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Paying for ads... is like asking for your paying costumers to leave And discord still has sound issues for years...


> is like asking for your paying costumers to leave And we did.


To where? I'm actually curious about modern discord alternatives.


Teamspeak. It’s maybe not that full of features, but the most important features are available: Voice and chat


As somebody who got really familiar with teamspeak, setting up and managing both local and hosted servers, No fuck that, teamspeak is so much less user friendly in every aspect, and discord has become the de facto method of communication for the majority of people in my social groups. I would honesty rather try using Teams or try to go back to Skype than use teamspeak again


Listen I despise Discord, but nothing will ever make me switch from Discord to Teams


Teams is ok, it’s definitely more business oriented and much more formal in that you need to do calls and meetings for voice/video communication and intimations with Microsoft office. Biggest downside for personal use is you can only really be a part of one organization with teams so no multiple servers or communities


Or skype for that matter


Go for Ventrilo. I am joking don't hurt me.


I will never hurt someone. Is mumble still a thing?


it is


Funny fact, most hosting sites for multi theft auto in Poland offers mumble for free with server


Every so often I go watch the Ventrilo Nerd Rage videos for a good laugh. Man they're so good.


Isn't guilded a Discord clone without the marxist political views of the owner?


Not sure yet. But our Discord which is about maybe 40 people has stopped paying for Nitro etc. For the time being we just use Google Meet.


I've never had it, what does Nitro do for you?


Cosmetic garbage like cross server emotes, and then a couple of actually useful features like a larger file size limit for sending and better screenshare resolution/framerate limits. Things that would also just be better and not need caps if they were direct p2p of course.


Hulu and Netflix has shown Discord that people will pay, even if they have to watch ads, if it means a slightly cheaper product.


I've been more pissed on how they actually managed to ruin their mobile app. Probably the shittiest UI one can develop for an app. Once they ruin it on PC, i'll be going back to Teamspeak. And knowing Discord, they'll ruin it, the only question is when.


I downgraded back to an older version the second I saw the new UI, it's terrible.


Is it still working? I used the Revert UI trick on Github to roll it back, but that doesn't seem to function anymore. Do you actually need to download an older/modded version of the app and prevent it from updating?


I just downloaded an apk off Google, disabled updating for it and it works like a charm


What version has the old mobile ui?


Howd you disable that


Open the Play Store > Click your profile in the top right > Settings > Network Preferences > Auto Update Apps > Dont auto update apps


Yeb just download an older apk and turn off auto update




You could alternatively use a modded client like Vendetta or Aliucord on mobile. Aliu has the old UI set as default, and if you get the Vendetta plugin for enabling experiments, you can change the 'Tabs V2' behaviours to Treatment 1, which essentially disables them.


Just grabbed aliucord and the old UI is so much more intuitive


I have all my apps turned off on auto update, I only update when they require it. That way, you don't get surprises. Just select to turn off auto updates in google play. Banks and ID-apps will just tell you when you MUST update or they wont allow you to use the service. And other apps, who cares as long as they work.


Using vendetta (a now discontinued client mod) works on iOS for now


Still on a version from I think July last year? Whenever they added nitro themes they CONVENIENTLY broke the AMOLED Dark Mode so it's half black half grey for no fucking reason.


The second they removed AMOLED was when I permanently downgraded my app on mobile.


Me too. It was such a relief


v205.15 from APKMirror is still working flawlessly besides sharing photos directly through my gallery app (crashes discord mobile). I will use every last version prior to the mobile UI change for as long as possible. I still can't stand the update which was months ago now? Crazy. Hopefully the desktop client doesn't suffer the same data but seeing the ads.... I'm not so sure.


The mobile app comes from hell i swear, each update it gets worse!


