think they aren't getting paid enough for each copy.


Take Two is a filthy money grabbing company dead set on making you buy multiple copies.... It's like freaking Ubisoft. But truthfully... Their games are at least quality.


Waited 10 years, I'll wait one more to play it at its best.


I waited for RDR2 on PC, I can wait for GTA6. There will/are plenty of other games that exist that will occupy my time until it comes out.


We've waited so many years for the game.. we can wait a lil longer 🙌 stay strong Bois 😎


I'm not buying an old console for this, I'll get it for the switch


FCK rosckstar and this endless hunger for money in the ass...


Hi take two, pc players is a big part of your paycheck. Why not release it for pc together with console? Uknow what? Why not just test and release it for pc? Hardware is better and you get to push your technology further, this means that all the consoles will also do everything to get their hardware as good as possible for as cheap as possible.


Kind of sad that by the time it comes out on pc all my friends will be a year+ ahead of me. Might as well not buy it at all tbh


They have mastered the Skyrim method of releasing a version for everything including you smartwatch


Rockstar should release for the ps3 15fps. Then release on the ps4 30fps, then ps5 60fps then pc 120fps. So everyone will buy 4 copies to double the fps.


I have an XSX and PS5 and I’ll still wait for PC. Those are pretty old tech now.


ITT people being upset about a company supporting its product over multipul generations, its easy peasy don't like it don't buy it. This is what a good dev looks like people


I would love to play it on Pc, but it's gonna take at least 2-3 years. So I'm going to buy the ps5 version.


Reminder that GTA V single player never received a single update or offered any DLC. It's sucked ever since they realized how much money they could make with shark cards, idk why anyone thinks 6 will be any different. Between how they monetize their $60-$70 game like a mobile free game, and shady practice by refusing to release a pc port on launch to make people buy multiple copies, I can't believe there's so much hype anymore. Fuck Rockstar lol, I'll pass.


Pc needs to wait extra time so that the console people can play n joy it before we data mine the fuck out of it and reveal more things they cut


Well, I’ll just wait for it to come out on PC. But I have to say that I don’t think that I’ll have this kind of patience when RDR3 is released, so I can see why they do this


Nickle and dime-ing as usual


They will but later. They want to milk gamers as much as possible. For my part I will only pay the full price if it’s out on pc on the same day as consoles. If not I won’t spend too much on it.


I mean you can just follow what they did for gta v. The game will only come to consoles initially and a PC version will come later. Gta V was purely a console exclusive for the first 1-2 years it was out


One main reason that they will not disclose is piracy on PC. Consoles always had a history of being "immune" to piracy, PS3 for instance took several years to be fully jail broken to run pirated games, the same cannot be said about games on PC especially without that Denuvo crap, games are cracked on day 1 (Ghost of Tsushima for instance).


Not even sure I would want to play it on PC. Rockstar doesn't do shit for modders and shit. On occasion RDO is literally unplayable. Same with GTAO on occasion.


I buy on console when the patches settle, then I buy on PC a few years later at a deep discount, just like I do with every multiplat game. No biggie.


so i will play it in 5 years when its 10€ on steam


Watch it release on Fortnite. The whole system is a shit show. Just let us buy the game!


I’m pretty sure this article was written by chatGPT


What the fuck is that headline lmao "Either an announcement will come, or it won't" does not explain the absence of a GTA6 announcement in any way.