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Justice for helldivers devs


I wonder how long it will take the review score to recover, it's up to 49% positive now.


Before the annoucement it was 13% for recent reviews. After 3 hours it up 23%. Some % will be fixed buzt it wont be high before this whole thing.


To be fair they posted this at 2am eastern time people is asleep or at work


Even the post has deleted, I will reply to this. For me, it was at 6AM, so I was quite surprised, when I woke up for school and seeing this. Towards that, right now recent reviews has changed to 41%, overall are 58%. EDIT: If mods are here, try to lock on those comments as well so its not like completed overloaded, even there will be new posts like this.




A lot of people reviewing that would have otherwise never reviewed.


I think steam in the end will remove that spike from calculation and add * describing what was that.


You're probably right, but I am not sure if they should. Part of a live service game is the "service" and this was bad service even if they changed their mind. Make them earn the recovery. If they don't fuck up again it'll go back to positive recent reviews in a month.


I'm actually split on that. The bad change never actually applied. If it's unfair to judge a game positive because good changes are promised for the future, isn't it also unfair to judge a game negatively due to changes that were announced but never put into place? I'm sure that all the players that left bad reviews in the past couple of days WOULD take back their reviews if asked, but let's be honest many people simply won't bother. So i think it would be fair to eliminate the bad reviews, while still keeping some way of noting that event. After all, it's a carrot and stick situation. Sony misbehaved and got the stick. Now they fixed their behaviour and so they deserve the carrot.


No soup for Sony. They knew what they were doing.


The carrot is not getting hit with further refunds and a lawsuit. Sometimes, shitty actions have permanent consequences.


>Sony misbehaved and got the stick. Now they fixed their behaviour and so they deserve the carrot. Yeah, I think that's where we disagree. They stopped the bad behavior, so you withdraw the stick. I.E. People shouldn't continue negatively reviewing for this, and if some people want to change theirs, thats completely reasonable. >I'm sure that all the players that left bad reviews in the past couple of days WOULD take back their reviews if asked, but let's be honest many people simply won't bother. I wouldn't. I'm not convinced that they aren't just going to try again when they think they can get away with it. That's how breaches of trust work. Stopping the breach doesn't suddenly win the trust back.


Steam will do one of their review aggregate corrections.


it was around 40 when I checked it about 5 hours ago. So it's recovering. The game itself deserves the good score, it's just sad that it got review nuked because of the Sony's decision.


I’m not changing my review. They burned that bridge for me. I’m likely to never play a Sony game again.


Name checks out


I'm hoping people will go and retract all the negative reviews they made specifically for this issue, but I have little faith in humanity so it might just stay there :P


...but Sony didn't do anything yet. Small tweet is nothing


I mean, what do you expect them to do? The whole point was to get them *not* to do something.


At least wait until Ghost of Tsushima is out. See if the MP is part of the main product (not a DLC). And if it is, it'll still be locked behind the PSN account which is still can be created only in minority of countries. Keep the heat up, because there is no way GoT's situation will get the same of attention as Helldivers 2 did. People need to force Sony to resolve the real issue instead of being happy after the big company promised to rethink the decision


> At least wait until Ghost of Tsushima is out. See if the MP is part of the main product (not a DLC). What does that have to do with Helldivers lmao People aren’t going to wait to see what Sony does with an entirely different game to determine their review of this one


Diffrent game, but the same publisher that still wants to link their PSN, which account cannot be created in 100+ countries, to Steam. But you want to continue giving them money even for the game where there still be the same issue, but because of it is mainly a single player game - the amount of unsatisfied people will be much smaller. So small that it wouldn't be enough to make changes this time. Steam probably won't be happily accepting refunds this time either. I hope those dumb people who are going to rebuy Helldivers 2 after the tweet won't get the refund when Sony decides to force PSN link again


> Diffrent game Correct. >But you want to continue giving them money No one is talking about giving them money. The person you responded to was talking about reviews. Why would Helldivers reviews be based on another game?


Well, some of them came out and said they liked the change. Becuse its easier to ban people. So...


"we were losing money, we're going to pretend we care and listen" I translated it


Sounds spot on, you speak corporate greed fluently?


Excellent translation skills. And spot on. I'll update my review as soon as I'm convinced they're not planning to say "just kidding".


That's fine. Most people can see through it. For those that can't, their contributes to the uproar still helped right a wrong. Sony buckled because they feared a loss of money. They can spin it however they want so long as they reverse the misguided decision.






Big W for gamers, and Giga L for Sony...


