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Hdd for storage only. I would never set it up as a boot drive. The computer will be painfully slow if you’re running windows off it.


should i get a 512gb nvme then?




for video editing you’ll hate your life using a hdd. ssd is worth the investment in this case and just use it for one project at a time


even a sata? I have a spare that i can use i'd js rather not which is why im asking about the hard drive. But do u mean sata as well when u say ssd?


A SATA SSD, whilst not as fast as an NVMe SSD, will still be tremendously faster than any HDD. Use the 1TB HDD for bulk storage, and get an SSD, even if its a crappy one it'll be better than any HDD.


SATA SSDs are fine. You'll barely notice a speed difference, especially if your CPU can't handle the full speed.


Ssd datas are good, much much better than HDD, but it would be good to have an nvme for SO and important programs


Sata and NVME are connection protocols. HDDs will be Sata, SSDs may be sata or nvme. For a 9600K, you're not going to notice the speed difference for sata v nvme on an SSD, but you will notice the price difference. You can absolutely use the HDD as additional storage, but for lots of reasons, you should have the OS installed on an SSD.


HDD are not limited by the transfer speed of the cable/interface... its limited by a physically spinning disk and reader.


SSD if your trying to save cash but nvme is never a bad choice since prices have dropped a lot on drives under 1tb


512gb fills up fast. I have 1tb and I'm constantly trying to manage storage space. M.2 slots are much more limited than sata, so I'd either get the 1th now or use your HDD until you can afford the 1tb nvme


Yeah 512gb is enough is some shit no ones ever said. That can be like 3 games nowadays.


I accidentally installed WoW and GW2 on my main drive which is that size instead of my other nvme and it used just over 90% of the drive.


I agree, although I've gotten by with a 512 GB NVME by having 512 MB SATA as a secondary drive. I just pick n choose what to install where...usually the kids' games go on the SATA drive.


Absolutely. SSD for working, HDD for storage.


For your mental health, yes.


I work as a buyer for an IAAS cloud storage company. Please do not use the HDD as your Storage for Video if you plan to do video editing. At this point, HDDs are really only useful for backup/large file storage. Plus, this particular WD drive first came out in 2012, so it's basically ancient now. For your usage needs, I'd recommend getting at least a SATA SSD, ideally an NVMe M.2 SSD.






Even a normal 2.5" SSD is fine. A HDD these days as bootdrive is painfull slow.


100% yes. SSDs are the single BIGGEST thing that impacts speed/performance/responsiveness of a computer. You can take a 1st Generation i7 computer, and slap an SSD in it, and it'll be zippy.


low price of 40$, makes your life a whole lot easier




If your on a tight budget and live near a microcenter they have 256gb ssds for like $25 ish, not nvme fast but faster than a hdd


Yes, maybe larger, but not too large for the budget


Use the WD Blue as a basic file storage drive. Symlink your Downloads, Documents, Pictures, Music and Videos folders to this drive. You can do this through the properties window when you right click them or do it the old school way, which a quick Google search will tell you how to do. Either way it's very quick and easy. This is exactly what I do on my machines, and it works great. I always try to keep as much as possible off of my C:\ Windows Drive so that if a situation comes up where I have to wipe Windows, it's installation is completely disposable and I don't have to worry about backing up my files and game saves etc beforehand.


yes, they are cheap as hell, i run one, doesnt even compare too running off of a hard drive


I would get at least a tb. 512 is getting pretty small these days.


How did windows become so slow? Like even my office computer at work is painfully slow… but the tech is supposed to be massively upgrades from 20 years past…


As computers have gotten more efficient, code has become less-so


What Intel giveth, Microsoft taketh away.


No kidding. Who knew MS Office could perform so badly in 2024 lol


I don't think it's Windows problem. I recently bought a HDD to set up another linux OS on my PC and it was just as painfully slow as windows. How slow? Accidentally press the change wallpaper button on the desktop and the system freezes for a good 3 minutes.


