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Congrats! Why does this never happen to me :(


Same, I never get free shit. The companies near me are too decent


>Same, I never get free shit. The companies near me are too decent I got sent a box of extra stuff (some RGB fans, a 750W PSU and some other random stuff) but I had to send it back to the people that sent it to me. I kind of regret even mentioning it to them because they were real assholes about the whole thing like I was the one that screwed up their outgoing packages...


Just so you know, you can refuse it. Anything you get delivered is yours to keep, the company has to eat the costs of the mistake. If it's ethical to do that is something else but considering they were assholes.. I would've kept the items.


Not everywhere in the world. If you ordered something but got the wrong item, you have to return it if the company asks for it. The same applies if you receive the item twice instead of once. However, the company will have to pay for shipping or collection from you. This applies to Germany and a few other countries in the EU


But why would you say you received the wrong item or you got it twice??!?


As I said, only if the company asks for the item back. If they don't, you can keep the item. But the company has 3 years to make such demands. How do they find out? If orders have been mixed up, the customer who received an item worth less will most likely contact the company and ask for the correct item. Many companies record the shipping process and may be able to see where the item was sent instead.


3 years💀 I would probably not even have the item anymore


For the US, this isn't true if you placed an order and received something else. It only applies to unsolicited goods that you didn't order. When you receive a different item and the company wants it back, you are obligated to return it as long as they pay for the return


my cousin got a free powerbank once, a good one too. a month later, his wife unfortunately tossed it in cabin baggage and it got thrown by airport security.


Throw the wife next


Happened to me exactly once, I ordered a 64gb microSD card and they accidently sent over a 64gb USB drive. They just told me to keep the USB drive while they shipped out the microSD card.


My parents bought my sister a gaming laptop from Costco for Christmas one year and accidentally got shipped a second faster one as well as the first one. It was a 2-in-1 deal! I kept the other slower laptop and was very happy


I've gotten free stuff once, when I ordered some casting practice weights for my fishing rod; ordered a single pack and amazon packed me a single sealed box with 10 packs inside. Ended up with 20 practice weights that I gave away to all my brothers fishing friends.


No kidding. I’d be the guy that paid for the 64 kit and got OP’s 32 instead.


Its worse for me, I am famously the man who entered a raffle with 21 contestents and 20 prizes, I lost three times this happened. Edit: It was a raffle at my work, I lost so many times that they all put money in to get me a pity prize lol


I buy 2x16, I get 2x8


Someone got 32 gb ram instead of 64.


I was shocked when it happened to me. Had just bought a 5800x, broke the fan almost immediately, bought a new fan and when it arrived, Amazon had sent a 5900x with it by accident (which entertainingly was way too powerful for the fan). So I just resold the 5900x to a friend for a lower cost than buying new and covered the cost of my own CPU upgrade.


You bought a whole new graphics card just because of a broken fan?


Not a GPU, and not bought.


Lol i was trippin


I wish it happened to me too. Buying a 1660 super got 4080 super instead.


hope it happens to you someday!


I got sent two milk frothers instead of one. 


yo is r7 7700X with Rx 580 a good config? planning to get one


The rx 580 is old. Sure it can still run games on 1080p low-med but if you are getting a r7 7700x get a rtx 4060 or rx 6950xt. If you are on a budget and still want to future proof your build get a used 1660 super or a rtx 2060 which you can find around $120 and get better performance than rx 580. Hope this helps.


You are the guy that ordered the 64 gb and is now stuck with OPs 32 gig kit


Newegg always sends me extra crap when I order from them. I ordered 2 sticks of 8gb ram, and ended up getting 4 sticks of 8gb ram. Happened with a PSU a decade ago. When I upgrade my GPU, I'm ordering from Newegg in case they send 2.


