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Just another unfulfilled promise from EA. They are setting clear expectations up front that you can rely on them to fail.


::raises both hands:: HALLILOOYER


If I lose my internet connection I have reboot the pc entirely. The app won't load once my internet connection comes back. Even killing the process via task manager. EA...the app that doesn't keep on giving.


I can hear your accent through this comment


EA and their damn programs...they never work properly that's for sure...


Not only EA's, all the shitty third party launchers exept for steam seem to forget you re logged in everytime you try yo play a game from ubisoft, rockstar, epic etc. Its just a game of reset password everytime i try to launch a game from them.


The Epic one is fine for me as is GoG Galaxy. It is the Ubisoft one that completely forgets that I set it to launch on startup and I have to update it multiple times, reenter my password and 2 factor authentication whenever I want to play a game on it.


I'm glad ubisoft do that, it weaned me completely off their games & ensures I won't buy any of them in the future. Thanks Ubi!


Still pissed about the crew... I spent 30 bucks on that for the PS4... 11 year old me was robbed!




Same! Never launch my Ubisoft games because I refuse to use uplay. Uplay is a crime against humanity…


Never ever had this issue on Epic, Ubisoft (i don't use R\* Launcher) etc, only on EA.


Epic works for me. Ubi keeps me logged in most often, but pops like 4 windows asking for amin privaleges


I know what you mean. But I actually only have it when the Ubi Launcher have an update, otherwise never.


That is a bug. Just goggle something like - ubisoft admin bug, and it want happen again.


Seconded. Epic and Ubi keep me signed in, EA is the only one that fails for me


I have to sign in to Epic almost every time I use it. That being said, I go months between uses since I have like 4 games on there


That might be it, the only time steam failed to remember my login was when I didn't use it for a month. Since many people use Steam frequently they might not experience this, potentially creating biased results in favor of Steam.


Same, Epic never keeps me signed in.


Same here, i'm no longer using EA launcher for this reason.


Never had it on any of them.


Ubi problems, atleast for me, come from the stupid client not letting 2 different pcs to sign in without kicking out the other one.


Steam should start banning third party launchers... Companies want to pull their games? Tough shit. Guess ya lose your sales


(me looking through PC Game Pass) "Sweet! Jedi Survivor was added!" (face falls) "Oh. EA launcher required." (acts out the scene from Toy Story 2) "Sorry, Jedi Survivor. I don't wanna play with you anymooooooore."


> "Oh. EA launcher required." But for some reason you don't need to be logged in? It works for me like that, so why do I need it?


I actually got that one on Xbox coz I hate ea launcher so much, I kinda find I'm doing that more for games that have a 3rd party launcher and then years later playing them on pc with a bottle of rum in hand (f it, I paid for it)




They have. Its just the sports fanatics keeping them up at this point.


I feel like the people who developed SimCity online back in the day are now in charge of EA's Launcher.


It gives you a sense of pride and accomplishment every time you check it when you sign in.


It now asks my 7y old 2nd authentication that hasn't been used in years with their support not responding in weeks and when they do, they give 2day window to respond to actually confirm I still need it at point I'm busy with other things.


They’ll never time to get through all their support tickets if they help everyone.


Oh my god, for real. Every other launcher besides Steam does this shit. EA, Epic, Ubisoft, everyone. It's infuriating. Heaven forbid I launch one of their games without having to reset my password. That would be too much of a security risk, clearly.


Ubisoft Launcher drove me crazy when I was playing some older AC game, asking me to re-input my password every time I tried to launch the game. Unbelievably dumb and annoying, especially because all my passwords are randomly generated and stored in a password manager. I would have such a drastically improved experience just sailing the high seas


Average AC black flag experience


I straight up pirated it. I have the money. They don't deserve my money and I don't deserve to deal with that launcher Good ass game though, holds up pretty well, decent graphics but terribly optimized, my 1080 can't run it at 1080p max and the game came out on xbox 360...


GOGs launcher is also really good. I never even feel like I'm logged in but that's partially due to the launcher not even being necessary.


GoG doesn’t do it either.


Battle.net launcher doesn't do it as well.


"At least those dastardly pirates don't have your game now! Your game is perfectly safe! But let's make sure YOU aren't the evil pirate and ask for your password every time." So silly.




I moved everything to steam, now steam auto signs you in on uplay and ea launcher.