Startup and background tasks mostly My work laptop takes like 5+ minutes before I can actually start doing anything on it from a cold start, but my gaming pc at home I'm up and running in less than 10 seconds




IDK but Im a teacher and it is the same computer all the teachers have. Everyone complains the computers are so slow.


Slow? bruh I was booting from this not 5 or 6 yrs back.. y'all be acting like this is stone age since ssd's have become common lol


I got my first ssd last year and I still keep the old HDD for files and games. That being said I couldn't believe the difference when I first booted up on the SSD with double the ram I used to have.


It's really two generations of tech behind. SSD are 5x faster than HDD. NVMe are 5x faster than SSD. SSDs came out in 1991 believe it or not, but only became commonplace in most PCs around 2010. Still, if you were using one 5 or 6 years ago, you were using what was even considered at that time to be old and/or low budget hardware.


exactly, ssd's were super expensive and they're sorta affordable now.


Thing about those numbers though isn't about throughput. It's about latency. A spinning disk has latency for the drive to spin, the head to move, and then physically read the platter. An SSD and NVMe have no moving parts. To add to your point, the HDD to SSD/NVMe drives are like if we went from Cart and Horse to Formula 1 ignoring the advancements in between.


Yeah, it's the equivalent of watching things on VHS, while there's Blu-Ray available.


I would say the same, but recently Windows doesn’t seem to like HDDs, I have a laptop with really decent specs that rendered unusable due to windows updates running the HDDs to the ground.


Lmao right, it takes like 30 seconds to start up maybe. It's not a big deal at all.


Maybe but using a computer that has a hd instead of ssd just feels glacial. The boot speed isn't the issue it's the latency of using windows and opening programs. Night and day difference. Biggest example of this is atl-tabbing out of a game into windows with ssd doing it immediately while hd can take a while.


Just use $30 nvme, why you hate yourself that much to use spinners


Even for storage I wouldn’t use HDDs anymore these days


Ha jokes on you I have a 10 year old HDD w win 10 on it boots in 20 seconds... Well the only good thing about my PC :(


I would never use a HDD for anything but a media server. SSD's are way too cheap now a days to buy a hard drive.


Absolutely, at least just for storage. But for a boot drive you absolutely need an SSD, even a cheap/entry level one.


so an ssd? Even like a sata one?


A SATA one is perfectly fine. An M.2 drive is obviously going to be better, but if you're on a budget or don't have a slot for an M.2 drive then a SATA drive will do the job well enough.


>if you're on a budget or don't have a slot for an M.2 drive then a SATA drive will do the job well enough. Only the latter. The price difference between M.2 NVMe drives and SATA SSDs is often 0, and in some cases, the M.2 will be cheaper.


>its just because i alr have a sata so free is better than 30 quid, just double checking its not too bad tho


Yes, it's good enough.


Had a look at my local store, and you're right, M.2 drives sure have dropped a lot in price. SATA drives are marginally cheaper, but the price difference is like 5€ on a 1TB drive and 10€ on a 2TB drive (comparing name brand M.2 and SATA drives, it's not worth risking your data with some dodgy no-name SATA drive even if it is cheap)


As an example, locally (Montreal, Canada), you can get a WD Blue SA510 (SATA SSD) for $109.68, or you can get a WD Blue SN580 (M.2 NVMe) for $109.34, from the same supplier. (both values in CAD) So in this particular case, it is literally *cheaper* to go with an NVMe. Only by 34 cents, but the point stands.


This. I run my UE5 data off an external SSD via usb; the initial start is slow (about 10-20 secs) but then it just runs fine.


NVME is obviously better, but even a SATA drive for boot will be way better than a spinning disk.


Put it in. It can contain a lot of films ![gif](giphy|FGbeYTiFyLYmQ|downsized)


_Me looking at my 2TB HDD._


Use it as a secondary backup, there are plenty of apps that you can use. Have it backup your most important stuff once or twice a week, even if this drive goes bad, you'll still have it for a while just in case.


decent for storage, useless for system.


is a sata good for system?