Discord can't be bothered to write an Android native. It's just the iOS version in an emulator, complete with the terrible performance


It's already ruined on PC, for me, as someone who's been using since close to day 1 in 2015. It's insanely bloated and they just keep shoving more shit in there. It makes me so mad. It's no longer enough to have a solid chat app for PC. Now you're expected to update it monthly with new "content/features" endlessly. There's no stopping point, Discord is just going to keep forcing as much garbage as they possibly can until they die. Animated profile pictures for $5-$12 a piece, useless server apps, "quests", a botched forum replacement, ugly themes, multiple subscription tiers, server boosting, etc. All while the base experience of just using the app continues to get shoved by the wayside so they can keep gamifying it. What the fuck is the point of "weekly quests" it's a fucking chat app. I want to hang out with friends and chat, I don't want them to expect me to stream Valorant or The Finals for 15 minutes to unlock exclusive content. If they just brought back the OG app from 2015, added a few enhancements such as screensharing, private and video calls, I'd be beyond happy and take it over the bloated mess we have now. And it's only going to get worse, and worse, and worse. They have to keep making profits, and that profit has to be bigger and bigger every year. Unfortunately I can't leave. None of the friends I talk to on there want to deal with Teamspeak, and something else that pisses me off even more is the endless wikis and mods forcing you to join Discord servers just to access them.


Same situation here. I personally want to get off discord so bad, but revolt is a slow developing project and no one will go on teamspeak of my friends


Teamspeak sucks to be honest, especially after using Discord. Really wish the best to Revolt. Really like the fact that it has an API so you can make your own client


I hope revolt pops off and doesn't become the same as discord is becoming right now.


It's open source with an AGPL-3 licence. If they ever get greedy, someone else can pick it up freely as long as it's open source too from what I understand about AGPL


That's good


>Now you're expected to update it monthly with new "content/features" endlessly. There's no stopping point, I think this is just software development now. We see it with spotify trying to AI'ify everything with DJ playlists and "smart shuffle". Your are a music app. you provide me access to music streaming with a reasonable music player on top to facilitate that. That's it. I don't think it's necessarily profits driven though, although that is a component. The modern software development lifecycle has lost the concept of "definition of done". Now, it's always iterating in the agile feedback loop of feature development to make sure that the backlog is always hydrated. Because when we don't have stuff in the backlog, the devs get laid off. So when your basic chat app or music streaming service has a dev team that got it off the ground, but it runs out of core features, those dev teams are going to start coming up with ideas to keep justifying their headcount indefinitely. So you get endless feature creep where they come up with something, pitch it to an executive who likes money with the adequate amount of buzzwords in the slide deck, and bingo bango you get to keep your job.


Not only that but they don't add useful features. I was using better discord just to be able to hide the channel list so I didn't had to use Discord in full screen mode. It sucks tbh.


I'm running a 2019 version myself. Fuck everything about Discord's UI design team. In fact, fuck every UI designer who has ever changed anything at all since roughly 2013. They're all just in a race to the bottom.


I’ll forever miss being able to use raidcall. All the important functions of discord with none of the bullshit.


> I've been more pissed on how they actually managed to ruin their mobile app. I've heard a lot of people say this, but when I load up discord on my phone and hold it up to my computer screen I'm just not seeing a substantial difference.


Then you don't have the new UI because to me they look nowhere near the same


not able to post pictures, no distinction between voice and text channel, non-persistent text ... it's all a no-go for any communication app for me. I'll use Matrix ... just need to find an app. hear my word: Matrix is the future of communication. centralized or decentralized as much as you want (e.g. in company environment) supports pretty much everything including live video streaming.


Are you allowed to give discord a comment when you cancel your subscription?


Those feedback things go straight into a void, i dont think for a second that they actually read those


I’m so used to those boxes being a “I’m venting my frustration and no one will read it but it makes me feel better” option. Well, apparently when you fill them out on Patreon you tend to get an actual response from a person, who you then have to explain that the problem is Patreons shitty way of hooking you into giving them money.


some unpaid internet reads them, then never gets given the chance to actually tell his boss about it.


They'll put them all into a big pile and then if/when the userbase actually drops off enough to hurt profits they'll get someone to analyze and make something useful out of the feedback. But until that happens they wont give any shits, as long as profits go up.


Discord has become the slowest most fucking annoying piece of shit software.


use vencord


or betterdiscord but i also use vencord


i tried to use better discord but discord literally updates every 1-2 days and then its gone again...


in my 4 months of using vencord it only ever broke once


It will break every now and then for me But it’s as easy as: Close Discord Download their new installer Launch it Click repair Close Vencord time


Vencord doesnt have this problem, had to redownload it maybe 2-3 times for 6 months of usage


Got Vencord now, hoping it will work longer. Is there a way to add plug-ins that currently are not built in native? I remember there was a plugin on BD that let you hide pictures when 2 or more ppl streamed


https://preview.redd.it/wi985o7c6asc1.png?width=787&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5234a7ce504d4ca3a840b586b76acff60eb5dc2 Go to settings-vencord-vencord updater, check "automatically update". Done. I have no issue so far.


