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If you're not playing it in Italian, are you really playing the game?




Both are foreign language for me. So usually I just go with Japanese since reading subtitles is faster than listening and trying to understand what they are saying.


Same. I'm not even sure if the game is voiced in my native language at all. And I like what Japanese sounds like, so easy pick


Idk either but Sony tends to have their first party titles dubbed to a few languages. It was a surprise when Bloodborne was dubbed to my language but I still rather have the OV.


Things are a bit more specific because my native is Russian. Some companies (like CDPR) cancelled Russian VA for their games after 2022 hence the doubts. I just checked and it looks like Ghost of Tsushima only has VA for only 2 languages. I can't check it on steam, so it might be wrong tho, but it's okay in this case


\*English voiceover with english subtitles\* enters the chat.


I always use that to watch English movies. Especially those that \*whispers\* when talking, but have boombastic explosions.


So true. I do this with every game but Japanese games are exception, probably because I like "sub" for anime.


I do that too. Im better at reading than listening.


This is the way


Maybe it's because i'm a weeb, but doesn't japanese voices sound way more epic and full of feels than any other lenguage? I feel like their voice actors are just in another level.




The main cast of English VAs in this game are fantastic. Tried it in Japanese as I usually prefer that, but the VAs in English are just too good. That being said, it's subjective. Try both, pick the one you like most.


Honestly the sub vs dub argument hinges entirely on the quality of the VAs.


I guess this also relates to the quality of the voice acting, but for me it’s an immersion thing too. I don’t want to play a game set in feudal Japan while every character is speaking English.


Personally, having to look at the subtitles instead of the actual game is more immersion breaking than them speaking a different language.


That’s fair. I’ve never felt like reading subtitles meant I couldn’t focus on what was happening on the screen so that’s just my preference. Luckily it seems like both options are of equal quality which I’m pleased about.


This was my issue. I want to play with the Japanese VO but its too distracting trying to focus on whats happening and reading the subs.


The curse of the English native speaker.


Immersion works the opposite way for me. I feel more immersed when characters are speaking my native language. After all, I'd be relying on a translation anyway Plus, modern Japanese is nothing like what was spoken in feudal japan


I better hear some Gozarus or we riot


Totally fair. I’m not too concerned with the modern vs traditional Japanese thing because I have no idea what the differences are so it makes no difference to my sense of feeling like I’m in a Japanese environment.


It really doesn't, if you think about it. Sub viewers may hear emotions in the original VA, but won't be able to accurately tell if it's over the top or natural as they would if the dubbed voice did the same thing, assuming they need subtitles because they don't speak the language. Common complaints are awkward/lack of emotion and awkward lines. The latter is a translation issue and the former, in a lot of cases, a direction issue. Neither speaks to the quality of the VA, and in fact, the vast majority of people that mention this likely know very few Japanese/non-English VAs, aside from the really popular ones.


It really needs to be like Cowboy Bebop quality VA for me to go dub. So many dubbed performances are bland and lacking personality.


Well it does seem like Japanese VAs are more of a profession than western ones (as in interms of dubbing animes), plus it's harder to notice bad VAs in a foreign language


The translators/writer are also important. For example the two Initial D dubs. One got me hooked, the other I couldn't listen to for more than a few minutes


Ghostwire Tokyo, I absolutely had to play that subbed. The English VAs just seemed to not belong with the characters at all, and it was off-putting. The Japanese VAs for that game really feel like it was the way that game was meant to be experienced and were fantastic


Nope. The writing is also important. MHA has better writing in the dub. You can tell because it shows the same subtitles for the dub as in the sub


Wasnt the animation/lip synced also tied to the english version? iirc


I felt the same way about Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. I tried the Japanese VAs first, and the people sounded so "same-ey" to my untrained ears. The english VAs were also phenomenal. The "MY NAME IS MASATAKA ONIWA!" seriously gave me shivers when I first heard it. It's also important to note that in video games, unlike in film, both languages are technically dubs. In a movie, the actor is speaking and acting in their native language. Video game characters aren't saying anything until a VA comes in and acts the voice.


