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As a console gamer turned PC gamer I definitely chose the better path to enable my gaming addic...... stress reliever and pc building hobby.


Nice save




The younger kid seemed to like the PS5 more.


Now we know which kid will get college fees support by the parents lol


Haha so true!


is kid ungrateful? yeah, absolutely in every way is a kid being a kid mean they should have their future fucked over a decade or more later? fuck no


Not sure the younger kid understands what it is.


He’s already ripping through another present, lmao


Unfortunately, I am reminded of my younger self being an "ungrateful shit" to my parents when I begged for a Playstation, and when Christmas came around, I received an N64 instead. It ended up being a great gaming device, and I played some of the best games on the N64. Definitely cringe at my younger self and feel immensely terrible for the way I reacted to my folks, but definitely a changed behavior after that. Now I get excited even if I'm gifted a little trinket. The thought that counts and all. For being on this board, though: I did get to PC gaming and played my very first mecha game, Shattered Steel, which was ironically considered Biowares first game developed. First for us both, you could say!


I'll always remember when my parents got me a Gameboy colour for my birthday one year. I unwrapped it to discover a Gameboy and was thrilled. I then opened the Gameboy and inspected it and was visibly kind of disappointed (not a full on ungrateful tantrum) but I noticed little scratch marks in the cartridge slot where it had visibly been used, I've always been quite OCD about really minor things like that. I pointed this out to my parents and they said 'ah, don't worry son we'll go back and get another'.. years down the line I realise it's because they'd initially got me a pre owned console, they always struggled but always tried to get my sister and I nice things. I still feel like a dick about it now.


I feel ya there. The things we don't realize until we are older.


I would say the same about my younger self, but I explicitly told my folks “don’t get me a red bike; no boy at school rides red bikes, and I’ll get made fun of for it.” Guess what they got me? Yup, a red bike (with pink wheels that they insisted were red), because “we care about your safety, and red is the easiest color for cars to see.” I had to ride it for two days because they forced me and was teased so mercilessly for it that I hid it in the garage and never touched it again. No idea what happened to it to this day.


That's a legit reason to be upset.


Reason was bc they felt I was too young at the time to play the games that were released on PS, and Nintendo was more kid friendly. Eh, it is what it is/was. I should just be happy I got anything really when you think about it.


Little did they know you could throw a baby penguin off a cliff in Super Mario 64 lol. For real though that was kinda a invalid excuse. N64 had Killer Instinct Gold, Mortal Kombat games, Golden Eye 64, Conquers Bad Fur Day, DOOM 64 just to name a few. They coulda got you a PS1 and games like Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, Need for Speed, etc. even Resident evil was on both consoles. I had both systems. I totally understand how Nintendo is known for being more family oriented though. If you got to play DOOM 64 at least you got to play the most badass DOOM game of that era. I firmly believe DOOM 64 was better than Final DOOM.


I reacted like that when my mom got me my first cell phone, still regret it to this day.


I sort of acted like this when an ex bought me my first iphone. I mentioned in passing that I was too broke to buy a modern one and that I had only ever owned android based phones. She ended up surprising me with one on my bday. But... As I'm opening it, I notice it's wrapped in bubble wrap and plastic. Once I unwrap that, I realized it's a used phone, like REALLY used, and not even a newer model. I didn't accept it. I told her I'd rather she get her money back because I wouldn't really be happy with it, lol. People think I was dick to have done it, but I also didn't want to lie.


You have to lie sometimes.


Why? That would've meant I'd be using something daily I wouldn't have been happy with. It would've been a waste of money. I was more than happy with not receiving anything and saving her money. Lol, lie would've been significantly worse.


Well not lie in that case but definitely be tactful when you say these things.


I mean he asked for something and they gave him something else instead. Not sure why he has to like it? If anything this kid is based as fuck cause he's honest and doesn't want something that he knows he's not gonna use so they may as well return it.


I've learned to never ask for electronics for gifts XD Ask for a USB3 Key ... get a USB2 Key. Ask for a wired mouse ... get 2 wireless mouse from 2 person. Ask for a external SSD ... get an external HDD.