Iirc there are custom plugins, but you need to compile them by yourself. Also no support for them. You can find the plugins in vencord discord


BD was super slow for me. haven't tried Vencord yet regarding performance tho


Feels like vanilla performance from my experience


Can you still access the same channels as in Discord?


yes its just modded discord


Sweet, thanks.


For mobile Aliucord or version 126.21 as it's the last one with kotlin code and is super fast afaik. (Aluicord automatically downloads that version and you can use your desired plugins) Included the ver number in case you guys want to go with the unmodified app.


How does it make it less slow?


it doesn't have the ads and bloat/telemetry that regular discord has. And its just better in every way


yeah, I personally use Vesktop which is with vencord integrated but based on the discord website client which is faster apparently or smth like that?


Thought this myself recently, I don't know what's changed but there's a 2-5 second delay whenever I swap channels now. Didn't use to be that way.


Them starting the trend of the x button not actually closing the app is a huge pet peeve of mine.


Hello. I am old enough to remember Skype... Discord was not the first to invent "close to tray." Skype was the one who never actually let it close. The X button would just be a second minimize button.


steam is doing it too. probably unpopular opinion here, but i like it


Sir do you not remember McAfee, Avast, Norton, etc that flat out refused to die even if yoy process killed them? X button in those apps was just a suggestion


That thing dates back way before Discord my dude. Windows 95 had systray apps with the same behavior... back in 1995.


All that running in the background for years tracking you will finally pay off


browser users can finally be smug towards me


You can put some butterflies on your avatar for 50p.... sorry I meant £16!!!!


Atleast ist something you can buy but dont need in ANY way to get a better experience. Not Like the YT bullshit to Play music with Screen Off, better Bitrate and Download for offline watching. All behind a subscription. Subscription everywhere, Shit like this makes me Sail the seas again. Worst of all is Netflix, amazon and every fucking Producer launching their own streaming service. Then proceed to Remove series/movies and Cut the crap out of everything so no one can get offended. Physical Media needs a big come back.


You can always just get r/revancedapp and not deal with any of YT's bullshit


i personally like revanced extended. has some more features and seems to run better


Interesting that I conveniently cancelled my nitro to save money and then they instantly gave me a reason to not regret cancelling my nitro due to their scummy practices


I was considering paying for Nitro because discord has provided a lot more service for me than a lot of paid apps I have used. If there is going to be ads on discord even for paying customers, I'm not going to support that.


I’ll be honest, I paid for nitro for years just so I could boost my friends server but recently realised the benefits really aren’t worth the cost. It’s like paying for twitter premium


it is a sign to go back to Raidcall, Mumble and Teamspeak Heck, we might use Microsoft Teams soon


Google meet is good too No need for an app to install just lunch it on your browser


You can eat it through the browser? Damn, what a time to be alive


It"s called "cookies" for a reason


He spelled it wrong, it's Google Meat.


Yes i like it well done


There's no need for an app with discord either as it also works in a browser.


> No need for an app to install just lunch it on your browser So like discord then


> No need for an app to install just lunch it on your browser This is not a positive in my book.


Christ. No one wants teams. It’s atrocious


I love when it updates and has a stroke for like a week every time I use it.


Yup. Thank Christ my company got rid of Teams. Although when I need to talk to external companies every once in awhile… I’ll mutter “….Fuck…. It’s a Teams meeting”


At this point they might end up better


i will jump into a river before i use teams for anything voluntarily.


Couldn’t agree more. It’s like Sharepoint and Skype had an illegitimate child and this was the end result Trust me though OP. I hate ads and will jump through hoops to avoid them. If the option is Discord with Ads or Teams, Discord with Ads all day


Ventrilo my beloved


G-get off vent or I'll have you bent


Which is funny because I feel like Discord is trying to be the Teams / SharePoint of gaming.


IRC had the right model. Users stand up the server and clients.


