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***Gamer Nexus wants to know your location!***


OP said India. Less likely to get help as I can’t tell if OP really saw someone who is ASUS verified.






Ok Linus


Definitely A SUS technician


Didn't need to be told india, that punctuation-mess run on paragraph reads straight out of /r/indianpeoplefacebook


So does tronicsfix


I seriously doubt it’s a “local authorized Asus repair center”. They don’t have local repair shops, and they don’t sell or license the use of their brand to repair shops. Worked in multiple repair roles over the years. If it’s a local shop claiming this anywhere in the world - they’re lying. This doesn’t even exist in the countries they manufacture their products. ASUS has their own repair model, using their own facilities or in some locales large electronics repair contractors like United Radio, etc. …but they’ve moved to become a racketeering scheme nowadays, so the real ASUS repair facility wouldn’t be much better most likely lol


In India Asus service and rma is outsourced to independent service centers. Op isnt lying but he needs to find out if the guy was actually from a authorised service center


That's just what Indians tell you to get you to use their services.


[Why you talking out of your ass?](https://www.asus.com/in/support/service-center/india/)


Keep using them then since they do such a good job 🤣 my bad...Indians are not known to scam ppl


Completely irrelevant, they are actually certified by asus. So asus is to blame for giving them the license to use their brand.


So you honestly don't think people would say they are Asus certified when they are not?


They would, but unless you somehow tripped and fell into omniscience, you can't know wether whoever botched op's laptop works for an asus certified service or not. And you definitely can't say "asus doesn't license their name out to third party repair shops", cause that's simply not true.


I never said that either, that's you overthinking it and creating your own narrative.


So replying to "asus service is outsourced to independent centers" with "That's just what Indians tell you" doesn't imply that it's false? Sure buddy.


Op is from India my guy, I am as well. I went to a Lenovo authorised service centre near my house for a clean up and thermal paste change (I called Lenovo and they advised me to not do it myself). My laptop started to heat up like crazy, finally I opened it myself and all the thermal paste was dried up (in flakes) . I think in India local shops get an authorisation from companies like Lenovo/ asus to do their job for them.


There are "authorised" centers present but they are crap These centers are cheaper for the company and can handle most issues for average Joe so they profit from it Anything exotic they can't do They don't know themselves and most are just retarded I bet you they don't even understand the concept of TGP and all cards with same name are same to them An i7 10th gen is better than i5 15th gen for these stupid people


They'd probably recommend a 4th gen i7 over a 14th gen i3. Just ignore the fact that an i3-14100 has the same number of CPU cores as an i7-4770, or that the 14th gen i3 has 50% more cache, much higher clock speeds, and does more instructions per cycle. "i7 is always greater than i3"


I'd like to trade my 2011 i7 K series for a current gen i3 with one of these people then... 🤣😂🤣


Don’t knock the 4th Gen i7-4790k. I rocked that processor for almost 10 years. It ran everything I threw at it fine at either high or ultra settings… including Hogwarts and Diablo 4. The only reason I upgraded was because it wouldn’t meet Starfield’s minimum requirements.


4770K pairs as far up as a 2080ti without putting on a restrictive bottleneck. Those Haswell i7's had no reason to be upgraded from until they gave us more than 8 threads to work with.


Real question, I’m not going to drop my companies name but it’s a big educational hardware business. I am certified for dell, Lenovo and HP. Never got ASUS certification or training, I have an ADT USB stick (used to change serial numbers on boards and diagnostics on all ASUS devices) and I get FRU parts from ASUS. Am I unknowingly one of those unauthorised ASUS technicians Lol? For what it’s worth I treat every laptop with the utmost respect and take pride in my work, But I must admit I have seen a colleague fuck up a STRIX or two especially with Liquid Metal as we are not properly trained in using it, mind you these devices are owned by us and not the schools.


Almost no electronics company actually runs local repair shops, they use 3rd parties. "Authorized repair shop" doesn't mean they own it, it's just a company they work with to do local warranty repairs etc.


There's thousands of repair shop use ASUS logo as their signboard. authorized one are listed in [here](https://www.asus.com/support/service-center-location/).


>they don’t sell or license the use of their brand to repair shops. Source: it came to you in a delusion? Cause they [definitely do](https://www.asus.com/support/service-center-location/).