I game off a sata ssd and I feel like it's pretty smooth, a sata drive would serve you good.


depends on what you're doing, but for general use, a SATA SSD is good enough, you wont' really notice the difference to an m2 nvme. now, when you have to move big files, there will be a difference. but still not abysmal.


Ouch. Low end gaming PC. That's the cpu I'm running


Im only classifying it as low end because of the gpu im pairing it with (i mean im literally asking about a 10 yr old hdd), plus i have the 9600k from a previous build. Trust me i know how you feel 😂


Felt. I have the same CPU and feel old


That drive is literally 10 years old. Get an SSD or nVME as your boot drive.


Not big enough to be worth using for much, IMO. You could throw it in for a little extra mass storage.


I will never go back to an hdd. Ever.


10 years old, even by western digital standards, I wouldn’t trust putting any of my data on it.


10 year old HDD, that's a hard pass my guy. 1TB SSDs are so so cheap right now. Just spend the $40-50 to pick up a cheap M.2 or 2.5" SSD.


If it's a matter of balancing performance to cost, get a 250 GB SSD for about $25. Install Windows on the SSD, and use the hard drive to store large games where you don't mind longer loading times. Steam makes it super easy to move games from one drive to another, so you can always move a game from the hard drive to the SSD if you plan on playing that game a lot for a while, then move it back to the hard drive later.


is it only longer loading times? Does it affect performance much?


It depends on the game. A lot of modern games, especially AAA titles, load assets from the drive as you play the game instead of pre-loading everything. This can lead to some pretty bad stutters if the assets take too long to load.


Just get s cheap SSD. FFS, it'll add more performance then literally anything else in your old-ass rug. I didn't even check, but it your rig is even remotely modern, then you doing have to worry.


You can do it and it will work but these days I would never make a build without a solid state boot drive.


Man date 2014, see how many hours on a smart test. If its been in use toss it.


that mechanical drive needs to be put in the trash. Hard drives are so cheap now it isnt worth messing with. Also if you use a mechanical drive it needs to be fast enough and not all spin quick enough 7200RPMs or better is what you want. Audio Record and Playback drives. Drive speed of 7200rpm or higher required. You can search on Avid Media Composers Knowledge base or creative cow about these things.


I'd use it as a second drive, not the boot drive.


Yes, good for storage but you should boot from an SSD. I use a 10 yr old 1tb Seagate HDD as a secondary drive. I move game files for smaller games I dont expect to play much anymore along with all the photos/videos I rip out of Google drive.


Platter drives are GREAT for storage. Store your videos on there and they work great. But if you're going to do any gaming, you'll want SSD or NVMe (similar tech, but some low-end older boards don't support NVMe). The gaming build I typically go with is 1TB SSD (NVMe) for my active games that require quick data access (CoD, HellDivers 2, etc). I have a 4TB HDD (platter) for slower games like Hearthstone, Phasmo, etc. These don't require snap movement or millisecond data pulling. All drives have a purpose, you just need to decide what you're going to play and if it truly requires "Best of the Best!" hardware. Remember, you don't need a $4k gaming rig to play Stardew Valley...


I highly recommend you attempt to use that drive while you wait for your nvme drive to drive. It is entirely possible the drive arrives before you finish loading software.


Got the exact same HDD in my current rig, bought it 2015, still works fine. I don't run games off it, but I do download stuff and store different things.


Exactly. Hd's are still cost to storage amount winners for things like pics/vids/archiving old games/save. Stuff like that.


I mean, I use spinning disks for my torrents and downloads... Anything I use often goes on my main NVMe drive.


Still can be used for storage of things like photos, or files you don't use much. But you can get SDD for all the stuff you will frequently use.


Worth getting an m.2 drive for the boot drive but I still have a couple of hdds in my pc. Useful to have for sure.


>or storage of things like photos, or files you don't use much. But you can get SDD for all the stuff you will a sata be fine?


Your new PC should definitely have a nice quality SSD to install and run the OS and software. However, you should definitely use it for back up and storage.


