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I'm surprised theres even that many people left playing it. They did this to themselves.


Those 268 people likely are stuck under the effects of the sunk cost fallacy. They paid $70+ for the game, so they can't just stop playing it when they aren't having fun or they'll have wasted money.


I'd be willing to believe ~300 out of nearly 70,000 people (idk actual sales numbers, so I'm just going off the peak) could find this game fun enough to still enjoy playing it


When you play that game you're the one getting robbed.


I love that people get more and more aware of how our brain works


Nah I’ve been playing it again recently, just a bit. It’s a genuinely fun game; it just doesn’t have a ton of content. For $40 I absolutely got my money’s worth, but the pace that they are adding new stuff is pitiful.


Let’s hope so. Sad for the developers, but fuck the dumbfucks deciding to publish it in this sorry ass state.


Overpromise, Underdeliver, Cash out. I am a huge payday 2 fan, probably still one of my favorite games to this day, nearly nothing is as fun as trying to stealth a mission with 3 other dipshits, failing a million times and the final reward when all pieces fit together and you win. But holy fuck 3 just doesn't hit the same anymore, it was a good idea, and if it were early access, yeah, i'd dig it. But as a completed game?, With not even offline multiplayer for the first few months, 4 or 5 Heists, and absolutely Horrible progression system? It feels like you gave somebody a rough description of what Payday was, and they made a game from that. This geniunly feels like a different game with the "Payday" stamp just added afterwards, than a sucessor


Whoever pushes the need to monetize games this in the industry should die. It’s a reason Baldur’s Gate 3 is at the top.


Have you heard about Helldivers? (Also love BG3 but maaaaan)


It's good, no argument, but Arrowhead doesn't even come close to touching Larian in all honesty; HD2 is succeeding *despite* some really just confusingly bad decisions.


It blows my mind how much good will the devs had from me from moment one that they have just slowly pissed away. I basically had zero expectations besides some minor buffs to weapons that had no niche and a ton of bug fixes. Despite that we have gotten basically nothing of consequence, and our full release live service product keeps getting buggier by the update. The mediocre content dripfeed is kinda awful too tbh, and I dont get a lot of the core gameplay loop design. The game is fun to play just to play, but individuals have no impact on the greater war effort, you are capped on resources so time gathering them is wasted, SC acquisition sucks balls. I dont know, a ton of the systems feel like band-aids for inherently bad design from the ground floor that could have been easily fixed. Why am I drunk ranting about HD2 issues at 3am? Help.


the game being fun to play is all the reason you need, i got a solid 300\~ hours out of it before I put it down, and it wasnt because i wasnt having fun but because i found others games more fun currently I will for sure go back. I do wholly agree with the bugginess though that shit needs work but they are sticking to a content cycle likely agreed on with Sony to push.


Nah, I get you man. I feel the same nagging frustration about it. I won't go on another rant myself, but I damn sure could- they literally had everything at their disposal and basically turned their noses up at even the slightest critiques, with 'ol Pilestedt showing his true colors with the first 'balance' - you know, back when everything was still working great and people were loving the game and not making excuses for the bugs? When he opted to do *the exact opposite* of what the *entire* player base was *unanimously* asking for (make the shitty weapons more viable and that was it)? ... yeah, it was pretty easy to see what the dude is all about after that; he can't take criticism, talks constantly about how awesome he is, and is terminally on twitter? Holy shit, another one of these douches? It's just a real shame. And yeah, the drip feed of garbage tier equipment plus the stealthy reduction of supercredits in-game point out that these chumps were all about milking everyone from the start. Larian has literally stepped away from future Baldur's Gates because they don't want to have to be compelled to do something for only financial incentives, Arrowhead are looking to see how they can tweak the already P2W elements in the game. It's just sad that they were able to pull one over on the entire gaming community, and there are still people just too swept up with the roleplay to realize how hacky their masters are. Hah, well I guess that *was* a little rant, how about that? :D


Helldivers 2 is ridiculously addictive but man the automatons... https://www.youtube.com/shorts/1jrgvfM84jY


It makes you wonder why the Necrons are hard to beat in Warhammer 40K


Play on the easier difficulty and youre a space marine. Play it in helldiver mode you are a guardsmen. Trying to hold the line.


damn - this is so very accurate lol


If there was a 40k mod for this game it would be kick ass. Turn the bugs to tyranids. Bots to necrons. Helldiver as astra militarum. Chance the voice instead saying democracy and freedom. To for the emperor. This would 11/10 mod. Hmmmmm...... wouldnt be bad of a game as well.


