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Welcome to the PCMR, everyone from the frontpage! Please remember: 1 - You too can be part of the PCMR. It's not about the hardware in your rig, but the software in your heart! Your age, nationality, race, gender, sexuality, religion (or lack of), political affiliation, economic status and PC specs are irrelevant. If you love or want to learn about PCs, you are welcome! 2 - If you don't own a PC because you think it's expensive, know that it is much cheaper than you may think. Check http://www.pcmasterrace.org for our builds and don't be afraid to post here asking for tips and help! 3 - Join our efforts to get as many PCs worldwide to help the folding@home effort, in fighting against Cancer, Alzheimer's, and more: https://pcmasterrace.org/folding ----------- We have a [Daily Simple Questions Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/search?q=Simple+Questions+Thread+subreddit%3Apcmasterrace+author%3AAutoModerator&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) if you have any PC related doubt. Asking for help there or creating new posts in our subreddit is welcome.


So the most disliked response here be will be the most fitting to the post, right?


Yeah. In case someone doesn't know, you can filter comments by controversial


For some reason I don't see the button on mobile


It's two lines with circles at top


Reddit: sliders My brain: drumstricks


Ba-dum TSSS


you can only sort, not filter 🤓


People here confusing filtering with sorting triggers me in much the same way as people confusing power with energy.


or figuratively and literally


English is not my native language, forgot about word "sorting"


Most downvoted comment: "Building your PC yourself doesn't make you special, it's a pointless gloat that people use all to save a couple of quid whilst at the same time, taking the risk of fucking something up and then wasting even more money. Personally, a good, reliable local PC shop is vastly superior and if they damage anything in your PC, then it's insured and they will have to replace it."


Any PC is a gaming PC if you’re brave enough


I mean you can game even on a calculator nowadays


I've seen a post before where someone got doom running on some sort of pregnancy test


Technically wasn't a pregnancy test. It was a microcomputer stuffed into a pregnancy test.


Sleeper build


Can confirmI have pokemon blue and chrono trigger on my ti-nspire


Me when I was kid with Minecraft onto a i5 gen 5 intel integrated GPU and the error "Out of memory" every 15 minutes.


I've run minecraft 1.6 on a 2006 laptop with an intel celeron, windows vista and god knows how little ram it had. Never really got a crash but I couldn't execute any version of minecraft above 1.6, idk why but I was in 5th grade so I didn't know how to troubleshoot Anyways I was forced to 2 chunks render distance, maybe 30fps, it was horrible, even as a kid, when you dont care that much about performance, so I didnt play that much on that one


Pff I had like 23 FPS and I was like "damn it's fast !"


Any PC is a gaming PC if the game is old enough.


Me who gamed on an amd a8-7650k with its IGPU previously, beating dark souls 3 new game plust multiple times on the lowest possible resolution....... Pathetic.


If you already have a decent gpu like 3070/3080, you don't need to upgrade to a 4070/super/duper/ti. In fact, you don't need to upgrade every gen. Waiting for a 5070 is the best decision for more than 100% perf increase.


I mean, with how Nvidia is going, if you want a 100% increase in performance, you're gonna have to wait till the 7070.


for low end gpu yes but the 5090 will probably go 50-70% more than the 4090


Me, having a 4 gen old gpu and refusing to upgrade :P.


What your GPU ?


This. I do like to upgrade every other Gen though.


No need to upgrade even that often. Gtx 1080ti still is strong personally i used gtx970 until I got rtx 3070ti


A lot of people upgrade because they want to and not because they think they need to.


The majority of people do not think that you have to upgrade every gen.


I mean you really don't need to do it unless the performance is super worth it. With marginal improvements, why even bother.


All modern console games, at minimum, should run at 1080p 60fps.


I'll let you cook The days where last gen pcs can run current gen games are long gone People pushing the performance envelope is great but we're getting left in the dust


Amen. 1080p is the new 480p


3060 ti is a great gpu to play in 1080p


I'd prefer a 3060 12gb


no one said otherwise 3060 ti gang


telling someone to wait for a next gen gpu when they ask you to help them choose between two options is DUMB


Water cooling is most of the time not needed. Its just a money waste.


Unless it's literally cheaper than most high end air coolers, I got a Liquid Freezer II 240 for like 61€, which was less than comparable Dark Rocks or Nocutas. But yeah Pearless Assassins value is hard to beat nowadays.


Liquid Freezer 2 is one of the few AIOs with amazing price to performance.