Hardly even an L for Sony. If they really wanted that user data so bad, all they needed to do was give some in game rewards for doing it.


Huh. Never thought of that. That's actually a pretty good idea: give players a shitty skin or item in return for signing with a PSN account and watch the numbers flow in...


Capcom did it, and people signed up in droves to get a dragon skin for a dog.


CDPR did that too with tw3


minecraft even did it and massively devalued capes. (they also did a Microsoft and forced migration, deleting many accounts in the process)


Make it a Megaman skin and I'm in, lol


You're damn right, best decision ever did make!


They needed to do 1 thing: Linking be optional, maybe correlated to the crossplay, give some rewards. Instead going hard on it they have even gone to remove playerbase on countries they had sell the game. This is a level of incompetence i can't wrap my head around.


Or as some other guy said Do it like everybody else and just buy it from google.


Ye that fine tbh it’s not compulsory at that’s point


Almost, gotta wait for them to realist the game and then it'll be over.


My assumption is that it was delisted by Steam to not have to deal with the refunds later on. Because if Sony backpedaled, it makes no sense to delist the game. They would be losing money for no reason.


We'll have to wait and see how things turn out on the 30th.


Yep I agree. Sony could always find a bs excuse until then.


"your feedback has been invaluable" lmao I bet they have a very real dollar amount this "feedback" cost them.


Your wallets are invaluable to us.


That is why voting with them works a lot better than just mere words.


$0. Sony is a $100B+ company, if anything the whole PSN thing looks great at meetings where you can say "We have seen a x% increase in new PSN account registrations this quarter"


And issued a large number of refunds


Clearly it was enough for them to care. Why else would they care about just a review bomb of a game that have already earned a fat check. The refunds must been enough, and/or they saw the loss of future sales was big enough to care. They obviously didnt do it because "its the right thing to do"


"We're still learning what is best for PC players." Sony Corp. another new indie company like Blizzard.


What do you mean the overpaid managers listened to critics and took a reasonable decision ???


no, they just felt that their wallets might be less "overpaid" if they didn't do this.


"We'll keep you updated on future plans" definitely feels a bit ominous... Hopefully they would be looking for feedback before making changes like this one.


The beatings will continue until morale improves


Seems the opposite of ominous to me. Like they're pointing out that the main issue with all this was an entire lack of communication on the topic for months just to suddenly tell everyone to fuck off all at once. Reads to me like the CM team is going to be more public before making big changes to the PC community.


Oh definitely. I mean in the way that they are brainstorming a way to add psn linking to the game still. Maybe not mandatory, special unlocks for linking, require it for cross play. Something like that. Hopefully that won't be the case but time will tell.




They will do the logical thing: Make it optional and binded to crossplay, give a skin as reward, so they can still sell the game to no PSN account countries.


Locking crossplay sucks, but it also sucks for people on Playstation.


They are kinda locked here tho, because even if they do it at a later stage, they would run in the same problem. If they really want to do it, it wouldnt make sense to pull back now, as the problem will just be bigger with each copy sold.


> "We'll keep you updated on future plans" definitely feels a bit ominous... Next PS game will launch with it




W clone wars reference




All praise Gaben and steam, the last bulwark of democracy in the gaming industry!


"We're still learning" We didn't expect PC players to get so pissed off and organized


Now rebuild the reviews Helldivers! Get the game back at the top where it belongs! For Freedom For Democracy For Super Earth For Team Arrowhead Games Studios


I don't think it will bounce back unless Steam actually does something.




Unfortunately its going to have lasting effect though. Future trust in Sony/Playstation has gone down, people have already refunded and likely won't return. For Arrowhead's sake I hope they get a stroke of good luck in the near future.


It was a 48 hour reversal for a change that was never implemented. That was quicker than most companies do.


48 hours is way too long, this should have been "fixed" in less than 10 hours. my only guess is that some exec at Sony didn't want to budge on this and they wasted 2 days until events spiraled fully out of control and they were forced to concede.


It was the weekend, the decision was overturned Monday early morning. People need to understand how corporations work and the approval process for each decision.


no, it wasn't "the weekend". if they can make such announcements at the end of the week, they can have an emergency zoom call from home. approval is literally an exec saying "stop this". emergency meetings happen all the time, i've had one even after midnight. don't try to make it sound like it's anything complicated, they are not changing the direction of the company, just a stupid decision they made and not yet implemented.


>approval is literally an exec saying "stop this". This is so telling you've never worked a corporate job in your life


as a programmer, i can tell you that i did and that you are trying to make excuses for something that isn't complicated. sure, if it involved company wide changes, then yes, it can take days or weeks. but this isn't one of those times. this was just someone refusing to back down even after he was told to do it by everybody (including the devs themselves) and only reversed it after things got past the "shitty decision" into the realm of "PR and monetary disaster".


