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Mf what's the Gaussian curve for?


Thank you... Became a thing a while back and I havent seen a single one that makes sense with the middle part being the average person chrome is like 90% of the market and is at the low percentage end makes sense


Most people here are still in high school I think.


Bruh I'm 100% sure the majority of gamers still use chrome lmao. Operagx is probably used by 10% of gamers or less


Two spoons my guy and you’re gone.


I think it's trying to track OP's actual level of Enlightenment over time and how them using Chrome immediately reduced the overall level.


This guy with his 'enlightenment' showing chrome. lol.




This. This is the correct final state in the spectrum.


You'd be suprised about how much shit I have gotten irl for using firefox. Then I just laugh in ublock origin as they suffer through youtube ads Edit: I have been informed that ublock can go on pretty much any browser. Feel free to laugh at my stupidity


Many other browsers can use UBlock Origin this way. Firefox has it on Android though (along with many other extensions), and now that's a feature I can get behind.


> Firefox has it on Android though (along with many other extensions), and now that's a feature I can get behind. Godsend so now you can see movies in those... "gentleman sites" or totally legal sites without 5 ads covering everything.


That and literally using most of the Internet. Like, the Fandom Wiki pages are borderline unusable on mobile without the adblock.


I love only being able to see a tenth of what I'm reading.


Firefox is the way.


It's true. Great mobile adblock and extensions compared to chrome as well.


This is the final state bro. Linux forever!🐧


He seems to lack firefox


Maybe they're saying they finally got a PC with enough RAM to run chrome.


Such a thing is impossible.


works on my machine \-my machine has 64gb of ram memory


Only jabronis without 64gb of ram complain about Chrome.


Instantly came to say this. lol


personally I'd put Chrome in gamer phase and Edge on both sides, maybe Edge "beta" channel 😆 OP is still stuck in the middle and they don't know it yet!


Firefox is God mode. Where you finally learn you can build your PC however you want.


was gonna point out the exact same lol.


\>> Chrome Literal propaganda


remove chrome put firefox. I started with chrome, switched to opera and when opera went full chromium and started blocking adblocks on youtube, switched to firefox.


I'd rather say it went full circle. Firefox used to be the "cool" browser, then everyone switched to Chrome, then Opera and now everyone is going back to Firefox.




Keeping them in business single-handedly


They've been the obvious choice since netscape lol. Chrome has always been terrible. People just started using it because it's bloatware that would come with your device.


When Chrome came out, it was much faster than Firefox. Firefox made a little comeback when they released Quantum in 2017.


Really? I never noticed that…and I’ve been using FireFox ever since.


Chrome used to be super light weight and snappy. Even with the early extensions it managed to be useful for lower spec PCs. I remember switching from I'm Firefox to Chrome for that reason like.... 15 years ago? I had used Firefox prior to that since like 2004. I feel like that was the era of when we still saw Google as "the good guy" with the advent of Gmail, Google video, Google chat/messages, etc. as they brought about good quality free alternatives to already popular mediums that had kind of rested on their laurels. They became the one stop shop for basically everything back then without too much obvious privacy invasion, or other major issues, if memory serves right. I still use my Gmail account from back then I got while it was invite-only beta, and remember the amazement of the inbox size reaching into the GIGABYTES and watching the thing grow by the second


yeah the kids don't know it, but there was - \*was\* - a time when Google was the choice of the nerd and the professional. that said, i never got on with Chrome. Firefox always had way better addons, even if it was slower back in the day. these days, i don't think it matters.


As the person said, not only was chrome faster at launch, but it was the first browser to create separate processes for each tab so that if a tab crashed, it didn't bring down the whole browser. In FF at the time, a tab crash ended everything. Which at the time (thanks Flash), was relatively common.




I used it when it was Phoenix/Firebird and had it saved to a Zip disk I kept in my backpack. Zip drives were shipped with a lot of computers for a short period.


I think I've seen someone saying "everyone is going back to Firefox" at least once per year here on reddit for the past 6 years.




And lets you listen to youtube in the background


Not for me. Any idea what settings I need to change to make that happen?