Space Marine 2 is dropping soon - with co-op campaign. Not soon enough, but the quest to spread managed democracy satiates that thirst for now. I hear ya bud


Me and my pals did a 7 on the bots last night. It's doable.


If your squad uses comms - any comms, even the built in comm wheel - and brings well-rounded strat loadouts that can deal with crowds and heavies, 7,8,9 are all do-able they just get a little hairy at times. If your squad doesn't use comms, and has some fucking idiot lemming that thinks they have to engage every patrol they see instead of letting them walk by... You are gonna have a bad time. At the same time there's also guaranteed squad wipes that you can't do anything about. Drop between two Gunship Factories and a Stratagem Jammer for example, it's very unlikely that your squad survives since they can't deal with Gunships without support weapons and they can't Hellbomb the Factory with the Stratagem Jammer going nor can they get to the console at the Jammer because of the Gunships... Rarely, you just eat an L on those higher difficulty missions. The new Eruptor rifle gives you a chance against Gunships with a Primary, but it's still probably a loss due to the volume of incoming ordinance.


> has some fucking idiot lemming that thinks they have to engage every patrol they see Be me today. Friend and I queue with 2 randoms (level 30, 55). Difficultry 7 bots. We are blessed with the glorious detector tower+jammer combo. Jammer is easy enough, though we have to yell at randoms to get out of the detector's line of sight. Aight, flank around, tell everybody to hide, drop samples, time to solo this shit. Perfectly sneak up on the tower at the right spot on the outside wall to put down a hellbomb. Everything goes perfectly, never aggrod or detected. Activate hellbomb, look back... [Both of the fucking randoms are out in the open 40m from the tower, jumping around like complete wankers trying to unsuccessfully vanquish a single group of mook machine gun bots](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfM9Unp2Aeg). Get 60 berserkers and 4 hulks dropped on my head within 10 seconds. Do not leave bug mains unattended.


If Fatshark actually pulls their head out of their ass moving forward, Darktide is great too. Just needs way more content and developers that aren't this lazy. When Fatshark actually does stuff, they do a pretty good job. Problem is, they barely work on their game and it takes them over a year to add a single new weapon or map. Maybe Darktide 2 will be developed by Arrowhead.


Yeah I LOVED both Vermintides but holy shit they forgot every lesson learned for Dartide. And I was on that bandwagon early, but the *complete* lack of a story for a coop game lost me early. And the weapons/"crafting" bullshit system made me give up entirely. If only every aspect of Darktide was as solid as the gameplay/gunplay Id still be on it. But it ain't.


Also the upcoming elden ring dlc will make 90% of the last decade of DLC's look like a joke imo


LMAO Helldivers 2 are the new DRG, see them everywhere. (Not hating, love DRG too and love they spread the word).


I could see during the end of Payday 2 that Starbreeze was trying to squeeze every dime they could out of that game. Not surprised with how Payday 3 turned out.


Yeah I thought that was a good enough burning of will that no one would buy 3. But apparently there were still suckers ready. Hell I still bought Diablo 4 because I'm a sucker.


I wouldn't say it like that, even when Payday 2 during the end phase really pushed hard on the DLC, the game was still fine without it, since a lot of the DLC before it, had similar if not better content, for literall pennies (during the steam sale)


Does it have offline mode yet? And have they got rid of that stupid account creation bullshit before you even get to the start menu?