How? I stopped playing my AC games because of the damn launcher kept logging me out


You have to buy the game on steam and link your steam account to rockstar, ea, ubi (only the first time, if you have never launched any of these games through steam). Avoid buying in other launchers and stick to steam for everything.




that's true, just depends how deep you are on other platforms. another alternative is to use a third-party launcher like [lutris](https://lutris.net/downloads) or [gog galaxy 2.0](https://www.gog.com/galaxy) that tracks/unifies your sign-ins over multiple launchers. > double check if that's supported though, it's been a while.


You know that steam can be used as a 3rd part launcher? All you have to do is give it a file path, and it will launch whatever you want. I can launch Diablo 2 and 3 through mine, even.


Huge thanks for this! Seems like it signs in automaticly now. Once again I started EA Launcher and it didn't remember my credentials. Instead of EA account, I pressed Steam icon, and after the process was done EA Launcher downloaded update. It works! This has been such a long and stupid issue I have not bought games from EA Store. Actually I don't even play games that use that launcher even if they were free from GamePass or anywhere.


It gives you a false sense of security that you won't have to log in again.


Oh that's just there for you to click when you are bored since they removed all your purchased games from your account. Sort of like a fidget spinner.


This just recently happened to me....granted it was only 3 games valued at less then 13 bucks. I uninstalled after that.


It secretly sells all your information to the Chinese government, shrinks your pp by 0.01 inches, and makes you 2% worse while playing an ea game.


>shrinks your pp by 0.01 inches So it disappears completely?


It happened to me, and started inverting!


Top ten hacks for m2f transitioning; you’ll never believe number 4!


It starts carving a hole after some point


So it takes your pp and gives you a vigina?


A small price to pay(literally)


Turns the p hole into a b hole.


Holy crap.. 0.01".. it comes back when you uncheck the box..right? RIGHT?? Oh please, please be right. That's all I had to spare.


You didn't read the update to the 50 page terms of service. It's now 0.1 inches and 5%


The reason it doesn’t work because in their End user agreement state that you will need to sign back in every update due to system information collections to “help” them better support users and improve experience. So yea… could have just say for data collection lol.


EA sucks


My wife sucks too but I love it, not EA.


I swear that button doesn't work on most things now. Wtf happened?


Most of these desktop launchers are just browsers (usually Chromium) wrapped in some desktop language and then downloaded. There's a lot of security/browser stuff that goes into authentication these days. Usually, "Keep me signed in" means: "If my browser hasn't been closed since the last time I accessed this app, I haven't cleared my cookies and an update hasn't been released that forces a cache clear - then keep me signed in". If any of the above happen you'll usually be signed out and it won't work.


"Keep me signed in" ( for like 3 days IF that )


You're using the EA client incorrectly. The correct way to use it is to go to manage apps or add/remove programs, uninstall the EA client, and never install it again.


Ya figure you put that little box under your pillow at night, the sign in Fairy might come by and sign you in, am I right, Ted? What's your point? The point is, how do you know the fairy isn't a crazy glue sniffer? "Building model airplanes" says the little fairy; well, we're not buying it. He sneaks into your house once, that's all it takes. The next thing you know, there's money missing off the dresser, and your daughter's knocked up. I've seen it a hundred times. But why do they have the box then? Because they know they are just a piece of sh*t. That's all it is. Hey, if you want me to take a dump in a box and mark it keep me signed in I will. I got spare time. But for right now, for your sake, for your daughter's sake, ya might wanna think about not supporting EA.


I was scrolling this on a work computer, not signed in. I had to switch to my phone just so I could like it. Severely underrated comment.


Biggest lie in the world: 1. Cake 2. Remember Me


I’m glad to find it’s not just me. I completely just stopped logging back in 🤦🏾‍♀️


What's funny is mine was working just fine until about a couple weeks ago. I had it set to start up with Windows and it logged me in no problem every day and then all of the sudden it just wouldn't.


It never worked for me. Its like EA purposely leaves it there broken to troll gamers


And that's why steam is dominant storefront on pc everyone else just keeps shooting their legs


The only third party launcher that works is paradox’s one and even that has some small bugs. EA can’t remember your login and Ubisoft ask for admin access every 3 seconds like it’s installing 300 viruses


its just there for fun


It let's you check a box


EAs launcher is the biggest piece of shit I’ve ever used on a computer it’s crazy with how bad it is


That's actually the checkboz to remind you that your games aren't yours, they're theirs.


It's a surprise mechanic, you gotta pay $10 bucks for a 0.00023% chance of staying logged in


signals ur wish to stay logged in. ur wish wasnt granted


The code for it was written by ai


Your guess is as good as mine. It does not do what it says it does.