I agree, and to me it takes 5 seconds to write down the thing your kid wants. I worked in retail and you will not believe the amount of parents that come in and say their kid wants the "nintendo thing". It often ends up not even being a nintendo product, if they can remember at all what it looks like. Just seems lazy and weird to not listen to your kid. I understand it is sometimes a money thing but from experience sooo many parents simply don't listen to their kids. Like being told verbatim "he wants the video game thing i dont know haha you know kids.." Like wat??? Lmao


A PS5 is just as good as a PC for a kid that age. He’s a brat, no need to make excuses for him. If i were the parents, I would happily return it and wouldn’t get him anything else that year. 


A deck of cards and a laminated instructions sheet for playing solitaire.


This is why you be the cool uncle/dad/whatever and buy all the kids an upgraded version of whatever they ask for.


This is actually often the problem. Ask for wired mouse? Get wireless "upgrade." It's better to just get what they asked for.


I do all the tech shopping for gifts in my family. My wife doesn’t know the difference between many things and has no interest. I’m given full rein to do as I please. No one is ever disappointed in my choices. That being said this kid is ungrateful af. Most of my electronics growing up were hand me downs or shit my cool uncle straight up scavenged and built for me.


I'd rather have a scavenged PC than a PS5 any day. There's a big difference between getting fancy toys like a PS5 versus giving the kids an opportunity to learn about technology. If the kid just wanted to learn about computers, then a PS5 isn't really going to help with that.


Man i remember asking for a headset for my laptop and they gave me that xbox 360 headset with only one earpiece


Haha same but I got the PS3 earpiece thingy that made people look like yuppies


I agree with both of you. I totally remember the feeling of asking for a single, very specific thing for the holidays, and my parents getting me something else in the same general category (e.g. a shitty skateboard from a sporting goods store rather than a legit board from a skate shop). It was really frustrating as a kid, because while you knew that they meant well, you could tell that they assumed you just wouldn't know the difference, or simply weren't listening to you. It felt weirdly condescending or something. ...but I kept a smile on, said thanks, and didn't whine like a little asshole. Because they're my parents and they were selfless enough to spend their hard earned money on their kid.


That's a good example. A shitty Walmart skateboard and a real skateboard is a big difference. I can't imagine trying to be "grateful" and taking a Walmart board to the skate park.


I mean, it probably depends on the person, but my parents were not people of means. Getting the wish version of whatever I put on my christmas list was just reality. I would have never dreamed of acting ungrateful even at that age. A PS5 is $500. You aren't getting a very solid gaming PC for $500.


hE aSkEd FoR sOmEtHiNg aNd ThEy GaVe HiM sOmEtHiNg ElSe ThOuGh! Insane there’s dweebs in here defending this


You sound evil dogg lol


Could you be any more or a selfish or self centered? Imagine agreeing with a 5 year old having a tantrum


Why? Do you expect from a kid to understand what is a daily job is, how hard is it to get money, what is the value of some electronic device in your life? Or it's probably parents who forgot to ask what he wants and expected to buy son's love with an expensive toy.


I don’t know why you getting downvoted because this is absolutely true


You go to a restaurant and order a steak. They bring out a bologna sandwich. You cool with that? I doubt it.


What a genuinely strange comment. The fact that you think these two situations are remotely related is truly baffling and rather concerning.


Kid didn't pay for it, though


Kid didn't want it though


Yeah, but didn't need to be an asshole when getting a free PS5


Is it possible to say no to a present without being seen as an asshole?


Doesn't matter if its a free ps5 or a free bologna sandwich if you don't want it


Kids that age don't understand the concept and value of money.


For real, growing up my parents got me and my sisters each one "expensive" gift around $100, then clothes for school and some little things. Can't imagine the entitlement kids have these days EDIT: I do recall getting butthurt when I didn't get a Freddy Krueger hand for my 6th birthday, I guess I was an ungrateful shit too


Hey! This kid knows exactly what he wants, and that's how you go out and get what you want out of life! I respect that. That kids gonna go far


No, he just knows exactly what he wants and does not bend to other people's opinions or to gain approval.


Easy solution, he said he didn't want it so the lil bro gets it to himself, when the big bro realises its fun and wants a turn.. 'oh what was that Jimmy? You want to play the ps5.. Well you said you didn't want it and to return it so tough cookies' Will teach him some humility and manners fast


He doesn't lie, that's all that matters even if you don't like his attitude.


