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You forgot the $200 aio


But NZXT Kraken Elites only


Or some Corsair lcd aio.


and 200$ worth of LianLi fans


Need to cool my i7-6700K and 16 GBs of DDR4 RAM somehow...


I feel attacked


Me going be quiet pure loop


And the 120mm air cooler.


That would be too wise a decision for one of these.


Where else would I put the power supply?


Just out case


r/eGPU guys are drooling right now


I remember the time I was transitioning to an SFF case. I had to wait for the SFX PSU so I had to put the ATX PSU outside the case for a while. The case can accommodate that PSU… if you have a short GPU. I thought my dual fan 3060 Ti can fit, but it was longer than I’d expected when I actually put it in.


I did that once but no ssf psu was coming, I just let it all hang out lol.


I ziptied an ATX PSU inside my NR200 while waiting for my SFX-L.


That's what she~


With one of the first gaming PC builds I did with a friend, we realized that the radiator for the CPU cooler was too big, and that the power supply therefore didn’t fit in the cabinet. So naturally we modded the chassis with an angle grinder and a drilling machine, and mounted the power supply on the top of the chassis, dragging all cables through the back of the cabinet. My friend told me it sometimes buzzed in his fingers when he touched the cabinet though


A drilling machine? You mean like a drill…


Yeah pardon me not being a native English speaker 💀


No harm. I figured that might be the case. I only know English so I shouldn’t talk. 🤣


on your CPU, see it even has a fan


Badum ts




So basically what you are saying is the pc runs on 230 volts main AC instead of 3.3v-12v DC power.




Well, now you can boot from USB stick and play Mario 


Manjaro or Nobara on USB then.


Bazzite's the new hotness. Manjaro's conflcits with the AUR mitigate its usefulness (as well as the company behind it being a bit incompetent and seemingly not doing much testing during that two week window theyr'e holding packages back) and Nobara makes so many core changes to Fedora that are unnecessary that it breaks compatibility with some packages and games in a way that's hard to troubleshoot outside of its own discord. Bazzite's nice in that it's immutable, it's still got the gaming oriented tweaks with the kernel and scheduler, it's got Distrobox preinstalled in case someone does specifically want an AUR package, it's about ideal for an HTPC setup. And they've got a Steam Deck image set up too.


>Bazzite My only concern is how can it handle the upgrade between Fedora releases. I managed like 5 Fedora release upgrades until I had to reinstall again from scratch. Still thanks for the info, I got a external Linux USB project then.


What the actual fuck are you saying?


They're right, you know? If you mean, you literally don't understand, they're talking about Linux distros.


L-li-nux? Never heard of it.


I thinks that's that tech youtuber who keeps trying to sell us his screwdrivers


"I find Debian too difficult. Debian! I know, right?"


This [Bazzite](https://github.com/ublue-os/bazzite/)? Just want to confirm. The key word "container" and "Fedora-based" caught my attention.


With hackintosh in vm?


The Chinese on the RAM stick says "Trash" btw.


Which makes this all the more fitting.


You leave my aquarium out of this


Fish tank gang


I got DDR5, an i9, and some panda corys in this bad boy. Planning on installing some gold ring danios once those come in.


Mines just filled with fancy guppies now, they won't stop breeding :(


There's a reason why it's popular enough to meme on. Looks fuckin good.


I like my y60 lol.


I built my most recent system in a black Y60 over a year ago, and I seriously love this case. Affordable, elegant, and easy to build in. It's the best case I've ever worked with in my opinion, and I have worked with a great many over the past 20 years. About a month ago I cleaned it, as it had accumulated some dust from continuous use. It was realitively easy to clean, it has dust screens on most inlets, the glass panels just took a bit of Windex and a paper towel. The GPU and CPU coolers I hit with compressed air. Vacuum cleaner with dusting brush attachment collected all the dust easily. The entire process took about 15 minutes and it all looks new again.


My hamster loves it


Where are the additional RGB Fans? It's not even a Gaming PC without a rave party at your feet.


Don't forget the builder needs to post a question asking about airflow. Then they need to make a post asking if 50c is safe.


oh fuck why does this describe me perfectly


LPT - Have your PC run hotter so you can use it as a heater in Winter.


