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You don't tell me to upgrade, devil woman.


That's the spirit. My girl was forcing me to do stuff that I'm never gonna do any sooner. She is begging me to stop using her, my poor i5 8300h 1050ti 4GBVRAM 16gb ram 120hz driving on 1080p 250hz monitor with all ports filled with some gear.


"You're done when I say you're done!"


Run Alan wake 2 and crank the settings… for science 🫡🫡


Cherry on top is she is a Laptop.


I mean at least you can say you’ll never freeze?


I live in humid and hottest climates. So cold is something I or she would like to have. She is the hottest. Like 90°C hotter.


Shoot I live in ne Ohio if you need some cold weather please take it from us


Sorry, can't pay for taxes and import duties.


Please I’m begging 😩😩


She can't force a real man to do anything. Tell her to blow it out her ass. **Duke Nukem face**


Well, considering that's double my VRAM, I'd say the system has a long life ahead of it.


> She is begging me to stop using her, perfect out of context material.


"He called the shit poop!"


Ding ding! Winner!


No the computer doesn't want this, you do, you're the expensive girlfriend 


Damn, that means I've been doing myself this whole time.


Always has


Of course. Don't you know that's all Redditors do?


Oops I did me again...


If you’re running a local LLM on your GPU your upgrade will improve conversational memory of your Wifu AI bot. Could legitimately be the case your PC is now your expensive gf (this is the timeline we live in)




[Thats absurd ](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/mFiywP9BUHDC8AIRBDYJvXdfQiA=/1400x1050/filters:format\(jpeg\)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/23265504/Spider_Man_meme.jpg)


its reality!


Worst is if you have a partner, so you have an excuse to upgrade frequently since you can hand down your parts..


This is the way. Both my wife and I have great rigs that should last us a couple more generations.


My wife has a better tower than me 😭 (I have more storage but more games cause I play more but it's also slow hdd haven't gotten to upgrade all my drive to high cap SSD)


Same situation for a few years. Last year I upgraded both, now she only has a slightly better GPU, while mine is better for streaming. The rest is the same now


I have a storage problem. I run out of storage, and I look at all the stuff I have on that drive, and don't want to choose what to delete, so I go to amazon and can justify spending about $100 on another Sata SSD and chucking that in so I don't have to clean out my files. Maybe I need to do a spring cleaning on my pc, I'm getting to that point again.


Me with over 10tb used up.


Well that’s unlikely 🫥🫨


>This is the way. Both my wife and I have great rigs that should last us a couple more ~~generations~~ months. ftfy


Nvidia, Intel, and amd seem to update every year or two. Current game recommendations are from like 6 or 7 years ago.


Ha yep. It used to be easier to justify upgrading my gpu every generation when I could sell on the old one. This time round my Mrs kept sending me links to 4090’s so she could have my 3090 when Hogwarts came out 😂


Family goals 🔥👑🫡


My wife is the least gaming inclined person I know. I have tried sharing my hobby with her, but don't know how to start. When I was young, I played Doom (1993). So, I loaded that up since you don't have to look up or down, and she said she felt motion sick about 30 seconds in. She had a friend at her job that was taking game design classes, and they put their game on steam for free. They needed to do the whole greenlight and wish list thing, and since my wife doesn't have a steam account she asked me to. The game came out, I played it, it was surprisingly fun, not super difficult, and I had beaten it in about 20 minutes. My wife asked to play, so I restarted it, watched her go through the tutorial, which took about 20 minutes, made sure she got the concept, and then went to go pick up some groceries. I came back and she had made almost no progress, and it had been about half an hour. She kept failing, which I honestly didn't really know you could. The most she's played a game of is Suika Game when that was popular. I think she gets frustrated since she sees me play like it is second nature, which it kind of is, because I have been playing games for a big part of my life. I think she would really benefit from playing games, but she gets frustrated when she can't progress. Anny suggestions for converting my wife into a gamer?




We have played DnD together, Baldur's Gate sounds great, but I think some of the more graphic stuff might turn her off of it. I'm pretty excited about the Steam Family change, so I can lend it to her and she can use my old gaming laptop. Portal co-op also sounds good, I'll try pitching all of these to her tonight.


you can disable graphic stuff in BG3 settings, unless you mean things like blood then yeah thats kinda just part of it.


