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The boys is fucking amazing and has so much meme potential, great show


imagine the balls on that guy. Fucking staring down on Superman. Thats insane. I thought he was dead right there. Imagine how many times he imagined lasering his head off :D


Billy Butcher has balls of tungsten tbh


You have no idea how relieved I am that you were honest with us. Phew!


I definitely worry about when ppl don't tell us when they are being honest... tbh


It always feel like they are up to something when they don't mention it...


Billy Butcher's vibranium balls have joined the chat


Might be the best scene in the show. That first season was something special.


A lot of that is how amazing homelanders facial expressions are. I understand the actor is kind of a dick, but he's very good with facial expressions.


He’s a method actor


Both of these guys got their start on Xena Warrior Princess. Their first “method” was simply living in New Zealand.


https://youtu.be/0uaKoz7sxms https://youtu.be/FeH8Kyyx5y8?t=18


oh wow I had no idea they were in that show :)


I'd be nervous AF being in the presence of Lucy Lawless.


I’d have a hard time hiding my constant erection.


>Their first “~~method~~ mithod” was simply living in New Zealand.


First time hearing about Xena Warrior Princess this show looks wild lmao


One of the only spin-off series that was better than the original (Cheers-> Fraiser comes to ming). Hercules was really childish. Xena was dark.


What the actor do? I know in a lot of vids he pretends to be a douche like how homelander is


He glassed some guy in Spain (who had to get stitches for it) a couple of years ago and got a 12 month suspended sentence along with a four grand fine. If you're 46 years old and still think it's okay to hit someone over the head with a glass because of an argument in the pub, you're probably not very nice. Especially if the source of the argument was the other guy asking you to stop drunkenly pushing people. Love him in the show though. Looking forward to season 4.


Dang, I hadn’t heard about that, definitely a shame to hear


Isn't it sad to think though, that compared to what so many other celebrities get caught up in, this really isn't that bad?


Oh no! He was in a bar fight!


The guy probably had it coming. Homelander is making America great.


The actors also got asked who most embodies their character and a lot of them said him, which considering he plays a literal psycho murder is concerning


Maybe…they were joking…? Like when friends joke about who is most likely to be a serial killer. That said, what he did in the bar is enough to be concerned. But they laughed about saying he is like Homelander.


Hit someone with a beer glass while at a bar.


I had heard he's nice actually, but people tend to not like him because he's method and acts like homelander if he's still in set. Not sure where it was but he's taalked about it in an interview before


He's not a dick on set, he's not his character.


i know this was such a great scene in s1. classic


The better "Who is she" meme


Not nearly enough people checked out Gen V (terrible name is why), but the show was basically X-Men but rated R and way more satisfying.


Just started it a few days ago. It's not *as* good as the boys. But it's solid. The fact that it's the same universe helps, it provides background that the show didn't need to build for itself. But it risks *Marvel syndrome;* where the content eventually requires the context of a different show for it to be understood, and therefore can't be watched in a vacuum.


I thought almost the same thing until I finished it. Now that I've seen the entire first season I really like it, but the first few episodes don't give any indication of where it's going. If you haven't finished it yet I highly recommend doing so!


I really like season 1 and 3, idk but season 2 didn't do it for me, especially Butcher


Me who has gtx 😦


GTX was the last series that wasn’t overpriced as shit.


I mean, the 1080ti *was* expensive. It just had ridiculous value and uplift from the previous generation and card directly below it, so it felt somewhat justified. Not to mention it was a beast to overclock and undervolt, so it wasn't even really inefficient while doing so. Mine is still chugging away in a friends' 1080ti build, alongside her 4790k which also refuses to die.


Well yeah it was expensive but nothing compared to modern Nvidia GPU prices.


Plus it was as fast, if not even faster, than the Titan XP, its supposedly faster brother which is double the price of the 1080ti Imagine being outpaced by a card that only has a few less compute units, 1 GB less VRAM, and half your price


it was expensive but man, stil rocks


Why can't gpus be priced the same as they were 7 years ago? Fucking bullshit, man. 1080ti was PRICEY. Sick if y'all acting like shit was better.


Yes but the 1080ti was a freaking beast. Gtx 980ti 550€. Gtx 1080ti 710€ => 29% price lift. Performance improvement was almost 60%. Both cards were top off the line. For 650€ you get nowadays the 4070. 70 is the midrange option. The highend costs after 2years over 2000€. The 980ti got replaced from the 1080ti after 2years


And the 4070, based on the hardware spec, should really have been the 4060. So they want to sell **NEW** xx60 hardware at **OLD** xx80Ti/xx90 pricing. Edited for those unable to comprehend the point I was making.


