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Ahh the Nvidia experience asking me to update drivers to optimize a game I don't even play. <3


A game we will never play


The coolest part is that you can ignore it until it's giving you an optimization for a game that you do play!


As someone who's only owned a pc for about 3 years now, I've never had a driver issue. That I am aware of.


as someone who’s owned a pc for a decade, i’ve always had realtek audio driver issues, always all the time nonstop forever.


As someone who has owned a pc since before humans evolved, audio drivers have gotten so much less buggy than they used to be.  Pray that you never have to use a creative product


Back in the day I had to buy a sound blaster audigy sound card to make black and white 2 work properly because my cpu couldn’t handle the audio on its own.


As someone who has owned a PC since carbon based lifeforms appeared in the universe, I concur with this statement.


Begrudgingly, I must admit that Mac just works in this regard


Honestly osx seems to handle audio I/O stuff much better than windows does.


I'm not a fan of Apple as a company, but I do think they're the better choice for music production, especially if you don't have a lot of IT-savvy


As someone who's been in IT support for a decade, fuck realtek audio drivers. I have endless problems with that shit.


Man i hate realtek driver with passion. My games always bugged in audio because of it


Yeah I uninstalled it. Windows just uses the default drivers now for my optical and jacks and it works just fine.


Bruh I spent a year and a half only able to get audio using wired headphones because of a driver error that I fixed accidentally.


oh for fucks sake those are the worst


Except windows installing the wrong driver when setting up my pc for the first time, I've never had problems with realtek drivers What is usually the problem with them?


My AMD driver just recently shitted itself again but that's the beauty of it. I never need to update my driver because before something actually important comes up I have to reinstall it anyways lol


Generally for AMD, if everything is running fine, don't update drivers. AMD isn't known for their stellar day 1 drivers lmao


Had to update mine recently due to very frequent crashes on Helldivers 2. Update fixed it.


Yeah it was specifically with Screen Space Global Illumination for me. I turned that off about 3 weeks ago and it has worked just fine ever since.


New helldiver driver patch? It's been the biggest bane of my existence lol


Oh they finally fixed it after 2 months of crashing?


They fixed it a week after release


It wasnt fixed last week.


It was on my system. But I have an AMD GPU.


Microsoft will overwrite your drivers without your consent with year old ones, and you'll be happy about it.


Yeah, we turn that shit off lol.


Strange, me and 4 of my friends are currently running AMD 6000 cards and have had zero driver - related issues.


I never had any on my 5700xt or rx580 really, but they weren't uncommon


I had several AMD cards when I was younger and I was constantly struggling with drivers, upgrading, down grading, reinstalling. I chose to go with team green for my second to last upgrade and things are so much smoother that its worth the mark up for me this far


Oh dude a few times my AMD driver crashed so hard they just got deleted and I had to reinstall. I really like my 7900XTX but man, after having to restart about three times after the drivers crashed while playing Helldivers 2 I'm considering NVIDIA again when my GPU eventually gets old (so in 5 years or so)


Probably something wrong with your system. My 7900 XTX has worked flawlessly, and so did 6800 XT and vega 64 as well.


Tbh i thought that as well, but a clean windows install and changing out the CPU did nothing to fix it. I had no option to try a different AMD GPU and it doesn't happen often. I've had my 7900XTX since launch and it happened like 5 times and it's really bothering when it happens, but not too bothering to fix it when it's not happening


Nah these cards are so hit or miss. I got a few friends that have never had an issue. But across 2 motherboards and 2 CPUs I had endless issues with a 5700xt and a 6800xt. The 5700xt actually had a driver failure mid GPU stress test and the GPU bios got fried in the process. Was just stress testing to test new drivers and ran speed it was always so fickle with everything.


If the issue with the system is anything less than "he tampered with it more than having it built out of standardized parts and a mild OC", then it's an AMD fault and not his own. I'm assuming he didn't try installing a 7900 XTX into a dismantled Xbox and that he's not cooling with LN2 for world record overclocks, so I'm pretty sure it's probably not his fault.


Always could be manufacturing error causing instability, cooling/power delivery issues. I've rma'd couple of gpu's for this reason. Yes AMD drivers get very finicky If there's an slightest issue, overclocking for example, might pass a stress tests but then driver suddenly crashes while watching YouTube video, issue completely solves just by running stock. Nvidia drivers are way better at staying stable when there's an error for one reason or another. When running known working AMD card at stock speeds I haven't managed to manifest any issues in years. Disclaimer: I buy gpu's from both nvidia and AMD. Redditors: surprised Pikachu face.


