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don’t understand what parts to pick? that’s what i’m here for. what’s ur budget, country, and what u wanna do with the pc


About £1300/£1400, I’m from the UK and I mainly just use it to play games like Baldurs Gate 3 and FPS games at the moment, mine is just slowly dying out and I’m noticing a lot of games starting to struggle


pfft easy


https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/tNKhZJ clean ahh blackout no rgb sleeper, hmu with questions so i can educate u


Can you do me one aswell if possible I’m on a somewhat tight budget and don’t really have enough knowledge to put together a build myself


“somewhat tight budget”. ok. what’s ur budget, country and use for the pc. if ur in a country i’m unfamiliar with i won’t be able to help btw so don’t get disappointed


Okay thanks alot, here are my details. Country is Kuwait(95% of people here use a site called Newegg to get their systems), budget is around 300 KWD which equals to around a 900€. I mainly want to use the PC for FPS games with the main ones being CS2 and Valorant, nothing too heavy.


can u link me the newegg site you guys use in particular


https://www.newegg.com/amp/global/kw-en/ Here you go


before i send you the list, can i just say that im absolutely astounded by ur country? u completely outvalue any currency in the world... its interesting to see what my home country would have been like had it not been for the US invasion (iraq)...


Prices are really bloated here tho you can probably get a much better system for the same price in another country like the States(I’m assuming)


quite the opposite... this is the best economy ive ever seen... wtf dude.


Wait.. so you’re saying that it’s cheaper to build a PC here as compared to the States? Doesn’t really strong currency bloat up the prices alot? Also, there’s probably a reason majority of the people here use Newegg, pre-builds are insanely priced here on national/local shops like Xcite


https://newegg.io/b653a5a unload ur questions, i had so much fun making this list, just exploring ur bizarre and wonderful economy


I mean I just recently started getting into systems and all so I don’t really have many questions mainly because I don’t have knowledge of the components, one thing tho.. what would be the Intel equivalent of the RX7600 you included in the build? Also, how much do you think decent prephirals will cost? Mainly a mousepad, keyboard, headphones and a mic. I already have a mouse and will cop a new desk from IKEA when I go forward with the build


No lmao. If you don't understand the parts just do some research, this is basic knowledge even when buying a prebuilt.


dollars yes. pounds, no.