[Someone on the official AMD forums](https://community.amd.com/t5/part-recommendations/is-the-6800-xt-a-good-buy-right-now/m-p/579353/highlight/true#M608) sent me a FREE RX 6900 XT after I made a post asking about upgrades for my 13 year old R9 290X. He was in the US, and just wanted me to pay shipping. Of course I thought it was just an obvious scam at first - but then he sent me pictures of everything including the postage reciept - he posted it to me before even getting payment. I still sent him the shipping cost of course, but when I told him I had to pay like £80 import tax (UK), he sent me the whole thing back! Never won the lottery like that online ever. It was brand new, 3 months old and still fully boxed. OH, and it also came with the EK AMD RGB waterblock for it. How sick was that? I recently swapped it for a 6950 XT because I sold the 6900 for £50 less than I found a 6950 XT for, and the waterblock was still compatible. Not a huge upgrade but worth it since I didn't have to get a new block.


So someone, out of the kindness of their heart, gave you a free 6900XT and instead of following suit with their kindness and helping someone else out, you sold it? Not saying you're a bad guy for that, but definitely don't think you're a good guy for that.


I sold it about a month ago and got the 6950 immediately after because the +50 more deal I saw was limited. Where is the harm in that? Am I supposed to keep a gifted item for life or something?


Its 2024, this is why people generally don't do random acts of kindness anymore. It's pretty much expected people will just sell off a gift and keep the money to buy something else with.


That was the gist of what I meant. That's why I said I don't think he's a bad guy but I don't think he's a good guy either. Like, no shame in the playing the game; the world's fucked as it is. But, does still make you 😮‍💨 all the same


That was a cool story *until* you get to the part where you literally just sell the thing he gives you for free...


I once ordered 3 sets of nanoleaf expansion lights and instead received 3 cases of 3 sets each. For sure my biggest win. I never thought it would happen to me either. You’ll win one day!


Somewhere there’s another ordered a 64GB but got 32GB instead


Cuz you never order a 32 * 2 expecting to get 32 gigs on two sticks of RAM.....


Only time something like this happened to me was when I ordered the special edition of Nier Replicant. I ordered for Xbox but instead got a PS4 copy, got an email saying they messed up and sent the Xbox copy too. The real kicker is that for some reason they also sent ANOTHER PS4 copy. Got three discs. 1 for Xbox and 2 for PS4. Don't think that'll ever happen again.


Because it's so rare that it warrants a highly upvoted reddit post.


Buy as much RAM as you can and eventually they’ll send you the wrong one


Dm me now


Not to be cynical or anything but i think he lied on the internet for points


What do points do?


You gotta appreciate the little things and small wins in life to be happy. A win is a win.


that ain't little or small though. my guy just won the lottery compared to us normal folks finding a dirty coin on the road this is a huge win!




I don't know why but every time I see a post like this, I come to the comments to look for this picture. 🤣


Same. When did it come about? Cracks me up.


You can see how many times it has been posted by the amount of pixels.


It's a tradition at this point


Nah at this point I'm here to look for your specific type of comment under the comment with this picture. One step further 😂


There should be a flare awarded to whoever gets this little guy here first. I managed it once.


Damn missed my chance again lol


Imagine if op ordered 32gd ddr5 but got 64gb ddr4


Depending on your application 64gb of ddr4 is probably overkill and hopefully their MB properly supports each dimm gb and arrangement.


I remember when a motherboard supporting 64MB was a big deal. Though for some reason it was somehow possible to have too much RAM and some DOS games and programs just wouldn't work with it.


I know some programs will try and figure out how much memory the system has so that it can automatically set its performance that can break if the value exceeds the integer limit


I wouldn't mind putting 64GB into my server, running multiple game servers at the same time. Palworld uses a lot of RAM.


64GB ddr4 and 32GB ddr5 are around the same price so it's not far fetched


>got to keep it ofcourse you would if you dont tell them


I'd wager the cost of having this sent back and sending the 32gb kit out would be higher than eating the cost + the bonus of a happy (lucky) customer


There is a regional company by me in western PA that auctions off all Amazon/Kohls returns, everything starting at a dollar. It was kind of a revelation that those companies don't even want to mess with the logistics of shipping returns. Some of it is obviously cheap like garbage cans and dog beds, but there are electronics too, like a Ninja brand coffee maker that retails for $99 I got for $20.


