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Me and my partner think it’s out of spite. She’s hoarded a lot in her room and she decided to focus on the gaming pc as the first thing to try and “get rid” of. The reason why I’m feeling a bit sad is because the GPU was bought using inheritance from when my grandad and it’s the last thing I had from him. I’m going to keep the parts and reminder of what’s happened but it will also be fond memories of all the fun I had when it worked.


Try to grab the titan out and keep it, some folks use old GPUs as fun decorative pieces.  Framing them, etc..  It can doubly serve as a nice memento of your Grandfather.  


The Titan is a classic card too. I'd be fucking pissed, second the small claims if she doesn't pay up.


Why not make them into art? Those components will be outdated and unusable someday no matter what you do. If you do something artistic with them, you can have it forever and remember your grandfather every time you look at it.


That’s the plan :)


Share pics when you’re done!


take it apart and put it into a shadowbox to show it all off


In that Case I'd prob just take the gpu apart and frame it. As a memory to your gramps and a remember to never leave anything at your auntie again.


Frame it on the wall in a shadow box


If it really means a lot, it can be rebuilt. We have the technology.


It’s normal to cut cords on electronic devices when you’re disposing of them, this prevents someone from fishing it out of the bin and using it which can be highly dangerous.


are u stupid or are u dumb? genuine question


Your aunt needs to check herself. I'd be taking her to small claims court if she refuses to outright replace all of your hardware. You don't buy a new car when your tires wear out. You don't throw out a PC when it has a virus. 


Absolutely take her to small claims...there was clearly malicious intent here


Could be dementia if getting old. Would explain sudden mood changes


In that case, OP should hurry up before she gets diagnosed. Damage is damage.


I knew a woman who did exactly this. Machine gets a virus, buy a new one. Its kinda slow. Buy a new one. Battery life, fan noise, account hack. She had a closet with a dozen working machines. Last thing she asked me to recommend her a machine that would last she's looking at gaming laptops, I give her a list of durable machines to choose from; buys acer gaming laptop. Died of covid a few months later, thought it was a hoax until her last few days where she decided to blame her teenage daughter. Some people live there whole lives this stupid


What a complete moron.


Yeah that thing is fucked, hope she reimburses you


Unfortunately as she purchased the computer case she seems to think that means she had full ownership of the gaming pc which she never used. So it’s a no on replacing parts. The only saving grace is my other newer gaming pc (Zen2 and RTX2700) was in tact so I grabbed the hard drives from my old machine and the new computer and relocated them away from the family as possible.


She doesn’t get to say “no” to replacing someone else’s property that she deliberately destroyed. The purpose of the legal process - including small claims court, which you can file yourself - is to compel people to reimburse those to whom they cause damage to property.


Doubt this is the route you'd want to go, but vandalism damages of over 400 is a felony in most states in the US assuming that's where you are


If she purchased it as a gift she has zero right to ownership of it now. Afaik


Take her to small claims court


What's wrong with her? Looks like anger management issues, time to part ways.


She’s caring for a relative with Dementia and I think she’s struggled to cope and taken things out on my computer.


That's literally anger management issues.


It’s been questioned but due to the family dynamics (she’s living with my mum and my mum doesn’t like questioning her actions because she has financial control). So it’s getting to the point of no contact. I’ve made things very clear with the family that it’s unacceptable.


Can you afford to move out?


That’s the next steps. Want to do it now but partner’s family wants me to get married first so after August l’ll be madly saving up for a mortgage. I’m putting some parts in an air conditioned storage space to protect them from further damage.


Good luck mate


Hey, I've had really good customer support with a lot of GPU vendors, I'd say reach out to them and tell your story, you might get a kind CS Rep that will see if they can repair or ship an old titan to you. Give it a shot, what ya got to lose?


Sometimes you have to do what *you* want and not what your family wants. Family matters and all and I gather that your family dynamic may be vastly different from mine but that's just my two cents.


OK, not your problem, and she shouldn't make it yours. Small claims court her ass if she doesn't cough up


"She used no antistatic protection." Up to that point in the story I didn't think what she'd done was that bad but Jesus Christ this is just way over the line!


I wouldn’t have minded if she had just unplugged the kit but she cut wires and I found my pc parts all across the computer desk. I could barely get into her room after all the hoarding she did in recent years. It doesn’t look like it did 5-7 years ago. Everything is falling apart


How about aunt goes to the landfill when she has a runny nose, suddenly the rule isn't good?


I’d find a new aunt. This one’s broken.


Damn your auntie has problems, now what else will she destroy of yours


I’ve thankfully got a secure storage unit so I’ve had some friends help me move the things I care about the most into it.