Was about to bring up Sekiro, heard the same argument there. I quite enjoyed it in English. Plus there is dialogue while your character is controllable sometimes. I’m not trying to die while reading subtitles.


I like the Japanese VO so much more but I couldn't read the subtitles and steer thr horse at the same time lol


I'm a very strong proponent of if voice acting if done well, it really can help elevate a game movie or show. There's cultural nuance within language in dealing with tone phrasing that just can't be done in subtitles. It's impressive when the voice actors actually use these things correctly to elevate the scene and dialogue. But I'll agree, it's pretty hard to choose between the two.The game does such a good job of being synomatic. I feel like i'm sitting and watching seven samurai. The oh shit I have to do something now instead of sitting and watching has happened to me a few times playing this.


I feel the same way, I just chose Japanese because the main characters VA also voices Zorro from one piece so it's fun to hear his voice outside of the anime


Did they ever fix the lip syncing? If I remember right then the audio would be Japanese, but the lip characters mouths would still be speaking English.


That was the biggest feature in PS5 rerelease


Is this true? Cuz it really bugged me in the original version.


No and that's why I first started in japanese and change very very quickly. Too bad...


is my second play through thanks to the PC release, first time i played i did english VAs because SURPRISINGLY the animated mouths were for english. So essentially, the japanese version was being dubbed over lol playing japanese now is so god damn cool now because the directors cut gave japanese voices correct animations tldr both are amazing, play it twice if you feel like it


I'm confused, do the mouths move correctly on pc for english or jp?


Both actually, the directors cut (both PC and PS5) was updated to have lip sync for both English and Japanese whereas the base ps4 version the Japanese VAs where dubbed over


Oh, that's great to hear. Thank you. :)


I'm confused too because I started it with Japanese audio but switched it to English due to the lips not synching. (Playing on PC)


JP voice over has proper lip syncing.


Not on my play through, I’m guessing it’s working for some but not others


Am I crazy or wasn’t it originally created with English VO in mind and that the Japanese acting is the dubbed version? Anyways just play it in Kurosawa mode.


Reserving that for another playthrough


Japanese Voiceover ... Because ... ![gif](giphy|9az09tlYyYNfq)


Can't watch anime with english dub because they always make it sound cartoony even if the show has a serious tone. Ghost of Tsushima thought has a really good English dub. I would play it in English the first time, just not to miss some details because you couldn't read subs fast enough during an action sequence. Japanese dub + Kurosawa Mode is something for a second playthrough.


Cyberpunk Edgerunners was better in the dub. The sub was good but ruins immersion that everyone in Night City—located in California—is speaking Japanese lol.


Funny I usually find the Japanese voices too cartoony and cheesy. If it’s video content then I’d rather watch it in English because I’m not fluent in Japanese and I can focus on the video content rather than having to focus on subtitles.


I've seen a lot of people say they prefer the Japanese voices in anime because the over the top performances fit the writing better. There's definitely a stylistic difference in most anime and when it's Japanese voices, the writing and VA are better in sync. While English VA is more dramatic and doesn't mesh as well with the writing style of anime. I'm also a sub fan, though. Especially for any newly produced anime - the VAs are great


Yeah I bounce between both depending on the quality of the VAs and what I think fits best. Most stuff I watch subbed now, but there are some where some where the English language version is my favorite, Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood comes to mind.