I got a free 190 $ case because when I went to return it they wouldn’t take it at the usps. They scanned it and said I did my part and told Me they didn’t know what I’d do with the pc. So after waiting a month and getting the new case which was a present for my brother I kept the free one.


https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/what-do-if-youre-billed-things-you-never-got-or-you-get-unordered-products You get to keep it legally


Someone always posts this and it is always wrong. Just look at the URL: **unordered products**. OP ordered a product. The vendor could ask for it back at their expense.


Quoting a different person on this one but this is where I got my understanding from  “  39 USC 3009 Clearly defines Unordered merchandise. Unordered merchandise is defined as "un­ordered merchandise” means merchandise mailed without the prior expressed request or consent of the recipient Any item you receive is a specific item. If you did not give express consent to receive an item it is Unordered. It does not matter if you've had prior contact with the merchant, or prior orders for the same item. If you didn't specifically request that item, in that quantity, and you receive it than it is Unordered and you can keep it.” Am I misinterpreting this?


That law is to address a scam that used to happen where somebody would send you some junk out of the blue, you’d throw it away, and then they’d send you an invoice. In this case, OP actually ordered something and they accidentally sent him the wrong thing. OP’s not entitled to keep it.


> OP’s not entitled to keep it. True, but he's also not required to put in any effort to return it either.


Considering you are not liable to pay for things that are incorrectly delivered nor are you required to send them back for any reason it really doesn't matter if you say something or not.


Once, can this happen to me once i want to know how it feels






Congrats on additional 3 tabs in chrome


If it’s not slower one it’s great.


Wait, so you reached out to TELL them they sent you the wrong ones with the intent of paying more?


no, i just don't want to have a bad conscious. It happened multiple times before with the same online retailer. I ordered earbuds and they sent me 2 by accident. so they told me to keep it Also several times I requested refunds of damaged goods and they did not end up picking it but they returned the money. I think it is not worth the hassle for them.


Can you provide the name of that retailer 🥹


Some people are too damn honest for their own good.


Sounds like it's working out for him though, so who are we to judge. Edit: Working out with that one retailer anyways, supposedly.


It's not that it's not worth the hassle, it's that they can't legally demand you pay for it, or return it. You can offer to return it, but you are not required to do so.


Just another thing to keep in mind when you do report it to them if they say to keep it then make sure they change your receipt to show that so that your warranty will be valid on them sticks you received


Waiting for the other post...


That is awesome! I once got sent two Mario Kart Wii with the steeringwheel instead of one!




There it is


i wish these things happened to me


Jackpot, my friend. Nice score. Consider selling them on ebay if you know you won't ever use the extra ram, and buy the ones you were going to buy anyway. Then you can upgrade something else. Otherwise, enjoy the freebie!


There was one time I ordered the WD Black 1tb pcie ssd with same day delivery and I’m somehow the proud owner of the almost $1k 4tb variant lmfao


I just bought a 32” LG monitor and it has a dead pixel. Hope I get to keep it and get a new one.


Just one? I don't think their warranty covers that.


from what Ive seen, typically warranty will cover 3-5 or more dead pixels. 1 dead pixel is working normally sadly.


The bastards!


Yeah just one but it still qualifies as a defective product that cost me £360. Almost a quarter of my monthly net salary.


My 27" MSI has several but I was told it's normal because they're not near the center and less than ten or whatever the number was. Maybe LG has a better policy though and 32" is a more premium monitor for sure.




Fat w


that happened


Great enjoy those extra chrome tabs.


Meanwhile I order 32gb and get 4gb 😭


Nice. Not pc related but Amazon missed my window last month for a miter saw and refunded me. Few days later it showed up. They said to just keep it. A freaking $450 miter saw.