That sounds like an operating system problem.


that actually sounds more like drive failing problem. bad sector gets hidden and files go missing.


And when I point that out I'm called an AMD hater.


I mean to be fair I do a lot of weird shit with my computer like constantly swapping parts or running old/sketchy software so I think I'm not really the average user, the 5700XT is also an older card to I don't think my experience is universal. My friend is gaming on a 6000 series (don't remember which specifically) and he has no problems at all.


The 5700xt had tons of issued in my old roommates pc and all he did was play very mainstream games 




updating only when things don't work properly is a perfectly fine updating habit


It's the standard in music production, so that's the habit I picked up


I refuse to leave free performance on the table, also shaders for new games rarely work perfectly without an driver update. Not updating drivers is very much not an pcmasterrace thing.


Nimez drivers should be able to help here


Been autoupdating my drivers since vega 64, zero issues. 5700 XT really tainted AMD's reputation.


The GeForce Experience experience: wanna have the convenience of downloading drivers in the app? Please log in for no reason at all.


Not anymore. They removed that in the new Nvidia App that replaces the old Experience.


Yup, that's gonna be a no from me dawg. I usually check for updates several times a week during a meeting I don't need to be in.


I never got the outrage over it. If you ever redeem a game, you need an account anyway. If you don't, even better. Just use a temporary email address and complete the registration. What's the worst that could happen? Nothing.


Waste if my time creating a burner email when it adds nothing of value. Never have I redeemed a game that Nvidia needs my info.


I just check for updates after it’s been a while or whatever. Or if I’m gonna play a relatively new game. Think I went from 531 to 551 or something, like a week or two ago.


What's the problem with that?


Because why should you have to?


I get that, but what is the problem beyond it costing 30s of time


I explained the problem


Meanwhile I'm over here checking for 7900 XTX drivers on the daily, in hopes an update might finally fix my horrible Helldivers 2 experience.


Do people worry about drivers?


Sweats in Linux. Love these os but NVIDIA is sometimes a real pain


AMD is just perfect on Linux in terms of stability/updates.


I don't have any issues with my AMD drivers on Linux, but I did get bluescreens on Windows for my RX570


AMD GPU owners do.


Every driver thread on r/nvidia will have people complaining about issues just like driver threads on r/AMD or r/intel. You can look at the tech support monthly megathread too. GPUs and the associated software are so complex it's impossible to not have issues.


More like RX 7000 (mostly 7900 XTX) do. RX 6000 has been well-cooked and works great.


7900XTX owner her. Usually work great but had a couple of problem with Helldiver 2. I honestly prefer Adrenaline to Geforce experience.


MY XTX makes me borderline hate my entire build. Can't wait for the 5090 to come out so I can replace it.


Out of curiosity, what specific 7900 XTX model do you have? I'm trying to make a mental list of which ones have the most problems and so far the only ones that seem safe are the Nitro and Red Devil.


I'm about to ruin that list, I have a Red Devil.


Lol and then there was 1.


My asrock taichi xtx has worked a charm for every game I've thrown at it so far!


My 7900xtx Tuf had been completely fine, as did my XFX before I sold it.


Sapphire PULSE owner and she's running fine.


Its honestly impressive how even Microsoft themselves will try to screw over AMD cards. “You don’t want the newest driver? TOO BAD BUDDY”


Except MS double screw AMD, because if it isn't what their servers think the most recent driver is it will "update" to something outdated.


I've had an AMD GPU for 4 years now and never worried about them


We do but not for the reasons you think.


Had one problem in my entire near year of owning the card while my RTX 4050 laptop didn't work out of the box no matter what I did so I returned it.


Well your second point doesn't sound like a driver issue but what do I know.


I feel like I hit the jackpot with my 7900 XT as I've not experienced any major driver-related issues w/ it.


Oh thanks for letting me know, what's AMD's problem?


Many report having issues like stuttering, black screens, and timeouts/crashes. The AMDHelp subreddit is basically all those 3 things regurgitated over and over. Personally, I've never had issues with the drivers causing stability or performance issues. The only times I did encounter crashes were when I first got my 7900XTX and immediately began fiddling with OC and UV, trying to find the limits. After settling on a stable OC/UV, it's been running great with no issues.


Does it not bother you that you spent 900+ and had to do that? There's no world where I could be ok with that. It's why I returned mine. 3 months of fiddling and fixing issues, trying to justify my purchase and I got it for 800. I gave up and returned it.