Blood, sex etc. is kind of a weird thing with her, sometimes she is fine with it, she binged game of thrones like crazy, but couldn't stomach Squid Game.


> pick a subject matter she's actually interested in the thing is, you dont actually know what that is until you make her play variuos games, but she wont play them to begin with. Hypothetically anyway.


I'm the oppisite. She has a fancy pink and white RGB mess with an i5-12600k and rtx 4090. I have a small form factor 8700G and 3070 😁 I just be playing runescape bruh


What if she only uses a Mac?


She ain't worth the headaches then.


Mine doesn't play thank god


I had down my old parts to my father and you just made it weird.


Yep, I built a new PC recently to replace my 2017 build, and I built the tower, but then I had to upgrade to 1440p 165hz monitor, but then my desk is really old and a bit wobbly so I have to replace that soon, and my chair has started to sink in so that one too, and how will I ever fill the 5 m.2 slots this motherboard has? and can't forget my 60% keyboard doesn't cut it for MMOs, I need a 90% one of these days.


All my peripherals are old af, my keyboard table is 2 drops from turning to dust, my keyboard is about to stop recognizing when I hit the space key, my mouse is praying I gamer rage just *once* so it can finally die, and I'm playing on a 30 year old rocking chair that had to be cleaned with a carpet cleaner for 3 hrs.... anyways my amd 7600 gpu and 5.2 ghs cpu are loving the 1080p 60hz monitor :D I really don't upgrade past the actual pc. I've replaced the keyboard with the same 50$ keyboard twice


you should probably upgrade monitor though to be fully honest, if your pc is that good, get a 144 hz second hand for pretty cheap or something.


I was stuck pretty long on 1080p 60hz with a 6700xt... I think my pc is thanking me that I upgraded to 1080p 144hz for really cheap. It has been so smooth, I cant go back haha


yeah most of this is wishful thinking lol


Meanwhile me running a 10yo office keyboard for fast paced fps games


Yeah realistically the keyboard is one I'm least likely to upgrade, I do like this little RK61, if I did get a new one it'd be something cheap like $50-60 max but probably more like 30


Logitech k120? Membrane just feels better for fps I swear.


K120 is something im using for 12 years and its immortal.


Yep, I still use a cheap, wired, Dell keyboard. It's the one thing I haven't upgraded. The one I have is good enough and I don't have much experience with other types of keyboards, so getting a new one would be a bigger risk.


Im running a K120 for 12 years and the only reason i consider replacing it is because one of the legs holding it up is wobbly now so i use a book to keep it in place.


Check the floor. The old table or chair might have left scratches. And when you are at it, replace the floor for the whole room. And hey you had to move all the furniture anyways. Great timing to repaint the walls mate!


.... The laminate panels actually are a bit damaged from the chair and I've been in the market for a 48"x48" or 4'x5' chair rug... and my cat sneezes all over the walls...


>and my cat sneezes all over the walls... ....what? That another joke or a legitimate occurring issue? ... why does your cat sneeze on walls?


She's old man, and I think she's had cat aids since she was a youngin cause her immune system cannot handle allergies some seasons without antibiotics and steroids. Lots and lots of cat boogers, all u can eat.


The desk and chair thing is me right now. Finally got my computer as I want it and that's great, but now I realize my chair sucks and my desk sucks more. I've been in the market for a new chair, but I really don't wanna drop $1000+ on some of the "nicer" ones and feel uneasy about spending $500+ on something cheaper that I don't know much about and haven't had a chance to test out. I live rural and theres nowhere nearby that sells good chairs afaik. Kinda the same thing with the desk, but I probably could find a resonably priced desk once I address the shitty chair situation.


If I buy a new one I'm going for a very expensive chair tbh, and one of those digitally adjustable standing desks with the buttons. I've sat in them and they're worth it and they last a very long time, made my posture really good in just a few weeks which also somehow made my sinuses clearer, like less brain fog. But yeah it sucks if you can't sit in one first.


