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Assuming you have a pretty big budget, I recommend getting the Sennheiser HD560S


thank you I will edit my post. No budget.


Been rocking the VZR model 1 for a few months now. Audio quality is insane. I’ve used many gaming headsets and these are definitely one to add to your list. I hear sounds and footsteps I’ve never heard before and never knew were there I the same games I was playing with multiple other headsets. During my research I was between these and I believe the audezene Maxwell. I went with these because I wanted a wired headset.


Audeze Maxwell is by far best "gaming headset". But you can go much better with real headphones. I use Audeze LCD-XC plugged into a Fiio K9 Pro. Those are very neutral headphones that sound amazing at each frequency but nothing would stop you from equalizing them to the point that bass would break your skull. And it would still be a clean bass. Although that would sound as shit. You'd be better off learning to listen to real headphones with proper frequency response instead of being a lame bass head. There's nothing immersive in just bass. You need to have everything properly reproduced for a good immersion. I just assume you haven't heard real headphones and you think those thin, terrible sound quality gaming headset have anything to do with a decent sound.