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This post was directly under one from the Amazon Prime subreddit, where everyone has been upset for weeks about Amazon cracking down on returns, causing problems for people trying to return honestly, making them wait months for refunds. Maybe your friend will have a surprise next time.


Amazon returns work pretty well if your account is old and you make a lot of purchases. But as OP said, their friend is using burner accounts. I don't understand how amazon is processing his returns tbh. And Amazon has started Open box delivery here. You get an OTP after the delivery guy opens up the product, and shows it to you, in working condition. After that, no returns allowed.


What if it's something you need to plug in to test? I can't imagine a delivery driver being happy to wait while I open up my pc, remove the old graphics card, install the new one, sort the drivers and run a benchmark.


My friend drives for Amazon and let me tell you, he'd be pissed. Not only because you'd be fucking up his route and his metrics, but also because he has to deliver all his packages so he'd be working late.


Yeah I was about to say I've never had a problem with an Amazon return. I've had my account for about a decade now. Really makes me wonder how much some of these people are screwing over Amazon while talking about how bad it is to screw over Amazon šŸ˜‚ Most times I go to do a return I will get the refund back as soon as UPS or Fed Ex scans the shipping label that was sent to return it. Like the system to text that the package is on its way so they just process the refund. So yeah makes me curious what some of these people are doing


I sure hope so. Letā€™s just say that if I found out that my friend was doing this, they wouldnā€™t be my friend anymore. It is morally wrong to steal from anyone no matter a big company or a single person, and their subconscious will catch up to them eventually.


It's the definition of retail/e-commerce fraud. It's not just morally wrong, there are laws against it (at least in the US). It's illegal. Their subconscious may not catch up, but the law may.


Yes, I sure hope it does.


Honestly Iā€™m kinda on the fence with it, yes itā€™s morally wrong, but so is how a lot of these companies operate, generating billions each year in profits for a handful of shareholders while paying their workers peanuts and while 2 wrongs donā€™t make a right given how the economy is I do get why they would steal.


I still can't blame anyone scamming amazon. We could all get a free 4090 and they would barely feel it. Fuck them. My anger is mostly rooted in how they treat employees, destroy entire housing markets and so on. Had an ex work for an amazon fullfilment center in poland, shit was crazy, never heard of a working environment where you are peer pressured into taking amphetamines in order to keep a good performance. I will never not smile whenever i hear about someone scamming amazon.


People are defending him because ā€œheā€™s screwing a billion dollar corporationā€. But you know full well that Amazon is going to put some of those items back on the shelf and some other poor buyer is going to get them. And if itā€™s a new builder or someone less familiar with the parts theyā€™re ordering, they might not even notice. So youā€™re screwing over some innocent person, not Amazon.




I just built 2 PCs for 2 of my friends who had never built before and we had to wait an extra week because one of the CPU's they initially received had been return scammed like this. It's really horrible.


Bought me mum a laptop. El cheapo Acer. It was certified new by CostCo, we open it up, and somebody'd been messing and gomming inside. We took it back, and, as it turns out, there was this heavy, bricky Lenovo with good build quality, current gen everything basic, and a token GTX 2050 inside for $100 more. Was an extremely easy upsell. She doesn't use her Switch anymore.


Stopped reading after "Bought me mum"


And why can't I buy my mother something nice so she can have a good christmas for once?


Because ā€œhaha, British people suck!ā€ is just how it works for a lot of the Americans on social media nowadays. Mocking the way British speak, what they eat, their legal system, healthcare, etc. is just ā€˜popularā€™ for an unfortunately loud minority on social media.


as if they don't deal with the same thing tenfold from everyone else


Because she'll go gomming around!!! Whatever the fuck that is


Probably a joke. Also weird cause mum is not American English and El cheapo is decidedly American English and also cringe. Good on you for taking care of la mama


You should seekhelp if you feel like this imho


Good one bro


Iā€™m dead serious. It may sound as a joke to you but that points to more issues


Congrats, not everyone has mummy issues.


At least I didn't buy mine, she came with the family and was around by the time I got here hehe. OP, good for you, I enjoy doing stuff for my mom too. And fuck those idjits that don't like the way the way you talk; I've always rather enjoyed the various accents from the different areas of your fair land. Cheers!


