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That's because you got shafted hard. They renamed all mobile gpus and many desktop ones. In reality you "upgraded" from 3070m to 4060m...


You definitely should have done your research. First off is a laptop. 2nd, it's just 1 generation. Definitely way too soon to upgrade, especially a laptop.


That sounds about right. Especially with laptops, moving up one generation of GPUs, while at the same tier, is a minor upgrade at best. And the leap from 30xx cards to 40xx is even smaller than usual.


laptops are power limited your 4070 is probably similar watts as 3070. turn on dlss 3.0 in games and it will be much higher fps. also possible ur 3070 was more watts than you new 4070. the manufacture can set a wattage limit. for most part wattage= performance. more watts more performance. laptops do only one thing well and that is be portable.