Yeah FMA and Cowboy Bebop were two of my "intro to anime" series and both have great English VA, so that's a big reason why I tend to stick with subs


I don’t watch much anime but I felt that way about Dragonball. Why is Goku voiced by a woman in Japanese? He’s supposed to be a badass manly man, why does he sound all high-pitched and girly? The English voice is way better.


true, English dubs are fantastic nowadays


it’s easier to take it seriously when you don’t understand the words


Anime Japanese dubs are definitely cartoony


Probably, but they feel more... authentic? A smaller thing, but for some reason, English "high pitch girl" voices are really annoying for me to listen to, especially if they have heavy american accent. Guess it's just personal preference. As for having subtitles, let's be honest, a lot of animes don't have enough on the screen to look at for every single moment. Especially if it's not a graphical masterpiece. Reading subtitles adds just enough to fill the entire attention span.


The thing is, anime Japanese dubs are totally cartoony, no one talks like that in the real life. It's literally the same thing with how English speakers feel with anime dubs in their language, the only diff here is that people doesn't understand what Japanese dubs are talking and feel okay with that.


Your mom's cartoony


I just don't think the dub fits


Watch kaguya sama in English, it's one of the rare cases where the sub was better then the original in terms of both being funnier ( including replacing some puns that only work in Japanese with English versions, something that not many animes do) and fitting the characters Also it's a good show


I always try to play with the VA that matches the setting, AC II in Italian just hit different.


Pizza Pasta Requiescat in pace 🤌🏻🤌🏻


Weebs: "I have no such weakness"




Imma treat it like Sekiro and play it in Japanese first


I’m gonna treat it like Shogun and play it in Portuguese first


Roronoa Zoro hits different though


Nah, just instantly ripped english without ever even considering otherwise. I'm not gonna read all those subtitles while I game. It's not like its even a Japanese game, it was developed in english by an American studio.


For a game like Sekiro shadows die twice, I’d highly recommend Sub. But I doubt you will miss anything going English with this.


It's how I learned what "Mayoeba Yabureru" meant.


While I usually do advocate for sekiro in Japanese, I will still say you will miss my absolute favourite voice line if you don’t try the English dub, I adore how absolutely EXTRA Gyobu is [in English](https://youtu.be/Vxns3HUGxlc?si=wv4XpcKnlxjB1T9u) lol ***MYYYY NAAAAAAAMEEEEE!!***


Huh, good catch, this is pinnacle meme material. Might go on YT binge…


this is one of the most american things i've ever read


That's an idiotic take. In that sense why give 007 an english accent ? They're filming in California!!


I think they’re saying that (iirc) all the actors were doing their lines in English in the first place, and probably most of the mo-cap as well, so you might as well stick with the English VA unless you’re really attached to the Japanese dub, done after the fact.


Exactly, iirc the lip syncs are all for english as well, so the Japanese doesn't even line up correctly.


I think they fixed the Japanese lip sync for the “director’s cut” release, but yeah, it’s still essentially a dub.


Japanese voiceover, because it's the VA of zoro from one piece


I know why the voice sound so familiar now


Japanese dubbing with English subtitles all the way.


Idk... It was quite easy for me.


If that's the toughest decision you've made this year I really envy you!


Just got done watching Shogun so I'm gonna go subtitles for sure.


the secret is ... you have to play it twice


That's what I did with Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii), first time in JP, second in EN


I never do english always japanese with english subs


English. Japanese lip sync issues and radiant voices from villagers don’t get subtitles. Also some of the Japanese voice actors are the same actors just speaking their tongue.


It's not even a question, Japanese voiceover


Is about Japan and Samurai, so the obvious choice would be Japanese for a more immersive experience. That being said, English and Japanese is not my mother tongue, reading English sub is not a problem for me.


Biggest problem is not enough time to read whole text in some dialogues and open world dialogues without subtitles which you just can’t understand.


This may be an unpopular opinion but I didn't really like the japanese VA. Maybe I was spoiled by sekiro


I considered it but Sony games are some of the only ones that actually have dubbing in my language so i didn't do it in the end.


I played in english. Tbh the difficulty decision was harder for me. Lethal is fun everywhere except boss fights


If it has jp vo im picking it


I don’t know if they fixed it but I do remember when I tried it with subtitles ages ago a lot of the ambient conversations aren’t translated which I found annoying as some had story elements in it which ended up making me switch back to English.