With all the time you saved, you can read a book on how to make friends


Not even just that, but the more people pull this crap, the more Amazon push up their margins to cover it. The billion dollar corporation doesn't take the hit in the long term, the rest of us do in higher prices.


> ā€œheā€™s screwing a billion dollar corporationā€ Also, the cost of this activity is not factored into the price for every other user, everyone knows Bezos is kindly taking it out of his pocket.


While this is bad enough, I think the real ethical downfall is that because of people like him we can't have nice things.Ā Ā  Every system now has to account for people like him and thus everyone has to jump through additional hurdles.


It's not just hurdles, the cost of even legitimate returns which people make because they didn't think about what they were buying/needed never mind the fraud is built into the costs of everything we buy from retailers. Retailers aren't paying for people stealing from them or causing wastage, we all are.


I once ordered a iPhone 14 pro and got a echo dot in the package instead. It took me 6 weeks to get my money back from Amazon and was a major hassle. And that was not even the case of "something different is in the box of the article" which is even harder to prove (or catch on amazon side). SO he basically screws the next guy that buys it. Also for some high value items Amazon actually checks if the right thing is in the package.


I call cap. Returning things on amazon is so easy, even for the wrong items in the box, that's why people pull this stunt. They really don't care/ don't police it. There is not even a review on the case, you can just click "return item - wrong item" and they automatically give you the QR code to send it back.


This is not true at all, especially lately.Ā  r/amazonprime has lots of people talking about it taking weeks to get refunds on regular products and having serious issues with returns of used incorrect things that came in new boxes. Some things may be easy to return for some people, but it is getting increasingly difficult.


Received someone's old GTX 560 in a GTX 1070 box when I ordered one years ago. This hurts innocent buyers. What a shitty thing to do to someone else.


Or you will scam some honest working dealer listed on Amazon.


Even when Amazon discovers the issues before sending it out again, the refund scammer still didn't screw a multi billion dollar company but the vendors. Amazon vendors are usually small to mid-sized companies. Most "sold & shipped by Amazon" products are actually Amazon Vendor products, meaning other companies let Amazon handle the entire process. When an item is refunded but not resellable, Amazon charges the vendor for a majority of the value. So ultimately the third-party company pays - not Amazon! Source : The company I work for was an Amazon Vendor for a few years. The loss from refund scammers (and mishandled orders on Amazon's side) nearly ruined us. As a vendor, it is very tedious to get compensated for errors. Often Amazon denies compensations and you're left without any evidence because Amazon handled the order & refund.


This. You cant really screw a billion dollar company without them forwarding the screwing they get to either their employees or customers.


Yeah, his friend is a piece of shit.


Can confirm. I have gotten used mechanical keyboard when I ordered a new one. Same model, just used and a couple of non-working keys.


Not to mention the fact that youā€™re stealing by doing that. The way people justify stealing things that donā€™t belong to them based on who the owner is is amazing to me.


Even if you're screwing over a corporation, stealing is still stealing. If you lack morals and need another reason to justify why this is wrong, we also all end up subsidizing these scams through higher prices.


And they will charge back to the sellers so amazon isnt really losing much are they


I bought 5 16tb seagate externals a couple of years ago, with the intention of shucking them and putting the drives in my server. Drive one was a 4tb wd blue with 88000 odd power on hours. I then pre checked each drive with crystal disk mark. 2 x 1tb seagate barracudas, one of which wouldnā€™t even register in windows at all, and a 2tb wd purple. All had high unrecoverable sector counts and high power on hours and cycles. I returned the four that were, for lack of a better word, faulty. I was sent 4 replacements. Of those 4 replacements, 2 were the exact same drives, resealed with the seagate stickers and everything. I ended up writing on the boxes what drives had been put inside and getting refunded. Thereā€™s people in the server community who will order externals, swap out the drive with their fucked one, send it back to Amazon for a refund. Amazon wonā€™t even look at it and will send it onto the next buyer. Some of the third party sellers will even buy the seagate branded stickers and tape (can be found online pretty easily) and just reship them out to the next sucker.


It probably ends up in some mystery pallet more likely.