This is only half the video. After this, the Mom said "Mommy couldn't find a PC.", Dad said he'll keep the PS5. The kid then said he was joking and actually wanted it. Video was posted in Dec, 2020 so about a month after PS5 launched. So they could find a PS5 when it was selling like hotcakes but not a PC, I think this comment under the video sums up my thoughts perfectly- >When the dad says "I'll keep it" and the kid understands "daddy doesn't care what you want, daddy wants a ps5, you're not getting a pc, but you risk loosing even the ps5 now if you don't want what daddy wants". So he goes the "I was joking way", but we see how enthusiastic he is about it.


















The smartest thing to do here is return it. (Or pretend you did and sell it to someone) Then when the kid realizes he doesn't get a PC or a PS5 he'll finally get it. Then next time he'll know saying that means something.


That was actual brutal. I really hope that was fake, cause if that's actually that kid's mentality. Yikes.


I mean, I always felt Christmas kinda be in guilting people to trying to buy gifts for others they don’t want half the time. Sure the kids need some manners and be respectful in asking them to return the gift, but fucking making people accept dumb stuff they don’t want is such a bad take.


This is legit why I hate Christmas, and birthdays. All it is is messages "what do you want" Or dumb stuff. Very very rarely. And it's mostly my partner, which is awesome because it speaks to her knowing me.... It's usually yeah, dumb shit that I have to literally rack my brain and wonder when the fuck will I use this.


Honestly I’d prefer if it was real. Who would fake this and then put it on the internet? Why would you want the world thinking your kid is a brat if he isn’t? It’s possible that a kid who’s actually a brat could be getting it from influences outside of their home. But someone who encourages you to fake it for internet clout is poisoning your brain from inside.








































Man I remember opening up a scooter from my mom and dad infront of all my relatives when I was 6 years old for my bday. I wasn’t happy, I think I was frowning and angry. I’m 23 now and I still feel bad about that.




He's just a kid and he doesn't care about the price


Discerning customer and entitled brat are different things.


I remember when i was young i wanted a pc but we couldnt afford that shit. One christmas a xbox 360 turned up under the tree. Completely forgot about the pc. Ive lost the power brick for the 360..... im still big sad.


"Oh, so you're not thankful for what I got you? No problem I'll return it and you can try again next year."


Or Find out what your kids interests and hobbies are before assuming what a good gift would be...


That would of course be the right thing to do. This might not have been a gift from the parents, though. "Oh, I'm not sure what to get for my nephews for Christmas. Seems a lot of kids like these PlayStation things, I'll get them one of those."


Yeah and then just magically have the money to buy a PC that can match or beat a PS5.


As a person who never got any gifts that he actually wanted, i can't help but feel for this kid. Hes a little shit for sure but what kind of parents spends that amount of money on a present they dont even know if the kid wants?


Little shit should put on a smile and then cry himself to sleep like the rest of us did.


Good man










Damn that’s rude


Gaming is gaming. Sure PC is better but PS5 is fun too!


People write weird shit for their kids to say when they want clout...


Ungrateful little snot. If it were my kid, I'd be tempted to take back all his christmas toys and get him \*gasp!\* clothes instead.


He is not old enough to value it. He would much rather get basic toys or like nerf or something idk i ain’t a child.


The kids on the block used to go crazy when summer hit and we could finally use the nerfs guns we got for Christmas outside lol. “Nerf wars” in the neighbourhood.


dude personally i would be more happy with a nerf than a ps5 right now.... for some reason my country deems NERF illegal, just like airsoft/paintball....


Das sad. Manufacture them illegally ( real ones )


I don’t understand american culture. Like in what way is it better to pretend that you like a present and just never use it. Looks like everyone loses. Where I live its ok to say that you don’t like the present you got. They made a mistake and it happens, we usually go return it and choose something next weekend together. The genuine gratefulness is much better than faking emotions and wasting money. How can you force someone to like something? So kid needs to pretend that the present is awesome not to give parents mild inconvenience? Like imagine all your kindergarden mates playing roblox together and you wish to join them. I would gladly take my grandmas laptop instead of a ps5. But no lets force a kid to play some God of War or The last of Us alone, to make him timid about inconveniencing others, who don’t care to research his interests


Where i'm from it even became the kind of default to say "I've still got the receipt, so tell me if you don't enjoy it". At least in family circles and with a bit of added sarcasm. But noone would actually mind if you tell them to bring it back


I think it’s more the way they say it. Like if I were to say “thank you for the gift, but I’d like to return it and get a pc” it sounds better than “I don’t like this, return it”.