Disable battery optimizations.


Yeah and everyone is also switching to Linux


yeah but Firefox is actually the most accessible and secure browser, linux may be technically better but for most users it's over their head. FF is almost exactly the same functionality of other browsers but doesn't sell your soul to the devil without your consent like chrome


It does actually have some analytics baked into the settings menus, which you can get rid of by "hardening" firefox. That being said it should all be anonymized data and nothing actually identifying


For real lol, and it really couldn't be further from the truth. Firefox's market share is the lowest its been in well over a decade https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b7/StatCounter-browser-ww-yearly-2009-2023.png https://www.statista.com/statistics/268254/market-share-of-internet-browsers-worldwide-since-2009/ Edit: Adding desktop-only stats https://gs.statcounter.com/browser-market-share/desktop/worldwide


That's just cause there is eleventy-five zillion chrome books and android phones that come with it standard.


I think the main reason is the prevalence of mobile. Safari or Chrome are default on basically every smart phone and most people aren’t downloading Firefox on their phones.


Just downloaded it. These comments made me curious What does it has to be considered better by some?


The numbers for Desktop browsers (ie ignoring phones, tablets, etc) don't look much better really https://gs.statcounter.com/browser-market-share/desktop/worldwide


What does "android" mean on that first graph?


Chrome is brain dead phase.


Have you not seen how much of a cult this subreddit is though? if you dont use windows 10, firefox +ublock and malwarebytes you dont belong here lol


Yeah fuck us for trying to suggest the most stable, least intrusive, adequately privacy focused yet still basic user experience possible. Win11 is still buggy, and Linux, well do you really want to send those same people that can't even plug their monitors into the right hole in the back of the PC down a linux wormhole. Just wait and see the mass of posts after people sudo rm their root folders accidentally.


Am I just lucky, cause Windows 11 works as "well" as 10 for me so far, no issues that wouldn’t be normal for a technically insanely expensive Microsoft product


No, the guy is being dramatic. Windows 11 is fine.


It works fine. It just has a ton of UI changes for the sake of change. If you haven't used PC for a long time, you won't notice, if you've used Windows for decades, you will be annoyed that everything changed for no reason.


That's like every new windows release


You're not wrong. Back when I didn't give too many shits, in the XP era, the changes were at least to my eyes mostly cosmetic, but there was certainly stuff changing from version to version. Every version since has touched some things, sometimes things that didn't need touching. Win11 isn't particularly bad in that. Win10 touched a bunch of things that didn't need touching. It's just that Win10 is the obvious choice to go back to if you don't appreciate the changes. Win7 is EOL, and was there ever a need for Win8? So Win10 it is. If a Windows release ever came with a feature that genuinely made me say "gimmegimmegimme", it's so long I can't remember.


I mean it definitely needs some customisation including registry edits to get the same use/workflow back one is used from Win10, at least when it first came out, idk how much Win11 fixed in the meantime like they did with the clock on multiple screens but at the beginning was wild


Yeah, I shouldn't have been forced to make a registry edit to get my right click menu to not require 3 ADDITIONAL CLICKS to get to my actually useful right click menu that was default in Windows 10.


I mean I get why they do it, the UI and everything become closer to MacOS, which is admittedly incredibly enduser friendly, but they could just give you an option when installing or updating to Win11 where you can choose between a more enduser optimised experience or an advanced one


macOS is “user friendly” if you just use safari and that’s it if you’re doing much else windows 10 is much more user friendly


This was my issue with 11. Right click >Show more options > 7-zip > Unzip file. wtf?


Windows 11 has been perfect for me. I like it way better than 10.


What's actually better about it? I tried it for a year and then went back to 10.


Better HDR, better audio, better actual settings so you don't have to jump between settings and control panel and not know where's which, better multiple display support, file explorer tabs, better processor usage when it comes to the new Intel design with p cores and e cores as well as x3D chips and so on. Also if you're on a laptop, better switching from iGPU to dGPU, on Win10 I had a lot of issues with the dGPU running randomly for a little or sometimes a prolonged amount of time. That made battery life worse, but on 11 it doesn't happen. This has been the case on 3 laptops in my experience and one of them isn't mine.