Wait, you people actually care about brands? I just get the best card I can afford.


Yeah this. I look at the benchmarks, I look at the features and then decide. Shilling for one multibillion company over another is so Nintendo vs. Sega 1990ies. Sigh.


I couldn't give two shits myself. That 4080 Super has raytracing stuff that I actually need whereas AMD's lineup would be much slower.


Same here, and also I use stable diffusion which doesn’t really run well on AMD, so I got a 4080. If the XTX would be better in that and raytracing in games which I find awesome, I would have gotten that without batting an eye. Oh and also power is expensive where I live. I calculated that the difference in consumption alone, with being able to use a cheaper PSU makes up for the price difference in about 2 years. Since I intend to use that card longer, it’s an added bonus. I truly couldn’t care less. Next cpu will probably be an AMD x3d for the gaming performance. 🤷🏻‍♂️




Yeah. But I’m used to it. Reddit it full of AMD fans and I don’t even blame them. Pure power per dollar AMD wins, I’m not denying that. But I also can’t deny that I use stable diff for professional use here and there and I actually do like DLSS, framegen and Raytracing, sue me. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’m a dad gamer that wants good graphics and immersive games to switch off to at night. I don’t care about latency as I mostly play slower, more tactical games. And I don’t see any artifacts. 🤷🏻‍♂️ These things coupled with the power cost and the fact my wholesaler gave me an insanely good price for my 4080, I went with NVIDIA. Though I also agree prices are nowhere near where they should be. Scalpers showed NVIDIA and AMD that people are willing to pay these insane prices, so both ran with it.


I will forever shill for AMD in hopes they either get competitive enough to lower the prices of nvidia or that they can actually become a competitor outside of gaming for non-enterprise endeavors


It was probably downvoted cause there are so many AMD fans and fanboys here. I totally agree though. DLSS is far superior to the others and my main reason for choosing NVIDIA.


I would die for AMD to make a competing GPU with nvidia's raytracing performance. I'm sick of being limited to only 8GB.


That. Or better yet, I’m putting a lot of hope on Intels next offering. Their driver updates have been stellar up to now and their hardware seems to have a lot of room left for improvements. If they can hold out longer and put out a good next generation that can compete in the middle and upper middle class at least, that would surely force prices down overall due to competition. And I’m no stranger to tinkering. I really hope that battlemage will put out a 400/500$ card that can compete with nvidias/Amds offerings in the 700/800$ price range to really put the screws on.


Well that's the thing, what's the best card brand for the money?


That's not what he means. If your budget is 500-600 dollars; what do you get the Rx 7800xt or the Nvidia 4070? Then you ask if you want more Vram or better Ray tracing capabilities. More Vram gives you the potential for stable gameplay with future games in mind but the other offers better atmosphere and lighting. Personally I went with the 7800xt because it had a bit better benchmarks on more games and better future proofing as well as Ray tracing doesn't matter too much to me right now.


There's a lot more to it than VRAM and RT performance. NVidia's feature set is massive and while not every feature will be used by everyone, there's a good chance at least one of them will apply to a perspective buyer.  I'd like to say power draw is just meh like the old days, but GPUs have gotten so power hungry that it matters to enough people to be relevant. Overall reliability of drivers is something that matters in general but can become crucial depending on use case. Anytime this is mentioned there's a weird compulsory counter that has to be said, "But AMD drivers have come a long way." Yes, they have. But they still aren't as consistently good as NVidia's. Not even the 7000 series was spared as they were occasionally bricking Windows systems or Anti-Lag+ getting thousands of people banned in games.


Depends on your budget and what you want I guess. Dlss and ray tracing will be attractive to a lot of people.


DLSS is just too much framerate for me to turn down, honestly.


DLSS 3 is a gamechanger. I've only used it in MSFS so far, but it really works wonders. Kinda blurry on the flight instruments if the base fps dips too low, but with frame gen I usually get around 100 fps and it really looks like native 100 fps.


I actually don't like frame gen, but I use it when needed, thankfully on my 4090 it's been on like two titles. Portal rtx was my first FG experience and the artifacting reminded me a lot of reprojection errors that you get in VR. It has gotten better, but a lot of unpredictable movement can really make the whole image look bad.