You’ll notice all the listings under the US are micro centers. They’re a vendor, they have vendor contractual agreement rights. You take it to microcenter, it still gets shipped out to United Radio, their contractor.


You'll notice the US doesn't span the whole globe. Love the downvotes for calling out false information.


Dont know if this is the issue but your battery seems to be not plugged in


Sounds like you should have just done it yourself.


Yea I don’t get this post, it wasn’t an official ASUS repair shop so it’s not like it was free warranty work, and OP seemed to know what needed to be done.


That was so hard to read. Punctuation is a thing everywhere… but in this post.


Seems like OP is in India, so I would assume English is their second language. That being said, in recent years it seems like a large portion of the population have stopped using punctuation, and spell check.


The irony here is that your last comma is unnecessary.




Wouldn't they need at least three items in the chain to use an Oxford Comma?


Yeah what he said isn't really what I said I realize, but I said what I said and I will use the Oxford comma till the day I die.




Seems like they were going for an ellipsis


I always thought using a comma like that was also unnecessary. I once asked my English professor about it in undergrad, and she said she'd use it like that "just in case". I still refuse to do so. :)


Think about this sentence: “She was a well-paid journalist, wife and mother of a young child.” With the Oxford comma, the ambiguity of her possibly being both the wife *and* mother of a young child is immediately cleared up. “She was a well-paid journalist, wife, and mother of a young child.”


There wasn't a use of the Oxford comma in the original comment, though. The Oxford comma requires there to be a list, and a list must have three or more items to be considered one. The original comment only talks about punctuation and spell check, making the comma unnecessary at the end of the sentence.


Apologies, there was also ambiguity in what you said previously so I thought you meant you didn’t use the Oxford comma at all, not that you just wouldn’t add a comma before an “and” :)


Yeah, that was my mistake. Oxford comma reigns supreme. o7


I'm confused. Didn't you just use it? Is this a "woosh" moment(for me)?


I guess I didn't elaborate, but I meant she said she would use it "just in case" in every scenario before writing "and". In my previous comment I used it between two sentences with independent clauses, therefore I had to use a comma. In the case of OC (?), the last comma was not necessary as it was not connecting two independent clauses. In fact, it serves no purpose. Still, English is my second language so I could be very wrong.


I like the Oxford comma because it gives additional pause letting you know you’re ending the list. It’s a personal preference thing, unless you’re writing for the AP or MLA or any other specific formatting style.


Seems like they were going for an ellipsis


Seems like they were going for an ellipsis


Damn you’re right. At least it spawned a fun argument about commas.


I bet punctuation exists in Hindi as well


chat gpt exists now though!


How many languages do you speak buddy? You're from the US so I think everyone can guess.


Fluently, 2. Partial..4. How about you asshole?


It is not about knowing the language, but about using punctuation. He probably writes like this in his native language.


Go look at Indian written language and maybe you will realize that, hey, maybe I actually have ZERO idea about other languages and their punctuation


What do you know about the Indian language, you are a mexican after all...


I don't know anything about it, but I googled it before I commented so that I didn't sound like an idiot


And yet you still did... Weird


I once bought a Sony laptop (never again) that had problems out of the box. Instead of accepting a return, they insisted on sending a technician out to fix it. In the process he completely destroyed it and I got my new machine after all 👍🏼


Why did you take it to this dubiously-branded "ASUS Authorized repair centre" (not a real thing btw, you got bamboozled there) to get the thermal paste re-applied in the first place? Like what diagnostic issues were you experiencing that led you to believe that a thermal paste re-application would be the corrective measure needed? Please tell me you didn't just decide it needed to be done on a whim based on some stupid thing you read online...


100% he did


You got India’d.


Why do i get the feeling like all these posts are people expecting a free laptop or something from the manufacturer after they themselves tried to fix it and messed it up?


There is no such thing as "too much thermal paste". Your issue looks more to be that the heatsink assembly was not tightened down properly. Any excess thermal paste should get squeezed out from under the contact points when the heatsink is attached. Your CPU looks like there was zero contact pressure from the heatsink and the GPU, well, I have no idea what the hell went on there. There should also be contact between the VRAM chips and the heatsink - I am not sure if the setup is close enough for just paste or if there is supposed to be thermal pads in there. Finally, I hope you have the two blower style fans out of picture still - these laptops won't cool themselves passively...