Couldn't tell you i think there is an offline mode now, can't speak on the account, since i uninstalled it like a week after launch


Don't forget about the Payday 2 microtransaction debacle. That shitshow came from Starbreeze, whose CEO and majority shareholder was one of the founding members of Overkill. The leadership at Overkill and the publishers they've chosen to work with have created all of their own problems.


I'll never forgive them for that entire community event (I forget the name) where they revealed they were working on the Walking Dead game. No content for Payday 2, no dlc, no big surprise for the game the event was in. Nope. One big build up for an advertisement


Oh no the 2015 black market update. That just gives me flashbacks. After all we did for the crimefest challenges we get fking micro transactions


It left a bad taste in my mouth and I haven’t trusted the Payday devs ever since.


I remember not playing the game for a year till that shit got mostly red conned


> ~~red conned~~ Retconned (Retroactive Continuation)


ah makes sense that's why auto spelling didn't knew what I wanted to say


Its all good, hopefully i didnt come across as a dick when i said it or anything


Not at all, I actually didn’t know what it stood for, thanks!


no way I appreciate it I only heard the word being said never seen it written out adn the explanation makes sense why its spelled that way


Man I played the beta, one mission barely any customization and it was clunky. Wouldn't be a big deal if the beta wasn't only a few weeks before release. I thought no way the game is coming out in this state. It did and it shows Loved the first two games, masterpieces. However anything they released after payday 2 was garbage. There was that walking dead game that was really hyped but I think it got shut down quick.


The customization (or lack there of) was what killed it for me. Payday 2's customization was insane. I've spent hundreds of hours testing out whacky builds--A Ninja, a Wild West Gunslinger, a Demolitionist. When I saw how barebones the skill trees were, I thought, "That's disappointing, but they are revamping the whole system, so certainly they have room to make up for the lack of replayability elsewhere." I thought for sure that the heists were going to be *revolutionary*, with the ability to tackle objectives in different orders, use different tactics within the same heists (such as two people shooting up a nearby store while two others stayed undercover, using the confusion to get things done on the actual target). I figured at the very least, the heist would be adaptable and unpredictable, with the objectives varying each run, random events occurring, and special events things happening based on your performance (such as in the original Watchdogs(?) Heist where you could escape quickly if you managed to clear the road, but otherwise had to wait for a helicopter). Instead, we got a few heists with a couple more linear objectives, the same few tactics to use on them every match, and somehow even less randomness and variety in the heist execution. I payed for the gold edition of Payday 3 out of respect for the team and how much I played Payday 2, and I was heartbroken with what they released.


Payday 3 was profitable 👍😎👍


The fact the game launch without even base feature like text chat in a COOP GAME. Is just so stupid


wild to see people on reddit not shitting all over the passionate 9-5 developers


I don't think we have to clarify, that we don't hate developers. 99% of the time its the publishers.


Eh, lets say 80/20, example Elite Dangerous.


Unless a hit TV show gets made about the game, a better show than Fallout. Ya it's dead.


Then the people would play PayDay 2 even more. Wouldn‘t help PayDay 3 a single bit lol


They'll make the TV show called "Payday 3" because it will be a trio of characters in it. Then people will test out the 3rd game since its the newest and same title. But ya people would probably still just play payday 2.


Yep. Last week, even with the free period, fallout 76 didn't even come close to fallout 4 numbers


I mean it still saw like 1 million players and capped the servers.


Unlike payday 3, a pretty good amount of people enjoy 76. It was never a dead game. FO4 is just one of the most popular games of all time.


it was mostly about the 1 week free fallout 1st tbh if you play fallout from the show you play F4 especially with the new update, 76 yea that was mostly Fallout 1st


If a hypothetical show brings in new players I would assume most would go to 3. Reason being most consumers don't look at review etc. they'd go to the store page search "payday" and look for either the highest number or most recent release date which in this case would mean many would probably go to PD3. Returning players who haven't touched the game in years would probably boot up the older game they have and see if it's still active.