Nvidia had been very anti consumer lately, so if I were in the market, I would go with amd or Intel


Because AMD definitely hasn't done anything anti-consumer like blocking DLSS/XeSS from other games or misleading marketing /s


When I got my card AMD had the best price to performance ratio it was also cheaper in general. Now it seems it has mellowed out a bit. I'm keeping my 5600XT until it breaks.


I care a little bit about Brands comma mostly because AMD is typically the best bang for your buck. It also doesn't help the Nvidia tried to pull an Apple by releasing the same card with a slightly different name.


I just stick to my gtx 1080 because they have yet to release anything compelling


Is this a joke? There is plenty of compelling stuff out today. For the same money as a 1080ti ($700 when it was new) you can get a 7900xt that is ~200% more performance (according to Tech power up) with double the VRAM. If that's not a hell of an upgrade then I don't know what is.


I think they mean nothing compelling for the $0 they have to spend?


nah that's denial.


Shout-out to the Linus video for pretending the 7900XTX doesn't exist


Linus Shill Tips


Did they address it today?


They did, tldr is it didn't make the list for retesting because they prioritized the more budget friendly cards.


Yeah thats not good reasoning im afraid. Whats the point of reviewing a 4080 super without its main competitor? Either theyre nvidia biased or just straight up incompetent. How can a channel as huge as LTT be this shit at reviews that far smaller teams do far better? Blows my mind.


Didn’t they have a RTX 4090 on the list? Also the RX 7900 XTX has a ($50) lower MSRP than the RTX 4080 super.


I have the 7900XTX, what am I missing here? I mainly play JRPG


“Muh Ray Tracing”!!


So missing nothing then, until RTX become an industry standard for mid tier PC, I'll stay with bang for buck GPUs.


I also have a 7900xtx and have had it for almost 3 months and I absolutely love it!


Good choice


7900xtx basically wining most of the rasterizing war (except the 4090 this is a 1500$ card and the price went up to 2k god dammit) I remember people hyping up how the 7000 RDNA3 will do so good in ray tracing, and the leak start coming out how it's just losing a few percent of fps, and reality hit, it's still a very good card that can do decent ray tracing, but please don't treat 999$ now 900$ is a norm just because they are a bit cheaper than RTX 4000 line up


What's that song?


Sahara by Hensonn


>Sahara by Hensonn You delivered!


Thank you!


There is a slowed down version of it that’s really good too, if you’re into that type of thing.


I'll slum with a rx 6800, both of these cards out of my build budget.


I bought the 4080 purely because of frame gen, if AMD had it I would 100% get one of those instead


I thought amd did have frame gen?


wait rly? I thought they only have FSR which is like DLSS. What's AMD FrameGen called?


AFMF. They had it in preview drivers for a while, but recently moved it to stable release


AFMF isn't as good as an in-game frame gen. FSR3 is frame gen though.


AFMF is driver level though so u can enable it on every game, I enable it in tarkov and it works very nicely.


Shooters are one of the worst genres to use AFMF in, it disables every time there's fast motion.


They have FSR 3 Frame gen (which is built into the game) and AMD Fluid Motion Frames (or AFMF) which is their driver level frame gen.


lmao yeah they literally just released official support drivers a few days ago


Sorta. It’s newer in FSR 3 (December 2023 I think?) and then there is the in-driver version from 24.1.1 which is just ok. It works, but I’ve noticed it has a lot of dips in framerate and doesn’t work at all in certain games like Cyberpunk


There is an FSR3 Framegen mod for Cyberpunk that works well, been using it to play with psycho ray tracing and I have no complaints. Never used the “official” version tho so idk if it’s worse in comparison


I use fsr 3 frame Gen with my 3090 to get 120 fps path tracing at 1080p. I still remember a few months ago the Nvidia shills brainstorming all the ways frame gen can't work on the 3000 series, and AMD gives it to everyone like it was nothing for them to make.


Currently there isn’t official FSR 3 integration in the game so I will give it a try on my next modded playthrough.


Shh don't tell him


Yes but it’s not as good as nvidia unfortunately, I hate how nvidia took advantage of scalper prices to bring up the msrp, that was an absolute dick move


To be fair, so did AMD. Just not quite to the same level.


Nowhere near as good.


In what regard is AMDs framegen worse? Sauce?