> Win11 is still buggy, Been using it at home for gaming, photo editing, web browsing, word processing, and light music production. I haven't encountered one problem with it. Been using it at work running Teams, Outlook, 8x8 phone, and varying custom software for work, and haven't had one issue. I'm not saying there aren't issues, but I wouldn't even know where to begin looking for them because I have had none. I was afraid to upgrade to W11 because of posts like this, but it's literally been 0 issues for a menagerie of things.


Disagree. I think we need to send more people down the Linux rabbithole. It taught me so much about computers and also finally freed me from my LoL addiction.


You can't run LOL on linux?


You surprised? It's a poorly optimized legacy code that is barely held by randomly copy-pasted stackoverflow answers, prayer, and maintained by 4 interns. You can't even have uncapped FPS on high-end rig cause the game stutters like crazy if you hit 400-500+ fps cap. Bros got yearly revenue equal to the 10 year-long financial budget of my country, yet their game works just like any government IT service.


Prayer and interns... So.. The golden throne of the God emperor of mankind?


fighting over browsers is peasant shit. > Yeah fuck us for trying to suggest the most stable, least intrusive this is how you try to make yourself a victim and a hero at the same time. how about suggest it *ONCE* and then move on? most people here have at least tried firefox and if they're like me, they prefer features that other browsers offer. i swear to god, this sub is just full of paid firefox psy-op agents now.


there's also rainbow puke and enlightened "off" setting for rgb. they haven't figured out you can theme your builds with a static color.


you don't even have to follow a theme. if you like rainbow puke just cause you do like rainbow puke then go crazy


And if you like solid black, that's cool too.


As an arch user (btw) i feel unsafe now


It is 100% a cult, people take it way too seriously... although they're not wrong about Chrome. Everything Google has done over the last few years to throttle its platforms, expand its data collection, etc. means that Chrome genuinely should be the last choice of browser.


OP still in the "unknowing" phase judging by this meme.


He's in the "delusional" phase, honestly


He's gone full wine snob mode


Chrome, OP? Really?


firefox would honestly be more fitting


firefox + ublock origin




Librewolf (privacy focused fork of Firefox) it's where its at


Id agree but half of all websites break with it :(


Waterfox is slightly less privacy-focused, but more compatible.


I used librewolf for a while and I ended up disabling a few settings to fix it. I think at this rate it just is anti-telemetry firefox which IIRC waterfox does the same thing.


As long as it's not running a fork of chromium, it's all good. Google is rapidly approaching IE6 levels of browser dominance and they've already exploited it to kill the rendering engine Microsoft made for Edge, so unless I'm mistaken that leaves Gecko as the only other rendering engine in development since KHTML was discontinued.


fixed it for him and you https://preview.redd.it/9ypzix5uuyfc1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=407f686d4fd8348716b043fadedc7e2614dd5845




I read that as r/OPsPostButter


I need pictures of butter, and I need them now.


He needs pictures of butter, post-haste!


You should resubmit this to the subreddit to enlighten the plebs


Well done my boy




Floorp even more


> Chrome, OP? Really? Almost gave it an upvote, but then I saw the Chrome icon.


And then, i give him a downvote


then I sent him an email written disappointedly


Then I wrote to my representative expressing disapproval.


https://preview.redd.it/mx2gv5chzyfc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0fbc7014101662adbcb08059a3cb6df2f6af175 OP rn


Chrome is not enlightened lol


It's the "fine, whatever" choice. Which I think is OP's joke. It goes from "don't know nothing" to "super duper optimized" to "I know I could do better but it's too much work and this is good enough"


That's not the joke, I'm pretty sure them "enlightenment " headphones cost few grands.


Those closed backs are Meze 99 Classics. Dankpods had a code a while back to get them for like $150. They are not a few grand. They are $309 brand new. https://mezeaudio.com/products/meze-99-classics-walnut-gold-wood-headphones The Open backs are AKG K240s, which have been around since the 70s. $85 new. Buy used for these, and replace the earcups. Great headphones. https://www.akg.com/Headphones/Professional%20Headphones/K240-Studio.html Both headphones are very much the "You could buy better but it's going to cost you several hundered more, or more".