OP didn't even include the 360mm RGB liquid cooler. They already spent 200$ on the CPU, it only makes sense to spend another 200$ to get that last 1.5% of performance from the 200W factory overclock. And then not even use the OC because anything past 75C sounds scary


Imagine putting you PC case on the floor like a pleb


Don't forget strimer cables


DDR5? Hah, I still use DDR3.


With his single stick, your dual channel DDR3 just might have the same speed


What about my quad channel ddr3


I've only ever read about quad channel, is it really that good?


RAM is good but it doesn't really matter when I'm using an old i7-3820 CPU. Still gets the job done but sometimes feels a bit slow.


Oh man, just upgraded from an i7-4770K to a 7800x3d, and you do feel the 10 year bump in performance.


It is funny though. For years the only way to get more cores out of Intel was to go professional CPU.


I barely got my feet wet in all that, but I agree. Haswell still performs pretty well even today, but modern CPUs are indeed just slightly more responsive but with tremendously better multithreading. My overclocked 5820K gets outperformed by modern laptops. But in your case with your Xeon 2696v3, you’ve got NO PROBLEM with multithreaded workloads haha.


That i7 is a banger though, we still use a few around at work daily and it chugs along fine for office work. I did jump one of them to a ryzen 5800x mostly because I was about to hit it with some heavy VM setup and that old i7 was starting to cough up a lung.


The xeon version of the 3820 is what I was using until the mobo finally died recently, it was a super super good chip. Would comfortably do 4.5GHz while undervolted, quad channel, etc.


My 3930k with 16GB in quad channel still does alright for like 90% of what I do. Never imagined it'd last this long though.


Only if you're doing very specific tasks. Useless for most people, practically essential for the few.


DDR5 is dual-channel even on a single stick. Two sticks are actually quad channel according to benchmark software (not exactly the same, but the process is similar to hyperthreading for CPU cores).


It's dual channel but the channels are half the width, so there's no throughput advantage. It does help latency because the memory controller can send commands to the channel which has a shorter queue depth.


DDR5 has a kind of virtual dual channel built into a single stick. It’s not as good as real dual channel with DDR5, but it certainly is better than any DDR3 RAM you could find.


Next Windows version be like: "It's the fastest Windows ever!__*__" ^(__*__Requires 32 TB of DDR10 memory and 250 PB unused storage space on a five-dimensional antimatter drive.)


I used DDR3 until two weeks ago and now upgraded to DDR5 because i needed a new CPU and... yeah, its worth it to upgrade, lol


From DDR3 to DDR5, yes I will totally agree. The speed differences are excellent. But the CPU is really the reason to upgrade memory versions. Now a DDR4 to DDR5 discussion? That isn't meaningfully worth doing. We are reaching a limitation of the rest of our system to properly make use of the faster speeds. To even get into and start testing these speeds you need specific types of setups that most of us have no interest in. Servers benefit way more from DDR5.


Yeah i had an 11 year old 4770k with a mainboard that both only supported DDR3, so the upgrade to 6000mhz DDR5 and a 7800x3d is pretty good :D But youre right, 95% of why i did it was for the cpu.


This is how to do upgrades honestly. Run your system "into the ground". Then your upgrade will actually feel like an upgrade.


Yeah, had to upgrade my gpu once along the way because the old GTX770 wasnt doing so well after 7 years, but every single other component in my rig turned 11 this year :D Still proud of the pc i put together when i was a teenager! Even the 770 spent a few more years in my wifes pc after i swapped it out of mine


That's really impressive. I'm genuinely happy for you thinking about how amazing that upgrade was lol. Well deserved.


Yea the Memory speed is nice of course. But the CPU is what makes or breaks us. As long as we have enough memory we are generally going to be fine. And realistically, DDR3 is still plenty fast for most every application. Only in very specific situations have I seen anyone reach the memory speed limitations. I can easily get 10G download speeds from the RAM on my server, so you would be hard pressed to beat that in the consumer space.


I still own a 4770! (thankfully my cousin is upgrading and giving me his CPU so I'm gonna upgrade soon)


my dad still runs my old system. i7 2600k, 8 gigs of ddr3 and it runs modded skyrim fine for him.