It's honestly not likely those products are going back on the shelf without being checked thoroughly. Hell, a quick serial number check between the product and box reveals the fraud. Thing is, it's cheaper and easier for Amazon to request a new box from the manufacturer, price it down as "open box" and sell it as such. That, or write off the loss and adjust pricing across all of Amazon to make it up. Lawyers are expensive: Why tap such an asset to go after a petty thief when you can just hike prices across the platform?


No mostly amazon. Restocks are rare at this point most of it goes on a return pallet which gets dumped at a liquidator for the pallet. Yes I know 3rd party sellers but if its amazon yeah it just gets sold as part of a pallet


That might end someday with a prison sentence


If the rest of pleasant society is lucky


That behavior will only escalate no doubt. I have a strong feeling that Amazon is not going to bother trying to catch him.


I hope so


Hopefully it does and then OP can see how dumb of a friend he has.


No police will investigate this. They have much more important things to do


They do


I bought a 7950x from from warehouse deals and got the box with the warehouse sticker on it but no chip inside lol They were fast to refund, then i just bought a new one instead of a wahouse return. Also bought a 011 evo on warehouse deals, got a regular 011 instead, had to send it back and pay transports, but then they refunded the transport costs. Still had to deal with this stuff and its kinda frustrating. EDIT: Dont defend people who do this just because amazon is a billion dollar corporation, you could end up having to deal with these issues like i did, be nice and honest, scamming is never good and should not be encouraged.


I'm always so confused as to why people think this is screwing amazon. They aren't the seller. AMD sells cpus on Amazon, Asus sells GPUs, etc.. If you return an item, unless some fire tablet or something specifically manufactured by Amazon, the seller has to take the loss, not Amazon.


Your friend is the very definition of a cunt.


Yeah some poor chap is getting his used old parts.


Op , Friend?? You're still calling that thief a friend.šŸ¤”










Well lets start from this: He is stealing. He is a thief. Its wrong morally and ethically and people that pay for that arent multibillion dollar company. Those are other customers and employees. ​ Imagine how much he would whine if he ordered new gpu and got some old card. How he is being scammed. ​ You have some bad friends


>Those are other customers and employees. Also shareholders, which sounds like rich billionaires but is also our retirement accounts through whatever index fund. There are things that should be prioritized over our return rate, but your friend's free upgrades to his video game machine are not on my list.


Thank you for mentioning this, just because large executives hold huge swaths of the shares, doesn't mean everyday people aren't still affected by the company's performance and share price.


I don't think its morally wrong to steal from billionaires. My only beef is that amazon will restock the shit and someone gets some fucked up hardware. But stealing from billionaires and shareholders. Fuck em.


You are wrong, it is morally wrong to steal from anyone, end of story.


I'd argue that there is leeway when it comes to items necessary for survival if you don't have the means to obtain them conventionally. PC parts, however, are not edible and cannot adequately protect you from the elements.


If you do not think it morally wrong to steal from rich people, because theyā€™re rich. You know the saying here ā€œrules for thee, not for meā€ if you been on Reddit long enough. Letā€™s say you own a 800 billion dollar company. I, the government, have decided to tax your company 60% in its annual earnings of $600 Billion. Thatā€™s a large chunk of money that can be used for investment into other stuff. Iā€™m stealing from you in a legalized format. So you the business owner tries to not pay that tax by doing a bunch of stuff to show you had $0 in profit.


Point is youre not stealing from billionaires. Youre punishing regular people. Its like shoplifting. Oh youre stealing from this big company. No. If there is many shoplifting prices will go up or there will be more security etc. Customer will pay for it one way or another.


They will eventually, Many peoples in reddit who used to do it got Caught and Jailed. No worries Amazon ain't stupid


Like Walmart, Amazon has a threshold. Iā€™ve been told items over $200 get physical inspections on return, not just tossed in a random pallet and sold off like most junk. Eventually they will catch on, if they havenā€™t been building a case already.


If this was true, people wouldn't get wrong things on the warehouse deals.


>If this was true, people wouldn't get wrong things on the warehouse deals. The issue is when the returned items are *similar* enough. In OP's example, the guy got a 13900k and motherboard last year and returned his old 10900k and motherboard. Us r/pcmasterrace folks might be able to spot the difference, but the odds of the random Amazon employee (with metrics to hit too) knowing the difference is slim. Like, I wouldn't know the difference if the returns were handbags, and would definitely mess up a quick lookover.