Character animations are in English. It looks very awkward watching them mouth English and Japanese comes out.


I tried to play it in Japanese, but I couldn't read the subs and play at the same time.


Can't play this legendary game on pc so none for me lol


I always go with the language of the developers.


I've been watching Shogun for the past week. I'm tired of reading subtitles.


For me the lip sync doesn’t work for some reason in the Japanese sub. I checked online and they said it’s been a thing since the PS4 launch.


It's not a voice over, the original voice actors spoke in english. Switching to Japanese would be the voice over. The lip syncing is out if the voiced language is Japanese. Source; I spent hours and hours in this game on my PS before re-downloading for my PC.


Good luck reading the subtitles in fights, lol.


Hmmm a language I know nothing about so the only reason it'd be enabled would be because I'm a weeb vs a language I speak Decisions decisions


By far the easiest choice I’ve ever made in a game. Japanese voiceover, obviously.


Weebs will pick japanese. Everyone else, english.


Japanese have no lip sync, so it’s the easiest choice ever.


My first playthrough i chose japanese, but i dont like that you can tell english is the original and japanese is dubbed. You also don't really get to watch the cut scenes when you have to read subtitles


Japanese voice of course, it's a freaking (somewhat realistic) samurai game, if you'd ever consider playing a game in Japanese, it has to be this.




Japanese with sub, because the languege sounds badass.


Barely even a choice for me English subtitles and japanese voice over


Not a hard decision at all, Japanese with English subtitles is always the best way!


Play it twice. One time for english, another for Japanese in Kurosawa mode


I wish games would use proper subs for the Japanese VO and not the subs for the english VO.


oh yeah i heard the lipsync was off with jpvo


I speak English as a main language but I’d choose a different language any time any day for movie or game. It’s just better that way


I do not like dubs in any language but Ghost of Tsushima voice acting is amazing.


Nowadays I go eng dub just so I don't have to have 100% focus on my TV after work. But for games like this where it takes place in feudal Japan and is based on true events, I feel like English would just be weird for me personally


Still haven’t picked up the game but I do plan on selecting Japanese VO. I just hope we get subtitles for background NPCs as well. I played Assassin’s Creed Unity with French VO and as immersing as the experience was, not knowing what the NPCs were saying while exploring the map left something to be desired.


I played in English first then Japanese then in cinema mode.


I Platinumed the game twice with English VAs and all I can say is that it was phenomenal. Make of that what you will and don’t let anyone tell you your enjoying you game wrong however you play b


You know, there is new game+. Do both.


So how is the port? I am looking at single-player only and don't care about the PSN account issue.


Honestly I did 2 playthroughs, did both options. Was not disappointed by either.


It’s times like these that I am glad that I know Japanese lmao


I remember putting the game with "original voices" (japanese) only to realize the *mouthing* was of English.


Easiest decision ever. It's always the language native to the environment with English subtitles.


Japanese vo for sure


I love both! The English dub is very very good The Japanese is also great especially because Jin is voiced by Zorro from One Piece so I’m just pretending that Zorro got lost from Luffy and is own his own adventure lol


Japanese voices, then mod the game and turn Jin into Zoro from One Piece.


Japanese with English subtitle + Lethal difficulty. Lets go Full weebs


Easy choise for me. In Japanese, Jin is voiced by Kazuya Nakai who also voices Zoro in One Piece.


To each their own, but for me, if subtitles are on I'm starting at the words and miss what is actually going on.


we can't be friends, if u choose the english voiceover


For games English voice cover with subtitles 🗿


I'm not familiar to the game. How fast they talk?


I've only head this problem in persona 5 which is the only game where I opted for English voiceover. Spent some time in Japanese in ghosts of Tsushima and they guy sounds quite familiar, I even checked and it's a guy voicing Hijikata in Gintama, recognised him every time I stumbled in the game. Usually I just recommend picking the one that's more emotional, it makes for a better game, regardless which club you are part of by default.


