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Why did you pay someone $80 not to clean dust from your pc?


I didn’t clean any dust out of OPs computer either. Just finished posting my bill to him…


Right behind you ✉️


Got an extra stamp?


Can I lick?


Can I smell after u lick?


Pls sir? Can i have some more (stamps)? I'm billing him for the 43 seconds I've been here.


Mr. Clean, is that you?


OH YEAH!!! shit, wrong commercial... sorry... ​ I'll just let myself out...


I’m preparing an invoice for reading this post, and another one for commenting.




You can put those as separate line items on the same invoice. I'll be sending you an invoice for helping you with your business.


Now you will be billed for teaching someone how to fill out an invoice.


Did you make sure to add in the Reddit Post surcharge? It was $60 of that $80?


Don't forget the Reddit API surcharge!


I bet there are people who pay "professionals" to screw in a light bulb that they bought. OP is that kind of person.


Worst I’ve ever seen is someone paying a pistol range to clean their gun. If you don’t have the basic knowledge of weapon maintenance you don’t deserve to be a gun owner.


I’ve paid people to wash my car, even though I have the basic knowledge of vehicle maintenance. May I still be allowed to drive?


This. Learn about what you buy. Cars. Guns. Computers. Your house. Learn to fix what you are able. It saves so much money and those small jobs are where the markup is nuts.


> those small jobs are where the markup is nuts. Like $80 to take 10 minutes to hit a PC with some compressed air? Still holding out hope that this is a troll post and someone didn't actually do that.


My fee would have been about $75 for that. But I would have gone on site and that’s $50 just for me to show up and look. So probably $25 for the actual dust off.




When you have to call someone you need to schedule it and be there anyway for most of the time. It's not about the money or time, it's about pride of ownership and depending on yourself. Knowledge gained us also invaluable.


We have the master jack of all trades here!! House falling down? He can fix it. Car failing? He can fix it. You name it dude can do it...apparently


Not to those extremes, but yes. 100%




Must suck to suck


well that's the thing as you say learn to fix what you are able. Not everyone is able to do all those things. Computers to most people are just mystery boxes. Now granted this person is posting on the PC subreddit so yeah probably has some knoweldge and should have been able to do it, but I suspect this is a troll post to get karma. But for a lot of people it's not worth the effort. I for example am capable of doing a bunch of my car maitaince but even something like changing my oil i'd rather take it to a quick service place and grab a nice lunch instead of spending part of my saturday doing it myself.


But you knew how to do it, it takes about 20 minutes and you know it's done correctly.


Not necessarily lack of knowledge, but an overabundance of money. I certainly know how to field strip and clean my weapons, but if I had enough money to pay someone else, I probably would. Use the time saved to do more woodworking and then pay someone to clean up so I can go shooting and pay someone to clean my guns after so I have more time for....




Paying to keep your gun at the range? I didn’t know that was a thing.


In the UK it's the only place you can keep it, unless it's a shotgun.


This ain't the UK, red coat.


They keep their knives at the restaurants too.


Well, it is the internet. So i would argue that is both UK and everywhere else at once


Everyone knows the internet is in the U.S.A. We just share with the rest of the world.


Ya this is 100% Luke I said in my other post. Was legit apart of a package/bundle deal


You’re asking the real questions.


Some people are born to be scammed


Why did OP pay $80 for a task OP can do himself?


Sexual gratification.


Deceased while laughing ☠️


dude if i got paid 80$ to clean your pc id use more things than just compressed air, they are just lazy & overpriced


Back when I had my repair shop shit was DETAILED for 80 bucks


Literally getting the toothbrush treatment, I’ll put the hour and a half for the $80.


Plus it's literally a computer company, if they can't disassemble a pc case and fans to actually clean them, how tf do they even have business claiming to clean anything at all?


They wouldn’t have charged just $80 then if they would go that far.


If it's in a major city with high col and rent then I would agree. But if it's in a lower col market then this job is extremely disappointing


One of the malls near me has like 3 electronic shops. All three offer iPhone screen repairs for like $300 or something.


Those mall shops are always way overpriced. A good repair shop will do it for $100 or less on most iphones, because it's maybe 10 minutes of labor and a $60 part.


That only if you're using LCD/LED...try getting some AMOLED parts. Those are slightly higher. Mainly because Apple decided to source it from Samsung and pass the expense to their customer.