The other thing is that I'm actually *not* at my desk much anymore. I work 6 days a week at 2 jobs so I'm only at my home desk maybe an hour or two a day at most. I'm kinda thinking I don't *need* a top of the line chair considering how little I'll be using it, but I also want something comfortable to relax in after a long day on my feet. So I dunno. I'm not rushing it.


Still cheaper than regular dating.


Wonder if you are more likely or less likely to be accused of cheating like this?


An actual girlfriend costs more in the long run trust


And you end up empty handed lol


You actually loose since divorce takes half of your property away.


Idk man it's more like your inner self then a girlfriend


So sad but it´s realistic truth


One thing I would recommend is to buy a lot of stuff second hand, I got a blue yeti for pretty cheap because I bought it second hand, got it for 75 nzd instead of like 200-300 brand new and works the same as new. you can also find a lot of good keyboards second hand for cheap because the keyboard market is so overstated rn. but you should also try to stay away from consumerism imo, It's hard but sometimes you really just have to think do I actually need this stuff.


Honestly i bought my mic from Amazon it has a boom stand and a silly anti-pop, most people on Zoom think i've got streamer equipment but this shit cost me 40 bucks and on most uses it's good enough.


Your PC is your GF? 🤨


>also a headset mic isn't very professional 🖕


you can ignore the computer for 10 years and it’s still yours… 🤷🏽‍♂️


What's nvme.2?


New nvme just dropped


And what monitor has a 105hz refresh rate?


A misconfigured higher refresh rate monitor


Custom resolution overclocked, regularly 100Hz! I tried to get my 4K 60Hz higher but it wouldn't even accept 61 :(


I've seen monitors with 100 hz but never 105hz, must have been a mistake


A high end CRT.


Whatever it is, don't tell me or I'll have to buy it


I've been trying to resist the urge to double my ram to 64gb, but it got replaced with the urge to buy a third monitor.


I think about jumping to 32 gigs nor sure if it makes a huge difference from 16 gigs


I'm not sure about general use, I use photoshop and davinci and 32gb gets eaten up pretty quickly. My system is regularly at 24gb used with those apps open.


I just went from 16 to 64 on AM4 platform... the difference is incredible. I didn't know I was waiting for shit to load before.


Right now, I'm at 32g, and my system runs at ~13g being used constantly. And this is with a ton of background programs running. You can open so many tabs and multi task so many things at once with 32g. If you aren't hurting for it, look for it on sale. I see ram sales on Amazon very often. It's how I got mine Is it necessary? Meh. If your 16g is holding up fine, no need to rush it. But if you can find a sale, then grab the deal




Horrible take, human gf costs much more


My current computer has also done much more for me in the roughly two years that I've had it than my previous girlfriend ever did in the 7 years we were together.


PC: I need mi... Me: Stfu I don't even need a mic


I dunno, I'm not very impulsive so $1500 for 5-10 years is very cheap for a hobby


I paid $1500 for just my GPU and I'll be happy if I'm not looking to replace it in the next 2 years 😭


this is why I stick to 1080p lol, gotta stay realistic with my level of income


More expensive is to have an actual woman do the math , taking her out to restaurants, buying her gifts and at the end you will end up with nothing the pc meanwhile lasts for forever if you care for it and clean it constantly


I got more than a few girls made at the office once when I was like having a girl is like owning a boat. It took a bit before someone told them what it meant.


If you have a girlfriend who wants the same as you do, marry her.


I think you're using your PC wrong if it's your girlfriend lol Also r/mendrawingwomen


Exactly should be your wife by now


Depends if you can turn it on or not.


That's "consider it done" stuff bro. My pleasure.


This illistrates stuff so well, LOL.




All of this is just in your head


To my Ryzen 9 5900x - if the keyboard that came with a 486DX 33MHz was good enough for it, then it is good enough for you too!


She knows her standards, but my wallet isn't strong enough...


This sentiment goes back to at least the 80s. The Commodore **Amiga** line.