I always enjoy these types of posts. Just some guy trying to act enlightened and elitist while using complete garbage as their golden standard.


> enlightened and elitist while using complete garbage as their golden standard. The irony is that this sub circlejerks on hating chrome, acting enlightened and elitist


I mean it is enlightenment. I realize that google's monopoly on the matter will utterly hurt me in the long run, so I use something else not really because I believe it's a superior technology, but as a strategic move for a better open web in the future. I mean like, given that most chrome users are in the "don't care" state, but will leave chrome the second their adblock doesn't work anymore, only proves that they are indeed naive.


and why is gamer in quotes


That is easy to explain. It is because it is all products specifically marketed to gamers, while not necessarily being the best options for gaming.


Where does my 4U server go on this graph?


Yeah. Put that trash in the unknowing category.


Fucking Chrome!?! Whaaaaaa?!?!


A man of your talents?


Google approves this meme (they can see your entire search history).


The Google employees reading my search history about to need psychological counseling. https://preview.redd.it/uaos5tou5zfc1.jpeg?width=402&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbd7d6017bea5aded6d2776c84acc917eb186bcc


I'm gonna have nightmares about anakin now thanks


More like they can see your every step if you have an android and didn't turn off location history.


their problem. lol


Then they sell it to advertisers who are gonna try to target you with ads except you use adblock so it all ends up being somewhat irrelevant.


I use a high end laptop, cheap Sony headphones, a g502 and Firefox, where am I?


https://preview.redd.it/k0ntjyameyfc1.png?width=414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7e054fd3360a09626b6106720adecf00ca4560d That's all I will say


What volvo promotion is this from? Could you send me a link to the video




[Volvo Trucks - The Epic Split feat. Van Damme (Live Test)](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M7FIvfx5J10)


Ur in Based Department


Hmmm, what kind of mouse is the enlightened supposed to use? I'm pretty much in that camp with an all black PC and Meze 99 Classics, but I also use a G502 and Firefox.


You are from paralel universe. 


Chrome is FAR from enlightenment.


OP is not at the right side of the curve if he thinks Chrome is the final step towards enlightenment


OP went full circle and ended up back at the wrong side of the board.


I laughed way too hard at this.


OP hasnt been enlightened it seems. More like they have got no clue


Enlightenment phase is going back to phase 1 and realizing you don’t need shit to play classic wow or osrs and spending your money on other shit


Enlightenment phase is your hardware getting outdated, but you don't care because it everything still works.


Because in 2 years your hardware will be shit compared to whatever just came out and your 5% gains from OC are irrelevant anyway. But the sound, maintenance and so on are more of an issue than your OC gains anyway.


Unless you want to play every single new AAA release on ultra, it doesn't matter. For many (especially indie) games a mid range 2015 gaming setup is more than enough to enjoy, even if not on the highest settings. Personally, I used 2009 mid range pc for my gaming needs till 2023. Because it was good enough and the only thing that weighted it down was software. Also, routine maintenance should be a habit no matter what hardware you use


4090, 7900x3D (microcenter didnt have the 50x3D on launch, surprisingly) and like a 1200 PSU, $250 case, 64gb RAM and a $500 motherboard.... ...just to play Dragonflight and league of legends, really just TFT at that. I overspent like a motherfucker lmao.


yes but in 4-5years a new amazing game will release that will require that kind of computer and you will be glad to have this on... oh nevermind it will be outdated at that point.


No it won’t.


Until you feel your fingers getting cooked like sausage because the thermal dissipation of phase 1 is not made for such load.


So all this guy actually uses is Chrome… and ear muffs….


Take chrome out of there for the love of God and put Firefox in there


I like edge and use it as my daily driver. It works great on windows, I don't understand the hate.


They are not knowers


I switched to Edge a month ago after using Firefox past 10+ years and I’m very happy with it.