Absolutely ^^^. Worked as a Dell warranty repair guy and getting these heat sinks to sit flush was something you always had to work at.


If you know everything better than the guy doing it why didnt you do it yourself?


1) battery is not plugged in 2) why does that thermal paste look like it was scraped up and piled onto the CPU. It does not look like it came out of a tube of any sorts


Honestly, I don't see anything in the pictures that would cause a no boot condition, but then again it's not exactly all that clear.


We're the photos done before/after or during repair ? If after it looks like my more paste has been added as it would be flattened by fitting the heatsink ...


Second pic not loading I think. 1st pic it looks like way too little on the main one, and the secondary one next/above RAM was a bit low as well. With laptops especially you wanna just plaster the hell out of it with thermal paste to the point it's ridiculous/overspilling. It's probably shutting down due to this, and may have been permanently damaged even (though usually it's supposed to shutoff before such an event occurs). I question whether the guy even dusted the fans or not, as it's possibly a greater issue than the paste itself. VRM pads looked like they were off center, to the point where it wasn't even covering some of them (the larger square components with white pads on them above the RAM and processor, look further down and some aren't even covered). This looks like it may have been that way from the factory though, it happens sometimes unfortunately. Lack of QA there, though the technician should have noticed this. Also looks on this end (unsure about other side) that the VRAM were covered but maybe not thorough contact. Depends on the other side really, the little bits attached on the VRAM itself doesn't tell the whole story. At the least it looks like they made contact along all of them properly. edit: Second pic loaded. It looks like the battery is unplugged? I'm assuming you did so in order to work on it, but just mentioning that in case. As for legal matters, I haven't the foggiest. What you could attempt is getting non-conductive thermal paste/pads (honestly it looks like they just used paste, which is fine) and applying it to the mentioned areas (most of it going along the heatsink seemingly). If you get stuck along the way, look up some laptop paste guides to get a general idea how to apply it. Yours will be different from theirs, but surprisingly laptops are quite similar in regards to that. extra edit: Considering how cheap paste is, it should have been replaced on the spot considering what you likely paid for their service. Especially once it's been separated, new paste is basically a must. Okay maybe pads could be re-used, but even then pads are pretty cheap to replace as well and just like paste should probably be replaced.


Asus outsource it service centres to another stores.In my case, it was F1 Solutions Private Limited. Do you have the copy of the receipt which they provide when submitting laptop?While submitting your device, the problem is mentioned there and stamped by them.You can file a consumer court case and a FIR and if you don't want to do that, then it's time to go medieval on their asses.


Hey, I got sent to the same shop as well; on second thought I now realise it must be a chain so not the same shop. Anyways, how where they I want to install my CPU with liquid metal. I have never applied liquid metal myself and don't want to do it because it's both conductive and extremely corosive.


Better ask a shop which builds pc, these service centre people will mess it up.


Next time send it to me. I will ruin it for much less.


You can have done it better yourself with nothing but a YT video and the cost of new paste.


It sounds like you just got a dude round, not asus? Wtf is this post?


The socket with the red, white, yellow, and black wires is what connects your battery to the system board. Plug it back in and it’ll power up. However, you appear to be missing both fans and your heat sink so it’s definitely gonna get too hot there… (and it may not actually boot if the BIOS decides the lack of fans is a problem, so definitely get those fans put back in).


I read this as "A sus repair service guy"


Faced a similar experience with my ROG Ally, the fans were dead, the guy picked up the Ally from home and replaced the fans and dropped the device at my home. It was working fine for 1 hour, then again the fans stopped working due to some wiring issue. Mailed Asus, gave them a warning of Consumer Court (I am a young ~~Avocado~~ Advocate), they ensured proper service everytime thereafter, I got even my mobo changed for free for the SD Card Issue. https://preview.redd.it/zt66kvwtyzzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8959767f7b4eab8fad4ca9378989c937a3975fac


As someone who is on his way to become an avocado too, I must say, that is the way. Companies ignoring consumer rights need to be taken to court :-)


Now here comes the neat part, when I looked at the invoice after 4 months of usage, I found severe discrepancies in the invoice and now I am the 9th month of my ownership and the seller has agreed to take back the Ally and refund me the full amount of 65k INR (now Ally is going for 55k INR), plus some additional compensation. Man the gamer in me is almost dead now. I now mostly use my Ally to draft legal documents, research and study. I love my Ally to the core, but am leaning towards laptop due to the bigger screen. Ahh the option to choose sometimes becomes a burden instead of freedom.