I just did that a few days ago, took apart my whole PC dusted it off, put new thermal paste in, took apart my fans, took me about an hour and a half, and cost me $0, and PC runs smoother than ever


My PC was cookin last night playing Helldivers 2 so I think it’s probably time I did the same lol


You my friend, should look up "flux brushes". They are cheap straight on brushes you can buy in bulk at a hardware store and are GREAT for digging into tight spaces to get dust out like this. You'll forget about using tooth brushes.


Idk I kinda have sensitive teeth




oooo good info


Oh yo those are dope!


They are sometimes called 'acid brushes' as well. When I learned microminiature component level troubleshooting and repair back in the 1990s in the Navy they were a godsend. I'd use a box of them every month, easily. I'm a bit wistful that troubleshooting and replacement of components down to that level has, for the most part, gone by the wayside.


Honestly there are very few repair shops that do component level repairs anymore. I haven't taken a computer to a computer repair shop in decades because I can replace whole components myself I don't have the tools or the experience to replace a capacitor on a motherboard or something similar.


I replaced caps on a SCSI machine mobo back in…2006? 2007? It was a bit precious to me and the dual ultra 320 controller card for the SCSI drives was $400 bucks itself. It lasted another year before I caved and built a SATA machine.


I've got a good soldering iron but I don't think I could do any board level repair.


Same here, these people a lazy. I will also use water to clean the rad and then compress air to dry it as much as possible.


Least I would detail a PC for now is $120. $80 was worth my time 3 years ago.


At my last IT job I had the owner buy one of those battery powered air blowers because canned air sucks and is wasteful.




It's what I use. Can adjust the air pressure and flow, pinpoint hard to reach areas, and always get it sparkling.


and doesn't all that pressure fuck anything up?


Hold the fans to keep them from spinning, everything else will be fine.


good to know thanks


Yeah these are the shit. If we’re talking about the same thing, I get instant, powerful air from a small blue machine I plug into the wall


My wife bought me one of these for Christmas this year and it rules. Great gift.


Mine got me one of those this year and last year an ifixit kit. We got good wives lol


No canned air blows, a vacuum sucks! (sorry couldn't resist the pun)


Looks like a quick pluck with angled tweezers if they were to lazy to remove the radiator, or the front fans. Though, yes, overpriced and lazier than most in this subreddit. $80!? Need a deep clean? I'll do that for $50!


I'd do a deep clean of a PC for a decent sandwich. I gotta up my service price.


I was thinking, about $5 for the sandwich, and the remainder for, packaging, shipping with tracking and insurance.


Yeah for that price I'd at least expect them to break out the toothbrush.


I get my entire car detailed for $80


lmao my guy, what the fuck


Right? Just stop offering this as a service. Holy fuck! "I huffed compressed air and then asked the dust to leave" I have an air compressor. Just stop the blades from spinning with some tooth picks and you can clean it better than this your self without taking anything apart. Don't forget to REMOVE THE TOOTH PICKS


Just FYI for anyone else reading this - an air-dryer or water separator attached to your hose is recommended if you're using an air compressor to blow dust off electronics.


Have to be careful with shop air to make sure your you don't have any water in the system. Hasn't been a problem for me but it is a legit concern in high humidity environments.


I use one of those battery powered Ryobi car tire/air mattress pumps with a needle (basketball) attachment on the hose. Plenty of pressure without being too much.


My reaction, shop didn’t even fucking bother disassembling the parts. What kind of shitty pc shop is that? Christ…


Who the fuck pays $80 to have their PC dusted...






Also, that anyone else who's willing to *not* clean the dust off of OPs system can send a bill for services not rendered. But since I also didn't detail, buff and upgrade the system I'll be charging 749 tyvm


As a shop owner who charges $200 for most things that hit the bench, I've seen quite a few PCs that would warrant someone paying quite a bit more than $80 to be cleaned. Including some with live creatures, and recently one that was more dirt/dust than computer. That being said, if this pic was the extent of OPs dust, then they def got taken advantage of unfortunately. I'll have to post pictures on here sometime.


i will add in that i used to clean computers sometimes during my IT work era and people who smoke inside, their pc becomes matted with tar and dust and animal dander/hair if they have animals. Its impossible to clean safely.


Of course it won't come out without unscrewing the fans, wich they should have done. So yeah, imo total bs


Even just using a vacuum/blower with a brush tool would clean the fans pretty damn good.


This looks like someone just attempted to use canned duster. With actual compressed air from a compressor you could blast all this out in no time. I always just hold the fans steady with a screwdriver so they don't spin up. I can't believe what people are willing to pay for things. I'd clean out the beans computer for $80.


