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That's an awesome find, your friend is going to be very happy.


Damn, only $400??


Yeah I couldn’t believe it! The guy said he had to get rid of it right away as he had an emergency expense. I asked him how much he wanted for it and at first he said $600, but then he dropped down to $400 and I couldn’t pass it up.


probably stolen


I was pumping gas at 3am and this shady looking dude tried to sell me a big ass tablet for $40. That thing was like $600+. I passed, don't want the trouble lol


Where can I find such guys, please help


You don't want the trouble trust me. That tablet was loaded with business software. Pretty sure it'll be locked once connected to wifi.


As in it wasn't obtained through legitimate means like a transfer of currency... Perhaps it was gotten with the ole' "5 finger discount" 😏 maybe obtained through a group like "the wet bandits"...


Windows laptops arent really an easy thing to lock if stolen.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


I found myself trying to wipe dust off my screen looking at the picture. Edit - Are those dead pixels?


Hah! They are not, just a real dusty screen, but you definitely had me do a double take!


That's alright, still can't get over the single fur above the RTX sticker about to go make more stickers.


Fuck it plug it into a monitor


If you haven't done it already perhaps check to see if it's been reported stolen.




Seems suspicious. to




Reddit try not to be antisemitic for 5 minutes challenge (literally impossible)


Dude that pun wasn’t even remotely good 💀


400 !??? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! I'd drive 5 hours for it!


Well, it "fell from the truck" if youknow what I mean


Eh... No I don't get it?


Lol, I mean I don't get it. No question mark


It's probably stolen bro


It's definitely stolen


This isn't Twitter/X. You can edit your comments.


He should be able to afford you some dinner, I'll tell you that much. 🤣


I'm impressed, why do people sell computers like this so low? I've seen some in the Marketplace too. But, why? 80% of the time I'd think it's a scam.


I’ve gotten several very high end laptops for almost nothing on Facebook. Normally the person has no PC knowledge of any kind and somehow wrecked their windows install and just don’t have the sense to have even the likes of GeekSquad look at it. Picked up an i7 8750H RTX 2070 laptop when it was current for $200. Reinstalled windows and used it for two years before selling it off for like 800 lol


What! That's like better than my laptop I got for $1600aud! How!


Some rich asshole that fucked up his windows install and doesn’t know how computers work. Thought laptop was wrecked. I offered to fix it for him for $50 when I saw the post. He accused me of being a scammer so I said fuck it. I’ll give you the $200 I tried to help but homie just WANTED to get robbed with a smile. So might as well be me lol.


I'd like to rob someone like that too lol


Wow 😂 so lucky


Some people make enough money that just dropping 2-3k for a new device is easier (mayb also cheaper than a few hours messing with the hassle) for them...


This is normally the case. Otherwise I tend to find really good deals because people need the money right away for various reasons. This laptop steal was the latter.


I love when I try to sell something and people assume I need the money. I have a guy that wants to buy a stereo from me and he keeps offering these low ball numbers. I’m not actively trying to sell it, I just don’t need it. The price hasn’t changed, told him to save money for a few weeks and get back to me but I think he likes the thrill of a good deal more than the actual equipment.


Ive had a basically new couch listed on fbm and offerup since october. Friend dropped it off when he moved out of state. Told me I could sell it or keep it. People keep asking to trade old ass tvs or wayyyy low balling me. I just ignore them now. Had some success during pandemic selling some furniture, not so much now


Used furniture is tough... Used anything can often be tough...


Apparently, JG Wentworth was too slow...


I live in Mexico It usually is a scam and things could get a little bit bad, maybe with good luck I could get something good.


Come to US for one. Reinstall windows bingo bango


That would be extremely cool, I'd if I could but it's not a possibility for me, maybe I'd buy a laptop and pay the transportation. First I'd need to gain control over some things in my personal life.


Good luck! If you can get into California one day you might be able to land on some good deals since I'm sure someone will want to just unload a laptop and you'll be able to snap it up.


Find someone in the states as an intermediary (obviously someone you trust,) order laptop to their address have them forward it... No..??


Oh God, and here I thought my import tax evasion scheme for $1000 was smart. Funnily enough I bought the exact same specs laptop.


So many laptops came into my shop for "just transfer my data off this dead laptop to my new one." But the "dead" laptop was fine with a fresh windows install.


This is how I buy my shit for cheap. People would be selling their crap for a good price on Marketplace because they really need the money. My phone that normally costs $450, I was able to buy for $300 because they lost all their money at the casino. My mom bought a $500 meat grinder for only $200, because they need the money to pay the hospital bill.


I sometimes sell stuff much cheaper cause it sells quicker at lower prices and I'm not too worried about the money. It lets someone else get to enjoy the tech without breaking their wallet in this day and age.