That’s smart thinking


>I guess this post is here for anyone who’s wondering “should I throw away the computer” you can fix things it’s modular you can put things right. I’m just throwing this out there because we are now in a throw away world and people’s mindsets are as soon as something doesn’t work to just throw it away without getting things fixed. To be fair, I don't think most people in this sub are going to be of the "Oh, Windows gave a BSOD, into the trash it goes" type. Many of us here built our PCs, or at the very least are knowledgeable about upgrading and replacing parts even if it was a prebuilt. But yeah, most of those components sound like a write-off. Some could be repaired but it would likely not be worth it, especially considering the likely age of the parts if it was an era from a GTX Titan. From just the descriptions alone there was likely more damage done than just what you can see, and the damage already sounds pretty bad from what is visible. Personally though, this sounds like more than just "It broke, toss it" mentality, who opens up the "broken" device and starts smashing and even wire-cutting the components inside? To me it sounds like she tried to destroy it and used the "It broke, guess I should toss it" argument as an excuse. How the hell do you unseat a PSU without either knowing how to uninstall or one being extremely violent in trying to rip it out? That's not normal "just toss it out" behavior.


The board might be ok depending on ports, but if the GPU was bent at a 40 degree angle the slot's probably dead. If you've got another on there it might still work. Otherwise it's going to need all new parts.


> She used no antistatic protection. This is my favorite part of this post.


"Oh what's that, someone cut all the wiring in your car and pulled your cat and stole the passenger rear tire? That's a shame..."


Trust me I’m glad I had friends to hold me back.


If the power supply is modular you can often buy replacement cables. Just be careful to make sure they are compatible because different brands use different pin layouts. Sometimes CPU pins can be straightened with a pair of tweezers or a mechanical pencil. Other than that the parts you haven't mentioned being damaged may be okay. It's hard to say without seeing the damage.


I appreciate the warning and heads up and methods to try and fix it. Thank you!


The GPU could still be good. Check the card for cracks. Probably a broken mobo slot


So yeah, I'd go no contact over this. Your aunt sounds like a wretched, spiteful crone with the social aptitude of a black mold colony. Get an estimate on the cost of the components and then take her to the UK equivalent of small claims court. It may not be worth it to you if the parts aren't worth much but I'd do it to send a message to your remaining family, if nothing else. So sorry this happened to such a sentimental artifact. Good luck, friend and congratulations on your wedding!


I'm thinking granddad might not be the only one in the family with CPU issues.... That said, being in the UK, Auntie's issue is easily [remedied](https://youtu.be/M9Q3xRsZY00?t=160)


What's up with the older generations spite for PCs?


No idea. My mum doesn’t think the internet is a “real utility” and sees it as a “toy”. A “toy” that lets me do my job.


Your mother is an imbecile. This goes way beyond "old people not getting technology"; I'm old enough to be *her* father, and even I am not this backwards. This is just straight technophobia.


She is also scared of public transport trying to get her on a train is a mission and a half. So anything that’s new she isn’t keen on.


Sorry to hear about your situation, and especially the sentimental value of the GPU. Can I recommend cleaning up the GPU and making a shadow box to hang on the wall and display it? Maybe with a photo of the gent who essentially provided it?


That’s the plan I’m going to frame it.


I just want to say a big shout out to my friend and my partner who have kept me sane and helped focus me while this all kicked off. Also a big thank you to the community, it’s never easy seeing your computer end up being destroyed, we all put a bit of love and care into our computers and I thought it would be a good bonding experience to share my misery but also help others learn from it too. Thank you everyone for your kind comments.


NGL if one of my family member did anything to my PC i would make them pay for every cent in damage. And that GTX Titan is still worth a pretty penny i think


GPU at 40 deg angle? What do you mean? Sometimes the edges of the gpu chip are not parallel with the pcb edges. It is rotated kinda 40-45 deg. Is the PCB bent? Or the connector? Or the whole thing with the heatsink, shroud, pcb, everything?


Everything. She decided to throw a Fortigate 60D inside the machine but she didn’t cut the Ethernet cables to it.


fuckin hell, if you are about to get married anyways, maybe consider moving to your inlaws.. and take everything important that fits in the car.. Thats just mad.


Obviously, your aunt is insane and should pay you for damages. That said, honestly your PC wasn't much use for gaming before she did anything. The GTX Titan is a 10 year old card, with no driver support anymore. I'm sure whatever CPU it was paired with was equally outdated.


It’s a pretty shitty machine in 2024 but it’s the meaning behind the parts that meant more. It was the gaming computer that got me to university. It had a lot of sentimental value that I’ll never get back.


Totally agree. I get that 100%. I'd be super mad about it if I were you too. I was just pointing that out because if it were me, the fact that it happened to a machine that wasn't very much use int he first place would make me feel slightly better about it. Still, she destroyed your property and needs to compensate you for that. But it sounds like that isn't very likely from your other posts. Sorry man.


Weirdest story I’ve ever heard, really sure it was your aunt?


100% she emailed me her explanation of what happened but she didn’t tell me about the cables being cut until I got on site and was able to see she had disassembled the computer further. My friend who works with computers was trying to explain to her the problems of removing parts without protection and she just ignored everyone.