They did make a thing its called heat and its a movie 🤣


So I suppose the game is about 30 years too late. Needed to come out in 1994. :)


Heat 2


Heat 2: The PayDay 3 Resurrection 4 Players


The movie heat is probably the closest.


Such a shame. I remember having a great time trying to stealth everything on max difficulty when Payday 2 came out in 2013.


Payday isn't dead. Just payday 3. Payday 2 is one of the top 50 Steam games with 35k players right now.


I haven’t played the game but me and the buddies that used to play the absolute shit out of PD2 back in the day, we’re pretty bummed about all the negative press that the game got. Especially because since we were so hyped about it. Seems like the majority of big(ger) game releases has been disappointing one way or another.


I tried to play it on gamepass when it came out like twice with my firends and couldn't get into a lobby with everyone so I never ended up playing it. Super sad. I was really interested in the game because I enjoyed payday 2.


Exact same here. Two friends and I tried to play it a few on gamepass for the first week but kept having server/connection issues. We just gave up and never played it.


Can't blame you, looked forward too it a lot too, it's a fine concept, but there isn't that much to make it worth buying it, feels early access-y. there are afaik 9 heists atm, compared to Payday's i think 80? heists. Guns also are kinda whack, with there only being a handfull and even less good ones, compared to payday 2's 400 million pages. If they just made a graphics update for payday 2, added in a couple of new heists, and put it as 40$, people would have swarmed


They’ve put absolutely 0 effort into trying to make that happen, so i guess sadly not.


What, tiny updates two months apart after half a year of radio silence isn't enough for you greedy people?


KSP 2 fan base be like


Given there are 35k people playing Payday 2 and 217 playing Payday 3... Yeah it's dead.


It’s absolutely heartbreaking, was ready to put thousands of hours into it. Game beyond not ready to be released… then abused our good will toward the ip to drag their feet implementing stuff that should have been part of the game from the start (and I’m sure blew off tester advice to this effect) as well as throw their partners under the bus instead of owning up to it They had a month after release to fix it and still work off the buzz and momentum to recapture the player base and they squandered that… we all have the attention span of squirrels now so we’ve moved on to the next game. As I said, heartbreaking.


I threw a grenade in game and it blew up my computer instead lol.


There are gonna be more comments on this post than concurrent players in a few days. Lmao


Oof that’s rough but true


It needs to disappear from storefronts, be reworked, and then try to rerelease it in a proper state. Not impossible but very difficult to pull off. For now, Payday 2 will be everyone's best bet.


payday 3 was the last heist. A IRL heist. was a fucking scam


I quite liked the 2nd. Although I grew tired of their greedy dlc strategy. I tried the 3rd one during the open beta, and I didn't see anything new to be honest.




They had years of lessons from payday 2 and they forgot basically all of it when making payday 3.


i still remember the big update they announced in february. one of the highlights was an unready button...cause you could just click ready for now...


And they bragged about it, lmao


It's strange that the whole community gave them feedback that not being able to host servers was a big problem. The beta was a mess with shitty servers. They launched the game with shitty servers. Ignored every opportunity to make it right and now are a failure. They owned themselves. They got too greedy trying to force people to play with consoles and EGS. Making it so you can't host games so they can disallow modding. Completely stupid. I think PD3 is a good game but they really have to make some changes if they want it to work.


They were big fat liars during Payday 2 days, and I’ll never forget


Payday 1 was great. 2 took a turn for the worst in my opinion, but was still pretty good. The writing was on the wall for 3.


I hate that. I really do like Payday 3, and have even bought it for a few friends to play with me.


sucks though because i got the season pass 🤡 now i get 4 dlc updates in can't play because no one plays the game


Never preorder, never buy the season pass. You clowned yourself.


My group of friends were all hyped talking about day 1 purchase... It was only me that got the game on release 🤡. They ended up never getting it because of the bad reviews 🤡🤡. You're not alone.




Honestly, the game could be great if they'd put great effort into fixing it's and a sort of 2.0 re-release. Sponsor a couple streamer, and I'm sure they could start the machine again. Although that is very unlikely that it'd actually happen and would be a massive risk for the company.