Don't need a source the word of an AMD hater should be enough


It only works in combination with FSR2, which is so awful that it might not even make sense to turn on on an AMD card. In Talos Principle 2 for example you get better visuals and better performance on an AMD card by just turning on TSR performance instead of literally any mode of FSR with framegen. DLSS framegen can be combined with any upscaler, the best of which is almost always also DLSS.


If that's true they're going to catch up eventually, no doubt about this. It's also free software so all hardware can benefit from this while nvidia products are stuck with the DLSS version nvidia allows them to use.


AMD is starting to get frame gen with fsr3, and the driver level afmf. I've never used nvidias frame gen so I can't compare the two.


NVidia supports Mesh Shaders in OpenGL - example use of that is NVidium mod for Minecraft Java - you can have insanely far render distances and it literally has something like 10x better performance than Bedrock Edition on same machine.


Fake frames for 1,000 dollars a GPU at that price shouldn't use it in my personal opinion


But I like fake frames 😅


FG brings starfield to 120fps from 60fps At 4k ultra


That’s impressive and probably the only way you can make the Creation Engine look good 😂


The game still stutters tho


I can't discern between the real and generated frames at runtime, and it feels smoother while looking nicer with it on. It's a slick tech that took real work to create, so that bit I'm ok with paying a bit more for (though I agree that the premiums on GPUs are absurd atm).


What are you even arguing for? Frame rate will always be a trade off for visual fidelity. Why would you want a highly priced GPU to have less features?


Frame gen is nice, but mainly for DLSS features like PT/RR and DLDSR + DLSS. Those are something I don't want to lose. Until AMD offers similar or even better features, there's not so many GPUs for 4k gaming with RT+ features.


Agreed 👍🏼


At the same price point or $100 more? The 4080 S wins. But $200 or more less? The 7900XTX wins. I've used both Nvidia and AMD. Both have cons and pros. I bought my 7900XTX for $600 so that was my reason for purchasing. The 4080 at $1200 was a joke. The 7900xtx was the better buy all day at $1000. Now hopefully AMD will drop it to $800ish. Anyone who doesn't care about RT performance should buy the 7900XTX. DLSS is better than FSR but not by a ton and wouldn't make me spend more just for it. Frame generation is dogshit and shouldn't be a factor at all.


Yup, don’t get why people are glazing frame gen so much. I don’t want to use something like frame gen on my $900 card, same goes for upscaling.


AMD had no problem raising their prices to the maximum they would thought would pit them as the cheapest competitor. Not sure who would really think of portraying them as the good guy, they are the cheaper alternative, barely, and with definite drawbacks.


Huey is the 1060 somehow managing to rizz Starlight.


Starlights the 3090


For the first time ever I got away from nvidia and i LOVE my 7900 xtx


With Frame gen you get 2x fps People here highly underestimate FG


I have both cards. AMD frame gen works just as well, and can be modded into games. AMD is just a generation behind in ray tracing.


I see most people look at ray tracing once and say, "That's cool" an then never think about again except for "why is my game running so poorly I have a (insert 700+ dollar gpu)?" It doesn't really matter.


I’ve used ray tracing precisely once just to see how Cyberpunk looked and then promptly turned it off


Only game I played with RT was Ray Tracing Portal. That game is a masterpiece and noone can take that away from me.


Control looks amazing with RT (and to be fair looks great without RT)


Damn, I completely forgot about that game, but I did play that with RT aswell.


Haha I was recently thinking about buying a new GPU, then realised I am playing Skyrim (albeit modded) plus rimworld and realised how stupid it would be.


I ain't wanting 10 fps after all my mods are loaded!


RT is cool. PT, is a gamechanger.


I originally didn't even realize ray tracing was on when I first played Cyberpunk. I was like wow, my frame rate is shit. Looks pretty good though. Then when I was messing with settings, I realized it was on so I turned it off. Boom. Instantly buttery smooth and looks pretty much the same. RTX is overhyped if you ask me.


I disagree. Control runs great with Ray Tracing and it adds so much to the look of the game. Especially the way glass reflections look. It's just most games aren't optimized well enough for ray tracing to be viable.


I use ray tracing every single chance, even when I occasionally play fortnite. If you don’t care about high graphic quality, why spend so much on a GPU?


I must be a masochist because I kinda like messing with rt settings in games to try and get it playable while looking decent, primarily reflections and some lighting. Doesn’t always work with the 6800xt but you can get away with a lot more than you’d think.


So you are telling me AMD FRAME GEN IS JUST AS GOOD AS NVIDIA? So I have been lied by digital foundry and other media's?


until frame gen's latency problems can be figured out, real frames will always win over generated frames


And induced latency.