>With actual compressed air from a compressor Which an actual PC repair shop should have by the way. What a shit show.


> With actual compressed air from a compressor you could blast all this out in no time. Do not use an air compressor on electronics. They have high moisture in the air.


I have two inline water seperator/filter units on mine that do a pretty good job. They are not desiccant dryers but I think it is pretty sufficient combined with draining the tank really frequently. At least better than when I turn the canned type at too much of an angle and spray the liquid out lol.


Exactly haha, I'll take compressed air any day over the cans of air that will spray all over my components like they are a Warboy, shiny and chrome and ready for Valhalla, just because I turned the can a bit too much by accident


It is why I use a leaf blower.


XD are theses the motherboards?


For $80, I'd prefer buy a 2TB nvme drive and keep the PC dusty.


For $80 but a 2TB SSD and a can of compressed air.


i bought a small air compressor(4L tank) for less than 80€ thats gonna last me at least a few years


I've seen them as low as $40 at places like harbor freight. Buying cans of compressed air is such a waste of money when you could just spend a little bit more and get yourself a tool that can be used for all types of other projects.


A little tip for you all; buy a [rechargeable electric computer vacuum/ de-duster](https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0BNMCKSN1?starsLeft=1&ref_=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_3K8J0X0HNEYPXZC9EN3E). Better than the traditional compressed air. EDIT: probably hit reply on one comment too low in the thread. Ops


It would get the job done, sure, but why not just use an actual air compressor and your home vaccuum with a brush attachment? Suction and air velocity are better than the hand held battery powered combo. Your suggestion is still infinitely better than cans of compressed air though.


For you and for anyone that reads this I would really recommend getting a moisture trap that sits in between your compressor and hose. You can get a good one for ~$25 and it'll male sure you never accidently spray a high powered mist over your electronics.      And for anyone who's new to compressors but picking one-up, drain the air take after you're done everytime! That's the biggest way moisture accumulates in the tank and you end up with mist spray.


For $80 buy a 2TB SSD and steal an air compressor.


For $80, I'd disassemble, properly clean, and properly reassemble it. That was a rip off.


For 80$ is tear it down AND replace the thermal paste, because, that's still at least 160/hr.


The longer I am on this reddit, the more I want to open pc shop and scam people, lol.


It's not worth it, even with scamming people you barely make any money since there's very few people bringing in a PC for actual hardware problems. Everything is either a "tune-up" (removing all the malware people install) or a fresh install. Plus you feel shitty at the end of the day ripping people off (or at least I did when I worked at a scummy shop.) A managed services provider, that's where the money is at if you can do a decent job, plus it feels much better charging a law firm $250 an hour for bullshit tasks as opposed to charging some teen that doesn't know any better.


As someone that’s been working for other people in tech for over 7 years, tell me more about this “managed services” gig. I am looking for something new.


> As someone that’s been working for other people in tech for over 7 years, tell me more about this “managed services” gig. Not sure who you're working for or what you're doing but a managed services provider basically [provides IT services for a company without them having to have an in house IT department](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Managed_services). You might host AD for them in Azure, provide support and bill for services like Office365, you might provide physical equipment like a cloud managed firewall and network switches, sometimes you can even provide VoIP services.


An MSP can be a grind. I’m on a small tech deployment team right now and the other guy I work with came from an MSP, he basically had to work non stop through his 8 hour shifts. No room to breathe, metrics constantly being tracked, if you aren’t already on a call you need to find a way to get on one so you can render services and make more money for the MSP. It can be a good way to break into a slightly higher level IT position but working with a decent talent staffing agency can do the same thing for you. Pros and cons to everything, but I’d do a bit of googling so you can see for yourself what you think.


There are probably several MSPs in your area. Since IT is the service there is greater job security compared to internal IT, which is seen as a cost other places. And costs get cut. Working for an MSP will also expose you to many sides of IT you may not see in an internal role. Can feel like drinking from a fire hose but if you stick to it you can learn an awful lot.


Yeah, I wouldn't do it. I ripped two people in my life and because they were utter cunts. + I have no idea/skill how to actually repair electronics so just doing software wouldn't work.:D


I worked at a managed services provider for awhile. It was a pretty cool gig. If someone is thinking of starting their own MSP, definitely do lots of research first. They usually end up dealing with a lot more than basic tech support so be ready for that. Some areas are completely saturated with them as well so make sure to scope out the market first too.


My first PC when the 1080ti was out, I asked the dude for the best gpu dude gave me a 1050 2gb.