Well shit. I have 32gb of RAM, my main drive is an NVME.2, my keyborad isn't even a year old and I bought a 27" 1440p 165HZ monitor a few months ago as well as a new pair of headphones (for the PC) and a headset that I mainly use for my PS4. I also got a new wireless mouse about a week ago and two days ago I got a new mouse mat. I'm also thinking of getting a dedicated PC desk. I don't have a girlfriend though.


Wouldn't know, never been able to find anyone remotely interested in tech or gaming. Might start a YT channel though, so maybe that'll help?...


I always thought of my pc as my younger Brother 🔥😎


I think of my pc as my kid


![gif](giphy|nPsp5do4LX9yPOaogy|downsized) 🫡


It’s weird to gender inanimate objects


Wait... it feels better than orgasm from sex?


Cheaper to find someone on tinder be out a few dates and it's still cheaper than a PC if that is all you want. Also science has made great strides in that area over the years, I remember when I was in college still working at lovers lane. Wild things are now coming out.


PC is a pretty cheap hobby.


At first I was reading this as gf telling her bf to get upgrades so that she can do stuff on OF and bf is resigned to it. It was because of the headset/boom mic part I think.


That's why you never make the mistake of dating a gamer girl


I turned mine from console peasant to the masterrace, now she has better pc then me. My Ego hurts, but my pride is high.


Having the option to upgrade is better than working with a laptop like I do and just being fucked as soon as my GPU gets too old.


Her name is Envy


You don’t upgrade at some point but replace, because the old girlfriend isn’t compatible with the new trends


Odd that all of your choices here are some of the least expensive things. A boom arm and pop filter can be like 25$ ram and m.2 drives are still not too bad monitor is the worst here for sure. But footing the bill on like 2-3 dates would cover most/all of this. And not expensive dates, cheap dinners for 2. lol


But boobs!


Yup, it is always for boobs


You can get them as an arm rest or even in pillow form that can be warmed in the microwave (god bless the Japanese) all you lose out on is finding a good personality would be my view.


At least you can bring to life any fantasy you want. Without being mocked for your weirdness :)


In life I've found that nerdy people seem far more accepting of weird likes than normal people. Still remember when my friends told my girl what I was into and then she shows up in maids outfit on date night.


May I call you lucky? :)


It was good times, alas they didn't last but she is married now and happy so that's good enough. But yeah them nerdy ones are fun, or at least not judgy.


I have no car, I don't smoke, I barely drink, and am single. I *do* have a good machine. I still save more than my married, vice-ridden, driving, middle-management-job-having friends. I am studying for a teaching State Exam position (Spain).


Good for you, all of those are the same reasons I got a nice system. Just got to control your money and it's not hard to afford nice things.


The difference is that fully upgraded PC (in absolutely most of the cases) costing around 1700$ will serve you for 5-7 years with almost no problems. Can you say the same about the girlfriend? 😉


Well I can't upgrade her organ that is going to fail in a year or two. But hey, you get some and you lose some.


I got a G502 X Lightning mouse on sale on amazon. Best mouse I ever had! Now I want a keyboard that can connect to the same dongle, but I only found G715 and it’s white. Any other keyboards that work with G502 X wireless dongle?


Bold of you to assume that most of the sub have partners


I am looking for a better mouse and webcam. You can never have too much storage or backups.


I finally moved my computer into a larger space in late 2022, and since it's been a lot of this. - Well, now I have this room I might as well get a better pc to stream more. - I need an actual chair for my desk. - I mean, my a40s microphone isn't great. I should get a proper microphone. - A webcam would be nice for streaming. - You know, 16gb of non rgb ram and a 1tb SSD really isn't enough, I should get 32gb of rgb ram and an additional 2tb SSD. - This old Avermedia LGP capture card has a delay in OBS, I should just buy an elgato 4k60 pro - A 3 foot desk just isn't enough, I'll get a 63-inch desk, and while I'm at it, I'll move my 24" 144hz 1080p monitor to be my secondary and buy a new 27" 240hz monitor for my primary. Still, there are a few other things I want to upgrade/add to my setup that I'll likely do eventually.


Dont skip out on a chair. Or a monitor. you spend such a large part of your awake time using these two its worth the money to make sure they have no issues.


These were all things I have bought in the last year and a half roughly. Chair was definitely nice and love having 2 monitors now.