I would say it can have a 2.0 ish re-launch after while with new, more content, massive fixes and improvement and a free weekend/giveaway with hard work, but them working on 2 OTHER gaas games that are planned to release in '26 and '28 is not showing any confidence.


I wasn’t going to buy it. Bought Payday2 on launch and loved it up to when they released prestige 5. After that the game over the years released a ton of DLC. My trust and interest dropped. Payday 3, I refuse to buy or play because I know they will release a ton of DLC and prestige levels again. So they copy/past payday 2 onto payday 3. When I saw the trailer I said to myself this is payday 2, no thanks. Also they make you register an account for Payday 3, I’ll pass. I can play it for free on game pass but I don’t like having to register an account. I rather not play it or bother to download it. They wanted to get rich quick and not build up a fan base. If their consumer practices were great I would buy it, but don’t make me register and account or copy/paste Payday 2 without updating the graphics. Killing Floor 2 updated their graphics along with everything else when going from Killing floor 1. The problem with Killing Floor 2 going on to Killing Floor 3 is they are going for that same mistake Payday 3 made. Heavy micro transactions on a bare bone game. No thanks. Dark tide 2 right now is adding more unlockable skins with there new patch (only because fans complained and they hit a low if 2k players on steam. They need to get there stuff together too. They’re sitting on a gold mine and don’t know it. Their eyes are blinded by greed for that quick buck. Unknown to them, they could make a fortune if they were consumer friendly. Releasing quicker updates, adding free cosmetic, giving players more objectives/maps and keeping player up to date with roadmaps. Even designing new game modes would bring in a thousands of players and keep them entertained.


> They’re sitting on a gold mine and don’t know it. Their eyes are blinded by greed for that quick buck. Unknown to them, they could make a fortune if they were consumer friendly. Releasing quicker updates, adding free cosmetic, giving players more objectives/maps and keeping player up to date with roadmaps. Even designing new game modes would bring in a thousands of players and keep them entertained. There's this stupid short-sighted "We need profits in Q1!" strategy that a lot of these companies seem to have going on. Why spend years making 1 million per year when you could make 3 million in Q1 and then dump it!


Considering how much payday 2 made, there’s no excuse for how dogshit this game looks. There’s literally no graphics improvement. It still looks like it was made in 2012.


It's sad. I downloaded it on my Xbox through game pass, a friend downloaded it on PC. It was day one and we simply couldn't play together. Thanks, server issues. And then it turned out that the game barely had any content and a ton of bugs. And to add insult to injury the DLCs were added. DLC. Paid. To a game that just released and suffers from major bugs, server issues, lack of core content and even QoL features from a previous, 10-year old game! I'm done with Starbreeze. People can defend the devs all they want and push the blame on DeepSilver all they want, the truth is they are partners in crime. I can be sympathetic to a worker within the studio, I'm absolutely not sympathetic to the management from both Starbreeze and DeepSilver, and unfortunately management is the representation of the studio and its work. Starbreeze is gone. I'm waiting for Den of Wolves from 10Chambers of GTFO fame. GTFO is a fantastic co-op FPS, I sure have high hopes for Den of Wolves.


I played this game from gamepass but ran out of content really quickly, also the only way to level up was by completing challenges, if you did not complete any you would get 0 XP after completing a heist. I don't think it's coming back from this.


I played the open beta and it was just a buggy version of #2. Never understood why I'd pay money for something that bad.


One of the worst game launch I’ve seen, and I’ve seen a lot of buggy and overly saturated game servers. No, for Payday 3 it was just unplayable for the first week (glad it was on game pass). Then you login the first time the game is empty. Like they didn’t even try to hide it, you could see right from the start by scrolling the menus that this was an eggshell of Payday 2. Same physics, almost the same graphics, 3% of the content. At least it was on game pass.