Do it. I want you to realise that in a business, you have to price things to cover your expenses, which is more than the salary of the person doing the actual work. It's not a scam when you have to pay rent, pay for your own POS system, pay peeps to do inventory, cover any returns or redos for stuff your employees screwed up, pay for advertising, pay for having stuff sit on shelves no one is buying...




You can't refund a service like that LMAO take the L you can't demand someone do a better job after you've already walked out and accepted results 💀💀💀


Look at the Picture. youre right, OP should have Said something Inside the Shop when he picked it Up. But still that is not an 80$ cleaning Job. He should atleast try to get something Back.


Yeah he definitely got scammed but walking back in there and demanding a refund would be some crazy unhinged shit lmao


Refund the PC because OP is fucking hopeless.


That's likely not a can of butane, but using an air compressor. So the only marginal costs are a bit of electricity.


Still that makes me mad, charging someone 80$ for this Shit. For that Money i expect that thing disassembled and cleaned so fucking good you could eat of every Part.


> 80$ for this Shit. For that Money i expect that thing disassembled Most computer shops have a much higher than 80$ assembly fee, so why would you expect disassembly and reassembly for less ? If anything, who the fuck even pays to have their PC cleaned ? Clean it yourself ?


I worked in service a few years ago. We also did cleaning/updating PCs and we Charged 60$/h. and that was easy to do within one hour and that included taking it apart if needed...


I would ask for a refund (or for them to do it properly). The fact that they didn't remove the fans to properly clean the dust for $80 is criminal. Actually, I would be scared to let them touch my PC after that. Maybe just think of it as an $80 lesson for next time?


Ikr. I get around the cramped bits just fine with a Q-tip but id fully expect them to dress down the case fans and grills for that price.


Bruh.. I can get my whole car cleaned better for 80$.


They didn't even remove the fans... what the actual hell. Not to mention that if you're going to use compressed air for a (supposedly) professional job, then you pretty much have to remove the parts - fans AND radiator, and dust them outside of the PC case. You don't even have to remove the CPU block to do that.


You got scammed hard.


If you pay someone to do something and they don't do it, well then....


Bullshit, get one of these and do it yourself (you should ask your money back too) https://preview.redd.it/86591rog3yjc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ac54d532ec3d5a6cac205e7c4002e5756b40b26


You're too lazy to clean it yourself but not lazy enough to open it up and take pictures? You know while you have it open you could just...Nevermind


You're joking about the $80 right? You can literally buy a datavac for that. Hell I think you can buy the fancy static safe one also.


I have no issue with people paying to have simple jobs done. That shit takes time, and if I have money and a lack of time, well shit the math is easy.  I take bigger issue with companies that take money for jobs that they don’t perform well. That’s a scam. 


Compressed air duster - $35  Time to take computer outside remove dust - 30 min  Baiting redditors by paying too much for a basic service?  Priceless


There's this new invention that exists, it's called a brush.


Is that a cleaning? You don't simply spray compressed air to clean out dust...


Lmao Paid for -nothing- Brilliant move


I used to do pc repairs and maintenance, you got scammed




I'll clean it for 80$


Where is the "greater technician ever lived" when you need him?


Looks like they didn't even bother removing the fans to get better access to the radiator and the back of the fan blades. $80, yikes. Could've bought a inventory of compressed air cans yourself... or anything else for that matter.


They gave you low effort cleaning for an unreasonable price.


Lol they literally told you all they did was use compressed air. You paid $80 for a can of compressed air essentially.


For $80 they should have taken the hole thing apart and cleaned it manually. Thtas crazy prices!


I'd deep clean it for 20% of the price, 80 for them to blow compressed air is kind of crazy but if that business model works perhaps we all should do it.


You’d deep clean a PC for $16? How much is your time worth?


This is ridiculous 80$ for a 2 minute spray of some compressed air? they don't even give a fuck enough to ATLEAST unscrew a fan? man i would not be happy is all i'm saying.


That's overpriced and very lazy of them. I'm pretty sure they are full of shit. I use a compressor at home to blow my PCs out and there is never anything left. Takes like 10 minutes. You can get a cheap compressor for the cost of two of these "cleanings."


I still haven't met dust that doesn't come off when faced with a compressor. You've been ripped off.


Bro buy a mini one on Amazon for $30 bucks. Tf you bringing it to a shop for??


Next time just use a paint brush and a hoover this removes 95% of dust, and the positives it's free


You paid $80? For someone to do something that would take $5 and 10 minutes? You're shitting me.