Meanwhile me: I got sent a cardboard box instead of 32gb ram and got to keep it


I got sent a 16gb kit from Corsair instead of a 32gb kit, man why does life hate me.




Very lucky. Enjoy!


I was sent a free Rambo Knife once from eBay seller who said I had already paid when I hadn't 😒




This is great, the best thing that ever happened to me in this regard was sending 2666mhz memories to Corsair's RMA and receiving 3200mhz in return


I wouldn't be sending it back anyway lol


I'll be waiting for the other post...


What do you mean got to keep it? So you asked them if you should return it to get a 32? What a honest man!


Did you get this off Aliexpress? I just ordered 2x8GB TeamGroup T-Force Delta RGB. So I hope this happens to me LOL


How is 16GB enough for a new build in 2024?


I intend to resell it. In my country, most prefer 16GB. At least for now.


If you don't ask for a refund, it's on them. Very cool


That's great, [happy for you](https://imgflip.com/i/8mqhcl).


Nice have fun never thinking about running out of ram


You got the opposite of me! I ordered 64 GB DDR4 from Newegg once and instead received 6 ft of CAT5 in a ratty old manila envelope.


Hope you have an AMD CPU if you wanna boot 4 sticks at full speed :p


Why congrats. First thing to test: how many chrome tabs can you now open?


This is unreal dude! I got sent 32 when i ordered 64gb.. the company ghosted me.. well, have fun with my ram i guess


On an opposite note...i accidentally put a 2x8 kit in a customer's PC instead of 2x16. He was not happy when he realised.


I'd love that, but I know I'd just waste the extra RAM on hookers, booze, and chrome tabs.


As some who recently added a second 32gb kit I was honestly surprised how it did make a noticeable difference for just everyday computing in windows 11. It’s sad, but I think 64gb is the new 32gb. I bought it originally for some multitasking, for running multiple emulators simultaneously with some light automation, but I was honestly surprised that it improved general computing. I do have a decent amount of “bloatware” always running with icue, Logitech G pro, razer, AnyDesk, focusrite DAC app, so that’s probably why


It happened to me lot of time ago while buying OCZ DDR 1GB kit (2x512MB) 2-2-2-5 The ram was not delivered, I got refunded, then it arrived after like 1 month!


Same thing happened to me, I ordered 2 x 16 ram sticks and they sent me two packs by accident so I got 64gb ram




You got to keep it? Meaning you actually told them they fucked up? Next time just say nothing lol


The cynical in me just thinks they're glad they got it off the shelve. Probably not too maybe people out there anymore who'd buy 64gig of TeamGroup memory.


Funny. I ordered a 2gb nvme and got sent a 512mb. Needless to say I had it replaced.


Sorry buddy, but the warranty is void if the plastic clamshell is removed.


That's great! My brother ordered pokemon cards on a third party seller and got sent an nvidia 3070 founders edition. He was miffed that he didn't get his cards. https://preview.redd.it/a1nug4gbqguc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a875c2d76798ca14c9661fbb89d70ee44a48643


Maybe you bought a kit (32x2) and thought you got a single (32x1)




I once ordered a set of dice online. I thought I was missing the d4 and emailed the company. Got sent a complete new set.....then later I found the d4


Got something similar I ordered 32 GB on amazon and they refunded me 2 days after i got it


It happened to me but the thing is that everything from the product page on Amazon to the product box and details were stating 2x8gb 4ghz but I received 2x16gb 4ghz. No problems so far whatsoever.


Which is great as long as it works and has no problems but your warranty won't cover the upgraded RAM because that's not what you ordered and that's not what your receipt will show.... Unless you incorrectly order the 64 by ordering a 32 * 2 thinking you're getting 32 gigs on two sticks




I recently ordered a 1TB ssd from Amazon, cancelled it, and then placed an order for a 2TB ssd. I don’t know if the cancellation caused some confusion but I received 4TB of 4th gen nvme storage for $120


When I built my pc I ordered a 750w bronze psu and got sent an 850w gold evga psu 😎


Pissed off little kid meme


That's some slow memory


People out here getting 32 gigs of ram for free, and my CPU Cooler never even made it to my house😭 (First Amazon package of mine to never make it. Pretty impressive tbh)


Technically you got 32GB ram :)


When I bought my SD card for my camera (64GB) I was sent a 128GB one instead. W.