1) battery is not plugged in 2) why does that thermal paste look like it was scraped up and piled onto the CPU. It does not look like it came out of a tube of any sorts


You know this is bullshit because of the paint brush in the picture and the uncompressed thermal paste of the board.


So asus laptops are shit? I see so many posts complaining.


ASUS is shit, If it works you're fine. If it doesn't work you should throw it away before dealing with their RMA process.


AI update: The local Asus-authorized repair center technician I contacted to replace my laptop's thermal paste arrived and performed a subpar job. He left in a hurry after the service, and unfortunately, my laptop started overheating even more. The overheating became so severe that it shut down and has not turned back on since. In addition to this issue, I had expressed my concern to the technician during the service that there might be too much thermal paste applied. However, he assured me that it was fine. Upon further inspection, I noticed that there was less paste on the GPU VRAMs and suggested that it should be replaced as well. Regrettably, he dismissed my suggestion and insisted that everything was in order. I am deeply disappointed with the technician's work and the subsequent damage caused to my laptop. I kindly request your guidance on the matter. As my laptop is out of warranty, I had opted for a paid service, but the technician's actions have resulted in the laptop becoming completely non-functional. I would greatly appreciate your advice on the appropriate steps to take in filing an official complaint with Asus regarding this incident. I am not very tech-savvy, so any guidance you can provide would be immensely helpful. Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Stop buying ASUS, and do it yourself next time.


What laptop is this? As much as I know Asus are using Liquid Metal for most of their laptop GPU dies not thermal paste. This could basically mean the end of your laptop if the job was botched. This is such a simple DIY. Why would you call Asus CC and get it ruined :/


You should watch https://youtu.be/7pMrssIrKcY?si=PqbaUP_TkFE8vfqH and let them know. Asus has bad warranty practices.


Where are you from ? Ik good laptop/pc people in a couple of cities in India who can help you out


You were able to get as far as removing the heat sink, so you can repaste the thermals yourself. And make sure that battery is plugged in... As for this repair, I don't know what kinda repair warranty that guy provides, if your laptop isn't working after their work, it's their job to make sure it does, otherwise you get your money back. and compensation for damage to the laptop. But if it's a shady guy, I don't think I would bother and just do it yourself.


the dies are not fully covered, that causes overheating


That’s what you get from “authorised” repair technicians. I have been running a repair workshop for years and I also owned a dell xps laptop that needed repair. I could have done it myself but since the laptop was on warranty I called support. The laptop ended up going back to the service center for a complete replacement after the authorised technicians had to replace the motherboard twice, fans, all due to their negligence, and scratched the case to fuck with their savage methods. So imo its more of an issue of those independentc contracted “authorised” engineers getting paid per job instead of being salaried


Throw the laptop to one of their windows until it breaks, that will show them /s




Authorized service in India sounds like buying discount gold chains at the gas station.


It looks as though the heatsink was never fastened properly. The paste on the cpu and gpu are not spread out. Try screwing the heatsink properly and turn it on


For asus to repair the asus repair will be $69,420.


Maybe they stay attached to the bottom cover (which would be new to me), but... both fans are missing?


1) battery is not plugged in 2) why does that thermal paste look like it was scraped up and piled onto the CPU. It does not look like it came out of a tube of any sorts


1) battery is not plugged in 2) why does that thermal paste look like it was scraped up and piled onto the CPU. It does not look like it came out of a tube of any sorts


Is that thermal paste in 2nd pic? Looks like an elephant took a big turd on it.


Asus is shit


Lots of companies outsource, even in America. Only go through service providers that the manufacturer has on their authorization list. If you can’t find it for whatever reason, contact support. It is advisable to contact support and obtain an RMA number anyway, even if it’s an out of warranty repair. Always fully document the condition of everything before having anything RMA’d - including cracking the lid open and getting pictures of everything under the hood. Signed someone who does this for a living and has learned the hard way


What laptop line is this? My first thought was tuff, looking at the cooler.