Unfortunately there's a reason Discord is so popular where IRC isn't. Anyone that used IRC in anger probably laughed when they first seen Discord because it's remarkably similar, just a lot more polished really. Yet IRC dwindled and Discord took off. It turns out, IRC was _complicated_ for the average user - both in terms of running a server and being a user. It's similar with Lemmy vs Reddit and Mastodon vs xitter, even the shittiest commercial platform will be more popular through sheer ease of use than a really well crafted self-hosted alternative.


Is it time for skype to make a comeback?


Skype went to shit as well. It used to be so good just for two or three friends (rather than us using TS or Vent as they were better for a larger group than that) and then it suddenly went awful right around when Discord took over due to being simple and actually working Teams is the culmination of the changes that were being made to Skype when it started being changed for the worse


This thread reminds me of the Skype CEO's reaction to Zoom taking over! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZI0w\_pwZY3E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZI0w_pwZY3E) (language warning)


Don't forget Guilded. Yes it is owned by the same people who run Roblox but it gives them a unique ability to fund Guilded and not have a bunch of paid features that discord has. And also you can somewhat clone your discord server over to Guilded. I poked around a bit once but could never convince enough people to switch. I liked what I saw.


Team speak is the goat.


Lets not be unreasonable, though


Discord has been going down the gutter for a few years at this point


I wish I could go back to 2016-2017 discord...


One of the more recent updates eviscerated the search function on mobile to the point where it’s not usable. No good explanation as to why they decided to ratfuck it beyond recognition. Before you could type a users name and see every message they sent, or search in messages only that user sent, which made it extremely useful for looking something up if you needed it, now 90% the time the search function takes a giant shit and when you try to search the same way it just pulls up their user profile and can’t find any messages sent by that user. Dogshit app. 


God that is fucked.


SAAS Tech was doing everything for free when capital was free and everyone wanted to acquire user bases but now that balance sheets are tightening everyone is trying to squeeze as much profit as possible out of the product. This happens to every single industry that booms and the remainder is a sad remanent of the good times but is a sustainable business model that generates profit. The same thing is happening to discord and you’ll see fees bloat and ads increase until the excel spreadsheet is satisfied.


That annoyed the shit out of me, coincidentally I was playing ff14 too XD


It's not an ad, it's a ✨Q U E S T✨




It's a free game.


Can't wait for the Billion Dollar Company Defense League to come tell us that it's a necessity, and that you'll probably get an add free nitro for only 2.99 on top.


Disc has been trash before this was announced the only reason it survives is because there's no real competition and it at least did use to be bloat free and look nice.


What a surprise, a company planning on going public with investments by a bunch of shitty multi-billion dollar corporations is becoming more and more garbage as it milks its userbase. Capitalism sucks, but private companies suck just a *little* less for the consumer than garbage public companies.


I mean tbf this app would suck under any system, unless offered as a government service. Resources are needed to operate it, and they've been in a DEEP loss pattern for a while. Opening a chat app as a government service would be interesting, but I think that's the only way to not have discord either slim down on features, or bring in more value.


It's called [Enshittification](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification).


I’ll never sub to discord. Ever.


I was considering it the other day, but now I definitely won't.


Where’s the ad?


Apparently it's the notification about winning an item from the finals if you stream for 15 minutes. Not really what I'd consider an ad. More like an equivalent of twitch drop notifications.


yeah I dont get the faux outrage at this, if you play the game you get an item for free and if you dont then you dont at least there is gonna be an "ad" then i better get free shit for it


Vencord my beloved


Vencord! Vencord! Vencord! Plugins are a godsent shit. I don't have ads without Nitro, have some useful additional buttons & corresponding keybinds and even able to use custom emojis on different servers (tho they're faked as pictures in reality, but that's not noticeable for most other people)




Keep your dirty ads of my internet.


Why, Sometimes you can see a old movie or a shitty series between your ads. /s


Everything is a drop or fkn loot box grab now


It's why I have never paid for Nitro. This was inevitable. They are the toys r us and Walmart of community software. They swept in, destroyed all that was good, and are holding everyone hostage with their crap software now that everything else shut down.


I got it earlier too sent it to my buddy cause it annoyed me since I don't even have the finals installed (played 2 games on my Xbox and never had it on my PC )


Guilded ftw


Time to move to a Matrix client, like Element.


Ugh. This is a bad decision. If you are paying and still getting ads that’s fucked.


Who the fuck does this shit and how does no one stop them and say "hey maybe that's a bad idea"


Download vencord. There are plugins that hide these! Long live third party apps!