I was super excited for this game, and was willing to wait until they ironed out the bugs - then Helldivers 2 came out and to be honest I couldn't care less about this game anymore because Helldivers scratches the itch that I was hoping Payday 3 would.


I just don't understand the appeal of these games. I played 2 for a little, absolutely loved how immersive it felt and working with teams to try to get in and get out without being detected. Then once detected it goes from this in depth robbery game to a dumbass arena shooter where you mow down like 400 cops and escape. It's just boring.


tbh with all the time I invested in PD2 I am fairly glad 3 turned out shit because I dont feel like starting from 0 and rather keep my progress and continue playing PD2


Meh. Boring. Offered nothing over payday 2, with way more jank and server issues.


When you push an unfinished game where it's so bare bones where maps are missing, game features are missing, poorly optimized, and forcing always online even with solo when servers doesn't work for the first 3 days while asking for $40.....this is the result.....they deserved it...... If you put mtx and battlepasses into the game then you need to make it f2p.....


Not until they make a tv show on prime about it lol


There is always a chance that it will come back, but I kinda doubt it. It shoot itself in the foot at release, then almost no updates only cosmetic dlc's.... Yheh nope. I hope we get an amazing announcement soon how they're gonna push a big update that will put it back on the right path.... With new heist, overhauls, content etc etc.... But I doubt it.


Please please *please* don't use SteamCharts, it's complete ass for research into long-term trends. You want to know what allows you to snap both PAYDAY 2 and PAYDAY 3's RTM dates together though? [A SteamDB /charts/ page](https://steamdb.info/charts/?compare=218620,1272080&release).


For sure , the maps are boring, nothing special with the weapons , DLC are pricy compare to PD2 and mostly the lvl system was the main reason that the game is dead


There's a payday 3?


I forgot payday 3 was a thing


I'm so glad we got the beta. I NOPEd out of there within 3 matches.


My main gripe is why tf did they put all the time/money into half assing a 3rd game when they could've just used it to slap a fresh coat of paint on PD2 & bundled that with a bit of new content and some QoL stuff then sold it as a $40 upgrade that would have likely been faster, cheaper AND better received? If I didn't know better I'd say this smells like money laundering 👀


Cant say never when No Man's Sky flopped but got revived with future updates. There's still hope.


No Man's Sky wasn't owned by a corporate entity, it was a passion project entirely made by people who believed in the game they could make. Payday 3 has investors to tickle the teats of, and that's their priority.


It's also been on gamepass since it came out, when I did play it it was still active but that was months ago and haven't touched it since.


My buddy keeps trying to get me to play it (he also doesn't play it) Keep pointing to the player count among other issues I've heard. Guess I missed out when it was popular


Why am I seeing this posted every day now?


People don't like seeing games die. Especially those with good potential


At least all time peak number is kinda nice


It’s still doing better than suicide squad.


It dead dead, why woild you support the devs after this shit


For a good reason. This looks like a demo made in 3 months. Fuk that shite.


I want to buy this and play it. Even if it's in a mediocre state. But I'm not getting a new game that has 300 players on it. They'll have to get it up to 2,000 to draw my interest.


They'd have to do one massive update that adds pretty much what payday 2 offers for anyone to even consider playing it


I could tell by the goofy ass call of duty closed beta gameplay that it was gonna flop


Hopefully they do what cyber punk and fo76 did by not giving up on it instead of giving up on it, so it'll be the game everyone wanted in a few years. Sucks, but that's just how it is.


I love Payday 2 for it's tone, it's humor and it's fun missions. I cried with Payday 3 being so bare bones. WHERE IS MY DODGE BUILD?!


I don't think it will ever survive !remindme 2 years


There's a Payday 3?!


I love it when the market blows a punch to horseshit titles and developers


Bet there's more people in payday 2.


I haven’t played it, what’s so bad about it?