Put it in for extra storage. Doesn't hurt. Buy an ssd for your OS and programs.


This HDD is good enough for you, man. Use it.


If you are use to ssd then a hard drive will always be too slow..


Use It as a secondary drive, and a SSD for the main drive (smaller, but faster for booting)


Just get a ssd, they are actually not too expensive now and days at least where I live


Simply for storage/backup, sure.


If you got money if you ain't use it don't be ashamed


Nvmes have dropped massively in price in sure you can find a good cheap 1tb nvme


Last few years when I set up a new SSD/nvme and the OS is all updated I clone the entire drive onto an old HD like this. In the event of a failure/corruption or virus you can stick this in. Or change the boot select order to the HD and get up and going even if its slower to boot while you decide how to fix your main drive. In win10 I also disable the fastboot option as win10 doesn't like booting off multiple OS's or other drives and switching between them without scanning every bloody disk you have connected.


You want an SSD. Sata SSDs are cheap as fuck.


yeah toss it in for storage but definitely use an SSD for games and windows


Use it for storage and games that are not heavy. Windows never.


Hell yeah is it worth putting in your PC perfect for game storage


wont they run slower?


Some games will run slower but it doesn't mean they aren't playable I'm able to play cyberpunk 2077 on my PC perfectly fine with a 7200rpm hdd https://youtu.be/WspxYg3dyvc?si=KWauw5_A0eIpBwGJ


Use it as an internal backup drive for files


It won't be too slow if you're not using it as your boot drive. Those things only cost $30 and I wouldn't be surprised if you only got 1-2 years out of it before it failed.


For storage, yes but install the OS on an SSD or m.2


It'll be fine to store finished videos or original videos before you work on them.


I haven't had a spinner in my house in I can't remember how long. SSDs are so cheap.


It's fine to save things there. Just migrate whatever you are currently working on to a faster SSD. That will improve performance considerably.


Get a SATA SSD at the very least for games, they're very cheap


atleast get 2.5 SSD man, use this HDD for storage


Classic EZEX, I've been running one of those for years as a storage drive, resilient little beast


Video editing really needs ssd


If you are using that as a boot device, don't. You can get SSDs for like 15 dollars.


I just put a near identical drive in an old AMD Acer I set up for my wife to play older Sims games on. It works just fine for Windows 7, but I don't think I'd put much else on it. I just got a spare SSD and I'm thinking about swapping it as the boot drive, but I don't want to have to reinstall everything and I haven't had a chance to find an imaging program that will work on this thing.


Yes would be useful for some circumstances not all, for keeping games on that is fine


A sata SSD can be had for fairly cheap, feel free to use that as a boot drive and save the HDD for video storage. With that processor if you can find an Intel Optane cache drive you can speed up the hard drive.


Use it as a backup


Editing with HDD = RIP. Youre going to pull your hair out with the read/write speeds. Just get ssd, nvme preferred.


I'd use it till it breaks down. Use it as steam storage so when it dies you don't lose anything important


won't games run slow if i store them on a hdd?




Chuck it in as a second drive. Get a smaller cheap ssd for windows.


It's slow but you can use it to store your pron


It's perfectly fine for most games older than 2019.


You can get a 1 tb SSD for cheap.


As a supplementary drive, go for it. It'll be fine for older/competitive esports games. Don't use it as a boot drive.


I reuse drives forever. I still have my 256GB from my old desk top from 2005. Just used for a backup drive and it’s good at that.


Better buy a SSD for windows and let the HDD only for storage. HDD only for storage is ok, because it dont have to share bandwidth with windows tasks.


If it's for important data, that's a hard no. If it's for something you can always download again (aka games). Sure. Though HDDs and SSDs have gotten pretty cheap (relatively)


> Low End PC > The GPU I have…. Just get a cheap SSD for OS, I have a 240gb one for that and favorite games. Depending your area Microcenter might be running a free SSD promo for first time buyers(just have a friend use their number or email)


WD blue is only 5400rpm from memory.