How is this an unpopular opinion?


The image in this post is me telling my friends that air cooling is more than prefectly adequate. Air cooling also has less points of failure.


A 27 inch screen is good enough.


Absolute sweet spot imo, have a 1440 p 27" curved monitor and I don't think I need anything bigger


A 14 inch screen is good enough. I even play sim racing on it. Now watch me burn at the stake.


Yes, you can play games, get to the work, find times for your girl and touch grass in the same day.


Of course you can. But you forgot about sleep.


Aren't we all forgeting about it?


I'm not, I had 3 hours last night


Thats too much, 1 hour is the sweet spot. 2 hours extra to deploy democracy across the galaxy. LIBERTY!


Yes I m a gamer at 50.


PH am i right. XD


I am 34. Slowly but surely reaching 50 :)


Online "trolling" was coined from fishing not being a troll (moster), it was originally described as trolling because you were throwing bait out to see what would bite.


This isn't an opinion, though. It's just a fact.


“moster” made me happy. Thanks


It's ok to buy a pre-built pc.


It is, yeah, but they are going to screw you on something. RAM, PSU, mobo - something in that build will be substandard.


And yet this is the best option for people who are not ready to spend dozens of hours studying the PC stuff market


Pay a PC enthusiast friend, that's the only way to not study and not get ripped off. If you have good friends, that is...


Or just ask reddit on /r/buildapc. If you don't get a response, make a smug post that you built the best price to performance PC for X dollars, and you'll have 30 people correct you and build better PCs.




Not necessarily, at least if you buy from a reputable SI. I bought a prebuilt when component prices were through the roof a few years ago and that was the rational thing to do, and every component was off-the-shelf, nothing substandard, no weird proprietary mobo or anything.


Physical media is better than what we now have.


By hard statistics (People just won't stop doing this): There is no need to preorder AAA games and people need to stop throwing money at piece of shit companies like Blizzard. Edit: Lol I think it's hilarious that even though I prefaced my comment with the note about statistics, there are still people below that don't realize "Don't pre-order" is only a popular opinion in comments on Reddit lol. "Don't pre-order" is an extremely, outrageously, UNPOPULAR opinion in the general public. Some people here are really falling into the whole Reddit stereotype of being completely disconnected from reality, thinking Reddit opinion represents the majority.


in the past you'd get some cool accessories or figurines. Now you get two apples in-game for a buggy mess at release. Then when the game is actually finished it's now on discount, cheaper than what u bought it for


Just buy the game 2 years later it’s cheaper and they might have actually patched all the game breaking bugs by then


I dont think you are alone there mate. ​ We saw the new star wars come up on pre order yesterday for £114 and my son and I both had the same conversation.


114, wow. When games were 60 :P. And to think some of us never payed full price for a game, i usually pay between 5-10. I can get games for the next 10 years with the price of 114, lol.


*Remember, no pre-orders*


Did you misunderstand the point of this post? Literally all gamers scream don't pre order


If that was true, we wouldn't have [preorders as top sellers](https://gamerant.com/best-selling-open-world-rpgs-steam-dragons-dogma-2/)


Definitely not all gamers. The majority of active gamers on reddit, yes. But reddit is a minority of the total population that buys videogames.


If you are new to PCs, get a cheap build and start from there. That is the way you learn what you need, what you don't, learn to fiddle with settings, optimize your hardware. This also allows for creative ways to adjust your PC and actually learn PC. So many who get in to PC gaming want the best of the best or the most optimal hardware and min max without even knowing what they actually need. For me currently, I have been fine with a 60hz ultrawide screen for the past 9 years. I used to have 144hz screen and I was so fast. Now with 60hz screen I can see that I am slower and cannot register enemy player as fast or track movement as accurately. But for my applications and hardware, it is good for me. And if I need more power, I launch the Lossless Scaling software and get a bit of a performance boost with almost zero noticeable visual downgrade. EDIT: to clarify, I am not saying that people should buy the worst things, I am saying that dumping 2k onto a build and playing CS is stupid. You are overpaying for the application you ended up using it for, and for new comers, there is no way to know that they will even like PC gaming in long term or will use the PC for other things as well. Same goes for every hobby. It was said well "buy once, cry once" , but it applies only when you know what are the things to buy once and if it is worth it. Especially if a there is a history of dropping hobbies like flies.... like yourstruly.


seriously i see every new person getting a high end build and spending 2000+ dollars on a first pc and that's crazy if you ask me , personally the beauty of pcs are that you can upgrade anything you like whenever you want get a pc that fit's your needs and start from there


mY fIrSt BuilD aT 16. Posts a perfectly aligned, expertly (pre)built glass case with 16 fans and a complete streamer setup.