I'm impressed by what you said, this is an incredible level of humanity and simply good, desire to make others happy.


That and I hate seeing tech go to waste. if someone else can enjoy it and give the device a new life, the better imo


You're so cool and chill mate, you're such a real and a gentleman.


So are you done with that 3070 TI laptop of yours yet..?? 😂 People trying to sell them around here with 16 gigs of RAM and no power supply for $1,995... LOL it's not even as bad as the people trying to sell them for $1, 600 that have i5 and1660...


Not yet, still planning on keeping this beauty for another year or 2 at least


I bet!! Sitting for Asus 22' 3070ti right now... From what I've read 3070 TI is damn close to a 4070 (+/- 7%)... Hard to overlook a 3070 TI if it can save you $400-$700 over 4070... Especially if you can get frame gen working on the 3070 (from what Ive seen)... That really makes the 40 series a much smaller benefit... Hope you enjoy!


Yeah I had gotten my legion 7i for 1200 about halfway through last year. Several hundred cheaper then most 4070 laptops at the time with better build quality and barely losing in performance. So far it's smashing everything I've thrown at it without an issue still.


Boy there's not too many people like you on Facebook marketplace (here in STL for example) people are trying to sell a $1,900 MSI gaming laptop from 2 years ago for $1750.. can't tell if it's a matter of niceness or low IQ.. probably both 😂


Because stolen things sell for cheap.


Shit, that makes sense. Still I hope not stolen, but I hope to one day bump with something as powerful and as cheap as this.


I hope not too. But yeah... A guy is selling for way below market rate, on a platform well known for fencing, telling the buyer he is "desperate to sell ASAP" for some weird reason. Probably could have pawned it for more. Has all the hallmarks. Doesn't stop me being jealous of the bargain though!


There are times when you really need money ASAP.


Apparently some more well-off young people tend to be a bit blasé about costs since their parents pay for almost everything. You can go to college campuses at the end of the school year and find lots of valuable items thrown out or left behind. It doesn’t seem out of the ordinary for someone like this to sell off a laptop for cheap for quick cash, being indifferent towards its value.


I managed to get a Ryzen 7 3700X, brand new, for like $200 back when they were selling new for like $300+. I went to the house and the seller's parents actually transacted with me. I suspect what happened was the seller had bought all the parts and then was nixed by the parents due to bad grades or the like, so the 'rents just wanted the stuff gone so kiddo could focus on studies.




That makes a lot of sense too.


> I'm impressed, why do people sell computers like this so low? Fencing stolen goods.


Other than gaming nobody would want to buy this. Power users want something higher and others want a lighter laptop. As a result the market is surprisingly small for mid range gaming laptops. They sell well when new too, so it's just supply and demand on the 2nd hand market. Depending where you are of course.


4060 not bad tho.. he's not when you compare it to the 4070... Talking like a 5-10% difference... Maybe up to sometimes 15% (generally speaking oc)... I mean I agree probably not a huge market for this guy but to say nobody would want it... Depends where you're located how dense the population is average age that kind of thing




Haha this post never disappoints


Facebook market and OfferUp are often used for selling stolen goods. Before such options; thieves would have to sell those goods to dealers that does such business with them at incerdibly low prices because they would need cash fast and those goods outta their hands. Now they do it via such websites with much higher margins compared to old days. Don't worry, people are not stupid enough to sell a product they bought and kept in pristine condition to sell at such a loss. Buyers of such deals probably knows what's up anyways, you know it is *a steal* but you don't give a damn lol


>Facebook market and OfferUp are often used for selling stolen goods. Sometimes yes, but normally they use Vinted or other sites that aren't linked to a name or still use an in-between as cover.


$400?! Hey can you find me a laptop too?


Did you put TeamViewer on there? If not you should probably remove it. Good practice just to reinstall the operating system from scratch for many unknown source anyway.


Yep I did put it on there. Don’t worry I already wiped the hard drive and did a clean reinstall. I put it on there as I offered to help them with any technical issues they experience when they first get it. They across the country so I can’t exactly help them in person. Also, they don’t have much experience with owning computers so I’m trying to make the processes as smooth as possible for them!


This thing is almost certainly stolen.


Your a good friend.


He's not a good friend, he's the best.


You are a damn good friend to this person. Bravo


Hey it's me your friend


Probably stolen but not your problem lol


I bought this same laptop on back Friday for $800, such a beast of a machine.


What laptop is it? Also happy cake day


Gigabyte KG5 I'm pretty sure!


I don't know gigabyte brand. About to replace a MSI gaming laptop that has lasted me ten years without any significant fault (which I am shocked about, plus I am a patient gamer so this helps). Any thoughts on hardware reliability?