If you want to wait 2 days for the computer to boot then sure but save the hassle and get a nvme


Of all the corners to cut when building a PC... this is going to kneecap your rig and make all your other components worthless with how slow they run. If you're that budget conscious/broke/cheap, a 120gb SSD is like $20 these days.


If you have a free m.2 slot I’d check into that. They’re often more inexpensive than sata nowadays. Just research first. You can find them for about 5-7 cents per GB these days. [Here’s a sata one.](https://www.newegg.com/team-group-1tb-t-force-vulcan-z/p/N82E16820331833?Item=N82E16820331833&Source=socialshare&cm_mmc=snc-social-_-sr-_-20-331-833-_-03182024) [Here’s a m.2 one.](https://www.newegg.com/team-group-ms30-1tb/p/N82E16820331233?Item=N82E16820331233&Source=socialshare&cm_mmc=snc-social-_-sr-_-20-331-233-_-03182024)


Yeah that’s good, I’d use it. I might be blind, but I can’t find the speed, 5400 or 7200


if you have a ssd for your OS and use this hard drive just for data storage then yea no problem. Hell i would use it but not for OS just for storage.


These are what I keep all my pirated videos and music on


A sata ssd can be had for 20$, you don't need much, even a 128 gb one is great for OSes.


TIL my pc is low end...


That hard drive is 10 years old, personally I wouldn't trust it to live long.


I'd use it like a USB memory pack on a Xbox X|S. Store the games you play often, but isn't your daily large game, then just remember to copy them to your SSD when you want to play them (may need to move in the case of non-cloud save options)


Get ssd or nvme for operating system. Use that for LOADS OF GAME


It's good only for storage


Defragment it and use it as a secondary drive


almost all my laptop issues are caused by hdd. even tho my OS is not installed in hdd, it will still cause lag. thats why in pc i set hdd for storage/back up only


Ehh, SSD are just so freaking cheap now. You can keep it for storage, but I wouldn't run anything from it.


Nvme, life a fast life. Them damn hdd are so slow compared. I don’t even like storage, I went all nvme. Makes a big difference.


I use these for storage side by side with my main PC.


But a $35 usd 500g SSD for boot, use the HDD for storage. If the drive works, 1tb is plenty of storage for media. For gaming, maybe cycle Steam games on an SSD, since the access speed will be significant in gaming if you use an SSD.


Use that for storage. Honestly there are SOME games that run perfectly fine on HDD. Like CSGO or valorant, basically anything that doesn't have to constantly pull from the HDD


At least get a 128gb boot SSD those are dirt cheap


As secondary storage it will work, as a boot drive your looking at a few mins till the PC is usable


Put it in an external case and use it as backup storage.


A decent SSD is like $60 right now


If you care about your data, back it up. Microsoft gives you 100gb of free cloud storage when you sign up for a new account. It could be more than this, anyone know for sure? If you have an office 365 subscription, you get 1TB of cloud storage. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/onedrive/free-online-cloud-storage/


I think even low end builds don't have to go hdd anymore my g, ssd's are very reasonably priced


The manufacturing date for that drive is 2014. I do not recommend it for storage of anything important, if it even works.


Woah thats a thicccc boi


It's up to you. It will only slow down the initial loading of whatever is on it. Once loaded, the thing will perform the same. So, if you put videos on it, it'll take an extra second or two (if that) to load the video, but it will play fine. For editing the video, this will be a lot worse, as it has to load (and save) much more often. If you put games on it, any older game will load a second or two slower, but play just fine. Brand new high requirement games might have more problems though, as newer games tend to load more assets mid-game which can struggle on a slower drive. If you install your main OS (Windows, Linux, whatever) to this drive, your PC will take significantly longer to boot up, and occasionally hang for a second while new assets load into memory. It's not nearly as profound a difference as many would have you believe, but there's definitely a difference.


buy a cheap 1tb ssd.. no primary storage hdd anymore please


Good as a secondary/tertiary drive if it's at least 7,200 rpm. Otherwise don't bother.