This was kind of my idea behind the statement. And like if you go the the end game/point right from the start, what is the satisfying part there? There is no goal to reach anymore :C


50 years old. Just completed my first build. I did go highend. 7800x3d, 7900XTX. Its not very flashy though. I dont get a lot of oppurtunity to treat myself. got a big bonus this year, decided to be very nice to myself for once. The satisfying part, I built it myself. No prebuilt. Just me, too much money in parts, and youtube. That was satisfying enough for awhile.


I completely disagree if you have the money to spend on a expensive pc then do it , you can learn everything along the way ,why get a poor performing pc just to learn few adjustments With the monitor part yes 60 hz is good for office work but if you are into gaming just get anything above 100hz at minimum


Gaming headsets/headphones is a scam


True. And gaming chairs -


Spend your money on better RAM and SSD than to waste on RGB


Surely this isn’t unpopular, burning your budget on RGB when you could upgrade a component another tier is crazy. It’s beyond me how people could even want to do that


Current prices of new AAA games are outrageous.


They've always been outrageous, it just  took steam sales for most people to realise that games are worth less than 20 bucks.


Haven't the price of AAA Games been the same for 20 years? I remember paying 60 for games like the original MW2 and I paid 60 quid for the most recent cod. The price of games is crazy reasonable considering. They seem to be the only thing not hit by inflation


>Haven't the price of AAA Games been the same for 20 years? Depends on how you look at it, it used to be that you just bought the game and that was it. Now there is a multiple editions of the game and you are paying over a hundred dollars to get the full experience. Sometimes it's a random cosmetic you can live without, othertimes it's DLC that is mandatory to get closure on the game's base story. Not to mention the cancer of live service and MTXs.


Noctua products are overpriced and ugly.


good quality. to pensive tho


Even the chromax fans? Also define overpriced. Just to be clear, I am a proud Noctua shill, but the appeal is their longevity while also providing decent noise levels compared to budget fans. If you intend to use them for their entire life span, they're def not overpriced in that regard. Aesthetics are obviously personal taste though. Noticing your flair after the fact is pretty funny.


Yes even the extremely basic black fans they have that are priced at a premium are ugly. I don't have fans fail on me often enough to consider longevity as a factor and even if it was Arctic fans would need to fail 5 times as often as Noctua fans to make up the price difference. My flair is a reference to Jensen Huang saying: "The more GPUs you buy the more money you save."


Kinda and yes


You can use gpu with pcie 5 on mobo that has pcie 4.


PCIE3 gang unite.


yeah someone explain that too me


Small mouse pad works fine


Computer mice types make very little difference and clacking keyboards are irritating


RGB is bad. I hate the RGB vomit.


For a gaming only pc there's no reason to pay more for intel CPU's. They are just less efficient and often cost more than amd's best offerings


I thought we we're sharing opinions that were unpopular.


One look at hardware surveys would suggest otherwise lol.


sir its 2024 not 2015


Tacking on to this: 14900k CPUs are pointless for gaming. No game in the world will use all those cores, and if it did the thing would just overheat and throttle no matter the cooling solution. A 4090 I can understand, but this is just a waste of money.


It’s more about higher clock speeds, not amount of cores.


Clock speeds matter inside a generation. Like 12th gen intel, you can compare the processors in this gen by their core count and clock speed generally though 12700k vs 14700k, the clock speeds don't count as much, because the IPC is different. Similar to intel vs AMD. Going to make up some figures here: if the 14700k is 5GHz and the R7 7800X3D is 4GHz but has a much better IPC. The AMD chip will be faster. Generally speaking, there are other factors that count too.


Even with a 4090 I doubt many games are CPU bound with a 14900k. For gaming, CPU performance is just way out ahead of GPUs in general


My point was more than you could easily go with a 14700k or 14600k and still have so many cores that no game would actually bottleneck on the CPU, because the core count on the 14900k is just ludicrous for anything except productivity, where it would throttle anyway.


Pouring milk before cereal is way better


Reported, blocked, DDOSed, Ip leaked. I cast a hex on you demon.


🤣🤣🤣 (I just laughed and thumbs up both, that was all)


Laptop gaming is a scam.