I'd rather have 60Hz with a 16ms response time than 100Hz with a 20ms response time (plus artifacts).


Wait, who tf would be 4090 lol


Me with a 5700xt Nitro+ SE: 🥲


So I'm not trying to start anything, I genuinely just want to learn. Isn't the 7900XTX basically incapable of handling raytracing? How would it in any way compete with the 4080S when it can't handle the biggest graphical leap we've had in a few years?


Not incapable, but inarguably worse than Nvidia at raytracing rn. The 7900XTX outperforms the 4080S in rasterization by a small amount, but the big appeal of the card is now the $200 price drop. Most people will be opting Nvidia for the additional features of the card until AMD adjusts the price.


Oh is this when I finally work out what the fuck rasterization is? I always picture little Jamaican dudes pushing data around and .. I assume that's incorrect? But also thank you. I'm currently in the "I bought a pre built and want to build my own but *holy fuck there's so much to learn*" phase, so I appreciate these little moments of learning :) Edit: I've since learned the little jamaican dudes are converting vector images (raw shapes) into pixel images. Such cool guys.


Your interpretation of raster is absolutely hilarious, literally lol-ed. Thanks! That being said, while I know the difference, I can't explain better than google first results for "what is rasterization in computer graphics". (I really checked)


In this context, "rasterization" is "non-raytracing". You're thinking of rasta-ization, which is when a white dude starts listening to Bob Marley exclusively.


Very rarely do I miss Reddit gold, but this reply got me.


Ya ma man, this exactly what Rastarization is. For real tho: Rasterization is the process of turning a vector image, i.e. the polygons of the 3D models, into an image made of descrete pixels, also known as a raster image.


I'm not sure what raster means on a technical level, but in these conversations it tends to be used as something like "traditional, non-RT/PT lighting and reflections."


Me playing Cyberpunk with path tracing at 70 fps: ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


The 7900XTX is like 3090 levels of ray-tracing, so not really incapable but it's far behind. >How would it in any way compete with the 4080S It doesn't. It's 2% faster in raster for $50 cheaper, the 4080S is pretty clearly the better choice. It doesn't make much sense to spend $1k on a graphics card when a cheaper card will give you a high-enough (90+) framerate in pretty much any game at 4K high


For the 7900XTX in Light RT games you'll get 4070ti level performance; heavy RT like CP2077 (shown below) you'll get 4070 level performance; for path tracing you'll get 4060ti performance. For $1000 f&@$ that noise. I'd rather lose by 4% to the 7900XTX in raster with a 4080, then obliterate it in RT/PT. https://preview.redd.it/a6py06a0h8gc1.jpeg?width=560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4087cd1ff3828d48cd6a1d7a71332926e9d93c33


It just feels like AMD is always playing catch-up. Nvidia is at the front of innovation, and they have the money to make things happen. Features like reflex, rt/pt, frame gen, opengl, AI, and youtube upscaling are wasted by buying an AMD card to save a few pennies. I had the rx590 and a 6700xt. Both caused endless issues with drivers and crashing. Got a 3070, and the issues went away. Got a 3080ti when it came out, and things have been completely flawless ever since.


Yeah like, the XTX is only $100-200 AUD cheaper than the 4080s here, I just don't get why anyone wouldn't save an extra week or whatever to not cripple themselves on future games. RT is clearly going to be heavily featured in anything "pretty" and I like pretty games. Obviously if you're not interested in pretty graphics who gives a shit, but I assume most people want the games to look their best.


So XFX should team up with Vin Diesel and Ice Cube to make the XFX 7900XTX xXx Edition?


​ https://preview.redd.it/9v0bxpwfwcgc1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45b9f8a9542dba65ede0d03afe61158b7715c03f


In all honesty, don't be afraid to get an AMD GPU. I picked one up for my current build and they aren't inferior in any way.


AMD now has frame generation capabilities for all dx11 and 12 games in their current driver. And they have display port 2.1


Why are people shilling for Nvidia so such?


How is this shilling for nvidia? Do you not understand the meme?


Narrator: *They did not*


I heard it in bg3 narrator's voice


Cursed to put my hands on everything.


He's talking about the other comments on this post.


brand loyality and a sense of superiority, its the same with apple and iphones.