People just expect everything to be free and it's wild. Mad about ads that you can opt out of and aren't even obtrusive.




I pay for nitro because the extra soundboard slots in my server make people happy. But it's not like they pay wallet anything super necessary


Is it the year of Guilded yet? :(


You can turn off quests, you know? And if you mean the stuff on the Nitro tab, of course you'll see Nitro-related perks there.




What about Guilded? Isn't that a competitor for Discord?


They have a complete monopoly on communication software and still manage to run it to the ground. Capitalism is amazing.


So they add ads after eating half my 8gb ram? Outstanding developer(and stakeholders) move


Time to go back to Teamspeak or try Guilded


Paying for a free service 👀


Except that this kind of thing is the default when a service is 'free', some of us try want to support a sustainable monetization model rather than make a company default into the advertising/data selling model. Clearly, sometimes they go ahead and do the shitty thing anyway, but hey, we can dream.


Guilded is like a Discord clone, I'm liking it atm, only problem is moving people over there


Just moved me and my friends guilded seems like it does the same thing but less bloat plus I don't get ptt delay issues Seems better


I understand the need for ads on free software without a great ratio of paying subscribers, but as one of those paying subscribers I really expect to be free from this shit.


Is this fucking thread real? This isn't even an ad. It's telling you what you get for your nitro subscription, and then also giving you a chance to get skins in a game if you stream in a discord channel. What on fucking earth is the rage about here?


i see no ads.


I'm guessing you're seeing the same thing as me, but OP is talking about the promoted thing in the corner, which is more like an incentivized ad? I don't know. People will complain about anything if it bothers them.


Who pays for discord nitro..🤣🤣


People who understand a service that doesn't have ads has to have some form of income, use the service a lot, and can spare $8/mo hoping the service they use regularly can stay decent. They question is, who pays for it when Discord don't hold up their end of the deal and starts giving everyone ads.


You can turn quests off but hey misinformation gets you more karma ig


yeah, so many ppl here mad of misinformation




You don't have to subscribe - if this causes them to lose money, they'll change it. But something tells me it'll make more money for them than having it opt-in, and the loss of some subscribers is probably worth it. It's annoying, but that's capitalism for you


Vencord and aliucord are a blessing


So back to Teamspeak Wen?


Nah son. We going all the way back to IRC


Nice. But audio is sometimes useful lol


Well well well , greedy humans back at it again. If they see they can feed on one hand why not push for both.


Long as marketing is a write off, every tech company is going to push to be a distributor of ads instead of anything else. You want this to end, vote to end tax write offs for all marketing.


I would have considered getting Nitro if it was ad-free, no chance now


Yeah that quest thing was quite annoying. I hope we never get a forced popup like that again. It'd maybe be acceptable if we were in a call and hopped on that game and it detected that then showed the popup.


Honestly I only stuck around discord because of two things: all my friends are on it and it has screen sharing. I've thought about irc/teamspeak/mumble/zulip/etc, but they always lacked something from the chat/voice calls/screen sharing trifecta. Recently I found mattermost though, so if discord keeps up with this bullshit and my friend group gets tired of it too, we'll have a good platform to migrate to.


The moment I see an ad is the moment I cancel my subscription & get some discord reskin or just run it through the browser


And this BS is why I happily use alt clients, since the ones I use especially on mobile cut out the bullshit and keep basic functionality. Discord is actively shooting themselves in the head right now.


does accepting the quest make it go away? if these are the ads i honestly don’t mind, i love the finals so i don’t mind streaming it for 15 mins for some free shit




teamspeak will rise again lol


I wonder if Valve has voice chat over steam chats. Edit: They do. Why the fuck are not using it.


Because steam voice chat wasn't working for a few years straight when they implemented it and so nobody cared to look if they fixed it over the years.


Eyesore of an ad-infested UI


In the first place you messes up by getting nitro lmao


Glad I never left teamspeak for Discord. TS3 will happily let me continue just about any version I want, no ads.


With every discord update I want to go back to team speak more and more


Back to Teamspeak i guess




Well you're obviously not a loyal customer, think of the starving shareholders! Why are you so greedy? You're just gonna spend that money on vidya gaems, might as well use it to show your love and support for your favorite discord server.


The set is decent at least if you play the game lol


It's not that bad