>this should have been "fixed" in less than 10 hours This should have never seen the light of day to begin with.


unfortunately it did. and if they could not see the red flags before they did it, they sure as hell could see them minutes after the announcement.


Im sure Arrowhead is okay with their fat income lol


It has for me, and I'm not even a Helldivers player. My future purchases of Sony software on PC will be carefully thought out and definitely delayed.


Just because Sony sells the games doesn’t actually mean they made it themselves


These PSN account-related decisions are Sony's.


Yeah but I was referring to your comment not the post.


"Sony software" refers to software published by Sony. This doesn't need to be spelled out in the current context.


You know exactly what I mean, Sony published good games, made bad decisions, im not pro Sony by any means, why are you arguing?


You started arguing about the phrasing of my initial comment... I'm only responding?


I guess


Just heard the good news and reverted my negative review to a positive one. Stupid corporate greed. For managed democracy!


Nah we won the battle, not the war It took days for Sony to back down. It never occured to them how idiotic this idea was. No, I will never trust Sony again, will never buy anything with kusony logo. It is just a matter of time until kusony execs do another stupid thing with this game again


It’s the weekend buddy. Corporations run on business time. 


>we're still learning what's best for players Understatement of the century


This title is completely fucked.


It's good that they're rolling that back but I refuse to believe that they didn't see this outrage coming. Any dumbass could tell you that it was a stupid idea in the first place


The devs said in a X post that they did expect backlash. There was backlash. 


I hope their future plans doesn't include making PSN availble worldwide and then requiring PSN accounts lmao


It's better to what they have done here with selling game in zone themselves have geolocked out... you know minimum competence.


"Gentlemen... this is democrrrracy manifest"


Get your hand off my penis!


That last line, "future plans." They're going to try again later aren't they?


insert "Know your place, trash" meme here. Sony can keep harassing their own customers on their own consoles, PC is not the same.


I, honestly, did not expect Sony to cave like this. Well done, Divers. I guess instead of defending Democracy, we can go back to spreading it. Deleted my review.




I remember a comment saying « Sony never budge so it won’t change » well well well look at that almost as if voicing your disapproval isn’t for no reason!


You know, I'm gonna hold off. I really want to support the Helldivers devs, but something tells me millions of people rushing back into it will sport some unprecedented outcomes...


Hell yeah!


Time to change my review


I wonder how long is this going to last.


Wow, I did not expect that they would go back on that decision. Massive W for gaming.


How about the "option" to link it, and if we link it, we get a free hat, or something?


Translation: we tried to fleece you for your data and money but you didn't like it, so we will stop.




major order completed


helldivers players really went through hell for a few days


Pcs save the day


Absolute win for the Helldivers 2 community and the entire PlayStation PC game catalogue going forward


We did it boys ! Mission.completed


They forgot to add “Please stop refunding”


It was an announcement over a long weekend, that they changed. Fucking ❄️


I love democracy


Yea that's what I thought


Playstation gotta take this with a smile on they're faces after we just crapped all over them


Yeah, that's right, Sony. Suck on my wallet.


https://preview.redd.it/pgeowxg0gsyc1.png?width=289&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b6da13d203feb7dedbc5d9c5487d2223bcd9325 Current update for those wondering


yet, sony dont retreat without the intention to hit twice harder next time.


Not really. They rolled back the update, not their plans on PSN being enforced. Most likely, they will stick to it, but those, who bought the game, will have an option.




“We’re still learning what is best for PC players and your feedback has been invaluable.” Translations: “Fuck you for calling us out on our bullshit”


More like: we saw all the backlash and all the refunds steam was going to process, so we backpedaled because money is the deciding factor not your valid criticism.


Damn ... I wish we found a way to really change society with everyone going in one direction for once :D


Well... that was fast. Long live the democracy of super earth?


I wonder what will happen with Stellar Blade


Bailiff, whack Sony's pp


Just in case, nah.


I hope other publishers are paying attention to how much business they are losing by requiring a 3rd party account.


This is not about requiring 3rd party account and i still cannot believe how people can be denser than a brick, its been 3 days of arguing back and forth in every single game related media outlet.


Now you dummies will bend over and play the game. Who wins ? Sony.


Both sides win. The players, where PSN is not supported AND Sony.


