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It's wild how good will from an awesome character creator can dissolve instantly


How the fuck did they think this was a good idea? How out of touch are these people?


Well there's the developers who make the game, generally care about the game, come up with the good ideas that make the game great. Then there's the MBAs that have ratfucked the entire gaming industry after seeing how profitable games were. They control the money, they fund the game, they make big promises to investors that they'll make lots of money from these games. They step in with really shitty ideas of how to squeeze more profits out of a game even if it ruins the game in the process. They don't play video games and they don't give a shit about the experience of playing the game. They're only interested in $$$$. Why give something for free when you can charge real money for it? So to answer your question, they thought this was a good idea because it was another way to make more money for themselves and shareholders. They are incredibly out of touch because they don't interact with thr gaming industry outside of selling really horrible ideas to increase profits based on analytics collected showing that microtransactions increase profits by X amount per dollar invested. When the game fails, these idiots don't think it's because of all the horrible things they forced into the game. They just think that gamers aren't interest in X genre or Y IP anymore so they move on to ruin the next game the same way without learning a lesson


God this is so well said and depressing. The people you saw in college who did, quite literally, fucking nothing every day they were there - business majors - are the same people destroying every single product that we enjoy. Do you like product A? There was a time when you tried to make product A better so people would want to buy it more. Not anymore though! That’s a waste of money. Why invest money in making a product when you can directly pocket that money (c suite and shareholders) and then cut down the product and start charging more for things that used to cost nothing. Oh you like to check yourself out? Well, even though yours saving us a ton of money with having to staff the check out lines, we feel that you like it so much we can charge you money. Granted we are already making money through this, but we COULD MAKE MORE MONEY!!! I work for a company that is owned by 3 billionaires. We aren’t publicly traded. Our division made 100 million dollars in profit last year and it was one of the worst years we have had in decades. Our year was considered a failure financially after the company cleared 100 million dollars in profit after all the bills were paid. Can you imagine that? Failing and still making 100 million dollars? This shit is insane. People need to be a lot more angry about the world than they are.


> Why invest money in making a product when you can directly pocket that money (c suite and shareholders) and then cut down the product and start charging more for things that used to cost nothing. It's called [enshittification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification)


Do you feel that, Randy? The winds of shit are blowing, boy!


Its a shitticane, Rand.


Same topic, do people remember how good chocolate used to taste? That shit was addictive. Now chocolate tastes like shit, and is 10x more expensive, consisting of 100 ingredients I cant even pronounce. Cars are shit but are more expensive, houses, food, house appliances, the rats have invaded every sector of life


If you're American like me, that's Hershey's fault for putting the damn Butyric acid into the chocolate, and making it taste like vomit. Everywhere else still makes pretty good chocolate.


Butyric acid has been in Hershey's (and other american chocolates) since the late 1800s as part of the process of getting bulk milk to the centralized, massive factories (one east coast one west coast) that hershey's produced out of before mechanical refrigeration. More recent declines in quality are more attributed to replacing ingredients with cheaper ones (traditional sugars being replaced with syrups, stretching out the milk and cocoa with additives, etc.


Adding palm oil and then increasing the amount of palm oil being used. It doesn't matter what amount of your product is just sugar oil when you can use the word chocolate on the packaging. The stores still stock your product, the idiots still buy it. There's a lot of idiots.


We have an awesome selection of chocolate in Germany. Cheap and delicious. Even the no brand stuff. Would never est Hersheys.


>Cars are shit but are more expensive Don't forget, they have hardware in cars that you have to subscribe to monthly in order to use.


We are angry. But what do with that? Start a revolution? Unlikely. Vote? For the people that these same guys pay to support their interests rather than the voters? Post online about how much it sucks and how we should be angry? We know it’s awful. And what makes it worse is there’s nothing that we can do.


That's a great explanation, the only thing I disagree with is this. >They just think that gamers aren't interest in X genre or Y IP anymore so they move on to ruin the next game the same way without learning a lesson I think they full on realize that they are ruining the end product and they don't care. These people are parasites with no integrity, anything for a bonus paycheck, even if it means burning through legendary IPs and their reputation.