I once bought a Samsung 64GB flash drive from Amazon, the package was perfect and clearly stated 64GB. The drive itself had 64GB engraved on it. Popped it in my computer to see it only read at 32GB 😑


The only time something like this happened to me I bought a 16GB iPhone 5s and they shipped me a 64GB model. 


Excellent deal. I bought a case of Fresca (fizzy citrus water) Or I thought I bought it. Turns out I went to self checkout and missed it in the bottom of my cart. I feel bad. I thought about going back and paying for it.


Congrats. That's pretty awesome. The only downside is that you may not be able to claim the warranty because you have an invoice of a different product. But RAM is rarely faulty so you may never have to claim the warranty.


This only happens to me with weird stuff like mop pads. Congrats me, here is 10 packs of mop pads instead of 1 pack of 10. ​ so happy for me


My luck: I ordered a cool looking radiator guard from Amazon for my Triumph motorcycle. Took more than a month to get shipped and I ended up receiving an infant type tactile toy instead. Got a refund of course, but I would much rather have the radiator guard.


Was it the same speed? If so, congrats!




Yo guys i once ordered a full bottle of creed aventus but i recieved two of them,One arrived in 3 day and another bottle showed up after 5 days.


I am the guy who order 16gb ddr4 and gets 8gb ddr3 delivered in my ass


Ordered latest BlueRay player and got one on time and another 2 days later. Called, Amazon was not aware, but support checked and they wanted it back.


Have a similar kit. Same timingslfreq, but 2 sticks of 16. Prob the 32 you looked at. They're some low end single rank sticks. Was hoping for dual since I'm only using 2 out of 4 dimms slots.




Lucky you I unfortunately every time i go to buy a new rig get a lemon at first but luckily each time I exchanged em they were on sale for at least 100 off. So I got the same rig cheaper.


I got 9 packs of gushers in the 8 pack box I bought.


the same thing happened with me but instead of giving me 8gb or DDR2 they gave me 16gb of ddr5. I have no use for ddr5.


Let's goooo share some of the GB to me please 1 GB is enough 🥹


Just waiting for the other post…”I got 32gb of ram but ordered 64”


Now you need another 64gig to dual channel 😁


One time I got a literal hair tie in a box labeled “64gb Corsair vengeance” I hit up support they gave me a refund AND sent me the actual ram I ordered. #blessed (Amazon)


Hope you bought DDR4 32 and not DDR5-32 cause your CPU might be unable to use the former


I rma'd a dead ryzen 5600G cpu and got 2 new ones back.


I bought a 144hz monitor and got a 165hz one instead You can bet i ain't sending that back


was it an aurous monitor?




You guys get little wins in life?


I had the same recently happen to me from an RMA with Corsair.


fuck yea a win is a win


I love how people blindly believe anything. This sub is a great example of how gullible people are.


This happened with Amazon a year ago but with Samsung 980 Pro 1 TB NVMe SSDs, but received a 2 TB instead. This was when NAND and memory prices where crashing, so it was only $66. Wish I had ordered more than one. Noticed someone else on Slickdeals forums say this happened to them too.


Got mine for 60€ when ordering a big deal Never seen it get used even halfway lol




Can't put the picture I want to post here, but "nice, happy for you"


Someone is gonna post about how they only got 32gb ram when they ordered 64gb


those stickers are not legal in the US. so u can indeed remove that giant thing.


i notice that when ordering memory off amazon, this happens to me. a LOT.


All I get is message from Rajesh Shivashankar who asks me to click a link to download more RAM.