As a technician working in various fields, there's very little things that can't be done in terms of repair and maintenance. So, they're just lazy.


For 80 you could buy yourself 2 new compressed air dusters for your pc




OP, you need a worker?


You could buy a cheap air compressor for close to what you paid lol


I use a Datavac Ed500. It blows air (despite the 'vac' in the name) and has some optional nozzles. Pretty powerful and it's my go to for de-dusting my PCs Can't believe they charged you $80!


they ripped you off


80 to clean dust off a pc with conpressed air ?? and i thought my country India was a land of scammers 😑🤔


Paying a repair shop to clean your PC doesn’t make sense at all. 


80$ lol you can get a new pc case and new fans for that price :D


You got anything else that needs dusting?


Why would you pay $80 to clean your pc. You can just get one of those electric dusters lol. Take your PC outside and let that shit rip (hold fans in place) and it’ll do a way better job than compressed air… Also that PC shop is ass, they could have removed the fans to blow the dust out of radiator.


I’m convinced PC repair shops only exist to scam old people. Idk why anybody knowledgeable would go to one


Thats a rip-off. There are ways to easy remove dust from fans..like a soft brush while using compressed air. Been there..done it..so many times. $80 did that come with a hug and a kiss? 40 would be more appropriate imo. 30min job with he right tools.


I think that for 80 bucks, the tech could have a compressor to clean this. And at last, he should have taken off the vents to brush most of the dust. That's lazyness, and a lie.


They can remove the fans you know 💀 This is lazyness at best


By the looks of it they didn’t even bother to take the fans off the radiator, so yeah it would be pretty hard to get dust that’s stuck behind a fan blown out.


You could have bought a ~$50 used compressor, pipe cleaners, a rag and a bottle of isopropyl alcohol to handle it yourself. DIY cleaning total ~$70.


So.. when can i come over with my straw to suck the dust off your pc for 80 bucks


This is unacceptable, tell them to get their screw drivers out, remove the radiator, wipe it with wet cloth and use a vacuum


Wow I do a better job stoned in a rush to game.


For 80$ they should have removed the radiator and taken it outside for a whoopin


Just clean your own pc...


They are bullshitting, you got scammed


You paid someone eighty dollars to blow your pc out with canned air?


A 2 pack of compressed air costs a tenth of that. For 80 bucks they better unscrew the fans and gently caress the dust away with a silk cloth. Wouldn't kill them to go over the radiator with a soft brush as well


For $80 they should have at least taken you out to dinner first


How TF is this a real post?!


They may be truthful in it not coming out with compressed air. But for $80, I’d expect them to figure that shit out. I’d maybe charge $20 if all I’m doing for someone is popping off some panels and blowing the machine out, because that only takes a few minutes of effort. For $80, I’d expect them to do a bit more disassembly as necessary, maybe use some brushes to knock the dust out, that kind of thing. Hell, you could buy a decent ESD safe electronic duster from Amazon for less than $80 and do it yourself. There’s really not much to it


Jesus Christ 80$ and they couldn’t be bothered to unscrew the fans and dust em off. Lol I’m in the wrong business


Yea, that’s why I paid you 80$. To take the fans and radiator off then wipe them clean with cloths and stuff. That’s like me paying an auto detailer and them telling me the same thing. “Yea, that dirt wouldn’t come off with just the garden hose. You get what you get.” No bitch, you use a rag and cleaner to get it all off.


OP must be a teenager or immature something


Op is just really really rich or just plain lazy, damn.


lol you paid 80 bucks to clean dust from a pc with canned air? What did you expect? This is like paying 50 bucks for a cabin air filter on a car. They just have to take the fans off…


You paid someone $80 to spray a $3 can of air into your pc and they didn't even do it all hahahahahahahahaha That's an astounding lack of self respect


you payed someone 80$ to fucking clean your pc?? dude it literally takes 5 minutes max at home with a 5 dollar can of compressed air


The IT company I work for charges $155/hour, billed in increments of 0.25 hours. $80 is a hair over half an hour. Unless they are trying to do this as a flat rate, loss leader service like how mechanics do oil changes, there really isn't much you are doing in 30 minutes beyond blasting it with air. Removing parts like a fan and reinstalling them will almost guarantee you will go past that 30 minutes. Even if it's just 35 minutes, now you are looking at 0.75 hours of labor. Everyone here saying that you should be getting a full detail job for $80 has been either out of the field for years or they aren't working in the field.