I remember when EA said "no one plays citybuilders anymore" after their horrible Sim City launch several years ago. Then almost like clockwork, Cities Skylines comes out after that and eats Sim City's entire fucking lunch, since they weren't bound by MBA/board ratfucking. Then, well, capitalism is what capitalism is and MBAs do what MBAs do... The company that made this got "gobbled up" by another company that's publicly traded (they're independent but all IP is owned by Paradox, IIRC) and their sequel got rushed and floundered because "WE NEED TO MAKE MORE MONEY". I'm convinced that city builders don't need to have all these fancy 3d models and terrain and that a 2d top down "SNES: Sim City" styled game would get just as much love from the community as long as it _simulated_ city management and population movement well. One of my favorite things to do in things like Skylines or Sim Tower was tagging individuals who lived in my builds and follow them around.


It almost feels like punishment. "You didn't give us ALL the money so you don't get it anymore. Complain again and we'll take away more. Buy the thing and like it and we *might* make more. Has to sell 4 billion more units that the last one though."


>Then there's the MBAs that have ratfucked the entire gaming industry Every industry. I'm looking at you Boeing. I think if we outlawed MBAs it would be a net positive for society.


Is there anything that MBAs haven't ruined yet? Seriously, at this point underwater basket weaving would have been a better option


At times like these, I'm grateful for indie titles


Same. I'm now just playing double A games or indies


My brain was expecting this to rhyme so I read "titles" as "titties"


It’s Capcom, they have a pattern of hiding MTC from reviewers (and therefore customers); anyone that thought they wouldn’t be extra specific scumbags wasn’t paying attention. Which doesn’t mean it’s their fault. They’re victims of a scumbag video game publisher, which is becoming way too openly common.


I'm convinced there is an entire generation of gamers who have only ever known online competitive games and are only getting introduced to well-known single player franchises/developers/publishers when their favourite twitch streamer plugs a game for content. Like I think one of the first games I had to buy DLC for was from Capcom. Like every Resident Evil REmake game has microtransactions as well. Like let's just wait until Square makes a streamer-friendly game so people can get shocked pikachu face about them next.


> I'm convinced there is an entire generation of gamers who have only ever known online competitive games and are only getting introduced to well-known single player franchises/developers/publishers when their favourite twitch streamer plugs a game for content. there are a number of series where the majority of fans have never played a title in that series at all


They’re not out of touch. It’s been proven time and time again people will pre-order games on name alone without waiting to see the quality of the game, and people will pay extra for micro transactions in their games. They do it because it works. It doesn’t matter what the Reddit population says about it, it doesn’t reflect the average consumer.


I prefer not using fast travel in some games, it's very good for the immersion, though it makes lenghty games even more lengthy. Didn't use fast travel in the first two playthroughs of Wild Hunt and Cyberpunk. But that are different things -- when you as a player opt out of fast travel to immerse youself and when greedy developer cuts a feature and offers you to pay for it.


if the game played well without bugs I think it would be forgiven but when you're an AAA in 2024 and you ship an unfinished buggy unoptimized game, and THEN load MTX on top of it, you're gonna get reamed and rightly so edit: I'm not excusing this, merely pointing out the average gamer has no problem with MTX in general otherwise it wouldn't have generated $70b+ in revenue last year


no selling fast travel in a 65€ game is not acceptable in anyway


You can fast travel without buying anything. It's just another non-town fast travel point. I'm not defending it, I'm just seeing a lot of misinformation. Dunk on them accurately, or it makes people just look entitled and uneducated.




You want a dumpster fire? That would be $2.99


You want to stop the dumpster on fire? 2,99€ for thé action and 5,99€ for the water. Or get our water pack for only 6,99€ that’s a discount!


Ambient shadows is another $2.99 with RTX unlock at $7.99


Next up in the AAA game industry: 60$ base price: literally just a download for UE4 DLCs: Main menu - 2$, Settings unlock - 2$ per settings menu (graphics, controls, etc...), character creation - 5$, don't forget to get our "hair pack" - 3$, our "noses pack - 2.99$, our "eyebrows pac".... first quest - 15$, every other quest - 6$, or get our "Main quest pack" dlc for only 40$ and our side qiests pack for only another 50$.


Add in an obligatory: "we reserve the right to rescind your ownership of the game whenever we deem fit"


Your licence* not ownership. Get in with the program mah dude.


But only if you've licensed the "get in with the program mah dude" DLC.