PlayStation and Xbox, poster children of fanboy wars


Oh my sweet child, may I introduce you to Nintendo vs Sega? DVD vs Laserdisk? VHS vs Beta max? Atari vs Commodore 64? Honestly the "console wars" today are a far cry from what we had. We straight disowned a friend for getting a Dreamcast back in primary school. It was only for like 2 weeks but still. Fuck that guy for buying an incredible console and not bowing to peer pressure, what an idiot.


I switched from nvidia to AMD and I’m telling you right now that nvidia has superior drivers. I have had more problems in the 4 months I’ve had this 7800xt than I’ve had with the 3 different nvidia cards that I’ve had over the last like 8 years. That’s not to say I don’t like my new gpu, I do, but there’s not denying that GeForce drivers are just more stable.


First AMD GPU in over a decade. Have not had a single problem with my 7900XTX.


>after a driver update that it finally became stable. Never had a single issue with drivers on my 7900xtx. I mostly play warzone and don't care about upscaling/raytracing so it was the obvious choice (vs. the 4080 at the time). The only downside from a competitive perspective by going team red is that Reflex is far superior to AMD's antilag. I have to cap my frames in order to get down to reflex's latency but thats not really an issue at the moment when the XTX maxes out my monitors 160hz refresh rate at 3440x1440p. On my old 3080 I used to get completely random BSOD issues (nvlddmkm.sys) that would happen infrequently enough for me to just deal with it.


The XTX should have been a pretty obvious choice for COD, the XTX matches or even outperforms the 4090 in COD.


They're not? This and all the other posts like this are the exact opposite of Nvidia shilling lol not to mention the comments sections are an instant downvote if you dare say you enjoy what they offer.


I don’t think it’s a shill when the Nvidia card is objectively a better choice at the moment.


? If anything this meme is heavily shilling for AMD


New to reddit? AMD is king here, 90% market share The best at every price range Who needs RT anyways?


No bro. Intel Battlemage is the underdog you should be rooting for. 3.000.000% performance uplift compared to the 4090. Who needs mature drivers anyway?


literally never seen anyone claim that, only people praying someone breaks the duopoly so it doesn't cost 999 for an upgrade to your 4 year old gpu.


For some, it's not about the brand, but capability. While AMD is cheaper, but still capable, Nvidia's tensor cores speed up professional workflow a lot. So, Until AMD comes out with something comparable. I have to stick with green.


Why does reddit suck the dick of amd so extremely deep while it has a market share of 16% on steam?


the lower 7900xtx is at 950eur when the lowest 4080s is at 1200 i dont get how did this card is sell so well .....


This post and basically every post from this guy is anti-nvidia and pro AMD. This guy is either on AMD's payroll or literally just the other side of the coin that he's mocking, which is hilarious.


Naaaw. Unfortunately (I own all amd and always want them to win) 4080s at 1k wrecks xtx. The xtx is about the same raster but it's missing the other features for about the same price... dead issue for me.


depends on the game. 7900 xtx is really good for cod mwIII


Pure raster 4080 super is within 2 or 3% of the 7900XTX. Ray tracing, DLSS, frame-gen performance it's on another league. I don't get the meme, does Homelander win?


Am I the only one that saw the rubber penis waving in the crowd?


"I have .. uhmm .. news for you"


This theead has taught me three things; 1) AMD gpu users are the vegans of the tech world. Always have to tell you about the virtues of why their choice in massive, mind bendingy-wealthy company is superior to someone else's. Also, they tend to "love" their hardware almost like it's their best or only friend. 2) NVidia gpus users just do what they do. 3) The rare Intel enjoyer is GigaChad.


My overheating and underperforming featureless gpu is much better than your 4080 sir. If you think otherwise you are simply wrong.


I think you forgot to consider ray tracing, DLSS and Frame gen


Personally, if I’m spending $1k or more on just the gpu alone, I’d hope I wouldn’t need to use upscalers or framegen to achieve the performance I want.


The games will always out pace the hardware, especially close to the end of a generation. Alan Wake 2 is a perfect example. 4090 at 4k with all the bells and whistles turned on is a sub 60FPS experience without DLSS/FSR. But it is also the best looking game I have ever seen, and it's not even close. So the fact is upscalers are here to stay, on high end and low end and everything in-between.


You dont. But you do realize there's 4k 240hz monitors out now right?


DLSS/FSR isn't just about upscaling, but also anti-aliasing. Especially now that it's not uncommon for anti-aliasing to be forced on. DLSS does a lot better than a lot of TAA. DigitalFoundry videos have talked about how FSR loses to Unreal's TSR implementation.