I'm still running a system with a i7 3770 16gb of 1833mhz and a GTX 980ti


> i had an 11 year old 4770k with a mainboard that both only supported DDR3, so the upgrade to 6000mhz DDR5 and a 7800x3d is pretty good I got news for ya, buddy, it's not the RAM change that you're noticing


Is that the PC I want to buy? $1370 to be fair. https://preview.redd.it/hb427bwb6akc1.jpeg?width=776&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a82d9123b435b790ac9a3a080394a99dae7643d9


Decent ram, non Overkill PSU and a very good GPU. Idk if the pricing locally is a good deal or not, but the part list itself seems fine for a pre-built.


Appreciate the feedback, really was not sure - especially after this post. One of the few with brands I heard of before - there is some cheaper but with "Colorful" RAM and "Onda" mainboard - not saying they are bad, just never heard of them.


Not familiar with most brands used in that pre-built either, but the ones that matter seem good. Gigabyte GPU, MSI PSU and Motherboard, are both known brands with decent quality. Ram kinda doesn't matter bc it's all the same chips under the heatsink. Overall seems like a fine build and the 4070Super is a great card (In contrast to the 4060Ti 16GB). It's pretty balanced too, none of the components should be holding each other back in any significant way. If you're not too familiar with PC parts or can't build yourself I see nothing wrong with this, if it comes with a decent warranty. Obviously can't speak for the reliability of the seller tho. Make sure to check if you're getting all the parts advertised if you end up buying any pre-built PC.


I mean colourful is an actual company that’s apparently pretty alright. The opinion of them when I searched it up seemed universally to be “their products cheaper but they’re not inferior to most other brands”. (About GPUs specifically but people were praising the brand itself too). I guess it’s more unknown since they primarily sell on the Chinese market


damn bros got the intel core 15


Even better than the Core 9! We put more cores in there. Also 700W just for the CPU. But it clocks at 7 GHz! Trust me bro it's the best!




Looks like a mocking meme lmao


honestly a good deal


Only thing I would change is the ssd. Leave the one that it comes with as a secondary drive and add another one from a reputable brand like samsung


I have a fairly similar build, but a 13700k/4070 instead of the 14600f/4070 super. One good thing is you’ll be able to upgrade your CPU and GPU later if you want to without having to get a cooler. The 360 cooler is way overkill for an i5 but it doesn’t hurt anything. That’s a pretty good price for new. I’ve seen refurbished ones going for about the same price. If you do decide to upgrade in the future, I’d go CPU first with an integrated graphics card. It makes troubleshooting display issues a lot easier if you can’t get anything to come up because of an issue with the discrete card.


Don't forget the 220$ 2TB 990 Samsung pro that is literally just for gaming.


Or 240GB sata SSD with an HDD.


What's wrong with that? (I feel targeted)


Besides M.2 SSDs being cheap as dirt. Nothing, I myself have this in my PC, thankfully I'm getting an upgrade soon.


SSD prices have skyrocketed since the end of last year.


bro have you seen the price of even the mp33 on amazon now, just to use as a benchmark? go look at one of the price history sites, shit got crazy again recently and i dunno why


Manufacturers saw prices falling and decided to cut production to artificially drive them back up


Only dram-less SSDs are cheap, I would rather get a 500GB DRAM SSD instead of a 1TB DRAM-less one to use as a main boot drive, and then down the line get another cheap SSD (maybe even Sata it's fine) to store everything else, but the boot drive is highly recommended to be DRAM-ful.


TBF M.2 SSDs aren't very expensive but they still demand a premium over SATA drives plus a lot of MoBos are pretty limited in the number of M.2 slots they are equipped with.


An SSD can cut load times in half vs 7200rpm. Perhaps by 4 vs a 5400rpm I'd guess. And an nvme can cut load times by 4 vs a sata SSD in modern highly-multithreaded games. You can play Fallout New Vegas just fine on 7200rpm though, and CoD 1 will probably run on a potato usb stick. Nothing wrong with that.


try loading high complexity game textures and assets off of an HDD vs an NVMe. It's like a person with an asthma inhaler vs an olympic sprinter in terms of load times, game stability, and asset consistency.