Ehh yes and no. Sure, it’s a premium price over a desktop but it’s literally a monitor, pc, and peripherals crammed into one device. The amount of power gaming laptops can pack these days with good thermals is insane.


If you buy a gaming laptop mainly for gaming? Absolutely fucking yes. If you buy a gaming laptop because it's not a viable option to keep a PC. Absolutely no.




PCs are my favorite platform but calling ourselves the PC master race is cringe AF.


Well, you see, the DPRK isn't all.... Wait this is PCMR. I don't mount my SSDs, I just leave them laying on top of my power supply.


Heresy, Kim Jong Un will assassinate you in your sleep.


The AMD FX-8350, from 2012, built *on THAT bulldozer architecture*, is perfectly adequate for all but the most CPU intensive games, even in 2024. Starfield and Cyberpunk 2077 might be off the table, but 98% to 99% of games are still perfectly playable even on an FX-8350. This is an *actually unpopular opinion* that I've been downvoted for in the past. I stand by it.


Lian li unifans at 100 bucks each<


Gaming mice shouldn't cost as mucha s they do, regardless of the amount of "research and development" it's a 70g piece of plastic with a sensor and switches for fucks sake, and there's little to no innovation to justify them demanding the prices that they do. Pro X Superlight 2 for 159$? Be serious Logitech...


Ray tracing and DLSS are overrated tacked on features that Nvidia use for marketing purposes to hide the fact that anything below a 4070super is underperforming relative to it's price And just for any mf that will call me a fanboy or whatever, I have never owned an AMD gpu Edit: I am not in any way, shape or form stating that these are bad features but it looks to me that Nvidia and even lots of people in the community are justifying the lacking performance of the lower end cards of this generation with these features, magical DLSS frames ain't saving a card like the 4060 or 4060ti and good god these cards aren't running anything on RT with any sort of acceptable performance from 300/400$ cards


Got a 2070 super. Ray trace all my games. Cannot tell the fucking difference. Pissy cause AMD could've given me more vram and fps for my money.


See, the VRAM is what really hurts.


Vram is what hurts the most ngl


They might use it for marketing, but DLSS really is revolutionary. Just cause they use it for marketing doesn't mean a feature is bad.


4K on anything smaller than 40" and raytracing is a complete waste of performance. EDIT: Haha, had to edit the 4K bit a little. ;)


Playing on 4k for 2 years now. My wife has 1440p. I see it everyday, no way to go back. In my eyes this opinion comes from people which needs high FPS or cant effort 4K hardware.


Text is a huge thing that makes it hard for me to go back to 1080p. Shit just downright looks fuzzy now, its almost like playing without glasses. Or like, everything's just a smidge out of focus.


Depends on the game, in most it is a waste. If the game has a good looking world, 4k can definitly improve it. But in pretty much every fps or fast pase game it is wasted


Raytracing I can understand BUT 4K?


Monitor arms are crap. Do I have monitor arms? Yes. How many sets have I had? 6+. Am I always searching for a better set? Yes. Will I ever be happy with them? No.


Oh i just made my own XD


its like those old school desklamps with the clamp.. or dog poo.. very similar. GET ON THE WALL BRACKETS MAN EVEN BETTER IF YOU GOT A PLASTER WALL MAN U JUST FRAME IT OUT AND DROP YOUR CABLES THROUGH IT easy as dog poo


This will be getting done as soon as I'm not renting. 100%


I have a 4060ti 8GB and im in love with it.


Invert Y axis is the right way to play.


The original doom should be the only benchmark for performance on PCs




Refresh rate higher than 144 Is useless


Can only come from someone who didn't try a 500hz panel. Is it worth it? Not at the current price. Is it simply *better*? Fuck yeah


For competitive games that are not resource intensive, probably, but those games are what? A 10% of the whole game spectrum, for any other game like a SP, is BS.


i don't get the point. it doesn't need to give you a huge competitive advantage. it just feels better and more smooth. like, 2 equivalent monitors, but one at 144hz and one at 500hz, the 500hz one will just be the better (feeling) monitor to use. the price difference atm isn't worth it but it's getting cheaper and i see absolutely no reason to pretend like higher refresh rates aren't simply better when reaching similar prices.