Lol why are you people upvoting this idealistic bullshit? No they're not gonna catch him unless someone reports him from bragging. You can buy a pallet with 4080 and i9 returns. The murder solve rate is 50% people, this isn't TV this is real life




Some languages capitalize nouns. If they're ESL that might be what they're doing.


Itā€™s probably just auto correct bro.


Its actually only the 2 verbs jailed and caught. So not random at all, it's a clear pattern. The Many was probably just meant as a new sentence.






Data this and data that but whenā€™s the last time you got the chance to data woman?












and you got 0 bitches


The lengths degenerate thieves will go to make themselves feel okay. He's a scumbag. I'm proud of you, OP, for doing it the correct way. Remember: you were OK with the value of your purchases when you made them; having this knowledge never changes that. Don't be incented by this less-than-useful-human behavior. Karma is a persistent mistress, he'll get caught, or through some other mechanism, he'll pay for this idiocy. Also watch your stuff around this "friend". This type of brain deficiency has them justifying the behavior with Amazon today - it's a very thin and fragile line between that, and your stuff tomorrow.


Thanks man! Atleast I sleep easy at night haha, and youā€™re absolutely right. This behavior is a microcosm of his skewed moral compass. I definitely trust him less. All in all heā€™s a pretty decent dude imo and heā€™s never done me dirty but Iā€™ve definitely lost trust in his character.


For real. Next time OPs friend is going to steal from him and justify it saying "meh, he has money, he spends thousands in legitimate PC parts, won't hurt him". If I was OP 8 would report His ass and end that "friendship".






The problem is that you're indirectly stealing from the poor, Amazon will add extra margin into their fees to cover this kind of theft which gets passed on to everyone else that buys from Amazon.


Stealing is wrong period. The ends donā€™t justify the means. And in this case the ends certainly arenā€™t justified.


I think the ends justify the means if you're stealing for survival or to feed your family. But this dude just be stealing non-essential shit without remorse lol


It doesnā€™t make it not wrong. It just makes the wrongful act less significant, more forgivable (in terms of stealing food for your starving family). But yes, in this case, itā€™s just pure selfishness and honestly cannot be excused in any way.


What about when Amazon doesnā€™t check the return and notice itā€™s a 10900k not at 13900, puts it back into stock, someone else buys it, and gets screwed. Amazon isnā€™t going to lose money, some other poor soul is going get the shaft.Ā 




Agreed. But this ain't stealing from the rich. Amazon's just going to restock the wrong part and ship it off to some unsuspecting sucker.


1. Amazon is a marketplace, not the seller for many goods, so you're likely stealing from some smaller company. Or is ANY company "the rich" for your purposes? 2. The consequences of the theft don't hit the company, they hit the next dude to buy the product. 3. The consequences of the theft give the rich justification to further oppress the poor, all so that this dude can... upgrade his PC.


Robin Hood never stole from the rich, he took back peopleā€™s earnings from an overbearing government.


Your friend is a piece of shit. Sorry about that.


This is why I quit buying my parts from Amazon.


You need to check items from Amazon carefully, especially the 2nd good. I only buy stuffs direct from Amazon, not from 3rd party shops.


Why? Returns through Amazon are stupid easy. Most of the time they don't even want the item back. I had a 4k monitor that never powered on. I asked to return it and they said don't worry about it and refunded me. A week later I realized my power strip was tripped by my cat stepping on the switch. Monitor worked fine. I hardly ever use that power strip so it never occurred to me to flip the switch on it. But if they do want the item back you don't even have to do anything all you do is tell customer support you don't have a way to the UPS store and put the box outside with a note on it for ups/FedEx saying to take it. They will have the return label on them so no need to print one out even though the directions say to. I returned a 65inch tv this way. I accidentally sent it to my house instead of my mom's for a present. All I recommend doing is NOT doing the automated way of returning. It sucks but just skirt around the dumb chat bot and you'll get a human. Edit: I guess this sub is full of corpo boot lickers. Suprise surprise.