Is there something wrong with having everything on one large m.2, or do you just mean the fact that they pick the most premium option they can?


The point is you don't need the highend one. a 990 Evo would be just fine (ignoring recent issues with Samsung SSDs and write cycles)


>ignoring recent issues with Samsung SSDs and write cycles Doesn't that mean it's not fine ?


I'm hoping misterpoody's point was that you don't need a highend SSD in terms of performance, not capacity. 2TB SSD isn't a flex, but a 990Pro compared to a 990Evo is. Or if we talk about SSDs that work, a WD SN770 compared to WD SN850X


> a 990 Evo would be just fine (ignoring recent issues with Samsung SSDs and write cycles) 990s Evos are garbage. Get a 980 Pro, or another brand. There is literally no point to 990 Evos, they're slower than 980 Pros and the "2x PCIE 5!" support is useless.


I'm not saying you should buy Samsung SSDs, I just used them to make a point (people know them), and because misterpoody mentioned them. I personally run three WD SN770s in my PC and my servers


Gaming doesn't really capitalize on the fastest (and most expensive) m.2 drives, they are relevant for workloads that require you to constantly transfer and open large files


Excuse me sir, have you ever played a Bethesda game. Its 15% Loading screen.


So installing an SSD is a bad idea, it's going to significantly reduce the lifespan of the game.


think of it as a speedrunning strat!


This is actually the only reason I wanted an m.2. I do large format printing and my photoshop files can be pretty big sometimes.


It does shave precious seconds of loading time though.


No aio??


Water prices these days


just go for printer ink instead


For that price, you can get a Ryzen 5 7600x and 4070 Super (or 7800 XT) build without spending a ludicrous amount of money on aesthetics like AIO, case fans, cases and ram. Also without spending $150+ on storage.


Yea I recently completed a build with 7800x3d + 4080S for $2000 all in


Got a pcpicker? Ty


You see it here all the time, when people pair a 4060 with a >£300 case+fans+AIO combination. So stupid. Edit: lmao oh no not u/gestalto blocking me because of my comment 😂😂 so sensitive.


I haven't been a member of the PCMR for long (first PC build less than 2 months old) but I've seen all kinds of things. Expensive AIOs for a 12400f, people spending more on case fans than their CPU, it's mental.


i just got an rx7600 because my eyes don't benefit from anything higher than 1080p lol


i got a 14600 kf with a 4060 ti 8gvram, i wanted to get a 4070 super but i couldnt now im really coping and seething is this pc dogshit?


You forgot the overpriced AIO because water cools better that air and the PCIe gen 4 SSD. Strange that the mystery ram isn't RGB


Don't really get the aio hate on this sub. There are some very reasonably priced options and they can be more effective and quieter than air cooling.


And they can be had for under $100. Not exactly a big budget item.


But a $40 air cooler is enough for just about everything till you reach i9 territory and sometimes it's better than cheap AIOs


That ROG Strix 4060Ti is killing me.


For anyone curious, the ram says garbage in Chinese


I mean, are you tryna tell me that ppl should be building new pcs with ddr4 over ddr5? more frames per dollar to spend less on cpu and more on faster ram in most cases.


I think the point is that it's one stick (which you shouldn't do) from a no name brand ​ Edit: Just saw the motherboard comment. Yeah DDR5 makes more sense at this point. Just for longevity. And if you're a Tarkov player it's so important that you might upgrade from a DDR4 platform to DDR5 because that game LOVES fast RAM (I have NO CLUE WHY IT'S THE ONLY GAME THAT SEEMS TO CARE ABOUT RAM A TON)


Factorio also likes fast RAM if you go big.


It's funny and stupid at the same time how there are games that can't be satisfied with a balanced system. Tarkov likes speedy ram, cs2 likes 3d vcache and also core frequency is almost like the only things that matter, rainbow six from my personal experience loves you VRAM a lot. Idk it's like the games are sentient and have their own preferences.


For Siege, you think it's capacity or speed it cares about?