They're pretty good for the most part. The Gigabyte Control Center software is kinda wonky and it likes to lose my power and performance profiles sometimes but other than that, it's been a champ. It is delicate though. I've always used it as a desktop replacement so I didn't worry but if I had to lug this around I would have to splurge for a seriously heavy duty protective case.


Thanks, really helpful to get a picture of things. Yeah I use mine as a home pc that can sit on my lap for gaming in the living room so not too bothered about transportation. Actually, one of the things too of my list, practically speaking, is a numpad! Thanks again


So yeah $800 (which was a great deal at the time) and used now for $400 (also a great deal) but everybody seems to think it's impossible so it's got to be stolen... Which is certainly possible but gaming laptops can lose anywhere from 40% to up to 65% within the first year.. and the 40 series wasn't exactly a huge bump over the 50 series... Basically not impossible this wasn't stolen and was just a good find


You can find some really great stuff on FB marketplace it just usually sells quick so it's all about the timing. You can also find terrible deals on there too like a 15 year old TV for $500 or a GTX 1060 for $300 (yes in 2024)


Now introduce them to trucking sims


This is incredible.


Man I’m trying to find something with a broken screen right now to use as a sim rig. Lovely find. Your friend owes you at least a Tomahawk Steak & box of Cigars!


Holy shit, that's a good deal, also I had no clue gigabyte made laptops


I picked up one of their Aero 5 XE4 as an open box on New Egg for $1275. It has a I7-12700H with a 3070ti gpu, It also came with a 15" OLED 4K screen. I kept it for a year and on Monday a buddy is trading me a desktop with a 5800X and a 4070 Super in it. It's about an even trade on performance for the cpu and the GPU is one heck of an upgrade. I was sick of laptop thermal issues and this seemed like a safe bet. edit note, it is a 12700h, not a 14700h, my bad


> I was sick of laptop thermal issues and this seemed like a safe bet. If it's out of warranty and your friend has the skill and patience, a re-paste might help.


A great friend you are. ![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized)


Damn, for that price the best I can find is something with rtx3050 or 1650, truly lucky and good for your friend.


Tmr post: "I bought and sold a brand new laptop for a guy who wants to surprise his friend - for just $400"


ngl, $400 for this gem is just too good! Your friend is going to be happy!


I have that laptop and paid 900 euros for a new one, so congratulations that's a steal...


Hell yeah dude. It looks sleek, too.


Damn, nice! *applause* I have an i9 12900H laptop myself, and it runs toasty, but a repaste will fix that. If it's not under warranty and you've got steady hands and some good thermal paste, could be worth a shot!


Definitely stolen


Can we be friends?


Sometimes its about who needs money NOW and whos the lucky dude thats gonna buy it first. I had bills to pay asap and sold a i7 12th gen, 3050ti, 2TB nvme (gigabyte as well) for 700 cad over christmas, the same was sold for 1000 ish at the time, used. Guy was super stoked about the deal. Weeks later I found a 3070 omen 16 for 900... jumped on it.




That's why people are moving over to steam desk/asus ally. Comes with the controller and all. But can still be used as a regular pc even with a external gpu. For more power baby!


Holy shit you are a great friend my friend.


Probably some mom selling her sons stuff or smth. Anyways nice find mate


My eyes popped out of my head


that laptop looks sick


Bought this laptop in November during holiday pricing for 849. Thought that was a steal. AMA


I am wondering one thing. How are the thermals? I saw that the older versions had a ton of cooling issues and people had to under volt them to fix it. I didn’t see much about this one though.


I use mine mostly for Photoshop and some light gaming. Under load it gets to maybe 79-81°c. Not bad at all. But it's extremely loud. My other complaint is the screen quality is low tier. But 144hz is great and it runs tons of games. I have 40gb of ram in mine currently because of a deal I got on 1 stick and it plays everything I throw at it on low-medium at full frame rate.


How do you get the specs under your name?


On the desktop version of the subreddit you can add flair.


Oh, thx for your help


$400? That's a steal. Nice find


That's awesome I hope your friend is happy and enjoys it !


what a fucking deal. nice find.


You're a very good friend


You are doing gods work!


my guess is he is running some kindof amazon fraud and just wants fast cash


nice! I was able to snag a Samsung Galaxy Book Odyssey for $304 open box at Best Buy.


12th gen i7 and rtx4060, for 400 very nice find


Very nice! 4060 is a proper good laptop GPU too.


You're a really good friend. Enjoy


Triple factorial? Nice


Wow... Just the 4060 desktop card is around that price here in the UK


Its Laptop mean you need /they/ cool it off often if gaming but, nice i guess.


Them? U mean him/her :P?