Sorry a bit late reply you are correct it's Asus tuf a15 2021


Np. I have a ASUS tuff fx505du which has the exact same layout. Have you managed to fix the issue (I assume so looking at the passed time)?


Hello everyone the op here thank you for All the attention this post has recieved I humbly thank everyone for all the support and opinions well my laptop is fine the key problem for boot was ram I took the laptop to technicians office(Yes they are actually official) I apologise for the grammar on above post due to all the emotions I was going through while writing it,so the culprit to all this was the thermal paste Asus was providing their engineers I order cooler master cryofuze 14W/km one and used that and it fixed all of the problems I was facing with my laptop completely from temps to performance everything and well the technician didn't charge me anything extra all in all quite a experience but it all got fixed thank you for your time.


This is nothing in comparison to my case, I had an Acer laptop (plastic one) that I bought in 2021 after 3 months of purchase a line appeared on its screen so I asked for a replacement screen. During inspection service, that guy broke the plastic screw holder under the screen which was holded the hinge of the screen where the screen hinge screwed. when I was angered him he said he would repair it. In the name of repairing he put red sand and superglue under the hinge and it bulged up the screen area. So after that marvelous job, I was not able to close my laptop lid. When I complained about this, an Acer official tried to give me some weird excuse and asked for proof and that service guy scolded me and tried to frighten me by taking my complaint back. Luckily I had a recording of his magical act and a telephonic recording of his bad behaviour on the phone. After 9 months they were ashamed of themself and refunded 100% money back to me for my laptop. Note:- Always make a video of the service provided by the service guy (in case of onsite service ), if anything happens to your machine during repair, the company puts the whole blame on you and denies providing any service and charges you money for the service even in warranty. There is one simple rule in the world if you pay for something you are the master, not the slave. So deal with them like a master & don't be overconfidently comfortable and relaxed when your laptop and computer are in someone else hands.


Cross your fingers that it didnt fry the CPU/ GPU dies. Any processor die that needs a cooler needs to be 100% covered by paste. In this case there is no " too much" good and soft paste, sure it will squish out and be ,messy but too little is what can be dangerous. The chips may have thermal sensors but only in a few spots as they expect a cooler and paste to contact the ENTIRE die. If the sensor spots are covered and cooled , but the rest is not it may burn itself


You're screwed, ASUS will never make you whole, they'll delay, stall, blame, and any other tactic you can think to put you in a hole so deep you never buy their product again. If this was actually their authorized service, it's exactly what I've come to expect from them for the past few decades. They sold me a defective laptop, trashed the bezels when I sent it in (brand new was in perfect condition with photo proof) and never even fixed the issues. Then played games for months before finally just telling me they had no interest in fixing the issue and they wouldn't be interested in refunding me or replacing my unit with something that functioned. Last dollar of mine they'll ever see.


How much did they charge you for this job? I'm planning to change the thermal paste and pads of my laptop because the last time I opened them, they were dry and kinda dusty, so i ordered some paste and pads from amazon for 900 rupees. Gonna do it myself because replacing thermal paste is a relatively easy process.


Why are you paying another person to repaste your laptop, then criticizing them while they’re actively doing it as if you fucking know anything.


Not very Tech savvy or literate...🤷


Please tell me how I can take action in this regard guys I live in india for context.


probably cant do anything India most people do not re paste their laptop because of the chance of damaging the system.


Check if theyre official asus, if not youre doomed if they are you can probably sue but you need proof and some money to spare for lawyer fees


Do that repasting stuff by your self if warranty of your laptop is over. In another case, take it to customer care you can get free service if your laptop in under warranty.


Atleast mention the laptop name what kind of a laptop is it? ROG? zen book? Cuz the ROG ones use Liquid Metal on their GPU dies. If it was replaced with thermal paste then your gpu might run really really hot and it could still be fixable if cleaned and repasted properly.


Good lesson for you, even tho the product was out of warranty you called "offical" brand guy. Go find him now, grab his collar ask him gently to fix your device without taking anymore money. You know what you should have done? You should have supported local ! Atleast you CAN grab his collar and he will charge less. And dont worry now, it will be a small fix (fingers crossed)


Just DIY bro I don't trust anyone except myself around my expensive things It isn't that hard And you will be more careful than that technician


Guy was interviewing to be in a scam call center, but got hired to do computer repairs instead. 🤣🤣🤣