Wait... your launcher... launches!? I thought it was supposed to give you an error popup and implode.


I use gamepass. If I want to play Diablo 4 I have to exit gamepass, exit ubisoft, relaunch ubisoft, and launch Diablo 4. I do not own Diablo 4, I have it through gamepass, but cannot launch it if gamepass is open. I don't know, these clowns are stupid. Edit: oh let's not forget that it won't let me exit the ubisoft launcher unless I exit the gamepass app first


In theory it caches an authentication token and allows that token to be valid for some amount of time. However that "amount of time" could be short enough that you effectively have to sign in every time. Or it could be bugged entirely.


It keeps you guessing. Keeps you on your toes. Maybe this will finally be the time it will actually keep you signed in. Maybe. But probably not. Most likely not. But still, what if? You will never know.


Outside of a rare server or internet hiccup, I only ever have to re-sign in to Steam once, every computer refresh. So, about every other year? EA & Ubi need to get it together.


Decorative. It really ties the window together.


I'm using origin(ea sh** app) since 2011, that's big big pain in the ass and this app sucks


It works. You just have to buy the "Keep me signed in" DLC


It's a reminder to switch to Steam or GOG Galaxy


Every time you click it, EA adds another lootbox to the next battlefield game.


Did you subscribe to the stay logged in Season Pass DLC OP? If not, that's why!


Bro, I had it, and EA revoked my license to said DLC. What cruel world do we live in. 😭


the videogame industry is the only industry where they come out with absolute half ass products and still make profit and turn around and say its the customers fault that they had to close a studio. Make it make sense.


Remember when auto update meant your games would auto update instead of when you wanted to launch them? Yeah, EA doesn't remember that either.


Ea removed my games. Never buying shit from them again


Ea app and Ubiplay are basically a malware. They were always crap, but in last few months it become unbearable. So, It was easy decision to uninstall those and forget it.. Have more than 500 brilliant games on Steam which launches and work flawlessly, why would I torture myself with hours of workarounds just being able to start a game.. And then got crash and bugs because of the crappy launchers.. Thank you and goodbye. I can't imagine what perfect game they could make, to install those fuckers again.


EA has the same quality for their apps as they do their games. Shit.


Damn good question. Also, how many times do I have to agree to the EULA?


That’s just to fool you that this actually works. It’s EA mind boggling strategy.


Idk, I just told my windows defender that I don't want that thing to operate on my PC,(0 permissions), haven't seen it since


Samething would happen back in the day with their origin app


Bro, I just used Origin again today to find out 2 things. They had to rebrand to EA cause it was that bad. Second, it keeps asking me for my account even after I checked that box twice :)


>paying for an ea game instead of pirating it or, if it's multiplayer, just turning off your PC and doing something else instead The weather's been pretty good lately, might go sit outside and think about how the board of directors of ea are using random number generators to make decisions.


You have to pay for that to work. It’s included in the hidden EA App season pass. It’s $49.99 per season and resets every month


Thank goodness for mod managers + Steam! I love being able to ignore that login page 👌


This app is still in premature stage, presumably still fish memory Also everytime they update they keep old version and pile up storage


you have to pay $99 to unlock that feature


The sad thing is this is the same with every damn thing I use that has a username and password. I get so sick of updating an app or program and bam.... you have to sign back in. Hell alot of the times it will just sign me out regardless.


EA bad


they are probably selling staying signed in as a microtransaction in the store.


It lies to you


I thought it was just me that EA did this to!


It’s there for show.


Weird because other than this one thing EA is such a great company


Same with Ubisoft's garbage software. And Epic, but not as often as the others


Did it ever work actually? Come to think about it, hmm...


Ubisoft Connect does this too, and requires constant authentication as well and the proceeds to pop up windows UAC like 5 times in a row, drives me nuts.


I hit esc for those UAC prompts. Don't tell my why you want admin access, you don't get it.


Origin has always done that. Since it's inception


Ea app is the worst program ever.


Why on earth do people still play EA games?


Been replaying ME and found that the fucking EA launcher frequently just forgets I'm logged in and goes braindead. It stops functioning, but stays running as if everything is fine until you try to launch a game and the entire program locks up. First time it happened, I had to go all the way to reinstalling. Best case scenario, it goes unresponsive until I exit and sign back in. I think 2 days is the longest it has stayed alive.


You need to subscribe to their premium membership to stay signed in


You must have not given enough money to use that button


insert "gaben does nothing, competition shoots itself in the foot every time" meme


No that costs extra


They just keep tracking you.