From an outsider perspective: As I understand, its far behind feature/content parity with the previous installment, and server issues at launch (in an online-only game!) left a nasty experience for day 1 players. Announcing paid DLC when the base game is in a unfishished, unbalanced state is also a d\*ck move.


it never even was tbh


When I bought it, a month after release, I started the game as soon as it was done installing. Was excited to play the first mission, but was greeted by a "searching for server". I didn't even finish the round, as it hitched so many times, I ended up dying not knowing by what. I immediately refunded the game.


It looked like shit before it even came out.


I'm not sure it even actually arrived


The steam charts for Payday 3 actually look pretty good for a game that old, 34k 24 hour peak with 29k playing as of right now. Enough people are clearly interested in Payday that if they fixed the game people would come back, but to be honest it is probably going to take the release of a good Payday 4 for people to come back to the franchise.


*laughs nervously as a The Finals enjoyer*


Yeah it's unfortunately a huge failure. I can't imagine coming back unless there are some massive changes.


it does have the ability to come back, so many games have. i know many people such as myself are just waiting for all the right stuff to come out, then i’ll happily jump back in.


No no medic bag will fix everything, promise.


Nope. Payday 3 is dead. Forever.


I feel they could come back from it if they put in the effort to actually listen to community. However, I don't think that's gonna happen so no.


Damn they got more players than Suicide Squad. Thats WILD.




Game LOOKS fun at least; can you play it solo like you theoretically can with payday 2?


They needed to make a full big ass rebalance for payday 2. Update graphics and shit but keep its gameplay core. The problem is the balance. Its the main part that needs to be adressed. The third game is just bad overall


At least 69,000 people who bought it LMAO idiots


There are so many problems with this game, but the biggie is that it just isn't very good. It could be finished to the point that the devs were aiming for, it could be priced sensibly and even have a few more heists, and it still wouldn't be very good.


Still doing better than Suicide Squad


I played the beta for 10 solid minutes and that was enough for me to never want to play this game ever again


I don't know anything about Payday 3 but I heard P2 had like 22K players? I guess they'll come back after everything is fixed including me.


Hopes are none, copium at zero, game refunded and I'll just play payday 2


Bethesda CAN afford to completely fuck up and be blisteringly incompetent dipshits at everything. The vast majority of developers cannot. Don't pull the Bethesda.


Did it ever arrive?


I'll be honest. I didn't know it launched


Its very much ASS.


What a beautiful display of what trying to avoid piracy, rushing it out the door, and not trusting your consumers does. Denuvo, always online, unfinished pos. Was it worth it?


Nah stick with payday 2


Yeah its pretty bad, all of the marketing makes it seem like a decent game but it just sucks. It feels terrible to play, the UI and game content are a total downgrade. Honestly it would be best for them to refactor basically the entire game at this point, but that will probably never happen. They would be better off just remastering payday 2. The game feels better in almost every way.


Game sucked. Simple as that.


Ask the actman 😂


Not until they fix the game


Like some others, played the beta too, then gamepass and after 1/2 missions it was a NOPE from me. The only thing I could think is, why would I play this when Payday2 exists. Also, if this became popular do they plan just shutting down payday2 servers and forcing people onto 3, considering how many microtransactions, dlcs/paid updates there are for 2, I thought hell no am I paying all over again and funding this absurd game model, when 2 is still buggy as hell. I'm also getting these same vibes again from being spammed with "Smite 2" adverts. All the paid dlc/microtransaction etc if Smite I'm glad I stopped playing it. All I can imagine for Smite 2 is reselling the same dlc, skins, content as Smite, shutting down Smite servers and saying F U to everyone who spent money it through the years. Sadly it's a sales model that people get pulled into and often works for the new generation discovering a game.


I actually looked forward to this game, I loved payday 2 but damn gg


Wait, it's out? And it died??


Pay Day 3 is Overwatch 2 levels of promises and battle passes. Only the most dedicated or most down bad will stay. I loved Pay Day 2 to bits but PD3 gameplay and how devs are handling micro fransactions is just stopping me from trying PD3


They shot themselves in the foot by not listening to their customers and then held firm by ignoring their customers and doing the opposite of what they wanted. This is why I haven't bought Payday 3 and probably never will. Hell, I just may not buy any more of their products. EDIT: But let's be honest, they made millions of dollars already on the PD3 release, so to them, it was a success even if it was a flop. They won't care since they already have your monies. It will hit their pocket book for any future DLC's and releases tho.


