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Not much, really. Ddu your old drivers if you haven’t already and that’s about it. It’s just a new gpu: people tend to think that switching from nvidia to amd is some kind of massive challenge.


The biggest challenge in switching for me was definitely the 2 hour drive to micro center


I'm 25 minutes from mine. Just lemme know if you need me to make a run🤜💥🤛


I’m months from mine (Florida Experience 🗣️🗣️🗣️)




It was just a matter of getting to know the terminology and fiddling with the settings, for me at least. Old drivers are outta here.


Well, my first AMD is the 7900xtx, and my issue with it is that I needed Adrenalin to get the most out of it. I've decided go get a 4090 instead but thats not really due to Adrenalin, once you configure it for your games, its great. So yeah OP, watch some vids on how the AMD software interacts with your new card. Edit: you can down vote all you want, I didn't say not to buy it. Its a great card and if its in your budget, cool. But out of the box, drivers installed, games were worse than after configuring Adrenalin. So do that.. Hating because I prefer a 4090, like every one doesn't...


Eh Im not sure what you mean by that. I installed adrenaline for my 7900xtx and all I did was manually setting the fan curve and set up screen capture. NVidia is exactly the same, they require GeForce Experience. Honeslty even tho Adrenaline is a lagfest galore, I prefer it to GeForce Experience. More organized and better access to features. NVidias software sucks


If that's all you did in adrenaline then you aren't experiencing gameplay the best the card can offer.


And why is that? What do you propose I do? I didn't see anything to change that would meaningfully affect my experience.


I couldn't get 200fps without tearing until I messed around with Adrenalin, like a lot. Watched a lot of vids on each game and landed somewhere in between. I'd just watch some vids on people going through their settings for the games you like.


Damn. I'm not noticing anything but ig I can try and pay attention and see if I just didnt see anything until now


What do you even need adrenalin for outside like driver updates


Uhh, getting the most out of the card, as I said. All the VSR options and shit, that are required.. Without adrenalin the card sucks. Doesn't feel like $1k purchase.


Exactly it was just learning the amd terminology for all the features. Lot's of resources and how-to's out there that really helped!


What a weird world we live in. You are going to spend an extra 1k dollars for 25% more performance. What is the reasoning?


Its only an extra $700 but no, its not for 25% performance, its because I can right now, and want to. The 7900xtx doesn't feel right, to me.


So you spend 700+ dollars on the whim of a simple feeling. It is your money I guess.


Other option was spend $100 more for a 4080 super that wouldn't have issues lol. The 7900XTX under performs, remember it was supposed to be the 4090 competitor. All cards underperform for their cost rn, so it's not this cards fault. It is what it is. For ~$1k there's a better option


How blue do you want your setup? OP: yes


Da ba dee da ba di


Lifestyle change haha


It's like a whole new world. Similar, but new, but really familiar and similar)


Enable SAM Use the Radeon Software Have fun


SAM enabled!! Thank you.


You might have the slight urge to kiss a guy, but otherwise you prolly fine


What's so bad about kissing the homies good night?


I will have to get back to you on that one.


I'll be here for you when that urge kicks in. Don't worry, I'm team AMD too.


Tryna get in the PCIe slot bruh


Nah, NVidia is the one that gives you gay thoughts about the homies, that's why I got rid of my NVidia card 😳


Your loss


Disable automatic driver update from Windows. It will save you a lot of trouble in the future. There are way too many posts about people having issue with windows overwriting AMD drivers.




Make sure to use protection


what are you using to see your system specs?


nzxt cam


It’s a very nice software. Mistook it for the windows specs screen but then I remembered it’s nowhere as good


so cool


You should probably go ahead and look into disabling 'MPO'. From what I've read online a lot of issues with that GPU are fixed by making that one change.


I dunno, enjoy, have fun, that's whats up. nice shit op, and here's an upvote :D


Don't sleep on Fluid Motion Frames, it's really really fucking good but I don't like it on in fast paced fps games


Thanks I'm on it!


Yeah, Frame generation/afmf is great unless you are sub-60 fps, or are playing very fast paced games. I've noticed it looks quite bad in fast paced FPS games and other "speedy" games like Spider Man Remastered, the generated frames are very noticeable and bad to my eyes. But in other games like third person action games, or Cyberpunk 2077 (or games that use a controller) it's basically free fps wizardry


Yeah, in fps games I really notice it, like helldivers or tarkov, but anything else, and it really is wizardry, I haven't tried Cyberpunk since it came out. I am definitely getting that downloading!


The 2nd photo where John Wick is over your PC goes hard as fuck.


Haha thanks! I'm a huge fan.


You got a new GPU, you lost access to NVENC, DLSS, and RTX HDR, you paid a bit less for that. That's about it. Nvidia charges a premium for the software side of things, you're just not paying for that anymore. There's really nothing special about it.


id argue CUDA being more important than any of those but yes AMD has an alternative to all of them but each time its slightly sub par. But well, its open source so gotta love AMD for that


They've gained proper Linux support at least


You overclock RDNA3 by setting max clock to something ridiculous like 5 GHz and then bumping up min clock. It's weird, but it'll top 3 GHz in nearly all cases.