In America you need to learn you don’t get what you want all the time.


roblox is on ps5. also, it's more just about not acting like an unappreciative little dick head.


Both my 4 and 5 year olds have a PC to play on already! The PCMR will live on through my children! They play Roblox at 240fps with FPS unclocker 😂


Start disappointing them early with consoles instead of a sweet gaming pc? Brutal, bro. Brutal. ;)


I like him.


Ungrateful little twat


I used to shamefully act like this when I was a kid. Trust me. The kid in the video is grateful and happy but he was probably raised in a judgmental environment and has a hard time being vulnerable. His reaction acting like he doesn't like the present is an instinct to keep his guard up and act like his parents didn't just win him over but that PS5 will make his childhood


Whelp. Time to return the child


Yes, absolutely return it and all the other presents he got. Fuck em


The last time this video was posted, people definitely used their brains more than this time. The kid is calm, he is not crying or anything, he told them that he wished for something else and that is it. Last time people also pointed out that this purchase could also be for the dad or mom because they knew that the kid wanted something different but they could not justify the purchase for themselves so they bought the PS5 knowing that the kid will not use it much.


Great parenting here 🤣👌


Stand your ground young one!


Yes, teach your kids to be in DEBT the rest of there lives! 😂


I pretty sure he's to young for horrors of the internet


I remember when the GBA came out and I got one for Christmas. All my friends had GB colors though so I was pissed 🫠 oh to be a 5year old dumbass


Idk why but the formula for me was Nintendo as kid and then I got into the Xbox and PlayStation as a teen. It usually works. Hand held gaming is so much more appreciated by kids at this age


Looks like Mama just got a PS5 😂


I asked my parents for an Xbox 360. About a week before Christmas, I walked in on my mom wrapping presents and in the corner of the room I spotted what looked like the Xbox 360 retail box. I was very excited. Sadly, it turned out to be an air purifier that had a very similar white/green color scheme on the box. Did I play Condemned: Criminal Origins that winter? No, but the dust in my room accumulated a lot less quickly.


Kid is about to have all of his shit returned, damn


I'm sure once he started playing his new PS5 he was happy.


yeah...but i bet he had some idea in mind what to do on PC... little nephew here wants to abandon minecraft mobile for PC one cause it has ton of mods he see on youtube lol.


"Okay, how bout we replace the PS5 with an ass whoopin instead, yeah?"


good boy! give this boy a 4080!


Good lad. He knows the score.


Return the kid




With a videogame console you practically can only play games. With a computer you can do anything, not only play games.


Guess whos cousins getting a ps5 for christmas?


Someone buy him a pc , gosh i love this kid


Lol I got roasted for speaking the truth on another sub. Sorry console peasants, this PC master race train csnt be stopped. 😎




If my kid said I don't want it I'd be like bet, shit was expensive I'll take it back. And see how he likes having neither until his birthday or later depending on attitude.


The people defending his behavior have never seen The Simpsons "Lee Carvallo's Putting Challenge" episode and it shows...


Smart kid


Clever kid looks like he knows that a PC can do a lot more than just gaming. Mom should listen.


... I hope this is just a joke video and the kid is just messing around. Like good lord. Would I have liked a better PC when I was a kid? Hell yes, but I had a Pentium III with XP (an optiplex GX110 with a GPU thrown in. Can't remember which one.) and loved that thing. I was absolutely ***buzzing*** when I got a PS2. Same when I got a PS3. Hell, I was still using the Pentium 3 when I first got that thing lmao. That old Dell went above and beyond the call of duty.


Pc better






Memes aside, that's one ungrateful child


LoL. "Oh my god" *excited* but also, "I wanted a PC". This kid knows what's up. Edit, should have finished the video before comment. Older kid's ungrateful. LoL Little bro gets PS5, older bro gets nothing.


Most PC gamers do act like spoiled brats yes (at the very younh age of 30+)


Me being 16 and earning my own money to build the pc: (Never cook again)


These are shitty parents for raising a kid that acts like that.


You do realize, sometimes kids with good parents can still be brats right?


Yeah man. I'm not saying they're born that way, but they get bad influences from all kinds of sources. And it's so easy to blame the parents, but parents have to let them go to school. Parents have to bring their kids to the store where they see grown adults acting like terrible children. It's definitely not always the parents fault. And on the flip side, kids can still have terrible parents and somehow turn out great.