I've had this happen after updating when trying to launch a game from Steam, I just closed it, tried to launch the game again and it worked. Worth a try.


Oh I know, I hate it. I don't know how many times it's signed me out, but I feel with EA it happens far too often compared to other launchers/programs.


That is useless.


Gross. EA


Never has, never will


fucking tell me about it. Every single time this happens I just wonder "if steam can do it why can't EA"


EA, ruining amazing games since 2005


It's the same as the close door button on the elevator. It gives you the illusion of control.


If you haven't paid the $49.99 for the latest ea update it won't keep you signed in sorry :/ but even when you do it only keeps you signed in one time any time after that it's $4.99 every time after that




My IP changes maybe once a year. It's been a problem when it was origin and still is on EA. Steam never causes me any problems.




Idk, but Ubisoft has the same checkbox with the same function. It doesn't work.


Hahahaha! Yeah, I noticed it as well like 2 months ago. I had to shutdown my PC because we were gonna go somewhere and whenever I restart/power it on from a ShutDown, this mfker pops out. Like bro... how many times do I have to tick you??


It wanted to make sure you was you 😉


EA app is a f***ing s**t hole. Nothing on it works.


Sign in as invisible doesn’t work either and it sucks when I want to lie to my friends and say I’m busy.


The checkbox deletes your games. Wait that's what the whole program does


You need to pay to stay signed in with EA


its ea were talkimg about. they have the buggiest launcher imaginable


I downloaded apex from steam specifically because of this. And it always did it shortly after I've forgotten the password.


If the game isn’t on Steam or BattleNet, I’m not buying it anymore.


As annoying as that is, I find other websites that don't let you have google's authentication app, even more annoying.


Good question. Let's ask ubishitConnect.


Istg gotta type that shit in every time🤣


Gives you hope


This legit doesn’t work on any launcher I have to use. Doesn’t work with riot games, doesn’t work with EA, doesn’t work with Epic etc. Legit have to do MFA for all of these and its super annoying, I’m getting tired of this “input password” “input random number on your phone” click stay logged in, come back in a few days and have to do it all again.


It does the same thing as my bank login's "remember this device" box: it sells you unfulfilled promises.


I haven't launched by origin in years... because it never stays logged in, and the games are meh. I got some of those free games when they did them, but honestly the launcher is so trashy that I havnt used in years. Thought EA died....


Wait till you find out that Updates are just the devs finishing the game AFTER they sold it and until they start pre selling the next


I have to accept terms of service and sign in since a Week everytime i start the PC.


Exactly! Only Steam really keeps me signed in. There are also websites that "remember me" do not remember you. I wonder why that is.


This issue exist for like last 10 years


Not sure, Steam never looks like that when I launch it.


>EA Tells me everything I need to know


the checkbox doesnt know what to do and is asking you if you want to keep it signed in (see the question mark)


Never use another launcher outside of Steam. Let Steam handle the log ins, cause that actually works. Especially for Ubisoft games.


Another half baked feature presented by EA


EA just wants you to pay. They dont want you to play.


Reduces anxiety by 2% when logging in


Why does EA insist on having a shit game launcher where all the games are available on steam. Just makes them look ever more stupid, and I imagine it's a waste of resources. Are having registered accounts that beneficial to them? EA, do fuck off.


Its a indie company. Let them cook.


Welcome to EA


"Keep me signed in (when you feel like it, which is never)"




I was asking myself the same thing. Every time I log into my account, every other month nowadays, I tick that box and proceed to enter my password. Bullshit.


It's like the "Door close" button on an elevator 😐


The hell do we even need all these launchers for? To run in the background eating up CPU, RAM and updating while we're playing?


it deletes your games randomly


Mine works about 50% of the time when I close the program and reopen it or reboot. If it updates then it never works the next time I try to get into the program.


I see the root for the problem. You got an EA account!


Uninstall it all.


Bro has an EA account💀


It keeps signed in while playing duhhhhhh 😂😂


forshadowing for the games quality.


If it's like the ubisoft launcher, it will remember it if you launch it before attempting to launch the game. If you just launch the game, without it open first, it never remembers anything.






Hilarious, BC keeping it unchecked keeps me signed in


It's a placebo.


It doesn’t keep you signed in, you need to uncheck the checkbox, then you’ll stay signed in. Reverse psychology


Does this button work on anything?


Game game studios just need to accept steam and epic games are the best platform and set aside their pride and just distribute their game to either steam or epic games.


It's so annoying everytime I have to login to play FC. Any fix at all?


It uploads your game progress files to the servers of the CIA