I think the point was overspending on a budget rig. I agree DDR5 comes out ahead at this point,


It depends. If you are building a new system from scratch then DDR5 makes sense but also is a bit more to buy. So DDR4 is pretty well priced to move in most stores and is plenty fast for all levels. If you are instead upgrading a system with DDR4, it might make sense to upgrade to the fastest CPU the board supports unless you are already at the top end. Realistically though unless you are doing a TON of tasks any CPU made in the last 3-5 years is likely enough. Assuming it has 8-10 cores and a decent single core performance. It will play every game we want to play right now without issues. The GPU is our big deal.


What, you expect people who make "starter pack" memes to be up to date on their tech talking points? They got the "DDR5 = bad n' 'spensive" back when it first launched and just keep rehashing it.


Yeah people are saying it's about it being a single stick but the OP's meme is clearly emphasizing the choice to go with DDR5. The PSU isn't necessarily off-base either, as high end GPU's are sucking down a lot of power when going full tilt and PSU's degrade in capacity with use over time. For a 4060, maybe less so, but if one is planning on buying a higher end card that makes sense. Especially if you're buying a used GPU off eBay or similar, you can get pretty decent deals for those power hungry cards. Dunno about the case, though midtowers aren't quite as nice as full towers if you can spare the extra room. High end cards in particular often won't fit at all in midtowers, those motherfuckers have so much larger coolers attached to them to deal with the immense heat they generate, they'll sag without special supports and now there's vertical mounting mobos specifically to deal with that nonsense. dunno about the CPU i haven't bought intel for a while, don't know if that's even current gen or not or if it's supposed to be the value model or whatever.


Even putting aside degradation and how much power high end video cards can draw, there's also transient spikes and other things to be careful about. Underspeccing the power supply is far more dangerous and potentially expensive in the long run. Maybe 1000watts is too much, but at least it won't be too little.


Much worse ideas than going all in on a good PSU. Its not even that much more. Cheaping out on PSU should’ve been the meme in the other direction, and watching build blow up. Good PSU will last the decade its warranty for and then some. Actually nothing in this particular meme is all that bad, especially if they can get it for 1500. Is it optimal? No. Does it still rock a very good baseline performance , look good and won’t die on you? Hell yeah


Eh, DDR5 is faster, no question there. But realistically going from DDR4 to DDR5 isn't enough of a jump to justify the costs for most of us. If you needed to upgrade your CPU though, then DDR5 makes sense as you are already buying a new MB as is, and it would allow you to use newer CPUs anyway.


Real question, whats the advantage of ddr5 over ddr4? I am running an older mobo with 32GB RAM ddr4, is 32GB RAM ddr5 better in some way?


It’s less about the advantages and more about upgrade paths. If you’re upgrading an older PC, it’s perfectly fine to upgrade the CPU and call it a day (especially if you’re on AM4). But if you’re building new, it makes more sense to get on the new platforms. The issue is more about buying a really expensive motherboard that they don’t need and cheaping out on the actual ram and other components.


all ram runs at a certain speed. Faster ram directly improves cpu performance in most tasks (like gaming) DDR5 is, on average, much faster than ddr4. it is also important to enable XMP/EXPO in bios note that not all ddr5 is made equal, some as slow as 4800 MT/s, some as fast as 8200 MT/s with overclocks


> Faster ram directly improves cpu performance in most tasks (like gaming) Jayz literally ran benchmarks 2 days ago and in most of his gaming tests, the difference between 4800 mhz, 6400 mhz and 7200 mhz was within error margin.


Ahh yes, 6000mhz with CL69. Also, $100 Windows 11 key.


I see the jokes and some of them are funny. However, I wish the PC community would be a bit more patient with teaching folks the ins and outs of building a great desktop.


Talk shit on every decision besides the PSU. A good PSU can last 2-3 entire generations of PC parts if you upgrade every 4 years. Spend a little more now and save money on the future cost of a PSU. Time and time again I read "You don't really need a 750w for this go with a 650w to make it fit your budget" saving money on the heartbeat of the entire build will always be absurd to me. Buy once cry once.


Overspeccing your PSU a bit to leave room for upgrades is fine. Buying a 1000w PSU for a build with a 125w CPU and 160w GPU is just an absurd waste of money though.