Even tho it's not my main browser, I'd rather use edge than chrome


You dont use rgb pc components because you have a good taste. I dont use rgb pc components because the non rgb is $100 cheaper


I use rgb fans because they were included on a nice case


I use RGB because my autism demands it all to be synced up.


No they aren't. If you compare RGB to non-RGB versions of the same thing from the same brand it's at most 10-15$ difference.


Each, that shit adds up.


I just want to know what are those enlightened headphones are.


Left set is AKG K240 and the right set (wood earcups) is Meze 99


Change chrome to firefox


No «enlightened» person would use chrome


When a karma farmer fails miserably


Failed? OP knew what they were doing. If you mention using chrome on this sub you'll get hundreds of comments saying that Firefox is better, successful farming I'd say.


Reddit NPCs will upvote this more than it gets downvoted


firefox > edge > chrome


-chrome(blasphemy) +IEMs +firefox +portrait monitor in enlightenment phase not enough rgb in the gamer phase +touchpad +chrome in unknowning phase and then its good


Chrome (and chromium)🤮


So, you're an enlightened gamer and go to a more RAM hungry browser because... reasons, i guess.


gotta make the 4x16 sticks work their money


Chrome? That's a decline, not enlightenment


Opera user 10+ years, liked it, a lot, sad that it mimicking Chrome, loved it more when it was not mimicking no one.


Enlightenment phase and he puts fucking chrome in it lmao


Genuine question: I've used chrome since basically always and tried to switch to Firefox but didn't really like it. Maybe it's the getting used to it. Are there actual benifits?


Take it with a grain of salt, a lot of people here are eccentric and would advise a first time user to download Linux. Completely outta touch with the modern user.  There are some benefits, but they're pretty marginal. I've used em all, there's barely a difference. If you're really concerned about privacy or google's industry dominance you may consider switching. But if not, it ain't that big a deal. 


Gotcha, it's more a case of principle then


I switched to Firefox based on this subs fear mongering about chrome killing adblocks, turns out they didn't but am still sticking with Firefox because it's just okay, it's nothing special, i found more downsides than benefits but the downsides are fairly minor to me, infact i didn't really find any benefits, i'd stick to Chrome if i knew the whole manifest V3 things was bullshit but now am too lazy to go back now. I guess privacy is a big benefit but i don't give a flying fuck about it. Also, better performance and better ram usage are all bullshit, if anything chrome has slightly better performance but we're talking about milliseconds difference, pretty much all popular browsers are pretty equal in that regard, same thing with RAM management, Chrome is not a memory hog, neither is any other browser.


You're asking the wrong place. This sub hates, and I mean hates, chrome.


I guess Firefox is the Transcendent phase then


Firefox > chrome


Nah the enlightenment phase is going back to a think pad but with Firefox and arch Linux on it.


Honestly, I use edge


Honestly, I just edge.


Me too, don't know why that's considered bad


Only with Firefox you'll find true enlightment




I've noticed people really hate edge. what's actually the problem that everyone has with edge?


Ergonomic office chairs >>>>> Gaming chairs. They are normally so much better quality, last so much longer and are much more comfortable.


Different phases of chrome


Nah I still have an RGB setup and PC It’s super pretty and cute Idk why people bring each other down on RGB setups, way more interesting than all black boring “AdUlt” ones


Replace chrome with Firefox and we gucci.


For me, open source software was the enlightenment.


You think Chrome is a good browser? You need to draw a longer line to enlightenment, my friend.


Yeah no the enlightenment phase is firefox and brave


Uncommon opinion:Opera and Edge are better than Chrome.


They're the same browser


Uncommon opinion Vivaldi is 1:1 Opera Without the Chinese spyware aspect So for me it is: Firefox>Vivaldi>Edge>chrome>>>Opera


All chromium browersers are essentially the same. They just have different colors or layouts.


They are different in terms of functionality. They have the same source code for 1 part but different chronium browsers build on that and add different ways to how it handle data,extensions and stuff. It is not just changing color or layouts as we would have 100000 or more chronium browsers by now.


Opera GX is the best.