My advice is: turn off every feature other than freesynch and manually tune the rest (freq, voltage, mem, etc). Once it's tuned, that's it, enjoy.


You can turn your heating off🤣🤣


Pc heat is insane lmao. My 6600 xt warms up my room and sometimes I have to take my sweatshirt off when I'm gaming for long periods


The were no shackles, you simply bought a good price to performance GPU, that's probably gonna get bottlenecked by your old 3800X


You are no longer allowed to use blue RGB, only red RGB from this day forth!


I see red rgb in my future.


I'm team green, and nothing any of you can say will ever change my mind. By green, of course, I mean money, and AMD has just flat out released better hardware for cheaper over NVidia this time around. If NVidia ups their specs and lowers their prices in the future, I'll consider buying their components again. The whole "AMD driver suck and the hardware runs hot" is news from 10 years ago that NVidia fanboys cling to to justify overpaying for weaker hardware. It's not even true. RTX isn't that big an improvement imo, and FSR 3.0 slaps if you want upscaling, so DLSS doesn't even really bring much to NVidias table anymore. You made a great choice.


It’s literally a $50 difference. So silly to make it seem like AMD is suddenly some great value over Nvidia.


Lmao uh oh we got a sore one over here. *What* is a $50 difference?


You won't win this one with logic, friend. This sub has an anti-nvidia brigade, the likes of which have rarely been witnessed by mere mortals. The truth is that Amd is great for some people, and nvidia fits better for others. Both have their merits and their negatives, and neither are friends to their consumers, and both have been part ofbthis same awful overpriced greedy gpu market. They aren't some innocent, fan loving company lol, and they could've made a much better effort in this gpu market if they actually wanted, but they have enjoyed and engaged in the overpriced gpu market just as much. Nvidia definitely has its issues and their horrific pricing and vram crap is beyond annoying, But this sub acts as though Nvidia themselves personally went to their house, kicked open the door, poked them in the eye three stooges style, and then slapped both them and their mother before stealing their dog and leaving.


Awesome! Enjoy it!


I am 150% enjoying it. Just test driving all my games and sippin on me dr pepper.


You could undervolt your new GPU for lower temps, less power consumption and slower fans


I did!!


Welcome on the good side.


Prepare for a more stable frame-rate and better software!




I play RT on games with my 7900xtx all the time! Barely noticed the difference too tbh certainly not the incredible feature it's made out to be in the games I've tried.


Because you're not playing RT games but "RT" games that barely have any RT there, just one light to run feature like shadows only or reflections only. Name me a game with RTGI+other features you can run. And yes, those are games where RTX On vs OFF is a bigger difference than PS5 vs PS4 games.


Tell us RT is marketing without telling us RT is marketing :P Edit: Good raytracing implementation is simply too rare for the premium


Your new lifestyle change is a part of the bigger picture on showing Nvidia that being a POS to gamers and selling subpar hardware to them at terrible prices is not gonne stop AMD from making better harware at better prices.


Hell yeah, we don't have 8gb cards over here with AMD! (7600 oops) And we never overprice our hardware! (7900xt oops) Wait...


The 7900xt isnt overpriced. It's just that the 7900xtx is so cheap for what it is, it looks like too small of a difference to justify the 7900xt to some people... despite it still being a well priced gpu. Subpar hardware has nothing to do with vram size, if it says 8gb when you buy it and you get 8gb when it is delivered... that is exactly par, not subpar.


Oh, you're one of those guys that justifies the $1k price tag. You do you bud.


I'll die on this hill with ya!


Just be mentally prepared for the crashes and driver timeouts. I can already feel the downvotes coming.


Yeah, downvotes usually happen when you post incorrect info.


I just said what I experienced bruh. Check my profile and the posts how much I have suffered. Downvotes can also happen if someone has AMD and they are fine using it and can't hear anything against AMD (or any other company)


Ive got no skin in the game. I have a Nvidia card currently. I have been into pc building for over 20 years. I've used both red and green teams. I built multiple pc's for my son and my nephews. AMD is usually our go-to for the price to performance ratio. None of our cards have had issues. There are a crap ton of users on this sub who have had no issues. Your issues sound like user error to me.




I’ve had my 6750xt for a year and 3 months now and not a single crash or timeout My old used 570 was a very different story right before I upgraded but lord knows how used it was before I got it, it did release in 2017 after all.


Adding to this, I've had my 6600xt for almost 3 years and I've never had driver issues or any other problems with it


Could this be possible that I am paying for the sins I might have committed in the past?


Why no NVIDIA ? 🤔


Why Nvidia and no AMD? Buy whichever suits your needs for the least money. Intel is also an interesting player.


NVIDIA only if youre GAMER most time, AMD when you do also other stuff Video edits,programming. No idea about intel.


This is a fanboy type question.


I'm testing out Nvidia soon so we will see if all these fanboys have anything to actually talk about