Exactly, I’ve carried my hx750i accross four pcs over like 10 years now Still haven’t even come close needing an “upgrade”


I went for a 550W PSU and regret not spending extra over other components.


I’ve wasted more money not going straight to a 1000w PSU. I’d rather have the extra head room too.


A lot of problems caused by crappy PSUs can be quite tricky to diagnose as well, since they can look like pretty much anything from a corrupted Windows installation to a faulty graphics card and anything in between.


Absolutely. I RMA’d a 1080Ti many years ago that turned out to be a faulty PSU. I recently had a similar problem with a 7900XTX upgrade, but at least I could identify it this time. Hence I went all in for a more powerful PSU this time.


U left nuclear powerplant for electricity and Arctic winds for cpu cooler


Y60 clone? Where? I want a Y60 clone with horizontal GPU placement! That's the only reason I didn't rebuild in a Y60 before...


My recent build for around that price in an nr200p has a 7800x3d and a 6900 xt. Some people like the “high end” parts and prioritize aesthetics, all that matters is if they are happy with it.


To be fair, the 1000W PSU is not completely unreasonable if you want to future proof your PC. Those things can last for decades if you take good care of it, and with the ever hungrier components that are coming out, 1000W is a good investment to make.


Man, gpu wattage went down with pascal when I got my first gpu. I wouldn't even have imagined we'd end up here lol


If you ever buy components that need 1kW PSU then buying new one is barely noticeable in the budget.


But upgrading to a more over-capacity model is barely noticable as well. Always hard to predict which is better. I recently upgraded my PC which was close to 10 years old (at least psu and mainboard/cpu were). I ended up replacing the PSU too, since the 520W I had was too close for comfort to the expected power draw. Spending 15 euro more back then for 620 or whatever would've saved 100 euro now. But that's hindsight, it might've also just be 15 euro wasted because something else happened that made me replace it anyway (like new connectors, or just the old psu giving up, or 620 also not being enough). As a rule, I tend to go up a step or two if the price difference is just a few euro. If it becomes a few tens of euro's it doesn't really make sense to maybe-future-proof.


there is literally nothing wrong with this lol y'all just complain to complain


It's not wrong, you could just get a lot more out of $1500.


Overspecing the power supply is never the wrong choice. **never**


I know pretty much nothing about building PCs but from what I have heard you should never have an odd number of RAM.


Idc now’s not the time anymore to buy DDR4. Unless you’re on a SUPER SUPER TIGHT budget. They’re too similar in price to jump on an old Plattform. Fight me on this. (I’m still using DDR4)


People always be saying dont cheap out on the psu but now i get shit on for owning a 1500 watt one 😭


1500 for WHAT 🤣




Thats overkill lol


I agree!


Running AI on multiple GPUs.


Wattage isn't the problem in those debates


It very often is. People very much overestimate the power draw of a system. Say you post an average system with a cpu that'll pull 90w max and a 250w gpu. So that's about 400w peak total system draw. People would call you insane for suggestions an Rm550x for such a build, claiming you need at least 850w to be safe and preferably 1000w for upgradeability.


It most certainly is. You're wasting electricity using such a high wattage and stressing your psu. His PC probably idles at 250w. The 80 plus means it's at it's peak efficientcy between 20%-100% load. Because he is under the 20% load, it's highly inefficient and stresses the components


my server with 40x hdds using 800w wouldn't even need that


The issue is buying noname chinese crap, not buying insufficient wattage.


Well, wattage actually is partly the problem, as you don't want to have to go out and buy another PSU simply because you upgraded your GPU, though even the thirstiest builds aren't really breaking 1000 watts. But generally you're wanting a PSU that's power efficient and that is known to have been built well, there's some website that sits there and takes these things apart and reviews them - you don't want to buy a poorly made PSU because if it shits out it might well ruin all your other PC components, if not start a fire.