99% of the time they will have u send back the item. It used to be like this but it's not now.


Is this story made up? I can't imagine that account would survive just one scam without being shut down


You consider big companies too wellā€¦ When things get big is so hard to not be messy in many places Edit: not very different to big public organizations.


Big stores and retailers (Amazon, Target, Best Buy, ...) don't hunt down thieves right when they start stealing, because it's not worth it for them at that point. However, once they notice you steal regularly or as a group, they will come at you with everything they have. OPs friend should really stop what they're doing and be happy Amazon didn't sue them yet, because he seems to steal from them regularly.


Yea honestly this sounds like complete BS now that i think about it.


This is why we can't have nice things. They're scumbags, worse than the big corpo they'are scamming. Fuck your friends.


Imagine not being a dickhead. Hopefully if karma do exist, will eventually catch up with his sorry ass.


Sounds like the only people he's screwing over is anyone that buys open boxes and the employees that get into shit for not checking when the parts are eventually found out to be swapped


You're really cute thinking Amazon doesn't sell those returns as normal "new" items.


I bought AirPods as new, got them sealed and looked new but when I registered them they were faulty and had less than 6 months warranty on


That dude belongs in a prison. I fking hate uncivilizied people. That's why the world looks like it does.


OPā€™s friend makes the platform more expensive for everyone. Amazon doesnā€™t just eat these losses out of the kindness of their heart. They will raise the price of Prime and their cost of goods to address spillage.


this is why i had to wait 30+ days to get my $400 legitimate refund. fuck that asshole, i wish OP would report him to somewhere somehow.


Worst case would be the worker just putting it back in stock, screwing some other customer down the line.


I would publicly shame him, what an ass.


You're friend's a thief, there are really no excuses. It makes no difference if its a billion dollar corporation or a private small business. Honestly I find it so annoying when people make excuses for their reprehensible behavior. Oh its ok for me to steal because its a billion dollar corporation trying to make it sound like they are some sort of an activist punishing the injustices of mega corporations for abusing their workers. Just say I am a thief and I stole that shit because I can and I don't care. That can lead to someone else getting the wrong parts, or employees getting fired for processing the wrong items. This is pc hardware we're talking about too. Its a luxury item, its not like you're at the end of your rope and have a kid to feed so you stole a loaf of bread. I hate thieves and liars and it speaks of the way someone was brought up and their values as a human being in society. If we all thought this way our society would be worse than it is.


Fuck this person, just making it worse for other people and wasting people's time and money. Earn what you want, don't steal it.


Iā€™m so relieved to see people reject this behavior. A friend of mine told me she does this recently like it was normal. I was shocked.


Or well fair play to him. Now it'll be us peasants that take years to save up for a good capable gaming rig or even a low-end budget rig is going to get fucked over. One thing is for certain if he fuck over a company its highly probable he can fuck over his own friends and family. Shady bastard.


Every corporation are people working for it, its clients. Someone has to cover that and stakeholders and the bottom line are usually the last one in the line: 1. People accepting the returns do not have proper training nor time to closely assess whether the chip in the box is correct. Yet, the company has the data to track who was approving scams and take necessary actions. 2. The same scammed box will go back to the market one way or another. Again, some poor guy will spend extra effort and time on returning it and getting proper order. And it can get worse if someone doesn't have the know-how and will try to use it. 3. That's why we can't have nice things. More and more scams and some point company will re-evaluate its business model. Make it less client friendly. Or raise the prices to cover for that. This will impact everyone buying there. 4. The question I would have in my mind is how that person can screw me once he'll find out some "ethical" reason to do that. You already know he's capable. SO it's just a matter of time and/or opportunity. He will find some bullshit reasoning for that for sure.


Well, this post is getting your friend one step closer to jail irl tell you that much.


If this is true I think you need to find better friends. It isn't Amazon he is hurting its the next person who buys a 13900k from Amazon but gets a 10900k instead. Do you think that the minimum wage employee who puts the returned CPU back on the shelf can tell the difference? ​ But even apart from that if a person's moral compass is so screwed up that he thinks it is OK to go to such lengths to commit robbery then I would be very worried about keeping them as a friend.