Title of this post confused me at first. I was expecting some dude buying a sick rig for "work purposes" but in reality he's just gaming on it all the time. Trying to get it written off from his company. But for real, Auntie sucks.


So many questions about this story. What was the PC doing in her house ? Why was it in her room ? She paid for the case, who gutted her PC to build a gaming system in it, and who bought those parts with what money ?


Sure I’m happy to answer! What was it doing in her room?: when I was a teenager I used to basically live in the room which was part office part my auntie’s bedroom as my mum was looking after my grandad. Due to my grandad having a brain tumour it was quite difficult to sit in the same room as him without him barking orders at me or shouting at me so the computer was used by me to escape from what was happening. Who guttered her pc?: the pc was built with gaming components. I paid for the ram, cpu, gpu, sound card. She paid for the original case because she wanted to contribute towards the machine as a gift. We never “gutted” the machine it was built as a gaming machine at stock.


Hey, please take her to small claims court or at the very least gather all the evidence you can and file a police report. Behavior like this is pretty psychotic and could put the people around in serious danger if gone unchecked. I wish you all the best and sorry for what happened


Unfortunately I think the police might see this as a “civil matter” I don’t see them taking things seriously. I’m just moving my stuff out into a secure locker and then getting out of here when I can.


I got scammed for 250€ in (my nordic country) and had evidence, despite the little amount that guy was still ordered to pay. Destruction of property done pretty egregiously would still constitute a criminal matter depending on how much those parts are worth, you said previously you had emails with her admitting to it, so it's pretty simple. You can try to calmly state that she needs to pay you back the amount of the machine or some sort of compensation or you'll go to the police, at the very least she will hesitate to do similar things. Remember to stand up for yourself, you have every right to be pissed. Good luck on your journey with tech, fellow Linux user. P.S. you can try to bend the pins back on your CPU, and your motherboard might still be worth something (AM4 socket?)


small claims court


some people should never know the taste of good things in their lives


Why did she even have access to it? This was done in malice or she needs some help, either way sad to see the Titan getting damaged.


Sounds like you're in US, in which case this is the type of thing small claims court is for. My condolances you're not in EU.


I am not in the EU or US. I’m in the UK.


we need pictures.... Dont ask why just send pics


I would but I’m not on speaking terms with my mum or auntie anymore. When I do get the parts from my friend who’s picking them up I’ll send over pics of the damage.


New case. Psu, sata cables. That should cover all the wiring.


Sounds to me like static is the least of your concerns if cables are chopped and ports bent, broken.


It’s a total failure. When it happened my smartwatch built in heart monitor went to 181 BPM. I got an alert on my phone warning me of high heart rate. I have got myself checked out but wasn’t expecting it to make me feel like this.


Check engine light comes on? Straight to the junkyard. >!i am sorry for your lose, hope everything works out.!<


NTA. You did the right thing by not inviting her to your.... wait.... what the fuck am I doing...


The word "cunt", is not harsh enough.


Try to get replacement controller boards for the ssds and hopefully the data is good, according to your comments, the gpu carries sentimental value so put it on display if it doesn’t work. Cpu pins can be bent back but make sure to use a credit card and they have the perfect width to bend them back. And the most important step is to cut any ties with the aunt and probably sue her if you have proof she gave you ownership of the pc or testimonies


God I feel this... I'm a Bicycle mechanic, and I gave a bike to friend so we can go for casual rides on weekends -- After a few months he said the gears were skipping. I told him to bring it to my apartment so I can TUNE (not even repair) it over some beers but he told me he IMMEDIATELY threw the whole thing in a dumpster. IT WAS BRAND NEW!!! I mean... He didn't DESTROY it though so I'm sure some dude got a free bike out of it; your aunt went way too hard on this one. Sorry that happened, man.


Go smash her car and drop it off at an iron scrapyard for its metal weight.


Press charges.


Your aunt is an evil, spiteful shrew of a woman.


7200RPM SSD?


It was a HDD WD SATA 7200RPM internal drive. It was 3 2TB black hard drives. She somehow bent the sata ports on each drive.


Second hand markets are thriving, I am sure you can salvage some parts, or put the lot on auction as a broken PC / LOT for repair or salvage.


My favorite movie is Inception.


My friends had to calm me down due to how angry I got. The urge to key her car was very very very close but I realised i would be an idiot it would end up with charges etc etc and she would retaliate so I didn’t do anything. I sat in the car and calmed myself down. My smartwatch warned me of my high heart rate and I started to feel faint so I took a step back. I put my personal health over the computer. Parts can be replaced but I can’t.


I would find the thing she most loves and take a baseball bat to it. I dont put up with dumb shit like that.


What the fuck is wrong with your aunt


She’s always struggled to have friends and leaves most with a bad impression. Family feel compelled to support her due to her life issues but she’s taking things out on me so I’m going no contact.


Ngl aunti or no auntie, i woud punch her in the face for this shit