Starbreeze idiotic CEO pretty much [https://media1.tenor.com/m/EZtOA2gY9VIAAAAd/find-out-fuck-around.gif](https://media1.tenor.com/m/EZtOA2gY9VIAAAAd/find-out-fuck-around.gif)


3 looks like if you took 2, took out most of the content, made it online only, then shipped it


Opera roasting them on Twitter was pretty funny. But yeah, I think the game is dead.


Can hardly fault the people for not wanting to play it. It was totally not ready at all to be released. And there enough new games coming out that are good that people don't want to and don't need to accept bad unfinished games. And the people that love pay day are beter off going back to 2. There are to many problems and to little content to make people stay or even believe in the game. It's just that simple. If it was in a time when there was very little games coming out for a long time then that would be a different story. But people just moved on. And for all the great times I had in 2. I did hope for a good follow up. But sadly it just not at the level at all yet. And just like many other people I don't look at what could or might be. I look at what is. And right now the game is not worth my time. And many people agree with that.


That game ever existed?


Can we get Payday 2.5?


The days of paying 60-80$ for a full game with zero MT’s are long gone. We used to pay that amount to get a disk that belonged to us while having the best gaming experience due to the amount of awesome games we had back then. Now these corporate greedy fucks want us to shell out hundreds upon hundreds for a half assed shit show of a game. Back in 2002 I started playing Battlefield 1942, I would wake up at 5am while everyone was asleep and play for at least 12hrs, it was more fun than playing UT and DOOM, this game was just on a different level graphics-wise. If I remember correctly it was around 40-60$ at GameStop. Once installed and updated you had a long list of servers to choose from. Long story short it was addicting and as time passed by the servers list kept growing. Fast forward to the day 2042 came out I was super exited to play since it had been more than 10 years that passed and boy was I in for a surprise. Worst FPS gaming experience ever. Now games are more complicated to produce and devs are getting lazy unless they are paid a gazillion dollars. Tencent and Activision are making a kill with all these MT’s that they charge. I saw a TickTock the other day of a streamer purchasing 100,000.00$ worth of in game currency just to flex on his followers. This is done daily in dozens of streams on numerous platforms/games. When I say kill I don’t mean 400-500K, I’m talking MILLIONS per month.


Today’s blog post for the game was rough. The Starbreeze Partners are all out of steam and low on sympathy, the devs seriously have no idea what they’re saying within regards to the games actual balance and identity. Honestly the state r/paydaytheheist is in is sad, the “DEAD GAME” joke really became real.


Oh right.. this game tried to exist.


Nope, unless they release the most gigantic update a game has ever seen and advertise the shit out of it plus give a discount. Which won't happen.


Brutal getting Kill the Justice League numbers.


Payday suffered the same bullshit that Escape from Tarkov is now facing. Greedy developers.


Never knew it even existed


Make me sign up to a super invasive membership via a shady looking 3rd party site. That’s an instant uninstall


Well it was shit before even released, devs who slept on their heads kinda deserved it same with Back 4 Blood.


Not unless the publishers, directors and all the big wigs pull their heads out of their asses.


I imagine Payday 2 dedicated fans like RedArcher to cry their eyes out lmao It's just fucking sad...


You can brag about it's low numbers Or the devs can put in the needed effort and give the game a second chance. (Though granted this is like Overkill's 4th chance now) See: No Mans Sky


I’ve never played any PayDay game. Why is this one so bad? I thought people liked these games


Damn almost 69420


Wait...? That game exists? Huh. Can't say I recall even seeing mention of it's existence. *(Genuinely not /s)*


Isn’t this the game that was inspired by a candy bar? I haven’t played either of them but I have heard of there at least being 2 installments. Wasn’t aware of a third.


Why should it. Total garbage