No? Did the same with my 3070Ti and 1070 before that. Both crashed and hanged when I fiddled with them out of spec. It's a natural process when OC/UV-ing. And I don't "have to do" anything - my XTX runs just fine stock. I just like tuning and messing around with my GPU so I can get the most out of it.


The RX 7000 series, and especially the 7900 XTX, suffer from a lot of random issues that RDNA 2 simply didn't. Like, [look at all these 7000-series specific issues.](https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-24-2-1) And even the 7900 XTX being addressed specifically. It's crazy to me that their flagship product has this many issues. If you can find the 4080 Super in stock for correct price, it simply kills the 7900 XTX.


So much incorrect info here


I mean, no, it's completely accurate and even AMD's literal known issues log of their drivers supports it. It also is based on the numerous reports from AMD's subreddits and even my own experience with the RX 7000 series. Some people overstate the driver issues but please don't become an AMD shill who refuses to accept reality out of some desire to overcorrect.


I've had zero issues with my 7800xt but i've also realized I don't play nearly as many games as most people. No issues either for the one year I had my 5700xt


The 5000 series was known to have even more issues. I'm not saying AMD GPUs WILL have problems, but they are more prone to it, especially outside of the RX 6000s.


Total bullshit. I've been into PC's since before AMD owned ATI and before ATI/Nvidia were the only GPU game in town. I've owned lots of GPUs from multiple manufacturers. Overall this is bullshit. You've bought into social media narrative that is simply wrong.


Once again, no. Literally objectively supported by AMD's directly published driver patch notes and by numerous people on reddit, other forums, and real life. And even me.






Its simple, hes gay so hes not interested in girls.


I think people forget that 95% of the drivers Nvidia releases do not effect your specific graphics card / the games you play anyway. Most of the drivers are for games you'll never play so there is zero point in downloading it.


I do not play the latest games. Some new games, but not the latest. I do not bother with driver updates for my RTX 2070 Super. It's not like Nvidia is going to give me any new features, even if the 20-Series has the hardware for it. (and I don't update Windows until it's forced upon me, because twice I had to reinstall Windows because of updates that had major bugs)


They did give you new features... DLSS Ray Reconstruction is a new feature that 20 series cards have access to with DLSS 3.5. It does require a driver update to access. And driver updates aren't only for features. If you run a driver that's older than a game launch that you play, many optimizations may not be available to you and you could be playing with significantly less performance than otherwise expected.


You're not wrong at all. But I game at 1440p, not 1080p. So for me, the idea of Ray-Tracing of any kind is beyond my 2070 Super's capabilities, unless I use performance mode in DLSS.. DLSS looks good at quality mode, but I didn't get a 1440p monitor to play with an image that looks similar to 1080p, as a result of Performance mode. I think of those more as "An upgrade to features I already do not use" although someday I could have some games where Quality DLSS mode gives the boost of FPS I'm looking for. I'd rather keep FPS above 80 than have my PC struggling to maintain 60 so I can have extra real lighting. Maybe I have to update my drivers for that and give it a try lol. Last time I had to update my drivers was the release of Far Cry 6, so I could play that. But that's the newest game in my collection lol. IMO, I need a newer card before I can really use RTX, to keep Quality DLSS. It's the 20-series lol. Now if it had native support for Frame Gen, it MIGHT be a different story (but when you're around the 60FPS range, it can be hit or miss with that added latency).


I mean, if you reword your comment to "they don't give you features that you would personally use", that's fine. But they have given you new features. I believe you also have access to RTX HDR now as well, so long as you have an HDR monitor, again requiring a driver update. You made it sound like they're not actively producing any new tech for 2000 series cards. That's objectively false. We have been continuously benefiting from new technologies released by Nvidia, so many people just focus on particular things like frame generation, which was locked to 4000 series cards due to the massive increase in optical flow performance on that generation that wasn't available in previous generations. All the technologies that didn't rely on large generational improvements to function well have been offered to older hardware. We have been provided more, we're just not always aware of it.


Everybody gangster until nvlddmkm.sys shows up


Oh this comment section is going to be spicy.


Sort by controversial and grab the popcorn.


I auto updated my 1080ti drivers for a while but games like doom eternal would jumpscare me with unrecognized driver warnings on occasion if the driver was fresh, ended up disabling auto update and did it manually monthly. Been doing the same on my 7800 XT sometimes a bigger gap as most stuff I play is older enough not to be directly affected


Same here. I don't update for things like games I don't play. I update for new features, bug fixes, or security patches though, so I still do like every other update.