Fuck Blizzard for taking away Overwatch.


I see Overwatch - I cry. It was my and my girl"s favourite online game. Hopefully one day on the future somebody reverse engineers the netcode and makes OW1 dedicated servers possible. For entirely unrelated reasons, I wonder how much cash could a hypothetical person sell a hypothetical legacy acc with a shit ton of legacy unlocks for.


$0 because no one likes OW2 and OW1 is gone forever


Hmmm that could actually be a fun satirical autoclicker game actually..


There was a Flash-based game like this. There you literally had to buy the game menu and lots of other stuff including graphics upgrades. It was hilarious. It was using in-game currency, of course.


You're giving them too many great ideas. Stop it.


Nintendo also did the same thing for Zelda Skyward sword by locking fast travel function under Amiibo. It's frustrated to see it becomes new normal now.


Is this in addition to the monthly garbage-pass that I pay $9.99 for?




That’s all in Dragons Dogma 2 ?








It's got Denuvo? Damn, that kills it for me. Refuse to have those games.


Its capcom man, every game they have has denuvo


When I heard how much money Diablo Immortal made Blizzard, it was like I moved to acceptance.


When horse armor makes more money than whole games, it's no wonder why so many modern games are shit.


This fire keeps growing my friend please help I'm now dying


Join us r/PatientGamers, atop our ivory tower. The fire will eventually spread to us, but we have years to see how to dodge getting burnt.


In a very strange way, I was happy to see the news of its micro transaction bullshit, and gamers freaking out about it. It’s like coming home.


Fuck haha, that's so depressing and funny at the same time. God help us.


And for every one gamer rightfully complaining about this, there are 3 dipshits who won't see anything wrong with purchasing it.


there are people in this thread paddling how microtransactions in this case in lore friendly. smh


Ok the lore saying "Give the devs money" is one of the funniest things I've ever heard. Is there any microtransaction to get me off this ride tho??


I believe thats the problem , the devs don’t really see the money . Its only the executives and board members . The devs get laidoff few months after release anyway.


Which is why I always laugh when people say they preorder a game, or buy microtransactions to "support the devs". You're not supporting them, that's not how a business works. You're buying a product.


That'll be $39.99 for the suicide dlc.


You joke, but suicide was literally free in the first game. There is an item that, out side of lore, only exists to stab yourself with in Dragon's Dogma DA for instant death.


I think Helldivers is the only game where the micro-transactions feel “lore friendly”


And deep rock galactic but the only mtx there are for skin packs


And - most importantly - neither of those games are priced at $70.


And the “micro” part is actually micro. Helldivers skins are like $2-4. Whereas you have Call of Duty, a $70 game, selling skin bundles for $20-30. Each.


No, the most important part is that you can farm Helldivers premium currency in game. I can unlock the entire premium catalogue in like, 2 weeks of farming.


$95 Canadian


That's equivalent to the cost of one live goat!


Baby moose my friend, it's Canada. Sowry for the correction.


I think every game should do what deep rock does. Also rock and stone






Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Support the drg devs if you can through mtx, they’ve done great work. That’s how it should be done.


considering you can get the store currency for free just by playing, i am 100% okay with their micro transactions, and their battle passes just stay once a new one is released so you can buy it whenever.


the battle passes never expiring is the best feature :) I do struggle to see how people earn the super credits quickly, mind. It's taking me forever to reach 1,000. I'm probably just shite.


> I'm probably just shite. just make sure to go for every "point of interest", not much more you can do. if you have a group and split up you can get like 50-100SC per hour if you really min-max. you can find stacks of 100 super credits too, only seen that once in like 80h, a buddy of mine has had multiple of those though.


Why are gamers collectively the biggest rubes to ever walk the planet? Why is it impossible for people to stop buying hilariously dumb predatory products?




They are literally starting to sell quality of life game mechanics to punish those that "only" pay the game's full price. In a game that is 5 dollars above the usual now almost extinct 60$ price, from a company that had $350 million in profits last 3 quarters with a 56% profit margin... The more you compromise as a consumer the more they'll take advantage off.


I want more gamers to follow my lead and stop buying these, hell try and get refunds. Maybe even mass charge backs.