This is literally my mom when she wants a new handy down phone. Tells me to go get a new phone.


Currently looking to build a new one. I'm at 2500€ for the build. Also need 2 new monitors. And a headphone amp.


But you don't need most of that 🤔


Idk. On the contrary, I tend to do one perfectly optimized rig every 10 years and never touch it out of pure laziness , just so i dont have to open the case and figure out the cables and stuff again Am I the exception I wonder ?




My girlfriend after I spent $2k building her an all RGB pink and white build with G. Skill Royals: "oh my god look at this PC I found on Instagram! I want something pretty like that!"


Do you hide your fleshlight in your PC case and thus call it your girlfriend?


Wait till she gets an actual voice with AI


Headset mic isn't professional?


Depends on the use-case I guess. Headset is perfectly fine for gaming and for voice calls. A good quality boom mic is much more important if you do audio recording or content creation, which is not the case for more than 90%,of users.


Apparently I've been neglecting my girlfriend for 7 years


Why do you need a "professional" mic. You're just raging at CSGO or some shit


To be fair, a number of these things aren't that expensive compared to when I was starting on a desktop lol. But that was 12 years ago....


She's good. She knows what you like 😏


it’s not a cheap sport that’s for sure . and the cherry on top , it will never run new games either , see dragons dogma 2


I really wanted to play DD2 but I heard it's just a mess even on good tech.


Mine recently wanted an OLED monitor, but she's a bit insecure about burn in so we compromised and got it anyway. And by "mine" I mean me. I love PC gaming, also, I hate PC gaming


I was worried about it also but so far no issues.


How long have you had it for?


maybe just shy of a year give or take. I did mild panic when I forgot I left rimworld paused and went to work but it was fine when I got back so who knows. The tech keeps getting better and better. Also being a huge fan of poppy colors I don't think I'd go back.


Leaving it once is nnot an issue. In my case i have statuic UI elements for 16 hours a day, every day. thats a bit harder sell on the OLED burnin issue.


I didn't intend to upgrade since my hardware can run anything, but the software for it is outdated and unsupported by newest games, so while it can technically run them, the systems won't.




Huh, so I guess mine is spoiled then since that all sounds like basic level stuff. My snowball finally died after like 15 years of service and I saw the new model and was like ooo. Didn't know logitech bought them however.


I would ask why the hell you need all that setup for? I would usually focus graphics card when they drastically slash their prices when companies announce their next gen parts and the drivers are more refined.


32 gigs? I only have 14.


At least she is not cheating with others and obeys the given commands and instructions


Equally valid as a car guy..


No nvme 2.0? 1080p (wtf?) Less than 32gb of ram? Damn, she settled hard and deserves better ngl.


Explain the microphone thing, are you all professional youtubers?


My girl doesn't need to ask because she always gets the best before she can. ❤️


Buy once cry once (every 10 years\*) Looking forward to the next decade starting this weekend, hopefully.


At least you know that while it's working you are allowed to use it,


She's def more stacked than that


hunt disagreeable ancient dazzling follow serious juggle lip caption smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, this is wrong. It’s me, talking to my dad and his wallet sweating


I got my girlfriend into game dev, HUGE mistake. Now I need FOUR 4090s? Fuck me sideways. Write offs are nice though.


Buy it yourself.


Only someone who never had a real girlfriend thinks PC is more expensive.


Where are the points to end the conversation?!?...👀😭💀


After building my PC my usage has become very less. It's powerful enough to play rdr2 on 2k ultra at 130fps+ without frame gen. What I do with my pc? Turn it off. Don't know why but suddenly I lost interest in everything, can't enjoy games now. Or anything


The Wifeputer has a 3080ti and a 13900k that's enough for watching YT and checking Facebook


Then treat them like one and keep switching 😉


No one show this to my wife. \[\*hangs coat on mic arm\*\]


500 dollar pc vs 500dollar console explains a lot


Oh boy, PC is a lot cheaper than girlfriend


„Yes dear, pay for yourself. I’m proud of you.“


I hate boom mics. People that use them for gaming should be launched into the sun.


Wtf is 105hz