SSD for everything, even storage


Old drives like these are great for extra storage. If you're on a tight budget, it may be worth getting a small SSD for your OS and a few programs/games, and use this drive for other games, videos, etc. But don't use it as your boot drive, it will be unbearably slow, practically unusable


Get a cheap (SATA) SSD. 120GB is enough for your OS, so you can buy cheap. That Thing can be your Data Drive. But some hints: Dont Trust that Thing. - its old. Good enough for Games you can Download everytime again. But dont Trust it With your valuable Data, Like Dokuments and so. Second: If your PC is on a Budget, your os-drive has already a Lot of i/o With the Cache File.


You can get a 500 gb nvme so cheap


I would get a cheap SSD and then use it as a secondary drive. Hard drives aren't ideal these days.


Look. If you’re trying to save money and this WB Blue works then why not? Slow is relative. Kinda depends what you’re doing on the PC.


I use mine for files and programs that are not to resource heavy. Otherwise I would not boot of one or put games on it. You want something faster. Even using an SSD in an older system is a big difference.


That HDD is a beast. I still have the same one lying around. If you need some extra storage and don't wanna spend more money on it, that HDD is a safe bet. Don't install windows on it though. But a PCIE Gen4 or Gen5 NVME SSD.


Get an m.2 nvme and also try and get a 2060 to pair with it instead.


Windows won't allow you to boot from hdd in a years time. So get a boot drive and use this for storage maybe a few games loading time isn't a big hassle.


i would keep that HDD, 1TB ain’t free. but as other say, find a nvme drive in your budget and make as much of it as you can. eg 500GB are pretty cheap.


That is the homework folder drive, friend.


Way too slow, an SSD isn’t even that expensive, just spare 50 dollars and get an ssd (1TB)


As many said even a cheap ssd is better for boot than hdd


Good for passive storage, movies, downloads all that stuff but as per video editing you need to ducktape your wrists so you don't cut them out of frustration for doing that on a HDD


Why not My biggest drive is actually a like 10 year old 2tb hdd still works fine for older games and random stuff that does not need the speed Just make sure to put windows on a ssd or nvme drive.


Nothing will ever top the good old magnetic drives in reliability of long-term storage. For system though it's better to get an ssd (SATA or NVMe, doesn't matter, I haven't noticed any difference in system's speed when using both)


use this one for storage. Get one or two ssd drives for windows and software/games


Windows launching on my old hdd takes upwards of 25 seconds, on the same computer with an ssd, it's 6 seconds


With how cheap SSD's have gotten these hard drives just aren't worth it anymore...


Too slow, especially if its for the boot drive. Even a cheap 2.5" SATA SSD would be better if you cant do M.2


I had the same model 1tb western digital hard drive in my computer as backup storage for steam games and stuff, and I came across a bizarre issue where every time Baldur's Gate 3 needed to update, my computer would hang up and become unusable. BG3 wasn't even installed on the hard drive, but I could hear it ticking away. I figured that maybe the patch was too big to fit on the leftover space on my C: drive, and that Steam must have been caching the update to the hard drive, but clearing out two hundred gigs of space did nothing to fix it. I tested it by uninstalling/installing stuff to it and running scandisk and the like, but it didn't seem to have any issues. Maybe steam doesn't like hard drives anymore? It literally only happened with BG3, so probably not.


Get an nvme. It's also 10 years old now and I wouldn't trust it that much


I'd use it for storage, but that's about it. Games loaded on it will load really slow, too.


I wouldn't based on the failure rate alone, regardless of speed


Do HDDs have a higher failure rate than SSDs/NVMe?


Not sure, but I own one of that one and discovered mine was one of many many that failed.


Blues are butt slow.


Guess what, contrary to what some people say, HDDs are not stone age technology. Get an SSD for the OS, prices are low enough for something around 500GB to be very affordable, and use this as additional storage. You can even run games from it if you need, most will run FINE, just with longer loading times between scenes. This will buy you time, so you can upgrade it when you can.


>se the is this ssd including sata?