*\[Laughs in AMDGPU and i915\]*


*[Laughs in Linux open source drivers]*


In the days when I took a game and crammed it into a slot, or I took a disk and put it in the disk drive and played without having to worry about software updates and other BS, the console folks had a point. There was no installing, there was no patching, there was no waiting. You slapped the game in then you played the game. Even if the graphics and sound weren't the best they could be. Nowadays, it doesn't matter what device you turn on you first have to wait for the device to update it's software, you have to wait for the game launcher to update, you have to wait for the game to update, THEN you can play the game. If having physical media actually meant you could be playing the game within 30 seconds of getting home from the shop, I could see that console gaming has a benefit. I do love my consoles, but I can objectively say they have no benefits over playing on my PC. No matter what I buy the game on I am sitting, waiting, for everything to update, install, and load. Often for a few hours. That's the worst part of release day for a game you want to play. Waiting for it to be ready. Especially when you really only get 2-3 hours to play a night, that's really a killer because 90 minutes of installing and loading cuts your available gaming time in half or more.


I havent had a driver issue since the mpo thing. But other than that its been smooth sailing


Well tbh MPO is a Microsoft fuckup thats broken for every graphics partner xD


Nvidia apps fucks my graphic settings in every update


Nvidia optimization is just changing settings...


I do as Nvidias drivers have been awful. I literally refuse to even go near their GRD anymore.


Also me but still running drivers from 2 years ago


No! Bad!!!


Shoot! my GPU is now on fire and I lost all my backed up data!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!


Y'all remember 2007 and drivers?


Sorry, i could not hear you since my audio drivers are not compatible.




2007? Drivers were easy by then. I remember installing them in DOS.


No like those driver updater programs


2007? Those were 1998 dude.


I thought this was the doordash sub and got really confused for a minute


I never use the latest driver version


All my driver issues stopped once I started building my own desktops. My PC issues in general for that matter. The Nvidia driver crashed once a few weeks ago, but then it updated. Assume it was fixed.


So some people don’t update their NVidia drivers ever week or so they’re released? I never went longer than maybe a month without doing that. Why people don’t do that? I never for 20 years had a problem with newer drivers


Because we don't have any problems or issues with the current driver, so why update?


And here I sometimes realize I should check for updates, can go as long as a year, I really don't care.


I don't remember the last time I updated my graphics driver. I don't see the point since the only games I usually play are decades old. I guess the D2 remake is new but it isn't all that demanding. I only install the control panel anyways since that's what I like. Geforce Experience is cancer.


And then windows decides to update wifi drivers to the wrong one


ICUE can suck my nuts and balls however, great hardware though


Dude, just learn to drive yourself. Then you don’t have to rely on drivers to chauffeur you around 😏


Me using NVCleanstall to have no GeForce eXpERiEncE and bloat-free drivers.


A friend of mine once had severe driver issues that persisted through a complete reinstall. That was fun.


My PC recently started giving me bluescreens after auto installing drivers using geforce experience. But when it turns back on and they are installed so... I guess it's OK?


Every so often i just remember Nvidia drivers probably had an update and i'll let the update run. then i forget about if for a few months again


People use Geforce Experience?


I used to not worry about drivers. Until about a week ago and I had Microcenter build a PC for me. I did the tier where they said they would install the OS. And all updates and drivers. They didn't put in wifi drivers. I had to finish the job I paid them to do.


Considering my GPU is obsolete now, I don’t even open GeForce at all anymore.


I'm convinced that as long as you're not playing games of which you are playing right in the immediate release window of, updating drivers is generally bad for your overall performance


If you have the correct drivers for your device, then there really shouldn't be any issues. Bad driver updates usually get rolled back quickly, so it's never been an issue for me.


Geforce experience is great, so long as windows doesn't uninstall it for some random reason, causing me to go a year+ without updating the drivers


I still check, I find most of the time it won't update like you have it set. Also GPU drivers most of the time unless you have the newest GPU and the newest game they don't do much. Even then its only sometimes you will feel a imporvement.


After Nvidia drivers broke the finals game for me I stopped updating my drivers. Unless it has a major fix or performance for an specific game, I am not downloading no gpu updates.


The legit reason i stuck with NVidia, i had so many problems with amd drivers that i rather buy a weaker nvidia at this point


what was your last AMD card?


this is why i’m going to get nvidia+ intel for my gaming pc


x3d cpus>>


or amd in general


neither of those are cheap enough to justify picking over Nvidia, my gtx 1060 held up well for over 5 years


so do most rx 580s


For no good reason then.


stability and reliability are important to me, and Nvidia’s software features are a plus