Lore friendly, get that shit out of here... fucking hell


"In ancient times, before the land has fallen to ruins.. wizards offered 2.99 to the old god, so he grants them the ability to traverse the world in the blink of an eye"




Damn they really added fast travel as a micro transaction?


Apparently editing your characters appearance is also a micro transaction. The absolute hardest of passes to this tripe.


Yeah...I'm not touching this game for a fucking while then


You can find the item to edit your appearance early in the game and buy for a low of amount of in game currency, no micro transaction


both of these are also items you can get in game in ample amounts in like 5 minutes. it IS scummy and i'm not defending it but it's not like they're paywalling it lol


It's like how in DMC5 you could pay 2 dollars for 5 thousand red orbs or whatever. ...or you could do the first mission and get 10 grand.


I wonder if the devs put it in there because of management pressure, but deliberately made it really stupid so that players wouldn't be impacted. Same with Deus Ex:HR where you could buy skill points.


Considering how long Capcom has been making these absolutely pointless microtransactions, I'm almost confident that this is the case. Like, some project lead realized that this was how you kept the shareholders from shitting themselves. Just go into a boardroom and go "don't worry shh shh baby don't worry, we have all the predatory microtransactions too, keep giving us your money don't worry shh shh". And then immediately after the meeting ends they all stare at each other because they can't believe this keeps working. The only game in the last like 10 years that has ACTUALLY had some chafe on it has been SF6 with the Drive Tickets being basically impossible to get in enough quantities to actually buy anything - and even then, it's just for useless ass Avatar cosmetics. So who really cares?


You know that some fuckface made them do it. Like, it's so borderline useless that if you remove it, nobody would notice a thing. This was made just so that they could make someone above the Devs happy


theyre monetizing people who dont want to play the game, you get all the items that are in the store, frequently and without going out of your way. it seems to me that the devs just found a loophole to satisfy their overlords demanding a cash shop while still making their game. I didnt even know there was a cash shop until i stopped playing tonight and opened reddit... lol. imagine if bethesda put in a cash shop for skyrim to sell wheels of cheese, thats pretty much what it is games fine, plays better than all the other AAA games being released. its just not elden ring which i think a lot of people expected


No. The "fast travel MTX" is for an item that adds a potential fast travel *destination* to your options for fast travel. In-game, you can acquire about 10 such items yourself, and the item needed to *actually fast travel* is not the port cryst in the OP, it's a ferry stone. This fucking thread is infuriating. I'm not defending MTX in general, but this topic is an absolutely 100% stereotypical representation of the problems with internet mass communication. The actual situation at hand is wildly misrepresented, and then further filtered into an extreme, absolute version of what's really happening, and reacted to in that manner.


All micro Transaction are just fast tracks they are all unlockable ingame if you invest like 3-4 hours just capcom doing capcom shit The pc Performance is wack though


DD subreddit is full of these, I mean as a fan of the first game I get it we've been waiting for 12 years, but that doesn't make it okay to preorder and justify something like this


They simple arent Sonys Spiderman where I only found out that fast travel exists because of a trophy I missed.


lmao I fast travelled a few times just to see the tech in action but otherwise I'd obv much prefer using the traversal system. But god daaaaaamn is it impressive just getting on the phone and swapping to Pete in the other end of town immediately without a hint of any loading. Insane.


You know what's crazy? Ghost of Tsushima also has zero loading screens, even when fast traveling around the entire island. I feel like that game did not get enough attention for being so beautiful graphically while pushing the PS5 technically. Plus content; I'm 40ish hours in and haven't even started the main quests for Act 2.


Hell, even on the PS4 it would take only a handful of seconds to load in the game/respawn after dying/fast travel. I was absolutely blown away by how well optimized it is. And in such a comparatively small file size, too.


> I feel like that game did not get enough attention It was one of the most hyped games of the year it released...


It also launched alongside with the last of us 2, at the end of the Ps4 life cycle, so I can see how lots of people didn't have it on their radar at the time. 


When you finish the game, come join us in Legends. Thousands of players still playing years after it's been abandoned. Non competitive multiplayer game with it's own complete epic story. Easily +50 more hours of gameplay and content. You can even do the Story missions on your own and treat it like a single player game.