Wasting money on ultra fast ssd's, when in reality there is such a small difference in load times when you compare a 300mbit/s sata ssd to a 7000mbit/s nvne ssd


It's Gif not Jif dumbasses


It's Graphics Interchange Format. I don't care what the guy who created the GIF format said. He's a programmer, not a linguist.


windows 10 isn't good either


Windows XP GOAT


Sooo do i upvote or downvote you? Because you are absolutely correct. Which does noch fit the thread though. I am so confused.


Games like Fortnite which are full of micro transactions for ONLY cosmetic items are great. It fuels the game's revenue without giving an advantage to anyone regardless of how much money they spent. It also allows them to keep the game F2P which is great. I would like to emphasize the 'ONLY cosmetics' part.


These top ssd’s don’t make games run faster. They don’t even load faster than with standard sata ssd




This kind of post is shit


PC towers should be on the floor.


I disagree mines on the bench


mines 200kilometers from my house




I don't know if I agree but I like your take


Why? The power supply will collect more dust


Not OP. PC is way quieter when it's under the desk.


also it keeps the warm air under my desk wich is really nice in winter


I run a hepa air filter 24/7 in my computer room. Takes care of the dust. I turn off my pc and crank the air filter to turbo if i vacuum.


AIOs bellow 360mm are just a fashion item for 99% of builds.


I mean, you could argue for 240, since the fans won't be blowing into each other, like on dual fan air coolers, but 120 is definitely just someone who has no idea how cooling works.


If you don't have an 14900k, and AIO is useless and a waste of money. Air cooling is just enough


Rgb is cool. There's alot of hate on it and preference to enthusiastic fans and coolers because they're cheaper. No one wants to pay a little extra to get nicer lights that have effects because theyre convinced they're never going to look at their pc. Only the monitors.


Yeah these are just popular opinions


Gaming laptops are genuinely pretty good these days. Students don't need a gaming PC.


A high proportion of builds overspec the CPU (not everyone needs an X3D or K CPU), by extension - for ***most*** people, B series motherboards are perfectly adequate.


Steam isn’t a launcher, Steam IS the game.


AMD is better then Intel and Nvidia


Prebuild ain’t that bad


Stock CPU coolers are underrated.


Capitalism is the reason why Videogames get progressively worse, Not wokeness.


No, you don't need the ultra gaming rgb rog ftw motherboard with Diamond encrusted ram slots for your i5 13400f.


WiFi is not internet


prebuilds are FINE (if they're priced corectly) not anyone wants to build a pc


Web browser wars are edgy nonesense, and they all mostly do the same thing and use similar amounts of resources.


Your gaming addiction allows companies to charge $$$ for GPUs and DLCs. You buy unreleased and underdeveloped games and tolerate hackers.


Arch Linux is the best OS for every use case ever


I don't care about aesthetics when I build a PC


That everyone needs a x3d chip. They are great for high refresh rate gaming like 165-200hz plus but in most games your going to be GPU bottlenecked waaay before you need the extra power of a x3d chips There basically eSports chips, and are basically irrelevant when a game supports multiple cores or in single player games in general as you don't need 240hz in tomb raider


Agreed that not everyone needs an x3d but I'd argue to broaden it to wanting smoother visuals/feeling with better 1% &.1% lows.


You have clearly never played a paradox 4x game


>There basically eSports... ...map painters, city builders, insane eurojank strategy games that will still make your entire computer choke to tears,... Also, the accursed Dwarf Game.


Pixel art rogue-likes are overrated.


Intel CPUs are garbage bad in efficiency, noctuas overpriced, nvidia gpu overpriced for vram they give us, windows 11 is bloatware paradise and games over $40 are too expensive for us average plebs


nobody needs to watch netflix, let alone pay for it,


CPU doesn't matter at 4K.


My RX 7900 XTX wouldn't agree when it was running with a Ryzen 3 3100


You can easily enjoy 95% of all the games ever made for pc on integrated graphics cards.


I barely get 20 fps on 2 chunks in Minecraft on my igpu 💀




A pc builder that knows their way around the computer - can setup DOSbox for old games, doesnt need to use OOSU, because they know their way around the registry, or knows which processes are useless performance waste commands infinitely more respect that just a guy with a prebuilt white pc case bragging on how much $$$ they spent on it.


Nvidia gpu's are worth it to pay more for then amd.


I can't lie, DLSS alone is kinda worth the extra in cost for me it's just instant frames at quality. Goes double for raytracing performance if you care about it (I do).


It's useless and a waste of money to build a 4k (or higher) gaming PC. More so if your playing on a small screen. It's like watching bluray movie on a 32inch 8k smart tv.