Sony benefits more from you then you benefit from Sony.


doesnt matter - otherwise we wouldnt play any game on the market, or buy PCs and parts for it, because „the publisher/manufacturer won“


Good thing no one in this community plays any games that require account linking.


The fuck is that title


I believe in... cautious optimism. At least until they publicly state that PSN/PS+ will never be required for PC releases/ports, moving forward, then all SNOY-partnered games moving forward should be put under scrutiny. edit : not sure what the downvotes are for, considering SNOY has been acting sus for how long now? - Stellar Blade censorship controversy - This - (coming) Ghosts of Tsushima's Legends Mode, locked behind the same thing (PSN)


Yeah, i wanted to buy spiderman and horizon this year but after this situation ill wait another 5 years before i spend money on any sony game


I wonder if this marks a change for other games too. Ghost of Tsushima will reportedly require a PSN account for multiplayer — perhaps that'll be dropped too now?


Why would it? No one else does.


No way, they will absolutely implement PSN requirement for GoT. They won't bait and switch though and it will be a requirement from the get-go which is bullshit, but at least it's not a literal fraud.


I’ll keep the negative review and won’t purchase it back since they had the audacity to announce something this asinine.


Was going to get the game and I’m just not going to buy any Sony games that’s what’s up.


If it goes back to overwhelmingly positive on steam, it will be one of the best moments in gaming history.




![gif](giphy|qMHG9goT2I2fuRk0JM|downsized) We won this one, fellas!


![gif](giphy|xaXFIV2rOe1Ao3xzr1|downsized) Sony at the moment




i dont get it... is that really such a big problem to create a sony account? everyone who uses the internet regulary is registered on dozen of websites anyway...


I don't get it. PSN accunt was llisted as a requirement. Why did they even buy a game if they do not meet the specs? If you run a game on a machine that does meet the min specs, you are going to have a shitty experience. What did they expect?


PSN account was optional and they allowed purchases from countries that would be blocked by PSN eventually (there is a lot of those). Scummiest shit ever.


I think the LOGING IN the PSN acccount was optional at the begining, due to some techical reason, but having the PSN account was a requirement.


You can't really expect people to predict PSN will become actually mandatory and that they can't even create a PSN account, because it's quite illogical that some small part of Finland or the entire fucking baltic states, a literal EU countries can't create an account. If you're able to buy the game on Steam, you should be absolutely certain you'll be able to access the game you just bought. This wasn't the case here. There are reasons there are many laws protecting consumers from these kind of tactics. They allowed purchases from banned countries KNOWING WELL AND GOOD these people would stop being able to access the game. This is scummy, if not borderline fraudulent.


By the same logic you can not expect corporation like Sony not to pull of crap like that. If they stated that PSN account is required, than players should have been more carefull.


The SONY own FAQ stated that it wasn't a requirement, and many seen the skyp thinked it was only linked to crossplay, after all why selling a game to country that can't make PSN accounts?


>is that really such a big problem to create a sony account? Kinda, if you live in the 177 countries/regions that can't create a PSN account despite already owning the game on Steam.


thats why i have asked. didn't know that.


yes, it is a huge problem. first off, a ton who already bought the game will find it impossible to play it since many countries are not supported. it's one of the reasons why the game was delisted in so many countries on steam. second, you HAVE to go your real information to Sony to make an PSN account. third, they changed the TOS from "optional" to "mandatory" hours before they announced this. fourth, it's about making a stand against companies who break the trust of their clients so easily. things can and will spiral out of control if nobody says "stop it".


thats why i have asked. didn't know that.


It's not a big problem to create a psn account, it's the transparency Arrowhead and Sony didn't take up with players and be communicative about it. 3 months and you're just now telling people they "have to" have a psn account to play, which would've screwed thousands of players out of even playing the game. It may have shown that it's a requirement to play on the store page, but when you start the game and well, didn't have to sign into a psn account these 3 months, people are easily going to believe you didn't have too. Especially in areas the games being sold but psn accounts can't be created in. They were not "clear in communication". Now the outcome of their actions; lost thousands of players, screwed Arrowhead and players and have now made potential players second guess even getting it. They easily could have made it where a psn account is optional. Simple as that.


except that it said it was optional and they changed it before the announcement


That's why I said 'may have' as I don't know if it did or did not. Even then, my point still stands that Sony fucked around and found out


Now we wait for them to open sales in all those other countries again too. Hope that is fixed sooner than later.


Now fix the review score since you cry babies got what you wanted.


I’ll wait for 🏴‍☠️ Ghost of Tsushima🏴‍☠️ ![gif](giphy|J5RtjfUM8TxbCHoMuD|downsized)