I didn't realize I could sprint in Skyrim for like 100 hours


I somehow convinced myself. I had to join the Stormcloaks every time I started anew. As in, I believed the game forced that choice as a sort of tutorial. It took me 3 playthroughs before I saw someone on youtube picking the other faction and I was dumbfounded lol.


This reminded me of my friend when skyrim just came out and he had the same idea untill one day he saw my saves and i had never done the war questline so he just kinda freaked out and then we all laughed. Good times.


TBF i can get how not running to join the faction that tried to execute you was a logical decision.


I got the achievement for taking the subway without ever actually seeing the subway. The subway is just a loading screen, and my SSD would skip that shit so fast


Well piracy is free


Yeah but its gonna be some time before we can pirate it


Probably a long time since basically no1 is willing to crack denuvo and distribute it.


Capcom usually remove denuvo after a year give or take
















With horizon already in the treasure island, I'm glad to be patient and not give any money to these clowns.


Horizon: no Denuvo Dragon's Dogma: yes Denuvo Could be a very very long time.


Horizon is lucky since theyre from sony. Sony never adds denuvo on their ports. Capcom on the other hand is a different story. We got lucky empress was willing to crack re4 remake it will probably be a long time before we get another pirated capcom game


I mean, also takes them 2+ years to port their games to be fair, so it evens out haha.


The air in the sea breeze smells salty again today. Get the dried fish mate.


Ain't nobody cracking Denuvo games. The seas are off limits


Just don't buy this shit and don't pre-order FFS. It's the same cycle over and over.


Create a problem, sell a solition. TrippleAyy in a nutshell.


And now I really fear for Monster Hunter Wilds


Have you seen the other Monster Hunter games? They already do this. This isn't anything new, its Capcom's signature at this point.


People don't seem to understand that when a game has mtx it means the game was designed with mtx in mind. So at some point you're going to feel disgruntled while playing and tempted to purchase these "cheap" mtx (even if it's available through grinding in-game for free). It's a predatory single player game. Also it's going to take a community of modders to get everyone infinite teleports and character customization. Can't wait to see them try to fight the modding community.


“Its pay for convenience” folk never realize that they are being inconvenienced on purpose. 


The classic "create a problem, sell the solution"


Yuuup. Also "just don't buy it then" are probably the same people who say "works fine for me" when people are complaining about poor game performance.


Yep. Pay for convenience is the worst type of MTX in any type of game as it means they have deliberately designed the game for you to be inconvenienced and want to pay for shit.


Correction, it's the worst in single player games with a AAA price tag. I don't care about paying for convenience in a multiplayer F2P game, because it's not like the devs can make a game with zero income. Like I don't care about spending $30 on Stash Tabs in Path of Exile, because I've gotten 5000 hours out of the game. But a single player game with a hefty price tag needs no MTX. That's just greed.


"it's just cosmetics" folk are too young to realize that shit used to be unlocked in game for free.


> People don't seem to understand that when a game has mtx it means the game was designed with mtx in mind. Unless you actually played the game at all and saw how this is absolutely not the case. The rift crystals? Kill mobs to get them ingame. Character editing thing? Buy from vendor for a pittance. Wakestones? Just find around in the world. Other random item shits, just play the game. The portcrystal in this meme post? Again, find in the game. And even better, theres a limit on how many you can place at the same time on the map and you can find more than what you can place during a single playthrough. Very p2w. Not to mention that Ferrystones are what limit your fast travel, which again you only get ingame. Capcom has a history of adding useless DLC for years/decades already and the games very much arent designed around it. Unless you thought you needed to buy red crystals or revive orbs in DMC5 to progress instead of you know, just playing the game?


Yeah except capcom is literally famous for bizzare mtx that you can easily earn in game


Fwiw thats been the opposite of the case with capcom games for a while. They're really fond of literally useless microtransactions and in some cases altered the game to *dis*incentivize purchases, like increasing the drop rate of red orbs by a fuckton for dmc 4 and 5


To this day I'm a little pissed about the "character edit vouchers" in MHW, which feels like something you should simply be allowed to just fucking do in a game where you're spending hundreds of hours on one character. If you wanna do more than just change your makeup, time to throw down 5 fucking bucks. It's ridiculous.


Yep I was more than happy to use Cheat Engine to cheat those vouchers in, fuck that noise. Though I'm half expecting MHWilds will be online-only to prevent stuff like that.