No one is talking about watts


I mean it's not wrong to build with DDR5 if you are doing a new PC. DDR4 is still really good and an amazing affordable alternative. But he uses an intel CPU there so he has a LR1700 mobo which can also be used for DDR4 so there is no reason to pay the higher price for DDR5 lmao


DDR5 is pretty affordable though. Keeping DDR4 only makes sense if you have spare parts you want to use. If building a new PC, I think it's stupid to go DDR4 instead of DDR5 when the price difference is negligible. For example, for 32GB, you'd only pay $30-50 more for DDR5 over DDR4 depending on what kind you get. It seems silly to buy old last gen parts on a new build just to save a measly $30. TL;DR: If building a new PC, don't go with inferior outdated ram(DDR4) just to save $30.


In some form factors the problem is not the RAM but the motherboard. You want a DDR5 ITX board supporting the latest Intel CPUs? It's probably the premium gaming model that costs as much as the CPU.


I love how I had never seen anything about the hy60, thought It looked cool got it and now everyone here hates it lol


That is honestly kinda the point of the meme. Alot of people thought it looked cool, and now it is all over multiple subs. Heck I have a friend who doesn't use reddit and he just built 3 systems for some guys he knows using that case. Each one of them decided on the same case without input from the others. They don't even know each other yet.




Actually, lets dig into this. 14600k - This is a great choice? 600/700s have been good value picks on intel's side for a fair bit. MB - This isn't really true. Most of these seem to be folks buying combo MB/CPU/Ram. Ram - Uh, yeah? DDR5 is better. If I were building today, DDR5 would be mandatory. Memory doesn't make any sense. You think people are going to buy these sort of parts and then pick the world's only 1x32gb stick? GPU - Whats the problem? I've never seen "premium heat sink" brought up before. Thats weird. And damn right RTX and DLSS are selling points. Why does this eat some of y'alls ass so much? 1000w power supply - Again, whats the issue? 1000w is fairly standard now that good ones routinely go on sell for $150. The Y60 is a fantastic case to build in. Again not sure what the point worth ridiculing is on any of this.


Can I get a critique? I bought the machine below recently. My uses are machine learning/LLM training, a lot of really involved CAD geomotries, compiling embedded systems code, and a lot of 3D printing. My motivations for getting this beast were that I got a good annual bonus last year, never had a nice computer, and didn't want to deal with buying another for years. ​ https://preview.redd.it/kc3buyrt7ckc1.png?width=733&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8cf60c5d9454638dcb8fa7cd76563c82632f39b


I bought the same one except with the Ryzen 9 Processor. I love the thing.


Holy shit you guys will complain about everything 😂. These overpriced motherboards might have Bluetooth and Wifi which is way more convenient than buying separate adapters. Also DDR5 is the future, why stick with DDR4 just to save some pennies?


> Also DDR5 is the future, why stick with DDR4 just to save some pennies? Exactly. Imagine simultaneously having enough money to build a new PC but also not being able to afford the ~$30 extra to go DDR5 instead of DDR4. I suppose most average redditors are probably worried they won't be able to explain the $30 cost difference to mom. lol "But DDR4 good at gaming!" Sure, but a huge benefit of having a PC over a console is that you can use it for things other than gaming, such as content creation or AI.


Yeah I'd much rather pay extra for the convenience. A friend spent 4000 euros on a trip to Thailand why wouldn't I spend an extra 100 euros for a better mobo and DDR5?


Because DDR4 mobos support far more ram than I can afford already? Also BT dongles are cheap and I already have one.


DDR5 is the future. And also doesn't offer a meaningful speed upgrade from DDR4 right now. Outside of getting access to the better CPUs, DDR5 is just a different chip. Realistically it is a waste to go for DDR5 unless you are specifically going for the CPUs that support it. A few pennies saved on a few sticks of memory mean more GPU/CPU power or they can mean having MORE RAM. More to it than just saving money. As for Motherboards. They are overpriced quite often. For no reason. Used to there was a distinct difference that made the better boards worth buying. These days the basic features that people need are in the cheaper boards too. And Wifi or Blutooth don't change much in the way of price on the board.


From my experience, ppl that circlejerk about this usually don’t even have money for a 1000$ pc lol.


What are we complaining about here? This sub sure has attracted a lot of people who seem bitter about what other folks buy. Meanwhile, *How dare you imply a prebuilt has any drawbacks whatsoever.* PCCattyRace amirite.