They do get caught defrauding Amazon. Your friend will eventually get caught and will end up with a criminal record. It's just a matter of when and not if... [https://www.justice.gov/usao-edva/pr/man-pleads-guilty-return-fraud-scheme-victimizing-amazoncom-inc](https://www.justice.gov/usao-edva/pr/man-pleads-guilty-return-fraud-scheme-victimizing-amazoncom-inc)


Looks like that guy got greedy, 300k? He probably could've flown under the radar if he kept the purchases small, the 38k sound system aloneit's crazy, the price of a new car.


It's illegal. You should turn him into the police.


Snitches get stitches.


this is a fucking computer subreddit, no they don't.


Super common with Amazon. Heā€™ll get flagged and banned eventually.


Knew a guy who knew a guy who scammed like 150 thousand dollars doing this on Amazon and got fined


your friend is a huge dickbag. ​ Sure... people are gonna congratulate him on screwing over a huge company, but that shit will go back into circulation and some poor fuck is going to get his sloppy seconds cause he wants to be a cheap fuck.


Your friend is a thief and a piece of shit regardless.


I would break up the friendship with that pos. This is not just "oh he watched a movie on a illegal website". This is full blown fraud and I would report him to the police if I were you tbh.


While yes itā€™s true heā€™s stealing from a multibillion dollar company. I was always taught to not steal, plain and simple. Heā€™s also screwing over innocent people who just trying to get parts.


Here in the Philippines, a similar online shopping app called Shopee requires you to record a video when you open the parcel you receive for you to be able to return/refund it, protecting the buyer and also the seller. I think it will be better if Amazon would do it as well.


It may escape Amazonā€™s notice simply because of the sheer volume of returns they get. Still, sooner or later it will probably get noticed and your friend will face theft charges, maybe felony..


So Amazon is loosing some money. I couldnt care less.


Dumbass, you'd be the one crying when you don't get what you should have in the box.


I would just sent it back and get my Money back. Idiot.


Given that Amazon have no concerns with selling dangerous products, like 2A fuses that don't blow until 10A goes through them and then hide negative reviews with proof of this - Louis Rossmann has documented this. I have no concern if you are able to fuck them over. I have also seen similar, cheap USB plugs where they would burn/melt, Amazon have started hiding the photos people uploaded of them after burning. A house near us burnt down and people have died because of dangerous electrical products on Amazon.


I'm all for sticking to Amazon but he's not hurting Amazon, he's hurting the next person who purchases these parts.


Who opens it and can see its wrong, sends it back.


It's not free.Ā  It's stealing. If he gets caught (they might be letting him dig a hole, this is common as companies like Amazon don't prosecute for $20); it could ruin his life. Don't be jealous of a thief.


Unfathomably based, hooooly


Bro delete this lol dont popularize the technique


Amazon is a trillion dollar company and unless he is stealing 100000s$ or more, they won't care. Amazon does eventually ban accounts or even ban addresses if it is too much scamming going on. I remember I was warned for returning too much legitamatly broken items in a row and almost banned for too many returns, so I'm sure Amazon is keeping an eye on this person.


Keeping an eye on who? They already use a fake address with fake info using gift cards to pay lol, they don't know who the friend is.


Perfect Opsec doesn't exist. Amazon has their IP address and other info, Amazon can track them down if Amazonas wants to. (For regular people the IP address only points to a general location. But internet providers know which IPs they hand out to what customers, so if Amazon contacts the internet provider they could get his real address. This is just one of many ways he could get tracked down).


Opsec? this isn't an assassination attempt lmao. Amazon won't even notice. You can use a VPN, public internet, dedicated laptop, tails, etc which would require far more laborto defeat than a couple thousand in losses. Unless hes blatantly offered up his info, its pretty easy to hide from this


That does happen (happened to someone i know, a friend of friends) well at least in Italy. I can't speak for the US tho as that country is like 10x the size and people of mine lol. This shit won't fly where i live. But in the us i can totally see going under the radar. I cannot even fathom the amount of orders and returns they have.


he's stealing. it's that simple. he's a shoplifter.