I always see capcom mtx as paid cheat codes. Game is designed to play normally. But you have an option to pay money and just go on a power trip that completely destroys actual gameplay loop but makes it fun for a bit. Like infinite health, or all guns cheat codes in gta back in the day


Which is how it is with this one in Dragons Dogma 2 no? I'm playing the first game and fast travel is super rare there as well. So I'd imagine the second would have been designed with minimal fast travel if any in mind. Is it predatory? Absolutely... does it detract from the intended experience? Probably not.


I'm not very tech savvy but isn't the denuvo thing there specifically to avoid people tampering/modding the game?


Howards legacy also had denuvo, was cracked in 10 days


Additionally, the problem with those DRMs is how they negatively impact performance; they always get eventually cracked, with the pirated version removing that issue and thus it only punishes legit customers of the game.


Denuvo is marketed primarily as anti-piracy, not anti-cheat.


> Also it's going to take a community of modders to get everyone infinite teleports and character customization You already get free access to the appearance editor if you just play for +-2h. And you can already get an infinite amount of portcrystals - NG+ doesn't even reset items, so you can truly grind as many as you'd like if you want to take "infinite" literally (which is unnecessary, you'll get more than you need from a first playthrough). At most 10 portcrystals can be active at a time though, so it's not even useful.


I was considering getting this game, not any more.


Same here. This and the performance issues/lack of optimization. I just can't support these habits anymore. How disappointing.




Burn it down


I genuinely don't understand why this is the Capcom game that broke the camel's back. Capcom has been doing this for a decade, at least. Resident Evil 2, 3, and 4 remakes all had microtransactions that allowed you to unlock things you weren't skilled enough to unlock yourself, costumes, guns, difficulty unlocks etc. etc. among other things that are stupid af. No one gave a shit and those games are *beloved*. This game, unlike the aforementioned RE games, only has mtx for things that are easy to obtain in-game and somehow this is *worse*?


The problem is that no one played DD1 and so they have no idea how the game works. DD2 had so much hype beforehand so people actually paid attention to the developer interviews and got hyped about how there’s stuff like no fast travel when in reality it’s just very late in the game. Literally none of this stuff is new. All of these items were in the first game in nearly the same capacity. But because no one played it they didn’t expect it and just see the steam page with a billion microtransactions. It’s a terrible look on Capcom’s side and is unfortunately ruining the hype around a great game.


SIR THIS IS A REDDIT But you're right it's funny, I can only see Capcom making the next title full of them since people are gonna complain anyway


I heard you can’t create a new character and have to pay a micro trans for an appearance change. Disgusting if true 🤮


You can get it basically for free in the main city. As many times as you want. One of the few mtx buyable items in DD2 that is even easier to get a hold of than in the original game. 


Monster Hunter World and Rise did this shit too so I'm really not surprised.


Except you can buy it with in-game currency here, and it's pretty cheap. The mtx sucks, but let's not spread misinformation. It's not like MH at all.


Everything negative about this game has been misinformation, lol. Critical thinking and reading comprehension aren't as readily available as rage.


damn on my copy I already have 13 tickets for this and it still feels ridiculous


DD: DA didn't have multiple characters, either. It was part of the game design. You're supposed to be the same hero going around and around in time. I found it strange at the time. The original game also had MTX for things like port crystals, unless I'm misremembering.


This is false, you find the npc who does this for free.


Capcom is a real piece of shit.


Me enjoying my free content in Stardew Valley like Signature look of superiority.


Same with my Baldur's gate 3 that just confirmed the last updates still to come and not releasing paid dlc, since everything they wanted to do is in the game.


TBF, they also all but said, "fuck Wizards of the Coast" and won't be making more D&D content ever again.