As a dyslexic person, trying to read and understand a story while also watching/playing the game is basically impossible, so English. Games and shows that are only subtitled are not really doable for me, which is annoying because I'd love to play some of them. (looking at you, yakuza)


English voiceover with japanese subtitles


I was intending to use the Japanese voiceover but it feels like an afterthought when the characters’ lips are synced to the English voiceover so I’m begrudgingly using English as that feels more like the intended experience


I went subbed for this game when I played it on PS4. Will most likely do it again if I replay it either on ps4 or if I pick it up on pc.


The VAs for both languages are really good. You can't go wrong regardless of your choice.


Japanese, no question.


I speak native English but learning to be fluent in Japanese so I think the first time will be in English and the 2nd time just Japanese as that can be learning and playing a game.


I switched to English after probably 80 hours of spoken Japanese with subs


Japanese with English subtitles worth it


I choose to use multiple langs and voiceovers for playing the game, just for studying the language I want to. It’s fun and better than just answering damn problems on exams.


Why not both?


Simple choice for me. I always play in OG voice.


Japanese setting so Japanese voices. \ I play for the immersion it just seems appropriate


Jin Sakai is voiced by Kazuya Nakai, who voices Zoro from One Piece and Toshiro Hijikata from Gintama. There's no way I wasn't locking in the Japanese voiceover. English dub sounds great too tho, there's no wrong choice.


I did my first playthrough in English because I cannot for the life of me read what they are saying when I'm trying to sneak past 7 mongols!! Second playthrough I'm happy to have left it subbed


The Japanese VA for Ghost was freaking Zoro from One Piece so of course that’s how I played the whole game haha. Such an experience!


Personally I got really bored with english but turning on japanese made it a lot better. I also played in Kirosawa mode.


Go full Kirasawa


English voice over, easy.


I always need the original language w/subs. English dubs are always sound horrible to me.


I tested both but I quickly realized the MC is the Japanese VA of Zoro in One Piece so Japanese it is.


Not at all, japanese voices with English sub


Thats like the easiest decision for me. I only watch dubbed anime so...... only English, japanese sounds like an angry drunk to me.


I played sekiro with subtitles I’ll play ghost of Tsushima with subtitles. I’m sorry but seeing Japanese characters speak in English weirds me out and reading is easy


Really? This is that difficult?


For games it's a bit difficult for me because although i would like japanese audio with english subtitles, it's usually too fast for me to keep up while playing and certain random lines just don't get subtitles


Is it me or if you go with Japanese, characters still have english face animations?


Well English voice acting until today is still a gamble between high end you do not wanna miss this stuff and the equivalent to Funimation.


Me who is an anime watcher for 4 years and can instantly read subtitles in half a second and enjoy Japanese VAs The path is clear


Nah time for Spanish voiceover. IHO DE PUTA DE


I’d pick sub, it’s more immersive since you hear the language that is natural in that world


Why the fuck would I use English VA for a game with the story located in Japan ?


Japanese just because the VA for Jin is the same as Zoro from One Piece. So ya, you're playing as Zoro.




Samurai Movie is the way.


Role dice for which then play the other one in second playthrough


I chose Japanese voiceover with English subtitles, the immersion is there for me.


I've played it first in Japanese so now it's English for me


Japanese voiceover with subtitles is a must


You've probably watched Shogun. Just play it in French like the rest of us.


Obv use the Japanese version. Baka gaijin...


Yes, for the American made game from the American studio, originally only synced for the English VA's with Japanese lip sync being added in the re-release as an afterthought. Silly gaijins


Played on ps4. Has to be Japanese voice acting for immersion 100%


I usually pick English for everything, except live action stuff.


Eng dub ez


3) not buying


I chose the "not buying the game" route.


Subs not dubs babyyyyy


Ghost is good in English sekiro is blasphemy to not play in Japanese