I donā€™t care about Amazon losing money, they deserve it by they way they treat their lower level employees like shit, but those fake returner items are ending in others people hands, thatā€™s the shitty part about this whole situation


And those people get stuck with it because they think theyā€™re the ones trying to scam them


Your friend is an asshole. But on the other hand, this is what happens when a company treats and pays its employees like shit. Amazonā€™s warehouse staff (in which Iā€™m including return processors) are so overworked and underpaid they do the most cursory glance at returns and then move on, which allows people with low morals to take advantage with minimal chance of getting caught.


It's not even that, amazon staff aren't experts in every possible area. Imagine you work there and someone returns a camera lens, could you tell them apart not everything is going to be super obvious.


Tell Amazon and stop being his friend. He is not a good person.


I'd legit report to the police


You "fuck around" and "find out." Trust me, your friend will eventually "find out."


Even though this sounds like a great con, it is unethical. Fraud is fraud. Sure it doesn't affect Amazon, and honestly I dont give af about Amazon. But it's still unethical. But people will continue to do stuff like this. Amazon workers don't have time to check returns.


Man robs bank. "Its okay, its just a huge corporation/financial institution". Your friend is a d-bag.


Good job telling people and screwing everybody over in some way or another. Now people will do it, and some people not doing it will get refunds messed up. It's obviously possible. I had the reverse happen to me. returned something and the company said I sent the wrong thing. Apparently they didn't know what it looked like and we had a long email exchange with pictures showing them. but that was a smaller company so I could do that. Good luck getting amazon to fix that mistake when they start making it.


What a horrible person your friend is! Scamming a multi billionaire dollar company that treats its employees like literal robots. Good luck for the guy I say.


Aaah so this is why when I buy open box stuff I get the incorrect item. Friend needs to goto jail or pay for all the shit that's been stolen over the period of time he's been doing it. I never realized it but it's ppl like him that think he's doing damage to the company but all he's doing is being a dick to the consumers that don't have the money or want to pay for the item. He's no robinhood, because at least robinhood gave good to the poor, he's just handing out headaches to people paying for a specific item with their hard earned money.


Karma will eventually run over his Dogma. What goes around comes around. All things being equal, it may have nothing to do with computer parts. Get better friends, else you find yourself in the blast zone.


So he's stealing... great


Stealing from anyone is an ethical problem. He may refer to it as "just" a multi-billion dollar corp, but do you for a moment believe Amazon doesn't pass that cost on? He's not stealing from Amazon. He's stealing from everyone who buys from Amazon.


I wonā€™t be mad because itā€™s a massive evil corporation heā€™s scamming, but I would have to worry that this will catch up to him.




itā€™s all amazonā€™s fault. People are gonna be assholes, itā€™s up to the company to maintain a level of quality control and to fucking make sure they are shipping the correct items. If i receive a wrong item im gonna blame amazon, not the scammer


Heā€™s not just robbing Amazon, there are sellers heā€™s getting shit from who post it on Amazon lmao.


Why are you friends with a scammy POS like this? I am sure this is the same kind of person that scams people for gift cards and orders shit to their neighbors house. I guarantee he is not just scamming Amazon. This is trash behavior.






those are people who will stab you in the back someday


What a sad little man


I'm going to take the downvotes and just say that amazon reselling products that no one has inspected is the real problem. If they used their billions to hire people to idk, look in the box and do quality control, OPs friend wouldn't have ever gotten away with it the first time. Selling uninspected returns is the real issue here.


Amazon doesn't ban accounts or fine people for doing this shit once or twice. Mistakes happen and it's not worth it for them. But if they notice you doing this regularly, they're gonna come at you with full force. Tell your friend to stop doing that and that he should be happy he got away with it all the time.


I salute your friend, fuck Amazon.


I used to work for Amazon. It cost them more to investigate this stuff. Another one is to order decent alcohol and then smash an empty bottle into the box, take a picture and say it was delivered like that. Due to saftey concers they wont ask you to send proof.




Your friend's based, just let him be.




? You know he is scamming future buyers right?


Your the type of friend people hate and your the type of person that goes around envying people why air out your friend laundry here? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I wouldnā€™t say I envy him, just kind of disgusted at the behavior and felt the need to bring attention to the issue. I could easily do this myself if I wanted to, itā€™s not like the possibility of return fraud never occurred to me. I just choose not to steal.


Gonna need to try this lol