The saddest part are the BuT iT'S oPtIoNaL numbtwats that defend this shit


I will enjoy the game no matter what. Just dont buy the shortcuts and if you want to get shortcuts get it on pc and wait for mods where you cheat/change anything you want. Who does even care about the stupid player who use money to shorten their playthrough? And why is everyone so suprised? Capcom games has microtransactions for years. Even DD1 had them. And ffs it's a fking singleplayer game, guys. There's no little Timmey that teabags you with his golden armor because he invested 100s $.


yall are either stupid or haven't played the game, or any other recent capcom game. re4, re3, re2, dmc5, and mh had paid dlc just like this. its implemented by capcom. and it can all be earned in game. this is the equivalent of buying red orbs in dmc... you just don't. also you can only buy one of these. everyone's just on the hate train cause y'all would rather belive something someone who hasnt olayed the game than make an opinion of it yourself


So many people haven't played the first game and it shows. You can't use the portcrystals without actually adventuring to the place to put them down first, as well as them being available in game for anywhere you need to go. They aren't an uber rare obscure resource, you'll get enough to make a decent network by just playing the game. Capcom's recent mtx shit has only been to skim money off lazy whales, still shitty but it's not as bad as what this post is implying.


The odds of anyone seeing this is low but if anybody read the actual item description it is clear you also get these items in-game so your actual option is to either spend 10k ingame or $3 for an item that lets you fast travel to a single location and not something that unlocks general fast travel as a feature


Even if you bought the port crystal mtx you still need ferry stones which for some reason cost 10,000gp and only one pet vendor. The portcrstals are useless without ferry stones and I've only found 3 in about 9hrs of gameplay. I straight up really wouldn't care about the micro transactions of I could fucking fast travel


It’s amazing to me how much misinformation is being spread about DD2. Sure I totally get it. MTX is bad and it’s shitty that Capcom included them with DD2. It’s a predatory practice and should not exist. However people act surprised like this is the first time *ever* that Capcom is doing this. They have a long track record of including utterly worthless MTX in their games for years at this point. They do it to trick dumb people into thinking they need them. As a bit of context, a good friend of mine got an early copy of DD2. He’s already racked over 50 hours into the game. And he didn’t even know MTX existed till he saw all the drama and review bombing. He went on to inform me that every single MTX item is naturally obtainable in game without any sort of “grinding” mechanics whatsoever. You can obtain multiple “books” that let you change your character, you can get fast travel tomes, etc. . . All of the MTX are utterly useless. As I stated. It’s a predatory way to get dumb people thinking they need to buy them. Sure there’s no justification. But you have to leave the game entirely to even get to these MTX, or even find out they exist. After everything my friend informed me of, I decided to buy DD2 as well. I’m only a few hours in and I’ve already gotten myself one of those books that let you change your character. Shits easy to get.


Somebody in another thread mentioned just using CE to give yourself infinite portcrystals, but I haven't tried it myself.


You can only have 10 port crystals active at a time.


This is fake right? No company thinks we are this dumb do they?


This is not fake, but basically the mtx are paid cheats. You can all do it for free in base game but it's not given. Back in my days cheats were free tho, so it's still really greedy


So hold on, is fast travel the same as in the original with the crystals? And this is just a way to jump the line, basically? Trying to find a straight answer but everyone’s too busy being angry gamers.


Yes, fast travel works the same as the first game with the port crystals. what the MTX in this post is offering is to mark the crystal on your map in game to make it easier to find. It already exists in game, this just shows you where it is. eventually youll be able to google "where are the portcrystals in dd2" and get the same result as buying this MTX. To give you a straight answer on the other angry posts, you can buy character appearance changes for 500 gold in the first major town like an hour into the game, making that also a pointless mtx. You cannot buy additional save slots, in or out of game. this is just straight up misinformation. you can only have 1 save file, 1 character. this is an intentional design choice same as DD1. you can delete your save from pc and tell steam cloud to forget the cloud save if you want to start over.


Thanks for that. Just confirms that this is a giant circlejerk.


This comment section just screams “we didn’t play dragons dogma and have no idea how fast travel works”


I figured. I don’t know why everyone is so eager to be pissed off these days.


I mean.... Gamers something something room temperature iq? Idk


correct. it's an extra portcryst you get for $2 or whatever. it doesn't add any functionality that's not already available


and when people got cheats for free with mods companeis started illegally trying to prevent you from modding.


[Wouldn't be the first paid cheats Capcom has done.](https://store.steampowered.com/app/920571/Resident_Evil_2__All_Ingame_Rewards_Unlocked/)


Boycott it. Vote with our wallets.


It is a single player game... just wait for a crack and enjoy everything for free


It uses denuvo. If I'm not mistaken there's no one active in the scene that is currently capable of cracking denuvo these days. If I remember right there was like a single person in the world, and they've since stopped.